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第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议关于2018年中央和地方预算执行情况与2019年中央和地方预算的决议 [现行有效]



(Adopted at Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on March 15, 2019) (2019年3月15日第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过)

The second session of the 13th National People's Congress reviewed the Report on the Implementation of the Central and Local budgets for 2018 and on Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2019 and the Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2019, and agreed the report of the review result by the Financial and Economic Committee of the NPC.The session approved the Report on the Implementation of the Central and Local Budgets for 2018 and on Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2019, and the Central Budget for 2019. 第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议审查了国务院提出的《关于2018年中央和地方预算执行情况与2019年中央和地方预算草案的报告》及2019年中央和地方预算草案,同意全国人民代表大会财政经济委员会的审查结果报告。会议决定,批准《关于2018年中央和地方预算执行情况与2019年中央和地方预算草案的报告》,批准2019年中央预算。
The Report on the Implementation of the Central and Local Budgets for 2018 and on Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2019 关于2018年中央和地方预算执行情况与2019年中央和地方预算草案的报告
--at the Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress on March 5, 2019 --2019年3月5日在第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议上
Ministry of Finance 财政部

Esteemed Deputies,


The Ministry of Finance has been entrusted by the State Council to submit this report on the execution of the central and local budgets for 2018 and on the draft central and local budgets for 2019 to the present Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) for your deliberation and for comments from members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
I. Execution of the 2018 Central and Local Budgets   一、2018年中央和地方预算执行情况
The year 2018 was the first year of fully implementing the guiding principles from the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, all localities and departments followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly put into practice the guiding principles from the Party's 19th National Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the 19th Party Central Committee, and remained committed to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability. With due consideration to the requirements of high quality development, we implemented the policy decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and acted in strict accordance with the budgets reviewed and approved by the First Session of the 13th NPC. As a result, we have maintained sustained and healthy economic development and overall social stability, and have taken new strides toward achieving our goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Execution of both central and local budgets was satisfactory. 2018年是全面贯彻党的十九大精神的开局之年。在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,各地区各部门以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,按照高质量发展要求,落实党中央、国务院决策部署,严格执行十三届全国人大一次会议审查批准的预算,保持了经济持续健康发展和社会大局稳定,朝着实现全面建成小康社会的目标迈出了新的步伐。中央和地方预算执行情况较好。
1. General public budgetary revenue and expenditure in 2018 (一)2018年一般公共预算收支情况。
1) National general public budget 1.全国一般公共预算。
Revenue in the national general public budget reached 18.335184 trillion yuan, representing 100.1% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 6.2% over 2017. With the addition of 1.477277 trillion yuan of funds from other sources and utilized carryover and surplus funds (namely, funds transferred from the Central Budget Stabilization Fund and local budget stabilization funds, the budgets of central and local government-managed funds, and the budgets of central and local government state capital operations; and carryover and surplus funds used by local governments), the total revenue rose to 19.812461 trillion yuan. Expenditure in the national general public budget reached 22.090607 trillion yuan, representing 105.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 8.7%. With the addition of 101.854 billion yuan used to replenish the Central Budget Stabilization Fund, the total expenditure rose to 22.192461 trillion yuan. Total expenditure therefore exceeded total revenue, leaving a deficit of 2.38 trillion yuan, which is consistent with the figure projected. 全国一般公共预算收入183351.84亿元,为预算的100.1%,比2017年同口径(下同)增长6.2%。加上调入资金及使用结转结余14772.77亿元(包括中央和地方财政从预算稳定调节基金、政府性基金预算、国有资本经营预算调入资金,以及地方财政使用结转结余资金),收入总量为198124.61亿元。全国一般公共预算支出220906.07亿元,完成预算的105.3%,增长8.7%。加上补充中央预算稳定调节基金1018.54亿元,支出总量为221924.61亿元。收支总量相抵,赤字23800亿元,与预算持平。
Throughout 2018, China was able to achieve overall economic stability while also ensuring progress, and revenue in the national general public budget saw continued growth. The growth rate was 12.9% from January to April. As a combined result of measures on reducing value added tax (VAT) effective from May 1, preferential tax policies issued to support the development of small and micro businesses, the rise of the individual income tax threshold (basic standard deduction) and application of the new tax rate table starting from October 1, and new downward pressure on the economy, the revenue growth rate from May to December slowed to 2.6%. In terms of revenue composition, tax revenue totaled 15.640052 trillion yuan, an increase of 8.3% and rising to 85.3% as a proportion of national general public budget revenue; non-tax revenue totaled 2.695132 trillion yuan, a decrease of 4.7% and accounting for 14.7% of revenue in the national general public budget. 2018年我国经济运行总体平稳、稳中有进,全国一般公共预算收入保持增长。1-4月增长12.9%,随着5月1日起实施增值税减税措施,出台支持小微企业发展税收优惠政策,10月1日起提高个人所得税基本减除费用标准并适用新的税率表,以及经济出现新的下行压力等,5-12月收入增幅放缓至2.6%。从收入构成看,税收收入156400.52亿元,增长8.3%,占一般公共预算收入比重提高至85.3%;非税收入26951.32亿元,下降4.7%,占一般公共预算收入比重为14.7%。
2) Central general public budget 2.中央一般公共预算。
Revenue in the central government's general public budget reached 8.544734 trillion yuan, representing 100.1% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 5.3% over 2017. Adding in contributions of 213 billion yuan from the Central Budget Stabilization Fund and 32.3 billion yuan from the budgets of central government-managed funds and central government state capital operations, the total revenue amounted to 8.790034 trillion yuan. Expenditure in the central government's general public budget totaled 10.23818 trillion yuan, representing 99.1% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 7.7%. Within this total figure, central government expenditure reached 3.270781 trillion yuan, representing 100.7% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 8.8%; tax rebates and transfer payments from central to local governments reached 6.967399 trillion yuan, representing 99% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 7.2%. With the addition of 101.854 billion yuan contributed to the Central Budget Stabilization Fund, the total expenditure reached 10.340034 trillion yuan. Total expenditure exceeded total revenue, leaving a deficit of 1.55 trillion yuan, which is consistent with the figure projected. 中央一般公共预算收入85447.34亿元,为预算的100.1%,增长5.3%。加上从中央预算稳定调节基金调入2130亿元,从中央政府性基金预算、中央国有资本经营预算调入323亿元,收入总量为87900.34亿元。中央一般公共预算支出102381.8亿元,完成预算的99.1%,增长7.7%,其中,本级支出32707.81亿元,完成预算的100.7%,增长8.8%;对地方税收返还和转移支付69673.99亿元,完成预算的99%,增长7.2%。加上补充中央预算稳定调节基金1018.54亿元,支出总量为103400.34亿元。收支总量相抵,中央财政赤字15500亿元,与预算持平。
Main revenue items in the central government's general public budget: Domestic VAT revenue was 3.075304 trillion yuan, 104% of the budgeted figure. Domestic excise tax revenue amounted to 1.063175 trillion yuan, 100.6% of the budgeted figure. Revenue from VAT and excise tax on imports totaled 1.687875 trillion yuan, 98.9% of the budgeted figure. Revenue from customs duties came to 284.775 billion yuan, 90.7% of the budgeted figure. Corporate income tax revenue was 2.224181 trillion yuan, 101.6% of the budgeted figure. Individual income tax revenue was 832.441 billion yuan, 107.4% of the budgeted figure. VAT and excise tax rebates on exports totaled 1.591345 trillion yuan, 107.7% of the budgeted figure. 中央一般公共预算主要收入项目具体情况是:国内增值税30753.04亿元,为预算的104%。国内消费税10631.75亿元,为预算的100.6%。进口货物增值税、消费税16878.75亿元,为预算的98.9%。关税2847.75亿元,为预算的90.7%。企业所得税22241.81亿元,为预算的101.6%。个人所得税8324.41亿元,为预算的107.4%。出口货物退增值税、消费税15913.45亿元,为预算的107.7%。
Main expenditures in the central government's general public budget: General public service expenditures reached 150.368 billion yuan, 103.4% of the budgeted figure. Spending on foreign affairs totaled 58.337 billion yuan, 97.1% of the budgeted figure. National defense spending was 1.10697 trillion yuan, 100% of the budgeted figure. Public security expenses totaled 204.151 billion yuan, 102.5% of the budgeted figure. Spending on education came to 173.123 billion yuan, 101.2% of the budgeted figure. Spending on science and technology amounted to 312.027 billion yuan, 100.2% of the budgeted figure. Spending on stockpiling grain, edible oils, and other materials was 137.564 billion yuan, 100.3% of the budgeted figure. Interest payments on debt reached 416.165 billion yuan, 97.1% of the budgeted figure. 中央一般公共预算本级主要支出项目具体情况是:一般公共服务支出1503.68亿元,完成预算的103.4%。外交支出583.37亿元,完成预算的97.1%。国防支出11069.7亿元,完成预算的100%。公共安全支出2041.51亿元,完成预算的102.5%。教育支出1731.23亿元,完成预算的101.2%。科学技术支出3120.27亿元,完成预算的100.2%。粮油物资储备支出1375.64亿元,完成预算的100.3%。债务付息支出4161.65亿元,完成预算的97.1%。
Central government tax rebates and transfer payments made to local governments: Tax rebates came to 798.786 billion yuan, 98.2% of the projected figure. General transfer payments reached 3.875904 trillion yuan, making up 99.4% of the budgeted figure and rising to 62.8% as a proportion of total transfer payments. Special transfer payments reached 2.292709 trillion yuan, 98.8% of the budgeted figure. 中央对地方税收返还和转移支付具体情况是:税收返还7987.86亿元,完成预算的98.2%。一般性转移支付38759.04亿元,完成预算的99.4%,占转移支付总额的比重提高至62.8%。专项转移支付22927.09亿元,完成预算的98.8%。
