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Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China (2015Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国动物防疫法(2015修正) [已被修订]

Animal Epidemic Prevention Law of the People's Republic of China 


(Adopted at the 26th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on July 3, 1997; revised at the 29th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 30, 2007; and amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending the Cultural Relics Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and Other Eleven Laws as adopted at the Third Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on June 29, 2013; and amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision on Amending the Six Laws Including the Electric Power Law of the People's Republic of China adopted at the 14th Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress on April 24, 2015) (1997年7月3日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十六次会议通过 2007年8月30日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议修订 根据2013年6月29日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国文物保护法〉等十二部法律的决定》第一次修正 根据2015年4月24日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国电力法〉等六部法律的决定》第二次修正)
Contents 目录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则
Chapter II Prevention of Animal Epidemics 第二章 动物疫病的预防
Chapter III Reporting, Informing and Announcing of Animal Epidemic Situation 第三章 动物疫情的报告、通报和公布
Chapter IV Control and Elimination of Animal Epidemics 第四章 动物疫病的控制和扑灭
Chapter V Quarantine of Animals and Animal Products 第五章 动物和动物产品的检疫
Chapter VI Animal Diagnosis and Treatment 第六章 动物诊疗
Chapter VII Supervision and Administration 第七章 监督管理
Chapter VIII Safeguard Measures 第八章 保障措施
Chapter IX Legal Liabilities 第九章 法律责任
Chapter X Supplementary Provisions 第十章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of strengthening administration of animal epidemic prevention, preventing, controlling and eliminating animal epidemics, promoting the development of the breeding industry, protecting human health and safeguarding public health safety.   第一条 为了加强对动物防疫活动的管理,预防、控制和扑灭动物疫病,促进养殖业发展,保护人体健康,维护公共卫生安全,制定本法。
Article 2 This Law shall apply to animal epidemic prevention, supervision and management activities conducted within the borders of the People's Republic of China.   第二条 本法适用于在中华人民共和国领域内的动物防疫及其监督管理活动。
The entry and exit quarantine of animals and animal products shall be governed by the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Quarantine on Animals and Plants. 进出境动物、动物产品的检疫,适用《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》。
Article 3 The term "animals" as mentioned in this Law refers to livestock and poultry as well as other animals that are artificially raised or are legally captured.   第三条 本法所称动物,是指家畜家禽和人工饲养、合法捕获的其他动物。
The term "animal products" as mentioned in this Law refers to animals' meat, peltry, raw hair, fine hair, viscera, fat, blood, semen, eggs, embryos, bones, hoofs, heads and muscles as well as milk and eggs that may transmit animal epidemics. 本法所称动物产品,是指动物的肉、生皮、原毛、绒、脏器、脂、血液、精液、卵、胚胎、骨、蹄、头、角、筋以及可能传播动物疫病的奶、蛋等。
The term "animal epidemics" as mentioned in this Law refers to infectious and parasitic animal diseases. 本法所称动物疫病,是指动物传染病、寄生虫病。
"Animal epidemic prevention" as mentioned in this Law includes the prevention, control and elimination of animal epidemics as well as the quarantine of animals and animal products. 本法所称动物防疫,是指动物疫病的预防、控制、扑灭和动物、动物产品的检疫。
Article 4 In light of the harmfulness of animal epidemics to production of the breeding industry and to human health, the epidemics under control as prescribed by this Law are grouped into the following three categories:   第四条 根据动物疫病对养殖业生产和人体健康的危害程度,本法规定管理的动物疫病分为下列三类:
(1) Category I includes epidemics that menace human beings and animals so seriously that urgent and severe compulsory measures must be taken to prevent, control and eliminate them; (一)一类疫病,是指对人与动物危害严重,需要采取紧急、严厉的强制预防、控制、扑灭等措施的;
