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Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2007-2009)

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2007-2009)



I. Preamble 


1.1 On 3-5 November 2006, the Beijing Summit and the Third Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) were held in Beijing. Heads of state, government and delegation as well as ministers of foreign affairs and ministers in charge of economic cooperation from China and 48 African countries (hereinafter referred to as "the two sides") attended the Summit and Ministerial Conference respectively.   1.1 2006年11月3日至5日,中非合作论坛北京峰会暨第3届部长级会议在北京召开。来自中国和48个非洲国家(以下简称“双方”)的国家元首、政府首脑和代表团团长以及外交部长和负责经济合作事务的部长分别出席了峰会和部长会。
1.2 The two sides reviewed with satisfaction the growth of friendship and cooperation between the People's Republic of China and African countries in the past 50 years since the inauguration of their diplomatic relations. Pleased and encouraged to note the good progress of their mutually beneficial cooperation that has brought benefit to their peoples in the past six years since the founding of FOCAC, and satisfied with the faithful delivery of the commitments in the Addis Ababa Action Plan (2004-2006) adopted at the Second Ministerial Conference, the two sides resolved to make joint efforts to advance the new type of strategic partnership between China and Africa in keeping with the Declaration of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.   1.2 双方满意地回顾了中华人民共和国和非洲国家开启外交关系50年来双方友好合作的发展历程,对中非合作论坛成立6年来互利合作取得丰硕成果并造福于双方人民感到高兴和鼓舞,对第2届部长级会议通过的《中非合作论坛-亚的斯亚贝巴行动计划(2004至2006年)》各项承诺得到切实落实感到满意,决心本着《中非合作论坛北京峰会宣言》精神,共同推进中非新型战略伙伴关系发展。
1.3 To build on the success of the Summit and Conference, chart the course for China-Africa cooperation in all areas in the next three years and promote friendship, peace, cooperation and development, the two sides have formulated and adopted this Action Plan.   1.3 为落实会议成果,规划今后3年中非在各领域的合作,本着“友谊、和平、合作、发展”的宗旨,双方共同制定并一致通过本行动计划。
II. Political Cooperation 


