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Plan of Action to Implement the Joint Declaration on ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity (2016-2020) [Effective]
落实中国-东盟面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系联合宣言的行动计划(2016—2020) [现行有效]

Plan of Action to Implement the Joint Declaration on ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity (2016-2020)



(March 3, 2016) (2016年3月3日)

This Plan of Action aims at implementing the Joint Declaration on ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity signed on 8 October 2003 in Bali, Indonesia to enhance and elevate the strategic partnership, friendly relations, mutually beneficial cooperation, and good neighbourliness between ASEAN and China for the period of 2016-2020. The POA also aims to address emerging regional and global challenges over the next five years. 本《行动计划》旨在落实于2003年10月8日在印度尼西亚巴厘岛签署的《中国-东盟面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系联合宣言》,以加强和提升2016年至2020年间中国和东盟战略伙伴关系、睦邻友好和互利合作。本《行动计划》同样旨在应对未来5年将出现的地区和全球挑战。
This POA builds upon the significant achievements made in the relations between ASEAN and China that began in 1991 and the successful implementation of the POA 2011-2015, promotes the establishment of a peaceful, stable, integrated, prosperous, and caring ASEAN Community and contributes to the ASEAN Community's Post-2015 Vision. 本《行动计划》以中国和东盟1991年建立关系以来取得的重要成就及《行动计划(2011-2015)》的成功落实为基础,推动建设一个和平、稳定、融合、繁荣和充满关爱的东盟共同体,并为东盟共同体后2015年愿景作出贡献。
This POA also affirms China's support for ASEAN Centrality in the evolving regional architecture and all ASEAN-led mechanisms and fora. 本《行动计划》还确认中国支持东盟在不断演变的地区架构和所有东盟主导的机制和论坛中的中心地位。
ASEAN and China hereby endeavour to pursue cooperation in conformity with their obligations under international law and in accordance with their respective domestic laws, regulations, and policies. 中国和东盟将根据各自承担的国际法义务和国内法律、法规和政策,努力开展合作。

1. Political and Security 1.政治与安全

1.1 Regular High-Level Contacts, Visits, and Interactions   1.1 经常性高层接触、访问和互动
1.1.1 Enhance regular high-level contacts and make good use of all available opportunities to exchange views on ASEAN-China relations and regional as well as international issues of common interest and concern. 1.1.1加强经常性高层接触,充分利用各种机会就中国-东盟关系和共同关心和关切的国际和地区问题交换意见。
1.2 Political Dialogue and Cooperation   1.2 政治对话和合作
1.2.1 Deepen ASEAN-China consultations and cooperation through the following ASEAN-led fora: ASEAN-China Summit, ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with China (PMC+1), ASEAN-China Senior Officials Consultations (SOC) and the ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) and other ASEAN-led fora, such as the East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Plus Three, ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus); 1.2.1通过中国-东盟领导人会、中国-东盟外长会、中国-东盟高官磋商和中国-东盟联合合作委员会以及东亚峰会、东盟与中日韩、东盟地区论坛和东盟防长扩大会等其他以东盟为主导的平台,深化中国-东盟磋商与合作;
1.2.2 Deepen existing ASEAN-China cooperation by further exploring areas of cooperation through proposals and initiatives noted by ASEAN Leaders, such as China's proposed 2+7 Cooperation Framework for ASEAN-China relations and China's initiative to build up ASEAN-China Community of Common Destiny. Take note of China's proposal to explore the possibility of a treaty of good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation between China and ASEAN Member States. 1.2.2深化现有中国-东盟合作,进一步探讨东盟领导人关注的各项倡议中的合作领域,如中方提出的中国-东盟“2+7合作框架”、建设中国-东盟命运共同体等。
1.3 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in South East Asia   1.3 《东南亚友好合作条约》
1.3.1 Uphold the purpose and principles of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in South East Asia (TAC) to enhance regional peace, security and prosperity as well as to promote mutual confidence and trust, including, among others, supporting ASEAN in convening workshops and seminars to assess the progress of the implementation of the TAC. 1.3.1坚持《东南亚友好合作条约》的宗旨和原则,以促进地区和平、安全和繁荣,增进相互之间的信心和信任,包括支持东盟举办评估该条约落实进展的研修班和研讨会等。
