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Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Determination of the Reference Prices for Disposition of Property by the People's Courts [Effective]
最高人民法院关于人民法院确定财产处置参考价若干问题的规定 [现行有效]

Announcement of the Supreme People's Court 


The Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Determination of the Reference Prices for Disposition of Property by the People's Courts, as adopted at the 1741st session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on June 4, 2018, are hereby issued and shall come into force on September 1, 2018. 最高人民法院《关于人民法院确定财产处置参考价若干问题的规定》已于2018年6月4日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1741次会议通过,现予公布,自2018年9月1日起施行。

August 28, 2018


Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Determination of the Reference Prices for Disposition of Property by the People's Courts
(Interpretation No. 15 [2018] of the Supreme People's Court, adopted at the 1,741st Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on June 4, 2018, coming into force on September 1, 2018) (法释〔2018〕15号)
For the purposes of determining the reference prices for disposition of property in a fair, impartial and efficient manner, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties and interested parties, these Provisions are developed according to the provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws, and in consideration of the work of the people's courts. 为公平、公正、高效确定财产处置参考价,维护当事人、利害关系人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等法律规定,结合人民法院工作实际,制定本规定。
Article 1 After the seizure, impoundment, and freezing of the property, a people's court shall, within 30 days, launch the procedures for determining the reference price for disposition of property to be auctioned or sold.   第一条 人民法院查封、扣押、冻结财产后,对需要拍卖、变卖的财产,应当在三十日内启动确定财产处置参考价程序。
Article 2 To determine the reference price for disposition of property, a people's court may adopt methods such as bargaining by parties, targeted inquiry, online inquiry, and entrusted assessment, among others.   第二条 人民法院确定财产处置参考价,可以采取当事人议价、定向询价、网络询价、委托评估等方式。
Article 3 Before determining the reference price, a people's court shall find out the ownership of the property, the encumbrance, the possession and use, the arrears of taxes and fees, the quality and defects, and other matters.   第三条 人民法院确定参考价前,应当查明财产的权属、权利负担、占有使用、欠缴税费、质量瑕疵等事项。
Where a party, relevant entity or individual needs to provide relevant materials for the people's court's finding out of the matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the people's court may notify it of providing the materials; and where compulsory obtaining is obstructed, it shall be handled with refrence to the provisions of Articles 111 and 114 of the Civil Procedure Law. 人民法院查明前款规定事项需要当事人、有关单位或者个人提供相关资料的,可以通知其提交;拒不提交的,可以强制提取;对妨碍强制提取的,参照民事诉讼法一百一十一条、第一百一十四条的规定处理。
Where audit and authentication need to be conducted for finding out the matters prescribed in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the people's court may conduct audit and authentication in advance. 查明本条第一款规定事项需要审计、鉴定的,人民法院可以先行审计、鉴定。
Article 4 Where bargaining by parties is adopted for determining the reference price, the people's court shall notify the parties of conducting negotiation or organize the parties to conduct negotiation in an appropriate manner, unless the parties refuse to bargain or the whereabouts of the parties are unknown, and the parties shall submit the bargaining results within the specified time limit.   第四条 采取当事人议价方式确定参考价的,除一方当事人拒绝议价或者下落不明外,人民法院应当以适当的方式通知或者组织当事人进行协商,当事人应当在指定期限内提交议价结果。
Where the bargaining results submitted by both parties are consistent and do not harm the lawful rights and interests of any other, the bargaining result shall be the reference price. 双方当事人提交的议价结果一致,且不损害他人合法权益的,议价结果为参考价。
Article 5 Where the parties cannot conduct bargaining or the bargaining fails, and the property has a taxable benchmark price, government pricing or government-guided price, the people's court shall conduct targeted inquiry with the relevant institution in the place where the property is located when determining the reference price.   第五条 当事人议价不能或者不成,且财产有计税基准价、政府定价或者政府指导价的,人民法院应当向确定参考价时财产所在地的有关机构进行定向询价。
Where the two parties unanimously request direct targeted inquiry, and the property has a taxable benchmark price, government pricing or government-guided price, the people's court shall grant permit. 双方当事人一致要求直接进行定向询价,且财产有计税基准价、政府定价或者政府指导价的,人民法院应当准许。
Article 6 Where the reference price is determined by means of targeted inquiry, the people's court shall issue a letter of inquiry to the relevant institution, and the letter of inquiry shall specify the request of inquiry, the deadline for completion, and other contents.   第六条 采取定向询价方式确定参考价的,人民法院应当向有关机构出具询价函,询价函应当载明询价要求、完成期限等内容。
The inquiry result issued by the institution that accepts the targeted inquiry within the prescribed time limit shall be the reference price. 接受定向询价的机构在指定期限内出具的询价结果为参考价。
Article 7 Where targeted inquiry cannot be conducted or fails, the property is not required to be subject to on-site inspection or authentication by professionals, and the conditions for online inquiry are met, the people's court shall conduct online inquiry through the judicial online inquiry platform.   第七条 定向询价不能或者不成,财产无需由专业人员现场勘验或者鉴定,且具备网络询价条件的,人民法院应当通过司法网络询价平台进行网络询价。
Where two parties unanimously request or agree to conduct online inquiry directly, the property is not required to be subject to on-site inspection or authentication by professionals, and the conditions for online inquiry are met, the people's court shall grant permit. 双方当事人一致要求或者同意直接进行网络询价,财产无需由专业人员现场勘验或者鉴定,且具备网络询价条件的,人民法院应当准许。