2.1 High-level Visits and Dialogue   2.1 高层互访及对话
Taking note that contacts and exchange of visits between Chinese and African leaders have increased notably since the Second FOCAC Ministerial Conference, the two sides agreed to continue the momentum of high-level visit and dialogue to enhance traditional friendship and mutual trust, conduct regular exchange of views and close coordination and cooperation on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues and share experience on governance to pursue common development and progress. 注意到中非合作论坛第2届部长级会议以来,中非领导人互访及交往明显增加。希望继续保持高层互访及对话势头,增进传统友谊和相互信任;同意就双边关系和重大国际及地区问题经常交换意见,密切协调和合作,并就治国理政交流经验,谋求共同发展和进步。
2.2 Consultation and Cooperation Mechanisms   2.2 磋商与合作机制
2.2.1 Convinced that FOCAC has become an important platform for collective dialogue and effective mechanism for pragmatic cooperation between China and Africa, the two sides decided to vigorously carry out follow-up actions, actively explore ways to strengthen the building of a follow-up mechanism and enhance communication and cooperation within the framework of FOCAC. 2.2.1 认为中非合作论坛已成为中非集体对话的重要平台和务实合作的有效机制,决定在论坛框架下积极落实后续行动,积极探讨加强后续机制建设,促进沟通与合作。
2.2.2 The two sides agreed to set up a mechanism of regular political dialogue between foreign ministers of the two sides within the FOCAC framework. In the following year of every FOCAC Ministerial Conference, foreign ministers from the two sides will hold political consultation in New York on the sideline of the UN General Assembly to exchange views on major issues of common interest. 2.2.2 同意在中非合作论坛框架下建立中非外长级定期政治对话机制。在每届论坛部长级会议次年,中非双方外长在出席联合国大会之际在纽约举行政治磋商,就共同关心的重大问题交换意见。
2.2.3 The two sides resolved to strengthen and give full play to existing mechanisms between China and Africa, such as bilateral commissions, foreign ministries' political consultation, mixed commissions on economic and trade cooperation, and joint commissions on science and technology, expand their cooperation in the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and other international and regional organizations, and actively explore ways of pragmatic cooperation with third parties on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and win-win result. 2.2.3 决心加强中国与非洲国家现有双边委员会、外交部政治磋商、经贸混委会、科技联委会等机制,充分发挥其作用;扩大中国与非洲国家在联合国、世界贸易组织等国际和区域组织中的合作;在平等、互利、共赢基础上,积极探索中非与第三方开展务实合作。
2.3 Contacts between Legislatures and Local Governments   2.3 立法机构、地方政府等交往
2.3.1 To promote mutual respect, deepen understanding and enhance cooperation, the two sides will strengthen friendly contacts in various forms between the National People's Congress of China and parliaments of African countries as well as the Pan-African Parliament. 2.3.1 本着相互尊重、增进了解、发展合作的精神,加强中国全国人民代表大会与非洲国家议会及泛非议会间各种形式的友好往来。
2.3.2 The two sides will support the establishment of sister-province/state and sister-city relations between the two sides and promote exchanges and cooperation in local development and administration. 2.3.2 支持双方建立友好省州或友好城市,促进双方在地方发展管理方面的交流和合作。
2.4 Consular and Judicial Cooperation   2.4 领事、司法合作
2.4.1 To meet the need of growing economic and trade relations and personnel exchanges between China and Africa, the two sides will strengthen consular cooperation and take effective measures to facilitate mutual visits and protect personal and property safety and lawful rights and interests of their citizens. 2.4.1 顺应中非经贸关系和人员往来日益密切的新形势,加强领事合作,采取有效措施,便利双方人员往来,保障双方公民的人身、财产安全和合法权益。
2.4.2 The two sides will promote exchanges and consultation between judiciaries, police and other law enforcement authorities, improve their capability to jointly prevent, investigate and combat crimes, enhance cooperation in legal assistance, extradition and repatriation of criminal suspects and management of emigrants, and work to resolve the issue of illegal migration through consultation. 2.4.2 促进司法、警务等执法部门的交流与磋商,提高共同防范、侦查和打击犯罪的能力,加强在司法协助、引渡和遣返犯罪嫌疑人以及移民管理等方面的合作,通过协商解决非法移民问题。
2.5 Cooperation between China and the African Union as well as Sub-regional Organizations in Africa   2.5 中国与非洲联盟及非洲次区域组织的合作
2.5.1 The two sides applauded the positive role played and accomplishments made by the African Union (AU) and African sub-regional organizations and financial institutions in building up Africa's strength through unity, maintaining regional peace and advancing regional cooperation and economic development. 2.5.1 高度评价非洲联盟以及非洲次区域组织和金融机构在促进非洲联合自强、维护地区和平、推动区域合作和发展经济方面发挥的积极作用及取得的成就。
2.5.2 The Chinese Government will continue to strengthen its cooperation with the AU and sub-regional organizations and institutions in Africa, support the AU's leading role in resolving African issues, and take an active part in UN peace-keeping operations in Africa. 2.5.2 中国政府将继续加强同非洲联盟以及非洲次区域组织和机构的合作,支持非洲联盟在解决非洲问题中发挥主导作用,积极参与联合国在非洲的维和行动。
2.5.3 To support African countries in their efforts to strengthen themselves through unity and speed up integration, the Chinese side will help the AU to build a convention center in Addis Ababa. 2.5.3 为支持非洲国家联合自强、加快一体化建设的努力,中方将帮助非洲联盟在亚的斯亚贝巴建设一个会议中心。
2.5.4 The two sides commended cooperation between FOCAC and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and resolved to strengthen such cooperation and further explore specific ways and areas of cooperation. 2.5.4 双方积极评价中非合作论坛与“非洲发展新伙伴计划”(NEPAD)的合作,决心加强这一合作,进一步探讨双方合作的具体方式和领域。
III. Economic Cooperation 


