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欧洲议会与欧洲联盟理事会关于外观设计的法律保护指令 [Effective]
欧洲议会与欧洲联盟理事会关于外观设计的法律保护指令(98/71/EC) [现行有效]

Directive 98/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 June 1998 on the Legal Protection of Designs



Table of Contents 


1.Definitions 第1条 定义
2.Scope of application 第2条 适用范围
3.Protection requirements 第3条 保护要求
4.Novelty 第4条 新颖性
5.Individual character 第5条 独特特性
6.Disclosure 第6条 公开
7.Designs dictated by their technical function and designs of interconnections 第7条 由其技术功能支配的外观设计和相互联系的外观设计
8.Designs contrary to public policy or morality 第8条 违反公共政策或道德的外观设计
9.Scope of protection 第9条 保护范围
10.Term of protection 第10条 保护期限
11.Invalidity or refusal of registration 第11条 注册的无效或拒绝
12.Rights conferred by the design right 第12条 外观设计权授予的权利
13.Limitation of the rights conferred by the design right 第13条 对外观设计授予的权利的限制
14.Transitional provision 第14条 过渡条款
15.Exhaustion of rights 第15条 权利用尽
16.Relationship to other forms of protection 第16条 与其他保护形式的关系
17.Relationship to copyright 第17条 与版权的关系
18.Revision 第18条 修订
29.Implementation 第19条 实施
20.Entry into force 第20条 生效
21.Addressees 第21条 被通知方
The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, 欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会,
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community and in particular Article 100a thereof, 考虑到成立欧洲共同体条约,特别是该条约的第100a条,
Having regard to the proposal by the Commission, 考虑到本委员会的提案,
Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee, 考虑到经济与社会委员会的意见,
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 189b of the Treaty,in the light of the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee on 29 July 1998, 按照条约第189b条规定的程序,根据协调委员会1998年7月29日通过的联合文本,
(1)Whereas the objectives of the Community.as laid down in the Treaty,include laying the foundations of an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe,fostering closer relations between Member States of the Community,and ensuring the economic and social progress of the Community countries by common action to eliminate the barriers which divide Europe;whereas to that end the Treaty provides for the establishment of an internal market characterised by the abolition of obstacles to the free movement of goods and also for the institution of a system ensuring that competition in the internal market is not distorted;whereas an approximation of the laws of the Member States on the legal protection of designs would further those objectives; 1.鉴于条约中阐述的共同体的目的,包括为在欧洲人民之间建立日益紧密的联盟,促进共同体国家之间的更加密切关系奠定基础,保证通过根除分裂欧洲的障碍的共同行动促进共同体国家的经济和社会进步;鉴于为了达到该目的,条约规定建立一个以消除商品自由流通的障碍为特征的内部市场,以及建立一个保证内部市场的竞争不被扭曲的机制;鉴于成员国如果具有近似的外观设计法律保护有助于实现该目的;
(2)Whereas the differences in the legal protection of designs offered by the legislation of the Member States directly affect the establishment and functioning of the internal market as regards goods embodying designs;whereas such differences can distort competition within the internal market; 2.鉴于成员国在外观设计法律保护上的差别直接影响带有外观设计的商品内部市场的建立及运行;鉴于这种差别会扭曲内部市场的竞争;
(3)Whereas it is therefore necessary for the smooth functioning of the internal market to approximate the design protection laws of the Member States; 3.鉴于为了内部市场的顺利运行,成员国的外观设计保护法律有必要相近似;
(4)Whereas,in doing so,it is important to take into consideration the solutions and the advantages with which the Community design system will provide undertakings wishing to acquire design rights; 4.鉴于为此,重要的是要考虑共同体外观设计制度为取得外观设计权提供保证的解决方案和优点;
(5)Whereas it is unnecessary to undertake a full—scale approximation of the design laws of the Member States,and it will be sufficient if approximation is limited to those national provisions of law which most directly affect the functioning of the internal market;whereas provisions on sanctions,remedies and enforcement should be left to national law;whereas the objectives of this limited approximation cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States acting alone; 5.鉴于对成员国的外观设计法律没必要对作全面趋同的调整,仅对最直接影响内部市场运行的各国家法律的规定进行调整,使它们相近似就已足够;鉴于关于罚则、赔偿和执行的规定应留给各成员国国内法规定;鉴于这种有限近似的目标由成员国单独行事不可能有效达到;
(6)Whereas Member States should accordingly remain free to fix the procedural provisions concerning registration,renewal and invalidation of design rights and provisions concerning the effects of such invalidity; 6.鉴于成员国因此需要保留确定关于外观设计权的注册、续展和无效的程序性规定以及关于这种无效的效果的规定的自由;
