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Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules (Order No. 243 of the General Administration of Customs) [Partially Invalid]
海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定(中华人民共和国海关总署令第243号) [部分失效]

Order of the General Administration of Customs 


(No. 243) (第243号)

The Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules, as deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Customs on November 21, 2018, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 《海关总署关于修改部分规章的决定》已于2018年11月21日经海关总署署务会议审议通过,现予公布,自公布之日起施行。
Director: Ni Yuefeng 

署长 倪岳峰

November 23, 2018 2018年11月23日

Decision of the General Administration of Customs to Amend Some Rules 


For purposes of implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for further optimizing the business environment at ports, further reducing institutional transaction costs, shortening the time required in customs clearance, and consolidating and improving the effects of the reform of reducing the number of regulatory certificates for import and export, the General Administration of Customs (“GACC”) has decided to amend 45 rules including the Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Disposition of Import Goods Undeclared within the Time Limit, Misdischarged or Over-Discharged Entry Goods and Abandoned Import Goods. The specific contents are as follows: 为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于优化口岸营商环境的决策部署,进一步降低制度性交易成本,压缩通关时间,巩固和提升精简进出口环节监管证件改革成效,海关总署决定对《中华人民共和国海关关于超期未报关进口货物、误卸或者溢卸的进境货物和放弃进口货物的处理办法》等45部规章进行修改,具体内容如下:
I. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Disposition of Import Goods Undeclared within the Time Limit, Misdischarged or Over-Discharged Entry Goods and Abandoned Import Goods (issued by Order No. 91, GACC, and amended by Orders No. 198 and No. 218, GACC) are amended as follows:   一、对《中华人民共和国海关关于超期未报关进口货物、误卸或者溢卸的进境货物和放弃进口货物的处理办法》(海关总署令第91号公布,根据海关总署令第198号、第218号修改)作如下修改:
Article 9 is amended to read: “An applicant who applies for refunding the remaining sum in accordance with Article 7 of these Measures shall provide relevant documents proving that he is the consignee of the imported goods. “Upon examination and with consent of the Customs, the applicant shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Customs on declaration of imported goods, obtain the relevant import licenses, and undergo the import declaration formalities based on relevant documents again. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses. Where no valid import license is provided at the time of declaration, the applicant shall be handled by the Customs in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Implementation of Customs Administrative Penalties.” 将第九条修改为:“按照本办法第七条规定申请发还余款的,申请人应当提供证明其为该进口货物收货人的相关资料。经海关审核同意后,申请人应当按照海关对进口货物的申报规定,取得有关进口许可证件,凭有关单证补办进口申报手续。海关对有关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核。申报时没有有效进口许可证件的,由海关按照《中华人民共和国海关行政处罚实施条例》的规定处理。”
II. The Provisions of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Declaration of Imported and Exported Goods (issued by Order No. 103, GACC, and amended by Orders No. 198, No. 218, No. 235, No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   二、对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物申报管理规定》(海关总署令第103号公布,根据海关总署令第198号、第218号、第235号、第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
1. Article 25 is amended to read: “The consignee or consignor of imported and exported goods or the authorized customs declaration enterprise shall obtain the licenses subject to import and export administration by the state, and undergo the customs declaration and tax payment formalities based on relevant documents as required by the Customs. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import and export licenses. (一)将第二十五条修改为:“进出口货物的收发货人、受委托的报关企业应当取得国家实行进出口管理的许可证件,凭海关要求的有关单证办理报关纳税手续。海关对有关进出口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核。
“For licenses prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the Customs and the competent departments of licenses cannot achieve online verification and conduct automatic comparative verification yet, the consignee or consignor of imported and exported goods or the authorized customs declaration enterprise shall undergo the customs formalities based on relevant licenses.” “前款规定的许可证件,海关与证件主管部门未实现联网核查,无法自动比对验核的,进出口货物收发货人、受委托的报关企业应当持有关许可证件办理海关手续。”
