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Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Hebei Xiongan New Area in Fully Deepening Reforms and Expanding Opening up [Effective]
中共中央、国务院关于支持河北雄安新区全面深化改革和扩大开放的指导意见 [现行有效]

Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Hebei Xiongan New Area in Fully Deepening Reforms and Expanding Opening up 


The establishment of Hebei Xiongan New Area is a major decision and arrangement made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to profoundly advance the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province. It is another new area of national significance following the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and Shanghai Pudong New Area, a major historic strategic choice, and a millennium strategy and a national event. For purposes of supporting Xiongan New Area in fully deepening reforms and expanding opening up, the following opinions are offered. 设立河北雄安新区,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央深入推进京津冀协同发展作出的一项重大决策部署,是继深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区之后又一具有全国意义的新区,是重大的历史性战略选择,是千年大计、国家大事。为支持雄安新区全面深化改革和扩大开放,提出以下意见。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology (一)指导思想
Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era shall function as the guide, the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee shall be fully implemented, Party overall leadership shall be adhered to and strengthened, the general working tone of seeking progress in stability shall be adhered to, the new development concept shall be adhered to, the requirements for the holistic advancement of the overall layout for "economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress" and the coordinated advancement of the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy shall be followed, the supply-side structural reform shall serve as the theme, a global vision, international standards, Chinese characteristics, and high positioning shall always be adhered to, the mission to serve as a primary place to take over non-capital functions relocated from Beijing shall be resolutely grasped, with a close focus on creating "Xiongan quality," building "Xiongan of integrity" and setting a national example in promoting high-quality development, the mind shall be further emancipated, there shall be courage to innovate, Xiongan New Area shall be given greater reform autonomy, every endeavor shall be made to take the lead in conducting pilot programs and making breakthroughs in innovative development, urban governance, public services, and other aspects, and a framework of systems facilitative to enhancing the attractiveness to the fine non-capital functions of Beijing and in compliance with the requirements for high-quality development and the direction of future development shall be established, so as to promote Xiongan New Area in achieving higher-quality, more efficient, fairer and more sustainable development, strive to build an innovative development zone that implements the new development concept, and contribute to the national overall picture of reform and opening up. 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,坚持和加强党的全面领导,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持新发展理念,按照统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局和协调推进“四个全面”战略布局要求,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,始终坚持世界眼光、国际标准、中国特色、高点定位,牢牢把握北京非首都功能疏解集中承载地这个初心,紧紧围绕创造“雄安质量”、建设“廉洁雄安”和打造推动高质量发展的全国样板,进一步解放思想、勇于创新,赋予雄安新区更大的改革自主权,着力在创新发展、城市治理、公共服务等方面先行先试、率先突破,构建有利于增强对优质北京非首都功能吸引力、符合高质量发展要求和未来发展方向的制度体系,推动雄安新区实现更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续发展,努力打造贯彻落实新发展理念的创新发展示范区,为全国改革开放大局作出贡献。
2. Basic principles (二)基本原则
—Adhering to centralized and unified Party leadership: Party's leadership and core role in providing overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all involved shall be maximized, Party construction shall underlie each phase, field and link of the planning, construction, reform and opening up of Xiongan New Area, politics shall be unequivocally articulated, and Party's political and organizational advantages shall be converted into powerful impetus and strong guarantees for advancing the reform and opening up of Xiongan New Area. --坚持党的集中统一领导。充分发挥党总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用,把党的建设始终贯穿雄安新区规划建设和改革开放各个阶段、各个领域、各个环节,旗帜鲜明讲政治,把党的政治优势、组织优势转化为推进雄安新区改革开放的强大动力和坚强保障。
