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Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Integrity in the Securities and Futures Markets [Revised]
证券期货市场诚信监督管理办法 [已被修订]

Order of the China Securities Regulatory Commission 


(No. 139) (第139号)

The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Integrity in the Securities and Futures Markets, as deliberated and adopted at the 7th Chairman's Executive Meeting of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on November 2, 2017, are hereby issued, and shall come into force on July 1, 2018. 《证券期货市场诚信监督管理办法》已经2017年11月2日中国证券监督管理委员会2017年第7次主席办公会议审议通过,现予公布,自2018年7月1日起施行。
Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission: Liu Shiyu 中国证券监督管理委员会主席:刘士余
March 28, 2018 2018年3月28日
Annex 1: Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Integrity in the Securities and Futures Markets 附件1:《证券期货市场诚信监督管理办法》
Annex 2: Explanation on Drafting the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Integrity in the Securities and Futures Markets 附件2:关于《证券期货市场诚信监督管理办法》的起草说明
Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Integrity in the Securities and Futures Markets 证券期货市场诚信监督管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purposes of promoting integrity in the securities and futures markets, protecting the lawful rights and interests of investors, maintaining the order of the securities and futures markets, and promoting the sound and stable development of the securities and futures markets, these Measures are developed in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了加强证券期货市场诚信建设,保护投资者合法权益,维护证券期货市场秩序,促进证券期货市场健康稳定发展,根据有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 The China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CSRC”) shall establish a national uniform integrity file database for securities and futures markets (hereinafter referred to as “integrity files”) to record integrity information on securities and futures markets.   第二条 中国证券监督管理委员会(以下简称中国证监会)建立全国统一的证券期货市场诚信档案数据库(以下简称诚信档案),记录证券期货市场诚信信息。
Article 3 These Measures shall apply to the definition, collection and management of integrity information recorded in integrity files, the disclosure and inquiry of integrity information, and integrity restraints, incentives and guidance, among others.   第三条 记入诚信档案的诚信信息的界定、采集与管理,诚信信息的公开、查询,诚信约束、激励与引导等,适用本办法。
Article 4 Citizens (natural persons), legal persons or other organizations which conduct activities in the securities and futures markets shall be honest and trustworthy, abide by laws, administrative regulations and rules as well as self-disciplinary rules developed in accordance with the law. Fraud, insider trading, market manipulation and other dishonest acts that damage the lawful rights and interests of investors shall be prohibited.   第四条 公民(自然人)、法人或者其他组织从事证券期货市场活动,应当诚实信用,遵守法律、行政法规、规章和依法制定的自律规则,禁止欺诈、内幕交易、操纵市场以及其他损害投资者合法权益的不诚实信用行为。
Article 5 The CSRC encourages and supports honest and trustworthy citizens, legal persons or other organizations to conduct activities in the securities and futures markets and conduct integrity restraints, incentives and guidance.   第五条 中国证监会鼓励、支持诚实信用的公民、法人或者其他组织从事证券期货市场活动,实施诚信约束、激励与引导。
Article 6 The CSRC may, together with other departments of the State Council, local people's governments, judicial authorities of the state, industry organizations and overseas securities and futures regulatory authorities, establish an integrity supervision cooperation mechanism to share integrity information and promote the improvement of the social credit system.   第六条 中国证监会可以和国务院其他部门、地方人民政府、国家司法机关、行业组织、境外证券期货监管机构建立诚信监管合作机制,实施诚信信息共享,推动健全社会信用体系。
Chapter II Collection and Management of Integrity Information 

第二章 诚信信息的采集和管理

