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Beijing Microlive Vision Technology Co., Ltd. v. Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. et al. (case of dispute over the right of work communication through information network )

Beijing Microlive Vision Technology Co., Ltd. v. Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. et al. (case of dispute over the right of work communication through information network ) 北京微播视界科技有限公司诉百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司等侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案
Beijing Internet Court 北京互联网法院
Civil Judgment 民事判决书
(2018) J. 0491 M. C. No. 1 (2018)京0491民初1号
Plaintiff: Beijing Microlive Vision Technology Co., Ltd., located at 408, F4, No. 51, Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China. 原告:北京微播视界科技有限公司知春路51号4层408。
Legal representative: Liang Rubo, general manager. 法定代表人:梁汝波,总经理。
Agent ad litem: Song Xuejiao, female, employee of the company. 委托诉讼代理人:宋雪佼。
Agent ad litem: Yang Heping, lawyer of Zhong Lun Law Firm, Beijing. 委托诉讼代理人:杨和平,北京市中伦律师事务所律师。
Defendant: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., located at F3, Baidu Campus, No. 10, Shangdi 10th Street, Haidian District, Beijing. 被告:百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司。
Legal representative: Xiang Hailong, general manager. 法定代表人:向海龙,总经理。
Defendant: Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co., Ltd., located at F2, Baidu Campus, No. 10, Shangdi 10th Street, Haidian District, Beijing. 被告:百度网讯科技有限公司上地十街10号百度大厦二层。
Legal representative: Liang Zhixiang, general manager. 法定代表人:梁志祥,总经理。
The agent ad litem jointly entrusted by the above two defendants: Wang Kaixiong, lawyer of Hai Run Law Firm, Beijing. 上述二被告共同委托诉讼代理人:望开雄,北京市海润天睿律师事务所律师。
The agent ad litem jointly entrusted by the above two defendants: Tan Hongjuan, lawyer of Hai Run Law Firm, Beijing. 上述二被告共同委托诉讼代理人:谭红娟,北京市海润天睿律师事务所律师。
Basic Facts 基本案情
In respect of the dispute over the right of work communication through information network between the plaintiff Beijing Microlive Vision Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Beijing Microlive Vision”) and the defendants Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Baidu Online”) and Beijing Baidu Netcom Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Baidu Netcom”), the Court has accepted the case, applied ordinary procedures which include evidence exchanges, pre-trial meetings, etc., and convened a public court session on Oct. 30, 2018. Song Xuejiao and Yang Heping, authorized by the plaintiff Beijing Microlive Vision and Wang Kaixiong and Tan Hongjuan, jointly entrusted by Baidu Online and Baidu Netcom, participated in the court session. This case is decided now. 原告北京微播视界科技有限公司(以下简称微播视界公司)与被告百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司(以下简称百度在线公司)、被告百度网讯科技有限公司(以下简称百度网讯公司)侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷一案,本院受理后,依法适用普通程序,经过证据交换、庭前会议等程序,于2018年10月30日公开开庭进行了审理。原告微播视界公司的委托诉讼代理人宋雪佼、杨和平,二被告百度在线公司、百度网讯公司的共同委托诉讼代理人望开雄、谭红娟到庭参加了诉讼。本案现已审理终结。
The plaintiff prays as follows: 1. To order the two defendants immediately stop the infringement of the plaintiff's copyright and stop providing the online playing and download service of the alleged infringing short video; 2. To order the two defendants post a statement for 24 consecutive hours at a conspicuous place on the website homepage of Baidu.com (www.baidu.com) and the homepage of Huopai client to eliminate ill effects within three days from the date this judgment takes effect; 3. To order the two defendants compensate the plaintiff for economic loss of RMB one million and reasonable expenses of RMB 50,000. 原告向本院提出诉讼请求:1.判令二被告立即停止对原告著作权的侵害,停止提供被控侵权短视频的在线播放及下载服务;2.判令二被告在本案判决生效之日起三日内,在百度网网站首页(www.baidu.com)及伙拍小视频客户端首页显著位置连续二十四小时刊登声明,消除影响;3.判令二被告赔偿原告经济损失100万元及合理支出5万元。