Article 8 The Supreme People's Court shall establish a list of national judicial online inquiry platforms.   第八条 最高人民法院建立全国性司法网络询价平台名单库。
A judicial online inquiry platform shall concurrently meet the following conditions: 司法网络询价平台应当同时符合下列条件:
(1) Having the qualifications for providing Internet information services according to the law. (一)具备能够依法开展互联网信息服务工作的资质;
(2) Being able to legally obtain and integrate not less than three types of price data, such as previous transaction prices, government pricing, government-guided price or open transaction price on the market of a same type of property within a certain period of time in all regions across China, and ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the data. (二)能够合法获取并整合全国各地区同种类财产一定时期的既往成交价、政府定价、政府指导价或者市场公开交易价等不少于三类价格数据,并保证数据真实、准确;
(3) Being able to analyze the previous transaction prices and transaction trends on the market by using certain operational rules according to the characteristics of the digitized property. (三)能够根据数据化财产特征,运用一定的运算规则对市场既往交易价格、交易趋势予以分析;
(4) Having procedures operated in a regulated manner, and safe and efficient system, and providing high-quality and low-price services. (四)程序运行规范、系统安全高效、服务质优价廉;
(5) Being able to completely record the data analysis process, and keeping the formed electronic data completely for not less than ten years, unless as otherwise prescribed by the laws, administrative regulations, and judicial interpretations. (五)能够全程记载数据的分析过程,将形成的电子数据完整保存不少于十年,但法律、行政法规、司法解释另有规定的除外。
Article 9 The Supreme People's Court shall form a special review committee to be responsible for the selection, review, and removal of the judicial online inquiry platforms. Each year, an authoritative third party shall be introduced to review the judicial online inquiry platforms that have been incorporated into the list and that file new applications for being incorporated into the list and announce the results.   第九条 最高人民法院组成专门的评审委员会,负责司法网络询价平台的选定、评审和除名。每年引入权威第三方对已纳入和新申请纳入名单库的司法网络询价平台予以评审并公布结果。
A judicial online inquiry platform falling under one of the following circumstances shall be removed from the list: 司法网络询价平台具有下列情形之一的,应当将其从名单库中除名:
(1) Refusing to conduct online inquiry without justifiable reasons. (一)无正当理由拒绝进行网络询价;
(2) Failing to complete online inquiry on time for five times accumulatively within a year without justified reasons. (二)无正当理由一年内累计五次未按期完成网络询价;
(3) Having malicious collusion, practicing fraud, disclosing confidential information, and having other acts. (三)存在恶意串通、弄虚作假、泄露保密信息等行为;
(4) Being determined by an authoritative third party upon review to be unqualified for providing online inquiry services. (四)经权威第三方评审认定不符合提供网络询价服务条件;
(5) Falling under other circumstances in violation of the inquiry rules and the provisions of the laws, administrative regulations, and judicial interpretations. (五)存在其他违反询价规则以及法律、行政法规、司法解释规定的情形。
After a judicial online inquiry platform is delisted, it shall not be included in the list within five years. 司法网络询价平台被除名后,五年内不得被纳入名单库。
Article 10 Where the reference price is determined by means of online inquiry, the people's court shall concurrently issue powers of attorney for online inquiry to all judicial online inquiry platforms in the list. A power of attorney for online inquiry shall specify the property's name, physical characteristics, specifications and quantity, purpose and requirements, deadlines for completion, and other contents that need to be specified.   第十条 采取网络询价方式确定参考价的,人民法院应当同时向名单库中的全部司法网络询价平台发出网络询价委托书。网络询价委托书应当载明财产名称、物理特征、规格数量、目的要求、完成期限以及其他需要明确的内容等。
Article 11 A judicial online inquiry platform shall, within three days of the receipt of a power of attorney of a people's court for online inquiry, issue an online inquiry report. An online inquiry report shall specify the property's basic conditions, reference sample, calculation method, inquiry result, validity period and other contents.   第十一条 司法网络询价平台应当在收到人民法院网络询价委托书之日起三日内出具网络询价报告。网络询价报告应当载明财产的基本情况、参照样本、计算方法、询价结果及有效期等内容。
A judicial online inquiry platform that cannot complete inquiry within the prescribed time limit shall apply for an extension before the expiry of the time limit. Where all judicial online inquiry platforms fail to issue the inquiry results within the prescribed time limit, the people's court shall, according to the applications of all judicial online inquiry platforms for extension, extend the time limit for three days; and where some judicial online inquiry platforms issue online inquiry results within the prescribed time limit, the people's court shall not approve the applications of other judicial online inquiry platforms for extension. 司法网络询价平台不能在期限内完成询价的,应当在期限届满前申请延长期限。全部司法网络询价平台均未能在期限内出具询价结果的,人民法院应当根据各司法网络询价平台的延期申请延期三日;部分司法网络询价平台在期限内出具网络询价结果的,人民法院对其他司法网络询价平台的延期申请不予准许。
Where all judicial online inquiry platforms fail to issue or supplement and correct the online inquiry reports within the prescribed time limit and do not apply for extension according to the provisions, the people's court shall entrust an assessment institution with conducting of assessment. 全部司法网络询价平台均未在期限内出具或者补正网络询价报告,且未按照规定申请延长期限的,人民法院应当委托评估机构进行评估。
A people's court that fails to issue an auction announcement for the first auction within the validity period of the online inquiry result or directly enters the sales period shall notify the judicial online inquiry platform of re-issuing an online inquiry report within three days.

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