(7)Whereas this Directive does not exclude the application to designs of national or Community legislation providing for protection other than that conferred by registration or publication as design,such as legislation relating to unregistered design rights,trade marks,patents and utility models,unfair competition or civil liability; 7.鉴于本指令不排除对外观设计适用除国家或共同体立法中对外观设计提供的经注册或公告所授予的保护之外的其他形式保护,如未注册的外观设计的权利、商标、专利和实用新型、不正当竞争或民事责任;
(8)Whereas,in the absence of harmonisation of copyright law,it is important to establish the principle of cumulation of protection under specific registered design protection law and under copyright law,whilst leaving Member States free to establish the extent of copyright protection and the conditions under which such protection is conferred; 8.鉴于版权法的协调尚未实现,根据特定的注册外观设计保护法和版权法建立多重保护原则,并使成员国能够自由地确定版权保护的范围以及这种保护授予的权利的条件很重要;
(9)Whereas the attainment of the objectives of the internal market requires that the conditions for obtaining a registered design right be identical in all the Member States;whereas to that end it is necessary to give a unitary definition of the notion of design and of the requirements as to novelty and individual character with which registered design rights must comply; 9.鉴于为达到内部市场的目标,要求在所有成员国取得注册外观设计权利的条件同一;鉴于为此目的,需要对外观设计的概念和注册外观设计所必须符合的新颖性和独特特征的要求给出一致的定义:
(10)Whereas it is essential,in order to facilitate the free movement of goods,to ensure in principle that registered design rights confer upon the right holder equivalent.protection in all Member States; 10.鉴于为了便利商品的自由流动,首先需要保证注册外观设计权授予权利持有人的权利原则上在所有成员国得到相同的保护;
(11)Whereas protection is conferred by way of registration upon the right holder for those design features of a product,in whole or in part,which are shown visibly in an application and made available to the public by way of publication or consultation of the relevant file; 11.鉴于保护是通过注册,对就可以在一件申请中看见的一件产品的整体或部分外观设计特征对持有人授予权利,并且该外观设计应该通过公告或查阅相关文档能为公众所知;
(12)Whereas protection should not be extended to those component parts which are not visible during normal use of a product,or to those features of such part which are not visible when the part is mounted.or which would not,in themselves,fulfil the requirements as to novelty and individual character;whereas features of design which are excluded from protection for these reasons should not be taken into consideration for the purpose of assessing whether other features of the design fulfil the requirements for protection; 12.鉴于保护不应该延伸到产品在正常使用过程中看不见的那些部件、或其外观设计特征在部件被安装后就看不见的部分、或其本身就不满足新颖性和独特特征要求的部分;鉴于由于上述原因而不予保护的外观设计特征不应该在评估该外观设计的其它特征是否满足保护要求时予以考虑;
(13)Whereas the assessment as to whether a design has individual character should be based on whether the overall impression produced on an informed user viewing the design clearly differs from that produced on him by the existing design corpus,taking into consideration the nature of the product to which the design is applied or in which it is incorporated,and in particular the industrial sector to which it belongs and the degree of freedom of the designer in developing the design; 13.鉴于评估一件外观设计是否有独特的特征,应该根据一个知情的用户在观察该外观设计时,其总体印象是否清楚地不同于现有外观设计总体对其产生的印象,并考虑该外观设计适用或与其相结合的产品的性质,特别是它所属的工业领域以及设计人在作出该设计时的独立开发程度;
(14)Whereas technological innovation should not be hampered by granting design protection to features dictated solely by a technical function:whereas it is understood that this does not entail that a design must have an aesthetic quality;whereas,likewise,the interoperability of products of different makes should not be hindered by extending protection to the design of mechanical fittings;whereas features Of a design which are excluded from protection for these reasons should not be taken into consideration for the purpose of assessing whether other features of the design fulfil the requirements for protection; 14.鉴于技术革新不应该因为对只由技术功能所支配的特征授予外观设计保护而受到阻碍;鉴于这并不表明外观设计必须具有美学特征已成为共识;同样,鉴于具有不同构造的产品的内部功能不应该因为将保护扩展到机械装配的设计而受到妨碍;鉴于因为这些原因不受保护的外观设计的特征在评估该外观设计的其它特征是否满足保护的要求时不应该予以考虑;
(15)Whereas the mechanical fittings of modular products may nevertheless constitute an important element of the innovative characteristics of modular products and present a major marketing asset and therefore should be eligible for protection; 15.鉴于标准组件产品的机械装配仍可构成标准组件产品革新特征的重要成分并形成重要销售资产,因此给予适当保护是应当的;