Article 7 Integrity information on the following citizens, legal persons or other organizations conducting activities in the securities and futures markets shall be recorded in integrity files:   第七条 下列从事证券期货市场活动的公民、法人或者其他组织的诚信信息,记入诚信档案:
(1) Personnel engaging in the securities business, personnel engaging in the futures business, and personnel engaging in the fund industry. (一)证券业从业人员、期货从业人员和基金从业人员;
(2) Securities and futures market investors and traders. (二)证券期货市场投资者、交易者;
(3) Securities issuers, listed companies, companies listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations (“NEEQ”), enterprises quoted and transferring securities on regional equity markets and their directors, supervisors, senior executives, major shareholders, and actual controller. (三)证券发行人、上市公司、全国中小企业股份转让系统挂牌公司、区域性股权市场挂牌转让证券的企业及其董事、监事、高级管理人员、主要股东、实际控制人;
(4) The operators of regional equity markets and their directors, supervisors and senior executives, and institutions that handle account opening, fund deposit, registration, settlement and other businesses for regional equity markets. (四)区域性股权市场的运营机构及其董事、监事和高级管理人员,为区域性股权市场办理账户开立、资金存放、登记结算等业务的机构;
(5) Securities companies, futures companies, fund managers, bond fiduciaries, bond offering guarantors and their directors, supervisors, senior executives, major shareholders and actual controller or executive partners, qualified foreign institutional investors, qualified domestic institutional investors and their major investment managers, representative offices of overseas securities institutions stationed in China and their general representatives and chief representatives. (五)证券公司、期货公司、基金管理人、债券受托管理人、债券发行担保人及其董事、监事、高级管理人员、主要股东和实际控制人或者执行事务合伙人,合格境外机构投资者、合格境内机构投资者及其主要投资管理人员,境外证券类机构驻华代表机构及其总代表、首席代表;
(6) Accounting firms, law firms, sponsors, financial consulting institutions, asset appraisal institutions, investment consulting institutions, credit rating agencies, fund service institutions, futures contract delivery warehouses, futures contract subject matter quality inspection and quarantine institutions and other securities and futures service institutions and their relevant practitioners. (六)会计师事务所、律师事务所、保荐机构、财务顾问机构、资产评估机构、投资咨询机构、信用评级机构、基金服务机构、期货合约交割仓库以及期货合约标的物质量检验检疫机构等证券期货服务机构及其相关从业人员;
(7) The senior executives of commercial banks or other financial institutions providing depositary and custody services for the securities and futures businesses, and their depositary and custody departments. (七)为证券期货业务提供存管、托管业务的商业银行或者其他金融机构,及其存管、托管部门的高级管理人员;
(8) Suppliers providing information technology services or hardware and software products for the securities and futures industries. (八)为证券期货业提供信息技术服务或者软硬件产品的供应商;
(9) Service institutions providing investor relations management and other public relation services for issuers, listed companies, and companies quoted on the NEEQ, and their staff members. (九)为发行人、上市公司、全国中小企业股份转让系统挂牌公司提供投资者关系管理及其他公关服务的服务机构及其人员;
(10) Securities and futures media agencies and personnel. (十)证券期货传播媒介机构、人员;
(11) Personnel disrupting the supervision and law enforcement of the CSRC and its local offices by improper means. (十一)以不正当手段干扰中国证监会及其派出机构监管执法工作的人员;
(12) Other citizens, legal persons or other organizations that have committed illegal or dishonest acts relating to securities and futures market activities. (十二)其他有与证券期货市场活动相关的违法失信行为的公民、法人或者其他组织。
Article 8 For the purposes of these Measures, “integrity information” includes:   第八条 本办法所称诚信信息包括:
(1) The name, gender, nationality and identity certificate number of citizens, and the title, domicile, uniform social credit code and other basic information of legal persons or other organizations. (一)公民的姓名、性别、国籍、身份证件号码,法人或者其他组织的名称、住所、统一社会信用代码等基本信息;
