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Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021)

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021)



2018/09/05 (2018年9月5日)

1. Preamble 1. 序言
2. Political Cooperation 2. 政治合作
2.1 High-Level Visits and Dialogue 2.1 高层互访与对话
2.2 Consultation and Cooperation Mechanisms 2.2 磋商与合作机制
2.3 Exchanges between Legislatures, Consultative Bodies, Political Parties and Local Governments 2.3 立法机关、协商机构、政党、地方政府交往
2.4 China, the African Union and Africa's Sub-regional Organizations 2.4 中国与非洲联盟及非洲次区域组织
3. Economic Cooperation 3. 经济合作
3.1 Agriculture, Food Security and Food Safety 3.1 农业、粮食安全与食品安全
3.2 Industry Partnering and Industrial Capacity Cooperation 3.2 产业对接与产能合作
3.3 Infrastructure Development 3.3 基础设施建设
3.4 Energy and Natural Resources 3.4 能源资源合作
3.5 Ocean Economy 3.5 海洋经济
3.6 Tourism 3.6 旅游
3.7 Investment and Economic Cooperation 3.7 投资与经济合作
3.8 Trade 3.8 贸易
3.9 Finance 3.9 金融
4. Social Development Cooperation 4. 社会发展合作
4.1 Development Cooperation 4.1 发展合作
4.2 Medical Care and Public Health 4.2 医疗与公共卫生
4.3 Education and Human Resources 4.3 教育与人力资源开发
4.4 Sharing of Poverty Reduction Experience 4.4 减贫经验交流
4.5 Science and Technology Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing 4.5 科技合作与知识共享
4.6 Environmental Protection and Tackling Climate Change 4.6 生态保护和应对气候变化
5. Cultural and People-to-People Exchanges 5. 人文合作
5.1 Culture 5.1 文化
5.2 Press and Media 5.2 新闻与媒体
5.3 Academia and Think Tanks 5.3 学者与智库
5.4 People-to-People Exchanges 5.4 民间交往
5.5 Youth and Women 5.5 青年与妇女
6. Peace and Security Cooperation 6. 和平安全合作
6.1 Military, Police and Anti-Terrorism 6.1 军队、警察与反恐
6.2 Anti-corruption, Consular Affairs, Immigration, Judiciary and Law Enforcement 6.2 反腐败、领事、移民、司法与执法
7. International Cooperation 7. 国际合作
8. FOCAC Institutional Development 8. 中非合作论坛机制建设

1. Preamble 1.序言

1.1 The 2018 Beijing Summit and the Seventh Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was held in Beijing from 2 to 4 September 2018. Heads of State and Government, Heads of Delegation, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers in charge of economic cooperation from China and 53 African countries (hereinafter referred to as "the two sides") attended the Summit and the Ministerial Conference respectively.   1.1 2018年9月2日至4日,中非合作论坛北京峰会暨第七届部长级会议在北京召开。来自中国和53个非洲国家的国家元首、政府首脑、代表团团长、非洲联盟委员会主席(以下称“双方”)以及外交部长和负责经济合作事务的部长分别出席了峰会和部长会。
1.2 The two sides reviewed with satisfaction the development of relations between China and Africa, and commended the Forum for its well-developed structure and improved efficiency over the past 18 years since its inception, and for its contribution in substantiating China-Africa relations, advancing in-depth China-Africa cooperation across the board and leading and promoting international cooperation with Africa. The two sides agreed that the existing mechanisms of the Forum should be maintained.   1.2 双方满意地回顾了中非关系发展历程,高度评价中非合作论坛,认为论坛成立18年来,日益成熟高效,不断丰富中非关系内涵,促进中非合作全面深入发展,引领和带动了国际对非合作,并一致认为应继续维持论坛现行机制。
1.3 The two sides are encouraged by the comprehensive and effective implementation of the ten cooperation plans and the follow-up actions of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Johannesburg Action Plan (2016-2018), and decide to, in the spirit of the Beijing Declaration -Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community with a Shared Future, jointly advance Belt and Road cooperation, further strengthen the forward-looking China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership, and build an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future for the benefits of both peoples.   1.3 双方对中非“十大合作计划”及《中非合作论坛—约翰内斯堡行动计划(2016— 2018年)》各项后续行动得到全面、有效落实感到振奋,决心本着《关于构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体的北京宣言》精神,共同推进“一带一路”合作,共同建设面向未来的中非全面战略合作伙伴关系,共筑更加紧密的中非命运共同体,更好造福中非人民。