1.4 Protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone   1.4 《东南亚无核武器区条约议定书》
1.4.1 Support ASEAN's efforts to preserve Southeast Asia as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone in accordance with the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANFWZ), including through the implementation of the Plan of Action to strengthen the SEANFWZ Treaty (2013-2017). 1.4.1支持东盟根据《东南亚无核武器区条约》保持东南亚无核武器区的努力,包括通过落实《加强东南亚无核武器区条约的行动计划(2013-2017)》;
1.4.2 Intensify the on-going efforts of States Parties to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty) and the nuclear- weapon States to resolve outstanding issues pertaining to the signing and ratifying of the Protocol to that Treaty. 1.4.2加强《东南亚无核武器区条约》(《曼谷条约》)缔约国和拥核国就解决签署和核准条约议定书未决问题的努力。
1.5 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and towards a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC)   1.5 南海各方行为宣言》和制订“南海行为准则”
1.5.1 Push forward the full and effective implementation of the DOC in its entirety in order to maintain regional peace and stability and to promote mutual trust, dialogue and cooperation in the South China Sea, including through the regular convening of the ASEAN-China Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) on the Implementation of the DOC and the ASEAN-China Joint Working Group on the Implementation of the DOC (JWG). 1.5.1通过定期举行落实《南海各方行为宣言》高官会和工作组会等,推进全面有效完整落实《南海各方行为宣言》,维护地区和平稳定,增进在南海的互信、对话与合作;
1.5.2 Work together to intensify substantive discussions towards the early conclusion of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) on the basis of consensus. 1.5.2共同加强实质性讨论,以在协商一致基础上早日达成“南海行为准则”;
1.5.3 Carry out agreed joint cooperative projects and activities, as well as mutually agreed Early Harvest-Measures which contribute to the promotion of mutual trust and confidence in the South China Sea in accordance with the Guidelines for the Implementation of the DOC. 1.5.3根据落实《南海各方行为宣言》指针,开展经同意的合作项目和活动以及早期收获项目,以促进相互信任和信心;
1.5.4 Continue to work together and cooperate on enhancing maritime security and maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, including to ensure safety and freedom of navigation in and overflight above the South China Sea, in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS. 1.5.4包括1982年《联合国海洋法公约》在内的普遍认可的国际法原则,继续共同合作,促进海上安全,维护南海和平稳定,包括确保南海航行和飞越的安全和自由;
1.5.5 Undertake to exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability, and have Parties concerned undertake to resolve their territorial and jurisdictional disputes by peaceful means, without resorting to the threat or use of force, through friendly consultations and negotiations by sovereign states directly concerned, in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. 1.5.5自我克制,不采取使争议复杂化、扩大化和影响和平与稳定的行动。由相关方根据包括1982年《联合国海洋法公约》在内的公认的国际法原则,通过直接相关主权国家友好磋商和谈判,以和平方式解决领土和管辖权争议,不诉诸武力或以武力相威胁;
1.5.6 Promote trust, confidence building and encourage concerned parties to prevent incidents at sea in accordance with the principles of the DOC. 1.5.6提升互信,加强信任建设,鼓励各方依据《南海各方行为宣言》的精神避免海上不测事件;
1.5.7 Adhere to universally recognised principles of international law including the 1982 UNCLOS and other relevant instruments of the International Maritime Organisation. 1.5.7遵守包括《联合国海洋法公约》在内的公认的国际法原则和国际海事组织的其他相关法律文书;
1.5.8 Promote joint cooperation and dialogue in areas such as marine scientific research, protection of the marine environment, safety of navigation and communication at sea, search and rescue operation, humane treatment of all persons in danger or distress, fight against transnational crimes, as well as cooperation among military officials. 1.5.8在海洋科研、海洋环保、航行和交通安全、搜救行动、海上遇险人员的人道待遇、打击跨国犯罪等领域推进合作与对话,推进军队官员合作。
1.6 Human Rights   1.6 人权
