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Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement [Effective]
内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排 [现行有效]

Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement 


(December 2, 2003)



To promote the joint economic prosperity and development of the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (hereinafter referred to as the “two sides"), to facilitate the further development of economic links between the two sides and other countries and regions, the two sides decided to sign the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (hereinafter referred to as the “CEPA”).


第一章 总则

Article 1 Objectives   第一条 目标

To strengthen trade and investment cooperation between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (hereinafter referred to as “Hong Kong”) and promote joint development of the two sides, through the implementation of the following measures :

1. progressively reducing or eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers on substantially all the trade in goods between the two sides; 一、逐步减少或取消双方之间实质上所有货物贸易的关税和非关税壁垒;

2. progressively achieving liberalization of trade in services through reduction or elimination of substantially all discriminatory measures; 二、逐步实现服务贸易自由化,减少或取消双方之间实质上所有歧视性措施;

3. promoting trade and investment facilitation. 三、促进贸易投资便利化。

Article 2 Principles   第二条 原则

The conclusion, implementation and amendment of the “CEPA” shall adhere to the following principles :

1. to abide by the "one country, two systems" principle; 一、遵循“一国两制”的方针;

2. to be consistent with the rules of the World Trade Organisation (hereinafter referred to as the “WTO”); 二、符合世界贸易组织的规则;

3. to accord with the needs of both sides to adjust and upgrade their industries and enterprises and to promote steady and sustained development; 三、顺应双方产业结构调整和升级的需要,促进稳定和可持续发展;

4. to achieve reciprocity and mutual benefits, complementarity with each other's advantages and joint prosperity; 四、实现互惠互利、优势互补、共同繁荣;

5. to take progressive action, dealing with the easier subjects before the more difficult ones. 五、先易后难,逐步推进。

Article 3 Inception and Development   第三条 建立与发展

1. From 1 January 2004, the two sides will start to implement the specific commitments in liberalization of trade in goods and services under the “CEPA”. 一、双方自2004年1月1日起开始实施《安排》下货物贸易和服务贸易自由化的具体承诺。

2. The two sides will broaden and enrich the content of the “CEPA” through continuous and further reciprocal liberalization between them. 二、双方将通过不断扩大相互之间的开放,增加和充实《安排》的内容。

Article 4 Non-application of Specific Provisions in China's WTO Accession Legal Documents   第四条 中国加入世界贸易组织法律文件中特定条款的不适用

The two sides recognise that through over 20 years of reform and opening up, the market economy system of the Mainland has been continuously improving, and the mode of production and operation of Mainland enterprises is in line with the requirements of a market economy. The two sides agree that Articles 15 and 16 of the “Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China to the WTO” and paragraph 242 of the “Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China” will not be applicable to trade between the Mainland and Hong Kong.


第二章 货物贸易

Article 5 Tariffs   第五条 关税

1. Hong Kong will continue to apply zero tariff to all imported goods of Mainland origin. 一、香港将继续对原产内地的所有进口货物实行零关税。

2. From 1 January 2004, the Mainland will apply zero tariff to the import of those goods of Hong Kong origin listed in Table 1 of Annex 1. 二、自2004年1月1日起,内地将对附件1中表1列明的原产香港的进口货物实行零关税。

3. No later than 1 January 2006, the Mainland will apply zero tariff to the import of goods of Hong Kong origin that are outside Table 1 of Annex 1. Detailed implementation procedures are set out in Annex 1. 三、不迟于2006年1月1日,内地将对附件1中表1以外的原产香港的进口货物实行零关税。具体实施步骤载于附件1。

4. Any new goods that are subject to elimination of import tariffs in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article shall be added to Annex 1. 四、任何根据本条第三款取消进口关税的货物应补充列入附件1中。

Article 6 Tariff Rate Quota and Non-tariff Measures   第六条 关税配额和非关税措施

1. Neither side shall apply non-tariff measures inconsistent with WTO rules to goods imported and originated from the other side. 一、一方将不对原产于另一方的进口货物采取与世界贸易组织规则不符的非关税措施。

2. The Mainland will not apply tariff rate quota to goods of Hong Kong origin. 二、内地将不对原产香港的进口货物实行关税配额。

Article 7 Anti-dumping Measures   第七条 反倾销措施

The two sides undertake that neither side will apply anti-dumping measures to goods imported and originated from the other side.

Article 8 Subsidies and Countervailing Measures   第八条 补贴与反补贴措施

The two sides reiterate their observance of the WTO “Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures” and Article XVI of “the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994”, and undertake not to apply countervailing measures to goods imported and originated from each other.

Article 9 Safeguards   第九条 保障措施

If the implementation of the “CEPA” causes sharp increase in the import of a product included in Annex 1 originating from the other side which has caused or threatened to cause serious injury to the affected side's domestic industry that produces like or directly competitive products, the affected side may, after giving written notice, temporarily suspend the concessions on the import of the concerned product from the other side, and shall, at the request of the other side, promptly commence consultations under Article 19 of the “CEPA” in order to reach an agreement.


第三章 原产地

Article 10 Rules of Origin   第十条 原产地规则

1. The rules of origin applicable to preferential measures related to trade in goods under the “CEPA” are set out in Annex 2. 一、适用于《安排》下货物贸易优惠措施的原产地规则载于附件2。

2. To ensure the implementation of the preferential measures in respect of trade in goods, the two sides decide to strengthen and extend the content and scope of mutual administrative assistance including the establishment and strict implementation of the procedures for issuing certificates of origin, the establishment of auditing and regulatory mechanisms, the development of a computer link and electronic data interchange between the issuing and regulatory authorities of both sides. Details are set out in Annex 3. 二、为保证货物贸易优惠措施的实施,双方决定加强和扩大行政互助的内容和范围,包括制订和实施严格的原产地证签发程序,建立核查监管机制,实行双方发证和监管机关联网、电子数据交换等措施,具体内容载于附件3。


第四章 服务贸易

Article 11 Market Access   第十一条 市场准入

1. Either side will progressively reduce or eliminate existing restrictive measures against services and service suppliers of the other side in accordance with the content and timetable set out in Annex 4. 一、一方将按照附件4列明的内容和时间对另一方的服务及服务提供者逐步减少或取消实行的限制性措施。

2. At the request of either side, the two sides may, through consultation, pursue further liberalization of trade in services between them. 二、应一方的要求,双方可通过协商,进一步推动双方服务贸易的自由化。

3. Any new measures on liberalization of trade in services implemented pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article shall be added to Annex 4. 三、任何根据本条第二款实行的服务贸易自由化措施应补充列入附件4

Article 12 Service Suppliers   第十二条 服务提供者

1. The definition and related provisions on "service suppliers" under the “CEPA” are set out in Annex 5. 一、《安排》中“服务提供者”的定义及相关规定载于附件5。

2. Service suppliers of other WTO Members that are juridical persons established under the laws of one side will be entitled to preferential treatments granted by the other side under the “CEPA”, provided that they are engaged in substantive business operations as stipulated in Annex 5 in the area of the former side. 二、任何世界贸易组织其他成员的服务提供者,如系根据一方的法律所设立的法人并在该方从事附件5中规定的“实质性商业经营”,则有权享受另一方在《安排》下给予该方服务提供者的优惠。

Article 13 Financial Cooperation   第十三条 金融合作

The two sides shall adopt the following measures to further strengthen cooperation in the areas of banking, securities and insurance :

1. The Mainland supports wholly state-owned commercial banks and certain joint-equity commercial banks in re-locating their international treasury and foreign exchange trading centres to Hong Kong. 一、内地支持国有独资商业银行及部分股份制商业银行将其国际资金外汇交易中心移至香港;

2. The Mainland supports its banks in developing network and business activities in Hong Kong through acquisition. 二、支持内地银行在香港以收购方式发展网络和业务活动;

3 The Mainland supports the full utilization of financial intermediaries in Hong Kong during the process of reform, restructuring and development of the financial sector in the Mainland. 三、内地在金融改革、重组和发展中支持充分利用和发挥香港金融中介机构的作用;

4. The two sides shall strengthen cooperation and information sharing between their financial regulators. 四、双方加强金融监管部门的合作和信息共享;