2. Paragraph 2 of Article 27 is deleted. (二)删去第二十七条第二款。
III. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Leftover Materials, Surplus Materials, Defective Products, Byproducts, and Disaster-Damaged Bonded Goods in Processing Trade (issued by Order No. 111, GACC, and amended by Orders No. 198, No. 218, No. 235 and No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   三、对《中华人民共和国海关关于加工贸易边角料、剩余料件、残次品、副产品和受灾保税货物的管理办法》(海关总署令第111号公布,根据海关总署令第198号、第218号、第235号、第238号修改)作如下修改:
1. In subparagraph (2) of Article 4, subparagraph (1) of Article 6 and subparagraph (1) of Article 9, “the State Environmental Protection Administration” is replaced with “Ministry of Ecology and Environment.” (一)将第四条第(二)项、第六条第(一)项、第九条第(一)项中的“环保总局”修改为“生态环境部”。
2. In subparagraph (2) of Article 6, “the enterprise shall also submit relevant import licenses to the Customs as required” is replaced with “the enterprise shall also obtain relevant import licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” (二)将第六条第(二)项中的“企业还应当按照规定向海关提交有关进口许可证件”修改为“企业还应当按照规定取得有关进口许可证件。海关对有关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
3. In subparagraph (3) of Article 8, “if they are subject to import license administration, the enterprise shall also submit relevant import licenses to the Customs as required” is replaced with “if they are subject to import license administration, the enterprise shall also obtain relevant import licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” (三)将第八条第三款中的“如果属于进口许可证件管理的,企业还应当按照规定向海关提交有关进口许可证件”修改为“属于进口许可证件管理的,企业还应当按照规定取得有关进口许可证件。海关对有关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
4. In subparagraph (1) of Article 9, “When applying for verification within the prescribed write-off period, the enterprise shall provide the following certification materials: (四)将第九条第(一)项中的“企业在规定的核销期内报核时,应当提供下列证明材料:
“(1) the opinions endorsed by the competent commence department; “1.商务主管部门的签注意见;
“(2) the relevant inspection and quarantine certificates or the notice of insurance indemnity issued by the insurance company; and “2.有关检验检疫证明文件或者保险公司出具的保险赔款通知书;
“(3) other valid certification materials recognized by the customs” is replaced with “When applying for verification within the prescribed write-off period, the enterprise shall provide the notice of insurance indemnity issued by the insurance company and other valid certification materials recognized by the customs.” “3.海关认可的其他有效证明文件”修改为“企业在规定的核销期内报核时,应当提供保险公司出具的保险赔款通知书和海关认可的其他有效证明文件”。
In subparagraph (2) thereof, “the opinions endorsed by the competent commerce department” and “the relevant certification documents of inspection and quarantine or” are deleted, and “if they are subject to import license administration, the enterprise shall submit relevant import licenses to the Customs as required” is replaced with “if they are subject to import license administration, the enterprise shall also obtain relevant import licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” 删去第(二)项中的“商务主管部门的签注意见”“有关检验检疫证明文件或者”,将“如果属于进口许可证件管理范围的,企业应当按照规定向海关提交有关进口许可证件”修改为“属于进口许可证件管理范围的,企业应当按照规定取得有关进口许可证件。海关对有关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
IV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Deep Processing Carry-over of the Goods Exiting from Export Processing Zones (issued by Order No. 126 and amended by Order No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   四、对《中华人民共和国海关出口加工区货物出区深加工结转管理办法》(海关总署令第126号公布,根据海关总署令第240号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 7, “if the products carried over are the goods subject to import license administration under processing trade, the enterprise shall submit the corresponding valid import licenses to the Customs” is replaced with “if the products carried over are the goods subject to import license administration under processing trade, the enterprise shall also obtain the corresponding valid import licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the corresponding import licenses.” 将第七条中的“结转产品如果属于加工贸易项下进口许可证件管理商品的,企业应当向海关提供相应的有效进口许可证件”修改为“结转产品属于加工贸易项下进口许可证件管理商品的,企业应当取得相应的有效进口许可证件。海关对相应进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
V. The Interim Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type A) (issued by Order No. 129, GACC, and amended by Orders No. 227, No. 235 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   五、对《中华人民共和国海关对保税物流中心(A型)的暂行管理办法》(海关总署令第129号公布,根据海关总署令第227号、第235号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