(2) Category II includes epidemics that are liable to cause heavy economic losses and call for strict measures to control and eliminate them, and to prevent them from spreading; (二)二类疫病,是指可能造成重大经济损失,需要采取严格控制、扑灭等措施,防止扩散的;
(3) Category III includes epidemics that are common and frequently-occurring, and are liable to cause heavy economic losses and need to be controlled and for which sterilization is necessary. (三)三类疫病,是指常见多发、可能造成重大经济损失,需要控制和净化的。
The catalogues of the specific diseases under the three categories of epidemics as mentioned above shall be worked out and issued by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council. 前款一、二、三类动物疫病具体病种名录由国务院兽医主管部门制定并公布。
Article 5 The State practices the principle of putting prevention first with regard to animal epidemics.   第五条 国家对动物疫病实行预防为主的方针。
Article 6 The people's governments at or above the county level shall provide unified leadership with regard to the work related to animal epidemic prevention, make more efforts in building grassroots animal epidemic prevention teams, establish animal epidemic prevention systems and constantly improve then, and work out animal epidemic prevention and control programs and organize their implementation.   第六条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对动物防疫工作的统一领导,加强基层动物防疫队伍建设,建立健全动物防疫体系,制定并组织实施动物疫病防治规划。
The people's governments at the township level and urban sub-district offices shall organize the masses to do a good job in assisting the animal epidemic prevention and control work within their respective jurisdictions. 乡级人民政府、城市街道办事处应当组织群众协助做好本管辖区域内的动物疫病预防与控制工作。
Article 7 The veterinary administrative department under the State Council shall be in charge of the animal epidemic prevention work in the whole country.   第七条 国务院兽医主管部门主管全国的动物防疫工作。
The administrative departments of veterinary under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of the animal epidemic prevention in their respective administrative regions. 县级以上地方人民政府兽医主管部门主管本行政区域内的动物防疫工作。
Other departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall do a good job in animal epidemic prevention within their respective scope of duties. 县级以上人民政府其他部门在各自的职责范围内做好动物防疫工作。
The functional department of animal health supervision in the army and that in armed police forces shall be in charge of their respective epidemic prevention among animals in active service and animals raised for their own use. 军队和武装警察部队动物卫生监督职能部门分别负责军队和武装警察部队现役动物及饲养自用动物的防疫工作。
Article 8 Animal health supervision institutions established by the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with this Law, take charge of the quarantine work of animals and animal products and other supervision, management and law enforcement work related to animal epidemic prevention.   第八条 县级以上地方人民政府设立的动物卫生监督机构依照本法规定,负责动物、动物产品的检疫工作和其他有关动物防疫的监督管理执法工作。
Article 9 The people's governments at or above the county level shall, pursuant to the provisions of the State Council and in accordance with the principles of overall planning, reasonable layout and comprehensive arrangement, establish animal epidemic prevention and control institutions to monitor, detect and diagnose animal epidemics, make epidemiological investigation, report epidemic situation and take charge of other prevention/control-related technical work.   第九条 县级以上人民政府按照国务院的规定,根据统筹规划、合理布局、综合设置的原则建立动物疫病预防控制机构,承担动物疫病的监测、检测、诊断、流行病学调查、疫情报告以及其他预防、控制等技术工作。
Article 10 The State encourages and supports conducting scientific research and international cooperation and exchange in animal epidemic prevention, promoting the wide use of advanced scientific research achievements, popularizing scientific knowledge about animal epidemic prevention, and improving the scientific and technological level in this field.   第十条 国家支持和鼓励开展动物疫病的科学研究以及国际合作与交流,推广先进适用的科学研究成果,普及动物防疫科学知识,提高动物疫病防治的科学技术水平。
Article 11 The people's governments at various levels and the relevant departments shall award entities and individuals that have made achievements or contributions in animal epidemic prevention and the scientific research in this field.   第十一条 对在动物防疫工作、动物防疫科学研究中做出成绩和贡献的单位和个人,各级人民政府及有关部门给予奖励。
