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Jiangxi Zhenye Real Estate Development Company Limited v. Jiangxi Guoli Construction Engineering Company Limited (Dispute over Contracts on Undertaking Construction Projects)

Jiangxi Zhenye Real Estate Development Company Limited v. Jiangxi Guoli Construction Engineering Company Limited (Dispute over Contracts on Undertaking Construction Projects)
(Dispute over Contracts on Undertaking Construction Projects)

Jiangxi Zhenye Real Estate Development Company Limited v. Jiangxi Guoli Construction Engineering Company Limited
(Dispute over Contracts on Undertaking Construction Projects)@#
Civil Judgment of the Supreme People's Court@#
No. 52 (2006)@#
Appellant (Defendant in the First Instance): Jiangxi Zhenye Real Estate Development Company Limited, domiciled at No. 98, Erqi North Road, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province.@#
Legal Representative: Liang Yaoke, general manager of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Tang Zhongzan, lawyer of Jiangxi Gold Phoenix Law Firm.@#
Authorized Agent: Wan Yijiao, lawyer of Jiangxi Gold Phoenix Law Firm.@#
Appellee (Plaintiff in the First Instance): Jiangxi Guoli Construction Engineering Company Limited, domiciled at No. 10, Tuanjie Road, Chaoyangzhou, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province.@#
Legal Representative: Zhang Guozi, board chairman of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Xiong Shaoyun, clerk of the Company.@#
Authorized Agent: Wang Kaiding, lawyer of Beijing Zhonglun Law Firm.@#
With regard to the dispute with Jiangxi Guoli Construction Engineering Company Limited (the appellee, hereinafter referred to as Guoli Company) over contracts on undertaking construction projects, Jiangxi Zhenye Real Estate Development Company Limited (the appellant, hereinafter referred to as Zhenye Company) was dissatisfied with No. 5 (2005) civil judgment of the Higher People's Court of Jiangxi Province (hereinafter referred to as Jiangxi Higher Court), and appealed to the present court. The present court formed a collegial panel according to law, and heard the present case publicly on September 12, 2006. Tang Zhongzan and Wan Yijiao, Zhenye Company's authorized agents, as well as Wang Kaiding and Min Hanqi, Guoli Company's authorized agents, appeared in the court and took part in the proceedings. The present case has now been finalized.@#
It was found out by Jiangxi Higher Court after trial: On June 6, 2002, the Government of Jinxian County, Jiangxi Province (hereinafter referred to as Jinxian County Government) and Shenzhen Zhenchang Investment Industrial Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as Zhenchang Company) concluded the “Contract on the Development of Jinxian County Government Yard and the Construction of the New Area”. On June 8, 2002, Zhenchang Company issued a power of attorney to Jinxian County Government, fully authorizing Zhenye Company to take charge of the development, management and construction of the project. On June 12, 2002, Zhenye Company applied for establishing the “General Command Office for the Construction Project of Jinxian County Government Yard Development Administrative Center”, and later got lawful approval from Jinxian County Administration for Industry and Commerce. The General Command Office for the Construction Project of Jinxian County Government Yard Development Administrative Center concluded three “Contracts on Undertaking the Construction Projects” and the “Supplementary Agreements” thereof with Guoli Company separately on September 1, 2002, February 25, 2003 and March 10, 2003. The construction projects included the county government building, the archives, the eatery and the hotel of Jinxian County Administrative Center. The contracting scope as set forth in the contract was civil engineering (base, principal part, roof, masonry, reinforced