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Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China [Revised]
中华人民共和国对外贸易法 [已被修订]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China



(No. 22)


The Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 7th Session of Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on May 12, 1994, is hereby issued and shall come into force as of July 1, 1994.


President of the People's Republic of China: Jiang Zemin


中华人民共和国主席 江泽民

May 12, 1994




(Adopted at the Seventh Session of the Standing Committee of the Eight National People's Congress on May 12,1994)



第一章 总则

Article 1 The law has been formulated with a view to developing foreign trade, maintaining order in foreign trade activities and promoting a healthy development of the socialist market economy.   第一条 为了发展对外贸易,维护对外贸易秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的健康发展,制定本法。

Article 2 The term "foreign trade" used in this law refers to the import and export of goods and technologies and international service trade.   第二条 本法所称对外贸易,是指货物进出口、技术进出口和国际服务贸易。

Article 3 The department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade under the State Council takes charge of all foreign trade work in the whole country according to this law.   第三条 国务院对外经济贸易主管部门依照本法主管全国对外贸易工作。

Article 4 The State adopts a unified foreign trade system and exercises a fair and free trade order.   第四条 国家实行统一的对外贸易制度,依法维护公平的、自由的对外贸易秩序。

The State shall encourage every effort in trade development, help to bring the initiative of the localities into play, and safeguard the autonomy of trade operators in trade operation.

Article 5 The People's Republic of China shall promote and develop trading relations with all other countries and regions on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.   第五条 中华人民共和国根据平等互利的原则,促进和发展同其他国家和地区的贸易关系。

Article 6 The People's Republic of China shall, in accordance with international treaties or agreements that she has signed or entered into, grant the counterparts which have signed or entered into such treaties or agreements the most favour nation or national treatment of China.   第六条 中华人民共和国在对外贸易方面根据所缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定,给予其他缔约方、参加方或者根据互惠、对等原则给予对方最惠国待遇、国民待遇。

Article 7 The People's Republic of China shall have the right to adopt, in accordance with the actual circumstances, corresponding measures against any country or region to counter their discriminatory banning, restrict or other acts on Chinese goods.   第七条 任何国家或者地区在贸易方面对中华人民共和国采取歧视性的禁止、限制或者其他类似措施的,中华人民共和国可以根据实际情况对该国家或者该地区采取相应的措施。


第二章 对外贸易经营者

Article 8 The term "foreign trade operator" used in this law refers to a legal person or organization engaging in foreign trade activities in compliance with the provisions of this law.   第八条 本法所称对外贸易经营者,是指依照本法规定从事对外贸易经营活动的法人和其他组织。

Article 9 A foreign trade operator engaging in the import and export of goods or technologies shall meet the following requirements and get the license from the department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade under the State Council:   第九条 从事货物进出口与技术进出口的对外贸易经营,必须具备下列条件,经国务院对外经济贸易主管部门许可:

1. It shall have its own name and organizational setup; (一)有自己的名称和组织机构;

2. It shall have a clearly defined scope of foreign trade operations; (二)有明确的对外贸易经营范围;

3. It shall have the site, funds and professional personnel necessary for carrying out foreign trade activities; (三)具有其经营的对外贸易业务所必需的场所、资金和专业人员;

4. The import and export operations handled by its agencies have reached the prescribed merit or it shall have the necessary sources of goods for import or export; and (四)委托他人办理进出口业务达到规定的实绩或者具有必需的进出口货源;

5. It shall have other conditions as required by other laws or administrative decrees. (五)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。

The detailed rules for the implementation of the preceding provisions shall be formulated by the State Council.

Foreign-funded enterprises (FEEs) shall be exempted from licenses referred to above when importing non-productive goods for their own use or equipment, raw and other materials needed in their own production and in exporting their products according to the provisions of the laws governing FEE and relevant administrative decrees.

Article 10 The start-up and business operations of enterprises and organizations engaging in international service trade shall follow the provisions of this and other relevant laws and administrative decrees.   第十条 国际服务贸易企业和组织的设立及其经营活动,应当遵守本法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定。

Article 11 Foreign trade operators shall operate independently according to law and be responsible for their own profits or losses.   第十一条 对外贸易经营者依法自主经营、自负盈亏。

Article 12 In carrying out foreign trade activities, the operators shall abide by contracts, ensure the quality of commodities and improve after-sale services.   第十二条 对外贸易经营者从事对外贸易经营活动,应当信守合同,保证商品质量,完善售后服务。

Article 13 An organization or an individual that does not acquire a license for carrying out foreign trade activities may entrust a foreign trade operator as agent to handle the ad hoc trade operations within the ad hoc scope of business.   第十三条 没有对外贸易经营许可的组织或者个人,可以在国内委托对外贸易经营者在其经营范围内代为办理其对外贸易业务。

A foreign trade operator acting as an agent shall provide appropriate information to the trustor such as market prices and conditions of clients. The trustor and the trustee shall sign a contract, which shall stipulate the rights and obligations of both sides.