(16)Whereas a design right shall not subsist in a design which is contrary to public policy or to accepted principles of morality;whereas this Directive does not constitute a harmonisation of national concepts of public policy or accepted principles of morality; 16.鉴于对违反公共政策或公众普遍接受的道德标准的外观设计不应当授予外观设计权;鉴于本指令不构成对各国公共政策或公众普遍接受的道德标准的协调;
(17)Whereas it is fundamental for the smooth functioning of the internal market to unify the term of protection afforded by registered design rights; 17.鉴于为了内部市场的顺利运行,统一注册外观设计权的保护期限是基础;
(18)Whereas the provisions of this Directive are without prejudice to the application of the competition rules under Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty; 18.鉴于本指令的规定对适用条约第85条和第86条规定的竞争规则无歧视;
(19)Whereas the rapid adoption of this Directive has become a matter of urgency for a number of industrial sectors;whereas full—scale approximation of the laws of the Member States on the use of protected designs for the purpose of permitting the repair of a complex product so as to restore its original appearance,where the product incorporating the design or to which the design is applied constitutes a component part of a complex product upon whose appearance the protected design is dependent,cannot be introduced at the present stage;whereas the lack of full—scale approximation of the laws of the Member States on the use of protected designs for such repair of a complex product should not constitute an obstacle to the approximation of those other national provisions of design law which most directly affect the functioning of the internal market;whereas for this reason Member States should in the meantime maintain in force any provisions in conformity with the Treaty relating to the use of the design of a component part used for the purpose of the repair of a complex product so as to restore its original appearance,or,if they introduce any new provisions relating to such use,the purpose of these provisions should be only to liberalise the market in such parts;whereas those Member States which,on the date of entry into force of this Directive,do not provide for protection for designs of component parts are not required to introduce registration of designs for such parts;whereas three years after the implementation date the Commission should submit an analysis of the consequences of the provisions of this Directive for Community industry,for consumers,for competition and for the functioning of the internal market;whereas,in respect of component parts of complex products,the analysis should,in particular,consider harmonisation on the basis of possible options,including fl remuneration system and a limited term of exclusivity;whereas,at the latest one year after the submission of its analysis,the Commission should,after consultation with the parties most affected,propose to the European Parliament and the Council any changes to this Directive needed to complete the internal market in respect of component parts of complex products,and any other changes which it considers necessary; 19.鉴于本指令的迅速通过对一些工业部门是迫切需要的;鉴于成员国为允许使用受保护的外观设计对复杂产品进行维修以恢复产品原貌的有关法律的全面趋同在现阶段尚不能引入,而结合该外观设计的产品或应用该外观设计的产品构成了该复杂产品的组成部件,并且受保护的外观设计是以此原貌为基础的;鉴于成员国使用受保护的外观设计对复杂产品的组成部件进行维修的法律尚未全面趋同不应成为将最直接影响内部市场运行的,各国对外观设计保护的其他法律规定趋同的障碍;鉴于成员国因此在现阶段应保持与条约符合的使用组成部件的外观设计对复杂产品进行维修以恢复其原貌的任何法律规定继续有效,或者,如果成员国准备引入任何与该使用相关的新规定,这些规定的目的应该仅仅是使这类组成部件的市场更加宽松;鉴于在本指令生效之日没有对组成部件的外观设计提供保护的成员国没有被要求引入对这些组成部件的外观设计注册;鉴于实施日后三年,委员会应当提交本指令规定对共同体工业界、消费者、竞争和内部市场运行影响的分析报告;鉴于就复杂产品的组成部件而言,该分析报告应当特别考虑在可选择方案的基础上的协调,包括报酬制度和有限的独占期限;鉴于在提交该分析报告后最迟一年,委员会应当在咨询最有影响的有关方面之后,向欧洲议会和欧洲联盟理事会提出为完善内部市场所需要的,与复杂产品的组成部件有关的对本指令的任何修改建议和委员会认为有必要的任何其他建议:
(20)Whereas the transitional provision in Article 14 concerning the design of a component part used for the purpose of the repair of a complex product SO as to restore its original appearance is in no case to be construed as constituting an obstacle to the free movement of a product which constitutes such a component part; 20.鉴于第14条关于使用组成部件的外观设计对复杂部件进行维修以恢复产品原貌的过渡规定在任何情况下都不应理解为构成这种部件产品自由流通的障碍;
(21)Whereas the substantive grounds for refusal of registration in those Member States which provide for substantive examination of applications prior to registration,and the substantive grounds for the invalidation of registered design rights in all the Member States,must be exhaustively enumerated, 21、鉴于在注册之前对申请进行实质审查的成员国驳回注册的理由,以及所有成员国无效已经注册的外观设计权的理由必须穷尽列举。
Have adopted this Directive: 特通过本指令:
Article 1Definitions 

第1条 定义


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