1.6.1 Support ASEAN's effort to implement the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD), the Phnom Penh Statement on the Adoption of the AHRD, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and other relevant human rights declarations and instruments to which all ASEAN Member States are party. 1.6.1支持东盟落实《东盟人权宣言》、《关于通过东盟人权宣言的金边声明》、《世界人权宣言》、《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》及其他全体东盟成员国加入的相关人权宣言和文书;
1.6.2 Collaborate to enhance the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms through regional dialogues, seminar and workshops, education and awareness raising activities, as well as exchanges of best practices and other capacity building initiatives. This includes supporting the work of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), as well as the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC). 1.6.2通过地区对话、研讨会、研修班、教育宣传活动、最佳实践交流和其他能力建设倡议等共同促进和保护人权和基本自由。其中包括支持东盟政府间人权委员会和东盟妇女儿童权益促进与保护委员会的工作。
1.7 Non-Traditional Security   1.7 非传统安全
1.7.1 Increase the exchange of visits and enhance cooperation under the framework of ASEAN-China Ministerial and Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crimes (AMMTC and SOMTC + China) Consultations and ASEAN Plus Three Ministerial and Senior Officials' Meeting on Transnational Crimes, as well as other relevant frameworks to strengthen cooperation in the field of non-traditional security including the ASEAN-China MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Non-Traditional Security Issues, and enhance dialogue on law enforcement and security. 1.7.1在10+1、10+3打击跨国犯罪部长会、高官会及《中国与东盟非传统安全领域合作谅解备忘录》等其他关于加强非传统安全领域合作的框架下增加互访与合作,加强执法和安全对话;
1.7.2 Promote sharing of information and enhance exchange of experiences and best practices, as well as capacity building measures through mutual visits, training courses, workshops, seminars, and video conferencing between relevant agencies of ASEAN and China on non-traditional security challenges, such as natural disasters, counter-terrorism, cyber-crimes and transnational crimes, where possible. 1.7.2尽可能通过互访、培训、研修班、研讨会、视频会议等,促进中国和东盟有关部门在应对自然灾害、反恐、打击网络和跨国犯罪等非传统安全领域促进信息共享、经验和最佳实践交流和能力建设;
1.7.3 Enhance capacity building efforts between ASEAN and China in the area of combating trafficking in persons and promote cooperation on the exchange of information between concerned agencies in ASEAN Member States and China so as to effectively prevent and combat human trafficking, prosecute offenders and protect victims, including by initiating victim support programmes in order to assist and repatriate victims to the origin countries. 1.7.3加强东盟和中国在打击人口贩运方面的能力建设,加强中国和东盟成员国相关部门之间的信息交流合作,有效预防和打击人口贩运,起诉犯罪分子,保护受害者,包括开展受害者支持项目,协助并遣返受害者回国;
1.7.4 Promote cooperation and participation in activities in the region, including within the framework of the Bali Process on People Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (Bali Process), as the region-wide forum that involves source, transit and destination countries. 1.7.4在应对偷渡、贩运人口及相关跨国犯罪巴厘进程(“巴厘进程”)等涵盖人口贩运来源国、中转国和目的地国的地区论坛框架下,推进地区合作,参与相关活动;
1.7.5 Explore the possibility to link activities within the POA and the Bali Process, such as capacity building and exchange of information between concerned agencies, where appropriate, and with a view to ensure complementarities and avoid duplications. 1.7.5探讨适当整合本《行动计划》和“巴厘进程”中的活动的可能性,如能力建设和有关部门间信息交换等,确保有关活动相互补充,互不重复;
1.7.6 Collaborate to enhance competency and explore further cooperation in drug control and drug trafficking, criminal forensic technology, border control management, anti-money laundering, countering terrorism including its financing, investigation into international economic crimes and cybercrimes, including through exchange of best practices, experiences, and capacity- building. This includes promoting cooperation in accordance with their respective laws in fields such as evidence gathering, tracing of crime proceeds, asset recovery, apprehension and investigation of criminal fugitives and encourage each other to enter into bilateral legal arrangements therein. 1.7.6通过交流最佳实践和经验及能力建设等途径,在禁毒、刑事法医技术、边境管理、反洗钱、包括反恐怖融资在内的反恐、国际经济犯罪和网络犯罪侦查等领域合作提升能力,探讨进一步推进合作。包括根据各自法律,在取证、调查犯罪所得去向、资产追缴、缉捕调查逃犯等领域推进合作,鼓励相互间达成有关双边法律安排;
