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Shaanxi Xiyue Shanzhuang LLC v. Jianfa Engineering LLC of the Third Bureau of CSCEC and No. 3 Construction Engineering LLC of the Third Bureau of CSCEC (A case about disputes over a contract on building construction)

Shaanxi Xiyue Shanzhuang LLC v. Jianfa Engineering LLC of the Third Bureau of CSCEC and No. 3 Construction Engineering LLC of the Third Bureau of CSCEC (A case about disputes over a contract on building construction)
(A case about disputes over a contract on building construction)

Shaanxi Xiyue Shanzhuang LLC v. Jianfa Engineering LLC of the Third Bureau of CSCEC and No. 3 Construction Engineering LLC of the Third Bureau of CSCEC
(A case about disputes over a contract on building construction)@#
Supreme People's Court@#
Civil Judgment@#
(No. 10 [2007] Civil Division I, Final)@#
Appellant (defendant and counterclaim plaintiff in original trial): Shaanxi Xiyue Shanzhuang Limited Liability Company, residing at Kangfu Road, Huayin, Shaanxi Province.@#
Legal representative: Zhang Liyang, chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Attorney: Xu Bangwei, lawyer of Beijing Jingtian Gongcheng Law Firm.@#
Attorney: Dong Chungang, intern lawyer of Beijing Jingtian Gongcheng Law Firm.@#
Appellee (plaintiff and counterclaim defendant in original trial): Jianfa Engineering Limited Liability Company of the Third Bureau of CSCEC, residing at 552 Guanshan Yilu, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province.@#
Legal representative: Li Quanli, chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Attorney: Zhang Xiaofei, lawyer of Shaanxi Renhe Wanguo Law Firm.@#
Attorney: Xiao Jian, lawyer of Beijing Zhongrui Law Firm@#
Appellee (third party in original trial): No. 3 Construction Engineering Limited Liability Company of the Third Bureau of CSCEC, residing at 552 Guanshan Yilu, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei Province.@#
Legal representative: Li Quanli, chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Attorney: Chen Changkai, male, employee of this company.@#
Attorney: Tian Lili, female, employee of this company.@#
In the case of disputes over a contract on building construction with the appellees, the Jianfa Engineering Limited Liability Company of the Third Bureau of CSCEC (formerly known as the Wuhan Jianfa Engineering Limited Liability Company of the Third Bureau of CSCEC, the “Jinafa LLC”) and the No. 3 Construction Engineering Limited Liability Company of the Third Bureau of CSCEC (formerly known as the No. 3 Building Installation Engineering Company of the Third Bureau of CSCEC, the “No. 3 LLC”), against the civil judgment, No. 10 [2005], Civil Division I, First Instance, Shaanxi, of the Higher People's Court of Shaanxi Province, the appellant, the Shaanxi Xiyue Shanzhuang Limited Liability Company (the “Xiyue LLC”), appealed to this supreme court. This court legally formed a collegiate bench, and held a hearing of this case on February 12, 2007. Xu Bangwei and Dong Chungang, attorneys of the appellant, the Xiyue LLC, Zhang Xiaofei and Xiao Jian, attorneys of the appellee, the Jianfa LLC, and Chen Changkai and Tian Lili, attorneys of the other appellee, the No. 3 LLC, appeared in court. So far, the trial of this case has concluded.@#