Article 14 A foreign trade operator shall provide documents and materials related to its foreign trade activities to departments concerned according to the provisions promulgated by the department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade under the State Council and the department concerned shall undertake to protect the commercial secrets of the foreign trade operator.   第十四条 对外贸易经营者应当按照国务院对外经济贸易主管部门的规定,向有关部门提交与其对外贸易经营活动有关的文件及资料。有关部门应当为提供者保守商业秘密。


第三章 货物进出口与技术进出口

Article 15 The State shall allow the free import and export of goods and technologies, except otherwise provided for by other laws and administrative decrees.   第十五条 国家准许货物与技术的自由进出口。但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。

Article 16 The State may restrict the import or export of the goods or technologies that are of:   第十六条 属于下列情形之一的货物、技术,国家可以限制进口或者出口:

1. being necessary of restriction in import and export because of involving national security and public interest; (一)为维护国家安全或者社会公共利益,需要限制进口或者出口的;

2. being necessary of restriction of export because of a short of supply at home or being important domestic resources that are of danger of being exhausted; (二)国内供应短缺或者为有效保护可能用竭的国内资源,需要限制出口的;

3. under restriction of import by import countries or regions due to a limited market; (三)输往国家或者地区的市场容量有限,需要限制出口的;

4. necessary of restriction of import by the State to protect the smooth or accelerated development of certain industries at home; (四)为建立或者加快建立国内特定产业,需要限制进口的;

5. agricultural, animal husbandry and fishery products in any form that are necessary to be restricted of importing by the State; (五)对任何形式的农业、牧业、渔业产品有必要限制进口的;

6. being necessary of restriction of import by the State in view to maintain a certain financial position of the nation in the world or to ensure a balance of international payments of the country; and (六)为保障国家国际金融地位和国际收支平衡,需要限制进口的;

7. subject to restriction of import and export by international treaties or agreements to which the People's Republic of China is a signatory or has entered. (七)根据中华人民共和国所缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定的规定,需要限制进口或者出口的。

Article 17 The State shall ban the import or export of goods or technologies that are of:   第十七条 属于下列情形之一的货物、技术,国家禁止进口或者出口:

1. jeopardy to national security or public interest; (一)危害国家安全或者社会公共利益的;

2. necessary to ban their import in view to protect the life or health of the people; (二)为保护人的生命或者健康,必须禁止进口或者出口的;

3. danger to ecological environment; and (三)破坏生态环境的;

4. banning import by the provisions of international treaties or agreements to which the People's Republic of China is a signatory or has entered. (四)根据中华人民共和国所缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定的规定,需要禁止进口或者出口的。

Article 18 The department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade under the State Council shall, together with other relevant departments under the State Council, draw up, revise and publish the catalogues of goods and technologies whose import or export are restricted or banned in accordance with the provisions of Articles 16 and 17 of this law.   第十八条 国务院对外经济贸易主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门,依照本法第十六条、第十七条的规定,制定、调整并公布限制或者禁止进出口的货物、技术目录。

The department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade under the State Council may, independently or together with other relevant departments under the State Council, take prompt decisions to restrict or ban the import or export of special goods or technologies not listed in the catalogue mentioned in the Articles 16 and 17 of this law.

Article 19 Goods whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to quota or license management; technologies whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to license management.   第十九条 对限制进口或者出口的货物,实行配额或者许可证管理;对限制进口或者出口的技术,实行许可证管理。

Goods and technologies subject to quota or license management can be imported or exported only when it has been approved by the department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade independently or jointly with other relevant departments under the State Council according to the provisions promulgated by the State Council.

Article 20 The import and export quotas shall be allocated by the department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade under the State Council or by relevant departments under the State Council within their terms of reference in line with the import and export performances and capabilities of applicants and on the basis of the principles of efficiency, fairness, openness and fair competition.   第二十条 进出口货物配额,由国务院对外经济贸易主管部门或者国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内,根据申请者的进出口实绩、能力等条件,按照效益、公证、公开和公平竞争的原则进行分配。

The specific methods of quota allocation shall be worked out by the State Council.