—Adhering to the high positioning and overall planning: With a focus on the construction of a primary place to take over the non-capital functions relocated from Beijing, in accordance with the principle of more extensive and flexible thinking, by dovetailing with the Outline of the Plan for Xiongan New Area, the overall planning and top-level design of reform and opening up shall be strengthened. A problem-oriented approach shall be adhered to, efforts shall concentrate on reform and innovation in key fields and links, and every endeavor shall be made to produce actual effect at an early date. --坚持高点站位、统筹谋划。着眼建设北京非首都功能疏解集中承载地,按照思路再宽一些、再活一点的原则,与雄安新区规划纲要相衔接,加强改革开放的通盘谋划和顶层设计。坚持问题导向,在重点领域和关键环节改革创新上集中发力,争取早日取得实效。
—Adhering to bold exploration and taking the lead in conducting pilot programs: The courage to be the first in the world shall be adhered to, outdated ideas, rules and fences of interests shall be resolutely removed, and, according to the actual circumstances and characteristics of Xiongan New Area, the implementation and first launch of cutting-edge reform and openingup policies and measures in all fields and forward-looking pilot programs and demonstration projects of innovation in Xiongan New Area shall be promoted, so as to provide the country with experience susceptible of replication and promotion. --坚持大胆探索、先行先试。坚持敢为天下先,坚决破除不合时宜的思想观念、条条框框和利益藩篱,根据雄安新区实际情况和特点,推动各领域改革开放前沿政策措施和具有前瞻性的创新试点示范项目在雄安新区落地、先行先试,为全国提供可复制可推广的经验。
—Adhering to focusing on the present and keeping the future in view: The pace and intensity of the work of reform and opening up shall be controlled, so that necessary policy support shall be provided in the initial stage to enhance launch capabilities and impetus for sustained development, with a focus on resolving deep-seated conflicts and problems and providing institutional guarantee for the long-term development of Xiongan New Area. --坚持立足当前、着眼长远。把握改革开放工作推进的节奏和力度,既在起步阶段给予必要的政策支持,增强启动能力和持续发展动力,又着眼于破解深层次矛盾和问题,为雄安新区长远发展提供制度保障。
3. Principal objectives (三)主要目标
The reform of systems and mechanisms and the modernization of the governance system and capabilities shall be systemically advanced, the Xiongan New Area shall be driven to make improvements during the takeover and seek innovation during reform and development, and Xiongan New Area shall be built into a primary place to take over the non-capital functions of Beijing, an important pole in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei conurbation, and a high-quality, high-level, socialist modern city, play a role in guiding, demonstrating and boosting the comprehensive deepening of reforms, blaze a new trial in promoting high-quality development in the new era, and set an example in high-quality development in the new era. 系统推进体制机制改革和治理体系、治理能力现代化,推动雄安新区在承接中促提升,在改革发展中谋创新,把雄安新区建设成为北京非首都功能集中承载地、京津冀城市群重要一极、高质量高水平社会主义现代化城市,发挥对全面深化改革的引领示范带动作用,走出一条新时代推动高质量发展的新路径,打造新时代高质量发展样板。
By 2022, the framework of systems that adapts to the positioning of Xiongan New Area and requirements for high-quality development, enables the market to play a decisive role in resource allocation and causes the government to better play its role will have been basically established, reforms in key fields and links will have produced remarkable results, a fine and easing development environment and an active and efficient innovation atmosphere will have basically taken shape, the attractiveness to the non-capital functions and population of Beijing will have been significantly heightened, and the role of reform and opening up as the fundamental impetus for the development of Xiongan New Area will have been manifested. 到2022年,适应雄安新区定位和高质量发展要求、使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用的制度体系基本建立,重点领域和关键环节改革取得明显成效,优质宽松的发展环境和活跃高效的创新氛围基本形成,对北京非首都功能和人口吸引力明显增强,改革开放作为雄安新区发展根本动力的作用得到显现。