Through trial, the court of first instance found that: the Xiyue LLC (Party A) entered into a Contract on Building Construction (the “Construction Contract”) for its Huashan Holiday Inn Project with the No. 3 LLC (Party B) on November 30, 2001. Under this contract, they agreed that the construction should commence on December 26, 2001 and be completed on October 31, 2002. The contract price should be calculated as per the final accounting price; the contractor should provide all labor and material, with the prices calculated according to the Comprehensive Estimate and Budget Norms for Building Engineering in Shaanxi Province of 1999, the Price List of Nationally Uniform Budget Norms for Installation Engineering in Shaanxi Province of 2001 and related Norm of Costs for Building Engineering, Installation Engineering, Archaized Garden Engineering and Decoration Engineering in Shaanxi Provinces of 1999, and relevant provincial or municipal construction cost documents; the fees should be charged for this project as per a Class 2 project, and four fee rates should be each cut by 20%. On the reward and punishment, for each day of early completion or delay of construction as scheduled in the contract, a reward or punishment should be given as per 0.01% of the total construction costs of the project contracted by the Party B. On the payment and adjustment of the contract price, the Party A should prepay 3 million yuan to the Party B for pile foundation construction; the payments for this project should be made by the progress of image, and after the completion of basic construction, the Party A should make a progressive project payment of 3 million yuan to the Party B; after the completion of the body works, the Party A should prepay 5 million yuan to the Party B for the decoration project; after the completion of 50% of T workload in the decoration project, the Party A should make a progressive project payment of 13 million yuan to the Party B; before the delivery of the completed project to the Party A, the Party A should make a project payment of 10 million yuan to the Party B; after the project passed the inspection and acceptance, the Party A should pay 8 million yuan to the Party B; after the completion, inspection and acceptance of the project, except 5% retained as the quality guaranty bond, the Party A should pay the rest of the project payments to the Party B within two years in installments; and the Party A should refund the 5% retained as the quality guaranty bond to the Party B in a lump sum after the quality guaranty period expired. On the adjustment of the contract price, after the contract price was agreed on in the contract, neither party should change it without permit, but under any the following circumstances, the contract price may be adjusted: decrease of the work volumes as confirmed by the representative of the Party A; the design changes or project consultation as confirmed by the representative of the Party A; the announcement of price adjustment by the administrative authority for construction costs; cumulative suspension of construction for more than 8 hours within a week as a result of outage of water, electricity or gas that was caused not for the reasons of the Party B, and economic losses were suffered; other increase or adjustment as provided for in the contract; within 10 days after the occurrence of any of the above circumstances, the Party B should notify in writing the representative of the Party A of the adjustment cause and amount, while after approving it, the representative of the Party A should notify the handling bank and Party B, and the