In 2018, the extra 9.034 billion yuan of revenue in the central general public budget and the 92.82 billion yuan underspent were transferred in full to the Central Budget Stabilization Fund. Central government reserve funds budgeted for 2018 amounted to 50 billion yuan. Of this, actual spending was only 1.748 billion yuan, which was mainly used to support local governments in strengthening prevention and control of African swine fever, and in other areas. The 48.252 billion yuan surplus (already included in the aforementioned 92.82 billion yuan underspent) was transferred in full to the Central Budget Stabilization Fund. At the end of 2018, the Central Budget Stabilization Fund had a balance of 376.399 billion yuan. 2018年中央一般公共预算收入超收90.34亿元和支出结余928.2亿元,全部转入中央预算稳定调节基金。中央预备费预算500亿元,实际支出17.48亿元,主要用于支持地方加强非洲猪瘟防控等方面,剩余482.52亿元(已包含在上述支出结余928.2亿元中)全部转入中央预算稳定调节基金。2018年末,中央预算稳定调节基金余额3763.99亿元。
3) Local general public budget 3.地方一般公共预算。
Revenue in the local general public budget reached 16.757849 trillion yuan. This figure included 9.79045 trillion yuan in local government revenue, which is an increase of 7% over 2017, and 6.967399 trillion yuan in tax rebates and transfer payments from the central government. With the addition of 1.231977 trillion yuan of funds transferred from local budget stabilization funds, local government-managed funds, and the local state capital operations budget as well as utilized carryover and surplus funds, the total revenue reached 17.989826 trillion yuan. Expenditures in the local general public budget totaled 18.819826 trillion yuan, representing an increase of 8.7%. Total expenditure exceeded total revenue, creating a local government deficit of 830 billion yuan, which is consistent with the figure projected. 地方一般公共预算收入167578.49亿元,其中,本级收入97904.5亿元,增长7%;中央对地方税收返还和转移支付收入69673.99亿元。加上地方财政从地方预算稳定调节基金、政府性基金预算、国有资本经营预算调入资金及使用结转结余12319.77亿元,收入总量为179898.26亿元。地方一般公共预算支出188198.26亿元,增长8.7%。收支总量相抵,地方财政赤字8300亿元,与预算持平。
2. Budgetary revenue and expenditure of government-managed funds in 2018 (二)2018年政府性基金预算收支情况。
In accordance with the relevant regulations for management of local government debt, revenue and expenditure generated from local government special debt are included in the budgets of government-managed funds. 按照地方政府债务管理有关规定,地方政府专项债务收支纳入政府性基金预算管理。
Revenue of China's government-managed funds in 2018 reached 7.54045 trillion yuan, a rise of 22.6%. Adding 38.559 billion yuan carried over from 2017 and 1.35 trillion yuan raised through local government issuance of special purpose bonds, the total revenue amounted to 8.929009 trillion yuan. Expenditure of government-managed funds totaled 8.056207 trillion yuan, an increase of 32.1%. 全国政府性基金收入75404.5亿元,增长22.6%。加上2017年结转收入385.59亿元和地方政府发行专项债券筹集收入13500亿元,全国政府性基金相关收入为89290.09亿元。全国政府性基金相关支出80562.07亿元,增长32.1%。
Revenue of central government-managed funds reached 403.265 billion yuan, representing 104.4% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 4.2%. With the additional 38.559 billion yuan carried forward from 2017, the total revenue rose to 441.824 billion yuan. Expenditure of central government-managed funds totaled 402.155 billion yuan, representing 94.7% of the budgeted figure and an 8.4% increase. Broken down, this figure included 308.929 billion yuan of central government spending and 93.226 billion yuan of transfer payments to local governments. Funds transferred from central government-managed funds to the general public budget amounted to 146 million yuan. Revenue of central government-managed funds exceeded expenditure by 39.523 billion yuan. Of this figure, 35.824 billion yuan was carried forward to 2019, and 3.699 billion yuan, comprised of any portion of carryover funds from individual government-managed funds exceeding 30% of that fund's revenue in 2018, was contributed to the Central Budget Stabilization Fund in accordance with regulations. 中央政府性基金收入4032.65亿元,为预算的104.4%,增长4.2%。加上2017年结转收入385.59亿元,收入总量为4418.24亿元。中央政府性基金支出4021.55亿元,完成预算的94.7%,增长8.4%,其中,本级支出3089.29亿元,对地方转移支付932.26亿元。调入一般公共预算1.46亿元。中央政府性基金收大于支395.23亿元,其中,结转下年继续使用358.24亿元;单项政府性基金结转超过当年收入30%的部分合计36.99亿元,按规定补充中央预算稳定调节基金。
Revenue of local government-managed funds reached 7.137185 trillion yuan, an increase of 23.8%. Revenue from the sale of state-owned land-use rights accounted for 6.509585 trillion yuan of this figure, a 25% rise. Adding in the transfer payments of 93.226 billion yuan from central government-managed funds and 1.35 trillion yuan raised through local government issuance of special purpose bonds, the total revenue rose to 8.580411 trillion yuan. Expenditure of local government-managed funds totaled 7.747278 trillion yuan, a rise of 32.9%; of this spending 6.994104 trillion yuan was funded by revenue from the sale of state-owned land-use rights, an increase of 34.2%. 地方政府性基金本级收入71371.85亿元,增长23.8%,其中,国有土地使用权出让收入65095.85亿元,增长25%。加上中央政府性基金对地方转移支付收入932.26亿元和地方政府发行专项债券筹集收入13500亿元,地方政府性基金相关收入为85804.11亿元。地方政府性基金相关支出77472.78亿元,增长32.9%,其中,国有土地使用权出让收入相关支出69941.04亿元,增长34.2%。
3. Budgetary revenue and expenditure of state capital operations in 2018 (三)2018年国有资本经营预算收支情况。
In accordance with relevant management regulations for the budgets of state capital operations, budgetary revenue from state capital operations is mostly collected as a certain proportion of the net profits of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) from the previous year, while expenditure is planned according to the principle of balance between expenditure and revenue. In 2017, Chinese SOEs and enterprises with state-held controlling stakes (not including class one state-owned financial enterprises) had a total business revenue of 53.75 trillion yuan, and their net profits reached 2.35 trillion yuan, of which 1.42 trillion yuan belonged to the owners of their parent companies; by the end of that year, their asset value totaled 183.52 trillion yuan and their total debt reached 118.46 trillion yuan. 按照国有资本经营预算管理有关规定,国有资本经营预算收入主要根据国有企业上年实现净利润一定比例收取,同时按照收支平衡原则安排相关支出。2017年全国国有及国有控股企业(不含国有一级金融类企业)营业总收入53.75万亿元,实现净利润2.35万亿元,归属于母公司所有者的净利润1.42万亿元;年末资产总额183.52万亿元,负债总额118.46万亿元。
Budgetary revenue of state capital operations nationwide totaled 289.995 billion yuan in 2018, an increase of 9.8%, while expenditure totaled 215.926 billion yuan, an increase of 6.7%. 全国国有资本经营预算收入2899.95亿元,增长9.8%。全国国有资本经营预算支出2159.26亿元,增长6.7%。
Budgetary revenue of central state capital operations was 132.531 billion yuan, representing 96.3% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 1.6%. With the added 11.359 billion yuan carried over from 2017, the total revenue was 143.89 billion yuan. Budgetary expenditure of central state capital operations reached 111.173 billion yuan, representing 95.1% of the budgeted figure and an increase of 10.1%. This expenditure included 102.485 billion yuan of central government spending and 8.688 billion yuan in transfer payments to local governments. A total of 32.154 billion yuan was transferred into the central general public budget, with the transfer proportion being raised to 25%; 563 million yuan of budgetary revenue from these operations has been carried over to 2019. 中央国有资本经营预算收入1325.31亿元,为预算的96.3%,增长1.6%。加上2017年结转收入113.59亿元,收入总量为1438.9亿元。中央国有资本经营预算支出1111.73亿元,完成预算的95.1%,增长10.1%,其中,本级支出1024.85亿元,对地方转移支付86.88亿元。调入一般公共预算321.54亿元,调入比例提高至25%。结转下年支出5.63亿元。
Budgetary revenue of local state capital operations reached 157.464 billion yuan, a rise of 17.8%. Adding in the transfer payments of 8.688 billion yuan to local governments from the central state capital operations budget, the total revenue was 166.152 billion yuan. Budgetary expenditure of local state capital operations amounted to 113.441 billion yuan, a drop of 9.2%. This drop was mainly due to the proportion of funds allocated from the local state capital operations budget to the local general public budget being increased to 43.245 billion yuan. 地方国有资本经营预算本级收入1574.64亿元,增长17.8%。加上中央国有资本经营预算对地方转移支付收入86.88亿元,收入总量为1661.52亿元。地方国有资本经营预算支出1134.41亿元,下降9.2%,主要是调入一般公共预算资金增加至432.45亿元。
4. Budgetary revenue and expenditure of social security funds in 2018 (四)2018年社会保险基金预算收支情况。
To coordinate the burden of enterprise employees' basic aged-care pension among different regions and ensure sustainable development of the basic aged-care insurance system, in 2018 we put in place a central regulation system for enterprise employees' basic aged-care pension funds to be used inter-provincially. Through central regulation, we can proportionately allocate the surplus funds of provinces with a good balance of payments to those provinces with shortfalls, ensuring that pension benefits are paid across all regions on time and in full. 为均衡地区间企业职工基本养老保险基金负担、实现基本养老保险制度可持续发展,2018年出台实施了企业职工基本养老保险基金中央调剂制度,通过调剂将收支状况较好省份的基金结余按一定比例调剂至缺口省份,确保各地养老金按时足额发放。
Revenue of social security funds nationwide reached 7.264922 trillion yuan, an increase of 24.3%; the increase would be 7.3% after deducting the basic aged-care pension funds for employees of Party and government offices and public institutions. This revenue included 5.25432 trillion yuan in insurance premiums and 1.677683 trillion yuan in government subsidies. Expenditure of social security funds nationwide totaled 6.458645 trillion yuan, representing an increase of 32.7%; the increase would be 12.7% after deducting the basic aged-care pension funds for employees of Party and government offices and public institutions. The social security fund surplus for 2018 was 806.277 billion yuan, which was rolled over to make the year-end balance 8.633713 trillion yuan. 全国社会保险基金收入72649.22亿元,增长24.3%,剔除机关事业单位基本养老保险后同口径增长7.3%,其中,保险费收入52543.2亿元,财政补贴收入16776.83亿元。全国社会保险基金支出64586.45亿元,增长32.7%,剔除机关事业单位基本养老保险后同口径增长12.7%。当年收支结余8062.77亿元,年末滚存结余86337.13亿元。
