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Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics [Effective]
化妆品监督管理条例 [现行有效]

Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 727) (第727号)

The Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics, as adopted at the 77th executive meeting of the State Council on January 3, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2021. 《化妆品监督管理条例》已经2020年1月3日国务院第77次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2021年1月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 总 理 李克强
June 16, 2020 2020年6月16日
Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics 化妆品监督管理条例
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Regulation is developed to regulate the production and distribution of cosmetics, strengthen the supervision and administration of cosmetics, ensure the quality and safety of cosmetics, safeguard consumers' health, and promote the healthy development of the cosmetics industry.   第一条 为了规范化妆品生产经营活动,加强化妆品监督管理,保证化妆品质量安全,保障消费者健康,促进化妆品产业健康发展,制定本条例。
Article 2 Whoever engages in the production and distribution as well as supervision and administration of cosmetics within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall comply with this Regulation.   第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事化妆品生产经营活动及其监督管理,应当遵守本条例。
Article 3 For the purpose of this Regulation, “cosmetics” means those daily used chemical products applied on the surface of any parts of the human body, such as skin, hair, nails and lips, by way of smearing, spraying or other similar methods for the purposes of cleaning, protection, beautification and modification.   第三条 本条例所称化妆品,是指以涂擦、喷洒或者其他类似方法,施用于皮肤、毛发、指甲、口唇等人体表面,以清洁、保护、美化、修饰为目的的日用化学工业产品。
Article 4 The state implements classified administration of cosmetics and cosmetic raw materials according to the degree of risks.   第四条 国家按照风险程度对化妆品、化妆品原料实行分类管理。
Cosmetics are divided into special cosmetics and general cosmetics. The state shall conduct registration administration of special cosmetics and conduct recordation administration of general cosmetics. 化妆品分为特殊化妆品和普通化妆品。国家对特殊化妆品实行注册管理,对普通化妆品实行备案管理。
Cosmetic raw materials shall be divided into new raw materials and used raw materials. The state conducts registration administration of new cosmetic raw materials with a high degree of risks, and conduct recordation administration of other new cosmetic raw materials. 化妆品原料分为新原料和已使用的原料。国家对风险程度较高的化妆品新原料实行注册管理,对其他化妆品新原料实行备案管理。
Article 5 The drug supervision and administration department of the State Council shall take charge of the supervision and administration of cosmetics nationwide. The relevant departments of the State Council shall take charge of the supervision and administration work related to cosmetics within the scope of their respective functions.   第五条 国务院药品监督管理部门负责全国化妆品监督管理工作。国务院有关部门在各自职责范围内负责与化妆品有关的监督管理工作。
The departments in charge of drug supervision and administration of the local people's government at or above the county level shall take charge of the supervision and administration of cosmetics within their respective administrative regions. The relevant departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall take charge of the supervision and administration work related to cosmetics within the scope of their respective functions. 县级以上地方人民政府负责药品监督管理的部门负责本行政区域的化妆品监督管理工作。县级以上地方人民政府有关部门在各自职责范围内负责与化妆品有关的监督管理工作。
Article 6 Cosmetic registrants and recordation entities shall be responsible for the quality and safety of and the efficacy claims for cosmetics.   第六条 化妆品注册人、备案人对化妆品的质量安全和功效宣称负责。
Cosmetic manufacturers and distributors shall, in accordance with laws, regulations, compulsory national standards, and technical specifications, engage in production and distribution activities, strengthen administration, and be honest and self-regulatory to ensure the quality and safety of cosmetics. 化妆品生产经营者应当依照法律、法规、强制性国家标准、技术规范从事生产经营活动,加强管理,诚信自律,保证化妆品质量安全。
Article 7 Cosmetic industry associations shall strengthen industry self-regulation, supervise and guide the production and distribution activities engaged in by cosmetic manufacturers and distributors according to the law, and promote the building of integrity in the industry.   第七条 化妆品行业协会应当加强行业自律,督促引导化妆品生产经营者依法从事生产经营活动,推动行业诚信建设。
