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Notice from the General Office of the State Council regarding Issuing the Measures for the Administration of the Development of National Government Information Technology Projects [Effective]
国务院办公厅关于印发国家政务信息化项目建设管理办法的通知 [现行有效]

Notice from the General Office of the State Council regarding Issuing the Measures for the Administration of the Development of National Government Information Technology Projects 


(No. 57 [2019] of the General Office of the State Council) (国办发〔2019〕57号)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; all ministries and commissions of the State Council; and all institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:
The Measures for the Administration of the Development of National Government Information Technology Projects, as approved by the State Council, are hereby issued to you for your conscientious implementation. 《国家政务信息化项目建设管理办法》已经国务院同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。
General Office of the State Council 国务院办公厅
December 30, 2019 2019年12月30日
Measures for the Administration of the Development of National Government Information Technology Projects 国家政务信息化项目建设管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the administration of development of national government information technology, promoting cross-departmental and cross-level interconnection, information sharing and business collaboration of government information systems, as well as strengthening the performance assessment of the application of government information systems, these Measures are hereby developed in accordance with the Notice from the State Council regarding Issuing the Interim Measures for the Administration of Sharing of Government Information Resources (No. 51 [2016], State Council) and other relevant provisions.   第一条 为规范国家政务信息化建设管理,推动政务信息系统跨部门跨层级互联互通、信息共享和业务协同,强化政务信息系统应用绩效考核,根据《国务院关于印发政务信息资源共享管理暂行办法的通知》(国发〔2016〕51号)等有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 The national government information systems to which these Measures apply mainly include: the national unified e-government network platform, national key business information system, national information resource database, national information security infrastructure, national e-government infrastructure (including data center, computer room, etc.), national e-government standardization system and related support systems, and other systems that are compliant with the provisions of the Definition and Scope of Government Information Systems, all of which are under the responsibility of the relevant departments and entities of the State Council.   第二条 本办法适用的国家政务信息系统主要包括:国务院有关部门和单位负责实施的国家统一电子政务网络平台、国家重点业务信息系统、国家信息资源库、国家信息安全基础设施、国家电子政务基础设施(数据中心、机房等)、国家电子政务标准化体系以及相关支撑体系等符合《政务信息系统定义和范围》规定的系统。
Article 3 The administration of national government information technology development shall adhere to the principles of overall planning, joint development and sharing, business collaboration, and security and reliability.   第三条 国家政务信息化建设管理应当坚持统筹规划、共建共享、业务协同、安全可靠的原则。
Article 4 The National Development and Reform Commission (‘NDRC') shall take the lead in preparing the national government information technology development plan and conducting filing administration of national government information technology projects approved by various departments. The Ministry of Finance shall take charge of budget management and government procurement management of national government information technology projects. Relevant departments shall, based on the division of duties, take charge of the approval, development, operation, and safety supervision of national government information technology projects and other relevant work, and strengthen the parallel management of government information technology projects according to the requirements of “combining centralized operation with decentralized operation on the basis of centralized operation and paying attention to actual effects.”   第四条 国家发展改革委负责牵头编制国家政务信息化建设规划,对各部门审批的国家政务信息化项目进行备案管理。财政部负责国家政务信息化项目预算管理和政府采购管理。各有关部门按照职责分工,负责国家政务信息化项目审批、建设、运行和安全监管等相关工作,并按照“以统为主、统分结合、注重实效”的要求,加强对政务信息化项目的并联管理。
Article 5 The NDRC shall, in conjunction with the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, the General Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Finance, establish a consultation mechanism for the administration of national government information technology development, effectively conduct overall coordination, carry out supervision, inspection, assessment and evaluation, and promote experience and achievements, so as to form joint efforts.   第五条 国家发展改革委会同中央网信办、国务院办公厅、财政部建立国家政务信息化建设管理的协商机制,做好统筹协调,开展督促检查和评估评价,推广经验成果,形成工作合力。
Chapter II Administration of planning and approval 

