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Xinjiang Yakun Commercial Trade Co., Ltd. v. Xinjiang Jinghe Kangrui Cotton Processing Co., Ltd. (Dispute over Sales Contract)

Xinjiang Yakun Commercial Trade Co., Ltd. v. Xinjiang Jinghe Kangrui Cotton Processing Co., Ltd. (Dispute over Sales Contract)
(Dispute over Sales Contract)

Xinjiang Yakun Commercial Trade Co., Ltd. v. Xinjiang Jinghe Kangrui Cotton Processing Co., Ltd.
(Dispute over Sales Contract)@#


In the trial of a contractdispute case, the breaching party's liability to pay damages shall bedetermined pursuant to “the principle of foreseeability”, that is, the breachingparty shall be liable to pay damages for the loss caused by its breach to the counterparty;but shall not be liable for losses caused by market risks, not foreseeable byboth parties, not caused by fault of the breaching party, and with no causationwith the breach conduct.@#
Civil Judgment of the Supreme People's Court@#
No. 111 [2006]@#
Appellant (Plaintiff in the first instance): Xinjiang Yakun Commercial Trade Co., Ltd., located at No. 7, 1/F, Building No. 1, Taicuicheng Garden Residential Area, Beijing Road, Urumchi, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region.@#
Legal Representative: Qiao Fengjin, executive director of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Wang Ke, supervisor of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Zou Jianzhang, deputy manager of the Company.@#
Appellant (Defendant in the first instance): Xinjiang Jinghe Kangrui Cotton Processing Co., Ltd., domiciled at No. 2 Livestock Farm, Dahe Yanzi Town, Jinghe County, Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region.@#
Legal Representative: Li Songcai, board chairman of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Zhou Ling, lawyer of Beijing Baolong Law Firm.@#
With regard to the case on the dispute over a sales contract, both Yakun Commercial Trade Co., Ltd. (the appellant, hereinafter referred to as Yakun Company) and Xinjiang Jinghe Kangrui Cotton Processing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Kangrui Company) were dissatisfied with No. 114 (2004) civil judgment of the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region (hereinafter referred to as Xinjiang Higher Court), and appealed to the present Court. The present Court formed a collegial panel according to law, composed of Wu Qingbao as presiding judge, Jia Wei as judge and Sha Ling as acting judge, and then heard the case. Yuan Hongxia was the court clerk to make records. The present case has now been finalized.@#
It was found by Xinjiang Higher Court after trial: Yakun Company concluded with Kangrui Company a “Contract on Sale of Cotton” on January 2, 2004, setting forth that Kangrui Company shall supply Yakun Company with 1,370 tons of lint of Category 229 (second-grade) at the unit price of 16,900 Yuan per ton; the lint quality shall meet the GB1103-1999 national standards for cotton quality; Kangrui Company shall be responsible for the quality and weight in any event, and in case a major problem arises out of the quality or weight, it shall be resolved according to the accredited inspection conclusion. The payment method is set forth as follows: Yakun Company shall prepay 10 million Yuan of earnest money, and remit the remaining amount into Kangrui Company's account by January 15, 2004. The liabilities for breach of contract are set forth as follows: If either party fails to perform any of its contractual obligations, the other party may unilaterally terminate the contract, and meanwhile the contract-breaching party shall pay liquidated damages to the other party at 10% of the unfulfilled amount. After the contract was concluded, Yakun Company prepaid 6.5 million Yuan to Kangrui Company on the very day. Kangrui Company delivered the goods immediately after receipt of the prepayment. In the process when Yakun Company picked up the goods, Kangrui Company notified Yakun Company that the quantity of the warehoused lint was 1,147.535 tons only, and requested Yakun Company to make temporary payment for that quantity. On January 7, 2004, Kangrui Company consigned 52 batches (260 bags per batch) or 13,518 bags of lint to Yakun Company pursuant to the contract, with the weight totaling 1,173.947 tons (including 3,900 bags or 337.109 tons of first-grade cotton; and 9,620 bags or 8,36.838 tons of second-grade cotton), carried the lint to the warehouse designated by Yakun Company, and submitted the ex-factory inspection report of all batches of lint to Yakun Company. Yakun Company was required to remit the outstanding 12,893,348.4 Yuan of purchase price into Kangrui Company's account by January 12, 2004.@#