5. The Mainland shall, in line with the principles of observing market rules and enhancing regulatory efficiency, support eligible Mainland insurance companies and other companies, including private enterprises, in listing in Hong Kong. 五、内地本着尊重市场规律、提高监管效率的原则,支持符合条件的内地保险企业以及包括民营企业在内的其他企业到香港上市。

Article 14 Cooperation in Tourism   第十四条 旅游合作

1. In order to further promote the development of the tourism industry of Hong Kong, the Mainland will allow residents in Guangdong Province to visit Hong Kong individually. This measure will be implemented on a trial basis first in Dongguan, Zhongshan and Jiangmen and it will be extended to the entire Guangdong Province no later than 1 July 2004. 一、为进一步促进香港旅游业的发展,内地将允许广东省境内的居民个人赴港旅游。此项措施首先在东莞、中山、江门三市试行,并不迟于2004年7月1日在广东省全省范围实施。

2. The two sides shall strengthen cooperation in tourism promotion, including promotion of tourism between each other and development of external promotion programmes centered around the Pearl River Delta. 二、双方加强在旅游宣传和推广方面的合作,包括促进相互旅游以及开展以珠江三角洲为基础的对外推广活动。

3. The two sides shall cooperate to raise the service standards of their tourism industries and protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists. 三、通过合作,提高双方旅游行业的服务水平,保障游客的合法权益。

Article 15 Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications   第十五条 专业人员资格的相互承认

1. The two sides shall encourage mutual recognition of professional qualifications and promote the exchange of professional talents between each other. 一、双方鼓励专业人员资格的相互承认,推动彼此之间的专业技术人才交流。

2. Competent authorities and professional bodies of both sides will, in consultation with each other, consider and design specific methodologies for mutual recognition of professional qualifications. 二、双方主管部门或行业机构将研究、协商和制订相互承认专业人员资格的具体办法。


第五章 贸易投资便利化

Article 16 Measures   第十六条 措施

The two sides shall promote trade and investment facilitation through greater transparency, standard conformity and enhanced information exchange.

Article 17 Areas of Cooperation   第十七条 合作领域

1. The two sides will promote cooperation in the following areas : 一、双方将在以下领域加强合作:

1. trade and investment promotion; 1.贸易投资促进;

2. customs clearance facilitation; 2.通关便利化;

3. commodity inspection and quarantine, food safety and quality and standardization; 3.商品检验检疫、食品安全、质量标准;

4. electronic business; 4.电子商务;

5. transparency in laws and regulations; 5.法律法规透明度;

6. cooperation of small and medium enterprises; 6.中小企业合作;

7. cooperation in Chinese traditional medicine and medical products sector. 7.中医药产业合作。

2. Details on the areas of cooperation listed in paragraph 1 of this Article are set out in Annex 6. 二、本条第一款所列领域的具体合作内容载于附件6。

3. At the request of either side, the two sides may expand the scope and content of trade and investment facilitation through consultation. 三、应一方的要求,双方可通过协商,增加贸易投资便利化的合作领域或内容。

4. Any new scope or content concluded under paragraph 3 of this Article shall be added to Annex 6. 四、任何根据本条第三款增加的领域或内容应补充列入附件6。


第六章 其他条款

Article 18 Exceptions   第十八条 例外

The “CEPA” and provisions in its Annexes shall not affect the ability of the Mainland or Hong Kong to maintain or adopt exception measures consistent with the rules of the WTO.

Article 19 Institutional Arrangements   第十九条 机构安排

1. The two sides shall set up a Joint Steering Committee (hereinafter referred to as "Steering Committee"), which will comprise senior representatives or officials designated by the two sides. 一、双方成立联合指导委员会(以下简称“委员会”)。委员会由双方高层代表或指定的官员组成。

2. Liaison Offices shall be set up under the Steering Committee. Working groups may be set up as the need arises. The Liaison offices shall be set up respectively in the Ministry of Commerce of the Central People's Government and the Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. 二、委员会设立联络办公室,并可根据需要设立工作组。联络办公室分别设在中央人民政府商务部及香港特别行政区政府工商及科技局。

3. The functions of the Steering Committee include : 三、委员会的职能包括:

(1) supervising the implementation of the “CEPA”; 1.监督《安排》的执行;

(2) interpreting the provisions of the “CEPA”; 2.解释《安排》的规定;

(3) resolving disputes that may arise during the implementation of the “CEPA”; 3.解决《安排》执行过程中可能产生的争议;

(4) drafting additions and amendments to the content of the “CEPA”; 4.拟订《安排》内容的增补及修正;

(5) providing steer on the work of the working groups; 5.指导工作组的工作;

(6) dealing with any other business relating to the implementation of the “CEPA”. 6.处理与《安排》实施有关的任何其他事宜。

4. The Steering Committee shall meet at least once a year, and may convene special meetings within 30 days upon request by either side. 四、委员会每年至少召开一次例会,并可在一方提出要求后30天内召开特别会议。

5. The two sides shall resolve any problems arising from the interpretation or implementation of the “CEPA” through consultation in the spirit of friendship and cooperation. The Steering Committee shall make its decisions by consensus. 五、双方将本着友好合作的精神,协商解决《安排》在解释或执行过程中出现的问题。委员会采取协商一致的方式作出决定。

Article 20 Miscellaneous   第二十条 杂项

1. Except as otherwise provided in the “CEPA”, any action taken under it shall not affect or nullify the rights and obligations of either side under other existing agreements to which it is a contracting party. 一、除非《安排》另有规定,依据《安排》采取的任何行动不应影响或废止一方依据其作为缔约方在其他协议下所享受的权利和承担的义务。

2. The two sides shall endeavour to refrain from increasing restrictive measures affecting the implementation of the “CEPA”. 二、双方应努力避免增加影响实施《安排》的限制性措施。

Article 21 Annexes   第二十一条 附件

The Annexes to the “CEPA” form an integral part of the “CEPA”.

Article 22 Amendments   第二十二条 修正

The provisions of the “CEPA” or its Annexes may be amended in writing when the need arises. Any amendment shall come into effect after it has been signed by the duly authorised representatives of the two sides.

Article 23 Coming Into Effect   第二十三条 生效

The “CEPA” shall come into effect on the day of signature by the representatives of the two sides.

This Annex is signed in duplicate in the Chinese language.

This Annex is signed in Hong Kong on September 29, 2003

The People's Republic of China  The People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国        中华人民共和国

Vice Minister of Commerce  Financial Secretary of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
商务部副部长         香港特别行政区财政司司长

An Min (Signature)   Tang Yingnian (Signature)
安民(签字)          梁锦松(签字)

Annex 1


Arrangements for Implementation of Zero Tariff on Trade in Goods

1. Pursuant to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (hereinafter referred to as the "CEPA" ), the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have concluded this Annex on the arrangements for implementation of zero tariff on trade in goods.   一、根据《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(以下简称《安排》),内地与香港特别行政区就货物贸易中零关税的实施制定本附件。

2. Hong Kong shall continue to apply zero tariff to all imported goods of Mainland origin.   二、香港继续对原产内地的所有进口货物实行零关税。

3. From 1 January 2004, the Mainland shall implement by stages zero tariff on imported goods of Hong Kong origin. The term "imported goods of Hong Kong origin" refers to those goods that fulfil the requirements stipulated in Annex 2 of the “CEPA”. The responsible department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and its approved certificate issuing bodies shall issue certificates of origin under the “CEPA” according to the relevant laws of Hong Kong. Importers of goods subject to zero tariff under the “CEPA” shall submit to the Mainland Customs the certificates of origin issued by the responsible department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government or its approved certificate issuing bodies in accordance with the procedures set out in Annex 3 of the “CEPA” .   三、内地自2004年1月1日起分阶段对原产香港的进口货物实行零关税。“原产香港的进口货物”指符合《安排》附件2规定的货物。香港特别行政区有关部门和授权发证机构按照香港法例的有关规定签发《安排》下的原产地证书。进口享受《安排》中零关税的货物时,进口人应按照《安排》附件3的规定向内地海关提交香港特别行政区有关部门或授权发证机构签发的原产地证书。