1. In Article 27, “The enterprise shall present valid licenses to the Customs” is replaced with “The enterprises shall obtain valid licenses, and the Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant licenses.” (一)将第二十七条中的“企业还应当向海关出具有效的许可证件”修改为“企业还应当取得有效的许可证件,海关对有关许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
2. In paragraph 1 of Article 28, “shall also present valid export licenses to the Customs” is replaced with “shall also obtain valid export licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” (二)将第二十八条第一款中的“还应当向海关出具有效的出口许可证件”修改为“还应当取得有效的出口许可证件。海关对有关出口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
VI. The Interim Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Logistics Centers (Type B) (issued by Order No. 130, GACC, and amended by Orders No. 227, No. 235 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   六、对《中华人民共和国海关对保税物流中心(B型)的暂行管理办法》(海关总署令第130号公布,根据海关总署令第227号、第235号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
1. In Article 30, “The enterprise shall present the valid licenses to the Customs” is replaced with “The enterprises shall obtain valid licenses, and the Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant licenses.” (一)将第三十条中的“企业还应当向海关出具有效的许可证件”修改为“企业还应当取得有效的许可证件,海关对有关许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
2. In paragraph 1 of Article 31, “shall also present the valid export licenses to the Customs” is replaced with “shall also obtain valid export licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant export licenses.” (二)将第三十一条第一款中的“还应当向海关出具有效的出口许可证件”修改为“还应当取得有效的出口许可证件。海关对有关出口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
VII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Export Supervised Warehouses and the Goods Stored Therein (issued by Order No.133, GACC, and amended by Orders No. 227, No. 235 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   七、对《中华人民共和国海关对出口监管仓库及所存货物的管理办法》(海关总署令第133号公布,根据海关总署令第227号、第235号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 25, “the consignor or its agent shall submit the licenses or pay the duties” is replaced with “the consignor or its agent shall obtain the licenses or pay the duties.” The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant licenses.” 将第二十五条中的“发货人或者其代理人应当提交许可证件或者缴纳税款”修改为“发货人或者其代理人应当取得许可证件或者缴纳税款。海关对有关许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
VIII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Logistic Parks (issued by Order No.134, GACC, and amended by Orders No. 190, No. 235, and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   八、对《中华人民共和国海关对保税物流园区的管理办法》(海关总署令第134号公布,根据海关总署令第190号、第235号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In paragraph 1 of Article 29, “the valid export licenses shall be presented to the Customs at the same time, unless it is otherwise prescribed by other laws, administrative regulations or rules that the export licenses shall be submitted at the link of export declaration” is replaced with “the valid export licenses shall be obtained, and the Customs shall conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant export license, unless it is otherwise prescribed by other laws, administrative regulations or rules that the export licenses shall be submitted at the link of export declaration” 将第二十九条第一款中的“应当同时向海关出具有效的出口许可证件,但法律、行政法规、规章另有规定在出境申报环节提交出口许可证件的除外”修改为“应当取得有效的出口许可证件,海关对有关出口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核,但法律、行政法规、规章另有规定在出境申报环节验核出口许可证件的除外”。
IX. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Unit Consumption in Processing Trade (issued by Order No.155, GACC, and amended according to Orders No. 218 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   九、对《中华人民共和国海关加工贸易单耗管理办法》(海关总署令第155号公布,根据海关总署令第218号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 25, “where the processing trade enterprise conducts the actual transfer of bank deposit account and the amount involved in the actual transfer is not less than the taxable amount, it may be exempt from providing guarantee.” is deleted. 删去第二十五条中的“加工贸易企业实行银行保证金台账实转,且台账实转金额不低于应缴税款金额的,可以免予提供担保”。
X. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Zhuhai Park of Zhuhai-Macao Cross-Border Industrial Zone (issued by Order No.160, GACC, and amended according to Orders No. 189, No. 235 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   十、对《中华人民共和国海关珠澳跨境工业区珠海园区管理办法》(海关总署令第160号公布,根据海关总署令第189号、第235号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