Facts and reason: The website and mobile app of Douyin (collectively, “Douyin Platform”) is an original short video sharing platform legally owned and operated by the plaintiff. “Black Face V (黑脸V)” is a well-known verified user on the Douyin Platform who is very well received by users on the platform for his imaginative and uniquely designed image and video works. He has been followed by 26.37 million fans. His every work has a high click and like rate. The short video “On May 12, I Want to Tell You” published on May 12, 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the short video “I Want to Tell You”) was independently created and uploaded by "Black Face V". The 13-second short video is a work that is done through design, arrangement, editing, performance, etc. in the memory of the tenth anniversary of the Wenchuan Earthquake. Once published, the work was widely praised by netizens and got more than 2.8 million likes. It became a work created by a method that is similar to filmmaking (hereinafter referred to as “film-like work”). With the authorization of "Black Face V", the plaintiff lawfully enjoys the worldwide and exclusive right to communicate the short video “I Want to Tell You” through information network and the exclusive right of right protection in the name of the plaintiff. 事实和理由:抖音短视频网站和手机软件(合称抖音平台)系由原告合法拥有并运营的原创短视频分享平台。“黑脸V”是抖音平台上知名的大“V”用户,以其充满想象力、独具设计感的人物形象和视频作品,在抖音平台上深受用户喜爱,已经获得了2637万粉丝关注,其每部作品也都具有很高的点击量和获赞数量。2018年5月12日,抖音平台上发布的“5.12,我想对你说”短视频(以下简称“我想对你说”短视频),系由“黑脸V”独立创作完成并上传,该短视频是在13秒的时长内,通过设计、编排、剪辑、表演等手法综合形成的作品,充分表达了对汶川地震十周年的缅怀。作品一经发布就受到了网民的广泛赞誉,点赞量达到280多万,成为以类似摄制电影的方法创作的作品(以下简称类电作品)。经“黑脸V”合法授权,原告依法对“我想对你说”短视频在全球范围内享有独家排他的信息网络传播权及以原告名义进行独家维权的权利。
Baidu Online and Baidu Netcom are respectively the developers of Huopai mobile app for the Android and iOS systems. The two defendants jointly provide users with download, installation, operation, and update and maintenance of relevant functions of Huopai mobile app, and advertise and promote the app. Without the permission of the plaintiff, the two defendants arbitrarily disseminated the short video “I Want to Tell You” on Huopai and provided download and sharing services, thus attracting a large number of online users to browse and watch on Huopai and infringing the plaintiff's right of communication through information network in respect of the short video “I Want to Tell You”. Moreover, the watermarks of Douyin and user ID are not displayed on the alleged infringing short video. Hence the two defendants inevitably removed the watermarks, so there is intention to destroy the plaintiff's technical measures. This behavior constitutes an infringement of the plaintiff's right of communication through information network. The two defendants' above two behaviors caused great economic losses to the plaintiff and negative influence on the reputation of the plaintiff. The court is requested to support all the plaintiff's claims. During the trial, the plaintiff acknowledged that the alleged infringing short video had been deleted, and relinquished the claim of “to order the two defendants immediately stop the infringement of the plaintiff's copyright and stop providing services for the online display and download of the alleged infringing short video”. 百度在线公司为伙拍小视频手机软件Android系统的开发者,百度网讯公司为伙拍小视频手机软件iOS系统的开发者,二被告共同向用户提供伙拍小视频手机软件的下载、安装、运营和相关功能的更新、维护,并对伙拍小视频手机软件进行宣传和推广。二被告未经原告许可,擅自将“我想对你说”短视频在伙拍小视频上传播并提供下载、分享服务,从而吸引大量的网络用户在伙拍小视频上浏览观看,侵害了原告对“我想对你说”短视频享有的信息网络传播权。同时,被控侵权短视频上未显示抖音和用户ID的水印,二被告必然实施了消除上述水印的行为,存在破坏原告相关技术措施的故意,此行为亦构成对原告信息网络传播权的侵犯。二被告上述两项行为,给原告造成了极大的经济损失,并给原告的声誉造成了影响,恳请法院支持原告的全部诉讼请求。诉讼过程中,原告认可被控侵权短视频已被删除,放弃“请求判令二被告立即停止对原告著作权的侵害,停止提供被控侵权短视频的在线播放及下载服务”的诉讼请求。
