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Regulation on China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone [Effective]
中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区条例 [现行有效]

Announcement of the Standing Committee of the Fifth People's Congress of Chongqing Municipality 


(No. 65 of the Fifth People's Congress) (〔五届〕第65号)

The Regulation on the China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, as adopted at the 12th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth People's Congress of Chongqing Municipality on September 26, 2019, is hereby issued and shall come into force on November 1, 2019. 《中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区条例》已于2019年9月26日经重庆市第五届人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议通过,现予公布,自2019年11月1日起施行。
Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Chongqing Municipality 重庆市人民代表大会常务委员会
September 26, 2019 2019年9月26日
Regulation on China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone 中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区条例
(Adopted at the 12th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth People's Congress of Chongqing Municipality on September 26, 2019) (2019年9月26日重庆市第五届人民代表大会常务委员会第十二次会议通过)
Contents 目录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则
Chapter II Administrative System 第二章 管理体制
Chapter III Investment Promotion 第三章 投资促进
Chapter IV Trade Facilitation 第四章 贸易便利
Chapter V Financial Innovation 第五章 金融创新
Chapter VI Opening up of Inland Areas 第六章 内陆开放
Chapter VII Business Environment 第七章 营商环境
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of promoting and maintaining the development of the China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the Regulation is formulated in accordance with the relevant laws, administrative regulations and the Framework Plan for the China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone of the State Council (hereinafter referred to as the "Framework Plan") based on the actual conditions of Chongqing Municipality.   第一条 为了推进和保障中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区建设,根据有关法律、行政法规和国务院《中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区总体方案》(以下简称总体方案),结合本市实际,制定本条例。
Article 2 The Regulation shall apply to the China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "PFTZ") established with approval of the State Council.   第二条 本条例适用于经国务院批准设立的中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区(以下简称自贸试验区)。
The Regulation shall apply to extended regions of the PFTZ approved by the State Council according to the construction and development needs of the PFTZ. 根据自贸试验区建设与发展的需要,报经国务院批准的自贸试验区扩展区域,适用本条例。
Article 3 The PFTZ shall, with system innovation as its core, explore replicable and scalable experiences, establish a comprehensive pilot zone which integrates investment, trade and financial settlement facilitation and serves the “Belt and Road" initiative and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Zone, a risk stress testing area with new systems for an open economy, a pioneering area with the integration of reform systems, and a coordinated development area with an open platform; promote the establishment of a gateway city with a new pattern of all-round opening up in the western region; and further drive the implementation of China's Western Development Strategy.   第三条 自贸试验区应当以制度创新为核心,探索可复制可推广经验,建设服务“一带一路”和长江经济带发展的投资、贸易、金融结算便利化三位一体的综合试验区、开放型经济新体制的风险压力测试区、改革系统集成的先行区、开放平台协同发展区,推动重庆构建西部地区门户城市全方位开放新格局,带动西部大开发战略深入实施。
The PFTZ shall actively explore the construction of a free trade port which satisfies the requirements for the development of inland open economy. 自贸试验区应当积极探索建设符合内陆开放发展定位的自由贸易港。
Article 4 The PFTZ shall follow the principles of opening up to investment, trade facilitation, financial innovation, improved services and regulatory efficiency; and establish an inland international logistics hub with multimodal transport as the core, an inland international trade center with trade in goods as the basis, a modern financial center with emphasis on financial settlement facilitation, a modern service industry operation center with interconnection as the goal, and an important national modern manufacturing base supported by technological innovation.   第四条 自贸试验区应当遵循投资开放、贸易便利、金融创新、服务完善和监管高效的原则,建设以多式联运为核心的内陆国际物流枢纽、以货物贸易为基础的内陆国际贸易中心、以金融结算便利化为重点的现代金融中心、以互联互通为目标的现代服务业运营中心和以科技创新为支撑的国家重要现代制造业基地。
Article 5 The PFTZ shall carry out bold exploration, launch pilot schemes, deepen reform and opening up in various fields, intensify stress testing, strengthen supervision, and prevent risks.   第五条 自贸试验区应当大胆探索、先行先试,深化各领域改革开放试点,加大压力测试,加强监管,防范风险。
The Municipal People's Government shall establish an incentive mechanism and a fault tolerance and liability exemption mechanism in the PFTZ to encourage reform and innovation, improve an innovation-driven and reform-oriented assessment system, and stimulate innovation and vitality. 市人民政府应当在自贸试验区内建立鼓励改革创新、宽容失败的激励机制和容错免责机制,完善以支持改革创新为导向的考核评价体系,激发创新活力。
Natural persons, legal persons and unincorporated organizations shall be encouraged and guided to carry out innovation activities in the PFTZ. 鼓励、支持自然人、法人和非法人组织在自贸试验区开展创新活动。
Chapter II Administrative System 