1. In paragraph 2 of Article 15 and paragraph 1 of Article 16, “the enterprise within the area or the consignee outside the area shall also present the import quota certificates and licenses to the Customs” is replaced with “the enterprise within the area or the consignee outside the area shall also obtain the import quota certificates or licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” (一)将第十五条第二款、第十六条第一款中的“区内企业或者区外收货人还应当向海关出具进口配额、许可证件”修改为“区内企业或者区外收货人还应当取得进口配额、许可证件。海关对有关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
2. In paragraph 2 of Article 17, “the enterprise shall present the import quota certificate or license to the Customs” is replaced with “the enterprise shall also obtain the import quota certificate or license. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” (二)将第十七条第二款中的“企业应当向海关出具进口配额、许可证件”修改为“企业应当取得进口配额、许可证件。海关对有关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XI. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for Supervision and Administration of the Entry and Exit of Printed Matter and Audio-Visual Recordings (issued by Orders No. 161 and amended by No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   十一、对《中华人民共和国海关进出境印刷品及音像制品监管办法》(海关总署令第161号公布,根据海关总署令第240号修改)作如下修改:
In paragraph 2 of Article 16, “shall submit the approval document issued by the relevant administrative department of the State Council” is replaced with “shall obtain the approval document issued by the relevant administrative department. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the approval documents issued by the relevant administrative departments.” 将第十六条第二款中的“还应当提交国务院有关行政主管部门的批准文件”修改为“还应当取得有关行政主管部门的批准文件。海关对有关行政主管部门的批准文件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XII. The Interim Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Bonded Port Areas (issued by Order No.164, GACC, and amended according to Orders No. 191, No. 235, and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   十二、对《中华人民共和国海关保税港区管理暂行办法》(海关总署令第164号公布,根据海关总署令第191号、第235号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
1. In paragraph 2 of Article 20, “it shall no longer require the enterprise to present the original quota certificates or licenses at the exit of China” is replaced with “it shall no longer verify the original quota certificates or licenses at the exit of China.” (一)将第二十条第二款中的“在出境环节不再要求企业出具配额、许可证件原件”修改为“在出境环节不再验核配额、许可证件”。
2. In Article 21, “the enterprise within the area or the consignee outside the area shall also present the quota certificates or licenses to the Customs” is replaced with “the enterprise within the area or the consignee outside the area shall also obtain the quota certificates or licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant licenses”; “it shall no longer require the enterprise to present the original quota certificates or licenses at the exit of China” is replaced with “it shall no longer verify the original quota certificates or licenses at the exit of China.” (二)将第二十一条中的“区内企业或者区外收货人还应当向海关出具配额、许可证件”修改为“区内企业或者区外收货人还应当取得配额、许可证件。海关对有关许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”,将“在出区环节不再要求企业出具配额、许可证件原件”修改为“在出区环节不再验核配额、许可证件”。
3. In paragraph 2 of Article 23, “the enterprise shall present the import quota certificate, license to the Customs” is replaced with “the enterprise shall also obtain the import quota certificate, license. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” (三)将第二十三条第二款中的“企业应当向海关出具进口配额、许可证件”修改为“企业应当取得进口配额、许可证件。海关对有关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XIII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Centralized Declaration of Imported and Exported Goods (issued by Order No. 169 and amended by Order No. 218, GACC) are amended as follows:   十三、对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物集中申报管理办法》(海关总署令第169号公布,根据海关总署令第218号修改)作如下修改:
1. In paragraph 1 of Article 11, “The consignee and consignor shall submit the corresponding licenses” is replaced with “shall obtain corresponding licenses.” (一)将第十一条第一款中的“收发货人还应当提交相应的许可证件”修改为“收发货人还应当取得相应的许可证件”。
2. In Article 15, “shall submit the corresponding licenses endorsed by the Customs” is replaced with “shall obtain corresponding licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the corresponding licenses.” (二)将第十五条中的“应当提交海关批注过的相应许可证件”修改为“应当取得相应许可证件。海关对相应许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XIV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of the Pipeline Transportation of Imported Energy (issued by Order No. 204 and amended by Order No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   十四、对《中华人民共和国海关管道运输进口能源监管办法》(海关总署令第204号公布,根据海关总署令第240号修改)作如下修改:
Paragraph 3 of Article 11 is amended to read: “A consignee shall obtain corresponding licenses, and undergo declaration formalities upon the strength of the customs declaration form for imported goods, an entry measurement report issued by the pipeline operator, and other documents as required by the Customs. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the corresponding licenses.” 将第十一条第三款修改为:“收货人应当取得相应许可证件,凭进口货物报关单、管道经营单位出具的入境计量报告以及海关要求的其他单证办理申报手续。海关对相应许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核。”
XV. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision and Administration of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone (for Trial Implementation) (issued by Orders No. 208) are amended as follows:   十五、对《中华人民共和国海关对平潭综合实验区监管办法(试行)》(海关总署令第208号公布)作如下修改:
In subparagraphs (1) and (2) of Article 27, “the relevant import quota certificates or licenses shall be submitted for verification” is replaced with “shall obtain relevant import quota certificates and licenses, and the Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” 将第二十七条第(一)项、第(二)项中的“应当交验相关进口配额、许可证件”修改为“应当取得相关进口配额、许可证件,海关对相关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XVI. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision and Administration of Hengqin New Area (for Trial Implementation) (issued by Orders No. 209) are amended as follows:   十六、对《中华人民共和国海关对横琴新区监管办法(试行)》(海关总署令第209号公布)作如下修改:
In subparagraphs (1) and (2) of Article 26, “the relevant import quota certificates or licenses shall be submitted for verification” is replaced with “shall obtain relevant import quota certificates and licenses, and the Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” 将第二十六条第(一)项、第(二)项中的“应当交验相关进口配额、许可证件”修改为“应当取得相关进口配额、许可证件,海关对相关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XVII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of Goods in Processing Trade (issued by Order No. 219, GACC, and amended by Orders No. 235 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   十七、对《中华人民共和国海关加工贸易货物监管办法》(海关总署令第219号公布,根据海关总署令第235号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
1. In paragraph 2 of Article 4, “operating enterprises shall provide export licenses to the Customs.” is replaced with “operating enterprises shall obtain export licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant export licenses.” (一)将第四条第二款中的“经营企业应当向海关提交出口许可证件”修改为“经营企业应当取得出口许可证件。海关对有关出口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
2. Article 11 is amended to read: “Unless as otherwise specified, to apply for the establishment of a processing trade manual, an operating enterprise shall truthfully declare to the Customs its mode of trading, unit consumption and port of import/export, in addition to the name, serial number, specifications, price and place of origin of its imported materials and parts and exported finished products, and shall submit the contract concluded by the operating enterprise with a foreign party. Where the operating enterprise entrusts a processing enterprise with processing, it shall also submit a processing agency contract concluded with the processing enterprise. (二)将第十一条修改为:“除另有规定外,经营企业办理加工贸易货物的手册设立,应当向海关如实申报贸易方式、单耗、进出口口岸,以及进口料件和出口成品的商品名称、商品编号、规格型号、价格和原产地等情况,并且提交经营企业对外签订的合同。经营企业委托加工的,还应当提交与加工企业签订的委托加工合同。
“Where the operating enterprise itself is capable of processing goods, it shall obtain a Certificate on the Production Capability of a Processing Enterprise Engaging in Processing Trade as issued by the competent authority; and where the operating enterprise entrusts a processing enterprise with processing, it shall obtain a Certificate on the Production Capability of a Processing Enterprise Engaging in Processing Trade as issued by the competent authority to the processing enterprise.” “经营企业自身有加工能力的,应当取得主管部门签发的《加工贸易加工企业生产能力证明》;经营企业委托加工的,应当取得主管部门签发的加工企业《加工贸易加工企业生产能力证明》。”