The two defendants jointly argued that they disagree to the plaintiff's claims and should not bear the legal responsibility claimed by the plaintiff for the following reasons. First, the short video “I Want to Tell You” is not original and does not constitute a work under the protection of copyright law. The idea expressed in the short video is no different from that of other users who imitate gesture dance and upload short videos. Hence it's not original and cannot meet the requirements on originality of film-like works. The video lasts only 13 seconds. The creation space is limited. The materials mainly come from the demonstration video of Party Media Platform with few independent creation factors. There is no selection or screening in the shooting of the materials, and the selection and arrangement of the frames. It can hardly form the originality of film-like works by using software to cut out figure images. There are a lot of short videos on the Internet that are similar to or identical with the short video “I Want to Tell You”. And the performer is not the right holder himself. Second, the plaintiff and the defendants are inappropriate subjects. The authorizer claimed by the plaintiff is not the author or right holder of the short video “I Want to Tell You”. Hence the plaintiff does not have the right to sue the two defendants. The second defendant Baidu Netcom is responsible for operating Huopai mobile app and the first defendant Baidu Online is only the registered developer of the software. Therefore, the first defendant Baidu Online is not an appropriate defendant in the case. Third, the second defendant Baidu Netcom should not bear the legal liability claimed by the plaintiff on the following grounds. 1. Huopai mobile app only provides information storage services. The short videos on it are uploaded by netizens themselves, and the alleged infringing short video was uploaded by Huopai's registered user ID451670; 2. Baidu Netcom has indicated clearly in the user agreement that it is not allowed to upload content that infringes on the intellectual property rights or other rights of others, and also has informed rights holders of the complaint methods and channels. Baidu Netcom has fulfilled the prompt and management obligations according to law; 3. After receiving the valid complaint from the plaintiff, Baidu Netcom deleted the video in a timely manner. It has no fault and should not bear civil liability; 4. The plaintiff's claims lack factual and legal basis. The economic loss of RMB one million claimed by the plaintiff is estimated based on the counts of view, forwarding, and likes on Douyin, which can be operated by the plaintiff. So the claim on economic loss lacks authenticity. The liability-bearing means “eliminating ill effects” is not applicable to infringement of property rights. Its claim for publishing a statement to eliminate ill effects lacks legal basis. To sum up, the Court is requested to dismiss all the plaintiff's claims in accordance with law. 二被告共同辩称:我方不同意原告的诉讼请求,不应当承担原告诉请的法律责任。理由如下:一、“我想对你说”短视频不具有独创性,不构成著作权法保护的作品。该短视频表达的思想与其他模仿手势舞并上传短视频的用户没有差异性,不具有独创性,达不到类电作品的独创性高度要求。该视频时长仅为13秒,创作空间小,主要素材均来自于党媒平台的示范视频,独立创作因素少;在素材的拍摄、拍摄画面的选择和编排上,不存在选择或者筛选的情况;使用软件将人物图像进行抠图处理的方式很难构成类电作品的独创性高度;在网络上存在大量的与“我想对你说”短视频类似或者相同的短视频;参与表演的人物并不是原权利人本人。二、原告主体和被告主体有不适格的情形。原告所称的授权人不是“我想对你说”短视频的作者或者权利人,原告没有起诉二被告的权利基础;被告二百度网讯公司负责运营伙拍小视频手机软件,被告一百度在线公司仅是该软件登记的开发者,因此,被告一百度在线公司不是本案的适格被告。三、被告二百度网讯公司不应当承担原告诉请的法律责任。1.伙拍小视频手机软件仅提供信息存储空间服务,其上的短视频都是网民自行上传的,被控侵权短视频是伙拍小视频手机软件的注册用户ID451670上传的;2.百度网讯公司在用户协议中明确提示不得上传侵犯他人知识产权或其他权利的内容,亦告知了权利人投诉方式和渠道,百度网讯公司已经依法履行了法律规定的提示和管理义务;3.百度网讯公司在收到原告的有效投诉后,已经及时进行了删除处理,不存在过错,不应当承担民事责任。四、原告的诉讼请求缺乏事实和法律依据。原告所诉称的100万的经济损失是依据抖音平台的播放量、转发量、点赞量估算的,这些数据是原告可以操作的,其经济损失主张缺乏真实性;消除影响的责任承担方式不适用侵害财产权利,其要求刊登声明消除影响的诉讼请求没有法律依据。综上,请求法院依法驳回原告的全部诉讼请求。
Judgement Reasoning 裁判理由