1.4 The two sides are of the view that, as China, the largest developing country, works to realize the two centenary goals and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation, and as Africa, the continent with the most developing countries, implements Agenda 2063 and is striving to build an integrated, prosperous and peaceful continent, the two sides share similar philosophies, compatible strategies and complementary strengths in terms of development. The two sides will take the Belt and Road Initiative as an opportunity to strengthen multi-dimensional, wide-ranging and in-depth cooperation for mutual benefits and common development.   1.4 双方认为,中国是最大的发展中国家,正在致力于实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆,正在全面推进落实非盟《2063年议程》,致力于建设一体化、繁荣、和平的非洲,双方发展理念相通,发展战略契合,发展优势互补。双方将以共建“一带一路”为契机,加强全方位、宽领域、深层次合作,实现合作共赢、共同发展。
1.5 The two sides believe that Africa is an important partner in Belt and Road cooperation, and pledge to leverage the strengths of the Forum and support China and Africa in jointly building the Belt and Road.   1.5 双方认为非洲是共建“一带一路”的重要伙伴,决心充分发挥中非合作论坛优势,支持中非共建“一带一路”。
1.6 China will act in the principles of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith, uphold justice while pursuing shared interests, and focus on supporting Africa's capacity-building for internally-driven development in view of Africa's aspiration to reduce poverty, improve people's livelihood, attract more investment and boost export, and will continue to increase input and scale up cooperation with Africa.   1.6 中方将秉持真实亲诚理念和正确义利观,以支持非洲培育内生增长能力为重点,回应非方减少贫困、改善民生、吸引投资、提振出口等诉求,持续加大对非洲的投入和合作力度。
1.7 To implement the outcomes of the Summit and the Conference, and to chart the course of China-Africa friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation across all fields in the next three and even more years under the theme of "China and Africa: Toward an Even Stronger Community with a Shared Future Through Win-Win Cooperation", the two sides jointly formulate and adopt with consensus this Action Plan.   1.7 为落实会议成果,围绕“合作共赢,携手构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体”这一主题,规划今后3年或更长时间中非各领域友好互利合作,双方共同制定并一致通过本行动计划。
1.8 China will, on the basis of the ten cooperation plans already adopted, launch eight major initiatives including an industrial promotion initiative, an infrastructure connectivity initiative, a trade facilitation initiative, a green development initiative, a capacity building initiative, a health care initiative, a people-to-people exchange initiative and a peace and security initiative in close collaboration with African countries in the next three years and beyond, to support African countries in achieving independent and sustainable development at a faster pace. The content of the eight major initiatives will be reflected in the following articles of this Action Plan.   1.8 中方愿在中非“十大合作计划”基础上,同非洲国家密切配合,未来3年和今后一段时间重点实施产业促进行动、设施联通行动、贸易便利行动、绿色发展行动、能力建设行动、健康卫生行动、人文交流行动、和平安全行动“八大行动”,支持非洲国家加快实现自主可持续发展。“八大行动”内容将在本行动计划各分领域条款中具体体现。

2. Political Cooperation 2.政治合作

2.1 High-Level Visits and Dialogue   2.1 高层互访与对话
2.1.1 The two sides will continue to promote high-level exchanges to deepen traditional friendship, enhance political mutual trust, strengthen strategic coordination and cement the political foundation of China-Africa relations. 2.1.1 继续密切高层交往,深化传统友谊,增进政治互信,加强战略协作,夯实中非关系政治基础。
2.1.2 The two sides will enhance experience sharing on state governance. China supports African countries in independently exploring development paths suited to their national conditions, and supports their efforts in formulating national development strategies, enhancing capacity building and improving state governance. China is ready to share with African countries the practices and experience of reform and opening-up, organize the China-Africa State Governance Forum, and enhance coordination of each other's development philosophies and ideas along the progress of China-Africa cooperation. 2.1.2 深化治国理政经验交流。中方支持非洲国家自主探索适合自身国情的发展道路,制定国家发展战略规划,加强能力建设,提升治理水平。中方愿同非方分享改革开放成功做法和经验,举办中非治国理政论坛,在中非合作中不断加强发展思路和理念对接。
2.2 Consultation and Cooperation Mechanisms   2.2 磋商与合作机制