Revenue of central government social security funds reached 58.211 billion yuan, which included 30.184 billion yuan in insurance premiums and 27.47 billion yuan in government subsidies. With the addition of 241.33 billion yuan contributed by local governments to come under central regulation, the total revenue rose to 299.541 billion yuan. Expenditure of central government social security funds reached 53.213 billion yuan. Adding in 240.68 billion yuan reallocated to local governments through central regulation, the total expenditure rose to 293.893 billion yuan. The surplus for 2018 was 5.648 billion yuan, which was rolled over to make the year-end balance 31.549 billion yuan. 中央社会保险基金收入582.11亿元,其中,保险费收入301.84亿元,财政补贴收入274.7亿元。加上地方上缴的中央调剂基金收入2413.3亿元,收入总量为2995.41亿元。中央社会保险基金支出532.13亿元,加上安排给地方的中央调剂基金支出2406.8亿元,支出总量为2938.93亿元。当年收支结余56.48亿元,年末滚存结余315.49亿元。
Revenue of local government social security funds reached 7.206711 trillion yuan, which included 5.224136 trillion yuan in insurance premiums and 1.650213 trillion yuan in government subsidies. Adding in 240.68 billion yuan of local government funds reallocated by the central government, the total revenue rose to 7.447391 trillion yuan. Expenditure of local government social security funds was 6.405432 trillion yuan. After adding 241.33 billion yuan of local government funds reallocated by the central government, the total rose to 6.646762 trillion yuan. The local government social security fund surplus for 2018 was 800.629 billion yuan, which was rolled over to result in a year-end balance of 8.602164 trillion yuan. 地方社会保险基金收入72067.11亿元,其中,保险费收入52241.36亿元,财政补贴收入16502.13亿元。加上中央调剂资金收入2406.8亿元,收入总量为74473.91亿元。地方社会保险基金支出64054.32亿元,加上中央调剂资金支出2413.3亿元,支出总量为66467.62亿元。当年收支结余8006.29亿元,年末滚存结余86021.64亿元。
At the end of 2018, outstanding central government debt stood at 14.960742 trillion yuan, well within the budgeted limit of 15.690835 trillion yuan approved by the NPC. Total outstanding local government debt was 18.386152 trillion yuan, which included 10.993875 trillion yuan of general debt and 7.392277 trillion yuan of special debt, and fell within the NPC-approved budget limit of 20.99743 trillion yuan. 2018年末,中央财政国债余额149607.42亿元,控制在全国人大批准的债务余额限额156908.35亿元以内;地方政府债务余额183861.52亿元,包括一般债务余额109938.75亿元、专项债务余额73922.77亿元,控制在全国人大批准的债务余额限额209974.3亿元以内。
During the course of implementing the budgets, in accordance with the unified arrangement for deepening reform of Party and state institutions, we promptly allocated the necessary funds for newly set up departments and made appropriate budget transfers between relevant departments. These efforts ensured that those departments were able to operate normally in the performance of their duties, and that the reforms could progress smoothly. We examined and approved all the budgets of central government departments within the statutory time frame. 预算执行中,按照深化党和国家机构改革统一部署,及时安排新组建部门所需开办及筹建经费,认真做好相关部门预算划转等工作,确保部门正常运转和履职需要,保障党和国家机构改革顺利实施。所有中央部门预算批复工作在法定时限内完成。
For a more detailed account of the budget execution in regard to the above items, please refer to the Chinese language version of the Report on the Execution of the 2018 Budgets of the People's Republic of China and the 2019 Draft Budgets. 以上预算执行的具体情况及相关说明详见《中华人民共和国2018年全国预算执行情况2019年全国预算(草案)》。
5. Implementation of main fiscal and tax policies and other major fiscal work in 2018 (五)2018年主要财税政策落实和重点财政工作情况。
In 2018, finance departments conscientiously implemented the policy decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, followed the Budget Law and the Guidelines on People's Congresses Expanding the Focus of Their Budget Review and Oversight to Cover Expenditure Budgets and Policies, and acted on the requirements in the budget resolution adopted at the NPC. We have enforced a proactive fiscal policy with the focus on concentrating fiscal strength and boosting fiscal efficacy, increased support for the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, weighted spending toward innovation-driven development, agriculture, rural areas, rural residents, and the improvement of living standards, deepened reform of the fiscal and tax systems, and worked vigorously to improve management of budget execution. 2018年,财政部门认真贯彻党中央、国务院决策部署,按照预算法和《关于人大预算审查监督重点向支出预算和政策拓展的指导意见》,落实全国人大预算决议要求,聚力增效实施积极的财政政策,加大对三大攻坚战的支持,更多向创新驱动、“三农”、民生等领域倾斜,深化财税体制改革,狠抓预算执行管理。
 We took strong measures to cut taxes and fees.
Improving the VAT system
We lowered VAT rates in industries such as manufacturing, transportation, construction, and basic telecommunication services as well as for agricultural products and other goods, and adopted a unified annual sales threshold of 5 million yuan for small-scale VAT payers. The end-of-tax-period VAT credit was refunded in one lump sum to qualified enterprises in equipment manufacturing and other advanced manufacturing industries and in research and development (R&D) and other modern service industries, as well as to power grid enterprises.
Implementing individual income tax reform
Implementing the revised Individual Income Tax Law, we raised the individual income tax threshold and optimized the structure of tax rates, starting from October 1, 2018. On this basis, we formulated the interim measures for special additional deductions for individual income tax, creating six special additional deduction items including children's education, and amended the implementation regulations for the Individual Income Tax Law, which officially went into effect on January 1, 2019. This represents a major shift from a system of classified taxes to a system of taxation that is based on both adjusted gross income and specific income types, benefiting approximately 80 million taxpayers.
Increasing tax support for small and micro businesses
More low-profit small businesses now enjoy halved corporate income tax, with the upper limit of taxable annual income raised from 500,000 yuan to 1,000,000 yuan. We raised the single-client credit line on which the interest income is eligible for VAT exemption from 1 million yuan to 10 million yuan in loans made to qualified small and micro businesses and self-employed people.
Encouraging enterprises to increase investment in research and development
We abolished the restrictions on additional tax deductions for R&D costs for those enterprises who entrust their R&D work to overseas contractors. The policy of additional tax deductions for 75% of R&D expenses for small and medium sci-tech enterprises was extended to cover all enterprises. The period for rollover of losses was extended from 5 years to 10 years for new- and high-tech enterprises and small and medium sci-tech enterprises. A one-off tax deduction in the year of purchase will be offered to enterprises for new instrument or equipment purchases of less than 5 million yuan in unit price.
Adjusting and improving import and export tax policies
Export rebate rates were raised for over 4,000 products in two batches and the rebate rate structure was simplified. We accorded zero tariff treatment to the vast majority of imported medicine including anticancer drugs, and lowered import tariffs for whole vehicles and auto parts, as well as for some non-durable consumer goods and manufactured goods. China's overall tariff level has been lowered from 9.8% in 2017 to 7.5% in 2018.
Taking further steps to tidy up regulations for the levying of charges on enterprises
A number of administrative charges were abolished, including the processing fee paid by first-time applicants for citizen identity cards. We lowered the required payments to some government-managed funds such as the major water conservancy projects fund. Further, we extended the validity period of the policies of temporarily reducing social insurance premiums and lowering the proportion that enterprises contribute to the housing provident fund. These efforts to reduce taxes and fees led to a relief of burdens by around 1.3 trillion yuan over the year.
 We achieved significant success in the three critical battles.
Strengthening prevention and control of local government debt risk
Actions were taken to impose ceilings on local government debt and incorporate them into budget management, and the work on issuing local government bonds to replace outstanding debt was basically completed. We supported the issuance and use of special bonds by local governments and attained the goal of issuing 1.35 trillion yuan of special bonds two months ahead of schedule. We have improved management measures to put under strict control the risks related to special bonds within the statutory debt ceilings. We rolled out measures for the disclosure of local government debt information and guided local governments in the orderly release of information regarding the remaining balance of debt ceilings, bond issuance and arrangements for fund usage, and repayment of principal and interests. We further refined oversight and regulatory policies for hidden debt-related risks facing local governments, and further strengthened risk prevention and control at the supply end of funds and at the source of project construction. Intensifying oversight and accountability and setting up mechanisms for lifelong accountability and the retroactive investigation of liability, we organized investigations into illegal and regulation-breaking borrowing by some cities, counties, and financial institutions, publicly exposing those cases. We improved the statistical and monitoring mechanisms and gave timely warnings about debt risk, and we urged local governments to perform their due responsibilities within their geographical jurisdiction and succeeded in forestalling systemic risks.