The parties submitted evidence to support their claims. The court organized the parties involved to conduct evidence exchange and cross-examination. Based on the statements of the parties and the evidence that has been verified through examination, the Court ascertains facts as follows. 当事人围绕诉讼请求依法提交了证据,本院组织当事人进行了证据交换和质证。根据当事人陈述和经审查确认的证据,本院认定事实如下:
I. Facts on the Plaintiff and the Defendants 一、关于原告和被告主体的相关事实
(I) Facts on the Plaintiff (一)原告主体的相关事实
1. The plaintiff is the operator of Douyin (domain name: douyin.com) and Douyin mobile app (for Android system and iOS system). 1.原告是抖音平台即抖音网(域名为douyin.com)及抖音短视频手机软件(Android系统和iOS系统)的运营者。
2. On May 29, 2018, Xie (the authorizer) issued an authorization confirmation to the plaintiff (the authorized) to grant the plaintiff worldwide, exclusive, irrevocable, and transferable right of communication through information network (i.e., the right of communication through information network and the rights related thereto) to publish all the contents posted in his Douyin account from January 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, and authorized the plaintiff to independently protect rights in the name of the authorized. The authorizer no longer claims rights procedurally or substantially. 2.2018年5月29日,谢某(授权方)向原告(被授权方)出具授权确认书,将其在抖音账号中发布的所有内容在2018年1月1日-2019年1月1日期间内授予被授权方全球范围内、独家排他的、不可撤销的、可转授权的,通过信息网络进行传播的权利(即信息网络传播权及与信息网络传播有关的权利),并授权被授权方以被授权方之名义单独维权,授权方从程序上和实体上均不再主张权利。
3. According to the background information with Douyin, the user with the Douyin account number 145651081 is nicknamed “Black Face V”, whose registration information includes mobile phone number but the real name and identity information. The background information with Toutiao shows the information of the operator of Toutiao account “Black Face V” includes the name Xie, a half-figure photo, ID card photo and mobile number, etc. The mobile numbers in the background registration information of the above two platforms are the same. 3.抖音平台后台信息显示,抖音号为145651081的用户昵称为“黑脸V”,注册信息中包括手机号码,但不包括真实姓名、身份信息等。今日头条后台信息显示,头条号“黑脸V”的运营者信息中包括姓名谢某、半身照、身份证照片及绑定手机号码等信息。上述两个平台的后台注册信息中手机号码一致。
During the trial, outsiders Xie and Lei participated in the lawsuit. The two defendants requested to disclose the real name of Xie. Xie specifically submitted a confidentiality application to the Court, saying that publishing the real name of the operator of the “Black Face V” account will destroy the deliberately designed and maintained mystery, and thus reducing the appeal to the netizens and damaging his legitimate rights and interests. The Court verified Xie's personal information including real name during the trial. Whether to disclose his real name does not affect the trial of the case, the exercise of the procedural rights of both parties, and public interest. Therefore, the Court respected his wishes, and hided personal information such as the real name of Xie and Lei in the public court session and this judgment. 本案审理过程中,案外人谢某、雷某参与了诉讼活动。二被告要求公开谢某的真实姓名。谢某向本院专门提交了保密申请,称公开“黑脸V”账户运营者的真实姓名等情况,将破坏其刻意设计和保持的神秘感,从而降低对网民的吸引力,影响其合法权益。本院在审理中已经核实了谢某的真实姓名等个人信息,是否披露其真实姓名不影响本案的正常审理,不影响双方当事人诉讼权利的行使,亦不影响公共利益。故本院尊重其意愿,在公开庭审及本案判决书中均隐去谢某、雷某的真实姓名等个人信息。
Xie, under the witness of the notary public, logged in the aforementioned “Black Face V” account of Toutiao mobile app and Douyin mobile app by entering the above mobile number and corresponding verification code. The two defendants claimed that the owner of the above mobile number should be Lei, so the “Black Face V” user should be Lei, not Xie. In addition, the confidentiality application signed by Xie was sent by post to the Court by Lei. To find out relevant facts, the court informed Xie and Lei to create a real-name account on the Court's e-litigation platform to accept questioning. Lei admitted to be the owner of the above mobile number, but said the user of the number is Xie and that he is irrelevant with the “Black Face V” account and the production and rights of the short video “I Want to Tell You”. Xie said the “Black Face V” account involved in the case was registered and used by him, and the short video “I Want to Tell You” was also filmed and produced by him. He confirmed that the signatures on the Introduction to the Creation of the Video “On May 12, I Want to Tell You” and the authorization confirmation were his and recognized the contents of the aforementioned documents in its entirety. 