3.1 Agriculture   3.1 农业
3.1.1 The two sides stressed the importance of agriculture in their respective economies and that enhanced agricultural cooperation will play a positive role in eliminating poverty, promoting development and ensuring food security for both sides. 3.1.1 强调农业在各自国民经济中的重要地位,认为加强农业合作,对双方消除贫困、促进发展以及保障粮食安全将发挥积极作用。
3.1.2 The two sides noted with pleasure the major progress made in China-Africa agricultural cooperation and resolved to intensify their exchanges and cooperation in farming, animal husbandry, irrigation, fishery, agricultural machinery, processing of agricultural produce, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, food safety and epidemic control, and actively explore new forms and ways of agricultural cooperation. 3.1.2 高兴地看到中非农业合作取得较大进展,决心加强在种植业、畜牧业、灌溉、渔业、农业机械、农产品加工、动植物卫生与食品安全和疫病防治等领域的交流与合作,积极探讨开展农业合作的新形式和新途径。
3.1.3 The Chinese side decided to: 3.1.3 中方决定:
--Send 100 senior experts on agricultural technologies to Africa and set up in Africa 10 demonstration centers of agricultural technology with special features; ----向非洲派遣100名高级农业技术专家,在非洲建立10个有特色的农业技术示范中心。
--Give encouragement and support to Chinese enterprises in expanding their investment in agriculture in Africa and getting more involved in agricultural infrastructure development, production of agricultural machinery and processing of agricultural produce in Africa; ----鼓励和支持中国企业扩大对非农业投资,进一步参与非洲农业基础设施建设、农机生产和农产品加工业。
--Step up cooperation with Africa in extending applicable technologies and human resources training in agriculture; ----加强与非洲在农业实用技术和农业人力资源开发方面的合作。
--Strengthen cooperation with African countries within the framework of the Special Program for Food Security of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. ----加强与非洲国家在联合国粮农组织“粮食安全特别计划”框架内的合作。
3.2 Investment and Business Cooperation   3.2 投资与企业合作
3.2.1 The two sides noted with satisfaction the steady increase of mutual investment in a growing number of areas since the Second Ministerial Conference of FOCAC in 2003 and concluded that this will enhance bilateral economic ties and contribute to local economic development. They pledged to give continued encouragement and support for mutual investment, explore new areas and forms of expanded cooperation in investment and take concrete steps to ensure the sound growth of investment. 3.2.1 高兴地看到自2003年中非合作论坛第2届部长级会议以来双向投资稳步增长,投资领域不断拓宽;认为这有助于密切双方经济联系,带动当地经济发展;承诺继续鼓励和支持相互投资,积极探讨扩大投资合作的新领域、新方式,并采取切实措施维护其健康发展。
3.2.2 The two sides decided to facilitate the negotiation, conclusion and implementation of the Agreement on Bilateral Facilitation and Protection of Investment and the Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation to create an enabling environment for investment cooperation and protect the lawful rights and interests of investors from both sides. They pledged facilitation necessary in terms of administrative approval procedures, customs clearance and border entry and exit for company investors of the two sides. 3.2.2 推动商签并落实双边促进和保护投资协定、避免双重征税协定,营造良好的投资合作环境,保护双方投资者的合法权益。承诺对双方的投资企业在许可手续、物品通关、人员出入境等方面给予必要的便利。
3.2.3 The two sides noted with satisfaction the successful convocation of the High-Level Dialogue between Chinese and African Leaders and Business Representatives and the Second Conference of Chinese and African Entrepreneurs during the Beijing Summit, expressed congratulations on the establishment of the China-Africa Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry and pledged their support to the Chamber. They hoped that the Chamber will become an effective platform of communication for promoting result-oriented economic, trade and investment cooperation between China and Africa. 3.2.3 高兴地看到中非领导人与工商界代表高层对话会和第2届中非企业家大会在北京峰会期间成功举行。对“中国-非洲联合工商会”的成立表示祝贺,希望并支持其成为促进中非之间开展务实经贸与投资合作的有效沟通平台。
3.2.4 The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation among their small- and medium-sized enterprises to promote Africa's industrial development and enhance Africa's production and export capacity. 3.2.4 致力于加强双方中小企业合作,推动非洲工业发展,增强生产和出口能力。
3.2.5 The Chinese Government, placing importance on facilitating investment expansion in Africa, decided to support related Chinese banks in setting up a China-Africa Development Fund whose total amount will gradually reach US$5 billion to give encouragement and support to well-established and reputable Chinese companies in making investment in projects in Africa which will contribute to local technological progress, employment opportunities and sustainable socio-economic development. 3.2.5 中国政府重视推动扩大对非投资,决定支持中国有关银行设立中非发展基金,逐步达到总额50亿美元,鼓励和支持有实力、有信誉的中国企业到非洲投资兴办有利于提高非洲国家技术水平、增加就业和促进当地经济社会可持续发展的项目。
3.2.6 China is ready to encourage, in the next three years, well-established Chinese companies to set up three to five overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in African countries where conditions permit. 3.2.6 中国愿在今后3年内支持有实力的中国企业在有条件的非洲国家建立3-5个境外经济贸易合作区。
3.3 Trade   3.3 贸易
Noting with pleasure the fast growth in two-way trade since the Second Ministerial Conference of the Forum and convinced that further expansion of trade serves the mutual interests of China and Africa, the two sides decided to: 高兴地看到中非合作论坛第2届部长级会议以来双边贸易快速发展,认为进一步扩大中非贸易符合双方的利益。决定:
--Continue to work to create favorable conditions to grow China-Africa trade in a more balanced manner. China pledged to further open up its market to Africa, increase from 190 to over 440 the number of export items to China eligible for zero-tariff treatment from the least developed countries in Africa having diplomatic relations with China and launch bilateral negotiations with countries concerned for the early conclusion and implementation of related agreements; ----继续致力于为中非贸易发展创造良好条件,促使中非贸易向平衡方向发展。中方承诺进一步向非洲国家开放市场,将同中国有外交关系的非洲最不发达国家输华商品零关税待遇受惠商品由190个税目扩大到440多个税目,并尽快与有关国家进行磋商,早日签署协议并付诸实施。
--Strengthen cooperation in customs, taxation, inspection and quarantine to facilitate healthy and orderly growth of China-Africa trade; ----加强双方在海关、税务、检验检疫等领域的合作,促进中非贸易健康、有序发展。
--Properly address, in a spirit of mutual understanding and accommodation, trade disputes and frictions through bilateral or multilateral friendly consultations;

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