新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院经审理查明:2004年1月2日,亚坤公司与康瑞公司签订一份《棉花购销合同》,约定康瑞公司向亚坤公司提供229级(二级)皮棉 1370吨,单价每吨16 900元,皮棉质量按国家棉花质量标准GB1103-1999执行,康瑞公司对质量、重量负责到底,质量、重量出现重大问题,以公证检验为准。付款方式:亚坤公司先预付1000万元定金,并在 2004年1月15日前将余额打入康瑞公司账户。违约责任:当事人一方不履行合同约定的义务,另一方有权单方终止合同,同时违约方应按未履行合同金额的10%向另一方偿付违约金。合同签订后,亚坤公司于当日即向康瑞公司支付预付货款650万元。康瑞公司收到预付货款即开始发货。在亚坤公司提货过程中,康瑞公司通知亚坤公司,仓库皮棉数量只有1147.535吨,请亚坤公司暂按此数量支付货款。2004年1月 7日,康瑞公司按照合同约定向亚坤公司发运52批次(260包为一批次)13 518包皮棉,重量合计1173.947吨。(其中一级棉 3900包,计337.109吨;二级棉9620包,计 836.838吨),运至亚坤公司指定仓储地,并向亚坤公司提交了全部皮棉批次的出厂检验报告单。亚坤公司在2004年1月12日前将余额12 893 348.4元货款转入康瑞公司账户。@#
亚坤公司将康瑞公司交付皮棉中的八个批次计2080包(其中一级皮棉1560包,合计135.022吨;二级皮棉520包,合计 45.704吨)重量合计180.726吨皮棉售给四川省棉麻集团有限公司。2004年7月19日,经四川省纤维检验局检验,结论为:三级皮棉166.439吨,四级皮棉4.944吨,合计重量171.383吨。与原出厂皮棉检验单重量差为-9.343吨。2004年10月25日,四川省棉麻公司对亚坤公司销售给其的 171.383吨皮棉按每吨单价13 660.99元向亚坤公司结算货款共计2 391 479.3元。@#
2004年5月21日,亚坤公司与湖北省麻城市神龙纺织实业有限公司签订棉花买卖合同,亚坤公司将康瑞公司交付皮棉中的二个批次计520包皮棉(二级皮棉)、合计重量为45.556吨,销售并发运给湖北省麻城神龙纺织实业有限公司。2004年6月 10日,经湖北省黄冈市纤维检验所对该两批次皮棉进行公证检验,其公证检验结论为:三级皮棉33.782吨,四级皮棉8.924吨,合计重量为42.706吨,与原出厂皮棉检验单重量差为-2.85吨。因等级不符,麻城市神龙纺织实业有限公司要求退货。@#
为此,亚坤公司诉至原审法院,请求判令:解除双方签订的棉花购销合同,康瑞公司退还亚坤公司货款19 393 348.4元,返还定金460万元并承担诉讼费用。@#
一审诉讼中,经原审法院同意:①2004年11月初,亚坤公司将康瑞公司交付皮棉中的32批次计8318包(其中一级皮棉 1300包,合计重量112.132吨;二级皮棉 7020包,合计重量610.354吨)重量合计 722.486吨皮棉售给新疆金纺纺织股份有限公司。2004年11月24日,经新疆维吾尔自治区纤维检验局公证检验,结论为:三级皮棉151.187吨,四级皮棉514.981吨,五级皮棉21.643吨,合计687.811吨。与原出厂皮棉检验单重量差为-34.675吨。2004年12月7日,亚坤公司与新疆金纺纺织股份有限公司签订买卖棉花合同,双方以三级棉每吨单价1.1万元,四级棉每吨单价 1.04万元,五级棉每吨单价1.02万元交易,新疆金纺纺织股份有限公司向亚坤公司结算货款共计2 237 922.28元。②2005年2月2日,亚坤公司与乌鲁木齐市三和泰商贸有限公司签订棉花买卖合同,将运往新疆博州棉纺织有限公司纺纱的该 209.302吨皮棉卖给了乌鲁木齐市三和泰商贸有限公司,单价为1.1万元,销售金额合计为2 302 322元。@#