谢某在公证人员的见证下,通过输入上述手机号码及相应验证码,分别登录了今日头条手机软件和抖音短视频手机软件的前述“黑脸V”账号。二被告主张上述手机号码的机主为雷某,“黑脸V”用户应为雷某,并非谢某。另,谢某签署的保密申请系雷某邮寄至本院。为查明相关事实,本院通知谢某和雷某实名注册本院电子诉讼平台账号在线接受询问。雷某认可其系上述手机号码的机主,该手机号码使用者为谢某,涉案“黑脸V”账户与其无关,“我想对你说”短视频的制作、权利亦与其无关。谢某称涉案“黑脸V”账户由其注册、使用,“我想对你说”短视频由其拍摄、制作,认可原告提交法院的《“5.12我想对你说”视频创作情况说明》和授权确认书上的签字系其本人所签,亦认可前述文件的全部内容。
(II) Facts on the Defendants (二)被告主体的相关事实
The registration information at the app store (Android and iOS systems) shows: Baidu Online is a developer of Huopai mobile app (for Android system), and Baidu Netcom is the developer of the app for iOS system. No other subject information such as operator is displayed. The two defendants asserted that both the operators of the above two versions are Baidu Netcom, and Baidu Online does not participate in the operation. As for the display in the registration information at the app store that the developer of the iOS version is Baidu Online, the two defendants explained that they registered the developer of partial products as Baidu Online because the country has set a limit on the number of mobile apps under each subject account, and that the user agreement of Huopai mobile app also has indicated the service provider is Baidu Netcom. 应用商店(Android系统和iOS系统)登记信息显示:百度在线公司系伙拍小视频手机软件Android系统的开发者,百度网讯公司系iOS系统的开发者。未显示经营者等其他主体信息。二被告称,上述两个系统的经营者均为百度网讯公司,百度在线公司不参与经营。对于应用商店登记信息中显示Android系统的开发者为百度在线公司,二被告解释为,因国家对每个主体帐户下的手机软件有数量限制,故将部分产品的开发者登记在百度在线公司名下;伙拍小视频手机软件的用户协议中亦告知用户提供服务的相对方为百度网讯公司。
The above facts can be proved by the screenshots of ICP filing information inquiry and the home page of Douyin website submitted by the plaintiff, the screenshot of the developer information of Douyin mobile app (for Android and iOS systems), the authorization letter issued by Xie, the notarial certificate numbered (2018) J. D. F. N. M. Z. Z. No. 10028, the notarial certificate numbered (2018) Y. G. N. Y. No. 8614, the screenshot of the developer information of Huopai mobile app (for Android and iOS systems) and the corresponding block chain evidence collection certificate, as well as the parties' statements and records. 以上事实,有原告提交的ICP备案信息查询、抖音网站首页截图、抖音手机软件(Android系统和iOS系统)开发者信息截图、谢某出具的授权书、(2018)京东方内民证字第10028号公证书、(2018)粤广南粤第8614号公证书、伙拍小视频手机软件(Android系统和iOS系统)开发者信息截图及相应的区块链取证证书,当事人陈述及笔录等在案佐证。
II. Facts on the Short Video “I Want to Tell you” 二、关于“我想对你说”短视频的相关事实
(I) The Background of the Production of the Short Video “I Want to Tell you” (一)“我想对你说”短视频的制作背景
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Wenchuan Earthquake, the National Party Media Information Public Platform (hereinafter referred to as the “Party Media Platform”) joined hands with people.cn as well as nearly 100 party media to jointly launch an interactive activity themed “bear in mind the martyrdom, pay tribute to rebirth, and devote our strength to move forward” in order to commemorate the Wenchuan Earthquake with actions. By cooperating with the social media platform Douyin, the activity launched the topic # On May 12, I Want to Tell You# on the platform to invite netizens to relay the initiative in the form of gesture dance and remember the Wenchuan Earthquake with personalized expression. 汶川特大地震十周年之际,全国党媒信息公共平台(以下简称党媒平台)联合人民网,携手近百家党媒单位,共同发起以“铭记劫难,致敬重生,以己之力,勇往直前”为主题的大型互动活动,倡议以实际行动纪念汶川大地震。互动活动与抖音短视频社交平台合作,在站内发起某5.12,我想对你说某话题,邀请网友用手势舞的形式接力倡议,用个性化的表达缅怀汶川地震。
