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Yangtze River Protection Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国长江保护法 [现行有效]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 65) (第六十五号)

The Yangtze River Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 24th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on December 26, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on March 1, 2021. 《中华人民共和国长江保护法》已由中华人民共和国第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议于2020年12月26日通过,现予公布,自2021年3月1日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国主席 习近平
December 26, 2020 2020年12月26日
Yangtze River Protection Law of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国长江保护法
(Adopted at the 24th session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress on December 26, 2020) (2020年12月26日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过)
Contents 目  录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总  则
Chapter II Plans and Control 第二章 规划与管控
Chapter III Resources Protection 第三章 资源保护
Chapter IV Prevention and Control of Water Pollution 第四章 水污染防治
Chapter V Ecological and Environmental Restoration 第五章 生态环境修复
Chapter VI Green Development 第六章 绿色发展
Chapter VII Guarantee and Supervision 第七章 保障与监督
Chapter VIII Legal Liability 第八章 法律责任
Chapter IX Supplemental Provisions 第九章 附  则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purposes of strengthening the ecological and environmental protection and restoration in the Yangtze River Basin, promoting the reasonable and efficient use of resources, guaranteeing ecological security, and achieving the harmonious coexistence of human and nature and the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.   第一条 为了加强长江流域生态环境保护和修复,促进资源合理高效利用,保障生态安全,实现人与自然和谐共生、中华民族永续发展,制定本法。
Article 2 The ecological and environmental protection and restoration in the Yangtze River Basin and the various production, living, development, and construction activities in the Yangtze River Basin shall comply with this Law.   第二条 在长江流域开展生态环境保护和修复以及长江流域各类生产生活、开发建设活动,应当遵守本法。
For the purposes of this Law, "Yangtze River Basin" means Qinghai Province, Sichuan Province, Tibet Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province, Chongqing Municipality, Hubei Province, Hunan Province, Jiangxi Province, Anhui Province, Jiangsu Province, and Shanghai Municipality involved in the drainage area formed by the main stream and tributaries of the Yangtze River and the lakes as well as the relevant county-level administrative areas of Gansu Province, Shaanxi Province, Henan Province, Guizhou Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, and Fujian Province. 本法所称长江流域,是指由长江干流、支流和湖泊形成的集水区域所涉及的青海省、四川省、西藏自治区、云南省、重庆市、湖北省、湖南省、江西省、安徽省、江苏省、上海市,以及甘肃省、陕西省、河南省、贵州省、广西壮族自治区、广东省、浙江省、福建省的相关县级行政区域。
Article 3 For the economic and social development of the Yangtze River Basin, ecological priority and green development shall be adhered to, general protection shall be jointly provided, and no large-scale development shall be carried out; and for the protection of the Yangtze River, coordination, scientific planning, innovation drive, and systematic governance shall be adhered to.   第三条 长江流域经济社会发展,应当坚持生态优先、绿色发展,共抓大保护、不搞大开发;长江保护应当坚持统筹协调、科学规划、创新驱动、系统治理。
Article 4 The state shall establish a Yangtze River Basin Coordination Mechanism, uniformly guide and coordinate the protection of the Yangtze River, deliberate on the major policies and plans for the protection of the Yangtze River, coordinate the major cross-regional and inter-departmental matters, and supervise and inspect the implementation of the important work on the protection of the Yangtze River.   第四条 国家建立长江流域协调机制,统一指导、统筹协调长江保护工作,审议长江保护重大政策、重大规划,协调跨地区跨部门重大事项,督促检查长江保护重要工作的落实情况。
Article 5 The relevant departments of the State Council and the provincial people's governments in the Yangtze River Basin shall be responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the National Yangtze River Basin Coordination Mechanism and for the work related to the protection of the Yangtze River according to the division of responsibilities.   第五条 国务院有关部门和长江流域省级人民政府负责落实国家长江流域协调机制的决策,按照职责分工负责长江保护相关工作。