plastic windows, plastered floor, water and power supply equipment installation, etc.), and the total construction undertaking costs under the three contracts amounted to 14,240,000 yuan. The engineering project price was adjustable, and should be adjusted on the basis of the construction drawings, the modification notices and the signed slips. The scope of adjustment should not exceed the final price agreed upon between Zhenye Company and Jinxian County Government, and the final price should be based on the construction costs determined and recognized by Jinxian County Government. The contract sets forth that, after the completion-based settlement of the engineering project undertaken by Guoli Company is finished, Zhenye Company needs to, within half a year, pay 90% of the construction undertaking costs to Guoli Company, pay 7% at expiry of the guarantee period of the civil engineering project, and keep the remaining 3% as the project quality guarantee money. Guoli Company agreed to surrender 8% of profits on the basis of the total construction undertaking costs. The settlement was based on the 2001 “National Uniform Construction (Installation) Project Quota” (Unit Price Valuation Form of Jiangxi Province), and the fees were classified into three categories. In terms of the project quality standard, the government building and the archives shall be municipal high-quality projects, otherwise 3% of the total construction undertaking costs shall be deducted as liquidated damages; the hotel and the eatery shall be qualified projects. The contract also contains clauses on completion-based settlement of the project as follows: The contract letting party (Zhenye Company) shall, within 28 days after receipt of the completion-based settlement report and the settlement materials submitted by the contractor (Guoli Company), check them, make a confirmation or raise its amendment opinions. If the contract letting party fails to, within 28 days after receipt of the completion-based settlement report and the settlement materials, pay the construction undertaking costs settled upon completion, it shall, as of the 29th day, pay the interest of the owed construction undertaking costs at the coterminous interest rate for the loans borrowed by the contractor from the bank, and bear the liabilities for breach of contract. In the process of construction, Zhenye Company let the contract for the roof as well as the water and power supply equipment installation to others. Zhenye Company received the final account sheets of the construction project of Jinxian County Administrative Center (including the archives, the government building, the eatery, and the hotel building) from Guoli Company separately on September 23, 2004, November 8, 2004 and December 30, 2004. The total construction undertaking costs showed on the final account sheets were 24,742 895.8 yuan. On August 25, 2004, the construction of the archives, eatery, and hotel of the county government building constructed by Guoli Company was found qualified from inspection and the projects were put into use. The eatery and the hotel building were appraised as qualified projects; the government building and the archives were appraised by Nanchang Municipal Construction Project Quality Supervision Station as municipal high-quality structural projects; the government building was appraised by Nanchang Municipal Urban and Rural Construction Committee as a municipal high-quality project. On April 1, 2005, General Command Office for the Construction Project of Jinxian County Government Yard Development Administrative Center sent notices to all construction undertakers and required them to provide entire and effective final account information as soon as possible, so as to enter the final account procedures. By the day when the lawsuit was brought, Zhenye Company had totally paid 12,640,000 yuan of construction undertaking costs to Guoli Company. The final account sheets unilaterally provided by Guoli Company showed that Zhenye Company still owed 12,102,895.8 yuan of construction undertaking costs to Guoli Company.@#