4. From 1 January 2004 the Mainland shall apply zero tariff to imported goods of Hong Kong origin as set out in Table 1 of this Annex. Table 1 forms an integral part of this Annex. Changes in the Mainland tariff codes will result in corresponding changes in the tariff codes set out in Table 1. In submitting applications for goods subject to zero tariff, Hong Kong manufacturers should refer to the prevailing tariff codes of the Mainland in that year.   四、自2004年1月1日起,内地将对本附件表1列明的原产香港的进口货物实行零关税。表1是本附件的组成部分。内地税则税目调整时,表1的税则号相应进行转换。香港的生产企业提出要求享受零关税货物的申请时,应依照当年的内地税则号提出。

5. The Mainland shall apply zero tariff to imported goods of Hong Kong origin other than those set out in Table 1 of this Annex no later than 1 January 2006. The detailed implementation procedures are as follows:   五、不迟于2006年1月1日,内地将对本附件表1以外的原产香港的进口货物实行零关税。具体实施步骤如下:

(1) Application and Verification (一)申请和核查

1. From 1 January 2004, Hong Kong manufacturers may, in accordance with the relevant rules of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, submit applications for goods subject to zero tariff to the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department. 1.自2004年1月1日起,香港的生产企业可按香港特别行政区政府的有关规定,向香港工业贸易署提出要求享受零关税货物的申请。

2. The applicants shall present the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department with information and data including description of the goods, production capacity or projected level of production. 2.申请企业应向香港工业贸易署提供货物名称和生产能力或预计生产情况的资料和数据。

3. The Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department and the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department shall verify and certify the information provided by the applicants, and compile such information respectively into categories of goods currently produced and proposed to be produced. 3.香港工业贸易署及香港海关应对申请企业提供的资料和数据进行核查和认定,按照现有生产货物和拟生产货物分别汇总。

(2) Confirmation and Consultation (二)确认和磋商

1. Prior to 1 June each year, the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department shall submit the consolidated information and data on description of goods, production capacity or projected level of production to the Ministry of Commerce. 1. 每年6月1日前,香港工业贸易署应将其分别汇总的货物名称、生产能力或预计生产情况的资料和数据提交商务部。

2. In conjunction with other relevant Mainland departments, the Ministry of Commerce and the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department shall jointly examine and confirm the list of goods before 1 August of the same year. 2. 商务部在收到香港工业贸易署提交的上述材料后,应会同内地有关部门与香港工业贸易署在当年8月1日前共同核定和确认货物清单。

3. After confirmation of the list of goods, the Customs General Administration and the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department shall enter into consultations on the rules of origin for the relevant goods. The two sides shall complete the consultations on the rules of origin before 1 October of that year. 3. 货物清单确认后,海关总署应与香港工业贸易署就有关货物的原产地标准进行磋商。双方应于当年10月1日前完成原产地标准的磋商。

(3) Promulgation and Implementation (三)公布和实施

1. For goods under current production in Hong Kong, the Mainland shall, in accordance with the consensus reached between the two sides, add the list of goods and the corresponding rules of origin to Table 1 of this Annex and Table 1 of Annex 2 respectively. As from 1 January of the year following the completion of consultations, the Mainland shall, release the relevant imports on zero tariff basis in line with the “CEPA” upon presentation of the certificates of origin issued by the Hong Kong issuing authorities. 1. 对香港现有生产的货物,根据双方达成的一致意见,内地将货物清单及相应的原产地标准分别补充列入本附件表1和附件2表1。自完成磋商后第二年1月1日起,内地根据香港发证机构签发的原产地证书,准予有关货物按照《安排》零关税进口。

2. For products proposed to be produced, the Mainland shall, in accordance with the consensus reached between the two sides, add the rules of origin of the goods concerned into Table 1 of Annex 2. After the applicant has put the proposed goods into production, the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department shall conduct verification jointly with the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department and inform the Ministry of Commerce. The Mainland shall, after confirmation by both sides, add the list of goods to Table 1 of Annex 1. As from 1 January of the year following confirmation by both sides, the Mainland shall, upon presentation of the certificates of origin issued by the Hong Kong issuing authorities, release the relevant imports on zero tariff basis in line with the “CEPA” . 2. 对拟生产的货物,根据双方达成的一致意见,内地应将有关货物的原产地标准补充列入附件2表1。申请企业正式投产后,经香港工业贸易署和香港海关核查,由香港工业贸易署通知商务部,经双方共同确认,内地将有关货物清单补充列入本附件表1。自双方确认后第二年1月1日起,内地根据香港发证机构签发的原产地证书,准予有关货物按照《安排》零关税进口。

3. Both sides shall promulgate the confirmed list of goods and the rules of origin prior to 1 December each year. 3. 双方应于每年12月1日前公布磋商确认的货物清单及原产地标准。

(4) The timetable for tariff reduction will be deferred by one year if information on goods seeking for zero tariff treatment under the “CEPA” is submitted by the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department to the Ministry of Commerce after 1 June each year. (四)香港工业贸易署每年6月1日后向商务部提交资料要求享受《安排》零关税的货物,降税安排顺延一年。

6. In the event that the implementation of this Annex causes substantial impact on the trade and relevant industries of either side, the two sides shall, at the request of one side, conduct consultations on the relevant provisions of this Annex.   六、当因执行本附件对任何一方的贸易和相关产业造成重大影响时,应一方要求,双方应对本附件的有关规定进行磋商。

7. This Annex shall come into effect on the day of signature by the representatives of the two sides.   七、本附件自双方代表正式签署之日起生效。

This Annex is signed in duplicate in the Chinese language.

This Annex is signed in Hong Kong on September 29, 2003

The People's Republic of China  The People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国        中华人民共和国

Vice Minister of Commerce  Financial Secretary of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
商务部副部长        香港特别行政区财政司司长

 An Min (Signature)   Tang Yingnian (Signature)
安民(签字)          唐英年(签字)

Table 1

List of Hong Kong Origin Products for Implementation of Zero Import Tariff by the Mainland