adjustment should be deemed as having been approved if the representative of the Party A failed to make a reply within 10 days after receiving the notice of the Party B; where the Party B failed to timely handle it according to the above requirements and caused any delay of the project, the Party B should assume the relevant liability; where the Party A failed to timely handle the approval, signature or payment according to the above requirements, the Party B may send a notice to the Party A to demand payment, and the Party A should be liable for default if still failing to pay as required within 5 days after receiving the notice sent by the Party B. On the completion of construction and settlement, where the representative of the Party A failed to organize the inspection and acceptance without proper reasons within 10 days after receiving the report on the completion inspection and acceptance delivered by the Party B, or disapproved it but was unable to offer any amendment suggestion after the inspection and acceptance, the completion inspection and acceptance may be deemed as having been approved, and the formalities for settlement may be handled. Where the Party A failed to handle the settlement without proper reasons within 30 days after the report on completion was approved, the Party A should pay the late interest for the owed project payment as per the interest rate for an unplanned bank loan to a construction enterprise from the 31st day, and assume the liability for default. On the default liability, where the representative of the Party A failed to timely make the necessary instruction, confirmation or approval, failed to perform its various obligations or make payments as agreed on in the contract, or otherwise caused the unperformability of the contract, the Party A should assume the liability for default (including but not limited to the economic expenditures added to the Party B for the default of the Party A and the interest on the amount payable as calculated from the date of payment), and the construction period should be extended correspondingly; the Party A should pay the default fine to the Party B, and compensate the Party B for its losses caused by the idle labor, etc. for the default of the Party A, as agreed on in the contract. Where the Party B failed to complete the construction as scheduled in the contract, the construction quality failed to meet the requirements of the designs and specifications, or the Party B otherwise caused the unperformability of the contract, the representative of the Party A may demand Party B in a notice to pay the default fine or compensate the Party A for its losses incurred for the default of the Party B, according to the contractual provisions. Unless both parties agreed in writing to terminate the contract, or the contract could no longer be performed for the default of one party, after assuming the above liability for default, the defaulting party should continue performing the contract; Where the contract could no longer be performed for the default of one party and the other party intended to suspend or terminate the contract, the other party may suspend or terminate the contract only after notifying the defaulting party at least 10 days in advance, and the defaulting party should assume the liability for default. All meeting minutes, signed acknowledgments, various notices, authorizations, certificates and other written documents arising according