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Working Rules on Visas and Residence Permits for Foreigners [Effective]
外国人签证和居留许可工作规范 [现行有效]

Working Rules on Visas and Residence Permits for Foreigners 


(No. 30 [2004] of the Ministry of Public Security, January 7, 2004)
(公安部 公境[2004]30号 二○○四年一月七日)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 To strengthen the visa and residence administration of foreigners, these Rules are formulated pursuant to the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry-Exit Administration of Foreigners, the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Entry-Exit Administration of Foreigners and other relevant provisions.   第一条 为了加强外国人签证和居留管理工作,根据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》、《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法实施细则》及有关规定,制定本规范。

Article 2 Organs accepting, examining, making and issuing visas and residence permits to foreigners shall be the entry-exit administrative divisions (bureaus) of the public security bureaus of municipalities directly under the Central Government and the entry-exit administrative departments of the public security organs at the prefecture level which have set up specialized entry-exit administrative bodies.   第二条 受理、审批、制作和签发外国人签证和居留许可的机关是直辖市公安局出入境管理处(局)以及设有出入境管理专门机构的地市公安机关出入境管理部门。

Under special circumstances, the entry-exit administrative divisions (bureaus) of the public security departments of provinces and autonomous regions may accept, examine, make and issue visas and residence permits for foreigners.

Article 3 Applications of foreigners for extension, increase of number of entries or modification of a visa or residence permit (hereinafter collectively referred to as “visa or residence permit application”) shall be governed by these Rules.   第三条 外国人申请签证和居留许可延期、加签、变更(以下统称签证、居留许可申请)适用本规范。

Chapter II Acceptance, Examination and Approval 

第二章 受理与审批

Article 4 Before accepting a foreigner's visa or residence permit application, the entry-exit administrative department shall inquire about the relevant information and require the applicant to provide:   第四条 出入境管理部门受理外国人签证、居留许可申请,应当询问有关情况并要求申请人提供下列材料:

1. a valid international travel document, such as a diplomatic passport, (official, special) service passport, regular passport for public affairs or regular passport; (一)有效国际旅行证件,包括外交、公务(官员、特别)、因公普通、普通护照等证件;

2. a completed Visa or Residence Permit Application Form for Foreigners and a two-inch, half length, front view and hatless photo recently taken; and (二)填写《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》,交一张近期二寸半身正面免冠照片;

3. other certification materials related to the visa or residence permit application. (三)与签证、居留许可申请有关的证明材料。

Article 5 The entry-exit administrative department may only accept a visa or residence permit application made by the applicant in person, except under the following circumstances:   第五条 出入境管理部门只受理经本人提出的签证、居留许可申请,但下列情形除外:

1. Visa: for one who comes to China to visit his/her family, his/her relative in China may apply on behalf of him/her; for a group tourist, the host travel agency may apply on behalf of him/her; for one who comes to China for medical treatment, his/her relative or the host entity may apply on behalf of him/her; (一)签证:探亲者可以由其在华亲属代办;团体旅游者可以由接待旅行社代办;看病者可以由亲属或者接待单位代办;

2. F visa: the host entity may apply on behalf of the applicant; and (二)F签证:可以由接待单位代办;

3. Residence permit: the employer or the school of the applicant may apply on behalf of him/her, but an interview with the applicant must be held for his/her fist application for residence permit. (三)居留许可:可以由工作单位或者就读院校代办,但受理外国人的首次居留许可申请,必须面见本人。

Article 6 In the acceptance, examination and approval of visa or residence permit applications, the entry-exit administrative department shall carefully check the applicant with the list of persons prohibited from entry into China, and examine the application materials. The corresponding visa or residence permit may be issued only if the application materials are consistent with the facts.   第六条 出入境管理部门受理和审批签证、居留许可申请,应当认真核对不准入境人员名单,核查申请材料。申请材料与实际情况相符的方可签发相应的签证或者居留许可。

The valid period of a visa or residence permit shall not exceed the valid period of the foreigner's international travel document.