Article 8 Consumer associations and other consumer organizations shall conduct social supervision against activities damaging the lawful rights and interests of consumers in violation of this Regulation.   第八条 消费者协会和其他消费者组织对违反本条例规定损害消费者合法权益的行为,依法进行社会监督。
Article 9 The state encourages and supports the research and innovation of cosmetics to satisfy consumer demands, promote the building of cosmetic brands, and maximize the leading role of brands. The state protects the legitimate rights and interests of entities and individuals in the research and innovation on cosmetics.   第九条 国家鼓励和支持开展化妆品研究、创新,满足消费者需求,推进化妆品品牌建设,发挥品牌引领作用。国家保护单位和个人开展化妆品研究、创新的合法权益。
The state encourages and supports cosmetic manufacturers and distributors' adoption of advanced technologies and advanced administration standards to improve the quality and safety of cosmetics; and encourages and supports the use of modern scientific technologies to research and develop cosmetics in consideration of China's traditional advantageous projects and characteristic plant resources. 国家鼓励和支持化妆品生产经营者采用先进技术和先进管理规范,提高化妆品质量安全水平;鼓励和支持运用现代科学技术,结合我国传统优势项目和特色植物资源研究开发化妆品。
Article 10 The state strengthens the information technology construction for the supervision and administration of cosmetics, enhances the level of online government affairs services, facilitates the handling of cosmetics administrative licensing and recordation, and promotes the sharing of supervision and administration information.   第十条 国家加强化妆品监督管理信息化建设,提高在线政务服务水平,为办理化妆品行政许可、备案提供便利,推进监督管理信息共享。
Chapter II Raw Materials and Products 

第二章 原料与产品

Article 11 The natural or artificial raw materials used for cosmetics for the first time within the territory of China are new cosmetic raw materials. New cosmetic raw materials with functions of anti-corrosion, sun protection, coloring, hair coloring, freckle removal and skin whitening may not be used unless they have been registered with the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council; and other new cosmetic raw materials shall be filed with the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council before being used. The drug supervision and administration department of the State Council may, according to the development of scientific research, adjust the scope of new cosmetic raw materials subject to registration administration, which shall be implemented upon approval by the State Council.   第十一条 在我国境内首次使用于化妆品的天然或者人工原料为化妆品新原料。具有防腐、防晒、着色、染发、祛斑美白功能的化妆品新原料,经国务院药品监督管理部门注册后方可使用;其他化妆品新原料应当在使用前向国务院药品监督管理部门备案。国务院药品监督管理部门可以根据科学研究的发展,调整实行注册管理的化妆品新原料的范围,经国务院批准后实施。
Article 12 Whoever applies for the registration of new cosmetic raw materials or undergoes the recordation formalities for new cosmetic raw materials shall submit the following materials:   第十二条 申请化妆品新原料注册或者进行化妆品新原料备案,应当提交下列资料:
(1) The name, address and contact information of the registration applicant or recordation entity. (一)注册申请人、备案人的名称、地址、联系方式;
(2) Research and development report on the new raw materials. (二)新原料研制报告;
(3) Research materials on the preparation process for, the stability of and the quality control standards for new raw materials, among others. (三)新原料的制备工艺、稳定性及其质量控制标准等研究资料;
(4) Safety assessment materials on new raw materials. (四)新原料安全评估资料。
The registration applicant or recordation entity shall be responsible for the authenticity and scientificity of the materials submitted. 注册申请人、备案人应当对所提交资料的真实性、科学性负责。
Article 13 The drug supervision and administration department of the State Council shall transfer the application materials to the technical review institution within three working days from the date when it accepts the application for the registration of new cosmetic raw materials. The technical review institution shall complete the technical review within 90 working days from the date when it receives application materials, and submit the review opinions to the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council. The drug supervision and administration department of the State Council shall make a decision within 20 working days from the date when it receives the review opinions. If the application meets the requirements, registration shall be granted and a registration certificate for new cosmetic raw materials shall be issued; and if the application fails to meet the requirements, no registration shall be granted, and the reasons therefor shall be given in writing.   第十三条 国务院药品监督管理部门应当自受理化妆品新原料注册申请之日起3个工作日内将申请资料转交技术审评机构。技术审评机构应当自收到申请资料之日起90个工作日内完成技术审评,向国务院药品监督管理部门提交审评意见。国务院药品监督管理部门应当自收到审评意见之日起20个工作日内作出决定。对符合要求的,准予注册并发给化妆品新原料注册证;对不符合要求的,不予注册并书面说明理由。
