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Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Soliciting Public Comments on the Value-Added Tax Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft)

Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Soliciting Public Comments on the Value-Added Tax Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft) 


For the purposes of improving the taxation legal system, enhancing public participation in legislation, developing broad social consensus, and promoting scientific, democratic and open legislation, we have drafted the Value-Added Tax Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft), and hereby solicit public comments thereon. Anyone may submit his or her comments by the following means and methods before December 26, 2019:

(1) Making comments through the Information Management System for Soliciting Opinions on Financial Regulations (http://lisms.mof.gov.cn) on the homepage of the official website of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China (http://www.mof.gov.cn) or through the system for soliciting opinions on the homepage of the official website of the State Taxation Administration (http://www.chinatax.gov.cn). 1.通过中华人民共和国财政部网站(网址:http://www.mof.gov.cn)首页《财政法规意见征集信息管理系统》(网址:http://lisms.mof.gov.cn/lisms);或者通过国家税务总局网站(网址:http://www.chinatax.gov.cn)首页的意见征集系统提出意见。

(2) Mailing the comments to the Treaty and Law Department of the Ministry of Finance (No. 3 3rd Lane, Sanlihe South, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100820) or to the Goods and Services Tax Department of the State Taxation Administration (No. 5 Yangfangdian West Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100038), and indicating “Comments on the Value-Added Tax Law” on the envelope. 2.通过信函方式将意见寄至:北京市西城区三里河南三巷3号财政部条法司(邮政编码100820);或者北京市海淀区羊坊店西路5号国家税务总局货物和劳务税司(邮政编码100038),并在信封上注明“增值税法征求意见”字样。

Ministry of Finance

State Taxation Administration

November 27, 2019

Annex 1

Value-Added Tax Law of the People's Republic of China (Exposure Draft)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 Whoever engages in any transaction subject to value-added tax (hereinafter referred to as the “taxable transaction”) within the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “inside China”) and imports goods shall pay VAT in accordance with this Law.   第一条 在中华人民共和国境内(以下称境内)发生增值税应税交易(以下称应税交易),以及进口货物,应当依照本法规定缴纳增值税。

Article 2 In case of any taxable transaction, the tax amount payable shall be calculated through the general tax computation method, unless the State Council provides that the simple tax computation method shall apply.   第二条 发生应税交易,应当按照一般计税方法计算缴纳增值税,国务院规定适用简易计税方法的除外。

For goods imported by a taxpayer, the tax amount payable shall be calculated on the basis of the composite taxable value and the applicable tax rates as prescribed in this Law.

Article 3 Under the general tax computation method, the tax amount payable shall be calculated based on the balance after crediting the input tax against the output tax.   第三条 一般计税方法按照销项税额抵扣进项税额后的余额计算应纳税额。

Under the simple tax computation method, the tax amount payable shall be calculated based on the sales amount of the taxable transaction (hereinafter referred to as the “sales amount”) and at the levy rate, and the input tax shall not be credited.

Article 4 As VAT is an off-price tax, the taxable value of the taxable transaction shall exclude VAT.   第四条 增值税为价外税,应税交易的计税价格不包括增值税额。

Chapter II Taxpayers and Withholding Agents 

第二章 纳税人和扣缴义务人

Article 5 The entities and individuals that conduct taxable transactions inside China and whose sales amounts have reached the threshold for levy of VAT, and the consignees of the imported goods are VAT taxpayers.   第五条 在境内发生应税交易且销售额达到增值税起征点的单位和个人,以及进口货物的收货人,为增值税的纳税人。

The threshold for levy of VAT is the quarterly sales amount of 300,000 yuan.

The entities and individuals whose sales amounts have not reached the threshold for levy of VAT are not taxpayers specified in this Law; and the entities and individuals whose sales amounts have not reached the threshold for levy of VAT may voluntarily choose to pay VAT in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

Article 6 For the purpose of this Law, “entities” means enterprises, administrative entities, public institutions, military entities, social groups and other entities.   第六条 本法所称单位,是指企业、行政单位、事业单位、军事单位、社会团体和其他单位。

For the purpose of this Law, “individuals” means individual industrial and commercial households and natural persons.

Article 7 Where the entities and individuals outside the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “outside China”) engage in taxable transactions inside China, the purchasers shall be withholding agents, unless it is otherwise provided for by the State Council.   第七条 中华人民共和国境外(以下称境外)单位和个人在境内发生应税交易,以购买方为扣缴义务人。

Chapter III Taxable Transactions 


第三章 应税交易

Article 8 “Taxable transactions” means sales of goods, services, intangible assets, immovables and financial commodities. 

“Sale of goods, immovables and financial commodities” means the paid transfer of the ownership of goods, immovables and financial commodities.
   第八条 应税交易,是指销售货物、服务、无形资产、不动产和金融商品。

“Sale of services” means the paid provision of services.

“Sale of intangible assets” means the paid transfer of the ownership of or rights to use intangible assets.

Article 9 For the purpose of Article 1 of this Law, “engaging in taxable transactions inside China” means that: 

   第九条 本法第一条所称在境内发生应税交易是指:
(1) the places where the goods sold are loaded for shipment or are located are inside China in the case of sale of goods; 

(2) the sellers are domestic entities or individuals, or the services and intangible assets are consumed inside China in the case of sale of services or intangible assets (excluding the rights to use natural resources); 

(3) immovables or natural resources are located inside China in the case of sale of immovables or transfer of the rights to use natural resources; or 

(4) the sellers are domestic entities or individuals, or financial commodities are issued inside China in the case of sale of financial commodities. 

Article 10 “Import of goods” means that the place of shipment of goods is outside China and the place of destination is outside China. 