(2) Commendations, awards and appraisals made by the CSRC and other competent departments of the State Council, and other entities at or above the provincial or ministerial level, securities and futures exchanges, industry associations of the securities and futures markets, securities depository and clearing institutions and other national industry organizations of the securities and futures markets (hereinafter referred to as “industry organizations of the securities and futures markets”), and credit ratings and integrity assessment made by credit rating agencies and integrity assessment institutions. (二)中国证监会、国务院其他主管部门等其他省部级及以上单位和证券期货交易场所、证券期货市场行业协会、证券登记结算机构等全国性证券期货市场行业组织(以下简称证券期货市场行业组织)作出的表彰、奖励、评比,以及信用评级机构、诚信评估机构作出的信用评级、诚信评估;
(3) Administrative licensing decisions made by the CSRC and its local offices. (三)中国证监会及其派出机构作出的行政许可决定;
(4) Information on the failure to fulfill or fulfill on schedule, current fulfillment and completed fulfillment of public commitments made by issuers, listed companies, companies quoted on the NEEQ, and their major shareholders, actual controller, directors, supervisors and senior executives, all parties to material asset restructurings and acquirers. (四)发行人、上市公司、全国中小企业股份转让系统挂牌公司及其主要股东、实际控制人,董事、监事和高级管理人员,重大资产重组交易各方,及收购人所作的公开承诺的未履行或者未如期履行、正在履行、已如期履行等情况;
(5) Administrative penalty and market access prohibition decisions and regulatory measures taken by the CSRC and its local offices. (五)中国证监会及其派出机构作出的行政处罚、市场禁入决定和采取的监督管理措施;
(6) Disciplinary actions imposed by industry organizations of securities and futures markets, and management measures prescribed by laws, administrative regulations and rules. (六)证券期货市场行业组织实施的纪律处分措施和法律、行政法规、规章规定的管理措施;
(7) Investigation and compulsory measures taken by the CSRC and its local offices due to suspected illegal securities or futures acts. (七)因涉嫌证券期货违法被中国证监会及其派出机构调查及采取强制措施;
(8) Information on refusing to execute any effective administrative penalty decision made or regulatory measure taken by the CSRC or its local office before the expiration of the prescribed period, being imposed on the administrative penalty or handling decision by the relevant authority for the failure to cooperate in the supervision, inspection and investigation of the CSRC or its local office, or refusing to implement the concluded agreement on the mediation of securities or futures disputes. (八)到期拒不执行中国证监会及其派出机构生效行政处罚决定及监督管理措施,因拒不配合中国证监会及其派出机构监督检查、调查被有关机关作出行政处罚或者处理决定,以及拒不履行已达成的证券期货纠纷调解协议;
(9) The bond issuer fails to pay principal and interest on schedule or commits any other breach of contract, or the guarantor fails to fulfill its guarantee liability as agreed upon. (九)债券发行人未按期兑付本息等违约行为、担保人未按约定履行担保责任;
(10) Information on being transferred by the CSRC or its local office to the public security authority or the people's procuratorate for punishment due to any suspected securities or futures crime. (十)因涉嫌证券期货犯罪被中国证监会及其派出机构移送公安机关、人民检察院处理;
(11) Information on the imposition of administrative penalty or disciplinary action for disrupting the supervision and law enforcement of the CSRC or its local office by illicit means, or the information determined by the disciplinary inspection or administrative regulatory authority that the institution is not punished since the circumstances are minor. (十一)以不正当手段干扰中国证监会及其派出机构监管执法工作,被予以行政处罚、纪律处分,或者因情节较轻,未受到处罚处理,但被纪律检查或者行政监察机构认定的信息;
(12) Sentences of criminal punishment imposed by the people's court for any securities or futures crime or any other crime. (十二)因证券期货犯罪或者其他犯罪被人民法院判处刑罚;
(13) Sentences of assuming major civil compensation liability imposed by the people's court for any securities or futures tort or breach of contract. (十三)因证券期货侵权、违约行为被人民法院判决承担较大民事赔偿责任;
(14) Administrative penalties imposed by the relevant competent departments in charge of banking, insurance, finance, taxation, environmental protection, industry and commerce and customs, among others, for illegal business operations. (十四)因违法开展经营活动被银行、保险、财政、税收、环保、工商、海关等相关主管部门予以行政处罚;