Under the topic # On May 12, I Want to Tell You# on Douyin, Party Media Platform and people.cn respectively released a demonstration video to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake (see the videos in Appendix 2 and 3). In the above demonstration videos, two women played gesture dance to the music, and the light or clothes change from dark to bright. 抖音平台某5.12,我想对你说某话题中,党媒平台和人民网分别发布了纪念5.12汶川特大地震十周年的示范视频各一(视频详见附件2、3)。上述示范视频中展现两位不同的女性伴随音乐表演手势舞,光线或衣服由暗至明有相应变化。
On May 18, 2018, www.zgjx.cn published an article titled Total Participation in the Interactive Activity of National Party Media Platform's Commemoration of 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake Exceeds 600 Million, which reported that the above activity was widely participated by netizens. 2018年5月18日,中国记协网发布标题为《全国党媒平台纪念5.12互动活动总参与量超6亿》的文章,报道了上述活动获得了网友的广泛参与。
On October 16, 2018, under the topic # On May 12, I Want to Tell You # on Douyin mobile app, there are several videos, three of which were played (see Annex 4 for the videos). In the videos of the above three users, we can see that someone is performing gesture dance, and in the video in which the performer is a female the candlelight in the background changes from dark to bright when the gesture dance comes to the end. 2018年10月16日,抖音短视频手机软件某5.12,我想对你说某话题中,存在有多个视频,播放了其中三位用户的视频(视频详见附件4)。上述三位用户的视频中可以看到一个人在表演手势舞,其中表演者为女性的视频中,在手势舞表演接近尾声时,背景中的烛光由暗变亮。
(II) The Content and Production of the Short Video “I Want to Tell You” (二)“我想对你说”短视频的内容及制作情况
On September 11, 2018, the account of the verified user on Douyin nicknamed “Black Face V” (Douyin account number: 145651081) was logged in. The user page on Douyin mobile app of Android system shows “157.751 M likes”, “26.359 M fans” and “95 works”, etc., and user page on Douyin mobile app of iOS system shows “157.753 M likes”, “26.359 M fans” and “96 works”. The short video “I Want to Tell You” can be found and played among the “works” of the user in the above two systems (See the video in Appendix 1). 2018年9月11日,登录抖音短视频手机软件(Android系统),昵称为“黑脸V”(抖音号为145651081)的用户,系抖音平台的加“V”用户,该用户页面上显示有“15775.1w获赞”“2635.9w粉丝”“作品95”等信息;登录抖音短视频手机软件(iOS系统),该用户页面上显示有“15775.3w获赞”“2635.9w粉丝”“作品96”等信息;在上述两系统该用户的“作品”中均可查找并播放“我想对你说”短视频(视频详见附件1)。
The overall length of the short video “I Want to Tell You” is 13 seconds. On the play page, there are words “On May 12, I want to tell you that let us remember the pain and disaster, pass on the touch and blessing, pay tribute to rebirth, and be grateful!” The video shows a masked man wearing a black hoodie standing in the ruins, with ground cracked, poles tilted, building dilapidated and sky dark. He is praying with gesture dance. After the pray, the lens zooms from near to far. The crack becomes healed, poles stand up, green trees line up, blue sky and white clouds reappear, and the performer's sleeves become red. The whole process is accompanied by music. The page also shows “@ Black Face V”, “2.815 M likes” and other information. The plaintiff also furnished the screenshot of the background information of the short video “I Want to Tell You” on September 5, 2018, which displays information including “2.811 M likes”. “我想对你说”短视频整体时长为13秒,播放页面显示有“5.12,我想对你说让我们把伤痛和灾难铭记,把感动和祝福传递。致敬重生,惜福感恩!”的文字。视频内容为一蒙面并穿黑色帽衫的男子站在天空灰暗、地面开裂、电线杆倾斜、楼宇残破的废墟中,用手势舞进行祈福,祈福后,镜头由近及远拉伸,地裂合拢、电线杆竖立、绿树成排、蓝天白云重现、表演者衣袖变红等画面变化,整个过程伴随音乐。在这个页面上还同时显示“@黑脸V”、点赞量“281.5w”等信息。原告另提交2018年9月5日“我想对你说”短视频的后台信息截图,显示点赞量“281.1w”等信息。
The notarial certificate submitted by the defendants shows the short video “I Want to Tell You” can be found and displayed in the accounts of the users nicknamed “@Cute Baby(萌宝)” and “@ Black Face V” (Douyin account number: hei_lian_666) on Douyin on October 15 and October 24, 2018. There are watermarks “Douyin” and “ID: 145651081” on the play page of the above short video. The plaintiff and the defendants confirm the short video uploaded by the abovementioned two users come from “Black Face V” (Douyin account number: 145651081), and the short video “I Want to Tell You” was shared; adding watermark after the short video is downloaded from the platform is a common practice in the industry. 被告提交的公证书显示,2018年10月15日、10月24日,抖音平台上昵称为“@萌宝”和“@黑脸V”(抖音号:hei_lian_666)的两位用户账户内可以查找并播放“我想对你说”短视频。上述短视频的播放页面均有“抖音”和“ID:145651081”字样的水印。原、被告确认,上述两个用户上传的短视频来源于涉案“黑脸V”(抖音号:145651081),是对“我想对你说”短视频的分享行为;短视频自平台下载后会加载水印是行业通常做法。