2.2.1 To improve the planning and implementation of strategies regarding China-Africa relations and cooperation, the two sides agree to improve mechanisms such as the Bi-National Commission (BNC), the strategic dialogue, the foreign ministries' political consultation, the joint/mixed commissions on economic and trade cooperation as well as joint working groups and the steering committees. 2.2.1 为加强中非关系与合作的规划和落实,双方同意完善中国与非洲国家双边委员会、战略对话、外交部政治磋商、经贸联(混)合委员会以及联合工作组、指导委员会等机制建设。
2.2.2 The two sides will continue to strengthen the mechanism of regular political consultations between Chinese and African Foreign Ministers. 2.2.2 继续增强中非外长定期政治磋商机制作用。
2.3 Exchanges between Legislatures, Consultative Bodies, Political Parties and Local Governments   2.3 立法机关、协商机构、政党、地方政府交往
2.3.1 The two sides will enhance exchanges between the National People's Congress of China and parliaments of African countries and such regional parliament organizations as the Pan-African Parliament and the African Parliamentary Union to enhance exchanges and mutual learning, deepen friendship and promote cooperation in the area of legislation. 2.3.1 加强中国全国人民代表大会与非洲各国议会以及泛非议会、非洲议会联盟等非洲区域性议会组织友好交往,增进立法领域交流互鉴,深化友谊,促进合作。
2.3.2 The two sides will expand and strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and parliaments of African countries, regional parliaments, the Pan-African Parliament and the African Parliamentary Union. 2.3.2 扩大和加强中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会与非洲国家议会、地区议会、泛非议会和非洲议会联盟的交流与合作。
2.3.3 The two sides will deepen exchanges between the China Economic and Social Council and the AU Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSCOCC), economic and social councils of African countries and other related organs and institutions. 2.3.3 深化中国经济社会理事会与非盟经济社会文化理事会及非洲各国经济社会理事会等相关机构的交往。
2.3.4 The two sides will promote high-level exchanges and deeper political trust among political parties, enhance cooperation on personnel training, step up political dialogue through bilateral and multilateral channels and promote greater sharing of state governance and development experience. 2.3.4 加大政党高层交往频率,深化政治互信,提升干部培训合作水平,深化双边和多边政治对话,加强治国理政和发展经验交流。
2.3.5 The two sides will strengthen exchanges at the sub-national level, encourage the establishment of more sister provinces and cities and further substantiate the sister provinces/cities relations, improve the mechanism of the China-Africa Forum on Cooperation between Local Governments, and promote the continued growth of China-Africa sub-national cooperation. 2.3.5 加强地方政府交流,支持双方建立更多友好省市关系,丰富友城关系内涵,完善“中非地方政府合作论坛”机制,推动中非地方合作持续发展。
2.4 China, the African Union and Africa's Sub-regional Organizations   2.4 中国与非洲联盟及非洲次区域组织
2.4.1 The two sides recognize the important role of the African Union in safeguarding peace and stability and promoting the integration of Africa. The African side appreciates China's efforts and contribution in promoting peace, stability and development in Africa. 2.4.1 双方认识到非盟在维护非洲和平稳定、一体化建设方面发挥的重要作用,非方赞赏中方为支持非洲和平稳定与发展所作的努力和贡献。
2.4.2 The two sides agree to consolidate and strengthen the momentum of friendly exchanges between China and the African Union and Africa's sub-regional organizations to enhance strategic trust and practical cooperation. 2.4.2 同意巩固和加强中国同非盟和非洲次区域组织友好交往势头,不断增强战略互信,深化务实合作。
2.4.3 China appreciates the positive role of the African Union Commission since joining the FOCAC, and welcomes the establishment of an African Union Representative Mission in Beijing. 2.4.3 中方赞赏非盟委员会加入中非合作论坛以来发挥的积极作用,欢迎非盟在北京设立代表处。
2.4.4 China will continue to engage with the African Union and sub-regional organizations of Africa through various consultations and dialogues to strengthen communication over the economic development of Africa and its sub-regions and important regional issues. China will continue to support the capacity building of the African Union and Africa's sub-regional organizations. 2.4.4 中方将继续同非盟和非洲次区域组织开展磋商与对话,就非洲整体和次区域经济发展、地区重要问题等加强沟通,并继续支持非盟和非洲次区域组织加强能力建设。
2.4.5 China applauds the signing of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement. The two sides will explore ways to further cooperate in the Free Trade Area. 2.4.5 中方赞赏非洲大陆自贸区协议的签署。双方愿探讨扩大自贸区建设领域合作。

3. Economic Cooperation 3.经济合作