The local people's governments at all levels in the Yangtze River Basin shall fulfill the responsibilities for the ecological and environmental protection and restoration in their administrative areas, promotion of the reasonable and efficient use of resources, optimization of the industry structure and layout, and maintenance of ecological security in the Yangtze River Basin. 长江流域地方各级人民政府应当落实本行政区域的生态环境保护和修复、促进资源合理高效利用、优化产业结构和布局、维护长江流域生态安全的责任。
The river chiefs and lake chiefs at all levels in the Yangtze River Basin shall be responsible for the work related to the protection of the Yangtze River. 长江流域各级河湖长负责长江保护相关工作。
Article 6 The relevant regions in the Yangtze River Basin shall establish cooperation mechanisms in the formulation of local regulations and governmental rules, preparation of plans, supervision and law enforcement, and other aspects as needed, so as to coordinate the advancement of ecological and environmental protection and restoration in the Yangtze River Basin.   第六条 长江流域相关地方根据需要在地方性法规和政府规章制定、规划编制、监督执法等方面建立协作机制,协同推进长江流域生态环境保护和修复。
Article 7 The departments of ecology and environment, natural resources, water administration, agriculture and rural affairs, standardization, and other relevant departments of the State Council shall, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, establish and improve a standards system for the water environment quality and pollutant discharge, ecological and environmental restoration, conservation and intensive use of water resources, ecological flow, biodiversity protection, aquaculture, and disaster prevention and reduction, among others, in the Yangtze River Basin.   第七条 国务院生态环境、自然资源、水行政、农业农村和标准化等有关主管部门按照职责分工,建立健全长江流域水环境质量和污染物排放、生态环境修复、水资源节约集约利用、生态流量、生物多样性保护、水产养殖、防灾减灾等标准体系。
Article 8 The natural resources department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments of the State Council, regularly organize surveys of the land, minerals, water flows, forests, grasslands, wetlands, and other natural resources in the Yangtze River Basin, establish a basic database on resources, evaluate the carrying capacity of the resource environment, and disclose the condition of the natural resources in the Yangtze River Basin to the public.   第八条 国务院自然资源主管部门会同国务院有关部门定期组织长江流域土地、矿产、水流、森林、草原、湿地等自然资源状况调查,建立资源基础数据库,开展资源环境承载能力评价,并向社会公布长江流域自然资源状况。
The wildlife protection department of the State Council shall organize a general survey of the wildlife and their habitats every ten years, or organize special surveys as needed, establish records of wildlife resources, and disclose the condition of the wildlife resources in the Yangtze River Basin to the public. 国务院野生动物保护主管部门应当每十年组织一次野生动物及其栖息地状况普查,或者根据需要组织开展专项调查,建立野生动物资源档案,并向社会公布长江流域野生动物资源状况。
The agriculture and rural affairs departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments of the people's governments at the same level, conduct biodiversity surveys on the spawning grounds, feeding grounds, overwintering grounds, migration routes, and other important habitats for aquatic life. 长江流域县级以上地方人民政府农业农村主管部门会同本级人民政府有关部门对水生生物产卵场、索饵场、越冬场和洄游通道等重要栖息地开展生物多样性调查。
Article 9 The National Yangtze River Basin Coordination Mechanism shall coordinate the improvement by the relevant departments of the State Council of the monitoring network system and monitoring information sharing mechanism for the ecology and environment, resources, hydrology, meteorology, shipping, and natural disasters, among others, in the Yangtze River Basin on the basis of established stations and monitoring projects.   第九条 国家长江流域协调机制应当统筹协调国务院有关部门在已经建立的台站和监测项目基础上,健全长江流域生态环境、资源、水文、气象、航运、自然灾害等监测网络体系和监测信息共享机制。
The relevant departments of the State Council, the local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin and other relevant departments shall organize the improvement of the ecological and environmental risk reporting and early warning mechanism in accordance with the division of responsibilities. 国务院有关部门和长江流域县级以上地方人民政府及其有关部门按照职责分工,组织完善生态环境风险报告和预警机制。
Article 10 The ecology and environment department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments of the State Council and the provincial people's governments in the Yangtze River Basin, establish and improve their working mechanisms for joint response to ecological and environmental emergencies in the Yangtze River Basin, connect it with the National Emergency Response System, and strengthen the management of ecological and environmental emergencies in vessels, ports, mines, chemical plants, and tailings ponds, among others, in the Yangtze River Basin.   第十条 国务院生态环境主管部门会同国务院有关部门和长江流域省级人民政府建立健全长江流域突发生态环境事件应急联动工作机制,与国家突发事件应急体系相衔接,加强对长江流域船舶、港口、矿山、化工厂、尾矿库等发生的突发生态环境事件的应急管理。