Providing strong support in the fight against poverty
The central government allocated 106.095 billion yuan to subsidize local poverty alleviation funds, an increase of 20 billion yuan, or 23.2%, over 2017. The increase in funds was mainly directed to areas of extreme poverty such as the three regions and the three prefectures . We advanced trials across the country to integrate different rural development funds in poverty-stricken counties with merged funds surpassing 300 billion yuan for the year. We strictly controlled financing risks related to poverty alleviation, and replaced loans used to relocate people from inhospitable areas and other financing forms with a unified form of financing through issuance of local government bonds. We explored the establishment of mechanisms for dynamic monitoring of budgetary funds for poverty alleviation and strengthened management of government poverty alleviation funds of all kinds and at all levels. We formulated measures for performance-based management of budgetary funds in poverty alleviation projects, and basically achieved full coverage of performance targets, involving around 110,000 projects with an amount of over 800 billion yuan. A total of 13.86 million rural people were lifted out of poverty over the year.
Intensifying pollution prevention and control efforts
Around 255.5 billion yuan was allocated from the central budget to support the critical battle against pollution; this was a year-on-year increase of 13.9% and it included the largest investment toward addressing air, water, and soil pollution in recent years. We expanded the range of central government-financed trials to promote clean energy sources for winter heating across northern China, put in place incentivizing policies for the protection and restoration of ecosystems along the Yangtze Economic Belt, and established a compensation system for fishing bans in key waters of the Yangtze River basin. We launched models for treatment of black, malodorous water bodies in urban areas, and supported the enhancement of quality and efficacy in urban sewage treatment in the central and western regions. We entered 14 trial projects, including those at the eastern foot of the Helan Mountains in Ningxia and in the Wumeng mountainous areas in Guizhou, into the third group of pilot projects under the initiative to protect and restore mountain, water, forest, farmland, lake, and grassland ecosystems. Together with the previous two groups of 11 trial projects, these projects basically cover the key zones of the two ecological shields and three ecological belts .
 We supported the deepening of supply-side structural reform.
Promoting capacity building for scientific and technological innovations 
The central general public budget saw a 10.3% increase in expenditure on science and technology. We supported the implementation of major national science and technology programs and conducted trials on selected programs of a “green channel” based on integrity and performance. We supervised management reform of the funding for central government-funded scientific and technological research projects, launching a series of new measures to optimize project and economic management, reduce report forms and process reviews, and promote performance evaluation. We encouraged institutions of higher learning and research institutes in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions to take part in the organization and implementation of central government-funded science and technology programs (projects and funds).
Supporting the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector
We promoted the development of smart manufacturing, strong foundations for industry development, green manufacturing, and the industrial internet, and supported manufacturing innovation centers in improving their capacities. We implemented the policy on piloting insurance compensation for newly-developed major technological equipment, supporting and promoting a total of 1,087 projects with over 150 billion yuan worth of equipment.
Stimulating the drive for innovation and entrepreneurship
We supported 100 real-economy development zones at national and provincial levels in developing platforms with distinctive features and we facilitated the efforts of small and medium-sized enterprises to upgrade the national initiative to promote business startups and innovation. We set up a national financing guaranty fund to enhance our capacity to serve small and micro businesses and serve agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents. We provided rewards and subsidies to regions that achieved clear results in expanding the scale of financing guaranties and reducing guaranty fees for small and micro businesses.
Carrying out the five priority tasks
We introduced policies on further cutting overcapacity and restructuring the debts of “zombie enterprises,” and continued to support the de-escalation of overcapacity in the steel and coal industries. Active progress was made in the central government's efforts to address “zombie enterprises” and improve those enterprises in particular difficulty. We redoubled efforts to strengthen key areas of weakness, fully exerting central government investment in infrastructure.
We regulated and promoted the application of the public-private partnership (PPP) model in an orderly fashion. By the end of 2018, of all the projects in the database of the national information platform for multiple PPP models, 4,691 were in progress, involving an aggregate investment of 7.2 trillion yuan, and accounting for 54.2% of the total.
Promoting coordinated development between regions and between urban and rural areas
To consistently strengthen support for central and western regions, the central government increased transfer payments to help equalize access to basic public services by 9.2%, and increased payments for old revolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and poor areas by 15.7%. We set up a policy system for financial support to Xiongan New Area in its initial stage of planning and construction, and conducted studies on fiscal policies to support major regional strategies such as comprehensively deepening reform and opening up in Hainan Province. We established and implemented sound mechanisms for guaranteeing government funding for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. We put in place mechanisms for national coordination of newly-added cropland and for inter-provincial adjustment of quotas produced by linking newly-added cropland quotas with the amount of land used for construction. We accelerated our efforts to reduce excess stockpiles of grain, refined price-setting mechanisms for rice and other types of grain, promoted development of the quality grain project in all its aspects, and supported the deepening of supply-side structural reform in agriculture.
 People's lives continued to improve.
Implementing a more proactive employment policy
We implemented policies on subsidies for employment and business start-ups, and strengthened capacity building for providing better public employment services. The central budget's employment subsidies totaled 46.878 billion yuan, a rise of 6.8%; a total of 13.61 million new urban jobs were created over the year.
Promoting reform and development in education
A total of 84.4% of the central budget's transfer payments for education went to the central and western regions, and were weighted especially toward poor areas. This has resulted in exemption of all tuition and miscellaneous fees and free textbooks for around 145 million students in compulsory education around the country, living allowances for 13.92 million boarding students from financially disadvantaged families, 14 million children living with migrant worker parents in cities being able to have their fiscal outlays for education transferred along with them, and 37 million students receiving subsidies for nutritious meals. Funding support was also provided for the development of preschool education, regular senior high schools, vocational education, and higher education.
Ensuring the basic wellbeing of the people
Basic pension payments for retirees of enterprises, Party and government offices, and public institutions were raised by around 5%. The minimum basic pension benefits for rural and non-working urban residents under the basic aged-care insurance scheme were raised to 88 yuan per person per month, and mechanisms were established to set standards on and regularly adjust basic aged-care insurance benefits. Work was carried out to transfer a portion of state capital to top up social security funds; this work was basically completed on a trial basis in five central government enterprises and in Zhejiang and Yunnan provinces, and is ongoing in 19 central government enterprises. This has promoted the establishment of an operating mechanism for combining transferring a portion of state capital with efforts to gradually make up for shortfalls in enterprise employees' basic aged-care pension funds. The government subsidy for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents was raised to 490 yuan per person per annum, with half of the 40-yuan increase being allocated to the serious disease insurance scheme. Annual per person government subsidies for basic public health services were raised to 55 yuan.
We supported the provision of subsistence allowances and of assistance and aid to people living in extreme poverty or facing financial difficulties. Subsidies and living allowances were increased for entitled groups, benefiting over 8.6 million people around the country. We continued to provide support for the rebuilding of housing in run-down urban areas and for the development of supporting infrastructure for public rental housing, funding the rebuilding of 6.26 million housing units in run-down urban areas and 1.9 million dilapidated rural houses. We deepened our efforts to bring cultural benefits to the people, subsidizing over 50,000 public cultural facilities to keep them free and open to the public.
 We intensified fiscal and tax reforms. 
Accelerating reform of the fiscal system
We released reform plans on defining the respective fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities of central and local governments for basic public services and for the medical and healthcare sector. Looking forward, we are actively advancing these reforms in fields like education, science and technology, and transportation.
Deepening reform of the budget management system
We implemented the CPC Central Committee and the State Council's Guidelines on Implementing Comprehensive Performance-Based Budget Management, and established an initial management system of this kind for project outlays of the central budget, covering the whole budget process from performance targets to execution oversight and performance self-evaluation for all central government projects and special transfer payments to local governments. We also put in place a mechanism to ensure the regular performance evaluation of key budgets, and during 2018 organized performance evaluations by third-party organizations on 38 key policies regarding public wellbeing and major projects, involving a total of 551.3 billion yuan; the evaluation results have been used to improve management, budget arrangement, and relevant polices. Central government budgets and final accounts were released in more detail, and further progress has been made in advancing the disclosure of budgets and final accounts of local governments and their departments at the provincial, city, and county levels. The trial preparation of government financial statements was expanded.
Improving the tax system
Amid tax and fee cuts, we took initial steps to establish an individual income tax system based on both adjusted gross income and specific types of income, and reformed and improved the VAT system. We pressed for tax legislation, for the smooth implementation of the Environmental Protection Tax Law, Vessel Tonnage Tax Law, and Tobacco Leaf Tax Law, for the deliberation and adoption by the NPC Standing Committee of the Tax Law on Farmland Used for Non-agricultural Purposes and the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, and for the submission as per procedure of the Resource Tax Law to the NPC Standing Committee for its first reading.
Deepening the reform of state capital and SOEs
For the first time, we presented to the NPC Standing Committee a comprehensive report on the management of all state-owned assets and a specific report on state-owned assets in financial enterprises. We drove forward the issuance of guidelines on piloting reforms in state capital investment and management companies, on piloting unified oversight and supervision over state-owned productive assets of central Party and government offices and public institutions, and on improving the management of state-owned financial capital, and we made steady and solid progress in ensuring their implementation. We made major progress in relieving SOEs of their obligations to operate social programs and in resolving their other longstanding issues.
 财税改革向纵深推进。加快财政体制改革。出台基本公共服务领域中央与地方共同财政事权和支出责任划分改革方案,以及医疗卫生领域财政事权和支出责任划分改革方案。教育、科技、交通运输等领域财政事权和支出责任划分改革正在积极推进。深化预算管理制度改革。深入贯彻落实《中共中央 国务院关于全面实施预算绩效管理的意见》,在中央财政层面初步建立了项目支出为主的全过程预算绩效管理体系,中央本级项目和对地方专项转移支付绩效目标、运行监控和绩效自评实现全覆盖,建立重点绩效评价常态化机制,2018年组织第三方机构对38个重点民生政策和重大项目开展重点绩效评价,涉及资金5513亿元,评价结果已经用于改进管理、预算安排和完善政策。中央预算决算公开内容更加细化,省市县级政府和部门预算决算公开深入推进。政府财务报告编制试点范围进一步扩大。完善税收制度。结合减税降费,初步建立综合与分类相结合的个人所得税制,改革完善增值税制度。加快税收立法进程,环境保护税法船舶吨税法烟叶税法顺利实施,耕地占用税法车辆购置税法经全国人大常委会审议通过,资源税法按程序提请全国人大常委会初次审议。深化国资国企改革。首次向全国人大常委会作了全口径国有资产管理情况综合报告和金融企业国有资产专项报告。推动出台国有资本投资、运营公司改革试点的实施意见,推进中央党政机关和事业单位经营性国有资产集中统一监管试点的实施意见,以及完善国有金融资本管理的指导意见,扎实有序落实相关重点工作。剥离国有企业办社会职能和解决历史遗留问题取得重要进展。
 We continued to improve fiscal management.