3.1 Agriculture, Food Security and Food Safety   3.1 农业、粮食安全与食品安全
3.1.1 Africa commends China's efforts in actively implementing the China-Africa agricultural modernization plan and appreciates the emergency food aid provided by China since the previous Summit, which has helped alleviate the crises of recipient countries and improved their food security. China will, in view of the urgent needs of African countries, continue to provide food aid, and is assured of the support and cooperation from the African side in this regard. 3.1.1 非方赞赏中方积极落实“中非农业现代化合作计划”。感谢自上届峰会以来中方向非洲提供紧急粮食援助,助力有关国家缓解危机、提升粮食安全水平。中方将根据非方急需,继续提供粮援,非方将为上述工作提供支持和配合。
3.1.2 China supports Africa's agricultural modernization and will help Africa upgrade the industry and agricultural infrastructure, increase agricultural productivity and the value added of agro-products, improve Africa's ability to ensure food security, invest in testing and adaptation of machines to African conditions, establish African dealerships capable of after-sale support and service, support township and village industries' development, promote inclusive growth and shared prosperity and support Africa in achieving general food security by 2030. 3.1.2 中方支持非洲实现农业现代化,将帮助非洲推动农业升级,改善农业基础设施,提高农业产量和农产品附加值,提升粮食安全保障能力,调试农业机械适应非洲本土情况,培育有售后服务保障能力的非洲经销商,支持非洲乡镇产业发展,促进包容性增长和共同繁荣,支持非洲在2030年前基本实现粮食安全。
3.1.3 China will work with Africa to formulate and implement a program of action to promote China-Africa cooperation on agricultural modernization, implement 50 agricultural assistance programs, provide RMB 1 billion of emergency humanitarian food assistance to African countries affected by natural disasters, send 500 senior agriculture experts to Africa, and train entrepreneurs in agri-business. 3.1.3 中方将与非洲共同制定并实施中非农业现代化合作规划和行动计划,实施50个农业援助项目,向非洲受灾国家提供10亿元人民币紧急人道主义粮食援助,向非洲派遣500名高级农业专家,培养农民致富带头人。
3.1.4 In view of the challenges in Africa on food security and the need for increase in food production, China supports Africa in enhancing productive capacity in agriculture which comprises promotion of high-tech food production and agro-processing. The two sides will encourage sustainable agriculture and organic farming through enhanced food safety and food security, environment friendly production techniques and efficient management of natural resources which include the use of renewable energy and water savings system to reduce production cost and increase resilience to climate change. 3.1.4 中方支持非洲增强高科技粮食生产、农产品加工等农业生产能力,帮助非洲应对粮食安全挑战以及粮食短缺问题。双方鼓励发展可持续农业和有机农业,提高食品安全与粮食安全水平、环境友好型生产技术利用能力和自然资源管理效率,利用可再生能源和节水系统,降低生产成本,提高气候变化适应力。
3.1.5 The two sides will work together to improve food security risk management systems and establish an emergency response mechanism and China will support its operationalization. Africa appreciates China's efforts in carrying out agricultural technology capacity services, implementing senior agriculture technician exchange programs, training young leaders in agricultural development, carrying out cooperation in such areas as scientific research, technical training, and technology transfer, and supporting Africa in building a whole agricultural value chain from production, processing to marketing. China will continue to enhance consultation and cooperation on the planning and designing of agricultural policy with Africa, and support its implementation of the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Program (CAADP), including AU-led programmes and activities on food safety. 3.1.5 双方将共同努力完善粮食安全风险管理体系并建立应急反应机制,中方愿为该机制运行提供支持。非方赞赏中方开展农业技术能力服务,实施高级农业技术人员互派项目,培养青年农业发展带头人,开展农业科研、技术培训与转让等合作,支持非洲建立生产—加工—营销等农业全产业链。中方将与非方继续加强农业政策磋商、规划设计等合作,支持非洲国家实施《非洲农业综合发展计划》,包括非盟主导的食品安全项目与活动。
3.1.6 China will provide assistance in terms of capacity building, technology transfer through exchange of scientists and development of new research thrusts in the crops, including molecular detection and identification of plant diseases, pest risk analysis, seed health testing/certification, and management of quarantine containment facilities for high risk materials with biosecurity levels. 3.1.6 中方将帮助非洲加强能力建设,通过开展专家交流向非方进行技术转移,开发新的农业研究成果,包括分子级别植物疾病检测与识别、病虫害分析、种子检测认证、生物安全级别高危物质隔离检疫等。
