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Shandong Crane Factory Co., Ltd. v. Shandong Shanqi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (A Case about Disputes over Infringement upon an Enterprise's Right to Its Name)

Shandong Crane Factory Co., Ltd. v. Shandong Shanqi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (A Case about Disputes over Infringement upon an Enterprise's Right to Its Name)
(A Case about Disputes over Infringement upon an Enterprise's Right to Its Name)

Shandong Crane Factory Co., Ltd. v. Shandong Shanqi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.
(A Case about Disputes over Infringement upon an Enterprise's Right to Its Name)@#



Supreme People's Court@#
Civil Ruling@#
(No.758 [2008], Civil Petition)@#
Petitioner (defendant in the trial at first instance and appellant in the trial at second instance): Shandong Shanqi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., domiciled at 1,199 Industry Road, Qingzhou City, Shandong Province.@#
Legal representative: Fan Xianguo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Authorized representative: Yuan Fachang, male, Deputy General Manager of Shandong Shanqi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., residing at Suite 301, Entrance 1, Building 61, Zone 2, 335 Zibo Road, Dongying District, Dongying City, Shandong Province.@#
Respondent (plaintiff in the trial at first instance and appellee in the trial at second instance): Shandong Crane Factory Co., Ltd., domiciled at 1,757 South Qingzhou Road, Qingzhou City, Shandong Province.@#
Legal representative: Xu Xinmin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Attorney: Sun Yunlong, lawyer of Beijing Hetong Law Firm.@#
For a case about disputes over infringement upon trade name between the petitioner, Shandong Shanqi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shanqi Heavy Industry”), and the respondent, Shandong Crane Factory Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Shandong Crane Factory”), the Higher People's Court of Shandong Province rendered a Civil Judgment (No. 108 [2007], Final, Civil Division III, Shandong) on June 5, 2008, which has taken legal effect. On August 18, 2008, Shanqi Heavy Industry filed a retrial petition with this Court. This Court formed a collegial panel according to law to review this case. So far, the review has concluded.@#
Shanqi Heavy Industry applied for retrial, alleging that: (1) The fact finding was wrong in the judgments of first and second instances. Shandong Crane Factory's enterprise name which was approved and registered according to law was “Shandong Crane Factory Co., Ltd.” without any primary trade name, abbreviation or subordinate name. In the original judgment, an unapproved and unregistered trade name, “Shanqi”, was fabricated by deduction. In the original judgment, the contract on the assignment of the registered trademark of “Shanqi” between Shandong Crane Factory and Shanhaiguan Hoisting Machinery Plant was held valid, which was contrary to the facts. It was inappropriate for the original judgment to hold an internal reply letter from the Division of Individual and Private Economy Supervision of the Administration for Industry and Commerce of Shandong Province to the Administration for Industry and Commerce of Qingzhou City as valid evidence and invoke it to explain the legality of Shandong Crane Factory's use of “Shanqi” as its abbreviation. (2) The application of law was improper in the judgment of second instance. What Article 5(3) of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant judicial interpretation protected were those enterprise names approved and registered according to law and trade names derived from the approved and registered name of a famous enterprise, and no protection was prescribed for a corporation's unreasonably abbreviated names which were not legally approved and registered. Since there was no trade name in Shandong Crane Factory's enterprise name at all, the application of provisions of the above law and judicial interpretation was obviously wrong in the original judgment. The name of Shanqi Heavy Industry was a legally approved and registered name. There was neither any subjective intent to damage Shandong Crane Factory nor any objective act to use the enterprise name of Shandong Crane Factory without authorization. So, no unfair competition arose. The original judgment was also wrong in ordering Shanqi Heavy Industry to pay a compensation of 200,000 yuan to Shandong Crane Factory.@#


申请再审人山东山起重工有限公司 (简称山起重工公司)与被申请人山东起重机厂有限公司(简称山东起重机厂)侵犯企业名称权纠纷一案,山东省高级人民法院于2008年6月5日作出(2007)鲁民三终字第108号民事判决,已经发生法律效力。 2008年8月18日,山起重工公司向本院申请再审。本院依法组成合议庭对本案进行了审查,现已审查终结。@#
山东省潍坊市中级人民法院一审查明,山东起重机厂成立于1968年,以起重机械制造加工为主,1976年4月组建益都起重机厂,1991年10月31日变更名称为山东起重机厂,2002年1月8日成立山东起重机厂有限公司,其经营范围包括起重机械及配件的设计、制造、安装、咨询、技术服务与销售等业务。山起重工公司成立于 2004年2月13日,2004年5月24日获得企业法人营业执照,其经营范围为起重机械、皮带输送机械、石油机械设备制造、销售、安装、维修。在山起重工公司成立过程中,山东省工商行政管理局于2004年1月 13日同意其预先核准企业名称为山东山起重工有限公司。2004年2月26日,青州市经济贸易局向山东省工商行政管理局发出《关于申请保护山东起重机厂有限公司名称的报告》。该报告称,“‘山起'既是山东起重机厂的简称,也代表着企业的形象,山起重工公司的注册损害了山东起重机厂的名称权利,并在职工中引起了强烈反响,恳切希望贵局对此企业名称给予撤销。”2004年2月20日,青州市工商局请示山东省工商行政管理局研究处理因山起重工公司的企业名称引发的纠纷。山东省工商行政管理局个体私营经济监督处于2004年3月 9日提出如下意见:“山东起重机厂有限公司原为国有老企业,在生产经营和对外经济来往中使用‘山起'作为企业简称,同时该企业在我省同行业中有一定知名度,现上述几个企业住所地都在青州市,在社会上易产生误解。根据有关规定,请你局做好双方企业的工作,并督促山东山起重工有限公司到省局变更企业名称。”但山起重工公司至今未变更企业名称。该纠纷发生后,双方虽经青州市工商行政管理局、山东省工商行政管理局处理,但当事人未达成一致意见。根据青州市经济贸易局印发的 2005年5月份《工业经济月报》,山起重工公司2005年1月至5月份利润总额为 150.2万元。@#
另查明,山东起重机厂李一民等于 2003年8月28日向青州市工商行政管理局提出企业名称预先核准申请,青州市工商行政管理局于2003年8月28日出具 (青)名称预核私字(2003)第590号企业名称预先核准通知书,同意预先核准其出资企业名称为“青州山起机械制造有限公司”,该预先核准的企业名称保留期至 2004年2月27日,在保留期内,不得用于经营活动,不得转让。@#

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