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Beijing Gongda Real Estate Co., Ltd. v. Beijing Xianghesanxia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (real estate development contract dispute)

Beijing Gongda Real Estate Co., Ltd. v. Beijing Xianghesanxia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (real estate development contract dispute)
(real estate development contract dispute)

Beijing Gongda Real Estate Co., Ltd. v. Beijing Xianghesanxia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
(Real estate development contract dispute)@#
[Abstract of Judgment]@#
The legal representative of a company conducts civil activities on behalf of the company according to law. A change of the legal representative must be registered at the administration for industry and commerce. Where the legal representative of a company has been suspended from duty by the superior before signing a contract with the other party but the change has not been registered, the company's claim that the contract is void on that ground should not be supported by a people's court.@#
Supreme People's Court@#
Civil Judgment@#
No. 76 [2009], Civil, Retrial@#
Petitioner (plaintiff and appellant): Beijing Gongda Real Estate Co., Ltd., domiciled at: Suite 220, Building 31, Muxidi Nanli, Xicheng District, Beijing.@#
Legal Representative: Yu Xiaodong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.@#
Respondent (defendant and appellee): Beijing Xianghesanxia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., domiciled at: Suite 521, 33 Funeichengfang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing.@#
Person in Charge: Wang Mingyou, person in charge of this company.@#
Attorney: Ling Yun, lawyer of Beijing Shouxin Law Firm.@#
Attorney: Wang Min, lawyer of Beijing Shouxin Law Firm.@#
Against the civil judgment (No. 114 [1997] Final, Civil, HPC) of the Higher People's Court of Beijing for disputes over a real estate development contract with Beijing Xianghesanxia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Sanxia Company”), Beijing Gongda Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Gongda Company”) filed a retrial petition with this Court. On April 7, 2008, this Court made a civil ruling (No. 329-1 [2007] (Civil Division I, Supervision) to directly retry this case. This Court legally formed a collegial panel and hear the case on November 16, 2009. Yu Xiaodong, legal representative of Gongda Company, and Ling Yun and Wang Min, attorneys of Sanxia Company, appeared in court. On November 23, 2009, this Court questioned Yu Xiaodong and Wang Min regarding some facts of the case. So far, the retrial of this case has been concluded.@#
On March 12, 1996, Gongda Company, plaintiff in the original trial, instituted an action in the No. 1 Intermediate People's Court of Beijing, alleging that: On April 13, 1995, it entered into a contract with Sanxia Company (formerly known as Beijing Yannansanxia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.) for the assignment of a real estate development project located at 26 Gexinli, Chongwen District, Beijing (hereinafter referred to as the “Gexinli Project”), under which Sanxia Company should fully assign the right to develop the Gexinli Project to Gongda Company. However, after Sanxia Company was renamed, it neither performed nor recognized the contract. Therefore, Gongda Company required Sanxia Company to perform the contract and compensate it for economic losses of 2.5 million yuan. Sanxia Company pleaded that Liu Yuzhang, the legal representative of its predecessor, Beijing Yannansanxia Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., signed the Gexinli Project assignment contract with Gongda Company after his suspension from duty. Because he did not represent the company at that time, the contract should be void. Therefore, Sanxia Company disagreed to the allegation of Gongda Company.@#