Recordation formalities are completed once an entity undergoing the recordation formalities for new cosmetic raw materials submits the recordation materials as prescribed in this Regulation through the online government affairs service platform of the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council. 化妆品新原料备案人通过国务院药品监督管理部门在线政务服务平台提交本条例规定的备案资料后即完成备案。
The drug supervision and administration department of the State Council shall, within five working days from the date when the registration of new cosmetic raw materials is granted and the recordation entity submits the recordation materials, issue to the public the relevant information on registration and recordation. 国务院药品监督管理部门应当自化妆品新原料准予注册之日起、备案人提交备案资料之日起5个工作日内向社会公布注册、备案有关信息。
Article 14 Within three years after the new cosmetic raw materials registered and filed are put into use, the new raw material registrants and recordation entities shall report to the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council the information on the use and safety of new raw materials each year. For the new cosmetic raw materials with safety problems, the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council shall cancel the registration or recordation. The new cosmetic raw materials that do not have any safety problem during three-year period shall be included in the catalogue of cosmetic raw materials that have been put into use developed by the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council.   第十四条 经注册、备案的化妆品新原料投入使用后3年内,新原料注册人、备案人应当每年向国务院药品监督管理部门报告新原料的使用和安全情况。对存在安全问题的化妆品新原料,由国务院药品监督管理部门撤销注册或者取消备案。3年期满未发生安全问题的化妆品新原料,纳入国务院药品监督管理部门制定的已使用的化妆品原料目录。
Before being included in the catalogue of cosmetic raw materials that have been put into use, the new cosmetic raw materials registered and filed shall remain administered as new cosmetic raw materials. 经注册、备案的化妆品新原料纳入已使用的化妆品原料目录前,仍然按照化妆品新原料进行管理。
Article 15 The catalogue of materials prohibited from being used for cosmetics production shall be developed and issued by the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council.   第十五条 禁止用于化妆品生产的原料目录由国务院药品监督管理部门制定、公布。
Article 16 Cosmetics used for hair coloring, perming, freckle removal and skin whitening, sunscreening, and hair loss prevention, and cosmetics with new efficacy claims are special cosmetics. Cosmetics other than special cosmetics are general cosmetics.   第十六条 用于染发、烫发、祛斑美白、防晒、防脱发的化妆品以及宣称新功效的化妆品为特殊化妆品。特殊化妆品以外的化妆品为普通化妆品。
The drug supervision and administration department of the State Council shall develop and issue the cosmetic classification rules and catalogues according to the efficacy claims for cosmetics, parts to which cosmetics apply, product dosage forms, and users and other factors. 国务院药品监督管理部门根据化妆品的功效宣称、作用部位、产品剂型、使用人群等因素,制定、公布化妆品分类规则和分类目录。
Article 17 Special cosmetics may not be produced and imported unless they have been registered with the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council. Domestically produced general cosmetics shall be filed with the drug supervision and administration departments of the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government at the places where the recordation entities are located before they are marketed. Imported general cosmetics shall be filed with the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council before import.   第十七条 特殊化妆品经国务院药品监督管理部门注册后方可生产、进口。国产普通化妆品应当在上市销售前向备案人所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品监督管理部门备案。进口普通化妆品应当在进口前向国务院药品监督管理部门备案。
Article 18 A cosmetics registration applicant or recordation entity shall meet the following conditions:   第十八条 化妆品注册申请人、备案人应当具备下列条件:
(1) It is an enterprise or other organization formed according to the law. (一)是依法设立的企业或者其他组织;
(2) It has the quality management system appropriate for the products to be registered upon request or filed. (二)有与申请注册、进行备案的产品相适应的质量管理体系;
(3) It has the capabilities for monitoring and evaluating the adverse reactions of cosmetics. (三)有化妆品不良反应监测与评价能力。