By 2035, various measures for comprehensively deepening reforms and expanding opening up in Xiongan New Area will have been fully implemented, a well-organized, sound, scientific, and well-regulated framework of systems in effective operation will have been established, the non-capital functions that move to the new area will have been further optimized and developed, the system of "Xiongan quality" standards will have been basically mature and gradually promoted, and the guiding and driving role in promoting high-quality development will have been further manifested. 到2035年,雄安新区全面深化改革和扩大开放各项举措得到全面贯彻落实,构建形成系统完备、科学规范、运行有效的制度体系,疏解到新区的非首都功能得到进一步优化发展,“雄安质量”标准体系基本成熟并逐步推广,对推动高质量发展的引领带动作用进一步凸显。
By the middle of this century, the socialist market economy system of Xiongan New Area will have been more robust, the modernization of the governance system and capabilities will have been achieved, the quality, efficiency and impetus reform of economic development will have been basically completed, society will have been full of vitality, harmonious and orderly, the experience and achievements of reform and opening up will have been widely promoted nationwide, and relatively strong international influence will have been gained. 到本世纪中叶,雄安新区社会主义市场经济体制更加完善,治理体系和治理能力实现现代化,经济发展的质量变革、效率变革、动力变革基本完成,社会充满活力又和谐有序,改革开放经验和成果在全国范围内得到广泛推广,形成较强国际影响力。
II. Priority tasks   二、重点任务
1. Strengthening the innovation-driven approach and building a modern economic system (一)强化创新驱动,建设现代化经济体系
Using innovation as the first impetus for guiding the high-quality development of Xiongan New Area shall be adhered to, the supply-side structural reform shall be regarded as the theme, the reform of systems and mechanisms facilitative to taking over the non-capital functions of Beijing and gathering innovation factor resources shall be systemically advanced, no effort shall be spared in building industry clusters with core competitiveness, new growth points shall be cultivated, new impetus shall be built up, and every endeavor shall be made to build an economic system with an efficient market mechanism and vigorous market participants. 坚持把创新作为引领雄安新区高质量发展的第一动力,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,系统推进有利于承接北京非首都功能、集聚创新要素资源的体制机制改革,着力建设具有核心竞争力的产业集群,培育新增长点、形成新动能,努力构建市场机制高效、主体活力强劲的经济体系。
(1) Profoundly advancing the reform of state-owned enterprises and public institutions that move to Xiongan New Area. The relocation of the Beijing-based headquarters and branches of state-owned enterprises to Xiongan New Area shall be supported, the optimization of the layout, restructuring and strategic reorganization of the state-owned economy shall be promoted in their relocation, the preservation of and appreciation in the value of state-owned assets shall be boosted, and state-owned capital shall be driven to become stronger and bigger. The asset management system shall be improved, a regulation mechanism of state assets in the new district with a focus on asset management shall be established, and the lead shall be taken in forming a corporate governance structure with effective checks and balances and a flexible and efficient market-oriented operating mechanism. The principles of classification guidance and mixture as appropriate shall be adhered to, the mixed ownership economy shall be vigorously and duly developed, enterprises' competitiveness shall be cultivated, and a state-owned enterprise in Xiongan New Area other than one that relates to the lifelines of the national economy or undertakes major special tasks may, in principle, explore the development of a mixed-ownership economy. Various public institutions in Beijing shall be promoted in relocating to Xiongan New Area, the advancement of the reform of public institutions shall be accelerated in the process of the relocation, the function and staff structure shall be optimized, and the separation of administrative agencies from public institutions, public institutions from enterprises, and regulators from founders shall be advanced. 1.深入推进疏解到雄安新区的国有企业和事业单位改革。支持在京国有企业总部及分支机构向雄安新区转移,在疏解中推动国有经济布局优化、结构调整、战略性重组,促进国有资产保值增值,推动国有资本做强做优做大。完善资产管理体制,建立以管资本为主的新区国有资产监管机制,率先形成有效制衡的法人治理结构和灵活高效的市场化经营机制。坚持分类指导、宜混则混的原则,积极稳妥发展混合所有制经济,培育企业竞争力,雄安新区国有企业除涉及国民经济命脉或承担重大专项任务外,原则上可以探索发展混合所有制经济。推动在京各类事业单位向雄安新区疏解,在疏解过程中加快推进事业单位改革,优化职能和人员结构,推进政事分开、事企分开、管办分离。
