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Regulation for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China [Revised]
中华人民共和国商标法实施条例 [已被修订]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China



(No. 358)

The Regulation for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China is hereby promulgated for implementation as of September 15, 2002.

Zhu Rongji, Premier of the State Council

总理 朱镕基

August 3, 2002

Regulation for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China

Chapter I General Principles $

第一章 总则

Article 1 The present Regulation has been enacted on the basis of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (hereafter referred to as the Trademark Law”).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国商标法》(以下简称商标法),制定本条例。

Article 2 The provisions of the present Regulation concerning relevant commodities trademarks shall be applicable to service trademarks.   第二条 本条例有关商品商标的规定,适用于服务商标。

Article 3 The use of trademarks as mentioned in the Trademark Law and the present Regulation refers to affixing trademarks to commodities, commodity packages or containers as well as commodity exchange documents or using trademarks to advertisements, exhibitions and other commercial activities.   第三条 商标法和本条例所称商标的使用,包括将商标用于商品、商品包装或者容器以及商品交易文书上,或者将商标用于广告宣传、展览以及其他商业活动中。

Article 4 The “commodities to which registered trademarks must be used according to the provisions of the State” as mentioned in Article 6 of the Trademark Law refers to the commodities to which registered must be used according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations.   第四条 商标法六条所称国家规定必须使用注册商标的商品,是指法律、行政法规规定的必须使用注册商标的商品。

Article 5 According to the provisions of the Trademark Law and the present Regulation, when a dispute arises in the process of trademark registration or trademark appraisal and the relevant party concerned believes that the trademark thereof constitutes a well-known one, he may apply to the corresponding Trademark Office or Trademark Appraisal Committee for recognition and reject the trademark registration application that violates Article 13 of the Trademark Law or cancel the trademark registration that violates Article 13 of the Trademark Law. When filing the application, the party concerned shall submit evidential materials to prove that the trademark thereof constitutes a well-known trademark.   第五条 依照商标法和本条例的规定,在商标注册、商标评审过程中产生争议时,有关当事人认为其商标构成驰名商标的,可以相应向商标局或者商标评审委员会请求认定驰名商标,驳回违反商标法十三条规定的商标注册申请或者撤销违反商标法十三条规定的商标注册。有关当事人提出申请时,应当提交其商标构成驰名商标的证据材料。

The Trademark Office or Trademark Appraisal Committee shall, upon the request of the party concerned and on the basis of finding out facts, decide whether the trademark constitutes a well-known trademark or not according to the provisions of Article 14 of the Trademark Law.

Article 6 The geographic marks as mentioned in Article 16 of the Trademark Law may, according to the provisions of the Trademark Law and the present Regulation, be registered as a certification mark or collective mark.   第六条 商标法十六条规定的地理标志,可以依照商标法和本条例的规定,作为证明商标或者集体商标申请注册。

Where a geographic mark is registered as a certification mark, the natural person, legal person or other organization whose commodities meets the conditions for using the geographic mark may request for using the certification mark, and the organization that controls the certification mark shall consent. Where a geographic mark is registered as a collective mark, the natural person, legal person or other organization whose commodities meets the conditions for using the geographic mark may request for becoming a member of the body, society or other organization that has registered the geographic mark as a collective mark, and the body, society or other organization shall accept him or it to be a member according to the constitutions thereof. Any one who does not request for becoming a member of the body, society or other organization that has registered the geographic mark as a collective one, he or it may be justified in using the geographic mark, and the body, society or other organization shall not interdict.

Article 7 To entrust a trademark agency to apply for trademark registration or handle other trademark matters, the party concerned shall present a power of attorney. The power of attorney shall clearly specify the content of agency and the limit of power. If the client is a foreigner or foreign enterprise, the power of attorney shall specify the nationality thereof.   第七条 当事人委托商标代理组织申请商标注册或者办理其他商标事宜,应当提交代理委托书。代理委托书应当载明代理内容及权限;外国人或者外国企业的代理委托书还应当载明委托人的国籍。

The principle of reciprocity shall be followed in the notarization or attestation of powers of attorney of foreigners or foreign enterprises as well as other relevant certification documents.

A foreigner or foreign enterprise as mentioned in Article 18 of the Trademark Law refers to a foreigner or foreign enterprise that does not have a permanent residence or site of business within China.