XVIII. The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Amendment and Cancellation of the Customs Declaration Forms for Imported and Exported Goods (issued by Order No. 220, GACC, and amended according to Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   十八、对《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物报关单修改和撤销管理办法》(海关总署令第220号公布,根据海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 12, “a party shall submit to the Customs the corresponding import and export licenses” is replaced with “a party shall obtain the corresponding import and export licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the corresponding import and export licenses.” 将第十二条中的“当事人应当向海关提交相应的进出口许可证件”修改为“当事人应当取得相应的进出口许可证件。海关对相应进出口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XIX. The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations of the Customs on the Administration of the Transfer of Imported and Exported Cargo by Lightering Vessels on the Yangtze River (No. 1097 [1985], GACC) are amended as follows:   十九、对《〈海关对长江驳运船舶转运进出口货物的管理规定〉实施细则》(海关总署〔1985〕署货字第1097号)作如下修改:
1. In Articles 7 and 16, “of entry/exit” is replaced with “of entry and exit.” (一)将第七条、第十六条中的“入出境地”修改为“进出境地”。
2. In Article 11 and 13, “of entry” is replaced with of “of entry.” (二)将第十一条、第十三条中的“入境地”修改为“进境地”。
3. Article 12 is amended to read: “Where the cargo to be transferred is the goods restricted by the state from importing, the cargo owner shall obtain the import licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses. Those without obtaining an import license shall not be permitted to transfer the cargo, and the cargo shall be handled by the customs of entry in accordance with law.” (三)将第十二条修改为:“转运货物属于国家限制进口商品的,货主应当取得进口许可证件。海关对有关进口许可证件电子数据进行系统自动比对验核。没有取得进口许可证件的,不得转运,由进境地海关依法进行处理。”
XX. The Measures for the Administration of the Quarantine of Entry Cultivation Media (issued by Order No. 13, State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine, and amended by Order No. 196, AQSIQ, and Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十、对《进境栽培介质检疫管理办法》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第13号公布,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第196号、海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 8, “shall obtain the quarantine approval form before the cargo enters China” is replaced with “shall obtain the quarantine approval before the cargo enters China” 将第八条中的“应当在进境前取得检疫审批单”修改为“应当在进境前取得检疫审批”。
XXI. The Provisions on the Declaration for Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine (issued by Order No. 16, State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine, and amended by Order No. 196, AQSIQ, and Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十一、对《出入境检验检疫报检规定》(国家出入境检验检疫局令第16号公布,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第196号、海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In subparagraph (3) of Article 10, “shall provide import licenses” is replaced with “shall obtain import licenses. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the relevant import licenses.” 将第十条第(三)项中的“应当提供进口许可证明”修改为“应当取得进口许可证明。海关对有关进口许可证明电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XXII. The Measures for the Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Entry-Exit Express Deliveries (issued by Order No. 3, AQSIQ, and amended by Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十二、对《出入境快件检验检疫管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第3号公布,根据海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In subparagraph (3) of Article 8, “shall provide the approval documents issued by the relevant departments” is replaced with “shall obtain relevant approval.” 将第八条第(三)项中的“应提供有关部门的审批文件”修改为“应当取得相关审批”。
XXIII. The Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Administration on the Implementation of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (issued by Order No. 42, AQSIQ, and amended by Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十三、对《中华人民共和国实施金伯利进程国际证书制度管理规定》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第42号公布,根据海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 12, “and value certification documents” is deleted. 删去第十二条中的“及价值证明文件”。
XXIV. The Measures for the Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Genetically Modified Products Entering and Leaving China (issued by Order No. 62, AQSIQ, and amended by Order No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十四、对《进出境转基因产品检验检疫管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第62号公布,根据海关总署令第238号修改)作如下修改:
1. In Article 1, “the Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China” is replaced with “the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China.” (一)将第一条中的“《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》”修改为“《中华人民共和国食品安全法》”。
