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Yining City Huaqiang New Construction Materials Co., Ltd. v. Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (dispute over enforcement ruling)
  • Type of Dispute: Enforcement
  • Legal document: Ruling
  • Judgment date: 12-02-2014
  • Procedural status: Enforcement

Yining City Huaqiang New Construction Materials Co., Ltd. v. Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (dispute over enforcement ruling)
(dispute over enforcement ruling)
Yining City Huaqiang New Construction Materials Co., Ltd. v. Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (dispute over enforcement ruling) 


[Judgement Abstract] [裁判摘要]
1. A civil mediation agreement legally in effect is not only the confirmation of the agreement reached by the parties on a voluntary and legal basis which sets out the rights and obligations of the parities, but it is also a type of legal document which can be compulsorily enforced. 一、依法生效的调解书不仅是对当事人在自愿、合法基础上达成的权利义务协议内容的确定,而且也是具有强制执行效力的法律文书。
2. The content of a legal document that is in effect and is available for compulsory enforcement must be payable, meaning that if one party does not perform its obligation as determined in the agreement, the other party may apply to the people's court for the compulsory enforcement of such obligation. Hence, when accepting cases involving enforcement, people's courts shall first determine whether the applicants creditor claim is reviewable, that is to say, courts have the right to conduct review on the payable nature of legal documents such as civil mediation agreements. The review shall mainly focus on whether the legal documents have gone into effect, whether the obligors have performed their obligations during the period of time as determined in the legal documents, and whether the conditions for compulsory enforcement determined by the legal documents have been specified. 二、可采取强制执行措施的生效法律文书所确定的内容必须具有给付性,如果一方当事人不按照确定的给付内容履行,另一方当事人可以就该确定的给付内容向人民法院申请强制执行。因此,人民法院在受理执行案件时,首先应对申请人的债权请求权是否存在予以审查,即有权对调解书等法律文书是否具有可执行性进行审查,主要包括审查法律文书是否已经生效、义务人是否在法律文书确定的期限内履行义务、法律文书确定的强制执行条件是否明确等。
3. The obligation of payment herein arising from the default by the parties, which is determined by the legal documents that are in effect such as the civil mediation agreement, hinges on facts that may occur in the future which include whether there is any default by the parties during the performance of the mediation documents that are in effect and the seriousness of the default. These facts are new disputes over the substantive rights and obligations which are formed through the combination of facts arising after the conclusion of the case rather than the simple judgement on the facts. These facts will be recognized during enforcement. Since there is no legitimate procedure for conducting such recognition, to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, the parties shall be allowed to file a lawsuit over these facts. 三、调解书等生效法律文书中所确定的基于双方违约责任而导致的给付义务,取决于未来发生的事实,即当事人双方在履行生效调解书过程中是否违约以及违约程度等,属于与案件审结后新发生事实相结合而形成的新的实体权利义务争议,并非简单的事实判断,在执行程序中直接加以认定。缺乏程序的正当性和必要的程序保障。为能够更加有效地保障各方当事人的合法权益,应允许当事人通过另行提起诉讼的方式予以解决。
...... 最高人民法院
 申诉人伊宁市华强新型建材有限责任公司(以下简称华强公司)不服新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院(2013)新执二监字第 148号执行裁定,向本院提出申诉。本院受理后,依法组成合议庭审查。2014年6月13日本院组织听证,华强公司法定代表人及委托代理人、李正伯及委托代理人参加了听证。本案现已审查终结。
 本院经审查查明,华强公司与李正伯买卖合同纠纷一案,伊宁市人民法院于 2010年5月25日作出了(2010)伊民初字第1514号民事调解书,主要内容为:1.被告李正伯自2010年5月1日起至2010年 11月31日止给原告华强公司供烧结多孔砖1350万块(其中5月份供砖150万块, 6-8月份每月供砖270万块,9-10月份每月供砖170万块,11月份供砖50万块),单价每块0.36元,由被告负责运输(伊宁市范围内,运输地点由原告提前1天告知被告)。另每座窑存砖超过一圈时,原告支付超过部分每块0.015元;2.被告李正伯若不能按约定完成当月的供砖量,必须在次月内补足,若次月仍未补足则按不足部分每块0.29元补偿给原告华强公司;3.原告华强公司每月30日与被告李正伯结算,并在5个工作日内结清当月所购砖款,逾期每日按日万分之五承担违约金,被告李正伯总计提供200万元国家认可的税务发票(普通发票);4.被告李正伯在完成当月约定的供砖量后方可自行销砖,原告华强公司不得阻碍,在供砖期间,被告不得自行与原告的客户联系结算;5.双方严格履行上述协议,若原告未按约定付款,则承担未付款部分30%的违约金,若被告未供够砖数,除每块按0.29元补偿原告外,还应承担未供部分30%的违约金;6.双方再无其他纠纷。本案受理费4828元,邮寄费60元,由原告负担3000元,被告负担1888元。
 2011年5月20日,华强公司向伊宁市人民法院申请执行,要求被执行人李正伯支付违约金4 350 326.94元,迟延履行金52万元。2012年1月9日,伊宁市人民法院立案执行,2012年1月11日,伊宁市人民法院向被执行人李正伯发出(2012)伊执字第31号执行通知书,通知被执行人李正伯3日内履行向华强公司支付案款 4 350 326.94元的义务,负担申请执行费 45 903元。因被执行人李正伯未按执行通知书履行支付案款的义务,伊宁市人民法院于2012年2月27日作出(2012)伊执字第31号执行裁定,内容为:冻结、划拨被执行人李正伯存款4 396 229.94元;扣留、提取被执行人李正伯收入4 396 229.94元:查封、扣押、冻结、拍卖、变卖被执行人李正伯的财产4 396 229.94元。被执行人李正伯不服该裁定,向伊宁市人民法院提出执行异议申请,2012年5月20日,伊宁市人民法院作出(2012)伊执异字第31-1号执行裁定,驳回被执行人李正伯的执行异议。李正伯不服该裁定,于2012年6月5日向新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院伊犁哈萨克自治州分院提出复议申请。2013年3月21日,新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院伊犁哈萨克自治州分院作出(2012)伊州执复字第00012号执行裁定,驳回李正伯的复议申请。

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