Article 11 The state shall strengthen the monitoring, forecasting, early warning, defense, response, and restoration and reconstruction system for floods, droughts, forest and grassland fires, geological disasters, earthquakes, and other disasters in the Yangtze River Basin so as to improve the capability for disaster prevention, disaster reduction, disaster withstanding, and disaster relief.   第十一条 国家加强长江流域洪涝干旱、森林草原火灾、地质灾害、地震等灾害的监测预报预警、防御、应急处置与恢复重建体系建设,提高防灾、减灾、抗灾、救灾能力。
Article 12 The National Yangtze River Basin Coordination Mechanism shall establish an expert advisory committee and arrange for professional institutions and persons to give scientific, technological, and other professional advice on the major development strategies, policies, and plans, among others, for the Yangtze River Basin.   第十二条 国家长江流域协调机制设立专家咨询委员会,组织专业机构和人员对长江流域重大发展战略、政策、规划等开展科学技术等专业咨询。
The relevant departments of the State Council, the provincial people's governments in the Yangtze River Basin and the relevant departments thereof shall, based on the division of responsibilities, organize such work as third-party assessment, analysis, and justification of the impact of plans related to construction projects, important infrastructure, and industry layout in the Yangtze River Basin on the ecosystem of the Yangtze River Basin. 国务院有关部门和长江流域省级人民政府及其有关部门按照职责分工,组织开展长江流域建设项目、重要基础设施和产业布局相关规划等对长江流域生态系统影响的第三方评估、分析、论证等工作。
Article 13 The National Yangtze River Basin Coordination Mechanism shall coordinate the establishment and improvement of its information sharing system for the Yangtze River Basin by the relevant departments of the State Council and the provincial people's governments in the Yangtze River Basin. The relevant departments of the State Council, the provincial people's governments in the Yangtze River Basin and the relevant departments thereof shall share their information on the ecology and environment, natural resources, and administration and law enforcement, among others, in the Yangtze River Basin as required.   第十三条 国家长江流域协调机制统筹协调国务院有关部门和长江流域省级人民政府建立健全长江流域信息共享系统。国务院有关部门和长江流域省级人民政府及其有关部门应当按照规定,共享长江流域生态环境、自然资源以及管理执法等信息。
Article 14 The relevant departments of the State Council, local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin and the relevant departments thereof shall strengthen the publicity and education of the ecological and environmental protection and green development in the Yangtze River Basin.   第十四条 国务院有关部门和长江流域县级以上地方人民政府及其有关部门应当加强长江流域生态环境保护和绿色发展的宣传教育。
The news media shall adopt various forms to give publicity of and education on the ecological and environment protection and green development of the Yangtze River Basin and conduct public opinion supervision on illegal acts in accordance with the law. 新闻媒体应当采取多种形式开展长江流域生态环境保护和绿色发展的宣传教育,并依法对违法行为进行舆论监督。
Article 15 The relevant departments of the State Council, local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin and the relevant departments thereof shall take measures to protect the famous historical and cultural cities, towns, and villages in the Yangtze River Basin, strengthen the protection of the cultural heritage in the Yangtze River Basin, and inherit and advocate the excellent and characteristic culture in the Yangtze River Basin.   第十五条 国务院有关部门和长江流域县级以上地方人民政府及其有关部门应当采取措施,保护长江流域历史文化名城名镇名村,加强长江流域文化遗产保护工作,继承和弘扬长江流域优秀特色文化。
Article 16 The state shall encourage and support the participation of entities and individuals in the activities of the ecological and environmental protection and restoration, reasonable use of resources, and promotion of green development in the Yangtze River Basin.   第十六条 国家鼓励、支持单位和个人参与长江流域生态环境保护和修复、资源合理利用、促进绿色发展的活动。
Entities and individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the protection of the Yangtze River shall be commended and rewarded by the people's governments at or above the county level and their relevant departments in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state. 对在长江保护工作中做出突出贡献的单位和个人,县级以上人民政府及其有关部门应当按照国家有关规定予以表彰和奖励。