(2) Promoting the development of high-end and high-tech industries. The improvement of the quality of the supply system shall be regarded as the primary direction, and the intrinsic impetus for the economic development of Xiongan New Area shall be triggered. Xiongan New Area shall be supported in attracting Beijing-based innovative and high-growth technology enterprises to relocate. New mechanisms and models that are conducive to the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries shall be established. Standards of access to industries shall be strict, a scientific assessment and demonstration mechanism for industry projects in the area shall be established, a negative list of industries that Xiongan New Area is restricted from taking over and arranging shall be developed, modern improvements on local traditional industries that meet the orientation and development direction of the new area shall be made, and obsolete capacity shall be effectively and systematically removed. 2.推动高端高新产业发展。把提高供给体系质量作为主攻方向,激发雄安新区经济发展内生动力。支持雄安新区吸引北京创新型、高成长性科技企业疏解转移。创造有利于一二三产业融合发展的新机制、新模式。严格产业准入标准,建立入区产业项目科学评估论证机制,制定雄安新区限制承接和布局的产业负面清单,对符合新区定位和发展方向的本地传统产业进行现代化改造提升,有力有序淘汰落后产能。
(3) Strengthening innovation capacity building and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Existing research institutions and innovation platforms in Beijing shall be guided in relocating to Xiongan New Area in an orderly manner, priority shall be given to arranging newly established national laboratories, national technology innovation centers and other national-level science and technology innovation platforms in Xiongan New Area, and the construction of the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park in Xiongan New Area shall be supported. Enterprises in Xiongan New Area shall be supported in teaming up with financial institutions, higher education institutions, research institutes and upstream and downstream industries to jointly build communities for collaborative industry innovation, build industry innovation centers, and jointly undertake major scientific research tasks. Specialist high-level science and technology innovation think tanks that serve the innovative development of Xiongan New Area shall be built, and social forces shall be encouraged to set up new research and development institutions. Modes of international cooperation in science and technology shall be innovated, and international organizations in the field of science and technology innovation shall be encouraged to settle in Xiongan New Area. Xiongan New Area shall be supported in taking the lead in conducting pilot programs in the aspects of innovation in, experiments on and application of technologies in cutting-edge fields. The mixed-ownership reform as to ownership of scientific and technological achievements in service inventions shall be advanced, scientific and technological personnel shall be encouraged to use scientific and technological achievements in service inventions to pay for capital stock, the proportion of income of scientific and technological personnel from transformation of achievements shall be increased, and the ownership caps on the scientific and technological personnel of restructured research institutes and high-tech enterprises in the employee stock ownership reform in mixed ownership system shall be eased. A Xiongan Scientific and Technological Achievement Transformation Fund shall be established to promote the standardization, patenting and the transformation and utilization in Xiongan New Area and related regions of innovation achievements. The administrative system of science and technology and the consultation system for science and technology policies and decisions shall be reformed, and innovation-driven development capabilities shall be included as an important indicator in the government performance appraisal system. 3.加强创新能力建设和科技成果转化。引导现有在京科研机构和创新平台有序向雄安新区疏解,新设立的国家实验室、国家技术创新中心等国家级科技创新平台优先在雄安新区布局,支持建设雄安新区中关村科技园。支持雄安新区企业联合金融机构、高校、科研院所和行业上下游共建产业协同创新共同体,建设产业创新中心,联合承担重大科研任务。建设服务于雄安新区创新发展的专业化高水平科技创新智库,鼓励社会力量创办新型研发机构。创新国际科技合作模式,鼓励科技创新领域国际组织落户雄安新区。支持雄安新区在前沿领域技术创新试验和应用方面先行先试。推进职务发明科技成果权属混合所有制改革,鼓励科技人员以职务发明科技成果投资入股,提高科技人员成果转化收益比例,放宽转制科研院所、高新技术企业科技人员在混合所有制员工持股改革中的持股比例。设立雄安科技成果转化基金,推动创新成果标准化、专利化并在雄安新区及相关地区转化利用。改革科技管理制度和科技政策决策咨询制度,将创新驱动发展能力作为重要指标纳入政府绩效考核体系。