以上,依据皮棉公证检验证书、棉检证书,康瑞公司向亚坤公司所供皮棉总计:二级皮棉1.618吨;三级皮棉523.416吨;四级皮棉564.525吨;五级皮棉21.643吨,合计重量为1111.202吨,销售货款合计 12 733 990.29元,亚坤公司货款本金损失为6659 358.11元。@#
原审法院经审理认为,亚坤公司、康瑞公司于2004年1月2日签订的棉花购销合同系双方当事人真实意思表示,且符合有关法律规定,合法有效,应受法律保护,双方当事人均应严格按照合同约定履行各自义务。亚坤公司依约履行了支付价款的义务,康瑞公司应按合同约定的质量和数量标准向亚坤公司履行交付货物的义务。根据双方签订的棉花购销合同第四条约定:供方对质量、重量负责到底,质量、重量出现问题,以公证检验为准。故此,康瑞公司对提供给亚坤公司的棉花,在其转让时仍应对质量、重量问题负责到底。在本案双方合同的实际履行过程中,康瑞公司向亚坤公司交付的皮棉存在严重的质量和数量问题,导致亚坤公司与新疆博州棉纺织(集团)有限公司加工32支纱、40支纱的委托加工合同不能履行,亚坤公司买卖合同的目的不能实现,康瑞公司的行为构成根本违约,故亚坤公司要求解除合同的诉讼请求符合法律规定和双方当事人的约定,该院予以支持。在亚坤公司提取此棉花后,棉花市场价格发生重大变化,棉花价格开始逐月下滑。为防止该批棉花发生因价格下滑造成的损失,截止2005年2月7日,亚坤公司已将康瑞公司交付的棉花全部出售,相互返还已不可能。针对棉花市场价格波动,虽经采取措施补救,但仍造成亚坤公司一定资金的损失。对亚坤公司因此所蒙受的货款本金损失,康瑞公司理应承担主要赔偿责任。亚坤公司在棉花价格显著下滑情况下,未及时采取措施,怠于出售,失去棉花销售最佳时机,对造成该批棉花本金损失也有一定过错,亚坤公司亦应承担相应的责任。关于定金问题,定金系实践性合同,定金合同从实际交付定金之日起生效。亚坤公司于2004年1月2日向康瑞公司支付的650万元,在汇款用途上标明该款系预付购货款,而并非支付的定金,根据最高人民法院关于适用《中华人民共和国担保法若干问题的解释》第一百一十八条,“当事人交付留置金、担保金、保证金、定约金、押金或者定金等,但没有约定定金性质的,当事人主张定金权利的,人民法院不予支持”,因此亚坤公司要求康瑞公司按定金罚则给付人民币460万元的诉讼请求,无事实及法律依据,该院不予支持。综上所述,该院根据《中华人民共和国合同法》(以下简称《合同法》)第九十四条第四项和《中华人民共和国担保法》第九十条之规定,判决:一、解除亚坤公司、康瑞公司于2004年1月2日签订的棉花购销合同;二、康瑞公司赔偿亚坤公司棉花本金损失 6 659 358.11元的70%即4 661 550.67元。于该判决生效后十五日内一次性支付。余额损失由亚坤公司自负。三、驳回亚坤公司要求康瑞公司返还定金460万元的诉讼请求。一审案件受理费129 976.74元、保全费 50 520元,合计180 496.74元,由康瑞公司负担126 347.72元,亚坤公司负担 54 149.02元。@#

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