Chapter II Plans and Control 

第二章 规划与管控

Article 17 The state shall establish a planning system for the Yangtze River Basin under the guidance of national development planning, based on spatial planning, supported by special planning and regional planning, and maximize the leading, guiding, and restricting role of planning in advancing the ecological and environmental protection and green development of the Yangtze River Basin.   第十七条 国家建立以国家发展规划为统领,以空间规划为基础,以专项规划、区域规划为支撑的长江流域规划体系,充分发挥规划对推进长江流域生态环境保护和绿色发展的引领、指导和约束作用。
Article 18 The State Council and local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin shall incorporate the protection of the Yangtze River into the national economic and social development planning.   第十八条 国务院和长江流域县级以上地方人民政府应当将长江保护工作纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。
The development and reform department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments of the State Council, prepare a development plan for the Yangtze River Basin, scientifically coordinate the ecological and environmental protection and green development of the upper and lower reaches, left and right banks, main stream and tributaries of the Yangtze River Basin, and implement it with the approval of the State Council. 国务院发展改革部门会同国务院有关部门编制长江流域发展规划,科学统筹长江流域上下游、左右岸、干支流生态环境保护和绿色发展,报国务院批准后实施。
A water resources plan and an ecological and environmental protection plan for the Yangtze River Basin, among others, shall be prepared in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations. 长江流域水资源规划、生态环境保护规划等依照有关法律、行政法规的规定编制。
Article 19 The natural resources department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments of the State Council, organize the preparation of a spatial plan for the Yangtze River Basin, scientifically and systematically arrange the ecological, agricultural, urban, and other functional space of the Yangtze River Basin, delimit ecological protection red lines, permanent basic farmland, and urban development boundaries, optimize the spatial structure and layout, guide the use of land and space in the Yangtze River Basin, and implement it with the approval of the State Council. Special plans involving the use of land and space in the Yangtze River Basin shall be coherent with the spatial plan for the Yangtze River Basin.   第十九条 国务院自然资源主管部门会同国务院有关部门组织编制长江流域国土空间规划,科学有序统筹安排长江流域生态、农业、城镇等功能空间,划定生态保护红线、永久基本农田、城镇开发边界,优化国土空间结构和布局,统领长江流域国土空间利用任务,报国务院批准后实施。涉及长江流域国土空间利用的专项规划应当与长江流域国土空间规划相衔接。
The local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin shall organize the preparation of spatial plans for their respective administrative areas and implement it with approval obtained in accordance with the prescribed procedures. 长江流域县级以上地方人民政府组织编制本行政区域的国土空间规划,按照规定的程序报经批准后实施。
Article 20 The state shall exercise control over the use of land and space in the Yangtze River Basin. The natural resources departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin shall, in accordance with the spatial plans, exercise control by zone and by class over the of use of the land and space in the Yangtze River Basin under their jurisdiction.   第二十条 国家对长江流域国土空间实施用途管制。长江流域县级以上地方人民政府自然资源主管部门依照国土空间规划,对所辖长江流域国土空间实施分区、分类用途管制。
The development and use of land and space in the Yangtze River Basin shall comply with the requirements for control over the use of land and space, for which a planning permit shall be obtained according to law. If the requirements for control over the use of land and space are not met, the natural resources department of the people's government at or above the county level shall not grant a planning permit. 长江流域国土空间开发利用活动应当符合国土空间用途管制要求,并依法取得规划许可。对不符合国土空间用途管制要求的,县级以上人民政府自然资源主管部门不得办理规划许可。
Article 21 The water administration department of the State Council shall coordinate the reasonable allocation, unified assignment, and efficient use of the water resources in the Yangtze River Basin and organize the implementation of the management system for control over total water abstraction and the use and control over consumption intensity.   第二十一条 国务院水行政主管部门统筹长江流域水资源合理配置、统一调度和高效利用,组织实施取用水总量控制和消耗强度控制管理制度。