(4) Fully stimulating the vitality of market participants. The reform of simplification of administrative procedures, decentralization of powers, combination of decentralization and regulation, and optimization of services shall be profoundly advanced, micro-management affairs and specific items subject to approval shall be reduced, the government's direct allocation of market resources shall be minimized, and the government's direct intervention in market activities shall be minimized, so as to create a development environment of effective incentives by property rights, free flow of factors, fair and orderly competition, and the survival of the fittest enterprises. Invisible barriers against private enterprises in credit, innovation, bidding, and other aspects shall be removed, a close and clean relationship between the government and the business world shall be established, and the mechanism for entrepreneurs to participate in the development of enterprise-related policies shall be improved. Entrepreneurship shall be stimulated and protected, and in the process of market regulation and public services, “green channel” support and incentive policies such as processing priority and simplified procedures shall be implemented for enterprises that are honest and trustworthy, focus on innovation, and actively fulfill their social responsibilities. An environment and atmosphere that encourage innovation and tolerate failure shall be created, and development policies in support of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Xiongan New Area shall be formulated and implemented. 4.充分激发市场主体活力。深入推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革,减少微观管理事务和具体审批事项,最大限度减少政府对市场资源的直接配置,最大限度减少政府对市场活动的直接干预,打造产权有效激励、要素自由流动、竞争公平有序、企业优胜劣汰的发展环境。破除信贷、创新、招投标等方面对民营企业的隐性壁垒,构建亲清政商关系,健全企业家参与涉企政策制定机制。激发和保护企业家精神,在市场监管和公共服务过程中,对诚实守信、注重创新、积极履行社会责任的企业实行优先办理、简化程序等“绿色通道”支持激励政策。营造鼓励创新、宽容失败的环境氛围,制定实施支持雄安新区中小微企业的发展政策。
(5) Establishing a modern property rights protection system. The property rights protection system that gives equal protection to various market participants shall be established and continually improved, and the incentive role of property rights shall be fully leveraged. The construction of intellectual property protection centers in Xiongan New Area shall be supported, fast-track examination, recognition and enforcement services of intellectual property rights shall be provided, a law enforcement mechanism for intellectual property rights that makes fast-track response shall be established, the punitive damages system for infringement shall be implemented, intentional infringement shall be included in the National Credit Information Sharing Platform, the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System and the National Financial Credit Information Basic Database, disciplinary efforts shall be increased, and the cost of infringement of intellectual property rights shall be substantially raised. Intellectual property rights securitization financing and intellectual property pledge financing shall be encouraged, and the risk sharing mechanism for intellectual property pledge financing shall be established and improved. The access to the intellectual property service industry shall be relaxed, the opening of the agency field shall be expanded, and the conditions restricting shareholders and partners of patent agencies shall be relaxed. 5.构建现代产权保护体系。建立并不断完善平等保护各类市场主体的产权保护制度,充分发挥产权激励作用。支持在雄安新区建设知识产权保护中心,提供知识产权快速审查、确权和维权服务,构建快速反应的知识产权执法机制,落实侵权惩罚性赔偿制度,将故意侵权行为纳入全国信用信息共享平台、国家企业信用信息公示系统和国家金融信用信息基础数据库,加大惩戒力度,大幅提高知识产权侵权成本。鼓励开展知识产权证券化融资和知识产权质押融资,建立健全知识产权质押融资风险分担机制。放宽知识产权服务业准入,扩大代理领域开放,放宽对专利代理机构股东和合伙人的条件限制。
(6) Deepening the implementation of the military-civilian integrated development strategy. The arrangement and construction of dual-use major scientific research bases and infrastructure shall be coordinated, a collaborative innovation mechanism for major research and development tasks in military and civilian integration shall be established, and two-way opening, information exchange, and resource sharing shall be promoted. Market access in the field of defense-related science and technology shall be relaxed. 6.深入实施军民融合发展战略。统筹军民共用重大科研基地和基础设施布局建设,建立军民融合重大研发任务协同创新机制,推动双向开放、信息交互、资源共享。放宽国防科技领域市场准入。