Chapter II Prevention of Animal Epidemics 

第二章 动物疫病的预防

Article 12 The veterinary administrative department under the State Council shall make risk assessment on animal epidemics and work out corresponding animal epidemic prevention and control measures based on the assessment results.   第十二条 国务院兽医主管部门对动物疫病状况进行风险评估,根据评估结果制定相应的动物疫病预防、控制措施。
The veterinary administrative department under the State Council shall, in light of the animal epidemic situation at home and abroad and the need for protecting the production of the breeding industry and human health, draw up and announce technical norms for animal epidemic prevention in good time. 国务院兽医主管部门根据国内外动物疫情和保护养殖业生产及人体健康的需要,及时制定并公布动物疫病预防、控制技术规范。
Article 13 The state implements compulsory immunization for animal epidemics that seriously harm the production of the breeding industry and human health. The catalogue of animal epidemics that are subject to compulsory immunization and that of regions concerned shall be worked out and issued by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council, which shall also work out a state compulsory immunization plan together with other relevant departments under the State Council.   第十三条 国家对严重危害养殖业生产和人体健康的动物疫病实施强制免疫。国务院兽医主管部门确定强制免疫的动物疫病病种和区域,并会同国务院有关部门制定国家动物疫病强制免疫计划。
The veterinary administrative department of the people's government of any province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, in light of the state compulsory immunization plan, work out a compulsory immunization plan for this administrative region, and may add new animal epidemic diseases that shall be subject to compulsory immunization or expand the region concerned, but the addition or the expansion shall be carried into force after it is approved by the people's government at the same level and shall also be reported to the veterinary administrative department under the State Council for record. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府兽医主管部门根据国家动物疫病强制免疫计划,制订本行政区域的强制免疫计划;并可以根据本行政区域内动物疫病流行情况增加实施强制免疫的动物疫病病种和区域,报本级人民政府批准后执行,并报国务院兽医主管部门备案。
Article 14 The veterinary administrative departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall organize the implementation of their respective compulsory immunization plans. The people's governments at the township level and urban sub-district offices shall organize entities and individuals raising animals within their respective jurisdictions to do a good job in compulsory immunization.   第十四条 县级以上地方人民政府兽医主管部门组织实施动物疫病强制免疫计划。乡级人民政府、城市街道办事处应当组织本管辖区域内饲养动物的单位和个人做好强制免疫工作。
Entities and individuals raising animals shall fulfill the compulsory immunization obligation according to law and do a good job in this field in light of the requirements of the competent veterinary administrative department. 饲养动物的单位和个人应当依法履行动物疫病强制免疫义务,按照兽医主管部门的要求做好强制免疫工作。
Animals which have been compulsorily immunized shall be put on archives in accordance with the provisions of the veterinary administrative department under the State Council and the label for livestock and poultry shall be tagged thereon. Traceable management shall be exercised in this aspect. 经强制免疫的动物,应当按照国务院兽医主管部门的规定建立免疫档案,加施畜禽标识,实施可追溯管理。
Article 15 The people's government at or above the county level shall establish an animal epidemic monitoring network to strengthen the monitoring over animal epidemics.   第十五条 县级以上人民政府应当建立健全动物疫情监测网络,加强动物疫情监测。
The veterinary administrative department under the State Council shall work out a state animal epidemic monitoring plan. While the veterinary administrative departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in light of the state animal epidemic monitoring plan, work out the animal epidemic monitoring plans for their respective administrative regions. 国务院兽医主管部门应当制定国家动物疫病监测计划。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府兽医主管部门应当根据国家动物疫病监测计划,制定本行政区域的动物疫病监测计划。
