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Suzhou Industrial Park New Sea Union Telecom Technology Co., Ltd. v. Nanjing Putian Telecommunication Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Industrial Park Huafa Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (A case about disputes over patent infringement)
  • Type of Dispute: IPR-->IPR Ownership & Infringement
  • Legal document: Judgment
  • Judgment date: 09-14-2009
  • Procedural status: Trial at Second Instance

Suzhou Industrial Park New Sea Union Telecom Technology Co., Ltd. v. Nanjing Putian Telecommunication Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Industrial Park Huafa Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (A case about disputes over patent infringement)
(A case about disputes over patent infringement)

Suzhou Industrial Park New Sea Union Telecom Technology Co., Ltd. v. Nanjing Putian Telecommunication Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Industrial Park Huafa Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
(A case about disputes over patent infringement)@#
[Abstract of Judgment]@#
The prior art defense, as a defense against allegations of patent infringement, means that the technology implemented by the defendant is a publicly known technology. If the defendant has sufficient evidence to prove that the technical solution implemented is a simple combination of a prior technical solution in a reference document and the common knowledge among technicians in the relevant field, the prior art defense of the defendant should be supported, and the alleged infringing product does not infringe the patent at issue.@#
Plaintiff: Suzhou Industrial Park New Sea Union Telecom Technology Co., Ltd., domiciled at: Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.@#
Legal representative: Zhang Yibin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Defendant: Nanjing Putian Telecommunication Co., Ltd., domiciled at: Jiangning Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province.@#
Legal representative: Zhao Xinping, Chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Defendant: Suzhou Industrial Park Huafa Science and Technology Co., Ltd., domiciled at: Loufeng High-tech Development Zone, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.@#
Legal representative: Lu Xingnan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
The plaintiff, Suzhou Industrial Park New Sea Union Telecommunication Technology, Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “New Sea Union”), filed a lawsuit with the Intermediate People's Court of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province for disputes over patent infringement with the defendants, Nanjing Putian Telecommunication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Putian Company”) and Suzhou Industrial Park Huafa Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Huafa Company”).@#