Strengthening basic work on fiscal management
Through a combination of measures, we accelerated the pace of budget execution, and improved the preparation and allocation of funds for transfer payments to local governments. In addition to this, we supported local governments in their efforts to ensure payment of salaries, normal operations, and the basic wellbeing of the people, to ensure that rural migrant workers get paid, and to clear up overdue payments to private enterprises. Work on conducting dynamic monitoring of budget execution was accelerated, and mechanisms for the dynamic monitoring of budget execution were established in 36 provincial-level budget institutions and in most city- and county-level governments. We built an online platform to enable online reimbursement of official travel expenses. We strengthened control over suspense payments of local governments, and basically completed the work of reviewing and overhauling local governments' special accounts. A basic system of governmental accounting principles and institutions was established, and internal control standards and systems for administrative agencies and public institutions were improved.
Tightening up financial discipline
We stepped up oversight and compliance checks around the implementation of major fiscal and tax policies, and inspected local governments' debt management, their financial support for poverty alleviation, their use of funds for pollution prevention and control, and their implementation of preferential tax policies for economic development zones. We strengthened oversight of governmental accounting and government procurement agencies and strictly dealt with violations of laws and regulations.
Conscientiously rectifying problems uncovered in auditing
We put strong emphasis on rectifying problems discovered through the auditing process such as the proportion of transfer payments for specific purposes being too high and the coverage of performance-based budget evaluation being too narrow, determined responsibility for correction, produced detailed rectification measures, and made steady progress in resolving the issues. At the same time, we earnestly studied and adopted suggestions from auditing bodies and, with a focus on applying lessons learned from experience, established institutions and mechanisms for solid corrective results.
Overall, budget execution in 2018 was satisfactory and we achieved new outcomes in the reform and development of public finance, which gave strong impetus to sustained and healthy economic and social development. We owe these achievements to the firm leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core; to the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; to the oversight of the NPC and the CPPCC National Committee together with their deputies and members; and to the concerted efforts of all regions, all departments, and the people of all our nation's ethnic groups. 总的看,2018年预算执行情况较好,财政改革发展工作取得新进展,有力促进了经济社会持续健康发展。这是以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导的结果,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学指引的结果,是全国人大、全国政协及代表委员们监督指导的结果,是各地区、各部门以及全国各族人民共同努力的结果。
At the same time, we have yet to overcome the following main problems and challenges in budget execution and public finance work:
 The foundation for revenue growth is fragile, while expenditures remain inflexible; some city- and county-level governments face serious budgetary constraints in ensuring payment of salaries, normal operations, and the basic wellbeing of people in their jurisdictions.
Accuracy in budget compilation still requires improvement and budgets are less binding than they should be; there are a number of weak links in budget allocation and management, and internal controls need to be further strengthened; and some local governments and departments fail to provide a solid foundation for budget execution, and their slow implementation leads to funds sitting idle.
 Mechanisms for exit of special transfer payments need to be improved, and the coverage of periodic assessments is too narrow.
 The execution of some projects under government-managed fund budgets is too slow, leading to a large carry-over; budget compilation has yet to cover all state capital operations; and enterprise employees' basic aged-care pensions have not been placed under nationally coordinated management, mechanisms for ensuring sustainable funding and benefit adjustments for medical insurance schemes need improvement, and there are challenges in ensuring sustained financing for social security funds.
 Some local governments make promises beyond their financial capacity and in disregard of the actual situation, which harms their fiscal sustainability.
 Some local governments are still guarantying debt or making borrowings in breach of regulations, making it hard to keep debt risk under control.
 Poor implementation of some policies is masking any sense of benefit that enterprises and the public would otherwise be feeling.
We attach the utmost importance to these problems and will adopt strong measures for their resolution.
 同时,预算执行和财政工作中还面临一些问题和挑战。主要是:财政收入增长基础不稳,支出刚性不减,一些市县保工资、保运转、保基本民生支出压力大。预算编制的准确性和预算的约束力需要进一步增强;预算分配管理存在薄弱环节,内部控制需要进一步加强;有的地方和部门预算执行基础工作不扎实,支出进度较慢,造成财政资金闲置浪费。专项转移支付退出机制不完善,定期评估覆盖面较窄。政府性基金预算中有的项目执行慢、结转资金较多;国有资本经营预算范围还不完整;企业职工基本养老保险全国统筹仍未实现,医疗保险可持续筹资和待遇调整机制尚需完善, 社会保险基金财务可持续性面临挑战。有的地区脱离实际,存在超出自身财力过高承诺等问题,影响财政可持续性。有的地方仍违规担保或变相举债,防范化解债务风险任务艰巨。有的政策执行和落实不到位,企业和群众获得感不强。我们高度重视这些问题,将下大气力采取措施加以解决。
II. Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2019   二、2019年中央和地方预算草案
The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and represents a key year for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and thus realizing the first Centenary Goal. With this in mind, we believe the compilation of this year's budgets and other public finance work is of major significance. In line with the guiding principles of the recent Central Economic Work Conference, we will draw up the draft budgets for 2019 and study and make appropriate arrangements for revenue, expenditures, transfer payments, deficit, and the scale of debt, thereby ensuring implementation of the major policy decisions and plans made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. 2019年是新中国成立70周年,是全面建成小康社会、实现第一个百年奋斗目标的关键之年,做好预算编制和财政工作意义重大。要按照中央经济工作会议精神,认真编制2019年预算草案,科学研究提出财政收入、支出、转移支付、赤字及债务规模等安排,保障党中央、国务院重大决策部署的落实。
1. Analysis on the prospects for fiscal revenue and expenditure in 2019 (一)2019年财政收支形势分析。
China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity for development and will remain so for a long time to come. It has ample resilience, enormous potential, and great creativity to unleash. Our economy's long-term positive momentum remains, and will continue to remain, unchanged. At the same time, profound and complex changes are taking place both in the international environment and in domestic conditions, and we are faced with more and greater risks and challenges, foreseeable and otherwise; as a result the stability of our economic performance has seen some changes, some of which have caused concern. Our economy faces a complex and severe external environment in which trade protectionism and unilateralism are mounting, the impetus for global economic growth is weakening, and factors of instability and uncertainty are increasing. Domestically, deep-seated structural problems and issues are becoming ever-more pronounced due to the impact of external events, the growth of demand is slowing down, the real economy is facing growing numbers of difficulties, and market confidence and expectations have all been affected. There are inevitably some difficulties and challenges in advancing supply-side structural reform.
In terms of fiscal revenue, the rate of growth in 2019 is projected to be slower due to mounting downward pressure on the economy, larger-scale tax and fee cuts, and the decline in government revenue as a result of the carryover effect of some tax and fee reduction policies. In terms of fiscal expenditure, the need for government funding across various fields is considerable, with priority assurance required in the areas of deepening supply-side structural reform, ensuring success in the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, implementing the rural revitalization strategy, promoting technological innovation and breakthroughs in key technologies, developing a number of projects for improving natural disaster prevention and control capabilities, increasing funding for areas related to people's basic wellbeing, supporting diplomacy and national defense, and strengthening public finance guarantees for primary-level government.
Taking all factors into account, fiscal revenue faces a grim situation in 2019 and there will be great pressure to keep the budget balanced. It is imperative that we firmly maintain worst-case scenario thinking, stay keenly aware of potential problems, enhance risk prevention and control capability, balance the needs for stabilizing growth and guarding against risks, continue to strengthen coordination in fiscal policy-making and use of government funds, and maintain fiscal sustainability while increasing tax and fee cuts and ensuring funding for key areas.
2. Overall requirements for the preparation of the 2019 budgets and public finance work (二)2019年预算编制和财政工作的总体要求。
In accordance with the Party Central Committee and the State Council's policy decisions and plans, in 2019 the government will coordinate all work to maintain stable growth, advance reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, guard against risks, and ensure stability, see that the economy operates within an appropriate range, and devote more efforts to ensure stability in employment, financial operations, foreign trade, foreign investment, domestic investment, and expectations.
To help achieve these goals, we need to act on the following overall requirements for the preparation of this year's budgets and public finance work:
 Follow the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core.
 Follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.
 Comprehensively follow all guiding principles from the Party's 19th National Congress, and the second and third plenary sessions of the 19th Party Central Committee.
 Coordinate efforts to implement the five-sphere integrated plan and four-pronged comprehensive strategy.
 Remain committed to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, to the new development philosophy, and to high-quality development.
 Continue to regard supply-side structural reform as our main task, deepen market-oriented reform and advance higher-level opening up, and accelerate the building of a modernized economy.
 Continue to fight the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution.
 Focus on keeping micro-entities energized while developing and improving new ways of macro regulation.
 Coordinate efforts to maintain stable growth, advance reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, guard against risks, and ensure stability.
 Increase the intensity and effectiveness of our proactive fiscal policy, carry out tax and fee cuts on a larger scale, and ensure substantive VAT reductions.
 Optimize the spending structure, tighten our belts, strictly reduce general expenditure, increase support for key areas, allocate funds more efficiently, and effectively lighten the burden on businesses.
 Expedite the building of a modern public finance system, and establish a fiscal relationship between the central and local governments built upon clearly defined powers and responsibilities, appropriate financial resource allocation, and greater balance between regions.