Serial No.Mainland 2001 Tariff CodesProduct DescriptionMainland 2003 MFN Tariff RatesMainland 2004 Tariff Rates Under CEPA
121050000Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa24.20
227100054Lubricating oils6.00
328433000Gold compounds5.50
630041013Penicillin V6.00
730041019Other medicaments containing penicillins6.00
830041090Other medicaments put up in measured doses, with penicillin or streptomycins6.00
930049054Essential balm3.00
1030049059Other medicaments of Chinese type3.00
1130049090Other medicaments put up in measured doses4.00
1232041600Reactive dyes and preparations based thereon9.60
1332041700Pigments and preparations based thereon6.50
1432064900Other inorganic colouring matter and other preparations6.50
1532081000Paints and varnishes etc., based on polyesters, and dissolved in a non-aqueous medium10.00
1632089090Other paints and varnish solutions, dissolved in a nonaqueous medium10.00
1732100000Other paints and varnishes; prepared water pigments of a kind used for finishing leather10.00
1832151900Other printing ink8.20
1933029000Other mixtures of odoriferous substances and mixtures with a basis of one or more of these substances, of a kind used as raw materials in industry21.70
2033030000Perfumes and toilet waters18.30
2133041000Lip make-up preparations18.30
2233042000Eye make-up preparations18.30
2333043000Manicure or pedicure preparations21.70
2433049900Other beauty or make-up preparations22.30
2535069900Other prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, not specified elsewhere15.00
2638099100Other products and preparations, not specified elsewhere, of a kind used in the textile industry6.50
2738249090Other chemical products, not elsewhere specified6.50
2839031900Other polystyrene in primary forms11.80
2939042200Plasticized polyvinyl chloride, in primary forms11.80
3039151000Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of ethylene11.80
3139152000Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of styrene11.80
3239153000Waste, parings and scrap, of polymers of vinyl chloride11.80
3339159000Waste, parings and scrap, of other plastics11.80
3439204100Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of rigid polymers of vinyl chloride10.40
3539204200Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of flexible polymers of vinyl chloride10.40
3639209990Other non-cellular plates and sheets, of other plastics8.40
3739211210Cellular polymers of vinyl chloride, combined with textile fabrics12.70
3839231000Boxes, cases and similar articles, of plastics12.00
3939232900Sacks and bags, of other plastics12.00
4039239000Other articles for the conveyance or packing of goods, of plastics12.00
4139269010Parts of machines or instruments, of plastics10.00
4239269090Other articles of plastics12.00
4341041000Whole bovine skin leather, of a unit surface area not exceeding 2.6 square meter6.40
4441043990Other leather of bovine or equine animals7.20
4548051000Semi-chemical fluting paper (corrugating medium)10.40
4648056000Other thin uncoated paper and paperboard6.30
4748058000Other thick uncoated paper and paperboard10.40
4848101200Thick writing and printing paper and paperboard, coated with inorganic substance7.00
4948102900Other writing and printing paper and paperboard, coated with inorganic substance7.00
5048109100Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated with inorganic substance7.00
5148119000Other coated, impregnated or covered paper and paperboard7.50
5248191000Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard11.70
5348192000Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrugated paper or paperboard11.70
5448211000Printed paper or paperboard labels of all kinds10.00
5548239090Other paper and articles of paper13.30
5649111090Other trade advertising material and the like7.50
5749119900Other printed matters7.50
5850072019Other fabrics of bombyx mori silk13.40
5951071000Yarn of combed wool, not for retail sale8.00
6051121900Fabrics of combed wool, of a weight exceeding 200g/square meter16.70
6152051100Cotton single yarn, measuring high decitex, carded, not for retail sale5.00
6252051200Cotton single yarn, measuring medium decitex, carded, not for retail sale5.00
6352052200Cotton single yarn, measuring medium decitex, combed, not for retail sale5.00
6452053200Cotton multiple or cabled yarn, measuring medium decitex, carded, not for retail sale5.00
6552054200Cotton multiple or cabled yarn, measuring medium decitex, combed, not for retail sale5.00
6652083200Lighter weight plain weave cotton fabric, dyed10.00
6752083300Light weight 3-thread or 4-thread twill cotton fabric, dyed10.00
6852083900Other light weight cotton fabrics, dyed10.00
6952084200Light weight plain weave cotton fabric, of yarns of different colours10.00
7052084900Other light weight cotton fabrics, of yarns of different colours10.00
7152091200Heavy weight 3-thread or 4-thread twill cotton fabric, unbleached11.80
7252093100Heavy weight plain weave cotton fabric, dyed11.80
7352093200Heavy weight 3-thread or 4-thread twill cotton fabric, dyed11.80
7452093900Other heavy weight cotton fabrics, dyed11.80
7552094100Heavy weight plain weave cotton fabric, of yarns of different colours11.80
7652094200Heavy weight twill cotton fabric (denim), of yarns of different colours10.00
7752094300Heavy weight 3-thread or 4-thread twill cotton fabric, of yarns of different colours11.80
7852103100Light weight plain weave cotton fabric mixed with man-made fibres, dyed12.60
7953091900Other fabrics of mainly flax12.40
8053092900Other fabrics of flax, mixed with other textile materials12.40
8154011010Sewing thread of synthetic filaments, not put up for retail sale8.20
8254074200Fabrics of mainly nylon, dyed18.70
8354074300Fabrics of mainly nylon, of yarns of different colours18.70
8454075200Fabrics of mainly textured polyester filaments, dyed18.70
8554076100Other fabrics, of mainly non-textured polyester filaments18.70
8654077200Other fabrics, of mainly synthetic filaments, dyed18.70
8754079200Other fabrics of synthetic filaments mixed with other textile materials, dyed18.70
8855081000Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibres11.00
8955093200Multiple or cabled yarn, of mainly acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, not put up for retail sale11.00
9055121900Other fabrics, of mainly polyester18.70
9155129900Other fabrics, of mainly synthetic fibres18.70
9255132100Light weight plain weave fabric of polyester fibres, mixed with cotton, dyed18.70
9355161200Fabrics, of mainly artificial staple fibres, dyed17.30
9458012200Cut corduroy, of cotton12.50
9558042100Mechanically made lace of man-made fibres17.30
9658062000Narrow fabrics, containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread16.70
9758071000Woven labels, badges and similar articles of textile materials, not embroidered16.70
9859031020Imitation leather impregnated, coated, with polyvinyl chloride13.00
9959031090Other textile fabrics impregnated, coated, with polyvinyl chloride13.20
10059032090Other textile fabrics impregnated, coated, with polyurethane13.20
10159039090Other textile fabrics impregnated, coated, with other plastics13.20
10260019200Knitted or crocheted pile fabrics, of man-made fibres16.00
10360023010Cotton knitted or crocheted fabric of a width exceeding 30cm12.50
10460023090Other knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width exceeding 30cm16.00
10560024200Warp knit fabric of cotton12.50
10660029200Other knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton12.50
10760029300Other knitted or crocheted fabrics of man-made fibres16.00
10861046200Women's or girls' trousers, bib and brace overalls etc., knitted or crocheted and of cotton17.70
10961051000Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted and of cotton17.70
11061052000Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted and of man-made fibres21.30
11161059000Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted and of other textile materials20.50
11261061000Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted and of cotton17.70
11361062000Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted and of man-made fibres21.30
11461069000Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted and of other textile materials20.50
11561071100Men's or boys' underpants, briefs, knitted or crocheted and of cotton16.30
11661083100Women's or girls' nightdresses and pyjamas, knitted or crocheted and of cotton16.30
11761091000T-shirts, singlets, etc., knitted or crocheted and of cotton16.30
11861099090T-shirts, singlets, etc., knitted or crocheted and of other textile materials19.50
11961101010Jerseys, pullovers etc., knitted or crocheted and of Angora, Tibetan, Kashmir or similar goats wool19.50
12061101020Jerseys, pullovers etc., knitted or crocheted and of wool19.50
12161101030Jerseys, pullovers etc., knitted or crocheted and of rabbit or hare hair19.50
12261101090Jerseys, pullovers etc., knitted or crocheted and of other animal hair19.50
12361102000Jerseys, pullovers etc., knitted or crocheted and of cotton14.00
12461103000Jerseys, pullovers etc., knitted or crocheted and of man-made fibres19.00
12561109010Jerseys, pullovers etc., knitted or crocheted and of silk or silk waste19.50
12661109090Jerseys, pullovers etc., knitted or crocheted and of other textile materials19.50
12761112000Babies' garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted and of cotton16.30
12861179000Parts of garments or of clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted and of other textile material19.50
12962034210Men's or boys' Arabian trousers, of cotton18.50
13062034290Men's or boys' trousers, bib and brace overalls, etc., of cotton18.50