Article 21 For goods and article, including culture relics, wild animals and plants and their products whose import or export is banned or restricted according to other laws and administrative decrees, the provisions of other laws and administrative decrees shall apply.   第二十一条 对文物、野生动植物及其产品等货物、物品,其他法律、行政法规有禁止进出口或者限制进出口规定的,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理。


第四章 国际服务贸易

Article 22 The State shall encourage the development of international service trade on steps.   第二十二条 国家促进国际服务贸易的逐步发展。

Article 23 In context of international service trade, the People's Republic of China shall grant market access and national treatment of other parties which have signed or entered into the international treaties and agreements to which China is a signatory or a participant with regard to international service trade.   第二十三条 中华人民共和国在国际服务贸易方面根据所缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定中所作的承诺,给予其他缔约方、参加方市场准入和国民待遇。

Article 24 Some restrictions might be imposed on the international service trade by the State on following reasons:   第二十四条 国家基于下列原因之一,可以限制国际服务贸易:

1. For safeguarding national security or public interests; (一)为维护国家安全或者社会公共利益;

2. For protecting the ecological environment; (二)为保护生态环境;

3. For safeguarding the smooth or accelerated development of given service trade at home; (三)为建立或者加快建立国内特定的服务行业;

4. For guaranteeing the country's balance of international payments;and (四)为保障国家外汇收支平衡;

5. For other reasons as prescribed by other laws or administrative decrees. (五)法律、行政法规规定的其他限制。

Article 25 The State shall ban the international service trade which would:   第二十五条 属于下列情形之一的国际服务贸易,国家予以禁止:

1. jeopardize the national security or public interests; (一)危害国家安全或者社会公共利益的;

2. result in a violation to the international obligations undertaken by the People's Republic of China; and (二)违反中华人民共和国承担的国际义务的;

3. be banned by the provisions of other laws or administrative decrees. (三)法律、行政法规规定禁止的。

Article 26 The Department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade and other relevant departments under the State Council shall give due management to the international service trade in accordance with the provisions of this and other laws and administrative decrees.   第二十六条 国务院对外经济贸易主管部门和国务院有关部门,依照本法和其他有关法律、行政法规,对国际服务贸易进行管理。


第五章 对外贸易秩序

Article 27 Foreign trade shall be undertaken in compliance with law and under the principle of fair competition with the following acts being strictly prohibited:   第二十七条 对外贸易经营者在对外贸易经营活动中,应当依法经营,公平竞争,不得有下列行为:

1. Forge, modify or trade in certificates of place of origin and import and export licenses; (一)伪造、变造或者买卖进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证;

2. Infringe upon the intellectual property rights protected by the law of the People's Republic of China; (二)侵害中华人民共和国法律保护的知识产权;

3. Expel competitors by resorting to unjustifiable means of competition; (三)以不正当竞争手段排挤竞争对手;

4. Get export refund from the State by deception; and (四)骗取国家的出口退税;

5. Commit acts that violate the provisions of other laws and administrative decrees. (五)违反法律、行政法规规定的其他行为。

Article 28 In undertakings of foreign trade, foreign exchange should be appropriately cleared and used according to the relevant provisions of the State.   第二十八条 对外贸易经营者在对外贸易经营活动中,应当依照国家有关规定结汇、用汇。

Article 29 Should the normal production of some of the domestic goods be in great harm or under great threat of such harm due to the increasing import of same kinds of goods or similar goods that are in severe competition with the domestic ones, the State may take any countermeasures to expel or mitigate such harm or threat.   第二十九条 因进口产品数量增加,使国内相同产品或者与其直接竞争的产品的生产者受到严重损害或者严重损害的威胁时,国家可以采取必要的保障措施,消除或者减轻这种损害或者损害的威胁。

Article 30 Should a well established or fledgling industry at home be in substantial harm or under threat of such harm due to the import of relative goods in under normal value, the State may take any countermeasures to expel or mitigate such harm or threat.   第三十条 产品以低于正常价值的方式进口,并由此对国内已建立的相关产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害的威胁,或者对国内建立相关产业造成实质阻碍时,国家可以采取必要措施,消除或者减轻这种损害或者损害的威胁或者阻碍。

Article 31 Should a well-established or fledgling industry at home be in substantial harm or under threat of such harm due to the import of goods that are exported under some kinds of subsidies of the exporting country or region, the State may take any countermeasures to expel or mitigate such harm of threat.   第三十一条 进口的产品直接或者间接地接受出口国给予的任何形式的补贴,并由此对国内已建立的相关产业造成实质损害或者产生实质损害的威胁,或者对国内建立相关产业造成实质阻碍时,国家可以采取必要措施,消除或者减轻这种损害或者损害的威胁或者阻碍。

Article 32 If cases prescribed in Article 29, Article 30 and Article 31 occur, the departments or organizations designated by the State Council shall investigate into and handle them properly according to the provisions of the laws and administrative decrees.   第三十二条 发生第二十九条、第三十条、第三十一条规定的情况时,国务院规定的部门或者机构应当依照法律、行政法规的规定进行调查,作出处理。


