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Measures for the Administration of Grassroots Legal Service Offices (2017 Revision) [Effective]
基层法律服务所管理办法(2017修订) [现行有效]

Order of the Ministry of Justice 


(No. 137) (第137号)

The Measures for the Administration of Grassroots Legal Service Offices have been revised and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Justice. The revised Measures for the Administration of Grassroots Legal Service Offices are hereby issued and shall come into force on February 1, 2018. 基层法律服务所管理办法》已经司法部部务会议修订通过,现将修订后的《基层法律服务所管理办法》公布,自2018年2月1日起施行。
Minister: Zhang Jun 部长 张军
December 25, 2017 2017年12月25日
Measures for the Administration of Grassroots Legal Service Offices 基层法律服务所管理办法
(Issued by Order No. 59 of the Ministry of Justice on March 30, 2000 and amended according to Order No. 137 of the Ministry of Justice on December 25, 2017) (2000年3月30日司法部令第59号公布,根据2017年12月25日司法部令第137号修正)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For purposes of strengthening the supervision and administration of grassroots legal service offices and protecting the lawful practicing of grassroots legal service offices, these Measures are developed according to the relevant laws and regulations in consideration of the work reality and development needs of grassroots legal services.   第一条 为加强对基层法律服务所的监督和管理,保障基层法律服务所依法执业,根据有关法律法规,结合基层法律服务工作实际和发展需要,制定本办法。
Article 2 “Grassroots legal service offices” means the legal service organizations established in townships and sub-districts, they are the firms of practice for grassroots legal service workers.   第二条 基层法律服务所是在乡镇和街道设立的法律服务组织,是基层法律服务工作者的执业机构。
Article 3 A grassroots legal service office shall, according to the business scope and practicing requirements as prescribed by the Ministry of Justice (“MOJ”), provide legal services for grassroots government organs, grassroots self-governing mass organizations, enterprises and public institutions, social organizations and contracting households, individual industrial and commercial households, partnership organizations and citizens, protect the lawful rights and interests of parties, protect the correct implementation of laws and promote social stability, economic development and legal construction.   第三条 基层法律服务所按照司法部规定的业务范围和执业要求,面向基层的政府机关、基层群众性自治组织、企业事业单位、社会组织和承包经营户、个体工商户、合伙组织以及公民提供法律服务,维护当事人合法权益,维护法律正确实施,促进社会稳定、经济发展和法治建设。
Article 4 The practice of law by grassroots legal service offices according to the law shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual shall infringe upon the lawful rights and interests thereof.   第四条 基层法律服务所依法执业受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得侵害其合法权益。
Article 5 A grassroots legal service office shall take upholding the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist rule of law as the basic requirements for its practice.   第五条 基层法律服务所应当把拥护中国共产党领导、拥护社会主义法治作为从业的基本要求。
Article 6 The judicial administrative authority shall manage and direct the grassroots legal service offices according to these Measures.   第六条 司法行政机关依据本办法对基层法律服务所进行管理和指导。
Chapter II Management of Practice of Law 