Animal epidemic prevention and control institutions shall supervise the occurrence and prevalence of animal epidemics in accordance with the provisions of the veterinary administrative department under the State Council, and entities and individuals engaging in the breeding, slaughter, trading, isolation or transportation of animals and those engaging in the production, trading, processing or storage of animal products may not refuse or impede such supervisory activities. 动物疫病预防控制机构应当按照国务院兽医主管部门的规定,对动物疫病的发生、流行等情况进行监测;从事动物饲养、屠宰、经营、隔离、运输以及动物产品生产、经营、加工、贮藏等活动的单位和个人不得拒绝或者阻碍。
Article 16 The veterinary administrative department under the State Council and those under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall give early warnings of animal epidemics according to the forecasting on the occurrence or prevalence trend of animal epidemics. The local people's governments at various levels shall take corresponding prevention or control measures after receiving the early warnings.   第十六条 国务院兽医主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府兽医主管部门应当根据对动物疫病发生、流行趋势的预测,及时发出动物疫情预警。地方各级人民政府接到动物疫情预警后,应当采取相应的预防、控制措施。
Article 17 Entities and individuals engaging in the breeding, slaughter, trading, isolation or transportation of animals and those engaging in the production, trading, processing or storage of animal products shall do a good job in immunization, sterilization and other animal epidemic prevention-related work.   第十七条 从事动物饲养、屠宰、经营、隔离、运输以及动物产品生产、经营、加工、贮藏等活动的单位和个人,应当依照本法和国务院兽医主管部门的规定,做好免疫、消毒等动物疫病预防工作。
Article 18 Breeding animals, dairy animals and pets shall satisfy the health standards prescribed by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council.   第十八条 种用、乳用动物和宠物应当符合国务院兽医主管部门规定的健康标准。
Breeding and dairy animals shall be subject to the inspection conducted by animal epidemic prevention and control institutions on a regular basis. If any animal is found unqualified, it shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the veterinary administrative department under the State Council. 种用、乳用动物应当接受动物疫病预防控制机构的定期检测;检测不合格的,应当按照国务院兽医主管部门的规定予以处理。
Article 19 Animal farms (breeding lots), isolation sites, animal slaughter and processing workshops and places for harmless treatment of animals and animal products shall satisfy the following conditions for animal epidemic prevention:   第十九条 动物饲养场(养殖小区)和隔离场所,动物屠宰加工场所,以及动物和动物产品无害化处理场所,应当符合下列动物防疫条件:
1. the distance between any of such sites and any residential area, source of drinking water, school, hospital or any other public place shall satisfy the standards prescribed by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council; (一)场所的位置与居民生活区、生活饮用水源地、学校、医院等公共场所的距离符合国务院兽医主管部门规定的标准;
2. the producing area shall satisfy the requirements on animal epidemic prevention in terms of blockade, isolation, engineering design and technological flow; (二)生产区封闭隔离,工程设计和工艺流程符合动物防疫要求;
3. having corresponding equipment and facilities for harmless treatment of sewage, feculence, animals which died of illness and infectious animal products, and facilities for cleaning and sterilization; (三)有相应的污水、污物、病死动物、染疫动物产品的无害化处理设施设备和清洗消毒设施设备;
4. having technical personnel good at animal epidemic prevention; (四)有为其服务的动物防疫技术人员;
5. having a sound animal epidemic prevention system; and (五)有完善的动物防疫制度;
6. satisfying other animal epidemic prevention conditions as determined by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council. (六)具备国务院兽医主管部门规定的其他动物防疫条件。
Article 20 To establish an animal farms (breeding lot), isolation site, animal slaughter and processing workshop or place for harmless treatment of animals and animal products, an application attached with the relevant materials shall be filed with the veterinary administrative department of the local people's government at or above the county level. The veterinary administrative department accepting the application shall examine it pursuant to the provisions of this Law and the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China. If it satisfies the relevant requirements, an acceptance certificate on satisfying animal epidemic prevention requirements shall be issued to the applicant; if it fails to satisfy the requirements, the applicant shall be notified and reasons shall be given.   第二十条 兴办动物饲养场(养殖小区)和隔离场所,动物屠宰加工场所,以及动物和动物产品无害化处理场所,应当向县级以上地方人民政府兽医主管部门提出申请,并附具相关材料。受理申请的兽医主管部门应当依照本法和《中华人民共和国行政许可法》的规定进行审查。经审查合格的,发给动物防疫条件合格证;不合格的,应当通知申请人并说明理由。