13162043200Women's or girls' jackets, of cotton17.70
13262043300Women's or girls' jackets, of synthetic fibres21.30
13362045200Skirts and divided skirts, of cotton16.30
13462046200Women's or girls' trousers, bib and brace overalls, etc., of cotton17.70
13562046300Women's or girls' trousers, bib and brace overalls, etc., of synthetic fibres21.30
13662052000Men's or boys' shirts, of cotton17.70
13762053000Men's or boys' shirts, of man-made fibres20.50
13862059090Men's or boys' shirts, of other textile materials20.50
13962063000Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, of cotton17.70
14062064000Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, of man-made fibres21.30
14162069000Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, of other textile materials20.50
14262082200Women's or girls' nightdresses and pyjamas, of man-made fibres19.00
14362179000Parts of garments or of clothing accessories, non-knitted or crocheted19.50
14463025190Other table linen, of cotton16.30
14564069900Parts of footwear, gaiters etc., of other materials17.00
14670195900Other woven fabrics of glass fibres12.00
14770200011Conductivity glass10.50
14871023100Unworked or simply worked non-industrial diamonds3.00
14971131100Articles of jewellery and parts, of silver26.70
15071131910Articles of jewellery and parts, of gold26.70
15171131990Articles of jewellery and parts, of other precious metal35.00
15271132000Articles of jewellery and parts, of base metal clad with precious metal35.00
15371141100Articles of silversmiths' wares and parts35.00
15471141900Articles of goldsmiths' and silversmiths' wares and parts, of precious metal35.00
15571142000Articles of goldsmiths' and silversmiths' wares and parts, of base metal clad with precious metal35.00
15671151000Catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill, of platinum3.00
15771159010Articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal, for technical or laboratory use3.00
15871159090Articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal, for other use35.00
15971161000Articles of natural or cultured pearls35.00
16071162000Articles of precious or semi-precious stones35.00
16171171100Cuff-links and studs of base metal35.00
16271171900Other imitation jewellery of base metal24.70
16371179000Other imitation jewellery of materials not specified elsewhere35.00
16473181500Other screws and bolts8.00
16573269090Other articles of iron or steel, not for industrial use10.40
16674040000Copper waste and scrap1.50
16774081900Other refined copper wire, of which the maximum cross-sectional dimension not exceeding 6mm4.00
16874092100Brass plates, sheets and strips, in coils7.00
16974092900Other brass plates, sheets and strips7.00
17074099000Other copper alloy plates, sheets and strips7.00
17174101100Refined copper foil, not backed4.00
17274102100Refined copper foil, backed4.00
17376011000Unwrought aluminum5.00
17476020000Aluminum waste and scrap1.50
17576061190Other rectangular aluminum plates, sheets and strips6.00
17676061240Rectangular aluminum alloy plates, sheets and strips, of a thickness exceeding 0.35mm6.00
17776069100Aluminum plates, sheets and strips, not rectangular6.00
17876069200Aluminum alloy plates, sheets and strips, not rectangular10.00
17980030000Bars, rods, profiles and wire, of tin and tin alloys8.00
18083089000Beads and spangles of base metal10.50
18184159010Parts of air-conditioning machines of a refrigerating effect not exceeding 4000 Cal per hour10.00
18284435990Other printing machinery8.00
18384514000Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines8.40
18484518000Other machinery within HS heading 84.51, not specified elsewhere12.00
18584798962Automatic coreslice adhering machines3.60
18684804100Moulds for metal or metal carbides, injection or compression types8.00
18784807900Other moulds for rubber or plastics5.00
18884818019Other valves, not specified elsewhere7.00
18984821000Ball bearings8.00
19085011010Electric motors for use in toys, of an output not exceeding 37.5W24.50
19185011091Micromotors with a housing diameter of 20mm or more but not exceeding 39mm11.20
19285011099Other micromotors, of an output not exceeding 37.5W9.00
19385013100DC electric motors and generators, of an output not exceeding 750W12.00
19485030010Parts for micromotors for use in toys12.00
19585030020Parts for AC generators, of an output exceeding 350 MVA3.00
19685030030Parts for wind-powered electric generating sets3.00
19785030090Parts for other electric motors, electric generating machine (sets)8.00
19885043190Other electrical transformers, having a power handling capacity not exceeding 1kVA7.20
19985044090Other static converters, not specified elsewhere10.00
20085049019Parts of other transformers8.00
20185049090Parts of other static converters and inductors8.00
20285051190Other permanent magnets of metal7.00
20385051900Permanent magnets of non metal7.00
20485061000Primary cells and primary batteries of manganese dioxide20.00
20585068000Other primary cells and primary batteries14.00
20685073000Nickel-cadmium electric accumulators10.00
20785078010Nickel-hydrogen accumulators12.00
20885079010Parts of lead-acid accumulators10.00
20985079090Parts of other electric accumulators8.00
21085089000Parts of electro-mechanical tools for working in the hand, with self-contained electric motors6.60
21185099000Parts of electro-mechanical domestic appliances12.00
21285139010Parts of torches14.00
21385139090Parts of other portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy14.00
21485152110Aligning tube welding machines10.00
21585152190Other fully or partly automatic machines for resistance welding of metal10.00
21685158000Other welding machines and apparatus8.00
21785169010Parts for electric soil heating apparatus and electric heating resistors8.00
21885169090Other parts of products within HS heading 85.1614.60
21985181000Microphones and stands10.00
22085189000Parts of products within HS heading 85.1810.50
22185221000Pick-up cartridges35.00
22285229010Parts and accessories for turntables (record decks) or record-players27.00
22385229021Transport mechanisms of cassette recorders27.00
22485229030Other parts and accessories for video recording or reproducing apparatus30.00
22585229090Other parts of products within HS headings 85.19 to 85.2120.00
22685239000Other prepared unrecorded media for sound recording or similar recording of other phenomena8.30
22785291010Aerials and parts for radar apparatus and radio navigational aid apparatus1.50
22885299030Parts of walkie-talkie8.00
22985299049Parts of television cameras of other uses12.00
23085299060Parts of radio-broadcast receivers and their combinations15.00
23185299090Parts of products within HS headings 85.25 to 85.284.00
23385361000Fuses, for a voltage not exceeding 1000 V10.00
23485364900Relays, for a voltage exceeding 60 V10.00
23585371010Other numerical control panels5.00
23685371090Other apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity8.40
23785372090Other apparatus for electric control or the distribution of electricity8.40
23885389000Parts of products within HS headings 85.35, 85.36 or 85.377.00
23985392991Electric filament lamps, not specified elsewhere, of a voltage 12 V or less12.00
24085404000Data/graphic display tubes, colour, with a phosphor dot screen pitch smaller than 0.4mm8.00
24185441100Copper winding wire10.00
24285444190Other electric conductors, fitted with connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V4.00
24385445190Other electric conductors, fitted with connectors, for a voltage exceeding 80 V but not exceeding 1000 V7.00
24485445990Other electric conductors, for a voltage exceeding 80 V but not exceeding 1000 V13.80
24590011000Optical fibre bundles and cables7.00
24690012000Sheets and plates of polarizing material8.00
24790019000Other optical elements, not specified elsewhere, within HS heading 90.018.00
24890021990Other objective lenses, not specified elsewhere, within HS heading 90.0215.00
24990069110Parts and accessories for specially designed cameras8.00
25090069120Parts and accessories for instant print cameras5.00
25190069191Automatic focal setting units for cameras10.00
25290069192Shutter units for cameras10.00
25390069199Other parts and accessories for other cameras10.00
25490138010Hand magnifying glasses12.00
25590138090Other liquid crystal devices and optical appliances5.00
25690139010Parts and accessories for lasers and telescopes6.00
25790139090Other parts and accessories of products within HS heading 90.138.00
25890318090Other measuring or checking instruments, appliances and machines, not specified elsewhere5.00
25991021100Other electrically operated wrist-watches, with mechanical display15.00
26091021200Other electrically operated wrist-watches, with op to-electronic display23.00
26191031000Electrically operated clocks with watch movements23.00
26291051100Electrically operated alarm clocks23.00
26391081100Complete and assembled electrically operated watch movements, with mechanical display16.00
26491081200Complete and assembled electrically operated watch movements, with op to-electronic display16.00
26591081900Other complete and assembled electrically operated watch movements16.00
26691089900Other complete and assembled mechanically operated watch movements16.00
26791112000Cases of base metal14.00
26891132000Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets made of base metals, and parts of them14.00
26991149000Other clock or watch parts14.00
27095039000Other toys, not specified elsewhere7.00
27196062200Buttons of base metal17.00
27296071100Slide fasteners fitted with chain scoops of base metal21.00
27396071900Other slide fasteners21.00