Article 19 An applicant for the registration of special cosmetics or an entity undergoing the recordation formalities for general cosmetics shall submit the following materials:   第十九条 申请特殊化妆品注册或者进行普通化妆品备案,应当提交下列资料:
(1) The name, address and contact information of the registration applicant or the recordation entity. (一)注册申请人、备案人的名称、地址、联系方式;
(2) The name, address and contact information of the manufacturer. (二)生产企业的名称、地址、联系方式;
(3) Product name. (三)产品名称;
(4) Product formula or all ingredients of the product. (四)产品配方或者产品全成分;
(5) Standards to which the product conforms. (五)产品执行的标准;
(6) Sample product label. (六)产品标签样稿;
(7) Product inspection report. (七)产品检验报告;
(8) Product safety assessment materials. (八)产品安全评估资料。
Where the registration applicant applies for the registration of special cosmetics for the first time or the recordation entity undergoes the recordation formalities for general cosmetics for the first time, it shall submit the certification materials proving that it meets the conditions as prescribed in Article 18 of this Regulation. Whoever applies for the registration of imported special cosmetics or undergoes the formalities for imported general cosmetics shall submit the certification documents proving that products have been marketed in the country (region) where they are produced and the certification materials proving that the overseas manufacturer complies with the Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetics; where products are produced exclusively for export to China, and the certification materials proving that products have been marketed in the country (region) where they are produced cannot be submitted, the materials on the relevant research and experimentation conducted for consumers in China shall be submitted. 注册申请人首次申请特殊化妆品注册或者备案人首次进行普通化妆品备案的,应当提交其符合本条例第十八条规定条件的证明资料。申请进口特殊化妆品注册或者进行进口普通化妆品备案的,应当同时提交产品在生产国(地区)已经上市销售的证明文件以及境外生产企业符合化妆品生产质量管理规范的证明资料;专为向我国出口生产、无法提交产品在生产国(地区)已经上市销售的证明文件的,应当提交面向我国消费者开展的相关研究和试验的资料。
The registration applicant or recordation entity shall be responsible for the authenticity and scientificity of the materials submitted. 注册申请人、备案人应当对所提交资料的真实性、科学性负责。
Article 20 The drug supervision and administration department of the State Council shall examine the applications for the registration of special cosmetics under the registration examination procedures for new cosmetic raw materials as prescribed in paragraph 1 of Article 13 of this Regulation. If the application meets the requirements, registration shall be granted and a registration certificate for special cosmetics shall be issued; and if the application fails to meet the requirements, no registration shall be granted, and the reasons therefor shall be given in writing. If the registered special cosmetics have undergone substantial changes in the production technology, efficacy claims, among others, the registrant shall apply to the original registration department for registration changes.   第二十条 国务院药品监督管理部门依照本条例第十三条第一款规定的化妆品新原料注册审查程序对特殊化妆品注册申请进行审查。对符合要求的,准予注册并发给特殊化妆品注册证;对不符合要求的,不予注册并书面说明理由。已经注册的特殊化妆品在生产工艺、功效宣称等方面发生实质性变化的,注册人应当向原注册部门申请变更注册。
Recordation formalities are completed once an entity undergoing recordation formalities for general cosmetics submits the recordation materials as prescribed in this Regulation through the online government affairs service platform of the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council. 普通化妆品备案人通过国务院药品监督管理部门在线政务服务平台提交本条例规定的备案资料后即完成备案。
The drug supervision and administration department of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall, within five working days from the date when the registration of special cosmetics is granted or the recordation entity submits the recordation materials, issue to the public the relevant information on registration and recordation. 省级以上人民政府药品监督管理部门应当自特殊化妆品准予注册之日起、普通化妆品备案人提交备案资料之日起5个工作日内向社会公布注册、备案有关信息。
Article 21 Before the registration and recordation of new cosmetic raw materials and cosmetics, a registration applicant or recordation entity shall conduct safety assessment by itself or by entrusting a professional institution.   第二十一条 化妆品新原料和化妆品注册、备案前,注册申请人、备案人应当自行或者委托专业机构开展安全评估。
The personnel engaging in safety assessment shall have professional knowledge related to cosmetics quality and safety, and have more than five years of work experience in relevant professions. 从事安全评估的人员应当具备化妆品质量安全相关专业知识,并具有5年以上相关专业从业经历。