1.7.7 Promote closer cooperation and coordination of law enforcement agencies between ASEAN and China through, among others, use of existing regional and international facilities and mechanism, where applicable, including cooperation between maritime law enforcement agencies on combating transnational crimes at the sea in line with respective laws and regulations. 1.7.7通过适当利用现有地区和国际设施和机制等途径,加强中国和东盟执法部门之间的合作和协调,包括海上执法机构根据各自法律法规在打击海上跨国犯罪方面的合作;
1.7.8 Strengthen cooperation on criminal investigation and prosecution in accordance with domestic law and policies. 1.7.8依据国内法和政策,加强刑事侦查和起诉方面的合作;
1.7.9 Promote mutual visits and exchange among police academies, law enforcement agencies and law enforcement academies in ASEAN and China. 1.7.9加强中国和东盟警察院校和执法部门及院校之间的互访交流;
1.7.10 Promote linkages and increase exchange of visits of experts and scholars on specific areas and support joint research in the field of non- traditional security and share research results. 1.7.10促进具体领域专家及学者间的联系和互访,支持在非传统安全领域开展共同研究,分享研究成果;
1.7.11 Promote cooperation on law and legal matters, including among relevant judicial and prosecutorial authorities, where applicable, through the ASEAN- China Prosecutors-General Conference. 1.7.11通过中国-东盟总检察长会议,在包括相关司法和检察机构在内的部门间适当加强法律事务合作;
1.7.12 Promote cooperation in addressing humanitarian aspects of landmines and other explosive remnants of war issues in the region through the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC) including financial and technical supports, where appropriate, to the Centre. 1.7.12通过东盟地区地雷行动中心加强合作,应对本地区地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸物带来的人道主义问题,包括适当对中心给予资金和技术支持;
1.7.13 Strengthen cooperation in combating extremism. 1.7.13加强打击极端主义合作。
1.8 Military Exchanges and Cooperation   1.8 军事交流和合作
1.8.1 Promote dialogue and strengthen practical cooperation in areas including humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, maritime security, counter-terrorism, peacekeeping, military medicine and humanitarian demining through the ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) framework including through the ASEAN-China Defense Ministers' Informal Meeting, so as to enhance mutual trust and confidence building and maintain regional peace and stability. 1.8.1在东盟防长扩大会框架下,包括通过中国-东盟防长非正式会晤,在人道主义援助与救灾、海上安全、反恐、维和、军事医学及人道主义扫雷等领域增进对话,加强务实合作,以增进相互信任和信心,维护地区和平稳定;
1.8.2 Continue to strengthen exchanges involving high-level military personnel, professional groups and academies, and vigorously conduct joint training and personnel exchanges at appropriate levels. 1.8.2继续加强高层军事人员及专业团组、院校交流,大力开展联合训练和适当层次人员交流。

2. Economic Cooperation 2.经济合作

2.1 ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA)   2.1 中国-东盟自贸区
2.1.1 Implement the ACFTA agreements and outcomes from upgrading the ACFTA agreements to further strengthen ASEAN-China relations, with an aim to improve trade balance between ASEAN Member States and China, and endeavor to achieve the Leaders' goal of two-way trade of USD 1 trillion and two-way investment of USD 150 billion by 2020. 2.1.1执行中国-东盟自贸区各项协议及中国-东盟自贸区升级版协议成果,以进一步加强中国-东盟关系,促进中国和东盟成员国间贸易平衡,力争实现领导人提出的到2020年双方贸易额达1万亿美元、双向投资达1500亿美元的目标;
2.1.2 Actively implement trade facilitation measures and address non-tariff barriers. 2.1.2积极落实贸易促进措施,应对非关税壁垒;
2.1.3 Monitor problems arising from the implementation of ACFTA agreements and resolve them amicably and constructively through consultations. 2.1.3监测中国-东盟自贸区协议执行中出现的问题,通过磋商,友好、建设性地加以解决;