┃序号│内地2001年 │         货名            │内地2003年│内地2004年 ┃
┃  │税则号列  │                        │最惠国税率│《安排》税率┃
┃1 │ 21050000 │ 冰淇淋及其他冰制食品不论是否含可可      │ 24.2 │  0   ┃
┃2 │ 27100054 │ 润滑油                    │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃3 │ 28433000 │ 金化合物                   │ 5.5  │  0   ┃
┃4 │ 30041011 │ 氨苄青霉素制剂                │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃5 │ 30041012 │ 羟氨苄青霉素制剂               │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃6 │ 30041013 │ 青霉素V制剂                 │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃7 │ 30041019 │ 其他青霉素                  │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃8 │ 30041090 │ 其他已配剂量含有青霉素或链霉素药品      │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃9 │ 30049054 │ 清凉油                    │ 3.0  │  0   ┃
┃10│ 30049059 │ 其他中式成药                 │ 3.0  │  0   ┃
┃11│ 30049090 │ 已配定剂量的药品               │ 4.0  │  0   ┃
┃12│ 32041600 │ 活性染料及以其为基本成分的制品        │ 9.6  │  0   ┃
┃13│ 32041700 │ 颜料及以其为基本成分的制品          │ 6.5  │  0   ┃
┃14│ 32064900 │ 其他无机着色料及其制品            │ 6.5  │  0   ┃
┃15│ 32081000 │ 溶于非水介质的聚酯油漆及清漆等        │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃16│ 32089090 │ 溶于非水介质其他油漆、清漆溶液        │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃17│ 32100000 │ 其他油漆及清漆;皮革用水性颜料        │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃18│ 32151900 │ 其他印刷油墨                 │ 8.2  │  0   ┃
┃19│ 33029000 │ 其他工业用混合香料及香料混合物        │ 21.7 │  0   ┃
┃20│ 33030000 │ 香水及花露水                 │ 18.3 │  0   ┃
┃21│ 33041000 │ 唇用化妆品                  │ 18.3 │  0   ┃
┃22│ 33042000 │ 眼用化妆品                  │ 18.3 │  0   ┃
┃23│ 33043000 │ 指(趾)甲化妆品               │ 21.7 │  0   ┃
┃24│ 33049900 │ 其他美容化妆品                │ 22.3 │  0   ┃
┃25│ 35069900 │ 其他未列名的调制胶、粘合剂          │ 15.0 │  0   ┃
┃26│ 38099100 │ 纺织工业用其他未列名产品和制剂        │ 6.5  │  0   ┃
┃27│ 38249090 │ 其他未列名的化学品              │ 6.5  │  0   ┃
┃28│ 39031900 │ 初级形状的其他聚苯乙烯            │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃29│ 39042200 │ 初级形状已塑化的聚氯乙烯           │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃30│ 39151000 │ 乙烯聚合物的废碎料及下脚料          │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃31│ 39152000 │ 苯乙烯聚合物的废碎料及下脚料         │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃32│ 39153000 │ 氯乙烯聚合物的废碎料及下脚料         │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃33│ 39159000 │ 其他塑料的废碎料及下脚料           │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃34│ 39204100 │ 硬质聚氯乙烯板、片、膜、箔及扁条       │ 10.4 │  0   ┃
┃35│ 39204200 │ 软质聚氯乙烯板、片、膜、箔及扁条       │ 10.4 │  0   ┃
┃36│ 39209990 │ 其他塑料制的非泡沫塑料板片          │ 8.4  │  0   ┃
┃37│ 39211210 │ 泡沫聚氯乙烯人造革及合成革          │ 12.7 │  0   ┃
┃38│ 39231000 │ 塑料制盒、箱及类似品             │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃39│ 39232900 │ 其他塑料制的袋及包              │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃40│ 39239000 │ 供运输或包装货物用其他塑料制品        │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃41│ 39269010 │ 塑料制机器及仪器用零件            │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃42│ 39269090 │ 其他塑料制品                 │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃43│ 41041000 │ 面积≤2.6平米的整张牛皮革          │ 6.4  │  0   ┃
┃44│ 41043990 │ 其他牛皮革、马皮革              │ 7.2  │  0   ┃
┃45│ 48051000 │ 半化学的瓦楞纸(瓦楞原纸)           │ 10.4 │  0   ┃
┃46│ 48056000 │ 其他未经涂布薄纸及纸板            │ 6.3  │  0   ┃
┃47│ 48058000 │ 其他未经涂布厚纸及纸板            │ 10.4 │  0   ┃
┃48│ 48101200 │ 涂无机物的厚书写、印刷纸、纸板        │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃49│ 48102900 │ 其他涂无机物的书写、印刷纸及纸板       │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃50│ 48109100 │ 其他涂无机物的多层纸及纸板          │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃51│ 48119000 │ 其他经涂布、浸渍、覆盖的纸及纸板       │ 7.5  │  0   ┃
┃52│ 48191000 │ 瓦楞纸或纸板制的箱、盒、匣          │ 11.7 │  0   ┃
┃53│ 48192000 │ 非瓦楞纸或纸板制可折叠箱、盒、匣       │ 11.7 │  0   ┃
┃54│ 48211000 │ 纸或纸板印制的各种标签            │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃55│ 48239090 │ 其他纸及纸制品                │ 13.3 │  0   ┃
┃56│ 49111090 │ 其他商业广告品及类似印刷品          │ 7.5  │  0   ┃
┃57│ 49119900 │ 其他印刷品                  │ 7.5  │  0   ┃
┃58│ 50072019 │ 其他纯桑蚕丝机织物              │ 13.4 │  0   ┃
┃59│ 51071000 │ 非供零售用精梳纯羊毛纱线           │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃60│ 51121900 │ 重量>200g/平米精梳全毛布          │ 16.7 │  0   ┃
┃61│ 52051100 │ 非零售粗梳粗支纯棉单纱            │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃62│ 52051200 │ 非零售粗梳中支纯棉单纱            │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃63│ 52052200 │ 非零售精梳中支纯棉单纱            │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃64│ 52053200 │ 非零售粗梳中支纯棉多股纱           │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃65│ 52054200 │ 非零售精梳中支纯棉多股纱           │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃66│ 52083200 │ 染色的较轻质全棉平纹布            │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃67│ 52083300 │ 染色的轻质全棉三、四线斜纹布         │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃68│ 52083900 │ 染色的轻质其他全棉机织物           │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃69│ 52084200 │ 色织的较轻质全棉平纹布            │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃70│ 52084900 │ 色织的轻质其他全棉机织物           │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃71│ 52091200 │ 未漂白重质全棉三、四线斜纹布         │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃72│ 52093100 │ 染色的重质全棉平纹布             │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃73│ 52093200 │ 染色的重质全棉三、四线斜纹布         │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃74│ 52093900 │ 染色的重质其他全棉机织物           │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃75│ 52094100 │ 色织的重质全棉平纹布             │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃76│ 52094200 │ 色织的重质全棉粗斜纹布(劳动布)        │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃77│ 52094300 │ 色织的重质全棉三、四线斜纹布         │ 11.8 │  0   ┃
┃78│ 52103100 │ 与化纤混纺染色的轻质平纹棉布         │ 12.6 │  0   ┃
┃79│ 53091900 │ 其他全亚麻机织物               │ 12.4 │  0   ┃
┃80│ 53092900 │ 其他混纺亚麻机织物              │ 12.4 │  0   ┃
┃81│ 54011010 │ 非供零售用合成纤维长丝缝纫线         │ 8.2  │  0   ┃
┃82│ 54074200 │ 染色的纯尼龙布                │ 18.7 │  0   ┃
┃83│ 54074300 │ 色织的纯尼龙布                │ 18.7 │  0   ┃
┃84│ 54075200 │ 染色的纯聚酯变形长丝布            │ 18.7 │  0   ┃
┃85│ 54076100 │ 其他纯聚酯非变形长丝布            │ 18.7 │  0   ┃
┃86│ 54077200 │ 染色的其他纯合成纤维长丝布          │ 18.7 │  0   ┃
┃87│ 54079200 │ 染色的其他混纺合成纤维布           │ 18.7 │  0   ┃
┃88│ 55081000 │ 合成纤维短纤纺制的缝纫线           │ 11.0 │  0   ┃