2. In Article 7, “shall also provide the Safety Certificate for Genetically Modified Organisms (or relevant approval documents, hereinafter referred to as approval documents) and the Document of Examination, Certification and Approval of the Labeling of Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms, which are issued by the competent department as prescribed by laws and regulations” is replaced with “shall also obtain the Safety Certificate for Genetically Modified Organisms or relevant approval documents, which are issued by the competent department as prescribed by laws and regulations. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the Safety Certificate for Genetically Modified Organisms.” (二)将第七条中的“还应当提供法律法规规定的主管部门签发的《农业转基因生物安全证书》(或者相关批准文件,以下简称批准文件)和《农业转基因生物标识审查认可批准文件》”修改为“还应当取得法律法规规定的主管部门签发的《农业转基因生物安全证书》或者相关批准文件。海关对《农业转基因生物安全证书》电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
3. Article 8 is deleted. (三)删去第八条。
4. In subparagraph (1) of Article 10, “approval documents” is replaced with “the Safety Certificate for Genetically Modified Organisms.” (四)将第十条第(一)项中的“批准文件”修改为“《农业转基因生物安全证书》”。
5. In Article 11, “shall obtain the relevant approval documents issued by the competent department as prescribed by laws and regulations before their entry into China” is replaced with “shall enter China based on the relevant approval documents issued by the competent department as prescribed by laws and regulations.” (五)将第十一条中的“须获得法律法规规定的主管部门签发的有关批准文件后方可入境”修改为“须凭法律法规规定的主管部门签发的有关批准文件进境”。
6. The numbering of clauses shall be adjusted accordingly. (六)对条文顺序作相应调整。
XXV. The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Fruits Entering China (issued by Order No. 68, AQSIQ, and amended by Order No. 238, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十五、对《进境水果检验检疫监督管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第68号公布,根据海关总署令第238号修改)作如下修改:
1. In Article 1, “the Food Hygiene Law of the People's Republic of China” is replaced with “the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China.” (一)将第一条中的“《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》”修改为“《中华人民共和国食品安全法》”。
2. In Article 6, “the Quarantine License (original)” is deleted. (二)删去第六条中的“《检疫许可证》(正本)”。
3. Paragraph 2 of Article 14 is deleted. (三)删去第十四条第二款。
XXVI. The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Bonded Zones (issued by Order No. 71, AQISQ, and amended by Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十六、对《保税区检验检疫监督管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第71号公布,根据海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 15, “the corresponding certification certificate shall be provided, and the mark of compulsory product certification shall be posted on the products.” is replaced with “the corresponding certification certificate shall be obtained, and the mark of compulsory product certification shall be posted on the products. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the corresponding certificate.” 将第十五条中的“应当提供相应的认证证书,其产品上应当加贴强制性产品认证标志”修改为“应当取得相应的认证证书,其产品上应当加贴强制性产品认证标志。海关对相应认证证书电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XXVII. The Measures for the Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Fruits Leaving China (issued by Order No. 91, AQSIQ, and amended by Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十七、对《出境水果检验检疫监督管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第91号公布,根据海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
Subparagraph (3) of Article 7 is deleted. 删去第七条第(三)项。
XXVIII. The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Aquatic Animals Leaving China (issued by Order No. 99, AQSIQ, and amended by Order No. 196, AQSIQ, and Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十八、对《出境水生动物检验检疫监督管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第99号公布,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第196号、海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
1. Subparagraph (5) of Article 9 is deleted. (一)删去第九条第(五)项。
2. In paragraph 1 of Article 20, “the following materials” and subparagraph (1) are deleted. (二)删去第二十条第一款中的“下列资料”和第(一)项。