   第十条 进口货物,是指货物的起运地在境外,目的地在境内。
Article 11 The following circumstances shall be deemed as taxable transactions, and VAT shall be paid in accordance with this Law: 

   第十一条 下列情形视同应税交易,应当依照本法规定缴纳增值税:
(1) Entities or individual industrial and commercial households use self-produced goods or goods processed upon commission for collective welfare or personal consumption. 

(2) Entities or individual industrial and commercial households give their goods as gifts free of charge, unless they are given for public welfare undertakings. 

(3) Entities or individuals give intangible assets, immovables or financial commodities as gifts free of charge, unless they are used for public welfare undertakings. 

(4) Other circumstances as prescribed by the finance and taxation departments of the State Council. 

Article 12 The following items shall be deemed as non-taxable transactions, and shall not be subject to VAT: 

   第十二条 下列项目视为非应税交易,不征收增值税:
(1) Employees provide the entities where they are employed or employers with services for which wage income is obtained. 

(2) The administrative fees and governmental funds that are collected by administrative entities. 

(3) Compensation for expropriation and requisition. 

(4) Deposit interest income. 

(5) Other circumstances as prescribed by the finance and taxation departments of the State Council. 

Chapter IV Tax Rates and Levy Rates 


第四章 税率和征收率

Article 13 VAT rate is: 

   第十三条 增值税税率:
(1) 13%, for taxpayers selling goods, labor services of processing, repair or replacement, or tangible movable property leasing services or importing goods, except for those specified in items (2), (4) and (5) herein; 

(2) 9%, for taxpayers selling transportation, postal, basic telecommunications, construction, or immovable leasing services, selling immovables, transferring the rights to use land, or selling or importing the following goods, except for those specified in items (4) and (5) herein: 

(a) Agricultural products, edible vegetable oil, and edible salt; 

(b) Tap water, heating, cooling, hot water, coal gas, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, dimethyl ether, methane, and coal products for residential use; 

(c) Books, newspapers, magazines, audio-visual recordings, and electronic publications; 

(d) Feeds, fertilizers, pesticide, agricultural machineries, and agricultural films; 

(3) 6%, for taxpayers selling services, intangible assets or financial commodities, except for those specified in items (1), (2) and (5) herein; 

(4) zero, for taxpayers exporting goods, except as otherwise specified by the State Council; or 

(5) zero, for domestic entities and individuals selling services or intangible assets within the scope as prescribed by the State Council across national borders. 

Article 14 The levy rate of VAT shall be 3%. 

   第十四条 增值税征收率为百分之三。
Chapter V Tax Amount Payable 


第五章 应纳税额

Article 15 “Sales amount” means the relevant consideration obtained by a taxpayer from engaging in any taxable transaction and related to the taxable transaction, including all economic benefits in monetary or non-monetary forms, but excluding the output tax calculated based on the general tax computation method and the tax amount payable calculated based on the simple tax computation method. 

If the State Council provides that the sales amount may be calculated based on the difference, such provision shall prevail.
   第十五条 销售额,是指纳税人发生应税交易取得的与之相关的对价,包括全部货币或者非货币形式的经济利益,不包括按照一般计税方法计算的销项税额和按照简易计税方法计算的应纳税额。

Article 16 Where a deemed taxable transaction occurs and the sales amount is in non-monetary form, the sales amount shall be determined based on the market fair price. 

   第十六条 视同发生应税交易以及销售额为非货币形式的,按照市场公允价格确定销售额。
Article 17 The sales amount shall be calculated in RMB. Where a taxpayer settles the sales amount in a currency other than RMB, it (he) shall convert it into RMB. 

   第十七条 销售额以人民币计算。纳税人以人民币以外的货币结算销售额的,应当折合成人民币计算。
Article 18 If the sales amount of a taxpayer is obviously low or high without a reasonable commercial purpose, the tax authority shall have the right to verify the sales amount in a reasonable way. 

   第十八条 纳税人销售额明显偏低或者偏高且不具有合理商业目的的,税务机关有权按照合理的方法核定其销售额。
Article 19 “Amount of output tax” means the amount of VAT on the occurrence of any taxable transaction engaged in by a taxpayer, which is calculated based on the sales amount multiplied by the tax rate as prescribed in this Law. The formula for the calculation of the amount of output tax: 

Amount of output tax = sales amount × tax rate
   第十九条 销项税额,是指纳税人发生应税交易,按照销售额乘以本法规定的税率计算的增值税额。销项税额计算公式:

Article 20 “Amount of input tax” means the amount of VAT a taxpayer pays or bears for purchasing goods, services, intangible assets, immovables or financial commodities related to the taxable transaction. 

   第二十条 进项税额,是指纳税人购进的与应税交易相关的货物、服务、无形资产、不动产和金融商品支付或者负担的增值税额。
Article 21 The “tax amount payable calculated based on the general tax computation method” means the balance after crediting the amount of input tax for the current period against the amount of output tax for the current period. The formula for calculating the tax amount payable: 

Tax amount payable = amount of output tax for the current period – amount of input tax for the current period
   第二十一条 一般计税方法的应纳税额,是指当期销项税额抵扣当期进项税额后的余额。应纳税额计算公式:

If the amount of input tax for the current period is larger than the amount of output tax for the current period, the difference may be carried forward to the following period for further deduction; or the difference shall be returned, and the specific measures shall be developed by the finance and taxation departments of the State Council.

The amount of input tax shall be credited based on valid and valid vouchers.

Article 22 The following input taxes shall not be credited against the amount of output tax: 

   第二十二条 下列进项税额不得从销项税额中抵扣:

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