The plaintiff, New Sea Union, claimed that: On March 13, 2002, it filed an application with the State Intellectual Property Office for a utility model titled “Structure of Fiber Exit at Top of Raceway,” and was granted the utility model. Later, the plaintiff discovered that the defendant, Huafa Company, contracted an “Optical Fiber Communication” project in Suzhou by using the above patented product for profits. During investigation, Huafa Company admitted that it had bought the infringing product from the other defendant, Putian Company. The acts of the two defendants had seriously injured the plaintiff's legal rights and interests and violated the exclusiveness provisions of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China on a patent. The plaintiff requested the court to order that: (1) Putian Company should stop the production and sale of the infringing products, destroy all infringing products in stock as well as relevant production molds, and compensate the plaintiff for economic losses of 200,000 yuan; and (2) Huafa Company should stop the for-profit distribution and use of the infringing products and make an apology.@#
New Sea Union submitted the following evidence:@#
1. the business license of New Sea Union; 2. the registration information about affiliation of Putian Company; 3. the business license of Huafa Company (evidence 1 to 3 were used to prove the eligibility of the plaintiff and the defendants as parties to this action); 4. the certificate of patent ZL02219359.6, to prove that the utility model titled “Structure of Fiber Exit at Top of Raceway” was granted in 2002 by the State Intellectual Property Office after review; 5. the duplicate of Patent Register, to prove that the legal status of the patent in dispute was “valid” when the lawsuit was filed; 6. the patent specifications, drawings and claims, to demonstrate the contents of New Sea Union's patent; 7. the No. 7754 Decision on Review of a Request for Invalidation Declaration, to prove that the disputed patent survived the invalidation review and the invalidation request was rejected; New Sea Union modified the contents of the patent claims during the invalidation review, which was approved by the Patent Reexamination Board, so there were some differences between the current claims and those stated in the patent certificate; 8. the photographs of the infringing product; 9. the supply contract signed by Huafa Company to purchase the infringing product from Putian Company and the invoice; 10. the product catalogue of Putian Company; 11. a notarization certificate (No. 776 [2006], Notary Office, Wuzhong, Suzhou), to prove that the infringing product was not manufactured by Huafa Company but purchased from Putian Company; 12. a box of the infringing object sealed by the notary office (evidence 8 to 12 were used to prove that Putian Company had committed infringement); and 13. the No. 9694 Decision on Review of a Request for Invalidation Declaration, to prove that the Patent Reexamination Board upheld the validity of the utility model ZL02219359.6 on the basis of the No. 7754 Decision on Review of a Request for Invalidation Declaration.@#