XXIX. The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Inspection of Imported and Exported Toys (issued by Order No. 111, AQSIQ, and amended by Order No. 173, AQSIQ, and Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   二十九、对《进出口玩具检验监督管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第111号公布,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第173号、海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 6, “For the imported toys listed in the catalogue of compulsory product certification, a photocopy of the certificate of compulsory product certification shall also be provided” is replaced with ““For the imported toys listed in the catalogue of compulsory product certification, the certificate of compulsory product certification shall also be obtained. The Customs will conduct automatic comparative verification of the electronic data on the compulsory product certificate.” 将第六条中的“对列入强制性产品认证目录的进口玩具还应当提供强制性产品认证证书复印件”修改为“对列入强制性产品认证目录的进口玩具还应当取得强制性产品认证证书。海关对强制性产品认证证书电子数据进行系统自动比对验核”。
XXX. The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Imported and Exported Feed and Feed Additives (issued by Order No. 118, AQSIQ, and amended by Order No. 184, AQSIQ, and Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十、对《进出口饲料和饲料添加剂检验检疫监督管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第118号公布,根据国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第184号、海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
In Article 16, “import registration certificate for feed and feed additives” is deleted. 删去第十六条中的“饲料和饲料添加剂进口登记证”。
XXXI. The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Use of Isolation Places of Quarantine of Animals Entering China (issued by Order No. 122, AQSIQ, and amended by Orders No. 238 and No. 240, GACC) are amended as follows:   三十一、对《进境动物隔离检疫场使用监督管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第122号公布,根据海关总署令第238号、第240号修改)作如下修改:
Subparagraph (4) of Article 9 is deleted. 删去第九条第(四)项。
XXXII. The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Inspection and Quarantine of Imported and Exported Aquatic Products (issued by Order No. 135, AQSIQ) are amended as follows:   三十二、对《进出口水产品检验检疫监督管理办法》(国家质量监督检验检疫总局令第135号公布)作如下修改:
1. Article 4 is amended to read: “The General Administration of Customs (“GACC”) shall take charge of the inspection and quarantine of imported and exported aquatic products and the supervision and administration thereof throughout the country. (一)将第四条修改为:“海关总署主管全国进出口水产品检验检疫及监督管理工作。
“The competent customs offices shall be responsible for the inspection and quarantine of imported and exported aquatic products and the supervision and administration thereof within their respective jurisdictions.” “主管海关负责所辖区域进出口水产品检验检疫及监督管理工作。”
2. In Articles 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14(Paragraph 2), 24, 31(Paragraph 2), 36(Paragraph 1), 42, 47(Paragraph 3) and 52, “the AQSIQ” is replaced with “the GACC.” (二)将第五条、第七条、第九条、第十条、第十三条、第十四条第二款、第二十四条、第三十一条第二款、第三十六条第一款、第四十二条、第四十七条第三款、第五十二条中的“国家质检总局”修改为“海关总署”。
3. In Articles 5, 11, 15 through 21, 23 through 27, 30, 31(Paragraph 1), 36 through 38, 40, 44, 46, 47(Paragraph 1), 47(Paragraph 2), 48, 49 and 51, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is replaced with “the Customs.” (三)将第五条、第十一条、第十五条至第二十一条、第二十三条至第二十七条、第三十条、第三十一条第一款、第三十六条至第三十八条、第四十条、第四十四条、第四十六条、第四十七条第一款、第四十七条第二款、第四十八条、第四十九条、第五十一条中的“检验检疫机构”修改为“海关”。
4. In Article 7, “inspection and quarantine institutions” is deleted. (四)删去第七条中的“检验检疫机构”。
5. In paragraph 2 of Article 8, “a consignee shall submit to the inspection and quarantine institution a license issued by the health administrative department of the State Council.” is replaced with “the Customs shall conduct inspection according to the temporarily applicable standards upon decision of the health administrative department of the State Council.” (五)将第八条第二款中的“收货人应当向检验检疫机构提交国务院卫生行政部门出具的许可证明文件”修改为“海关应当按照国务院卫生行政部门决定暂予适用的标准进行检验”。
6. In Article 9, “according to the provisions of Chinese laws and administrative regulations” is replaced with “according to the provisions of laws and administrative regulations.” (六)将第九条中的“根据中国法律、行政法规规定”修改为“根据法律、行政法规规定”。
7. Paragraph 1 of Article 14 is amended to read: “Before or when aquatic products are imported, a consignee or its agent shall, upon the strength of the original inspection and quarantine certificate officially issued by the exporting country or region, certificate of origin, trade contracts, bills of lading, packing lists, invoices and other documents, apply to the customs office at the port of entry for inspection and quarantine.”

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