The ecology and environment department of the State Council shall determine the total discharge control indicators for key pollutants in each provincial administrative area in the Yangtze River Basin in accordance with the goals of improving quality of the water environment and requirements for prevention of water pollution. In the water functional zones in the Yangtze River Basin where the water quality fails to meet the standards, more stringent requirements for reducing total pollutant discharge shall be imposed. Enterprises and public institutions shall take measures to control the total pollutant discharge. 国务院生态环境主管部门根据水环境质量改善目标和水污染防治要求,确定长江流域各省级行政区域重点污染物排放总量控制指标。长江流域水质超标的水功能区,应当实施更严格的污染物排放总量削减要求。企业事业单位应当按照要求,采取污染物排放总量控制措施。
The natural resources department of the State Council shall be responsible for coordinating the control over the total quantity of and plan arrangements for new construction land in the Yangtze River Basin. 国务院自然资源主管部门负责统筹长江流域新增建设用地总量控制和计划安排。
Article 22 The provincial people's governments in the Yangtze River Basin shall formulate ecological and environmental zoning and control plans and ecological and environmental access lists based on the conditions of the ecology, environment, resource use in their respective administrative areas and implement them after filing them with the ecology and environment department of the State Council. The ecological and environmental zoning and control plans and the ecological and environmental access lists shall be coherent with the spatial planning.   第二十二条 长江流域省级人民政府根据本行政区域的生态环境和资源利用状况,制定生态环境分区管控方案和生态环境准入清单,报国务院生态环境主管部门备案后实施。生态环境分区管控方案和生态环境准入清单应当与国土空间规划相衔接。
The industry structure and layout in the Yangtze River Basin shall be commensurate with the carrying capacity of the ecosystem and resource environment in the Yangtze River Basin. It shall be prohibited to lay out any industry that seriously affects the ecosystem in a key ecological functional zone of the Yangtze River Basin. The relocation of a heavily polluting enterprise or project to the upper or middle reaches of the Yangtze River shall be prohibited. 长江流域产业结构和布局应当与长江流域生态系统和资源环境承载能力相适应。禁止在长江流域重点生态功能区布局对生态系统有严重影响的产业。禁止重污染企业和项目向长江中上游转移。
Article 23 The state shall strengthen the management of the development and use of water power resources in the Yangtze River Basin. The construction of a medium-sized or large hydropower project in the Yangtze River Basin as needed for the national development strategy, the national economy and the people's livelihood shall be subject to scientific justification and the approval of the State Council or the department authorized by the State Council.   第二十三条 国家加强对长江流域水能资源开发利用的管理。因国家发展战略和国计民生需要,在长江流域新建大中型水电工程,应当经科学论证,并报国务院或者国务院授权的部门批准。
For established small hydropower projects in the Yangtze River Basin that do not meet the requirements for ecological protection, the local people's governments at or above the county level shall organize corrective actions by class or take measures to phase them out. 对长江流域已建小水电工程,不符合生态保护要求的,县级以上地方人民政府应当组织分类整改或者采取措施逐步退出。
Article 24 The state shall strictly protect the headwaters of the trunk stream and important tributaries of the Yangtze River and establish national parks and other protected natural areas to protect national ecological security shields.   第二十四条 国家对长江干流和重要支流源头实行严格保护,设立国家公园等自然保护地,保护国家生态安全屏障。
Article 25 The water administration department of the State Council shall strengthen the protection of river courses and lakes in the Yangtze River Basin. The local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin shall be responsible for delimiting and publicly announcing the management scope for river courses and lakes so as to strictly protect rivers and lakes and prohibit illegal encroachment on water areas of rivers and lakes.   第二十五条 国务院水行政主管部门加强长江流域河道、湖泊保护工作。长江流域县级以上地方人民政府负责划定河道、湖泊管理范围,并向社会公告,实行严格的河湖保护,禁止非法侵占河湖水域。
Article 26 The state shall exercise special control over the shorelines of rivers and lakes in the Yangtze River Basin. The National Yangtze River Basin Coordination Mechanism shall coordinate the efforts of the departments of natural resources, water administration, ecology and environment, housing and urban-rural development, agriculture and rural affairs, transport, forestry and grassland, etc. of the State Council and the provincial people's governments in the Yangtze River Basin to delineate the scope of protection of river and lake shorelines, formulate river and lake shoreline protection plans, strictly control the development and construction of shorelines, and promote the reasonable and efficient use of shorelines.   第二十六条 国家对长江流域河湖岸线实施特殊管制。国家长江流域协调机制统筹协调国务院自然资源、水行政、生态环境、住房和城乡建设、农业农村、交通运输、林业和草原等部门和长江流域省级人民政府划定河湖岸线保护范围,制定河湖岸线保护规划,严格控制岸线开发建设,促进岸线合理高效利用。