3.1.7 The two sides will work together to institutionalize China-Africa agricultural cooperation. The two sides will set up a China-AU Agriculture Cooperation Commission, hold China-Africa Agriculture Cooperation Forum regularly, enhance human resources cooperation, improve the "10+10" cooperation mechanism between Chinese and African agricultural research institutes, and train young researchers in agri-science for Africa. 3.1.7 共同推动中非农业领域合作机制化,建立中国—非盟农业合作委员会,定期举办中非农业合作论坛。深化中非农业领域人力资源合作和农业科研机构“10+10”合作,帮助非方培养青年农业科研领军人才。
3.1.8 The two sides will establish a China-Africa Research Center for the Development of Green Agriculture, and actively advance cooperation between Chinese and African agribusinesses and social organizations. The two sides will undertake wide-ranging activities such as investment promotion, technical exchanges, joint research and strengthening of extension services. 3.1.8 建立中非绿色农业发展研究中心,积极推进中非农业企业、社会组织间的合作,广泛开展投资促进、技术交流、联合研究和技术推广等活动。
3.1.9 The Chinese side will strengthen cooperation with cotton-producing African countries to help establish high quality standards and enhance their capacity for industrial planning, production, processing, storage, transportation and trade, move them up the cotton production value chain, and expand Africa's market share in the international cotton market. 3.1.9 中方将加强与非洲棉花生产国合作,全面提升非洲棉花产业规划、品质标准、生产加工、储运贸易能力,促进棉花价值链增值,扩大非洲在国际棉花市场份额。
3.1.10 In addition, China will foster and further develop the China-Africa cooperation with regard to the sugar cane sector. China will explore possibilities to facilitate trade of sugar products with high potentials. 3.1.10 中方将加强蔗糖业领域对非合作,积极研究推动潜力大的糖产品贸易的可能性。
3.1.11 Both sides will work together in the agro-industrial sector to increase the capacity of agri-entrepreneurs to export their products on the regional market and enhance skills of farmers at grass root level in modern farm management techniques. China and Africa will also explore avenues of collaboration with regard to livestock in terms of technical cooperation in waste treatment system. 3.1.11 双方将在农产品加工领域开展合作,增加农业企业产品区域市场出口能力,增强基层现代农业管理能力,双方将探讨家禽养殖废物处理技术合作。
3.2 Industry Partnering and Industrial Capacity Cooperation   3.2 产业对接与产能合作
3.2.1 China and Africa have mutual needs and complementary advantages in industry partnering and industrial capacity cooperation. The two sides will fully tap into China's strengths in equipment and technology, draw on the complementarity of the industrial supply and development needs of the two sides, and promote the growth of real economies. 3.2.1 中非开展产业对接与产能合作互有需要、互有优势,双方愿充分发挥中方在装备、技术等方面的综合优势,对接中非双方的供给能力和经济发展需求,共同发展实体经济。
3.2.2 China encourages policy-based financial institutions, developmental financial institutions, the China-Africa Development Fund, the China-Africa Fund for Industrial Cooperation and the Special Loan for the Development of African SMEs to scale up support for China-Africa industrial capacity cooperation to boost the industrialization of Africa. 3.2.2 中方鼓励政策性金融机构、开发性金融机构、中非发展基金、中非产能合作基金和非洲中小企业发展专项贷款等加大对中非产能合作的支持力度,支持非洲工业化进程。
3.2.3 The two sides will advance industrial capacity cooperation along with the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and in line with the Agenda 2063, make best use of industrial capacity cooperation mechanisms, work for tangible results from various projects, and leverage the exemplary role of large projects in strengthening such industrial capacity cooperation. China has decided to open a China-Africa economic and trade expo in China. 3.2.3 全面推进“一带一路”建设与非盟《2063年议程》引领下的中非产能合作,充分发挥产能合作机制作用,推动具体项目取得务实成果,充分发挥大项目合作对深化产能合作的示范效应。中国决定在华设立中国—非洲经贸博览会。
3.2.4 China will step up support in the development of industries in Africa including processing and manufacturing and the development of special economic zones and industrial parks, and support Chinese private enterprises in setting up industrial parks in Africa and carrying out technology transfer, to help African countries build more diversified economies and stronger capabilities for self-driven development. 3.2.4 中方将加强对非洲加工制造业、经济特区、产业园区等产业发展的支持力度,支持中国民营企业在非洲建设工业园区、开展技术转让,提升非洲国家经济多元化程度和自主发展能力。