Article 22 Efficacy claims for cosmetics shall have sufficient scientific basis. A cosmetic registrant or recordation entity shall publish on the special website specified by the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council the documentation based on which efficacy claims are made, research data or the summaries of product efficacy evaluation materials, and be subject to social supervision.   第二十二条 化妆品的功效宣称应当有充分的科学依据。化妆品注册人、备案人应当在国务院药品监督管理部门规定的专门网站公布功效宣称所依据的文献资料、研究数据或者产品功效评价资料的摘要,接受社会监督。
Article 23 Overseas cosmetic registrants and recordation entities shall designate enterprise legal persons within the territory of China to undergo cosmetic registration and recordation formalities, assist in conducting the monitoring of adverse reactions of cosmetics, and implement product recalls.   第二十三条 境外化妆品注册人、备案人应当指定我国境内的企业法人办理化妆品注册、备案,协助开展化妆品不良反应监测、实施产品召回。
Article 24 A special cosmetic registration certificate shall be valid for five years. If the registration needs to be renewed upon the expiration of its validity period, an application for renewal of registration shall be filed 30 working days before the expiration of the validity period. Unless under the circumstances specified in paragraph 2 of this article, the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council shall make a decision on whether to approve the renewal before the expiration of the validity period of the special cosmetic registration certificate; and if it fails to make a decision during the specified period, it shall be deemed that the renewal has been approved.   第二十四条 特殊化妆品注册证有效期为5年。有效期届满需要延续注册的,应当在有效期届满30个工作日前提出延续注册的申请。除有本条第二款规定情形外,国务院药品监督管理部门应当在特殊化妆品注册证有效期届满前作出准予延续的决定;逾期未作决定的,视为准予延续。
Under any of the following circumstances, registration shall not be renewed: 有下列情形之一的,不予延续注册:
(1) The registrant fails to submit an application for renewal of registration during the specified period. (一)注册人未在规定期限内提出延续注册申请;
(2) The compulsory national standards or technical specifications have been revised, and the cosmetics under the application for renewal of registration fail to meet the requirements of the revised standards or technical specifications. (二)强制性国家标准、技术规范已经修订,申请延续注册的化妆品不能达到修订后标准、技术规范的要求。
Article 25 The drug supervision and administration department of the State Council shall take charge of the introduction of proposals, drafting organization, request for comments, and technical review of projects of compulsory national standards. The administrative department of standardization of the State Council shall take charge of the project initiation, numbering, and public notification of compulsory national standards for cosmetics.   第二十五条 国务院药品监督管理部门负责化妆品强制性国家标准的项目提出、组织起草、征求意见和技术审查。国务院标准化行政部门负责化妆品强制性国家标准的立项、编号和对外通报。
The texts of compulsory standards for cosmetics shall be disclosed to the public free of charge. 化妆品国家标准文本应当免费向社会公开。
Cosmetics shall conform to compulsory national standards. Enterprises are encouraged to develop the enterprise standards that are stricter than compulsory national standards. 化妆品应当符合强制性国家标准。鼓励企业制定严于强制性国家标准的企业标准。
Chapter III Production and Distribution 

第三章 生产经营

Article 26 Whoever engages in the production of cosmetics shall meet the following conditions:   第二十六条 从事化妆品生产活动,应当具备下列条件:
(1) It is an enterprise formed according to the law. (一)是依法设立的企业;
(2) It has the production sites, environmental conditions, production facilities and equipment suitable for the cosmetics produced. (二)有与生产的化妆品相适应的生产场地、环境条件、生产设施设备;
(3) It has the technicians appropriate for the production of cosmetics. (三)有与生产的化妆品相适应的技术人员;
(4) It has the inspectors and inspection equipment capable of inspecting the cosmetics produced. (四)有能对生产的化妆品进行检验的检验人员和检验设备;
(5) It has the management system that can ensure the quality and safety of cosmetics. (五)有保证化妆品质量安全的管理制度。
Article 27 Whoever engages in the production of cosmetics shall file an application with the drug supervision and administration department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government at the place where it is located, and submit the certification materials proving that it complies with the provisions of Article 26 of this Regulation, and be responsible for the authenticity of the materials.   第二十七条 从事化妆品生产活动,应当向所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品监督管理部门提出申请,提交其符合本条例第二十六条规定条件的证明资料,并对资料的真实性负责。