The construction or expansion of a chemical park or chemical project within one kilometer from the shoreline of the main stem or a tributary of the Yangtze River shall be prohibited. 禁止在长江干支流岸线一公里范围内新建、扩建化工园区和化工项目。
The construction, conversion, or expansion of a tailings pond within three kilometers from the shoreline of the trunk stream of the Yangtze River or within one kilometer from the shoreline of an important tributary shall be prohibited, unless the conversion is made for the purpose of improving safety and ecological and environmental protection. 禁止在长江干流岸线三公里范围内和重要支流岸线一公里范围内新建、改建、扩建尾矿库;但是以提升安全、生态环境保护水平为目的的改建除外。
Article 27 The transport department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with the departments of natural resources, water administration, ecology and environment, agriculture and rural affairs, and forestry and grassland departments of the State Council, scientifically delimit prohibited navigation areas and restricted navigation areas in important habitats for aquatic life in the Yangtze River Basin.   第二十七条 国务院交通运输主管部门会同国务院自然资源、水行政、生态环境、农业农村、林业和草原主管部门在长江流域水生生物重要栖息地科学划定禁止航行区域和限制航行区域。
Vessels shall be prohibited from navigating within the delimited prohibited navigation areas. The navigation in a prohibited navigation area in an important habitat for aquatic life as required by the national development strategy, the national economy, and people's livelihood shall be subject to the approval of the transport department of the State Council in consultation with the agriculture and rural affairs department of the State Council, with necessary measures taken to reduce the interference with important aquatic life. 禁止船舶在划定的禁止航行区域内航行。因国家发展战略和国计民生需要,在水生生物重要栖息地禁止航行区域内航行的,应当由国务院交通运输主管部门商国务院农业农村主管部门同意,并应当采取必要措施,减少对重要水生生物的干扰。
The implementation of a waterway improvement project across the ecological protection red line, or in a protected natural area or important habitat for aquatic life, in the Yangtze River Basin shall be strictly restricted or be subject to scientific justification, with relevant formalities completed in accordance with the law, if the improvement is necessary. 严格限制在长江流域生态保护红线、自然保护地、水生生物重要栖息地水域实施航道整治工程;确需整治的,应当经科学论证,并依法办理相关手续。
Article 28 The state shall establish a sand mining plan and a permit system for the river courses in the Yangtze River Basin. Sand mining in the river courses in the Yangtze River Basin shall obtain a permit from the relevant basin management agency of the water administration department of the State Council or the water administration department of the local people's government at or above the county level.   第二十八条 国家建立长江流域河道采砂规划和许可制度。长江流域河道采砂应当依法取得国务院水行政主管部门有关流域管理机构或者县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门的许可。
The relevant basin management agency of the water administration department of the State Council and the local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin shall delimit prohibited sand mining areas, specify prohibited sand mining periods, and strictly control sand mining areas, the total volume of sand mining, and the number of sand mining vessels in the sand mining areas. Sand mining activities in a prohibited sand mining area or during a prohibited sand mining period in the Yangtze River Basin shall be prohibited. 国务院水行政主管部门有关流域管理机构和长江流域县级以上地方人民政府依法划定禁止采砂区和禁止采砂期,严格控制采砂区域、采砂总量和采砂区域内的采砂船舶数量。禁止在长江流域禁止采砂区和禁止采砂期从事采砂活动。
The water administration department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments of the State Council, arrange for the relevant local people's governments in the Yangtze River Basin and the relevant departments thereof to take joint enforcement actions against illegal sand mining in river courses in the Yangtze River Basin. 国务院水行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门组织长江流域有关地方人民政府及其有关部门开展长江流域河道非法采砂联合执法工作。