2.1.4 Assist enterprises of both sides to take advantage of the benefits arising from the various ACFTA agreements to enhance trade, investment, and tourism between ASEAN and China by optimizing the role of the ASEAN-China Centre, and encouraging the effective use of ASEAN-China Free Trade Business Portal. 2.1.4通过优化中国-东盟中心的作用和鼓励有效利用中国-东盟自贸区商务门户网站,协助双方企业用好中国-东盟自贸区各项协议带来的有利条件,促进中国与东盟间贸易、投资和旅游;
2.1.5 Actively undertake cooperation in trade and investment facilitation, transport infrastructure connectivity and construction, human resources development through strengthening exchange of expertise and economic and technical cooperation. 2.1.5通过加强专门技能交流和经济技术合作,积极开展贸易投资便利化、交通基础设施互联互通建设和人力资源开发合作;
2.1.6 Explore the possibility of establishing economic and trade cooperation zones between China and interested ASEAN Member States, use various trade and investment promotion activities in ASEAN and China such as the ASEAN- China Expo, ASEAN-China Business and Investment Summit, Western China International Fair, and China Kunming Import and Export Commodity Fairs as platforms and, among others, make good use of ASEAN-China Investment Cooperation Fund to promote mutual understanding, cooperation and expansion of two-way trade and investments. 2.1.6探讨在中国和感兴趣的东盟国家间建立经贸合作区的可能性,发挥好中国-东盟博览会、中国-东盟商务与投资峰会、中国西部国际博览会、中国昆明进出口商品交易会等中国与东盟间各类贸易投资促进活动的平台作用,通过用好中国-东盟投资合作基金等,促进相互了解合作,扩大双向贸易投资;
2.1.7 Promote exchanges and cooperation among chambers of commerce and industry associations of ASEAN and China, in coordination with the ASEAN-China Business Council and ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC), through workshops and other mutually agreed activities. 2.1.7同中国-东盟商务理事会和东盟商务咨询理事会相协调,通过研讨会及其他双方同意的活动,促进中国和东盟商会及行业协会间的交流与合作;
2.1.8 Consider adopting concrete measures to carry out safety checks on food and agricultural products. 2.1.8考虑采取具体措施,对食品和农产品进行安全检查。
2.2 Finance   2.2 金融
2.2.1 Deepen cooperation under the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralisation (CMIM), by improving the Operational Guidelines through test runs and Economic Review and Policy Dialogue (ERPD) frameworks to further enhance the operationalization and effectiveness of the CMIM. 2.2.1通过开展防火演练完善操作指南,开发经济评估与政策对话框架等,进一步加强清迈倡议多边化的操作性和有效性,深化各方在清迈倡议多边化机制下的合作;
2.2.2 Support the development of the ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Office (AMRO), improve the quality of its surveillance activities and analysis of the regional macroeconomic and financial situation, strengthen its institutional capacity and ensure effective CMIM decision-making and operation, as well as actively support the economic review and policy dialogues by the ASEAN+3 parties. 2.2.2支持10+3宏观经济研究办公室发展壮大,增强其经济监测和地区宏观经济和金融形势分析质量,加强其机构能力建设,保障清迈倡议多边化机制有效决策和运行,积极支持10+3各方开展经济评估和政策对话;
2.2.3 Support the establishment and operation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), in accordance with the Articles of Agreement of the AIIB, and support cooperation between AIIB and other multilateral financial institutions including the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank to facilitate regional connectivity. 2.2.3支持亚洲基础设施投资银行根据《亚投行章程》成立和运营,支持亚投行同世界银行、亚洲开发银行等多边金融机构开展合作,促进地区互联互通建设;
2.2.4 Support the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI)'s contribution to the development of the local currency bond markets across the region, to allow the region's large savings to be channeled to finance its own investment needs and promote the issuance of and facilitating the demand for local currency- denominated bonds, improving the regulatory framework and related infrastructure for the bond markets, as well as continue exploring the viability of starting with bilateral linkages and ultimately developing and making transition into an integrated solution to advance regional settlement infrastructure that promotes cross-border securities transactions in the region. 2.2.4支持亚洲债券市场倡议对培育本地区本币债券市场作出贡献,允许域内大量储蓄用于满足本地区投资需求,促进本币债券的发行,扩大对本币债券的需求,改善债券市场监管框架和相关基础设施,继续探讨从双边层面做起,最终发展并转型形成一个综合性方案,以推进地区结算基础设施建设,促进地区跨境证券交易;