The drug supervision and administration department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall examine the application materials, conduct on-site verification of the applicant's production sites, and make a decision within 30 working days from the date when the application for cosmetics production license is accepted. Where the application meets the specified conditions, approval shall be granted and a cosmetics production license shall be issued; and if the application fails to meet the specified conditions, no approval shall be granted and the reasons therefor shall be given in writing. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府药品监督管理部门应当对申请资料进行审核,对申请人的生产场所进行现场核查,并自受理化妆品生产许可申请之日起30个工作日内作出决定。对符合规定条件的,准予许可并发给化妆品生产许可证;对不符合规定条件的,不予许可并书面说明理由。
A cosmetics production license shall be valid for five years. If the license needs to be renewed upon the expiration of its validity period, it shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China. 化妆品生产许可证有效期为5年。有效期届满需要延续的,依照《中华人民共和国行政许可法》的规定办理。
Article 28 Cosmetic registrants and recordation entities may produce cosmetics by themselves or by entrusting other enterprises.   第二十八条 化妆品注册人、备案人可以自行生产化妆品,也可以委托其他企业生产化妆品。
In the case of entrusted production of cosmetics, a cosmetic registrant or recordation entity shall entrust an enterprise that has obtained the corresponding cosmetics production license, and supervise the production activities of the entrusted enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the “entrusted manufacturer”) to ensure that it produces cosmetics according to statutory requirements. The entrusted manufacturer shall produce cosmetics in accordance with laws, regulations, compulsory national standards, and technical specifications and as agreed on in the contract, be responsible for production activities, and be subject to the supervision by the cosmetic registrant or recordation entity. 委托生产化妆品的,化妆品注册人、备案人应当委托取得相应化妆品生产许可的企业,并对受委托企业(以下称受托生产企业)的生产活动进行监督,保证其按照法定要求进行生产。受托生产企业应当依照法律、法规、强制性国家标准、技术规范以及合同约定进行生产,对生产活动负责,并接受化妆品注册人、备案人的监督。
Article 29 Cosmetic registrants, recordation entities, and entrusted manufacturers shall, according to the requirements of the Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetics developed by the drug supervision and administration department of the State Council, organize the production of cosmetics, establish the cosmetics production quality administration system, and establish and implement the administration rules on supplier selection, raw material acceptance check, production process and quality control, equipment management, product inspection and sample retention, among others.   第二十九条 化妆品注册人、备案人、受托生产企业应当按照国务院药品监督管理部门制定的化妆品生产质量管理规范的要求组织生产化妆品,建立化妆品生产质量管理体系,建立并执行供应商遴选、原料验收、生产过程及质量控制、设备管理、产品检验及留样等管理制度。
Cosmetic registrants, recordation entities, and entrusted manufacturers shall produce cosmetics in accordance with the technical requirements stated in the cosmetics registration or recordation materials. 化妆品注册人、备案人、受托生产企业应当按照化妆品注册或者备案资料载明的技术要求生产化妆品。
Article 30 Cosmetic raw materials and packaging materials that directly contact cosmetics shall comply with compulsory national standards and technical specifications.   第三十条 化妆品原料、直接接触化妆品的包装材料应当符合强制性国家标准、技术规范。
It is not allowed to produce cosmetics with expired, discarded or recycled cosmetics or cosmetic raw materials. 不得使用超过使用期限、废弃、回收的化妆品或者化妆品原料生产化妆品。
Article 31 Cosmetic registrants, recordation entities, and entrusted manufacturers shall establish and implement the recording system for checking purchased cosmetic raw materials and packaging materials that directly contact cosmetics and the product sales recording system. The checking records on purchased goods and product sales records shall be true, complete and traceable, and be preserved for not less than one year after the expiration of the product shelf life; if the product shelf life is less than one year, the records shall be kept for not less than two years.
   第三十一条 化妆品注册人、备案人、受托生产企业应当建立并执行原料以及直接接触化妆品的包装材料进货查验记录制度、产品销售记录制度。进货查验记录和产品销售记录应当真实、完整,保证可追溯,保存期限不得少于产品使用期限届满后1年;产品使用期限不足1年的,记录保存期限不得少于2年。

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