第二章 管理体制

Article 6 The Municipal People's Government shall establish an administrative system in the PFTZ with clear division of responsibilities, cross-regional cooperation and coordination, orderly and efficient operation, and open and transparent information; coordinate the development of the PFTZ, the state-level economic development zones and important functional zones in the Municipality; and achieve complementary advantages, reciprocity of policies, sharing of resources and mutual support.   第六条 市人民政府应当在自贸试验区建立权责分工明确、区域协同配合、运转有序高效、信息公开透明的行政管理体制,统筹协调自贸试验区与市内国家级开发区、重要功能区的协同发展,实现优势互补、政策互惠、资源共享、相互促进。
Article 7 The leading work group for the China (Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Leading Group") shall be responsible for organizing and leading the comprehensive development of the PFTZ, and making overall plans for and coordinating efforts on the major issues of the PFTZ.   第七条 中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区工作领导小组(以下简称领导小组)负责组织领导自贸试验区全面建设,统筹协调自贸试验区重大事项。
The municipal commerce department shall undertake the daily work of the Leading Group and perform the following duties: 市商务主管部门承担领导小组日常工作,履行下列职责:
1. organizing the implementation of the overall plan, preparing a plan for the development of the PFTZ, promoting the formulation of relevant policies and measures, and guiding each area of the PFTZ in implementing the policies and measures; (一)组织实施总体方案,拟定自贸试验区发展规划,推动制定相关政策措施,并指导自贸试验区各片区贯彻执行;
2. coordinating the efforts of studing and solving the difficulties and problems in the reform and innovation of the PFTZ; (二)协调研究和解决自贸试验区改革创新中的难点和问题;
3. releasing public information related to the PFTZ, and conducting communication and exchanges with other regions and countries; (三)发布自贸试验区相关公共信息,开展对外宣传、联络和交流;
4. coordinating and promoting the implementation of reform pilot tasks as well as the replication and promotion of reform and innovation experiences and achievements in the PFTZ through operation assessment, supervision and inspection, target assessment and other methods; and (四)通过运行评估、督促检查、目标考核等方式,统筹推进自贸试验区改革试点任务的实施、改革创新经验和成果的复制推广;
5. completing other tasks assigned by the Leading Group. (五)完成领导小组交办的其他事务。
Article 8 The municipal administrative departments of investment, trade, financial regulation, and market regulation shall, according to their respective duties, promote the implementation of institutional innovation and pilot reforms in relevant fields. Other relevant entities shall work together to support the development of the PFTZ according to their respective duties.   第八条 市投资、贸易、金融监管、市场监管等主管部门应当按照规定职责推动实施相关领域的制度创新和改革试点。其他相关单位应当按照规定职责共同做好自贸试验区建设工作。
The departments of customs, maritime affairs, frontier inspection, foreign exchange, finance, taxation and other central government agencies in Chongqing shall perform their relevant duties in accordance with the law, seek the authorization from the upper-level authorities to carry out the pilot reform, and support the reform and innovation of the PFTZ. 海关、海事、边检、外汇、金融、税务等中央在渝机构,依法履行相关工作职责,争取上级部门授权和改革试点,支持自贸试验区改革创新。
Article 9 The people's governments at the various regions of the place where the PFTZ and the Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "regional administrative authorities") are located shall be responsible for organizing and leading the construction and administration of the PFTZ.   第九条 自贸试验区各区域所在地人民政府和开发区管委会(以下统称区域管理机构)负责组织领导自贸试验区区域建设管理工作。
The regional administrative authorities shall, under the leadership of the Leading Group, establish a coordinated development mechanism, and develop their unique industries according to the functional positioning and objectives in the overall plan, so as to achieve information sharing, complementary advantages, mutual learning, cooperation and joint actions, and coordination on opening up. 区域管理机构应当在领导小组的领导下,建立协同发展机制,根据总体方案规定的功能定位和目标发展优势产业,实现信息共享、优势互补、相互借鉴、合作联动、协同开放。