┃89│ 55093200 │ 非零售纯聚丙烯腈短纤多股纱线         │ 11.0 │  0   ┃
┃90│ 55121900 │ 其他纯聚酯布                 │ 18.7 │  0   ┃
┃91│ 55129900 │ 其他纯合成纤维布               │ 18.7 │  0   ┃
┃92│ 55132100 │ 与棉混纺染色的轻质聚酯平纹布         │ 18.7 │  0   ┃
┃93│ 55161200 │ 染色的纯人造纤维短纤布            │ 17.3 │  0   ┃
┃94│ 58012200 │ 割绒的棉制灯芯绒               │ 12.5 │  0   ┃
┃95│ 58042100 │ 化纤机制花边                 │ 17.3 │  0   ┃
┃96│ 58062000 │ 含弹性纱线≥5%的狭幅织物           │ 16.7 │  0   ┃
┃97│ 58071000 │ 机织非绣制纺织材料标签、徽章等        │ 16.7 │  0   ┃
┃98│ 59031020 │ 用聚氯乙烯浸、涂的人造革           │ 13.0 │  0   ┃
┃99│ 59031090 │ 用聚氯乙烯浸、涂的其他纺织物         │ 13.2 │  0   ┃
┃100│ 59032090 │ 用聚氨基甲酸酯浸、涂的其他纺织物       │ 13.2 │  0   ┃
┃101│ 59039090 │ 用其他塑料浸、涂的其他纺织物         │ 13.2 │  0   ┃
┃102│ 60019200 │ 化纤制针织或钩编起绒织物           │ 16.0 │  0   ┃
┃103│ 60023010 │ 宽>30cm弹性棉针织、钩编织物         │ 12.5 │  0   ┃
┃104│ 60023090 │ 宽>30cm其他弹性纺织材料针织、钩编织物    │ 16.0 │  0   ┃
┃105│ 60024200 │ 棉制经编织物                 │ 12.5 │  0   ┃
┃106│ 60029200 │ 棉制其他针织或钩编织物            │ 12.5 │  0   ┃
┃107│ 60029300 │ 化纤制其他针织或钩编织物           │ 16.0 │  0   ┃
┃108│ 61046200 │ 棉制针织或钩编女长裤、工装裤等        │ 17.7 │  0   ┃
┃109│ 61051000 │ 棉制针织或钩编男衬衫             │ 17.7 │  0   ┃
┃110│ 61052000 │ 化学纤维制针织或钩编的男衬衫         │ 21.3 │  0   ┃
┃111│ 61059000 │ 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编的男衬衫       │ 20.5 │  0   ┃
┃112│ 61061000 │ 棉制针织或钩编女衬衫             │ 17.7 │  0   ┃
┃113│ 61062000 │ 化纤制针织或钩编女衬衫            │ 21.3 │  0   ┃
┃114│ 61069000 │ 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编的女衬衫       │ 20.5 │  0   ┃
┃115│ 61071100 │ 棉制针织或钩编男内裤及三角裤         │ 16.3 │  0   ┃
┃116│ 61083100 │ 棉制针织或钩编女睡衣及睡衣裤         │ 16.3 │  0   ┃
┃117│ 61091000 │ 棉制针织或钩编T恤衫、汗衫等         │ 16.3 │  0   ┃
┃118│ 61099090 │ 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编T恤衫、汗衫等    │ 19.5 │  0   ┃
┃119│ 61101010 │ 羊绒制针织或钩编套头衫等           │ 19.5 │  0   ┃
┃120│ 61101020 │ 羊毛制针织或钩编套头衫等           │ 19.5 │  0   ┃
┃121│ 61101030 │ 兔毛制针织或钩编套头衫等           │ 19.5 │  0   ┃
┃122│ 61101090 │ 其他毛制针织或钩编套头衫等          │ 19.5 │  0   ┃
┃123│ 61102000 │ 棉制针织或钩编套头衫等            │ 14.0 │  0   ┃
┃124│ 61103000 │ 化纤制针织或钩编套头衫等           │ 19.0 │  0   ┃
┃125│ 61109010 │ 丝及绢丝制针织或钩编套头衫等         │ 19.5 │  0   ┃
┃126│ 61109090 │ 其他纺织材料制针织或钩编套头衫等       │ 19.5 │  0   ┃
┃127│ 61112000 │ 棉制针织或钩编婴儿服装及附件         │ 16.3 │  0   ┃
┃128│ 61179000 │ 其他纺织材料针织或钩编衣着零件        │ 19.5 │  0   ┃
┃129│ 62034210 │ 棉制男式阿拉伯裤               │ 18.5 │  0   ┃
┃130│ 62034290 │ 棉制男式长裤、工装裤等            │ 18.5 │  0   ┃
┃131│ 62043200 │ 棉制女式上衣                 │ 17.7 │  0   ┃
┃132│ 62043300 │ 合纤制女式上衣                │ 21.3 │  0   ┃
┃133│ 62045200 │ 棉制裙子及裙裤                │ 16.3 │  0   ┃
┃134│ 62046200 │ 棉制女式长裤、工装裤等            │ 17.7 │  0   ┃
┃135│ 62046300 │ 合纤制女式长裤、工装裤等           │ 21.3 │  0   ┃
┃136│ 62052000 │ 棉制男衬衫                  │ 17.7 │  0   ┃
┃137│ 62053000 │ 人纤制男衬衫                 │ 20.5 │  0   ┃
┃138│ 62059090 │ 其他纺织材料制男衬衫             │ 20.5 │  0   ┃
┃139│ 62063000 │ 棉制女衬衫                  │ 17.7 │  0   ┃
┃140│ 62064000 │ 化纤制女衬衫                 │ 21.3 │  0   ┃
┃141│ 62069000 │ 其他纺织材料制女衬衫             │ 20.5 │  0   ┃
┃142│ 62082200 │ 化纤制女式睡衣及睡衣裤            │ 19.0 │  0   ┃
┃143│ 62179000 │ 非针织非钩编服装或衣着零件          │ 19.5 │  0   ┃
┃144│ 63025190 │ 棉制其他餐桌用织物制品            │ 16.3 │  0   ┃
┃145│ 64069900 │ 其他材料制鞋靴、护腿等零件          │ 17.0 │  0   ┃
┃146│ 70195900 │ 其他玻璃纤维机织物              │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃147│ 70200011 │ 导电玻璃                   │ 10.5 │  0   ┃
┃148│ 71023100 │ 未加工或简单加工非工业用钻石         │ 3.0  │  0   ┃
┃149│ 71131100 │ 银首饰及其零件                │ 26.7 │  0   ┃
┃150│ 71131910 │ 黄金制首饰及其零件              │ 26.7 │  0   ┃
┃151│ 71131990 │ 其他贵金属制首饰及其零件           │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃152│ 71132000 │ 以贱金属为底的包贵金属制首饰         │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃153│ 71141100 │ 银器及零件                  │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃154│ 71141900 │ 其他贵金属制金银器及零件           │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃155│ 71142000 │ 以贱金属为底的包贵金属制金银器        │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃156│ 71151000 │ 金属丝布或格栅状的铂催化剂          │ 3.0  │  0   ┃
┃157│ 71159010 │ 工业或实验室用贵或包贵金属制品        │ 3.0  │  0   ┃
┃158│ 71159090 │ 其他用途的贵或包贵金属制品          │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃159│ 71161000 │ 天然或养殖珍珠制品              │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃160│ 71162000 │ 宝石或半宝石制品               │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃161│ 71171100 │ 贱金属制袖扣、饰扣              │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃162│ 71171900 │ 其他贱金属制仿首饰              │ 24.7 │  0   ┃
┃163│ 71179000 │ 未列名材料制仿首饰              │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃164│ 73181500 │ 其他螺钉及螺栓                │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃165│ 73269090 │ 其他非工业用钢铁制品             │ 10.4 │  0   ┃
┃166│ 74040000 │ 铜废碎料                   │ 1.5  │  0   ┃
┃167│ 74081900 │ 截面尺寸≤6mm的精炼铜丝           │ 4.0  │  0   ┃
┃168│ 74092100 │ 成卷的黄铜板、片、带             │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃169│ 74092900 │ 其他黄铜板、片、带              │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃170│ 74099000 │ 其他铜合金板、片、带             │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃171│ 74101100 │ 无衬背的精炼铜箔               │ 4.0  │  0   ┃
┃172│ 74102100 │ 有衬背的精炼铜箔               │ 4.0  │  0   ┃
┃173│ 76011000 │ 未锻轧纯铝                  │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃174│ 76020000 │ 铝废碎料                   │ 1.5  │  0   ┃
┃175│ 76061190 │ 纯铝制矩形的其他板、片及带          │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃176│ 76061240 │ 厚度>0.35mm的铝合金制矩形铝板片带      │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃177│ 76069100 │ 纯铝制非矩形的板、片及带           │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃178│ 76069200 │ 铝合金制非矩形的板、片及带          │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃179│ 80030000 │ 锡及锡合金条、杆、型材、丝          │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃180│ 83089000 │ 贱金属制珠子及亮晶片             │ 10.5 │  0   ┃
┃181│ 84159010 │ 制冷量≤4千大卡/时等空调的零件        │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃182│ 84435990 │ 其它印刷机                  │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃183│ 84514000 │ 洗涤、漂白或染色机器             │ 8.4  │  0   ┃
┃184│ 84518000 │ 税号84.51所列其他未列名的机器        │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃185│ 84798962 │ 自动贴片机                  │ 3.6  │  0   ┃