Chapter III Resource Protection 

第三章 资源保护

Article 29 The protection and use of water resources in the Yangtze River Basin shall, in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the basin, give priority to satisfying urban and rural residents' need for domestic water, ensure basic ecological water use, and take into account agricultural and industrial water use, shipping, and other needs.   第二十九条 长江流域水资源保护与利用,应当根据流域综合规划,优先满足城乡居民生活用水,保障基本生态用水,并统筹农业、工业用水以及航运等需要。
Article 30 The relevant basin management agency of the water administration department of the State Council shall, in consultation with the provincial people's governments in the Yangtze River Basin, formulate a water distribution plan for inter-provincial rivers according to law and implement it with the approval of the State Council or the department authorized by the State Council. For the formulation of a water distribution plan for inter-provincial rivers in the Yangtze River Basin, the opinions of other relevant departments of the State Council shall be solicited. The water administration department of each provincial people's government in the Yangtze River Basin shall formulate a water distribution plan for the Yangtze River Basin in its respective administrative area and implement it with the approval of the people's government at the same level.   第三十条 国务院水行政主管部门有关流域管理机构商长江流域省级人民政府依法制定跨省河流水量分配方案,报国务院或者国务院授权的部门批准后实施。制定长江流域跨省河流水量分配方案应当征求国务院有关部门的意见。长江流域省级人民政府水行政主管部门制定本行政区域的长江流域水量分配方案,报本级人民政府批准后实施。
The relevant basin management agency of the water administration department of the State Council or the water administration department of each local people's government at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin shall prepare an annual water distribution plan and an assignment plan based on the approved water distribution plan, specifying the requirements for control over flow, water volume, and water level in the relevant river sections and control sections. 国务院水行政主管部门有关流域管理机构或者长江流域县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门依据批准的水量分配方案,编制年度水量分配方案和调度计划,明确相关河段和控制断面流量水量、水位管控要求。
Article 31 The state shall strengthen the guarantee of ecological water use in the Yangtze River Basin. The water administration department of the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments of the State Council, propose ecological flow control indicators for the control sections of the main stem, the important tributaries of the Yangtze River and the important lakes. The ecological flow control indicators for other rivers and lakes shall be determined by the water administration departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level in the Yangtze River Basin in conjunction with the relevant departments of the people's governments at the same level.   第三十一条 国家加强长江流域生态用水保障。国务院水行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门提出长江干流、重要支流和重要湖泊控制断面的生态流量管控指标。其他河湖生态流量管控指标由长江流域县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门会同本级人民政府有关部门确定。
The relevant basin management agency of the water administration department of the State Council shall include the ecological water volume in the annual water volume assignment plan to ensure the basic ecological water use of the rivers and lakes, guarantee the ecological flow during the dry season and fish spawning period as well as the water volume and water level of the important lakes, and assure the balance between brackish and fresh water at the estuary of the Yangtze River. 国务院水行政主管部门有关流域管理机构应当将生态水量纳入年度水量调度计划,保证河湖基本生态用水需求,保障枯水期和鱼类产卵期生态流量、重要湖泊的水量和水位,保障长江河口咸淡水平衡。
The water conservancy, hydropower, shipping hubs, and other projects at the upper reaches of the main stem and the important tributaries of the Yangtze River and the important lakes shall incorporate the assignment of ecological water into the assignment procedures for routine operations and establish a regular ecological assignment mechanism so as to ensure the ecological flow of rivers and lakes. If the discharge of water does not meet the requirements for ecological discharge, the water administration departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall propose and supervise the implementation of the corrective measures.

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