The regional administrative authorities shall, under the guidance of the municipal commerce department, be responsible for implementing specific matters in the PFTZ and perform the following duties: 区域管理机构在市商务主管部门的指导下,负责落实自贸试验区具体事务,履行下列职责:
1. organizing the implementation of the pilot reform tasks within their respective jurisdictions, replicating and promoting the reform and innovation experiences, and reviewing the system innovation cases; (一)组织落实管辖区域的改革试点任务,复制推广改革创新经验,梳理制度创新案例;
2. organizing the implementation of the development plans within their respective jurisdictions, and coordinating industrial layout and the introduction and construction of major projects; (二)组织实施管辖区域发展规划,统筹产业布局和重大项目引进与建设;
3. developing major measures and plans relating to the reform of the PFTZ, and reporting them to the competent municipal commerce department for recordation; (三)制定与自贸试验区改革相关的重大措施和方案,并报市商务主管部门备案;
4. establishing a quick handling mechanism for complaints from enterprises, and promptly handling issues raised by investment enterprises or other investors; (四)建立企业投诉快速处理机制,及时处理投资企业或者其他投资者反映的问题;
5. proposing a catalogue of municipal administrative authorities to be exercised according to the development needs, reporting it to the competent department according to the legal procedures for approval before implementation, and releasing it to the public; and (五)根据发展需要,可以提出行使市级管理权限的目录,依照法定程序报有权机关批准后实施,并向社会公布;
6. other duties performed in accordance with the law. (六)依法行使的其他职责。
The regional administrative authorities shall each designate a special agency to strengthen work coordination, supervision and inspection, and coordinate and promote the development of the PFTZ within their jurisdictions. 区域管理机构应当明确专门工作机构加强工作协调和督促检查,统筹推进管辖区域自贸试验区建设。
Article 10 The Municipal People's Government and the relevant departments shall delegate the economic and social administration powers to the PFTZ's regional administrative authorities according to the provisions of the State and in accordance with the reform and innovation development needs of the PFTZ.   第十条 市人民政府及其有关部门根据自贸试验区改革创新发展需要,依照国家规定向自贸试验区区域管理机构下放经济社会管理权限。
The regional administrative authorities shall voluntarily study and propose the reform and innovation measures for investment promotion, trade facilitation, financial innovation, and interim and ex post supervision. Where the innovation measures involve the authorities of the Municipal People's Government and its departments, the Municipal People's Government and its relevant departments shall support the pilot practices of the regional administrative authorities; and where the innovation measures involve the authorities of the relevant departments of the State, the Municipal People's Government and its relevant departments shall seek the support of such departments. 区域管理机构应当主动研究提出推进投资促进、贸易便利、金融创新、事中事后监管等方面的改革创新措施。创新措施涉及市人民政府及其部门权限的,市人民政府及其有关部门应当支持区域管理机构先行先试;创新措施涉及国家有关部门权限的,市人民政府及其有关部门应当争取国家有关部门支持。
Article 11 Where the PFTZ is authorized by the State as a pilot program or complies with the reform and innovation development requirements of the State, and there is a need for temporary adjustment or suspension of application of certain provisions of laws, administrative regulations and department rules, the relevant functional departments shall promptly give opinions, and request the competent authorities to make a decision according to the statutory procedures.   第十一条 自贸试验区获得国家授权试点或者符合国家改革创新发展要求,需要暂时调整或者停止适用法律、行政法规、部门规章的部分规定的,相关职能部门应当及时提出意见,依照法定程序提请有权机关作出决定。
Where the reform and innovation of the PFTZ requires temporary adjustment or suspension of application of local regulations of the Municipality, the Municipal People's Government shall promptly request that the Municipal People's Congress or its Standing Committee makes a decision; and where there is a need for temporary adjustment or suspension of application of government rules of the Municipality, the Municipal People's Government shall promptly make a decision. 自贸试验区改革创新需要暂时调整或者停止适用本市地方性法规的,市人民政府应当及时提请市人民代表大会或者其常务委员会作出决定;需要暂时调整或者停止适用本市政府规章的,市人民政府应当及时作出决定。
Chapter III Investment Promotion 