 Implement comprehensive performance-based budget management, and work faster to put in place a comprehensive system for such management that covers all sectors, projects, and budget types, as well as the whole budgetary process.
Strengthen local government debt management, considerably expand the scale of local government special purpose bonds, and take active steps to forestall and defuse local government debt risk.
Promote sustained and sound economic growth and overall social stability, lay a decisive foundation for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China by achieving outstanding results.
In line with these requirements, we will focus our work on five areas:
First, stepping up tax and fee cuts and promoting development of the real economy. We will roll out tax cuts on a larger scale and push ahead with more visible fee reductions, adopt both general-benefit and structural tax cuts, focus on easing tax burdens in the manufacturing industry and on small and micro businesses, reduce government-imposed transaction costs, and improve the business environment. We will lower contribution rates for social insurance schemes, and keep the current method of payment for contributions stable.
Second, increasing investment in key areas and making spending more targeted. In implementing the Party Central Committee and the State Council's major policies and plans, we will orient spending more toward the public good and universal benefit, continue to adjust and optimize the government spending structure, and make budgetary investment more targeted. We will focus on increasing the funding for poverty alleviation, the development of agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents, structural adjustment, scientific and technological innovation, ecological and environmental protection, and the improvement of living standards. Further, we will prioritize efforts to deepen supply-side structural reform, strengthen innovation and technological breakthroughs, implement the rural revitalization strategy, and promote coordinated regional development and military-civilian integration.
Third, keeping our belts tightened and strictly limiting general expenditures. To help ease burdens on businesses, governments at all levels must tighten their belts, practice thrift and spend money where it can be used most efficiently, make a major push to reduce general expenditure, strictly control budgeted spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality, cancel inefficient or ineffectual expenditure, and review and recall funds that have been idle for a long period of time. The central finance authorities should lead the way in exercising strict management over departmental spending, cutting general expenditure by a margin of no less than 5% and further reducing spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality by approximately 3%. Local finance authorities should follow this lead by strictly controlling the expenditure of administrative agencies and institutions.
Fourth, deepening reform of the fiscal and tax systems and accelerating the establishment of a modern public finance system. In accordance with the requirements to boost the vitality of micro-entities and mobilize the initiative of local governments, we will improve systems integration, pay close attention to overall planning and coordination, and solidly advance key reforms regarding the fiscal system, budget management system, and tax system.
Fifth, opening wider the “front door” for local governments to raise funds in compliance with regulation, while barricading the “back door” of borrowing money via illegal and against-regulation methods. We will improve standard mechanisms for local governments to secure financing, properly address local governments' existing hidden debts, and resolutely contain the rise in hidden debt, opening more widely the “front door” while closing up the “back door” even more firmly. We will increase the scale of local government special purpose bonds by a fairly large margin to ensure adequate funding for ongoing projects and the strengthening of weak points. We will also better utilize these special bonds to have them serve multiple purposes such as deepening supply-side structural reform, advancing ongoing projects, and defusing hidden debt-related risks.
3. Fiscal policy for 2019 (三)2019年财政政策。
We will increase the intensity and effectiveness of our proactive fiscal policy in 2019. We will fully leverage counter-cyclic adjustments, make regulation more forward-looking, targeted, and effective, and strengthen policy coordination, to promote high-quality economic development. 2019年积极的财政政策要加力提效,发挥好逆周期调节作用,增强调控的前瞻性、针对性和有效性,加强政策协调,推动经济高质量发展。
We will implement tax and fee cuts on a larger scale and increase spending.
On cutting taxes and fees: We will deepen VAT reform, reducing the current rate of 16% in manufacturing and other industries to 13%, lowering the rate in the transportation, construction, and other industries from 10% to 9%, and ensuring that tax burdens in our main industries are meaningfully reduced. The lowest bracket rate will remain unchanged at 6%, but the adoption of supporting measures, like increased tax deductions for producer and consumer services, will guarantee that in all industries tax burdens only go down, not up. We will make continued efforts toward cutting the number of tax brackets from three to two and streamlining our tax system. We will ensure that the general-benefit tax cut policies issued at the start of the year for small and micro businesses are put into effect.
The revised Individual Income Tax Law will come into full effect, as will the policy on six special additional individual income tax deduction items. At the same time, we will significantly reduce enterprise contributions to social insurance schemes. Starting from May 1, 2019, we will lower the share borne by employers for urban workers' basic aged-care insurance, enabling all localities to reduce contributions to 16%. Further, we will continue polices on reducing in stages the premiums for unemployment insurance and workers' compensation insurance, to ensure substantial reductions in enterprise contributions to social insurance schemes, particularly for small and micro businesses. We will continue to review and standardize government administrative charges. The above measures will reduce the tax burdens and social insurance premium contributions of enterprises by nearly 2 trillion yuan. To support tax and fee cuts on a larger scale, we will find workable means of raising funds, the central finance authorities will increase profits turned in by certain state-owned financial institutions and enterprises directly under the central government, and local finance authorities should also tap into their potential to put all kinds of funds and assets to good use through multiple avenues.
On increasing spending: We will further increase the scale of government expenditure. The government deficit for 2019 is projected to be 2.76 trillion yuan, an increase of 380 billion yuan over 2018, and the deficit-to-GDP ratio will rise moderately from 2.6% to 2.8%. At the same time, we plan to issue 2.15 trillion yuan worth of local government special bonds, an 800 billion yuan increase over 2018. These arrangements meet the demands of spending across various areas, send a signal of proactive and vigorous fiscal policy, help to better guide enterprise expectations, more strongly boost market confidence, and also take into consideration the importance of keeping policy options open in case there is a need to respond to risks in the future.
We will increase the efficiency of allocating and using fiscal funds.
On fund allocation: We will work hard to adjust and optimize the spending structure, maintain expenditure in some areas while reducing it in others, ensure that all essential items receive sufficient funding while non-essential items are cut, continue to put idle funds to good use, strengthen unified management of funds, and focus on enhancing our capacity to support China's overall economic and social development.
On fund use: We will prioritize the implementation of comprehensive performance-based budget management and see that it permeates throughout the entire process of budget compilation and execution. Moreover, we will accelerate the pace of budget execution, strengthen oversight of budget performance, and promptly rectify errors, to ensure fiscal funds can play their part as soon as possible and fiscal policies are implemented and deliver results.
The main revenue and expenditure policies for 2019 are as follows: 2019年主要收支政策:
1) Vigorously supporting efforts to deepen supply-side structural reform 1.着力支持深化供给侧结构性改革。
Resolutely upholding supply-side structural reform as the main task, we will make greater use of reforms and means reliant on the market and the law to focus on consolidating, strengthening, upgrading, and ensuring unimpeded flows: 坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线不动摇,更多采取改革的办法,更多运用市场化、法治化手段,在“巩固、增强、提升、畅通”上下功夫。
We will consolidate the gains made in the five priority tasks.
We will step up efforts to cut ineffective supply, foster new growth drivers, and reduce costs in the real economy. We will put to good use special funds for rewards and subsidies to encourage structural adjustments in industrial enterprises, continue to handle the issue of “zombie enterprises,” promote faster clean-up in more industries with overcapacity, and ensure people's basic wellbeing during adjustments of the industrial structure. Preferential tax policies will be implemented regarding enterprises' restructuring and reorganization, cutting of overcapacity, and structural adjustments, to encourage competition among enterprises. We will continue to relieve SOEs of obligations to operate social programs and help them resolve other longstanding issues.
We will strengthen the dynamism of micro entities.
We will greatly relax restrictions on low-profit small businesses eligible for corporate income tax relief and provide them greater tax preferences. The VAT threshold for small-scale taxpayers will be raised from 30,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan of sales per month. Local governments will be allowed to reduce resource tax, urban construction and maintenance tax, property tax, urban land-use tax, stamp duty (excluding stamp duty on securities transactions), tax on farmland used for nonagricultural purposes, education surcharges, and local education surcharges within a range of no more than 50% of the respective total tax amount. The range of preferential tax policies for investment in sci-tech start-ups will be expanded.
We will upgrade industrial chains.
We will use a variety of methods, including risk compensation and post-project subsidies, to guide enterprises in increasing their investment into R&D and to promote commercialization and industrial application of scientific and technological advances. We will support more real-economy development zones in developing different types of specialized platforms for innovation and business startups. We will make full use of the national fund for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and the national seed fund for investing in emerging industries, and increase support for innovative enterprises which are still in the early or middle stages of development, so as to foster more drivers for growth. We will provide individual income tax incentives related to venture capital, and carry out trials of appropriately raising the corporate income tax-free threshold for resident enterprises on income derived from technology transfer.
We will ensure unimpeded flows in the economy.
We will use a combination of methods such as credit enhancement, rewards in place of subsidies, and tax relief, to encourage financial institutions to increase support for private enterprises and small and medium businesses, and thus mitigate difficulties faced by the latter in accessing affordable financing. We will speed up the operation of the national financing guaranty fund, and adopt a unified fee policy mandating that cases involving a single-client guarantee amount of 5 to 10 million yuan are to be charged the same as those below 5 million yuan, with the fee rate reduced from no higher than 0.5% of the risk liability to 0.3%, and we will encourage cooperating institutions to gradually lower their average guarantee fee to below 1%. We will support 30 cities in piloting comprehensive reforms of financial services for private companies and small and micro businesses, and encourage them to reduce overall financing costs of enterprises. We will speed up the operation of the national financing guaranty fund. Rewards and subsidies will be given to provincial-level governments where the annual rate of guarantee fee for small and micro businesses is no more than 2%. We will strengthen the capacity of the financial system to serve the real economy, and promote the forming of a positive cycle between the financial sector and the real economy.
2) Continuing support for the three critical battles 2.继续支持打好三大攻坚战。
We will work to forestall and defuse fiscal and financial risks.