Article 8 The Chinese language shall be used in the applications for trademark registration or in the handling of other trademark matters.   第八条 申请商标注册或者办理其他商标事宜,应当使用中文。

If any of the certificates, certification documents or evidential materials submitted as pursuant to the provisions of the Trademark Law and the present Regulation is in a foreign language, a Chinese version shall be submitted at the same time. If no Chinese version is submitted, it shall be deemed that the certificate, certification document or evidential material has not been submitted.

Article 9 A working staff of the Trademark Office or Trademark Appraisal Committee shall withdraw, and the party concerned or interested parties may request him to withdraw if he:   第九条 商标局、商标评审委员会工作人员有下列情形之一的,应当回避,当事人或者利害关系人可以要求其回避:

a. is the party concerned or a close relative of the party concerned or the agent thereof; (一)是当事人或者当事人、代理人的近亲属的;

b. has other relationship with the party concerned or the agent thereof so that impartiality may be affected; (二)与当事人、代理人有其他关系,可能影响公正的;

c. has an interest in the application for trademark registration or in the handling of other trademark matters. (三)与申请商标注册或者办理其他商标事宜有利害关系的。

Article 10 Unless it is otherwise provided, where the parties concerned submits documents or materials to the Trademark Office or Trademark Appraisal Committee directly, the day when he submits shall be the day of submission. If the documents or materials are submitted by post, the post stamp date for sending out shall be the day of submission. Where the post stamp date is not clear or there is no post stamp date, the submission date shall be the day when the Trademark Office or Trademark Appraisal Committee actually receives the documents or materials unless the parties concerned can prove the actual post stamp date for sending out.   第十条 除本条例另有规定的外,当事人向商标局或者商标评审委员会提交文件或者材料的日期,直接递交的,以递交日为准;邮寄的,以寄出的邮戳日为准;邮戳日不清晰或者没有邮戳的,以商标局或者商标评审委员会实际收到日为准,但是当事人能够提出实际邮戳日证据的除外。

Article 11 The various kinds of documents of the Trademark Office or Trademark Appraisal Committee may be serviced to the parties concerned directly or by post or by any other means. Where the party concerned has entrusted a trademark agency, the service of documents to the trademark agent shall be deemed as having been serviced to the party concerned.   第十一条 商标局或者商标评审委员会的各种文件,可以通过邮寄、直接递交或者其他方式送达当事人。当事人委托商标代理组织的,文件送达商标代理组织视为送达当事人。

As for the date of service of the various kinds of documents to the parties concerned by the Trademark Office or Trademark Appraisal Committee, if the documents are serviced by post, it shall be the post stamp date when the party concerned receives the document. Where the post stamp date is not clear or there is no post stamp date, it shall be deemed as having been serviced to the party concerned 15 days after the document is sent out. If the document is serviced directly, it shall be the day when it is serviced. Where it is impossible to service directly or by post, it may be serviced to the parties concerned by public announcement. The document shall be deemed as having been serviced 30 days after the public announcement is made.

Article 12 International trademark registrations shall be handled according to the international treaties to which China has acceded. The detailed specific measures shall be formulated by the administrative department of industry and commerce under the State Council.   第十二条 商标国际注册依照我国加入的有关国际条约办理。具体办法由国务院工商行政管理部门规定。

Chapter II Application for Trademark Registration 

第二章 商标注册的申请

Article 13 An application for trademark registration shall be made according to the published table of classification of commodities and services. For each trademark registration application, the applicant shall submit to the Trademark Office a copy of Application for Trademark Registration, 5 copies of the trademark design, and, in the case of decided colors, 5 copies of colored design and a copy of black and white design.   第十三条 申请商标注册,应当按照公布的商品和服务分类表按类申请。每一件商标注册申请应当向商标局提交《商标注册申请书》1份、商标图样5份;指定颜色的,并应当提交着色图样5份、黑白稿1份。

The trademark designs shall be conspicuous and easy to be attached. They shall be printed on smooth and durable paper or be replaced by photos, the size of which shall be no more than 10 centimeters but no less than 5 centimeters in length or width.

Where an application is made for a three-dimensional mark, it shall be clearly stated in the application and a design shall be submitted according to which three-dimensional shape could be determined.

Where an application is made for the registration of a color group as a trademark, it shall be clearly specified in the application and a written explanation shall be submitted.

Where an application is made for the registration of a collective trademark or certification mark, it shall be specified in the application, and a certification document concerning the qualifications of the subject as well as the rules of the administration of use shall be submitted.

Where a trademark is in a foreign language or involves a foreign language, the meanings of the foreign language shall be explained.