┃186│ 84804100 │ 金属、硬质合金用注模或压模          │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃187│ 84807900 │ 塑料或橡胶用其他型模             │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃188│ 84818019 │ 其他未列名阀门                │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃189│ 84821000 │ 滚珠轴承                   │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃190│ 85011010 │ 输出功率≤37.5W玩具电动机          │ 24.5 │  0   ┃
┃191│ 85011091 │ 机座20mm≤直径<39mm微电机          │ 11.2 │  0   ┃
┃192│ 85011099 │ 其他输出功率≤37.5W微电机          │ 9.0  │  0   ┃
┃193│ 85013100 │ 输出功率≤750瓦直流电动机、发电机      │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃194│ 85030010 │ 玩具用电动机微电机零件            │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃195│ 85030020 │ 输出功率>350MVA交流发电机零件        │ 3.0  │  0   ┃
┃196│ 85030030 │ 风力驱动发电机组的零件            │ 3.0  │  0   ┃
┃197│ 85030090 │ 其他电动机、发电机(组)零件          │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃198│ 85043190 │ 额定容量≤1KVA的其他变压器          │ 7.2  │  0   ┃
┃199│ 85044090 │ 其他未列名静止式变流器            │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃200│ 85049019 │ 其他变压器零件                │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃201│ 85049090 │ 其他静止式变流器及电感器零件         │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃202│ 85051190 │ 其他金属的永磁体               │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃203│ 85051900 │ 非金属永磁体                 │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃204│ 85061000 │ 二氧化锰的原电池及原电池组          │ 20.0 │  0   ┃
┃205│ 85068000 │ 其他原电池及原电池组             │ 14.0 │  0   ┃
┃206│ 85073000 │ 镍镉蓄电池                  │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃207│ 85078010 │ 镍氢电池                   │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃208│ 85079010 │ 铅酸蓄电池零件                │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃209│ 85079090 │ 其他蓄电池零件                │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃210│ 85089000 │ 手提式电动工具的零件             │ 6.6  │  0   ┃
┃211│ 85099000 │ 家用电动器具的零件              │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃212│ 85139010 │ 手电筒零件                  │ 14.0 │  0   ┃
┃213│ 85139090 │ 其他自供能源手提式电灯零件          │ 14.0 │  0   ┃
┃214│ 85152110 │ 直缝焊管机                  │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃215│ 85152190 │ 其他全自动或半自动电阻焊接机         │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃216│ 85158000 │ 其他焊接机器及装置              │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃217│ 85169010 │ 土壤加热器及加热电阻器零件          │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃218│ 85169090 │ 税号85.16所列货品的其他零件         │ 14.6 │  0   ┃
┃219│ 85181000 │ 传声器(麦克风)及其座架            │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃220│ 85189000 │ 税号85.18所列货品的零件           │ 10.5 │  0   ┃
┃221│ 85221000 │ 拾音头                    │ 35.0 │  0   ┃
┃222│ 85229010 │ 转盘或唱机用零附件              │ 27.0 │  0   ┃
┃223│ 85229021 │ 录音机走带机构(机芯)             │ 27.0 │  0   ┃
┃224│ 85229030 │ 其他视频信号录放设备的零件附件        │ 30.0 │  0   ┃
┃225│ 85229090 │ 税号85.19至85.21所列设备其他零件       │ 20.0 │  0   ┃
┃226│ 85239000 │ 其他供录制声音等信息未录制媒体        │ 8.3  │  0   ┃
┃227│ 85291010 │ 雷达及无线电导航设备天线及零件        │ 1.5  │  0   ┃
┃228│ 85299030 │ 对讲机零件                  │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃229│ 85299049 │ 其他用途电视摄像机零件            │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃230│ 85299060 │ 收音机及其组合机的其他零件          │ 15.0 │  0   ┃
┃231│ 85299090 │ 税号85.25至85.28所列设备的零件        │ 4.0  │  0   ┃
┃232│ 85318010 │ 蜂鸣器                    │ 15.0 │  0   ┃
┃233│ 85361000 │ 熔断器(电压≤1000V)             │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃234│ 85364900 │ 电压>60V的继电器              │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃235│ 85371010 │ 其他数控装置                 │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃236│ 85371090 │ 其他电力控制或分配的装置           │ 8.4  │  0   ┃
┃237│ 85372090 │ 其他电力控制或分配装置            │ 8.4  │  0   ┃
┃238│ 85389000 │ 税号85.35、85.36或85.37装置的零件      │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃239│ 85392991 │ 电压≤12V未列名的白炽灯泡          │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃240│ 85404000 │ 点距<0.4mm彩色数据/图形显示管        │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃241│ 85441100 │ 铜制绕组电线                 │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃242│ 85444190 │ 耐压≤80V有接头电导体            │ 4.0  │  0   ┃
┃243│ 85445190 │ 1000V≥耐压>80V有接头电导体         │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃244│ 85445990 │ 1000V≥耐压>80V无接头电导体         │ 13.8 │  0   ┃
┃245│ 90011000 │ 光导纤维束及光缆               │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃246│ 90012000 │ 偏振材料制的片及板              │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃247│ 90019000 │ 税号90.01未列名的其他光学元件        │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃248│ 90021990 │ 税号90.02未列名的其他物镜          │ 15.0 │  0   ┃
┃249│ 90069110 │ 特种用途照相机的零附件            │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃250│ 90069120 │ 一次成像照相机的零附件            │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃251│ 90069191 │ 照相机自动调焦组件              │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃252│ 90069192 │ 其他照相机的快门组件             │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃253│ 90069199 │ 其他照相机的其他零附件            │ 10.0 │  0   ┃
┃254│ 90138010 │ 放大镜                    │ 12.0 │  0   ┃
┃255│ 90138090 │ 其他液晶装置及光学仪器            │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃256│ 90139010 │ 激光器、望远镜等装置的零附件         │ 6.0  │  0   ┃
┃257│ 90139090 │ 税号90.13所列其他货品的零附件        │ 8.0  │  0   ┃
┃258│ 90318090 │ 未列名测量、检验仪器器具及机器        │ 5.0  │  0   ┃
┃259│ 91021100 │ 机械指示式的其他电子手表           │ 15.0 │  0   ┃
┃260│ 91021200 │ 光电显示式的其他电子手表           │ 23.0 │  0   ┃
┃261│ 91031000 │ 以表芯装成的电子钟              │ 23.0 │  0   ┃
┃262│ 91051100 │ 电子闹钟                   │ 23.0 │  0   ┃
┃263│ 91081100 │ 已组装的机械指示式完整电子表芯        │ 16.0 │  0   ┃
┃264│ 91081200 │ 已组装的光电显示式完整电子表芯        │ 16.0 │  0   ┃
┃265│ 91081900 │ 其他已组装的完整电子表芯           │ 16.0 │  0   ┃
┃266│ 91089900 │ 其他已组装完整机械表芯            │ 16.0 │  0   ┃
┃267│ 91112000 │ 贱金属制的表壳                │ 14.0 │  0   ┃
┃268│ 91132000 │ 贱金属制的表带及其零件            │ 14.0 │  0   ┃
┃269│ 91149000 │ 钟、表的其他零件               │ 14.0 │  0   ┃
┃270│ 95039000 │ 其他未列名玩具                │ 7.0  │  0   ┃
┃271│ 96062200 │ 金属制钮扣                  │ 17.0 │  0   ┃
┃272│ 96071100 │ 装有贱金属齿的拉链              │ 21.0 │  0   ┃
┃273│ 96071900 │ 其他拉链                   │ 21.0 │  0   ┃


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