2. Improving the urban governance system and building a modern smart city (二)完善城市治理体系,建设现代智慧城市
In adherence to the people-centered development thinking, in accordance with the requirements for strengthening services, source governance, consistency between power and responsibility, and coordinated innovation, intelligent governance thinking, means and models shall always underlie the governance of Xiongan New Area, urban planning and design models shall be innovated, the building of the housing supply system shall be advanced, the level of scientific and refined urban management shall be raised, and a high-quality and high-level socialist modern city shall be constructed. 坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,按照强化服务、源头治理、权责一致、协调创新的要求,把智能治理思维、手段、模式贯穿雄安新区治理始终,创新城市规划设计模式,推进住房供给体系建设,提高城市管理科学化、精细化水平,建设高质量高水平的社会主义现代化城市。
(7) Establishing a scientific and efficient urban planning and design mechanism. The basic and critical role of experts in the preparation of plans for Xiongan New Area shall be highlighted, professionals shall be allowed to conduct professional work, the establishment of working procedures for expert election, program comparison, and review and decision-making shall be explored, and a working mechanism for plan preparation in which experts take the lead, the government conduct organization, multiple parties participate, and decision-making is scientific shall be formed. A coordination and dovetailing mechanism for the preparation of various plans shall be established, and regulatory plans, site plans and related special plans shall conform to the spatial master plan. The overall development and utilization of underground space shall be advanced, and planning, land use, construction, property rights, use, management and other related systems shall be improved. A system of standards for urban planning, design, construction and management of Xiongan New Area shall be established and improved, the standardization of infrastructure, urban construction and other fields shall be advanced, and an example shall be set for modern urban planning, construction and management. 7.建立科学高效的城市规划设计机制。突出专家在雄安新区规划编制中的基础和关键作用,让专业的人干专业的事,探索建立专家遴选、方案比选、评审决策的工作程序,形成专家领衔、政府组织、多方参与、科学决策的规划编制工作机制。建立各类规划编制统筹和协调联动机制,控制性详细规划、修建性详细规划及相关专项规划应符合国土空间总体规划。推进地下空间统筹开发利用,健全规划、用地、建设、产权、使用、管理等相关制度。建立健全雄安新区城市规划设计建设管理标准体系,推进基础设施、城市建筑等领域标准化,为现代城市规划建设管理提供样板。
(8) Exploring a new model of management of smart cities. New technology shall be applied to innovate city management models, build a smart, efficient and livable new city, and achieve networked, digitalized and intelligentized urban management. The establishment of a national-level Internet backbone direct exchange point in Xiongan New Area shall be researched, and the construction of a new type of Internet exchange center shall be explored. The comprehensive experiments on big data applications shall be conducted, and the construction of big data centers across departments, levels, and services shall be promoted, so as to achieve the sharing and deep application of data and information. Xiongan New Area shall be supported, on the basis of the construction of globally advanced urban information infrastructure, in profoundly advancing the construction of an "urban brain," exploring the establishment of a smart city management model integrating data calculation, decision-making and governance based on comprehensive perception, and providing solutions of instantaneous response and efficient articulation to the refined management of transportation, safety and cleaning. 8.探索智慧城市管理新模式。应用新技术创新城市管理模式,建设智能高效宜居新型城市,实现城市管理网络化、数字化、智能化。研究在雄安新区建设国家级互联网骨干直联点,探索建设新型互联网交换中心。开展大数据应用综合性试验,推动建设跨部门、跨层级、跨业务的大数据中心,实现数据信息共享和深度应用。支持雄安新区在构建世界先进的城市信息基础设施基础上,深入推进“城市大脑”建设,探索建立基于全面感知的数据研判决策治理一体化智能城市管理模式,为交通、安全、环卫等精细化管理提供瞬时反应、高效联动的解决方案。