(15) Administrative penalties imposed or clean-up and rectification measures taken by the local government for the illegal establishment of any securities or futures exchange or organization of securities and futures trading. (十五)因非法开设证券期货交易场所或者组织证券期货交易被地方政府行政处罚或者采取清理整顿措施;
(16) Information on being dismissed by the securities company, futures company, fund manager, securities and futures service institution or the industry organization of the securities and futures markets for any illegal or dishonest act. (十六)因违法失信行为被证券公司、期货公司、基金管理人、证券期货服务机构以及证券期货市场行业组织开除;
(17) Information on breach of contract or dishonesty in margin trading and short selling, refinancing, securities collateral repos, agreement-based repos, futures trading and other credit transactions. (十七)融资融券、转融通、证券质押式回购、约定式购回、期货交易等信用交易中的违约失信信息;
(18) Information on other acts against the integrity principle. (十八)违背诚实信用原则的其他行为信息。
Article 9 No integrity file may collect any citizen's religious belief, gene, fingerprint, blood type, disease or medical history information, or any other information prohibited from collection by any law or administrative regulation.   第九条 诚信档案不得采集公民的宗教信仰、基因、指纹、血型、疾病和病史信息以及法律、行政法规规定禁止采集的其他信息。
Article 10 The commendation, award, appraisal, credit rating and integrity assessment information of a citizen, legal person or any other organization as listed in item (2), Article 8 of these Measures shall be declared by the citizen, legal person or other organization to the CSRC or its local office, and be recorded in integrity files.   第十条 本办法第八条第(二)项所列公民、法人或者其他组织所受表彰、奖励、评比和信用评级、诚信评估信息,由其自行向中国证监会及其派出机构申报,记入诚信档案。
Integrity information other than those prescribed in the preceding paragraph declared by a citizen, legal person or any other organization to the CSRC or its local office in accordance with the relevant provisions shall be recorded in integrity files. 公民、法人或者其他组织按规定向中国证监会及其派出机构申报前款规定以外的其他诚信信息,记入诚信档案。
The integrity information declared by any citizen, legal person or any other organization shall be authentic, accurate and complete. 公民、法人或者其他组织申报的诚信信息应当真实、准确、完整。
Article 11 Integrity information set forth in item (1), and items (3) through (10) of Article 8 of these Measures shall be collected by the CSRC and its local offices and industry organizations of the securities and futures markets and recorded in integrity files according to their functions. Integrity information set forth in items (16) and (17) shall be collected by the relevant industry organizations of the securities and futures markets and securities and futures business institutions and recorded in integrity files. Other integrity information shall be collected by the CSRC and its local offices through government information disclosure, credit information sharing and other channels, and be recorded in integrity files.   第十一条 本办法第八条第(一)项、第(三)项至第(十)项诚信信息,由中国证监会及其派出机构、证券期货市场行业组织依其职责采集并记入诚信档案;第(十六)项、第(十七)项诚信信息,由相关证券期货市场行业组织、证券期货经营机构采集并记入诚信档案;其他诚信信息由中国证监会及其派出机构通过政府信息公开、信用信息共享等途径采集并记入诚信档案。
Article 12 Where a decision or act on which integrity information is recorded in integrity files is canceled or modified through statutory procedures, the CSRC or its local office shall delete or amend such integrity information accordingly.   第十二条 记入诚信档案的诚信信息所对应的决定或者行为经法定程序撤销、变更的,中国证监会及其派出机构相应删除、修改该诚信信息。
Article 13 In the integrity files, the information on illegal or dishonest acts set forth in Article 8 of these Measures shall be valid for three years, but the information on administrative penalty, market access prohibition, criminal punishment, and assumption of a relatively large amount of civil compensatory liability for a tort or breach of contract due to illegal securities or futures acts shall be valid for five years, except as otherwise provided for by any law, administrative regulation, or rule of the CSRC.   第十三条 本办法第八条规定的违法失信信息,在诚信档案中的效力期限为3年,但因证券期货违法行为被行政处罚、市场禁入、刑事处罚和判决承担较大侵权、违约民事赔偿责任的信息,其效力期限为5年。