3.2.5 African countries will continue to improve the legal framework and infrastructure, and provide efficient and results-oriented government services wherever possible to create a more enabling environment for attracting investment from Chinese enterprises and for industrial capacity cooperation. 3.2.5 非洲国家将继续完善法律法规和基础设施、提供高效务实的政府服务,为吸引中国企业投资、开展产能合作创造良好条件和环境。
3.3 Infrastructure Development   3.3 基础设施建设
3.3.1 China and Africa applaud the joint implementation of the China-Africa infrastructure cooperation plan. The two sides will aim to pursue efficient and high-quality development, focus on the economic and social benefits of projects, step up mutually beneficial cooperation for the planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and good governance of infrastructure projects and maintain the sustainability of the debt of relevant African countries. China supports Chinese enterprises in utilizing their advanced equipment and technology, and their expertise in standards and service to help African countries improve infrastructure and connectivity. 3.3.1 赞赏双方共同积极落实“中非基础设施合作计划”。双方将秉持集约发展理念,以项目经济社会效益为导向,进一步加强基础设施规划、设计、建设、运营、维护和良好治理等领域互利合作,保持非洲有关国家债务可持续性。中方支持中国企业利用先进的装备、技术、标准、服务等帮助非洲改善基础设施条件,促进互联互通。
3.3.2 The two sides will, in view of the cross-border and trans-regional infrastructure development plans of Africa, and by taking into consideration the real needs of African countries and economic and social returns of relevant projects, explore and advance cooperation on projects promoting continental, regional and sub-regional connectivity. China has decided to jointly formulate a China-Africa infrastructure cooperation plan with the African Union. China will support Chinese companies in participating in Africa's infrastructure development by way of investment-construction-operation or through other models, with focus on enhancing cooperation on energy, transport, information, telecommunications and cross-border water resources. China will work with Africa to undertake a number of key connectivity projects. 3.3.2 双方愿根据非洲跨国跨地区基础设施建设规划,在兼顾国家发展实际需求和项目经济社会效益基础上,探讨并推进非洲大陆、地区和次区域互联互通项目的建设合作。中国决定和非盟启动编制《中非基础设施合作规划》,支持中国企业以投建营一体化等模式参与非洲基础设施建设,重点加强能源、交通、信息通信、跨境水资源等合作,同非方共同实施一批互联互通重点项目。
3.3.3 China will, under the China-Africa Regional Aviation Cooperation Program, provide regional aircraft for civilian use, train aviation professionals for Africa, provide capacity building to enable compliance with ICAO standards and recommended practices and support Chinese companies in setting up joint ventures with African airlines and African businesses and participating in the building of airports and other auxiliary infrastructure to advance Africa's regional aviation . 3.3.3 中方愿在中非区域航空合作框架下,向非洲国家供应民用支线客机,为非方培训专业航空人才,增强非洲与国际民用航空组织标准和建议措施接轨的能力,支持中国企业同非方设立合资航空公司,建设机场等配套基础设施,共同推动非洲区域航空发展。
3.3.4 China will support Africa in developing the Single African Air Transport Market. The two sides will support each other in the goal of aviation market access, the realization of the Single African Air Transport Market, a flagship project of AU Agenda 2063 and the opening of more air routes and sea lanes connecting China and Africa by Chinese and African airlines and shipping companies as appropriate. The two sides will actively study the feasibility of signing a more liberal and flexible agreement in order to enhance cooperation in aviation market access. China encourages and supports investment by competent Chinese enterprises in sea ports, airports and aviation companies of Africa, and the African side welcomes such investment. The two sides will continue the cooperation in communication, remote sensing satellite and their application. 3.3.4 中方支持非洲单一航空运输市场建设。中非将在实现航空市场准入目标方面相互支持,推动实现非盟《2063年议程》旗舰项目非洲单一航空运输市场建设,支持双方空运、海运企业建立更多中非航线。双方将积极研究签署更加自由、灵活协议的可行性,增进航空市场准入合作。中方鼓励和支持有实力的中国企业投资非洲港口、机场和航空公司,非方对此表示欢迎。双方继续开展通信和遥感卫星及应用等领域合作。