申请再审人北京公达房地产有限责任公司(简称公达公司)因与被申请人北京祥和三峡房地产开发公司(简称三峡公司)房地产开发合同纠纷一案,不服北京市高级人民法院(1997)高民终字第114号民事判决,向本院申请再审。本院于2008年4月 7日作出(2007)民一监字第329-1号民事裁定,提审本案。本院依法组成合议庭,于 2009年11月16日开庭审理了本案。公达公司法定代表人喻小冬,三峡公司委托代理人凌芸、王敏到庭参加诉讼。2009年11月23日,本院就案件相关事实询问了喻小冬、王敏。本案现已审理终结。@#
1996年3月12日,一审原告公达公司起诉至北京市第一中级人民法院称,公达公司于1995年4月13日与三峡公司 (原称北京燕南三峡房地产开发公司)签订北京市崇文区革新里二十六号房地产开发项目(以下简称革新里项目)的转让合同,由三峡公司将革新里项目的开发权全部转让给公达公司。但三峡公司自改名后,不仅不履行合同,而且不承认双方所签订的合同,故要求三峡公司履行合同并赔偿经济损失250万元。三峡公司辩称,三峡公司的前身北京燕南三峡房地产开发公司的法定代表人刘玉章与公达公司签订革新里项目转让合同系在其被停止职务后所为,不能代表该公司,该合同属无效合同,故不同意公达公司的诉讼请求。@#
北京市第一中级人民法院一审查明,北京燕南三峡房地产开发公司系由中国三峡经济发展总公司批准成立,1993年3月 19日由北京市大兴县工商行政管理局注册登记,其法定代表人为刘玉章。1994年4月12日,北京厨房设备集团公司(简称北厨集团)(甲方)与三峡公司(乙方)签订《关于北京厨房设备厂旧址有偿转让合同》,约定甲方将其所拥有的坐落在北京市崇文区永外大街革新里二十六号总面积约共七千四百平方米、建筑面积五千平方米的房屋产权转让给乙方;乙方支付甲方2500万元转让费。后三峡公司下属的经营部经理吕京会将1500万元交付北厨集团。1994年 11月14日,三峡公司又付给北厨集团200万元。1994年6月10日,北京市建委以 (94)京建开字第294号文批复三峡房地产开发公司,同意三峡房地产开发公司在京成立北京燕南三峡房地产开发公司,经营范围为海淀区学院南路明光村综合楼,崇文区永外革新里二十六号院改建住宅楼两个项目的开发建设,经营、销售商品房。同年7月10日,三峡公司所属经营部(甲方)与北京市华泰房地产经营开发公司(乙方,以下简称华泰公司)签订合作开发革新里项目协议书,由乙方提供3800万元的购地资金。此后华泰公司交付三峡公司部分款项。1994年7月31日,三峡公司与公达公司签订合作开发革新里二十六号院协议,约定由双方共同筹集资金,按投资比例分成。同年8月3日,中国三峡经济发展总公司房地产经营开发部与三峡房地产开发公司联合发文,作出了停止刘玉章三峡公司经理工作的决定。同月9日刘玉章收到该决定。1994年9月19日,北京市计委、北京市建委以京计基字(1994)第1165号文批复,同意三峡公司开发建设革新里小区。 1994年北京市建委以(94)京建开字第541号文批复同意成立公达公司,经营范围是与华泰公司联合开发革新里项目。1995年 2月,华泰公司以三峡公司拒绝履行双方于1994年7月14日签订的协议为由,诉至一审法院,要求三峡公司继续履行合同。一审法院于1995年7月26日以(1995)中经初字第192号民事判决书判决双方继续合作开发革新里项目,双方均未上诉。1995年2月28日,三峡房地产开发公司向北京市大兴县工商局申请变更企业法人代表刘玉章为张胜利。1995年4月13日、15日、 17日,刘玉章持三峡公司公章以法定代表人身份与公达公司签订了革新里项目转让协议及补充协议,约定三峡公司将此项目全部转让给公达公司,由公达公司全权负责完成此项目,一切债权债务由公达公司负责。同月18日,三峡公司与公达公司共同向北京市建委、北京市计委提交革新里项目的报告。该报告称,双方商定,待市里“四委”正式批复文件下达后,再报市建委、计委批准备案。1995年4月22日,北京市大兴县工商局将三峡公司法人代表由刘玉章变更为张胜利。同年6月8日,北京市经济委员会、北京市计划委员会、北京市城乡规划委员会、北京市市政管理委员会以 (95)京安字第278号文批复,同意北厨集团将位于革新里二十六号原厂址使用权有偿转让给三峡公司。6月29日,北京燕南三峡房地产开发公司经西城区工商局更名为三峡公司。诉讼中,公达公司称其已向革新里项目投资1700万元,但未提供证据。@#

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