(9) Establishing a new housing supply system. The orientation that housing is for living in, not for speculating with shall be adhered to, the requirements for balance between employment and residences shall be implemented, and the achievement that the residents in Xiongan New Area have homes to live in shall be promoted. A housing system with multiple suppliers and multi-channel guarantees, focusing on both rental and purchase, meeting multi-level housing needs, shall be established, and individually owned homes shall be primarily those held in co-ownership. The development of commercial real estate on a large scale shall be strictly prohibited, the housing prices in the vicinity shall be strictly controlled, and speculation in land and housing shall be strictly guarded against. A land supply policy that is ancillary to the housing system and commensurate with development and construction modes shall be developed, and diversified land use and supply models such as land transfer, rental, combination of rental and transfer, transfer of mixed space, and payment of capital stock at appraised value shall be improved. Real property registration modes under different land supply modes shall be explored, and the housing purchase and rental points system shall be innovated. Investment and financing mechanisms shall be innovated, various social parties shall be attracted to participate in housing development and construction in Xiongan New Area, the development of specialist and institutionalized housing leasing enterprises shall be supported, the issuance of innovative real estate financial products such as real estate investment trusts ("REITs") shall be supported, administrative systems and operating modes shall be specified, and a tax policy commensurate therewith shall be explored. The establishment of home policy-oriented financial institutions in Xiongan New Area shall be supported, and the reform of the housing provident fund system shall be explored. 9.构建新型住房供给体系。坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位,落实职住平衡要求,推动雄安新区居民实现住有所居。针对多层次住房需求建立多主体供应、多渠道保障、租购并举的住房制度,个人产权住房以共有产权房为主。严禁大规模开发商业房地产,严控周边房价,严加防范炒地炒房投机行为。制定与住房制度相配套、与开发建设方式相适应的土地供应政策,完善土地出让、租赁、租让结合、混合空间出让、作价出资入股等多元化土地利用和供应模式。探索不同供地方式下的不动产登记模式,创新购房与住房租赁积分制度。创新投融资机制,吸引各类社会主体参与雄安新区住房开发建设,支持专业化、机构化住房租赁企业发展,支持发行房地产投资信托基金(REITs)等房地产金融创新产品,明确管理制度和运行方式,探索与之相适应的税收政策。支持在雄安新区设立住宅政策性金融机构,探索住房公积金制度改革。
(10) Advancing the modernization of social governance. The social governance system in which party committees provide leadership, the government assumes responsibility, society collaborates, the public participate, and the rule of law provides guarantees shall be improved, and a social governance pattern of joint construction and governance and sharing shall be developed. The construction of a society under the rule of law shall be advanced, every endeavor shall be made to establish a timely, accurate, and inclusive public legal service system, and the public qualities of the rule of law shall be improved. A comprehensive urban management service platform shall be set up, social forces shall be encouraged to participate in urban management, the role of social organizations shall be better leveraged, and a whole-process public participation mechanism for public services shall be established. The innovation in primary-level management systems shall be advanced, the leadership position of Party organizations among the organizations at the same level shall be enhanced, the allocation of government functions shall be optimized, the setup of Party and government institutions and the allocation of human resources shall be coordinated, and resources, services and administration shall be weighted in favor of the primary level. The reform of public utility departments that directly serve the people's livelihood shall be advanced, the establishment of a hierarchical community service supply network shall be explored, the government's efforts in procurement of services shall be increased, and the socialized operation of urban and rural community services shall be advanced. A system of "Internet plus government services" shall be established, the "handling on one website and issuance at one window" of various government service items shall be promoted, and efforts shall be made to open the "last mile" to public facilitation services.

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