2.2.5 Continue to study possible enhancement of regional financial cooperation and explore future key areas in strengthening financial cooperation under the ASEAN+3 framework. 2.2.5继续在10+3框架下就如何加强本地区金融合作进行研究,探讨加强金融合作的未来重点领域;
2.2.6 Explore possibility of the local currency usage in trade settlements. 2.2.6探讨开展贸易本币结算;
2.2.7 Promote human resource development and capacity building in banking and financial sectors including through the ASEAN-China Inter-Bank Association, if appropriate. 2.2.7通过适当发挥中国-东盟银行联合体作用等促进银行和金融领域的人力资源开发和能力建设;
2.2.8 Support greater financial inclusion for sustainable growth, through the promotion of initiatives to improve access to financial services and products for individuals and Small and Medium Enterprises. This includes areas such as capacity building and technical assistance in financial literacy, effective intermediary and distribution channel, various finance facilities, consumer protection, national and other existing credit guarantee mechanisms, where applicable, and enhanced dialogues among regulators and stakeholders. 2.2.8通过金融素养能力建设和技术支持、有效的中介和分配渠道、各种金融工具、消费者权益保护、适用的国家及其他现有信用担保机制以及加强监管机构和利益相关者对话等途径,促进个人和中小企业更方便地获取金融服务和产品,提升金融包容性,实现可持续发展;
2.2.9 Strengthen cooperation to improve financial infrastructure development in the region. 2.2.9加强合作改善地区金融基础设施建设。
2.3 Food, Agriculture and Forestry   2.3 粮食、农业和林业
2.3.1 Continue strengthening dialogue and exchanges of information in agricultural sector under the ASEAN Plus Three Framework through consultations, training, and sharing of best practices. 2.3.1通过磋商、培训和最佳实践共享,继续在10+3框架下加强农业方面的对话和信息交流;
2.3.2 Further implement the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ASEAN and China on Food and Agriculture Cooperation and MOU between ASEAN and China on Strengthening Sanitary and Phytosanitary Cooperation. 2.3.2进一步落实《中国和东盟关于食品和农业合作的谅解备忘录》以及《中国和东盟关于加强卫生和植物卫生合作的谅解备忘录》;
2.3.3 Continue implementing the Agreement on ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR) and organise regular ASEAN Plus Three Food Security Cooperation Strategic Roundtable Conference to explore the channel and mechanism for strengthening strategic cooperation in food security with a view to improving regional food security. 2.3.3继续落实《10+3大米紧急储备协议》,定期举办10+3粮食安全合作战略圆桌会议,探讨加强粮食安全战略合作的途径和机制,提升区域粮食安全水平;
2.3.4 Enhance cooperation related to crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries, and strengthen exchange of advanced applicable technology and capacity building, including through the ASEAN-China Action Plan on Comprehensive Food Productivity Enhancement. 2.3.4通过包括实施“中国-东盟粮食综合生产能力提升行动计划”等途径,加强在农作物、畜牧业、林业及渔业领域的合作,加强先进适用技术交流和能力建设;
2.3.5 Enhance cooperation in R&D through providing training courses on agricultural technology and food safety. 2.3.5通过开设农业科技和食品安全培训课程,加强研发合作;
2.3.6 Promote responsible fishing practices and to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, particularly in order to sustain fisheries resources, ensure food security, alleviate poverty and to optimise the benefit of the people and economies in the region. 2.3.6推动负责任的捕鱼活动,打击非法、未经申报和不受管制的捕鱼,重点旨在维护渔业资源的可持续性,确保粮食安全,推动减贫,提升本地区人民和经济体的福祉;
2.3.7 Enhance cooperation on preventing and controlling cross-border animal and plant diseases by exchanging information, techniques and experiences on early warning, epidemic surveillance and development of vaccine to improve animal and plant disease prevention, control system and disease notification system. 2.3.7在早期预警、疫情监测与疫苗研发等方面进行信息与技术经验交流,完善动植物疫病防控系统和疫情通报制度,加强跨境动植物疫病防控合作;
2.3.8 Explore possible cooperative initiatives on management of forest areas including wildlife protection and implementation of wildlife-related multilateral agreements such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

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