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Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (1992 Revision) [Expired]
中华人民共和国专利法实施细则(修订) [失效]

Official Reply of the State Council on the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China 


(Letter No. 192 [1992] of the State Council)

The Patent Office of China:

The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China shall be issued by you for implementation.

Annex: Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China

State Council


December 12, 1992

Order of the Patent Office of the People's Republic of China


(No. 3)

The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, as approved by the State council for revision on December 12, 1992, are hereby issued and shall come into force as of January 1, 1993.

Director: Gao Lulin

局长 高卢麟

December 21, 1992

Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China


(Approved and amended by the State Council on December 12, 1992 and promulgated by Decree No. 3 of the Patent Office of the People's Republic of China on December 21, 1992)
(一九九二年十二月十二日国务院批准修订 一九九二年十二月二十一日中国专利局令第3号发布)



第一章 总则

Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Patent Law").   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法),制定本细则。

Article 2 "Invention" in the Patent Law means any new technical solution relating to a product, a process or an improvement thereof. "Utility model" in the Patent Law means any new technical solution relating to the shape, the structure, or their combination, of a product, which is fit for practical use.   第二条 专利法所称发明,是指对产品、方法或者其改进所提出的新的技术方案。专利法所称实用新型,是指对产品的形状、构造或者其结合所提出的适于实用的新的技术方案。

"Design" in the Patent Law means any new design of the shape, pattern,colour, or their combination, of a product, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application.

Article 3 Any proceeding provided for by the Patent Law and these Rules shall be conducted in a written form.   第三条 专利法和本细则规定的各种手续,应当以书面形式办理。

Article 4 Any document submitted under the Patent Law and these Rules shall be in Chinese. The standard scientific and technical terms shall be used if there is a prescribed one set forth by the State. Where no generally accepted translation in Chinese can be found for a foreign name or locality or scientific or technical term, the one in the original language shall be also indicated.   第四条 依照专利法和本细则规定提交的各种文件应当使用中文。中家有统一规定的科技术语,应当采用规范词。外国人名、地名和科技术语没有统一中文译文的,应当注明原文。

Where any certificate or certified document submitted in accordance with the Patent Law and these Rules is in foreign language, and where the Patent Office deems it necessary, it may request a Chinese translation of the certificate or the certifying document to be submitted within a specified time limit; where the translation is not submitted within the specified time limit, the certificate or certifying document shall be deemed not to have been submitted.

Article 5 For any document sent by mail to the Patent Office, the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope shall be presumed to be the date of filing. If the date of mailing indicated by the postmark on the envelope is illegible, the date on which the Patent Office receives the document shall be the date of filing, except where the date of mailing is proved by the addresser.   第五条 向专利局邮寄的各种文件,以寄出的邮戳日为递交日。信封上寄出的邮戳日不清晰的,除当事人能够提出证明外,以专利局收到日为递交日。

Any document of the Patent Office may be served by mail, by personal delivery or by public announcement. Where any party concerned appoints a patent agency, the document shall be sent to the patent agency; where no patent agency is appointed, the document shall be sent to the person first named in the request or to the representative. If such person refuses to accept document, it shall be presumed to have been served.

For any document sent by mail by the Patent Office, the 16th day from the date of mailing shall be presumed to be the date on which the addressee receives the document.

For any document which shall be delivered personally in accordance with the prescription of the Patent Office, the date of delivery is the date on which the addressee receives the document.

Where the address of a document is not clear and it cannot be sent by mail, the document may be served by making an announcement in the Patent Gazette. At the expiration of one month from the date of the announcement, the document shall be presumed to have been served.

Article 6 The first day of any time limit prescribed in the Patent Law and these Rules shall not be counted. Where a time limit is counted by year or by month, it shall expire on the corresponding day of the last month, if there is no corresponding day in that month, the time limit shall expire on the last day of that month.   第六条 专利法和本细则规定的各种期限的第一日不计算在期限内。期限以年或者月计算的,以其最后一月的相应日为期限届满日;该月无相应日的,以该月最后一日为期限届满日。

If a time limit expires on an official holiday, the time limit shall expire on the first working day after that official holiday.