to and in the execution of this contract should be supplementary provisions of this contract and equally authentic with the provisions of this contract. The amendments to the contract were: the materials necessary for this project should be purchased and kept by the Party B on its own, of which the steels and cements should be purchased by the Party B with funds secured by the Party A; the purchase of any material may be made only after the Party A had agreed on and verified the material price, quality or quantity; and no loan interest on the owed project payment should be collected. On April 23, 2002, the Contract on Engineering Construction Supervision signed by the Xiyue LLC and the Shaanxi Linhua Engineering Supervision Company (the “Supervision Company”) was served on the No. 3 LLC to require it to accept supervision and management.@#


上诉人陕西西岳山庄有限公司(以下简称西岳山庄)为与被上诉人中建三局建发工程有限公司(原武汉中建三局建发工程有限公司,以下简称建发公司)、中建三局第三建设工程有限责任公司(原中国建筑第三工程局第三建筑安装工程公司,以下简称三公司)建设工程施工合同纠纷一案,不服陕西省高级人民法院(2005)陕民一初字第10号民事判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成合议庭,于2007年2月 12日对本案进行了开庭审理。上诉人西岳山庄的委托代理人徐邦炜、董纯钢,被上诉人建发公司的委托代理人张晓飞、肖坚,被上诉人三公司的委托代理人陈常凯、田莉莉到庭参加了诉讼。本案现已审理终结。@#
一审法院经审理查明:西岳山庄(甲方)就其所属的华山假日酒店工程,于 2001年11月30日与三公司(乙方)签订《建设工程施工合同》(以下简称施工合同),约定工程开、竣工日期为2001年12月26日至2002年10月31日。合同价款:以最终结算价为准;工程为包工包料,依据 1999年《陕西省建筑工程综合概预算定额》、《全国统一安装工程预算定额陕西省价目表》(2001版)及配套使用的《陕西省建筑工程、安装工程、仿古园林工程及装饰工程费用定额》(1999版)及省、市有关造价文件的规定计算;本工程按二类工程取费,并对四项费率下浮20%计算。工期奖罚:在合同工期上每提前或延误一天,按乙方承包工程总造价0.1‰对等奖罚。合同价款支付及合同价款的调整:桩基施工由甲方支付乙方300万元工程预付款;本工程按形象进度付款,基础施工完,甲方支付乙方300万元工程进度款;主体施工完,甲方另支付乙方500万元装饰工程预付款;装饰工程完成50%T作量,甲方再支付乙方 1300万元工程进度款;工程完工交付甲方前,甲方再支付乙方1000万元工程款;工程验收合格后甲方支付乙方800万元;工程竣工验收后,除留5%质保金外,剩余工程款甲方在两年内分期支付给乙方;5%质保金在保修期满后,甲方一次性返还乙方。合同价款调整:合同价款在合同约定后,任何一方不得擅自改变,但发生下列情况之一的可作调整:甲方代表确认的工程量增减;甲方代表确认的设计变更或工程洽商;工程造价管理部门公布的价格调整;一周内非乙方原因造成停水、停电、停气影响停工累计超过8小时,且造成经济损失的;合同约定的其他增加或调整;乙方应在上述情况发生10日内将调整原因、金额以书面形式通知甲方代表,甲方代表批准后通知经办银行和乙方,甲方代表收到乙方通知后10日内不作答复,即视为已经批准;乙方未按上述要求及时办理而造成工程延误,由乙方负责;甲方未按上述要求及时办理审核签字和付款时,乙方可向甲方发出要求付款通知,甲方在收到乙方通知5日内仍不能按要求支付时,应承担违约责任。竣工与结算:甲方代表在收到乙方送交的竣工验收报告后10日内无正当理由不组织验收,或验收后5天内不予批准且不能提出修改意见,可视为竣工验收已被批准,即可办理结算手续。甲方无正当理由在批准竣工报告后30日内不办理结算,从第 31天起按施工企业向银行计划外贷款的利率支付拖欠工程款利息,并承担违约责任。违约责任:甲方代表不能及时给出必要指令、确认、批准,不按合同约定履行自己的各项义务、支付款项及发生其他使合同无法履行的行为,应承担违约责任(包括支付因其违约导致乙方增加的经济支出和从应支付之日起计算的应支付款项的利息等),相应顺延工期;按协议条款约定支付违约金和赔偿因其违约给乙方造成的窝工等损失。乙方不能按合同工期竣工,施工质量达不到设计和规范的要求,或发生其他使合同无法履行的行为,甲方代表可通知乙方,按协议条款约定支付违约金,赔偿因其违约给甲方造成的损失。除非双方协议将合同终止,或因一方违约使合同无法履行,违约方承担上述违约责任后仍应继续履行合同;因一方违约使合同不能履行,另一方欲中止或解除合同,应提前10天通知违约方后,方可中止或解除合同,由违约方承担违约责任。本合同履行过程中根据合同发生的会议纪要、签证、各种通知文件、委托、证书等书面资料均应作为合同条款以补充内容,与合同条款具有同等效力。增订条款:本工程所需材料由乙方自行采购、保管,其中钢材、水泥由乙方采购,甲方提供资金担保;任何材料的选购,其价格和质量、数量需经甲方同意验证方可采购;工程欠款不计贷款利息。2002年4月23日,西岳山庄将其与陕西林华工程监理公司(以下简称监理公司)签订的《建设工程委托监理合同》送交三公司,并要求其接受监督和管理。@#
2004年4月14日,三公司向西岳山庄发出债权转移通知书称,“贵方与公司于 2002年签订了建设工程施工合同,现在我公司因改制重组的需要,欲将我公司对贵方所享有的上述债权转让给武汉中建三局建发实业发展公司”。西岳山庄予以签收。@#
2006年1月19日,一审法院依据双方当事人的申请,委托陕西三秦工程造价咨询有限责任公司(以下简称三秦造价公司),就三公司已完成的涉案工程造价、西岳山庄已支付的工程款及欠付的工程款数额进行鉴定。2006年6月20日,三秦造价公司做出的鉴定结论为:1.根据双方认可的中国轻工西安设计院设计的华山假日酒店结构施工图纸扣除未做部分签认量加现场签证,计算出三公司已完成的华山假日酒店(含员工宿舍)土建工程量工程造价为 23 121 871.05元(不含劳保统筹和安全文明工地费)。2.根据双方认可的中国轻工西安设计院设计施工图纸、现场签证及双方提供的三公司完成工程量记录等资料,计算出三公司已完成的华山假日酒店 (含员工宿舍)安装工程量工程造价为 1 607 359.51元(不含劳保统筹和安全文明工地费)。3.确认西岳山庄已付工程款、材料款合计为15 199 163.76元。鉴定报告另对当事人有争议的工程量造价、有争议的付款项目详细列明。2006年6月27日,鉴定报告送达给三方当事人,当事人在限定期限内对鉴定报告提出了书面异议。 2006年7月26日,一审法院对鉴定报告进行庭审质证,并由三秦造价公司出庭接受当事人的质询。三秦造价公司在庭后就当事人质询作了书面答复。2006年8月2日,该答复意见送达给三方当事人。@#

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