第二章 规划和审批管理

Article 6 The NDRC shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, give overall consideration to and fully demonstrate the development demands of various departments according to the trend of development of information technology and the characteristics of government information technology development. The NDRC shall also prepare government information technology development plans and submit them to the State Council for approval. In the case of any significant change in the external development environment, assessments and demonstrations shall be organized at an appropriate time, and adjustment opinions shall be submitted to the State Council for approval. The plans prepared by relevant departments involving government information technology development shall be connected with the national government information technology development plan.   第六条 国家发展改革委会同有关部门根据信息化发展规律和政务信息化建设特点,统筹考虑并充分论证各部门建设需求,编制国家政务信息化建设规划并报国务院批准后实施;如内外部发展环境发生重大变化,适时组织评估论证,提出调整意见报国务院批准。各有关部门编制规划涉及政务信息化建设的,应当与国家政务信息化建设规划进行衔接。
Article 7 A government information technology project subject to approval by the NDRC or submitted to the State Council upon confirmation for approval, or a government information technology project managed by any other relevant department as required for the approval of projects, shall generally include the preparation and submission of a project proposal, a feasibility study report and a preliminary design scheme and other aspects.   第七条 国家发展改革委审批或者核报国务院审批的政务信息化项目,以及其他有关部门按照项目审批管理的政务信息化项目,原则上包括编报项目建议书、可行性研究报告、初步设计方案等环节。
A feasibility study report may be prepared directly for a project that has been included in the national government information technology development plan. 对于已经纳入国家政务信息化建设规划的项目,可以直接编报可行性研究报告。
A feasibility study report, a preliminary design scheme and a preliminary investment budget may be directly prepared for a project that is clearly required by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, or a project involving any major national strategy, national security or any other special reason for which the situation is urgent and the depth of the initial work has reached the prescribed requirements. 对于党中央、国务院有明确要求,或者涉及国家重大战略、国家安全等特殊原因,情况紧急,且前期工作深度达到规定要求的项目,可以直接编报项目可行性研究报告、初步设计方案和投资概算。
Article 8 National government information technology projects will no longer be generally subject to the approval of energy conservation assessment, planning and site selection, preliminary examination of land use, and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), among others, except for those involving new civil works and high energy consumption projects.   第八条 国家政务信息化项目原则上不再进行节能评估、规划选址、用地预审、环境影响评价等审批,涉及新建土建工程、高耗能项目的除外。
Article 9 Newly developed national government information projects or the transformation and expansion thereof that are subject to approval independently by other relevant departments, as well as the national government information projects generated by means of government procurement of services shall undergo approval procedures as required and be filed with the NDRC, except for those subject to approval by the NDRC or submitted to the State Council upon confirmation for approval.   第九条 除国家发展改革委审批或者核报国务院审批的外,其他有关部门自行审批新建、改建、扩建,以及通过政府购买服务方式产生的国家政务信息化项目,应当按规定履行审批程序并向国家发展改革委备案。
Filing documents shall include the project's name, project owner, approval authority, performance objectives and performance indicators, investment quota, operation and maintenance funds, funding channels, lists of information resources, open sharing of information, application systems, information on the filing of graded protection or hierarchical protection, cryptography applications and the security evaluation reports of cryptography applications, and other relevant content. In particular, the third-party subsequent evaluation report of the previous project shall also be submitted for the transformation or expansion of a project. 备案文件应当包括项目名称、建设单位、审批部门、绩效目标及绩效指标、投资额度、运行维护经费、经费渠道、信息资源目录、信息共享开放、应用系统、等级保护或者分级保护备案情况、密码应用方案和密码应用安全性评估报告等内容,其中改建、扩建项目还需提交前期项目第三方后评价报告。
Article 10 In a government information technology project jointly developed and shared across departments, the leading department shall, in conjunction with the participating departments, jointly design the cross-departmental framework of the project, and form a unified framework plan, and shall subsequently report this to the NDRC. The framework plan shall determine participating departments, development goals, and main content of the project, clarify the business flow, data flow, and system interfaces of each department's project and the overall program, and initially form a data directory to ensure that the development content of each department do not overlap and that they achieve the joint development and sharing requirements. After the framework plan has been determined, each department shall apply for the development of the content in which it participates as required for project management.   第十条 跨部门共建共享的政务信息化项目,由牵头部门会同参建部门共同开展跨部门工程框架设计,形成统一框架方案后联合报国家发展改革委。框架方案要确定工程的参建部门、建设目标、主体内容,明确各部门项目与总体工程的业务流、数据流及系统接口,初步形成数据目录,确保各部门建设内容无重复交叉,实现共建共享要求。框架方案确定后,各部门按照项目管理要求申请建设本部门参建内容。
All relevant departments shall, according to the principles of overall planning, hierarchical approval, graded development, sharing and coordination, develop government information technology projects that require local sharing and collaboration, and strengthen connection with existing local projects. Project owners shall enhance guidance to local entities and develop general requirements and standards for information sharing and business collaboration on an overall basis. The owners of local projects shall, as required by applicable local provisions, conduct work on the approval and development of projects according to the overall objectives, overall framework, development tasks, performance goals and indicators of the projects, and effectively cooperate with the owners of relevant national projects. 各有关部门对于需要地方共享协同的政务信息化项目,应当按照统筹规划、分级审批、分级建设、共享协同的原则建设,并加强与地方已有项目的衔接。项目建设单位应当加强对地方的指导,统筹制定信息共享、业务协同的总体要求和标准规范。地方项目建设单位应当根据项目的总体目标、整体框架、建设任务、绩效目标及指标等,按照本地有关规定开展项目审批建设工作,并做好与国家有关项目建设单位的衔接配合。
Article 11 A feasibility study report or a preliminary design plan shall include a chapter (section) concerning an analysis of the sharing of information resources. An assessment report issued by a consulting and assessment entity shall include the assessment opinions on the chapter (section) concerning an analysis of the sharing of information resources. An approval document issued by an approval authority or a request for instructions submitted to the State Council shall include opinions on the chapter (section) concerning an analysis of the sharing of information resources.
   第十一条 可行性研究报告、初步设计方案应当包括信息资源共享分析篇(章)。咨询评估单位的评估报告应当包括对信息资源共享分析篇(章)的评估意见。审批部门的批复文件或者上报国务院的请示文件应当包括对信息资源共享分析篇(章)的意见。

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