Article 14 To apply for trademark registration, the applicant shall submit a photocopy of the effective certificates that can prove his identification. The name of the trademark registration applicant shall be identical to the certificates submitted.   第十四条 申请商标注册的,申请人应当提交能够证明其身份的有效证件的复印件。商标注册申请人的名义应当与所提交的证件相一致。

Article 15 The name of a commodity or service to be filled in shall be based on the table of classification of commodities and services. Where the name of a commodity or service is not included in the table of classification of commodities and services, an explanation shall be made concerning the commodity or service.   第十五条 商品名称或者服务项目应当按照商品和服务分类表填写;商品名称或者服务项目未列入商品和服务分类表的,应当附送对该商品或者服务的说明。

The trademark registration applications and other relevant documents shall be typewritten or printed.

Article 16 To jointly apply for the registration of a same trademark, a representative shall be designated in the application. In the absence of a representative, the first sequence person in the application shall be the representative.   第十六条 共同申请注册同一商标的,应当在申请书中指定一个代表人;没有指定代表人的,以申请书中顺序排列的第一人为代表人。

Article 17 Where the applicant alters his name, address or agent, or deletes any of the designated commodities, he may apply to the Trademark Office for alterations.   第十七条 申请人变更其名义、地址、代理人,或者删减指定的商品的,可以向商标局办理变更手续。

Where the applicant transfers his application for trademark registration, he shall go through transfer procedures at the Trademark Office.

Article 18 The day of application for trademark registration shall be the day when the Trademark Office receives the application documents. If the application procedures are complete and application documents have been filled in according to relevant provisions, the Trademark Office shall accept and notify the applicant in writing. If the application procedures are incomplete or application documents fail to be filled in according to relevant provisions, the Trademark Office shall refuse to accept and inform the applicant in writing together with an explanation of the reasons.   第十八条 商标注册的申请日期,以商标局收到申请文件的日期为准。申请手续齐备并按照规定填写申请文件的,商标局予以受理并书面通知申请人;申请手续不齐备或者未按照规定填写申请文件的,商标局不予受理,书面通知申请人并说明理由。

If the application procedures are basically complete or the application documents are basically in conformity with relevant provisions but need supplementing, the Trademark Office shall inform the applicant to make supplements, and demand him to make up the designated contents and send back to the Trademark Office within 30 days after receiving the notice. If supplements are made within the required time period and sent back to the Trademark Office, the date of application shall be retained. If the applicant fails to make the supplement within the required time period, it shall be deemed that he has given up the application, and the Trademark Office shall inform the applicant in writing.

Article 19 If two or more applicants apply on the same day for registration of identical or similar trademarks for the same kind of commodity or similar commodity, each applicant shall submit, within 30 days and as notified by the Trademark Office, proof of the date of the first use of its trademark. In case the trademarks were first used on the same day, or neither is yet in use, the applicants shall settle the matter by negotiations within 30 days after receiving the notice of the Trademark Office, and the agreement shall be submitted to the Trademark Office in writing. If they refuse to negotiate or if they fail to enter into any agreement, the Trademark Office shall inform them to decide the applicant by drawing lots, and the application of other applicants shall be rejected. Where any applicant has been notified by the Trademark Office but fails to draw lots, he shall be deemed as giving up his application, and the Trademark Office shall inform the applicant failing to draw lots in writing.   第十九条 两个或者两个以上的申请人,在同一种商品或者类似商品上,分别以相同或者近似的商标在同一天申请注册的,各申请人应当自收到商标局通知之日起30日内提交其申请注册前在先使用该商标的证据。同日使用或者均未使用的,各申请人可以自收到商标局通知之日起30日内自行协商,并将书面协议报送商标局;不愿协商或者协商不成的,商标局通知各申请人以抽签的方式确定一个申请人,驳回其他人的注册申请。商标局已经通知但申请人未参加抽签的,视为放弃申请,商标局应当书面通知未参加抽签的申请人。

Article 20 Where an applicant requests for priority according to the provisions of Article 24 of the Trademark Law, the reproduction of the documents submitted thereby for the first time for trademark registration shall be subject to the certification of the administrative department of trademark affairs that has accepted the application which shall mark the date and sequence number of application.   第二十条 依照商标法二十四条规定要求优先权的,申请人提交的第一次提出商标注册申请文件的副本应当经受理该申请的商标主管机关证明,并注明申请日期和申请号。

Where an applicant requests for priority according to the provisions of Article 25 of the Trademark Law, the certification documents submitted by the applicant shall be subject to the attestation of an institution as designated by the administrative department of industry and commerce under the State Council, with the exception of international commodity fairs held within the territory of China on which his commodities have been exhibited.

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