Article 7 Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Rules or specified by the Patent Office is not observed because of force majeure, resulting the loss of rights on the part of a party concerned, he or it shall, within two months from the date on which the impediment is removed, at the latest within two years immediately following the expiration of that time limit, state the reasons, together with relevant supporting documents and request the Patent Office to restore his or its rights.   第七条 当事人因不可抗拒的事由而耽误专利法或者本细则规定的期限或者专利局指定的期限,造成其权利丧失的,自障碍消除之日起二个月内,但是最迟自期限届满之日起二年内,可以向专利局说明理由并附具有关证明文件,请求恢复其权利。

Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Rules or specified by the Patent Office is not observed because of any justified reason, resulting the loss of rights on the part of a party concerned,he or it shall, within two months from the date of receipt of a notification from the Patent Office, state the reasons and request the Patent Office to restore his or its rights.

Where the party concerned makes a request for an extension of a time limit specified by the Patent Office, he or it shall, before the time limit expires, state the reasons to the Patent Office and complete the relevant procedures.

The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not be applicable to the time limit referred to in Articles 24, 29, 41, 45 and 61 of the Patent Law.

The provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article shall not be applicable to the time limit referred to in Article 88 of these Rules.

Article 8 Where the invention for which a patent is applied for by a unit of the national defence system relates to the secrets of the State concerning national defence and is required to be kept secret, the application for patent shall be filed with the patent organization set up by the competent department of science and technology of national defence under the State Council. Where any application for patent for invention relating to the secrets of the State concerning national defence and requiring to be kept secret is received by the Patent Office, the Patent Office shall transfer the application to the afore-mentioned patent organization for examination.   第八条 国防系统各单位申请发明专利,涉及国防方面的国家秘密需要保密的,其专利申请由国务院国防科学技术主管部门设立的专利机构受理;专利局受理的涉及国防方面的国家秘密需要保密的发明专利申请,应当移交国务院国防科学技术主管部门设立的专利机构审查,由专利局根据该专利机构的审查意见作出决定。

The Patent Office shall make a decision on the basis of the opinions of the said patent organization after examination.In addition to the preceding paragraph, the Patent Office, after receiving a patent application for an invention which is required to be examined for its confidential nature shall send it to the department concerned of the State Council for examination.They shall not, except where absolutely necessary, contain such references to the description or drawings as: "as described in part ... of the description", or "as illustrated in figure ... of the drawings."

Article 9 The date of filing referred to in the Patent Law, except that mentioned in Articles 28 and 45, means the priority date where a right of priority is claimed.   第九条 除专利法二十八条和第四十五条的规定外,专利法所称申请日,有优先权的,指优先权日。

The date of filing referred to in these Rules means the date on which the application for patent is filed with the Patent Office.

Article 10 "Service invention-creation made by a person in execution of the tasks of the unit to which he belongs" mentioned in Article 6 of the Patent Law refers to any invention-creation made:   第十条 专利法六条所称执行本单位的任务所完成的职务发明创造是指:

(1) in the course of performing his own duty; (一)在本职工作中作出的发明创造;

(2) in execution of any task, other than his own duty, which was entrusted to him by the unit to which he belongs; (二)履行本单位交付的本职工作之外的任务所作出的发明创造;

(3) within one year from his resignation, retirement or change of work,where the invention-creation relates to his own duty or the other task entrusted to him by the unit to which he previously belonged. (三)退职、退休或者调动工作后一年内作出的,与其在原单位承担的本职工作或者原单位分配的任务有关的发明创造。

"Material means of the unit" mentioned in Article 6 of the Patent Law refers to unit's money, equipment, spare parts, raw materials, or technical data which are not to be disclosed to the public.