上诉人江西圳业房地产开发有限公司 (以下简称圳业公司)为与被上诉人江西省国利建筑工程有限公司(以下简称国利公司)建设工程施工合同纠纷一案,不服江西省高级人民法院(2005)赣民一初字第5号民事判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成合议庭,于2006年9月12日公开开庭审理了本案。圳业公司的委托代理人汤忠赞、 万艺娇,国利公司的委托代理人王开定、闵翰奇到庭参加了诉讼。本案现已审理终结。@#
一审法院经审理查明:2002年6月6日,江西省进贤县人民政府(以下简称进贤县人民政府)与深圳市圳昌投资实业有限公司(以下简称圳昌公司)签订《进贤县政府大院开发及新区建设合同书》。2002年6月8日,圳昌公司向进贤县人民政府出具授权委托书,委托圳业公司全权负责该项目的开发、经营和建设。2002年6月12日,圳业公司申请设立“进贤县政府大院开发行政中心建设项目总指挥部”,并经进贤县工商行政管理局依法核准。进贤县政府大院开发行政中心建设项目总指挥部分别于2002年9月1日、2003年2月25日、 2003年3月10日与国利公司签订了三份《建设工程施工合同》及其《补充协议书》,建设工程项目分别为进贤县行政中心建设工程县政府大楼、档案馆、食堂及宾馆。合同约定的承包范围为土建工程(基础、主体、屋面、砌筑、塑钢窗、抹灰楼地面、水电安装等),三份合同的工程总价款为人民币 1424万元。工程项目采用可调价格,合同价款调整方法、范围为:按施工图、变更通知书、签证单进行调整,调整范围不得超过圳业公司与进贤县政府决算价格,最终价格以进贤县政府审定认可的造价为基础。合同约定国利公司承建的工程项目全面竣工结算后,圳业公司半年内需向国利公司支付90%~E程款,土建保修期满付7%,余款3%作为工程质保金。国利公司同意在工程总造价上让利8%。结算依据为2001年《全国统一建筑(安装)工程定额》(江西省单位估价表),按三类取费。工程质量标准:政府大楼及档案馆为市级优良工程,如达不到市优将扣除工程总造价3%作为违约金;宾馆、食堂为合格工程。合同关于工程竣工结算约定:发包人(圳业公司)收到承包人(国利公司)递交的竣工结算报告及结算资料后28天内进行核实,给予确认或者提出修改意见。发包人收到竣工结算报告及结算资料后28天内无正当理由不支付工程竣工结算价款,从第29天起按承包人同期向银行贷款利率支付拖欠工程价款的利息,并承担违约责任。在施工过程中,圳业公司将合同约定的屋面、水电安装工程发包给他人施工。圳业公司分别于2004年 9月23日、2004年11月8日和2004年 12月30日收到国利公司递交的进贤县行政中心建设工程一一档案馆、政府大楼、食堂、宾馆楼的工程决算书。工程决算书反映的工程总造价为24 742 895.8元。2004年 8月25日,国利公司承建的县政府大楼、档案馆、食堂、宾馆通过竣工验收并投入使用。食堂、宾馆楼经验收评定为合格工程;政府大楼、资料楼经南昌市建设工程质量监督站评为市级优质结构工程;政府大楼经南昌市城乡建设委员会评定为市级优良工程。2005年4月1日,进贤县政府大院开发行政中心建设项目总指挥部向各施工单位发出通知,要求各施工单位尽快提供齐全有效的决算资料进入决算程序。至本案起诉之日止,圳业公司共向国利公司支付工程款人民币1264万元。国利公司单方提供的工程决算显示,圳业公司尚欠国利公司工程款12 102 895.8元。@#
一审法院通知当事人的举证期限为 2005年8月15日前,并于2005年9月12日、9月29日两次组织双方当事人进行证据交换。在此期间,圳业公司未提出对本案所涉工程造价进行司法鉴定的申请。2005年10月8日,圳业公司向一审法院提出书面申请,要求就本案所涉工程项目款项进行司法鉴定。在移送鉴定中,圳业公司对鉴定事项范围提出异议,且未在通知要求的时间内按规定交纳鉴定费用,一审法院司法技术处于2006年3月17日将案件退回。@#
因涉案工程款未结清,国利公司于 2005年4月27日向江西省南昌市西湖区人民法院(以下简称西湖区人民法院)提起诉讼。西湖区人民法院受理后,圳业公司提出管辖权异议。2005年5月23日,西湖区人民法院将本案移送江西省高级人民法院。国利公司的诉讼请求是:判令圳业公司清偿工程款1210万元及利息90万元;由圳业公司承担本案的案件受理费和财产保全费。@#
一审法院认为,圳业公司申请并经工商行政管理部门依法核准设立进贤县政府大院开发行政中心建设项目总指挥部,该指挥部与国利公司所签订的三份《建设工程施工合同》及其《补充协议书》,系当事人的真实意思表示,其内容没有违反国家法律及行政法规的禁止性规定,应为合法有效。该指挥部因无法人资格,其民事责任由圳业公司承担。圳业公司对其在本案中的诉讼地位无异议,该院依法予以确认。国利公司按合同约定履行了义务,完成了承包范围内的县政府大楼、档案馆、食堂及宾馆土建工程。工程竣工后,圳业公司向国利公司支付了部分工程款。在工程结算中,国利公司向圳业公司分别递交了县政府大楼、档案馆、食堂及宾馆的工程决算书。双方签订的建设工程施工合同中关于工程竣工结算条款约定,发包人收到承包人递交的竣工结算报告及结算资料后28天内进行核实,给予确认或者提出修改意见,发包人收到竣工结算报告及结算资料后28天内无正当理由不支付工程竣工结算价款,从第 29天起按承包人同期向银行贷款利率支付拖欠工程价款的利息,并承担违约责任。最高人民法院《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第二十条规定:“当事人约定,发包人收到竣工结算文件后,在约定期限内不予答复,视为认可结算文件的,按照约定处理。承包人请求按照竣工结算文件结算工程价款的,应予支持。”国利公司提出的关于圳业公司支付所欠工程款的诉讼请求,符合双方之间的约定及最高人民法院上述司法解释的规定,依法应予支持。圳业公司收到国利公司递交的工程决算书后,未在合同约定的时间内对决算问题提出任何异议。圳业公司关于国利公司未向其提交完整的决算资料,导致决算工作无法正常进行,责任完全在国利公司的抗辩理由不能成立。双方当事人所签订的建设工程施工合同虽然约定工程项目采用可调价格,合同价款调整方法、范围为:按施工图、变更通知书、签证单进行调整,调整范围不得超过圳业公司与进贤县人民政府决算价格,最终价格以进贤县人民政府审定认可的造价为基础,但圳业公司与进贤县人民政府至今未就承建的工程造价进行决算,进贤县人民政府最终审定认可的造价无法确定。在对本案所涉工程款可调部分价格进行司法鉴定时,圳业公司未在法院对外委托鉴定部门通知要求的时间内按规定交纳鉴定费用,应视为圳业公司行使诉讼权利中对鉴定请求的放弃。国利公司在诉讼请求中,要求判令圳业公司清偿所欠工程款1210万元。诉讼中,国利公司递交书面材料,说明在起诉时未将双方当事人签订的补充协议中8%(计 197.92万元)让利从工程款中减去,圳业公司实际尚欠国利公司工程款1012.08万元。此为国利公司在法律规定范围内对自己民事权利的处分,一审法院予以准许。上述款项减去通过先予执行圳业公司向国利公司支付的200万元,圳业公司向国利公司支付的工程款应为812.08万元。国利公司要求圳业公司支付所欠工程款利息90万元,因未能提供计算依据,所欠工程款利息数额只能按一般利息计算规则予以确定。且依据合同约定,国利公司诉请所欠工程款中还含有3%的工程质量保修金。合同约定土建工程质量保修期为一年,现保质期已过,但依据合同约定,保修金在返还时不计算利息。故国利公司关于要求圳业公司支付利息的诉请,一审法院部分不予支持。据此,一审法院依照《中华人民共和国合同法》第六十条、第一百零七条、第一百零九条最高人民法院《关于审理建设工程施工合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释》第十七条、第二十条最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第二十五条,《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第十三条之规定,判决:圳业公司于判决生效之日起十五日内向国利公司支付工程款812.08万元及利息(利息数额自2005年1月28日开始按中国人民银行发布的同期同类贷款利率计算至执行完毕时止,但工程款中3%保修金不计利息)。案件受理费75 010元、财产保全费65 520元,共计140 530元,由圳业公司承担90%,即126 477元;由国利公司承担10%,即14 053元。@#

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