The Introduction to the Creation of the Video “On May 12, I Want to Tell You” issued by Xie specifies: “The creative design, shooting, post-production in the series of short videos by Douyin account “Black Face V” are completed by myself alone. The character image, namely the image of the masked man wearing a hoodie, in the series of short videos in the account is shot and produced by me with the authorization of the performer. … Creation Background: … On May 10, 2018, I saw the topic # On May 12, I Want to Tell You # launched by Party Media Platform on Douyin Recommendation to commemorate the Wenchuan Earthquake. Introduction to the Creative Idea: I want to present the picture of vibrant post-disaster reconstruction through cool special effects and convey a warm blessing and a beautiful wish. The gesture dance relay initiative of the Party Media Platform can just express this warm blessing. Video Production: the title officially published by the Party Media Platform is adopted directly for the title of the short video. As for character image, the image of the masked man wearing a hoodie usually in the Black Face video series is employed. Green screen is used for shooting, and the figure is cut out in the post-production. Then the character image and background materials are combined to form new video frames. The materials of background pictures are found on the Internet. The dynamic scenes of the video background and the visual special effects are made using Adobe After Effects (commonly known as AE) software based on the picture materials.” The introduction is followed by a printout of the background material pictures of the short video “I Want to Tell You”. 谢某出具的《“5.12我想对你说”视频创作情况说明》主要载明:“抖音账号‘黑脸V'(抖音号145651081)中系列短视频中的创意设计、拍摄、后期制作均由本人独立完成。账号中系列短视频中的人物形象,蒙面帽衫男子形象,本人经出演人员合法授权进行相关拍摄及后期制作。……创作背景:……2018年5月10日,在抖音推荐上看到了党媒平台发起的某5.12我想对你说某话题,以缅怀汶川地震。创意介绍:想通过酷炫的特效方式来展示灾后重建的生机勃勃的画面,视频想传达一种温情的祝福和美好的愿望。结合党媒平台的手势舞接力倡议,正好能表达这种温情的祝福。视频创作:标题直接使用的是党媒平台官方发布的标题。人物形象,还是用的黑脸系列视频中一贯的蒙面帽衫男子形象,拍摄时采用的是绿幕拍摄,后期将人像抠出。将活动的人物形象与背景素材进行合成,形成新的视频画面,……视频背景画面素材是在网上找的图片,视频背景的动态场景和视觉特效,是在图片素材的基础上,使用AdobeAfterEffects(俗称AE)软件进行制作的。”该说明后附“我想对你说”短视频的背景素材图片的打印件。
At trial, the plaintiff confirmed the gesture dance and accompanying sound in the short video “I Want to Tell You” came from the Party Media Platform and the demonstration video of the people.cn, and that the background pictures were downloaded online. 本案审理中,原告确认“我想对你说”短视频中的手势舞及伴音来自党媒平台及人民网示范视频,背景图片是从网络中下载。
On October 29, 2018, through the inquest of the plaintiff and the defendants as organized by the Court, the background information of Douyin shows the short video “I Want to Tell You” was created at 19:21:32 on May 12, 2018; it has been played for 41,023,503 times, receiving 2.804 M likes. The comparison shows that the number of likes on the day of inquest is less than that at the time of notarization. Hence, the two defendants believe that the count of likes is not true. The plaintiff explained that this is because those liked the video cancelled their likes. The two defendants did not recognize this. 2018年10月29日,经本院组织原、被告勘验,抖音平台后台信息显示,“我想对你说”短视频的创建时间为2018年5月12日19时21分32秒,播放次数为41023503次,点赞量为280.4w。对比显示,勘验当天点赞量比公证时点赞量减少。二被告据此认为点赞量不真实,原告解释称系之前点赞的人取消点赞所致。二被告对此不予认可。