Article 11 "Inventor" or "creator" mentioned in the Patent Law refers to any person who has made creative contributions to the substantive features of the invention-creation. Any person who, during the course of accomplishing the invention-creation, is responsible only for organization work, or who offers facilities for making use of materials means, or who takes part in other auxiliary functions, shall not be considered as inventor or creator.   第十一条 专利法所称发明人或者设计人,是指对发明创造的实质性特点作出创造性贡献的人。在完成发明创造过程中,只负责组织工作的人、为物质条件的利用提供方便的人或者从事其他辅助工作的人,不应当被认为是发明人或者设计人。

Article 12 For any identical invention-creation, only one patent right shall be granted.   第十二条 同样的发明创造只能被授予一项专利。

Two or more applicants who file, on the same day, applications for patent for the identical invention-creation, as provided for in Article 9 of the Patent Law, shall, after receipt of a notification from the Patent Office, hold consultation among themselves to decide the person or persons who shall be entitled to file the application.

Article 13 Any license contract for exploitation of the patent which has been concluded by the patentee with a unit or individual shall, within three months from the date of entry into force of the contract, be submitted to the Patent Office for record.   第十三条 专利权人与他人订立的专利实施许可合同,应当自合同生效之日起三个月内向专利局备案。

Article 14 "The patent agency" as stipulated in Article 19 paragraph 1 and Article 20 of the Patent Law shall, on the authorization of the State Council, be designated by the Patent Office.   第十四条 专利法十九条第一款和第二十条规定的专利代理机构由国务院授权专利局指定。

Article 15 Where any dispute arises concerning the right to apply for a patent for an invention-creation or the right to own a patent right which has been granted, any of the parties concerned may request an administrative authority for patent affairs to handle the matter or may institute legal proceedings in a people's court.   第十五条 对一项发明创造的专利申请权或者被授予的专利权发生争议时,当事人可以请求专利管理机关处理,也可以直接向人民法院提起诉讼。

Any party to a dispute concerning the right to apply for a patent or the right to own a patent right which has been brought to an administrative authority for patent affairs or to a people's court for a settlement, may request the Patent Office to suspend the relevant procedures.

Any party requesting the suspension of the relevant procedures by the Patent Office in accordance with the preceding paragraph, shall submit a written request to the Patent Office, together with the relevant document certifying the acceptance of the case by an administrative authority for patent affairs or by a people's court.


第二章 专利的申请


   第十六条 申请专利的,应当向专利局提交申请文件一式两份。
Article 16 Anyone who applies for a patent shall submit application documents in duplicate. 

Any applicant who appoints a patent agency for filing an application for a patent with, or for dealing with other patent matters before, the Patent Office, shall submit a power of attorney indicating the scope of the power entrusted.

   第十七条 专利法二十六条第二款所称请求书中的其他事项是指:
Article 17 Other related matters mentioned in Article 26, paragraph 2 of the Patent Law refer to: 

(1) the nationality of the applicant; 

(2) where the applicant is an enterprise or other organization, the name of the country in which the applicant has the principal business office; 

(3) where the applicant has appointed a patent agency, the relevant matters to be indicated; 

(4) where the priority of an earlier application is claimed, the relevant matters to be indicated; 

(5) the signature or seal of the applicant or the patent agency; 

(6) a list of the documents constituting the application; 

(7) a list of the documents appending the application; 

(8) any other related matter which needs to be indicated. 

Where there are two or more applicants and where they have not appointed a patent agency, they shall designate a representative.

   第十八条 发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书应当按照下列方式和顺序撰写:
Article 18 The description of an application for a patent for invention or utility model shall be presented in the following manner and order: 

(1) state the title of the invention or utility model as appearing in the request; 

(2) specify the technical field to which the invention or utility model relates; 

(3) indicate the background art which, as far as known to the applicant, can be regarded as useful for the understanding, searching and examination of the invention or utility model, and cite the documents reflecting such art; 

(4) specify the purpose which the invention or utility model is designed to fulfil; 

(5) disclose the technical solution of the invention or utility model, as claimed, in such a manner that a person having ordinary skill in the field can understand it and fulfil the purpose of the invention or utility model; 

(6) state the advantageous effects of the invention or utility model,with reference to the background art; 

(7) briefly describe the figures in the drawings, if any; 

(8) describe in detail the best mode contemplated by the applicant for carrying out the invention or utility model; this shall be done in terms of examples, where appropriate, and with reference to the drawings, if any. 

The manner and order mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be observed by the applicant of a patent for invention of a patent for utility model, unless, because of the nature of the invention or utility model, a different manner or order would afford a better understanding and a more economical presentation.