第三章 投资促进

Article 12 The PFTZ shall formulate policies and measures for promoting and facilitating foreign investments according to the law, actively attract foreign investments, support overseas investors in fully participating in the development of the PFTZ, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of overseas investors and foreign investment enterprises.   第十二条 自贸试验区依法制定外商投资促进和便利化政策措施,积极吸引外商投资,支持境外投资者全面参与自贸试验区建设,保护境外投资者和外商投资企业合法权益。
Article 13 The PFTZ shall implement a management system of pre-establishment national treatment and a negative list for foreign investments. Foreign investments not included in the negative list shall implement the administration based on the principle of equal treatment to domestic and foreign investors.   第十三条 自贸试验区对外商投资实行准入前国民待遇加负面清单管理制度。对负面清单以外的外商投资,按照内外资一致的原则实施管理。
Where the State provides otherwise for the administration of foreign investment projects and foreign investment enterprises, such provisions shall prevail. 国家对外商投资项目和外商投资企业管理另有规定的,从其规定。
Article 14 The PFTZ shall, based on the principles of convenience, efficiency and transparency, designate an integrated window, implement a "one-window acceptance" accountability system, establish convenient service systems such as investment consultancy, investment project approval (filing) and enterprise registration, simplify investment handling procedures, improve handling efficiency, optimize government services, and raise investment service standards.   第十四条 自贸试验区应当按照便利、高效、透明的原则,设立综合窗口,推行“一窗一次性受理”负责制,建立投资咨询、投资项目核准(备案)、企业登记等便捷服务体系,简化投资办事程序,提高办事效率,优化政务服务,提升投资服务水平。
Article 15 The PFTZ shall promote the reform of commercial registration facilitation, shorten the time for the registration of enterprises, simplify enterprise registration procedures, promote the establishment of a full-process electronic registration system for establishment, change, filing and deregistration, a self-declaration system for the registration of enterprise names and a simplified deregistration system for market entities, and launch a pilot system of commitment to registration and declaration of enterprises' domiciles (business premises).   第十五条 自贸试验区应当推进商事登记便利化改革,缩减企业开办时限,简化企业登记程序,推行设立、变更、备案、注销等登记事项全程电子化、企业名称登记自主申报和市场主体简易注销制度,试行企业住所(经营场所)登记申报承诺制度。
Article 16 The PFTZ shall deepen the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, promote the establishment of a standardized and electronic examination and approval system, optimize the model of online examination and approval, and parallel examination and approval, and improve the efficiency in examination and approval.   第十六条 自贸试验区应当深化行政审批制度改革,推进审批规范化、标准化和信息化建设,优化网上审批、并联审批等模式,提高审批效能。
The PFTZ shall implement a system of "separation of business licenses and certificates", and, according to the provisions of the State, adopt measures to promote reform such as cancellation of examination and approval for enterprise-related business licensing items, replacement of examination and approval with filing, replacement of examination and approval with notification commitment, and optimization of examination and approval services. Enterprises registered and established in the PFTZ may, after obtaining their business licenses, engage in general production and operation activities; and enterprises engaging in production and operation activities which require licensing approval may, after obtaining their business licenses, apply to the relevant authorities for approval, except for those that shall obtain pre-approval in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations. 自贸试验区实行“证照分离”制度,根据国家规定,对涉企经营许可事项采取取消审批、审批改备案、审批改告知承诺、优化审批服务等措施推进改革。自贸试验区内登记设立的企业取得营业执照后,即可从事一般生产经营活动;从事需要许可审批的生产经营活动的,可以在取得营业执照后,向有关部门申请办理,法律、行政法规规定应当取得前置许可的除外。
Article 17 The PFTZ shall establish convenient channels to facilitate capital flow and settlement of enterprises registered and established in the PFTZ, and qualified overseas investors may freely transfer their legitimate investment gains according to the provisions.   第十七条 自贸试验区应当建立便捷通道,为区内登记设立企业的资金进出和结算等提供便利,符合条件的境外投资者可以按照规定自由转移其合法投资收益。
Article 18 The investment policies for the PFTZ shall apply to enterprises registered and established in the PFTZ and engaging in reinvestment or business activities in other parts of Chongqing, except for those the investment projects of which are filed in accordance with the territorial principle.
   第十八条 自贸试验区内登记设立的企业到重庆辖区内其他地区再投资或者开展业务的,适用自贸试验区投资政策,但是投资项目备案遵循属地备案原则的除外。

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