The acceptance certificate shall bear the applicant's name and plant location, etc. 动物防疫条件合格证应当载明申请人的名称、场(厂)址等事项。
Markets trading animals and animal products shall satisfy the animal epidemic prevention conditions as specified by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council and be subject to the supervision and inspection of animal health supervision institutions. 经营动物、动物产品的集贸市场应当具备国务院兽医主管部门规定的动物防疫条件,并接受动物卫生监督机构的监督检查。
Article 21 The means of delivery, cushion materials, packaging materials and containers for animals and animal products shall meet the requirements for animal epidemic prevention as set by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council.   第二十一条 动物、动物产品的运载工具、垫料、包装物、容器等应当符合国务院兽医主管部门规定的动物防疫要求。
Epidemic-infected animals and their excrement, products of epidemic-infected animals, carcass of animals that died of illness or of uncertain causes and the excrements, cushion materials, packing and containers in the means of delivery must be handled according to the relevant regulations of the veterinary administrative department under the State Council, and may not be disposed of at will. 染疫动物及其排泄物、染疫动物产品,病死或者死因不明的动物尸体,运载工具中的动物排泄物以及垫料、包装物、容器等污染物,应当按照国务院兽医主管部门的规定处理,不得随意处置。
Article 22 State provisions on the administration of pathogenic microorganism laboratories shall be observed in collecting, storing and transporting animal pathologic materials or pathogenic microorganisms and in conducting pathogenic microorganism-related research, teaching, testing and diagnosing activities.   第二十二条 采集、保存、运输动物病料或者病原微生物以及从事病原微生物研究、教学、检测、诊断等活动,应当遵守国家有关病原微生物实验室管理的规定。
Article 23 Persons suffering from an infectious disease which may be contracted by both human beings and animals may neither directly diagnose or treat animals nor raise, slaughter, trade, isolate or transport animals susceptible to such disease.   第二十三条 患有人畜共患传染病的人员不得直接从事动物诊疗以及易感染动物的饲养、屠宰、经营、隔离、运输等活动。
List of infectious diseases that can be contracted by both human beings and animals shall be worked out and published by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council and the health administrative department under the State Council. 人畜共患传染病名录由国务院兽医主管部门会同国务院卫生主管部门制定并公布。
Article 24 The state applies regional management to animal epidemics, and areas without prescribed animal epidemics shall be established gradually. An area without prescribed animal epidemics shall satisfy the standards prescribed by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council and be announced after it is checked and accepted by the veterinary administrative department under the State Council.   第二十四条 国家对动物疫病实行区域化管理,逐步建立无规定动物疫病区。无规定动物疫病区应当符合国务院兽医主管部门规定的标准,经国务院兽医主管部门验收合格予以公布。
The term “area without prescribed animal epidemics” as mentioned in this Law refers to an area which has natural barrier or has adopted measures, does not have one or several prescribed animal epidemics within a certain period and has been checked and accepted. 本法所称无规定动物疫病区,是指具有天然屏障或者采取人工措施,在一定期限内没有发生规定的一种或者几种动物疫病,并经验收合格的区域。
Article 25 It is forbidden to slaughter, trade or transport the following animals, or produce, trade, process, store or transport the following animal products:   第二十五条 禁止屠宰、经营、运输下列动物和生产、经营、加工、贮藏、运输下列动物产品:
1. that are related to any animal epidemic occurring in a blockaded epidemic area; (一)封锁疫区内与所发生动物疫病有关的;
2. that are vulnerable to infection in an epidemic-stricken area; (二)疫区内易感染的;
3. that fail to undergo quarantine inspection as required by law or fail to pass the quarantine inspection; (三)依法应当检疫而未经检疫或者检疫不合格的;
4. that have already contracted an epidemic disease or are suspects of an epidemic disease ;

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