3.3.5 The two sides will, in recognition of the strategic and far-reaching impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on economic and social development, enhance exchanges and cooperation between competent authorities, share good practice in each other's ICT development, seize the opportunity presented by the digital economy, and encourage companies to carry out cooperation in ICT infrastructure, the internet and the digital economy. 3.3.5 双方认识到信息通信技术对经济社会发展发挥着战略性和全局性影响,将加强主管部门交流合作,分享信息通信发展经验,共同把握数字经济发展机遇,鼓励企业在信息通信基础设施、互联网、数字经济等领域开展合作。
3.3.6 The two sides will actively explore and advance cooperation in the application of new technologies including cloud computing, big data, and the mobile internet. China will support African countries in building "smart cities" and enhancing the role of ICT in safeguarding public security, counter terrorism and fighting crime and work with the African side to uphold information security. 3.3.6 双方将积极探讨和促进云计算、大数据、移动互联网等新技术应用,中方愿支持非洲国家建设“智慧城市”,提升信息通信技术在维护社会治安、反恐和打击犯罪等方面的作用,与非方共同维护信息安全。
3.3.7 Both sides encourage and support their companies to participate and partner in the building of ICT infrastructure of African countries, including optical fiber cable backbone networks, cross-border connectivity, international undersea cable, new-generation mobile network, and data center and cooperate in a mutually beneficial way in the construction, operation and service of relevant infrastructures. 3.3.7 双方鼓励和支持各自企业合作参与非洲国家光缆骨干网、跨境互联互通、国际海缆、新一代移动通信网络、数据中心等通信基础设施建设,并在相关基础设施建设、运营、服务等方面开展互利合作。
3.3.8 The two sides will enhance cooperation at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and other international organizations, and step up coordination on training, Internet connectivity and the building of innovation centers. Both sides are ready to cooperate on strategic consultations on ICT policy-making and development, and to work together to narrow the digital divide and promote the building of an information society in Africa. 3.3.8 双方愿加强在国际电信联盟等国际组织中的合作,促进在人员培训、网络互联互通、创新中心建设等方面的协作。双方愿就信息通信技术政策和发展开展战略咨询,共同努力缩小非洲数字鸿沟,推进非洲信息社会建设。
3.4 Energy and Natural Resources   3.4 能源资源合作
3.4.1 China and Africa will enhance policy dialogue and technological exchanges on energy and resources, coordinate each other's energy and resource strategies, conduct joint research, and formulate energy development plans that are operable and based on local conditions. The two sides will work together for the establishment of a China-Africa Energy Cooperation Center in Africa to further advance energy exchanges and cooperation. 3.4.1 中非将加强能源、资源领域政策对话和技术交流,对接能源、资源发展战略,开展联合研究,共同制定因地制宜、操作性强的能源发展规划。双方愿共同努力推动在非洲设立中非能源合作中心,进一步促进中非能源交流与合作。
3.4.2 The two sides encourage and support Chinese and African companies, while upholding the principle of mutual benefits, to work together in energy trade and the investment, development and operation of energy projects, carry out demonstration projects in green energy financing, and explore green and sustainable ways of energy cooperation. China will support the development of renewable energy, mainly solar energy in Africa as well as the use of battery storage and strengthening of the electricity grid. 3.4.2 双方鼓励和支持中非企业按照互利共赢的原则开展能源贸易、能源项目投资、建设和运营,实施绿色金融能源示范项目,探索绿色、可持续的能源合作方式。中方将支持可再生能源,主要是太阳能在非洲的发展,支持使用蓄电池和完善电网。
3.4.3 The Chinese side supports Africa's capacity-building in the energy sector, and will provide professional training for personnel from competent authorities, research institutions and key companies of relevant countries to improve Africa's capabilities in developing and managing their own energy systems. 3.4.3 中方支持非洲能源领域能力建设,为相关国家政府主管部门、研究机构及重点企业的人员开展专业培训,切实提高非洲国家建设和管理本国能源体系的能力。
3.4.4 The Chinese side will, on the basis of respecting the will of African countries, explore third-party cooperation with Africa in the energy sector, where each side can leverage their strengths, provide policy recommendation for Africa's energy development, and work for progress of relevant projects. 3.4.4 中方愿在尊重非洲国家意愿的基础上探讨与第三方开展对非能源领域合作,发挥各自优势,为非洲能源发展提供政策建议,推动项目取得进展。