原告新海宜公司诉称:原告于2002年 3月13日向国家知识产权局申请名称为“槽道顶出纤结构”的实用新型专利并获得授权。之后,原告发现被告华发公司在苏州承揽“光纤通信”工程中以营利为目的使用涉案专利产品。经调查,华发公司承认侵权专利产品系向被告普天公司购得。两被告的行为严重侵犯了原告的合法权益,违反了《中华人民共和国专利法》关于专利权的排他性规定,请求判令:一、普天公司停止生产、销售侵权产品,销毁库存侵权产品和相关生产模具,赔偿原告经济损失20万元。二、华发公司停止以经营为目的经销和使用侵权产品并赔礼道歉。@#
1.原告新海宜公司营业执照;2.被告普天公司隶属企业登记事项;3.被告华发公司营业执照。证据1-3用以证明原被告的主体资格。4.ZL02219359.6专利的专利证书,用以证明名称为“槽道顶出纤结构”的实用新型设计经国家知识产权局审查后在2002年被授予专利权;5.专利登记簿副本,用以证明涉案专利在起诉时的法律状态是有效的;6.专利说明书、附图及权利要求书,用以证明新海宜公司专利的内容;7.第7754号无效宣告请求审查决定书,用以证明涉案专利已经过无效审查,无效申请已被驳回;新海宜公司在无效审查中修改了专利权利要求内容并经专利复审委的认可,新海宜公司现有的权利要求内容与专利证书的内容有不一致。8.侵权产品照片; 9.华发公司购买普天公司侵权产品时签署的购销合同及发票;10.普天公司可供产品目录;11.华发公司为证明侵权产品不是自身制造而是向普天公司购买的(2006)吴证内字第776号公证书;12.经公证封存的侵权实物一箱。证据8-12用以证明普天公司实施了侵权行为。13.第9694号无效宣告请求审查决定书,用以证明专利复审委在 7754号无效宣告请求审查决定的基础上维持了ZL02219359.6号实用新型专利权有效。@#
被告普天公司辩称:国家知识产权局专利复审委员会(以下简称专利复审委员会)就涉案专利作出的第9694号无效宣告请求审查决定书尚未生效,普天公司已就该决定书提起行政诉讼,涉案专利处于不确定、不稳定状态;涉案专利权利要求1与美国专利(US6,192,181 B1)所述区别技术特征在于是否“有出纤口盖,该出纤口盖盖在出纤口基体上”,该出纤口盖即相当于槽道盖板,而《长途通信传输机房铁架槽道安装设计标准》一书中揭示了“两种槽道均有电缆支架、侧板、底板、终端板及盖板等组成”,其中的盖板就是槽道盖板,故该区别技术特征已被该书所披露,构成公知技术,故被控侵权产品不构成对涉案专利权利要求1的侵权;被控侵权产品缺少了涉案专利权利要求2中的必要技术特征即缺少了原告新海宜公司涉案专利中的出纤口接头,降低了成本,方便了使用,具有一定的优势,故被控侵权产品也不构成对涉案专利权利要求2的侵权。@#
1.无效宣告请求受理通知书;2.宣告专利无效的事实和理由;3.复审、无效程序中意见陈述书。证据1-3用以证明本案的实用新型专利具有不确定性和不稳定性; 4.美国专利(US6,192,181 B1)文件材料 (中英文);5.长途通信传输机房铁架槽道安装设计标准。证据4、5用以证明本案中的实用新型专利为现有技术,不具有新颖性和创造性。@#
被告普天公司对原告新海宜公司提供的证据质证认为,对证据1-7、11-13的真实性没有异议,但认为证据7无效审查决定书反映了新海宜公司的ZL02219359.6号实用新型专利新的权利要求内容,若以此决定书的权利要求内容指控普天公司侵权,则应提供证据证明该决定书已经生效,现在新海宜公司无证据证明该决定书已经生效;证据11的申请人是被告华发公司,请求法院对其来源的合法性进行审查;证据12未经开箱,新海宜公司不应知道里面是何物品。对证据8-10的真实性有异议,证据8照片中的产品不能说明就是普天公司的;证据9仅能反映双方买卖关系及税务往来,不能反映具体产品的状况;证据 10也不能说明具体产品的状况。@#
原告新海宜公司对被告普天公司提供的证据1-5的真实性无异议,但认为证据 4已经在之前的无效宣告中使用过。@#
2002年3月13日,原告新海宜公司向国家知识产权局提出名称为“槽道顶出纤结构”的实用新型专利申请,2003年1月1日经国家知识产权局公告,该申请被授予实用新型专利权,专利号为 ZL02219359.6(以下简称涉案专利)。该涉案专利曾由案外人美国ADC电讯股份有限公司(以下简称美国ADC公司)于2005年1月6日提出无效宣告请求,在专利复审委员会审查过程中,新海宜公司于2005年3月2日修改了该专利的权利要求书,并由专利复审委员会在修改后的权利要求的基础上于2005年11月29日作出第 7754号无效宣告请求审查决定书(以下简称第7754号决定书),维持该专利权有效。该修改后的专利独立权利要求为:1.一种槽道顶出纤结构,其特征在于:至少包括出纤口基体,该出纤口基体上设有一“Y”型槽道,“Y”型槽道的两个分枝在俯视状态下向两侧展开,整个“Y”型槽道在侧视状态下呈拱形结构,其中两个分枝段位于直通槽道的顶部,下纤口段悬挂在直通槽道一旁,中间段从直通槽道的顶部向外翻越,并向下伸展,整个“Y”型槽道在空间延伸的曲率半径≥40毫米;还包括便于多次出纤的活动式出纤口盖,该出纤口盖盖在出纤口基体上。2.一种槽道顶出纤结构,其特征在于:至少包括出纤口基体,该出纤口基体上设有一“Y”型槽道,“Y”型槽道的两个分枝在俯视状态下向两侧展开,整个“Y”型槽道在侧视状态下呈拱形结构,其中两个分枝段位于直通槽道的顶部,下纤口段悬挂在直通槽道一旁,中间段从直通槽道的顶部向外翻越,并向下伸展,整个“Y”型槽道在空间延伸的曲率半径≥40毫米;还包括纤口接头,该出纤口接头设在下纤口端,并通过卡扣结构与下纤口卡接;还包括波纹管接头和波纹管,该波纹管接头设在出纤口接头下端,并通过卡扣结构与出纤口接头卡接,波纹管接头下端设有与波纹管外缘匹配的开放性卡槽。诉讼中,新海宜公司主张以在第7754号决定书中修改后的权利要求1、2作为本案侵权判定的依据。@#
2006年6月26日,被告普天公司向专利复审委员会提出涉案专利的无效宣告请求,后专利复审委员会于2007年4月 24日作出第9694号无效宣告请求审查决定书(以下简称第9694号决定书),认为其在2005年11月29日针对涉案专利作出的第7754号决定书已生效,并在该第 7754号生效决定书的基础上维持了涉案专利权有效。@#
2006年5月24日,江苏省苏州市吴中区公证处根据被告华发公司的申请,至南京金鹏物流有限公司苏州分公司,对华发公司委托代理人徐志楠在南京金鹏物流有限公司苏州分公司处领取向被告普天公司购买的用于光纤槽道扩容的产品--活动出线口组件的过程进行了公证,现场拍摄了领取过程的照片10张,当场封存了印有“南京普天通信股份有限公司”字样的托运货品纸箱一只,并于5月25日出具了 (2006)吴证内字第776号保全证据公证书。@#

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