Article 7 The entry-exit administrative department shall, after approving a visa or residence permit application, issue a visa or residence permit within 5 workdays after acceptance.   第七条 出入境管理部门对审批同意的签证、居留许可申请,应当在受理后的5个工作日以内签发。

Article 8 The entry-exit administrative department shall not accept any visa or residence permit application of a person who is allowed by China unilaterally to travel to China without a visa, except for a force majeure.   第八条 出入境管理部门对我国单方面允许免办签证来华者,无不可抗力原因,不得受理其任何签证、居留许可申请。

Article 9 The entry-exit administrative department shall issue an L visa to a foreigner who comes to China for travel, visiting a relative or any other private affair.   第九条 出入境管理部门对来中国旅游、探亲或者因其他私人事务入境的外国人应当发给L签证。

Article 10 The entry-exit administrative department shall handle a traveler's L visa application according to the following provisions:   第十条 出入境管理部门对旅游者申请L签证,按照以下规定办理:

1. For a personal visa application, the applicant must provide an official letter from the host entity; if there is no host entity, the applicant must provide a financial proof to guarantee his/her living expenses in China (in the form of cash, traveler's check, money order, cash card, etc., calculated at USD 100 per day). (一)申请个人签证,须提供接待单位公函;无接待单位的,须提供能够保证在华生活费用的经济证明(现钞、旅行支票、汇票单据、现金卡等,每天按100美元计算)。

The entry-exit administrative department may issue a zero or single entry visa valid for one month at most, and may issue such a visa twice at most.

2. In principle, a group visa application shall be rejected. For a force majeure, the applicant must provide an official letter from the host entity. (二)申请团体签证,原则上不予受理。对有不可抗力原因的,须提供接待单位公函。

The entry-exit administrative department may issue a zero entry group visa valid for a period determined in light of the actualities, and may issue such a visa only once.

3. To apply for separation from a group visa, the applicant must provide an official letter from the host entity. (三)申请团体签证分离,须提供接待单位公函。

A zero entry visa valid for one month at most may be issued to a person separated from a group.

4. To apply for reissuance of a group visa after losing the original one, the applicant must provide an official letter from the host entity and a photocopy of the group visa used for the current entry. (四)丢失团体签证申请补发,须提供接待单位公函和本次入境的团体签证复印件。

A zero entry group visa having the same duration of stay as the original visa may be issued.

Article 11 The entry-exit administrative department shall handle an L visa application of a person coming to China to visit a relative according to the following provisions:   第十一条 出入境管理部门对探亲者申请L签证,按照以下规定办理:

1. Where the spouse, a parent or a child under 18 of a foreign nationality of a Chinese citizen or a foreigner holding a Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners applies for an L visa, the spouse of a foreign nationality must provide a marriage certificate, the parent of a foreign nationality must provide a family relationship certificate, and the child of a foreign nationality must provide a birth certificate or family relationship certificate. To visit an overseas Chinese or a Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan resident, the applicant must provide a certificate of residence for more than 6 months of the overseas Chinese or Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan resident. Any relevant certificate issued by an overseas institution must be authenticated by the local Chinese embassy or consulate. (一)中国公民和在中国具有《外国人永久居留证》的外国人的外籍配偶、父母及未满18周岁子女申请签证,外籍配偶须提供婚姻证明;外籍父母须提供亲属关系证明;外籍子女须提供出生证明或者亲属关系证明。探望华侨和港澳台居民须提供华侨或者港澳台居民6个月以上的常住证明。境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证。

(1) To visit a Chinese mainland resident, the applicant must also provide his/her relative's permanent household register certificate in China or a certificate on the relative's actual place of residence and the relative's resident identity card; 1. 探望中国内地居民,还须提供亲属本地常住户籍证明或者实际居住地的相关证明及居民身份证;

(2) To visit an overseas Chinese, the applicant must also provide his/her relative's Chinese passport and certificate of overseas residency; 2. 探望华侨,还须提供亲属的中国护照及国外定居证明;