3.4.5 The two sides will actively consider the joint establishment of a China-Africa Geoscience Cooperation Center for joint research on national resources sustainability and environment, in order to gain greater ability for the sustainable development and utilization of national resources by the respective countries. 3.4.5 双方愿积极考虑共同建立“中非地学合作中心”,开展国家资源可持续利用与环境问题合作研究,提高各自国家资源可持续开发与利用能力。
3.5 Ocean Economy   3.5 海洋经济
3.5.1 The two sides recognize the enormous potential of maritime economic cooperation and will work to promote blue economy cooperation for mutual benefits. 3.5.1 双方认识到海洋经济领域的巨大合作潜力,将共同推进蓝色经济互利合作。
3.5.2 China will continue to provide funds and technical support under the framework of technical cooperation of the International Maritime Organization, and work with African countries to train shipping professionals and strengthen capacity-building to promote the sustainable development of maritime shipping. 3.5.2 中方将继续在国际海事组织技术合作框架下提供资金和技术援助,帮助非洲国家培养海运人才和加强能力建设,促进海运业可持续发展。
3.5.3 The two sides will strengthen exchanges and cooperation between sea ports. China will provide technical assistance to African countries in the drawing-up of plans for building coastal and special marine economic zones, the development of sea ports and adjacent industrial parks, and the planning of marine industries, and support IT development and application in African sea ports. China will step up cooperation with Africa to promote the blue economy, and carry out closer investment and financing cooperation with Africa. 3.5.3 双方将加强港口间的交流合作。中方将为非洲国家编制海岸带、海洋经济特区、港口和临港工业区建设以及海洋产业相关规划提供技术援助和支持,支持非洲国家推进港口信息化建设,加强促进蓝色经济的合作,开展投融资合作。
3.5.4 The two sides will actively consider jointly building a China-Africa Cooperation Center for Ocean Science and Blue Economy. The two sides will continue to enhance cooperation and exchanges in offshore aquaculture, maritime transportation, shipbuilding and repair, offshore wind power, maritime information services, maritime security, marine resources development, the protection and management of islands, scientific research, ocean monitoring and polar research, among others. 3.5.4 双方愿积极考虑共建“中非海洋科学与蓝色经济合作中心”,继续加强在近海水产养殖、海洋运输、船舶修造、海上风电、海上信息服务、海上安全、海洋资源开发利用、海岛保护与管理、海洋科学研究、海洋观测、极地考察等方面合作与交流。
3.5.5 The two sides encourage more exchanges and cooperation among Chinese and African maritime institutes and marine research institutes. China will support African countries in their marine capacity building by providing technical support and training programs. 3.5.5 双方鼓励中非航海院校和海洋科研机构加强交流合作。中方将通过技术支持、人才培训等方式提升非洲国家海洋领域能力建设。
3.5.6 China supports Africa in the capacity-building of maritime law-enforcement and environment protection to ensure the security of maritime resources and promote maritime development and cooperation and the promotion of sustainable approaches that are environmentally, socially and economically effective through the Blue Economy. 3.5.6 中方支持非方加强海上执法和海洋环境保障能力建设,为海洋资源开发与合作创造良好安全环境,通过发展蓝色经济,推动环境、社会、经济效益高的可持续发展模式。
3.6 Tourism   3.6 旅游
3.6.1 China welcomes more African countries to become destinations for Chinese tour groups. The two sides will roll out visa facilitation policies as appropriate and streamline customs procedures to enable easier traveling so that mutual tourist visits could steadily increase. 3.6.1 中方支持更多非洲国家成为中国公民组团出境旅游目的地。双方将推动实施更加便利的旅游签证政策,简化通关手续,不断提升旅游便利化水平,力争实现双向旅游交流人数稳步增加。
3.6.2 The two sides will continue to invite one another to attend tourism exhibitions and hold promotion events to build platforms for experience sharing, business negotiations and products promotion for Chinese and African government agencies and tourism businesses. 3.6.2 双方将继续邀请对方国家参加旅游展会、举办旅游宣介会等活动,为中非旅游部门和旅游业界交流经验、洽谈业务、推介产品搭建平台。
3.6.3 The two sides encourage local governments and travel and tourism trade companies to enhance dialogue, cooperation and mutual visits, expand two-way investment and step up the sharing of information and experience through various channels with a view to improving connectivity and exchange of tourists.
 3.6.3 鼓励双方地方政府、旅游和旅游贸易企业间增进对话,加强合作,增加人员往来和游客数量,扩大双向投资,利用各种渠道加强旅游发展信息和经验交流。

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