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Zhu Yongsheng v. Shiping Company (Dispute over Compensation for Personal Injury)

Zhu Yongsheng v. Shiping Company (Dispute over Compensation for Personal Injury)
(Dispute over Compensation for Personal Injury)
Zhu Yongsheng v. Shiping Company (Dispute over Compensation for Personal Injury)@#
[Judgment Abstract]@#
Under Article 14 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Application of Laws in the Trial of Cases Involving Compensation for Personal Injuries, helper relationship refers to a legal relationship between a helper and a helped party where the helper gratuitously handles affairs for the helped party. If the helper suffers personal injuries when handling the helped party's affairs, the helped party shall be held liable for compensation.@#
[Basic Facts]
Plaintiff: Zhu Yongsheng, male, 39, farmer, dwelling at Shuanghu Village, Jianxin Township, Dongzhi County, Anhui Province.@#
Defendant: Shiping LPG Limited Liability Company in Dongzhi County, Anhui Province, domiciled at Yaodu Town, Dongzhi County, Anhui Province.@#
Legal Representative: Zhou Shiping, manager of the Company.@#
Zhu Yongsheng (plaintiff, Zhu hereafter) brought a lawsuit with the People's Court of Dongzhi County, Anhui Province (hereinafter referred to as Dongzhi County Court) against Shiping LPG Limited Liability Company in Dongzhi County (hereinafter referred to as Shiping Company) due to a dispute over compensation for personal injury.@#
Zhu alleged that, he was a hired worker of Shiping Company. On August 5, 2003, the LPG tank at Qian Yueying's (Shiping Company's customer, Qian hereafter) home could not be lit up, and Qian asked Shiping Company's subordinate LPG station at the land bureau to send someone to repair the LPG tank. Zhu was at this LPG station at that moment, and after hearing of the matter, he said that Qian's LPG tank was tested by him. Shen Gelian, person-in-charge of the LPG station, immediately said to Zhu: “Since Qian's LPG tank was tested by you, you should go to repair it.” So Zhu went to Qian's home to repair the LPG tank, but met with a combustion accident during the repair, and was injured. He was authenticated to be at the disability of Grade 9. Since Zhu was hired by Shiping Company and was injured in his work, he pleaded the court to order Shiping Company to compensate his medical expenses, loss due to missed working time, nursing costs, traffic expenses, accommodation expenses, in-hospital food subsidy, and nutrition expenses, with the total amount at 9,717.90 yuan, and to compensate 17,250.84 yuan of his disability subsidy.@#
原告朱永胜诉称:原告系被告世平公司的雇工。2003年8月5日,世平公司客户钱月英家液化气打不着火,要求被告下属的土地局换气点派人前来维修。当时原告正在该换气点,听说此事后,便说该客户家的液化气罐是原告检测的。该换气点负责人沈革联当即说:“你检测的,就应该由你去。”因此原告赶往客户钱月英家维修。在维修过程中不慎发生燃烧事故,致原告受伤,经鉴定为9级伤残。原告受被告雇请在工作中受伤,请求判令被告赔偿原告的医疗费、误工费、护理费、交通费、住宿费、住院伙食补助费、营养费共计9717.90元,并赔偿原告伤残补助费17 250.84元。@#
经东至县人民法院组织质证,双方当事人对原告朱永胜提供的证据5、7、8、9及法院调取的证据2无异议,法院予以确认。对原告提供的证据1,被告世平公司有异议,认为富邦换气点的许可证是2001年核发的,因2002年未参加年审,当年底该换气点便已停业,且该换气点与被告订立的合同年限是一年,早已过期。对于原告于 2002年以富邦换气点从业人员的名义报名参加培训一事,被告并不知晓。法院认为,鉴于双方当事人对法院调取的证据2无异议,故可以认定2002年6月6日朱永胜以世平公司富邦换气点从业人员的身份参加了池州市消防支队在东至县举办的从业人员培训班。富邦换气点因未参加年检、变更负责人亦未向主管部门申请批准等原因,于2002年底停止经营。对原告提供的证据2、6,被告有异议,认为沈革联无权指派、事实上也从未指派原告去钱月英家维修,沈革联当时仅仅是接原告的话随口说“是你检测的你就去”。法院认为,被告下属的土地局换气点设有维修业务,接到客户提出的维修请求后是否派人前去维修,作为该换气点的负责人,沈革联有权作出决定。原告在该换气点得知钱月英家液化气打不着火需要维修这一事实后,便称钱月英家的液化气瓶是他检测的。当时无其他维修人员在场,沈革联随即说“是你检测的你就去看看”。对于上述事实双方并无异议,因此对原告提供的这两份证据予以确认。对原告提供的证据4,被告有异议,认为钱月英是原告个人的客户,并非被告的客户。法院认为,被告没有提供证据证明钱月英是原告个人的客户,同时该证据是几位证人出具的证明,且与其他证据互相印证,故予以采信。对原告提供的证据3,被告有异议,认为该证据证明力不足,不能充分证明原告是被告的职工。法院认为,该证人证言不能充分证明原告是被告职工,原告也没有提供其他证据予以佐证。被告异议成立,对该证据不予采信。对法院调取的证据1,原告有异议,认为被告有可能对工资表作了变动处理。法院认为,该证据系法院依法取得,原告未能提供相反的证据来推翻该证据,故原告异议不成立。@#

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