We will continue to use both channeling and blocking measures to effectively prevent and control risks related to local governments' hidden debt. The ceiling for newly-incurred local government debt is set at 3.08 trillion yuan, within which 930 billion yuan is general debt and 2.15 trillion yuan is special debt. This acts as a funding guarantee for major projects and also creates more favorable conditions for forestalling and defusing hidden debt-related risks of local governments. We will continue to issue local government bonds to replace those debts that meet policy regulations, and ensure full replacement of all outstanding debts. We will take prudent measures to address existing hidden debts, and urge high-risk cities and counties to reduce the scale of their hidden debts as rapidly as possible, so as to lower the level of debt risk. We will encourage financial institutions and financing platform companies to discuss and adopt market-based approaches and use financial instruments with appropriate maturity to address the hidden risks of existing maturing debts, with a view to avoiding breaks in the project funding chain. We will advance market-oriented transformation of financing platform companies.
We will resolutely control hidden debt expansion, and strengthen risk monitoring and analysis. Any illegal or against-regulation debt financing will be dealt with immediately, those responsible held accountable, and the case reported to relevant authorities; we will enforce lifelong accountability and retroactive investigation of liability. We will improve the management of special bonds and implement a management model wherein the scale of bonds is strictly controlled and must not exceed the set ceiling; related government-managed funds set in the budget must first of all be used to repay the principal and interests of mature special bonds; special bonds must strictly correlate to project assets and profits; the responsibility for bond repayment must be clearly defined in accordance with the law. All of the above management measures will help ensure against the emergence of risk with regard to special bonds.
We will firmly support the fight against poverty.
Working toward the goal of poverty alleviation and adhering to the current poverty line, we will further guarantee funding and step up efforts to enable areas of extreme poverty and particular groups of people living in poverty to move out of their current situation. The central government will specially allocate 126.095 billion yuan to fund poverty alleviation, an increase of 18.9%, and these additional funds will be used mainly in areas of extreme poverty. Other related transfer payments and bond fund allocation will also continue to be channeled toward impoverished areas, especially those affected by extreme poverty. We will prioritize addressing the prominent issues of guaranteeing the basic needs of food and clothing for those living in poverty and ensuring that they have due access to compulsory education, medical care, and safe housing; we will step up efforts to alleviate poverty by developing local industries and boosting employment, education, healthcare, social security, and cultural activities. We will continue to invigorate people's confidence in their ability to eliminate poverty and help them develop the skills they need to do so, thereby strengthening the internal drive and capacity for self-development within those impoverished areas and groups living in poverty.
We will continue to advance the trial integration of various funds for rural development in poor counties, ensure that provincial-level governments assume overall responsibility, and promote targeted investment and use of poverty alleviation funds. We will move faster to set up a mechanism for dynamic monitoring of government funds for poverty alleviation, place under real-time dynamic monitoring all types of budgetary funds for poverty alleviation at all levels, and carry out performance-based management of poverty alleviation project funds throughout the whole process of project implementation. Outcomes of the allocation of provincial, prefectural, and county-level poverty alleviation funds as well as information on township-level and village-level poverty alleviation projects and spending will all be released to the public. We will work resolutely to prevent any misappropriation of poverty alleviation funds. Support policies applying to counties and populations that have recently been lifted out of poverty will be maintained for a period to consolidate progress in poverty alleviation.
We will provide full support for pollution prevention and control.
We will focus on winning the seven key campaigns in pollution prevention and control, and greatly increase the scale of fiscal input. Top priority will be keeping our skies blue; the central government will allocate 25 billion yuan to prevent and control air pollution, an increase of 25%. Continued support will be provided for trials to promote clean winter heating in northern China. With efforts centering on the elimination of black, malodorous water bodies in our cities, we will allocate 30 billion yuan to prevent and control water pollution, a rise of 45.3% over last year. In full support of the action plan to prevent and control soil pollution, we will allocate 5 billion yuan, an increase of 42.9%, for strengthening detailed surveying of soil pollution and treatment and restoration of polluted land. We will strengthen reward policies for ecological conservation and restoration along the Yangtze Economic Belt, and help relevant provinces to establish trans-provincial and intra-provincial compensation mechanisms for ecological conservation. We will advance pilot projects under the initiative to protect and restore mountain, water, forest, farmland, lake, and grassland ecosystems. We will support large-scale afforestation, improve the system for protecting natural forests, expand the scope of work to turn marginal land back into forest or grassland, strengthen cultivation, management, and protection of forest resources, boost protection and restoration of wetlands, and support closing off desertified land for its protection. We will continue to implement reward and subsidy policies for grassland ecological conservation. We will allocate 81.1 billion yuan of transfer payments to key ecosystem service zones, an increase of 12.5%, which will help local governments to strengthen ecological conservation and develop a system of nature reserves composed mainly of national parks.
3) Maintaining commitment to innovation-driven development 3.坚持创新引领发展。
We will promote high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.
We will give full play to the leveraging role of government funds in guiding capital and resources toward key areas of strategic importance, to help shore up weaknesses in major equipment manufacturing and create new service platforms in key industries, and promote innovations and breakthroughs in key strategic areas. Focusing our tax reductions on the manufacturing industry, we will substantially lower VAT rates, reducing the rate applying to the manufacturing industry from 16% to 13%, and gradually establish a system to refund end-of-tax-period VAT credit, with the goal of effectively reducing enterprise costs. The preferential policy of accelerated depreciation of fixed assets will be extended to all sectors of manufacturing. We will improve the government procurement policy to support innovation and green development. We will fully exert the function of policies on newly-developed major technological equipment, and provide greater support to the manufacturing industry, particularly major equipment and key products.
We will increase scientific and technological support for development.
Adopting problem-oriented and demand-oriented approaches, we will provide full support for basic research including application-oriented basic research, and step up our support to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies for key fields. We will boost China's strategic scientific and technological strength, advance the building of national laboratories, optimize the layout of our science and technology innovation centers, promote the open sharing of scientific research facilities and equipment, and implement major national science and technology projects and the programs for the Sci-Tech Innovation 2030 Agenda. We will increase our steady support for research institutes, and step up human resources development in science and technology. We will redouble our efforts to ensure effective implementation of policies including reform of fund management for central government-funded science and technology initiatives, and begin piloting project management reform based on performance, integrity, and capacity, to form more effective incentive mechanisms for innovation.
We will promote the establishment of an innovation mechanism, with enterprises as the main players, that integrates the efforts of enterprises, universities, and research institutes, and we will support enterprises in heading up major science and technology programs. We will use a combination of means including risk compensation, post-project subsidies, and venture capital guidance, to encourage enterprises to increase investments in science and technology and promote the commercialization and industrial application of advances in science and technology. We will support efforts to strengthen all-round protection of intellectual property rights.
4) Encouraging the formation of a strong domestic market 4.促进形成强大国内市场。
We will work hard to expand consumer spending.
We will refine the related fiscal and tax policies to support non-governmental provision of services in education, culture, sports, elderly care, healthcare, and other sectors, and foster new areas of consumption growth. We will expedite the reform of government service procurement in key areas to expand the scope and scale of the procurement and upgrade the quality of public services. We will support the development of the new-energy vehicle industry by prioritizing assistance to enterprises with the greatest strength and advantages, continue to waive vehicle purchase tax for new-energy vehicles, adjust and improve policies on purchase subsidies, and encourage more rapid construction of charging facilities and use of new-energy vehicles for urban public transport. We will promote the establishment of a modern supply chain system and the improvement of logistics infrastructure. We will strongly advance comprehensive demonstrations for introducing e-commerce into rural areas to encourage the flow of agricultural products to urban areas and of industrial products to the countryside.
We will give full play to the key role of investment.
The central government has earmarked 577.6 billion yuan for investment into infrastructure, an increase of 40 billion yuan over 2018. We will optimize the direction and structure of this investment, strengthen performance evaluation, and use the funds mainly for areas including development of agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents, major infrastructure construction, innovation-driven development and structural adjustments, government subsidized housing projects, social programs and social governance, energy conservation, environmental protection, and ecological improvement. We will strengthen development in transportation, water conservancy, energy, ecological and environmental protection, agriculture and rural areas, and other key sectors and weak links, and increase the support capacity of infrastructure like information networks and modern logistics. We will continue to support follow-up work in the Three Gorges Reservoir region. We will strongly support central departments and local governments in carrying out major projects for natural disaster prevention and response. We will advance the planning and construction of the Sichuan-Tibet railway. We will take further steps to standardize and popularize the use of the PPP model and strive to expand the involvement of private capital.
We will more effectively leverage the role of local government bonds.
In accordance with the relevant authorization decisions of the Seventh Session of the 13th NPC Standing Committee, the State Council has issued in advance a total ceiling amount of 1.39 trillion yuan for new local government debt in 2019, which is comprised of a 580 billion yuan limit for general bonds and an 810 billion yuan limit for special bonds. The issuance of debt ceilings prior to NPC approval is within the scope of authorization. We will appropriately expand the scope of use for special bonds, ensure sound and reasonable distribution among different regions and investment structures, quicken the pace of bond issuance, and give priority to financing on-going projects in the use of funds raised through the issuance of special bonds so as to prevent the occurrence of half-done projects. Furthermore, we will allow funds from the treasury to be allocated in advance to expedite projects that are to be funded by special bonds.
5) Promoting coordinated regional development 5.促进区域协调发展。
We will support the implementation of major national strategies for promoting regional development.
Giving primary consideration to major strategies such as jointly pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the development of the Yangtze Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, we will push for integrated development of major national strategies regarding regional growth, based on the development of the western, northeastern, central, and eastern regions of China. We will continue with the current policy on corporate income tax relief for the western region after its expiration. We will continue to provide firm support for high-standard development of the Xiongan New Area, for comprehensively deepening reform and opening up in Hainan Province, and for implementing other major national strategies for regional development. Meanwhile, we will offer support for implementation of the strategy to build China into a maritime power, development of the marine economy and marine science and technology, protection of the marine environment, and strengthening ecological restoration of islands, sea areas, and coastlines.