The above facts can be proved by the screenshot of “Total Participation in the Interactive Activity of National Party Media Platform's Commemoration of 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake Exceeds 600 Million” and the blockchain evidence collection certificate submitted by the plaintiff, the notarial certificate numbered (2018) J. D. F. N. M. Z. Z. No. 10026, screenshot of background information of the short video “I Want to Tell You”, the Introduction to the Creation of the Video “On May 12, I Want to Tell You”, a photocopy of the background material pictures, the notarial certificates numbered (2018) J. F. Z. N. J. Z. Z. No. 05654, No. 05658, No. 05698, No. 05655 and No. 05917, as well as the parties' statements and records. 上述事实,有原告提交的“全国党媒平台纪念5.12互动活动总参与量超6亿”网页截图及区块链取证证书、(2018)京东方内民证字第10026号公证书、“我想对你说”短视频后台信息截图、《“5.12我想对你说”视频创作情况说明》、背景素材图片打印件,被告提交的(2018)京方正内经证字第05654号、第05658号、第05698号、第05655号、第05917号公证书,当事人陈述及笔录等在案佐证。
III. Facts on the Plaintiff's Claims and the Defendants' Answer with Respect to the Alleged Infringement 三、就被控侵权行为原告主张及被告答辩的相关事实
(I) Facts on the Plaintiff's Assertion of the Two Defendants' Infringement (一)原告主张二被告侵权的相关事实
In respect of the infringement of Huopai mobile app upon the short video “I Want to Tell You”, the notarial certificate submitted by the plaintiff indicates on September 6, 2018 the alleged infringing short video (see Appendix 5 and 6 for details) can be played on the page of the user nicknamed "Black Face V" (ID451670) on Huopai mobile app (Android system and iOS system) but doesn't show the short video can be downloaded and shared. Therefore, the two defendants believe there are not the circumstances of download and sharing but display. There was no watermark on the play page of the alleged infringing short video. The comparison shows the alleged infringing short video is exactly the same as the short video “I Want to Tell You”. 就伙拍小视频手机软件对“我想对你说”短视频有几个侵权情节一节,原告提交的公证书显示,2018年9月6日,伙拍小视频手机软件(Android系统和iOS系统)中,昵称为“黑脸V”(ID451670)的用户页面,可以播放被控侵权短视频(视频详见附件5、6),但公证书中没有下载、分享被控侵权短视频的内容。二被告据此认为只有播放情节,没有下载、分享的情节。被控侵权短视频播放页面未显示有水印。经比对,被控侵权短视频与“我想对你说”短视频完全一致。
(II) Facts on the Two Defendants' Assertion of the Only Provision of Information Storage Services (二)二被告主张仅提供信息存储空间服务的相关事实
In order to prove that it is only the network service provider that provides information storage space, Baidu Netcom submitted the service terms for Huopai mobile app users and the background records of the user with ID451670, the collection of which was notarized. The service terms show Huopai mobile app features the function of releasing information by users, and has informed users that the uploaded content can not infringe the intellectual property rights of others, and the contact information is announced. 百度网讯公司为证明在本案中其仅为信息存储空间的网络服务提供者,提交了经公证取证的伙拍小视频手机软件用户服务条款及ID为451670用户的后台记录。上述服务条款显示伙拍小视频手机软件具有供用户发布信息的功能,且有告知用户上传内容不得侵害他人知识产权的条款,并公布了联系方式。
The background records of the user with ID451670, the collection of which was notarized, submitted by the defendants show: On October 24, 2018, we logged into the background network of Baidu.com, entered “the background of Tieba Nicknames”, entered relevant page by clicking “Nani User Management”, then entered relevant page by clicking “Inquiry of User Information”, entered “451670” in the blank of “Nani ID” on the page and clicked “search”, showing: The user's uid is 94221060643; nani nickname is “Black Face V”; user name is nani-cd5c977aga63; and registration time is May 7, 2018. The registration IP and mobile number of the user are also shown. Then we went back to the “login information – Amis Tieba Nickname” page and clicked “search”. Such information as the login IP and time was shown, including on May 12, 2018, the user logged in twice at “12:51:33” and “20:09:36” respectively. The plaintiff believes that the above-mentioned background data can be falsified, and thus does not recognize it.

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