第六章 对外贸易促进

Article 33 For developing foreign trade, the State shall make effort to set up and improve special financial institutions that are to serve foreign trade as well as establish development and risk funds for the trade.   第三十三条 国家根据对外贸易发展的需要,建立和完善为对外贸易服务的金融机构,设立对外贸易发展基金、风险基金。

Article 34 The State shall adopt various promotion measures to develop foreign trade including issuing of import and export credits and setting up of export refunds etc.   第三十四条 国家采取进出口信贷、出口退税及其他对外贸易促进措施,发展对外贸易。

Article 35 Foreign trade operators may establish or enter in any import and export chambers of commerce according to law.   第三十五条 对外贸易经营者可以依法成立和参加进出口商会。

Import and export chambers of commerce shall abide by the laws and administrative decrees to coordinate the efforts of their members, provide them with guidance and consultancy services, convey to the government departments in charge proposals on promoting foreign trade, and actively carry out foreign trade promotion activities.

Article 36 Chinese organizations for the promotion of international trade shall, according to their articles of association, develop contacts with overseas businesses, hold exhibitions, provide information and consultancy services and engage in other foreign trade promotion activities.   第三十六条 中国国际贸易促进组织依照章程开展对外联系,举办展览,提供信息、咨询服务和其他对外贸易促进活动。

Article 37 The State shall make special effort to promote foreign trade ethnic autonomous regions and economically less developed areas.   第三十七条 国家扶持和促进民族自治地方和经济不发达地区发展对外贸易。


第七章 法律责任

Article 38 Smuggling of goods that are restricted or banned for import or export shall be punished accordingly. If the case is serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be affixed in 
accordance with supplementary provisions on punishing smuggling. If the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime, it shall be handled in accordance with the corresponding provisions of the customs. In such cases, related foreign trade licenses shall be revoked at the same time by the department in charge of foreign cooperation and trade.
   第三十八条 走私禁止进出口或者限制进出口的货物,构成犯罪的,依照惩治走私罪的补充规定追究刑事责任;不构成犯罪的,依照海关法的规定处罚。国务院对外经济贸易主管部门并可以撤销其对外贸易经营许可。

Article 39 Criminal responsibilities shall be affixed according to the provisions of Article 167 of the criminal law on any forge or modification of certificates of place of origin or import and export licenses. Criminal responsibilities shall be affixed in reference to the provisions of Article 167 of the criminal law on trade-in of certificates of place of origin for imports and exports, import and export licenses or trade-in of forged or modified certificates of place of origin or import and export licenses.   第三十九条 伪造、变造进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证,依照刑法一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任;买卖进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证或者买卖伪造、变造的进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证,比照刑法一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任。

For a unit that has committed the crimes mentioned in the preceding paragraph, pecuniary penalty shall be given and additionally criminal responsibilities shall be affixed according to or in reference to the provisions of Article 167 of the criminal law on the responsible people or other people directly in charge. The department in charge of foreign economic cooperation and trade under the State Council may, concurrently, revoke its foreign trade license.

Those who knowingly use forged or modified licenses for import or export shall be punished according to the provisions of Article 38 of this law.

Article 40 For illegally importing or exporting technologies whose import or export is banned or restricted against this law, if the case is serious enough to constitute a crime, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed in reference to the supplementary provisions on punishing smuggling crimes.   第四十条 违反本法规定,进口或者出口禁止进出口或者限制进出口的技术,构成犯罪的,比照惩治走私罪的补充规定追究刑事责任。

Article 41 If a foreign trade worker is found committed dereliction of duty, resorted to deception for personal gains or abused their powers, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed if the case is serious enough to constitute a crime and administrative punishments shall be meted out if the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime.   第四十一条 国家对外贸易工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊或者滥用职权,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;不构成犯罪的,给予行政处分。

If a foreign trade worker is found taking advantage of his/her position to extort effects from others or seek interests for others after accepting effects, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed according to the supplementary provisions for punishing corruption and bribery if the case is serious enough to constitute a crime and administrative punishments shall be meted out if the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime.


第八章 附则

Article 42 The State shall adopt flexible measures and grant preferential treatment and conveniences to promote trade between border towns of China and neighboring countries and trading among border residents at fairs within each other's territories. Specific procedures shall be formulated by the State Council.   第四十二条 国家对边境城镇与接壤国家边境城镇之间的贸易以及边民互市贸易,采取灵活措施,给予优惠和便利。具体办法由国务院规定。

Article 43 The law shall not apply to exclusive tariff aeas of the People's Republic of China.   第四十三条 中华人民共和国的单独关税区不适用本法。

Article 44 The law shall be implemented as of July 1, 1994.   第四十四条 本法自1994年7月1目起施行。



   第一百六十七条 伪造、变造或者盗窃、抢夺、毁灭国家机关、企业、事业单位、人民团体的公文、证件、印章的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利;情节严重的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。
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