 We will further equalize access to basic public services among regions.
In order to fully exert the role of transfer payments, we will arrange a considerable increase in the scale of transfer payments from central to local governments, and weight the increase toward the central and western regions. The central government will allocate 1.5632 trillion yuan of transfer payments to ensure equal access to basic public services, an increase of 10.9%. Transfer payments to old revolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and impoverished areas will reach 248.905 billion yuan, a rise of 14.7%, to increase support for these areas. A total of 270.9 billion yuan in rewards and subsidies will be allocated for the mechanism to ensure county-level governments' basic funding, an increase of 10%. A total of 40 billion yuan in subsidies will be allocated to support policies for meeting people's basic needs, so as to help regions in financial difficulty better ensure basic public wellbeing. We will support the transformation and development of resource-depleted areas, and deepen efforts to boost development in the border regions to benefit the people living there. We will improve the fiscal system at and below the provincial level, guide the flow of financial resources toward lower levels of government, and strengthen the capacity of governments at and below the provincial level to guarantee the provision of basic public services.
 We will improve the system for mutual assistance and interest sharing between regions.
We will fully leverage the mechanisms that allow for national coordination in offsetting farmland between provinces and for surplus quotas produced by linking newly-added cropland quotas with the amount of land used for construction to be adjusted inter-provincially, and all profit therefrom will be used to fight poverty and support rural revitalization. The eastern region will be encouraged to gradually increase investment in line with its growing finances as part of deep collaboration on poverty alleviation between the eastern and western regions. We will enhance the provision of targeted and all-around one-on-one assistance programs, and encourage sustained and sound economic and social development in Xinjiang and Tibet as well as in the four Tibetan ethnic areas in the provinces of Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Gansu.
 We will advance the development of the new type of urbanization.
A 30 billion yuan rewards fund will be put in place by the central government to support the process of granting urban residency to people with rural household registration living in urban areas. We will further improve transfer payment methods, ensure a reasonable sharing of costs in the residency-granting process, and ensure that basic public services are accessible to all permanent residents. We will provide timely subsidies to trial construction of “sponge cities” and urban underground utility tunnels, to support local governments in pursuing higher quality urban development.
6) Implementing the rural revitalization strategy 6.贯彻实施乡村振兴战略。
 We will promote the high-quality development of agriculture.
The central government will continue to increase financial support for the development of agricultural production, and the subsidy fund for agricultural resources protection and ecological conservation. We will strongly implement the food crop production strategy based on farmland management and technological application, support the development of cropland and water conservancy projects such as high-standard farmland and efficient water-saving irrigation, expand trials in crop rotation and letting land lie fallow, step up reform and innovation in agricultural science and technology, broaden the application of advanced and appropriate agricultural technology, and increase overall agricultural production capacity. We will make all-around efforts to advance comprehensive use of straw from crops. We will support the protection and use of germplasm resources, and accelerate our efforts to experiment with and spread the application of new, eco-friendly varieties. We will move forward with the work on compensation for fishing bans in key waters of the Yangtze River basin. We will lend our support to new types of agribusiness, carry out programs to train new types of professional farmers, and build up the system of commercial services for agricultural production. We will advance the establishment of modern agriculture industrial parks and the initiatives to invigorate villages and strengthen counties through developing local industries, and encourage deeper integration of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas. We will provide active support for animal epidemic prevention and control.
 We will provide strong support for rural development.
We will support the improvement of rural living environments with our focus on garbage and sewage treatment, agricultural production waste recycling, the Toilet Revolution, and the improvement of village appearance. We will promote rural power grid upgrades, step up the building and maintenance of roads and other infrastructural facilities in rural areas, and raise the level of public services across the board. We will accelerate the implementation of programs to consolidate and build on progress already made in providing safe drinking water in rural areas. We will refine government reward and subsidy mechanisms for rural public works projects, and support efforts to bring the beautiful countryside initiative to the next level and the growth of collective village economies. We will strengthen the capacity of rural community-level organizations to provide guarantees for rural development.
 We will deepen agricultural and rural reforms.
We will move more quickly to develop policies that support and protect a new type of agriculture. Upholding green development and ecological conservation as our guiding principles, we will continue to reform the system for agricultural subsidies. Rural development funds will be further integrated and used in a coordinated way. We will remain committed to carrying out market-oriented reforms, adjust and refine minimum purchase price policies, and stabilize the level of fiscal support for rice, wheat, and other major grain varieties. We will improve the policy on subsidizing corn and soybean production. Trials on agricultural catastrophe insurance will be expanded. We will improve the policies on reducing excess grain stockpiles, and maintain an appropriate tempo and intensity of reduction based on different varieties of grain. We will work hard to implement the quality grain project and increase the supply of high quality green produce. Reform of pricing for water used in agriculture will be advanced across the country, and trials and experiments for comprehensive rural reform will progress steadily.
7) Doing more to ensure and improve living standards 7.加强保障和改善民生。
 We will actively promote employment and business startups.
The central government will allocate 53.878 billion yuan for employment subsidies, which is an increase of 14.9%, and great support will be provided to boost employment and business startups through adjustment of spending structures in such areas as unemployment insurance funds. Inclusive policies for employment and entrepreneurship will be implemented, and we will provide support for the employment of key groups like university graduates, rural migrant workers, and demobilized military personnel. Enterprises hiring staff from rural poor populations or from the urban registered unemployed population for a minimum period of six months will be entitled to a fixed amount of tax and fee deductions for three years. We will offer greater financial support to subsidize interest payments on guarantee loans for business startups, raising the loan ceilings to 150,000 yuan for qualified individuals and 3 million yuan for small and micro businesses. We will encourage enterprises to step up on-the-job training by raising the ceiling on deductible expenses for employee education. We will support large-scale vocational skills training, the introduction of new types of apprenticeships in enterprises across the board, and implementation of the national plan to cultivate highly-skilled personnel, so as to help raise the level of workers' employment skills and alleviate the structural problems of the labor market.
 We will prioritize the development of education.
We will consolidate and build on the unified funding mechanism for compulsory education in urban and rural areas, with a focus on rural areas. We will support the strengthening of weak links and improvement of abilities in compulsory education, focus on eliminating extremely large class sizes in urban schools, step up the development of small-scale schools in villages and boarding schools in counties and townships, and ensure access to education for children living with their migrant worker parents in cities. We will continue work to ensure the full payment of pay packages to teachers working in compulsory education, and step up efforts to strengthen the teacher workforce in rural areas.
In support of the development of preschool education, the central government will allocate 16.85 billion yuan, an increase of 13.1%, for the expansion of inclusive preschool education resources including both public and private schools. Central government funding for initiatives devised to improve the quality of modern vocational education will reach 23.721 billion yuan, a rise of 26.6%, as part of an effort to support reform and development of vocational education, and promote integration between industry and vocational education and cooperation between colleges and businesses. We will expand the coverage of scholarships and grants for vocational college students and raise the level of financial assistance. A state scholarship for secondary vocational education will be established.
We will improve the budgetary appropriation system for institutions of higher learning directly under the central government, support the reform and development of local universities, and accelerate the pace of developing world-class universities and world-class disciplines. We will support the development of quality education for ethnic minority groups and people with special needs. We will improve the system of financial aid for students from families in financial difficulty, making such aid more targeted.
 We will increase the level of guarantee for aged-care pensions.
Starting from January 1, 2019, we have raised basic pension payments for retirees of enterprises, government offices, and public institutions by an average of 5%. We will increase the centrally-regulated share of basic aged-care pension funds for enterprise employees to 3.5%, accelerate efforts in advancing overall planning of aged-care pension schemes at the provincial level, and urge local authorities to further unify policies and the collection and spending of funds, to create the right conditions for overall planning at the national level. We will continue to appropriate a portion of state capital to replenish social security funds.
 We will make progress in building a Healthy China.
We will support the establishment of unified basic health and unified major disease insurance schemes for rural and non-working urban residents across the country, and increase government subsidies for medical insurance for rural and non-working urban residents by 30 yuan to reach 520 yuan per person per annum, with half of the 30 yuan to be used for strengthening the guarantee for major disease insurance, while at the same time raising the rates for individual contributions by an appropriate amount. We will support further reform of payment methods for basic health insurance and the building of health insurance information systems, increase the efficiency of the use of insurance funds, and strengthen oversight of such funds. Per capita government subsidies for basic public health services will rise by 5 yuan, and adding a 9 yuan subsidy from the original funding for major public health services, government subsidies will reach 69 yuan per person per year. The entirety of the increases in subsidies for basic public health services will be used for villages and communities. We will deepen comprehensive reform of the public hospital sector, refine the policies on government investment into public hospitals, and consolidate the progress we have made in halting the practice of charging high medicine prices to compensate for low medical service fees in public hospitals. We will advance the development of regional medical service centers, support actions toward cancer prevention and treatment, and step up the cultivation and training of healthcare personnel. We will support the preservation, innovation, and development of traditional Chinese medicine.
 We will strengthen basic housing security.
The central government will allocate 143.3 billion yuan for government-subsidized housing projects in urban areas, an increase of 12.4%. We must be strict in determining the scope and standards for redeveloping run-down areas; our efforts should focus on dirty, disorderly, and unsanitary parts of old city centers and on run-down state-owned industrial and mining areas, forest regions, and land reclamation zones. We will support the development of public-rental housing and renovation of old residential communities in cities, and conduct trials on development of the housing rental market. Central government funding for dilapidated rural housing renovation will reach 29.85 billion yuan, increasing by 12.9%, with priority given to registered poor households, recipients of subsistence allowances, people in extreme poverty who live at home on government assistance, and financially disadvantaged families of people with disabilities. The increased funds are to be used primarily for upgrading rural housing in areas of high seismic activity to make them more earthquake resistant.

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