Where the period of validity of information on illegal or dishonest acts is otherwise prescribed in any law, administrative regulation or rule of the CSRC, or if the period of validity of information on illegal or dishonest acts is otherwise prescribed by any other competent department of the State Council, such provisions shall apply. 法律、行政法规或者中国证监会规章对违法失信信息的效力期限另有规定的,国务院其他主管部门对其产生的违法失信信息的效力期限另有规定的,从其规定。
The period of validity as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be calculated from the date when the execution of a decision dealing with an illegal or dishonest act is completed. 前款所规定的效力期限,自对违法失信行为的处理决定执行完毕之日起算。
Information on illegal or dishonest acts shall no longer be published as integrity information or be available for integrity information inquiry once its validity expires, except when citizens, legal persons or other organizations consult information on themselves in accordance with Article 17 of these Measures. 超过效力期限的违法失信信息,不再进行诚信信息公开,并不再接受诚信信息申请查询,公民、法人或者其他组织根据本办法第十七条申请查询自己信息的除外。
Chapter III Disclosure and Inquiry of Integrity Information 

第三章 诚信信息的公开与查询

Article 14 Information set forth in items (2), (3), (4) and (6) of Article 8 of these Measures, and information on administrative penalties and market access prohibition set forth in item (5) shall be disclosed to the public in accordance with the law.   第十四条 本办法第八条第(二)、(三)、(四)、(六)项信息和第(五)项的行政处罚、市场禁入信息依法向社会公开。
The CSRC shall, on its website, establish a platform for the public inquiry of information on illegal or dishonest acts in the securities and futures markets, through which the public may consult the information on administrative penalty and market access prohibition decisions set forth in item (5), Article 8 of these Measures, the information set forth in item (6), and other information on illegal or dishonest acts. 中国证监会在其网站建立证券期货市场违法失信信息公开查询平台,社会公众可通过该平台查询本办法第八条第(五)项行政处罚、市场禁入决定信息,第(六)项信息等违法失信信息。
Article 15 The CSRC shall conduct special publicity on the platform for the public inquiry of information on illegal and dishonest acts in the securities and futures markets for market participants falling under any of the following circumstances of serious illegal and dishonest acts.   第十五条 中国证监会对有下列严重违法失信情形的市场主体,在证券期货市场违法失信信息公开查询平台进行专项公示:
(1) The market participant is given any administrative penalty by the CSRC or its local office for manipulating the market, insider trading, fraudulent offering, false disclosure of information, illegal engagement in the securities or futures business, trading with undisclosed information, or fabricating and spreading false information. (一)因操纵市场、内幕交易、欺诈发行、虚假披露信息、非法从事证券期货业务、利用未公开信息交易以及编造、传播虚假信息被中国证监会及其派出机构作出行政处罚;
(2) The market participant is prohibited by the CSRC or its local office from entering the market. (二)被中国证监会及其派出机构采取市场禁入措施;
(3) The market participant is sentenced to a criminal punishment by the people's court for any securities or futures crime. (三)因证券期货犯罪被人民法院判处刑罚;
(4) The market participant is imposed on an administrative penalty or handling decision by the relevant authority since it refuses to cooperate in the supervision, inspection and investigation of the CSRC or its local office. (四)因拒不配合中国证监会及其派出机构监督检查、调查被有关机关作出行政处罚或者处理决定;
(5) The market participant refuses to implement any effective administrative penalty decision made the CSRC or its local office before the expiration of the prescribed period. (五)到期拒不执行中国证监会及其派出机构生效行政处罚决定;
(6) Any other circumstance of serious illegal or dishonest act which seriously damages investors' lawful rights and interests and has strong market response. (六)严重侵害投资者合法权益、市场反应强烈的其他严重违法失信情形。
The special publication period of serious illegal and dishonest entities shall be one year, commencing from the date of publication. 严重违法失信主体的专项公示期为一年,自公示之日起算。