第二章 执业管理

Article 7 A grassroots legal service office shall have standardized name and bylaws; employ three or more grassroots legal service workers that meet the conditions as prescribed by the MOJ and that may work as full-time workers; and have residence and necessary assets.   第七条 基层法律服务所应当有规范的名称和章程;有三名以上符合司法部规定条件、能够专职执业的基层法律服务工作者;有住所和必要的资产。
Besides complying with the provisions of paragraph 1, a grassroots legal service office in the system of public institutions shall also hold a Legal Person Certificate for a Public Institution issued by a registration administrative authority for public institutions. 事业体制基层法律服务所除应当符合第一款规定外,还应当持有事业单位登记管理机关颁发的《事业单位法人证书》。
Besides complying with the provisions of paragraph 1, a general partnership grassroots legal service office shall also employ two grassroots legal service workers that have three or more years of practicing experience and that may work as full-time workers at a minimum as partners, and have partnership agreements upon which all partners have reached consensus and to which all partners have affixed signatures. 普通合伙制基层法律服务所除应当符合第一款规定外,还应当至少有两名具有三年以上执业经历、能够专职执业的基层法律服务工作者作为合伙人,并有经全体合伙人协商一致并签名的合伙协议。
The personnel, finance and functions of grassroots legal service offices shall be separated from those of the justice agencies. 基层法律服务所的人员、财务、职能应当与司法所分离。
Article 8 A grassroots legal service office shall only use one name. A name shall be composed of the following three parts in proper order: the name of the administrative division at the county level, the name or identifier of the administrative division of the township and street, and the legal service office.   第八条 基层法律服务所只能使用一个名称。名称应当由以下三部分内容依次排列组成:县级行政区划名称,乡镇、街道行政区划名称或者字号,法律服务所。
Article 9 The bylaws of a grassroots legal service office shall specify the following matters:   第九条 基层法律服务所章程应当载明下列事项:
(1) the name and domicile; (一)名称、住所;
(2) the duties of the legal representative or responsible person of the office; (二)本所法定代表人或者负责人的职责;
(3) the working system for practicing; (三)执业工作制度;
(4) the measures for the employment and management of grassroots legal service workers and supporting staff members; (四)基层法律服务工作者及辅助工作人员的聘用、管理办法;
(5) the financial management rules and distribution rules; (五)财务管理制度、分配制度;
(6) other internal management rules; (六)其他内部管理制度;
(7) the measures for the suspension, dissolution and liquidation; (七)停办、解散及清算办法;
(8) the procedures for modifying the bylaws; and (八)章程修改的程序;
(9) other matters that shall be specified. (九)其他需要载明的事项。
Article 10 To change the name, legal representative or responsible person, partner, or domicile, and modify the bylaws, a grassroots legal service office shall report to the judicial administrative authority at the districted city level for approval after obtaining the consent of the judicial administrative authority at the county level where it is located upon examination, or obtain the approval of the district (county) judicial administrative authority of the municipality directly under the Central Government.   第十条 基层法律服务所变更名称、法定代表人或者负责人、合伙人、住所和修改章程的,应当由所在地县级司法行政机关审查同意后报设区的市级司法行政机关批准,或者由直辖市的区(县)司法行政机关批准。
Article 11 A grassroots legal service office falling under one of the following circumstances shall be terminated:   第十一条 基层法律服务所有下列情形之一的,应当终止:
(1) It does not meet the conditions that a grassroots legal service office shall meet as prescribed in Article 7 of these Measures, and it still does not comply with the relevant provisions after making rectification within the prescribed time limit. (一)不符合本办法第七条规定的基层法律服务所应当具备的条件,经限期整改仍不符合相关规定的;
(2) It is suspended or decides to be dissolved. (二)停办或者决定解散的;
(3) Any other circumstance under which it shall be terminated as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (三)法律、行政法规规定应当终止的其他情形。
A grassroots legal service office that suspends its business activities for a full year without any justifiable reason shall be deemed to have suspended and dissolved its business automatically and thus shall be terminated. 基层法律服务所无正当理由停止业务活动满一年的,视为自行停办、解散,应当终止。
Article 12 After the termination cause occurs, a grassroots legal service office shall issue an announcement to the public, and conduct liquidation in accordance with the relevant provisions, and shall not accept any new business.   第十二条 基层法律服务所在终止事由发生后,应当向社会公告,按照有关规定进行清算,并不得受理新的业务。
A grassroots legal service office shall, within 15 days after the end of the liquidation, report to the judicial administrative authority at the districted city level for undergoing the formalities of cancellation after examination by the judicial administrative authority at the county level where it is located, or undergo the formalities of cancellation with the district (county) judicial administrative authority of the municipality directly under the Central Government. If a grassroots legal service office refuses to perform the obligations of making announcement and conducting liquidation, the judicial administrative authority at the county level shall make an announcement to the public and report to the judicial administrative authority at the districted city level shall for undergoing the formalities of cancellation, or the district (county) judicial administrative authority of the municipality directly under the Central Government shall make an announcement to the public and undergo the formalities of cancellation. 基层法律服务所应当在清算结束后十五日内,经所在地县级司法行政机关审查后报设区的市级司法行政机关办理注销手续,或者由直辖市的区(县)司法行政机关办理注销手续。基层法律服务所拒不履行公告、清算义务的,可以由县级司法行政机关向社会公告后报设区的市级司法行政机关办理注销手续,或者由直辖市的区(县)司法行政机关向社会公告后办理注销手续。
Article 13 A Practicing Certificate of a Grassroots Legal Service Office shall have the original and the duplicate. The original shall be hung at the business office and the duplicate shall be used for accepting inspection. The original and duplicate shall have equal legal force. A practicing certificate shall not be fabricated, altered, mortgaged, leased or lent.   第十三条 《基层法律服务所执业证》分正本和副本。正本应当悬挂于执业场所,副本用于接受查验。正本和副本具有同等的法律效力。执业证不得伪造、涂改、抵押、出租、出借。
Article 14 A judicial administrative authority at the districted city level or a district (county) judicial administrative authority of the municipality directly under the Central Government shall report the changes in and cancellations of local grassroots legal service offices to the judicial administrative authority of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government annually.   第十四条 设区的市级或者直辖市的区(县)司法行政机关应当按年度将本地区基层法律服务所变更、注销的情况报省、自治区、直辖市司法行政机关备案。
Chapter III Working Rules

第三章 工作制度


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