(3) To visit a Hong Kong or Macao resident, the applicant must also provide his/her relative's Pass of Hong Kong and Macao Residents for Coming to the Mainland or Home Return Certificate for Compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao; 3. 探望港澳居民,还须提供亲属的《港澳居民来往内地通行证》或者《港澳同胞回乡证》;

(4) To visit a Taiwan resident, the applicant must also provide his/her relative's Pass of Taiwan Residents for Coming to the Mainland or Travel Certificate of the People's Republic of China; or 4. 探望台湾居民,还须提供亲属的《台湾居民来往大陆通行证》或者《中华人民共和国旅行证》;

(5) To visit a foreigner holding a Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners in China, the applicant must also provide his/her relative's Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners. 5. 探望在中国具有《外国人永久居留证》的外国人,还须提供亲属的《外国人永久居留证》。

2. Where the spouse or a child under 18 of a foreign nationality of a foreign student, or a parent or an overseas custodian of a foreign student under 18, applies for a visa, he/she must provide an official letter issued by the school attended by the student and the student's passport or residence permit. The spouse of a foreign nationality must also provide a marriage certificate, the child of a foreign nationality must also provide a family relationship certificate, and the custodian must also provide a power of attorney signed by the student's parents. Any relevant certificate issued by an overseas institution must be authenticated by the local Chinese embassy or consulate. (二)外国留学生的外籍配偶、未满18周岁子女,未满18周岁的外国留学生的父母或者境外监护人申请签证,须提供留学生就读院校公函及留学生护照或者居留许可。外籍配偶还须提供婚姻证明;外籍子女还须提供亲属关系证明;监护人还须提供留学生父母的委托书。境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证。

3. Where a foreigner, who has attained the age of 60, has no linear relative outside China and intends to depend on his/her linear relative in China, applies for a visa, he/she must provide the relative's permanent household register certificate if the relative is a Chinese citizen or the relative's Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners if the relative is a foreigner, a notarized family relationship certificate, a notarized certificate that the applicant has no linear relative outside China, a notarized certificate on the financial sources of the applicant or financial guarantee of the relative, and a notarized certificate on the lease or ownership of the abode of the applicant or relative. Any relevant certificate issued by an overseas institution must be authenticated by the local Chinese embassy or consulate. (三)年满60周岁在境外无直系亲属,投靠境内直系亲属的外国人申请签证,须提供被投靠中国公民的常住户籍证明或者外国人的《外国人永久居留证》、经公证的亲属关系证明以及投靠人境外无直系亲属关系证明、经公证的投靠人经济来源证明或者被投靠人经济担保证明、经公证的投靠人或者被投靠人的房屋租赁或者产权证明。境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证。

4. Where a Chinese of a foreign nationality who has attained the age of 60 and has purchased any real estate in China or his/her spouse or child under 18 of a foreign nationality applies for a visa, the applicant must provide a real estate certificate and a financial source certificate (such as money order, deposit book and cash card) or a financial guarantee or self-guarantee letter notarized by a domestic notary office. The spouse of a foreign nationality must also provide a marriage certificate, and the child of a foreign nationality must also provide a birth certificate or family relationship certificate. Any relevant certificate issued by an overseas institution must be authenticated by the local Chinese embassy or consulate. (四)年满60周岁在华购置房产的外籍华人及其配偶和未满18周岁子女申请签证,须提供房产证明、经济来源证明(汇票、存折、现金卡等)或者经国内公证机关公证的经济担保书或者经济自保书。外籍配偶还须提供婚姻证明;外籍子女还须提供出生证明或者亲属关系证明。境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证。

5. Where a child under 18 of a foreign nationality of a Chinese of a foreign nationality or an overseas Chinese to be fostered in China applies for a visa, the following materials must be provided: (五)外籍华人、华侨在中国寄养的未满18周岁的外籍子女申请签证,须提供下列材料:

(1) the applicant's birth certificate and the photocopies of his/her parents' passports if both parents are of a foreign nationality; if both parents are or one parent is Chinese, a photocopy of the Chinese parent's certificate of overseas residency; 1. 申请人的出生证明,外籍父母的护照复印件,父母双方或者一方为中国人的,还须提供在境外定居证明复印件;

(2) a power of attorney issued by the applicant's parents, which must state the fostering person or custodian, years of fosterage and other relevant information; 2. 申请人父母的委托书,委托书须注明委托抚养或者监护人、寄养年限等内容;

(3) the identity certificate of the fostering person or custodian and a notarized written guarantee which must state the fostering person's or custodian 's consent to the fostering of the child as requested by the child's parents, the fostering person's or custodian's responsibilities, a guarantee that the child will leave China on schedule and other information; and 3. 抚养人或者监护人的身份证明和经公证机关公证的书面保证。书面保证须注明接受被寄养儿童父母委托,承担抚养与监护责任,保证被寄养者按期离境等内容;

(4) the relevant certificates issued by an overseas institution as authenticated by the local Chinese embassy or consulate. 4. 境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证。

6. Any other visitor to a relative must provide the following materials: (六)其他探亲者须提供下列材料:

(1) To visit a Chinese mainland resident, the applicant must provide the relative's permanent household register certificate in China or a certificate on the relative's actual place of residence and the relative's resident identity card; 1. 探望中国内地居民,须提供亲属的本地常住户籍证明或者实际居住地的相关证明及居民身份证;

(2) To visit an overseas Chinese, the applicant must provide the relative's Chinese passport and certificate of overseas residency; 2. 探望华侨,须提供亲属的中国护照及国外定居证明;

(3) To visit a Hong Kong or Macao resident, the applicant must provide his/her relative's Pass of Hong Kong and Macao Residents for Coming to the Mainland or Home Return Certificate for Compatriots from Hong Kong or Macao; 3. 探望港澳居民,须提供亲属的《港澳居民来往内地通行证》或者《港澳同胞回乡证》;

(4) To visit a Taiwan resident, the applicant must provide his/her relative's Pass of Taiwan Residents for Coming to the Mainland or Travel Certificate of the People's Republic of China; 4. 探望台湾居民,须提供亲属的《台湾居民来往大陆通行证》或者《中华人民共和国旅行证》;

(5) To visit a resident foreigner, the applicant must provide his/her relative's residence permit or Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners; and 5. 探望常住外国人,须提供亲属的居留许可或者《外国人永久居留证》;

(6) To visit an overseas Chinese or a Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan resident, the applicant must provide a certificate of residence for more than 6 months of the overseas Chinese or Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan resident. Any relevant certificate issued by an overseas institution must be authenticated by the local Chinese embassy or consulate. 6. 探望华侨和港澳台居民还须提供华侨或者港澳台居民6个月以上的常住证明。境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证。

For those mentioned in items (1) to (5), a visa of zero, single, two or multiple entries valid for 6 or 12 months may be issued for unlimited times.

For those mentioned in item (2), the valid period of a visa shall not be longer than the valid period of the foreign student's visa or residence permit.

For those mentioned in item (6), a zero or single entry visa valid for 6 months at most may be issued, and may be issued twice at most.

Article 12 The entry-exit administrative department shall handle any other person's L visa application according to the following provisions:   第十二条 出入境管理部门对其他人员申请L签证,按照以下规定办理:

1. A person coming to China for medical treatment must provide a diagnosis certificate issued by a hospital at or above the county level; and (一)来华看病人员,须提供县级以上医院诊断证明;

2. A person to enter China for any other private affair must provide the relevant certificates. (二)因其他私人事务入境人员,须提供相关证明。

A zero or a single entry visa valid for 3 months at most may be issued once only.

Article 13 The entry-exit administrative department shall issue an F visa to a person who is invited to visit, investigate, lecture, do business, conduct scientific, technological and cultural exchanges or attend short-term advanced studies, internship, etc. in China.
   第十三条 出入境管理部门对应邀来中国访问、考察、讲学、经商、进行科技文化交流及短期进修、实习等活动的人员应当发给F签证。

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