Article 16 A citizen, legal person or any other organization may, in accordance with the provisions of these Measures, apply to the CSRC or its local office for consulting the integrity information other than those prescribed in Articles 14 and 15 of these Measures.   第十六条 除本办法第十四条、第十五条规定之外的诚信信息,公民、法人或者其他组织可以根据本办法规定向中国证监会及其派出机构申请查询。
Article 17 Where a citizen, legal person or any other organization files an application for consulting the integrity information, if any of the following conditions is met, the CSRC or its local office shall approve the handling of the application:   第十七条 公民、法人或者其他组织提出诚信信息查询申请,符合以下条件之一的,中国证监会及其派出机构予以办理:
(1) The citizen, legal person or any other organization applies for consulting the integrity information thereof. (一)公民、法人或者其他组织申请查询自己的诚信信息的;
(2) The issuer or a listed company applies for consulting the integrity information of any director, supervisor or senior executive to be appointed. (二)发行人、上市公司申请查询拟任董事、监事、高级管理人员的诚信信息的;
(3) The issuer or a listed company applies for consulting the integrity information of any citizen, legal person or any other organization that plans to participate in the merger, acquisition or restructuring of the company. (三)发行人、上市公司申请查询拟参与本公司并购、重组的公民、法人或者其他组织的诚信信息的;
(4) The issuer or a listed company applies for consulting the integrity information of the securities company, securities service institution or its relevant practitioner to be entrusted. (四)发行人、上市公司申请查询拟委托的证券公司、证券服务机构及其相关从业人员的诚信信息的;
(5) A securities company, bond fiduciary or securities service institution applies for consulting the integrity information of the issuer, the listed company and any of its directors, supervisors, senior executives, controlling shareholder and actual controller as well as the bond offering guarantor to which it provides professional services. (五)证券公司、债券受托管理人、证券服务机构申请查询其所提供专业服务的发行人、上市公司及其董事、监事、高级管理人员、控股股东和实际控制人以及债券发行担保人的诚信信息的;
(6) A securities company, futures company, fund manager, or securities and futures service institution applies for consulting the integrity information of any director, supervisor, senior executive or any other practitioner retained or to be retained. (六)证券公司、期货公司、基金管理人、证券期货服务机构申请查询已聘任或者拟聘任的董事、监事、高级管理人员或者其他从业人员的诚信信息的;
(7) Other conditions prescribed by the CSRC. (七)中国证监会规定的其他条件。
Article 18 A citizen, legal person or any other organization that files an application for consulting integrity information shall truthfully provide the following materials:   第十八条 公民、法人或者其他组织提出诚信信息查询申请,应当如实提供如下材料:
(1) An inquiry application. (一)查询申请书;
(2) Identity certification documents. (二)身份证明文件;
(3) Where an inquiry application set forth in item (2) through item (6) of Article 17 of these Measures is handled, the inquiry application form shall be subject to the approval of the inquired party by affixing its signature or seal, or any other written approval document of the inquired party shall be obtained. (三)办理本办法第十七条第(二)项至第(六)项查询申请的,查询申请书应经查询对象签字或者盖章同意,或者有查询对象的其他书面同意文件。
Article 19 Where the inquiry application filed by a citizen, legal person or any other organization meets the relevant conditions and the materials are complete, the CSRC or its local office shall give a feedback within five working days after receiving the inquiry application.   第十九条 公民、法人或者其他组织提出的查询申请,符合条件,材料齐备的,中国证监会及其派出机构自收到查询申请之日起5个工作日内反馈。
Article 20 Where the integrity information which any citizen, legal person or any other organization applies for consulting falls under any state secret, trade secret or individual privacy of any other citizen, legal person or any other organization, the CSRC or its local office shall not approve the inquiry, but it shall make an explanation in the reply.
   第二十条 公民、法人或者其他组织申请查询的诚信信息属于国家秘密,其他公民、法人或者其他组织的商业秘密及个人隐私的,中国证监会及其派出机构不予查询,但应当在答复中说明。

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