The description of the invention or utility model shall not contain such references to the claims as: "as described in part ... of the claim," nor shall it contain commercial advertising.

   第十九条 发明或者实用新型的几幅附图可以绘在一张图纸上,附图应当按照“图1,图2,……”顺序编号排列。
Article 19 The same sheet of drawings may contain several figures of the invention or utility model, and the drawings shall be numbered and arranged in numerical order consecutively as "Figure 1, Figure 2..." 

The scale and the distinctness of the drawings shall be such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to two-thirds would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished.

Drawing reference signs not appearing in the text of the description of the invention or utility model shall not appear in the drawings. Drawing reference signs not appearing in the drawings shall not appear in the text of the description. Drawing reference signs for the same composite part used in an application document shall be consistent throughout.

The drawings shall not contain any other explanatory notes, except words which are indispensable.

   第二十条 权利要求书应当说明发明或者实用新型的技术特征,清楚并简要地表述请求保护的范围。
Article 20 The claims shall define clearly and concisely the matter for which protection is sought in terms of the technical features of the invention or utility model. 

If there are several claims, they shall be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.

The technical terminology used in the claims shall be consistent with that used in the description.The claims may contain chemical or mathematical formulae but no drawings.They shall not, except where absolutely necessary, contain such references to the description or drawings as: "as described in part ... of the description", or "as illustrated in figure ... of the drawings."

The technical features mentioned in the claims may, in order to facilitate quicker understanding of the claim, make reference to the corresponding reference signs in the drawings of the description. Such reference signs shall follow the corresponding technical features and be placed between parentheses, and they shall not be construed as limiting the claims.

   第二十一条 权利要求书应当有独立权利要求,也可以有从属权利要求。
Article 21 The claims shall have an independent claim, and may also contain dependent claims. 

An independent claim shall outline the technical solution of an invention or utility model and describe the indispensable technical features necessary for fulfilling the purpose of the invention or utility model.

A dependent claim shall further define the claim which it refers to by additional features that are claimed for protection.

   第二十二条 发明或者实用新型的独立权利要求应当包括前序部分和特征部分,按照下列规定撰写:
Article 22 An independent claim of an invention or utility model shall contain a preamble portion and a characterizing portion, and be presented in the following forms: 

(1) a preamble portion, indicating the title of the claimed subject matter of the invention or utility model, and those essential technical features that are common to the invention or utility model and the prior art; 

(2) a characterizing portion, stating, in such wording as "characterized in that ..." or in similar expressions, the technical features of the invention or utility model, which distinguish it from the prior art. These features, in combination with the features stated in the preamble portion, serve to define the scope of protection of the invention or utility model. 

Independent claims may be presented in any other form, where it is not appropriate, according to the nature of the invention or utility model, to present them in the form prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

Each invention or utility model shall have only one independent claim, which shall precede all the dependent claims relating to the same invention or utility model.

   第二十三条 发明或者实用新型的从属权利要求应当包括引用部分和限定部分,按照下列规定撰写:
Article 23 A dependent claim of an invention or utility model shall contain a reference portion and a characterizing portion, and be presented in the following form: 

(1) a reference portion, indicating the serial number(s) of the claim(s) referred to, and the title of the subject matter; 

(2) a characterizing portion, stating the additional technical features of the invention or utility model. 

A dependent claim referring to one or more other claims shall refer only to the preceding claim or claims. A multiple dependent claim which refers to more than one other claim shall not serve as a basis for any other multiple dependent claim.

   第二十四条 摘要应当写明发明或者实用新型所属的技术领域、需要解决的技术问题、主要技术特征和用途。摘要可以包含最能说明发明的化学式。有附图的专利申请,应当由申请人指定并提供一幅最能说明该发明或者实用新型技术特征的附图。附图的大小及清晰度应当保证在该图缩小到4厘米×6厘米时,仍能清楚地分辨出图中的各个细节。摘要文字部分不得超过200个字。摘要中不得使用商业性宣传用语。
Article 24 The abstract shall indicate the technical field to which the invention or utility model pertains, the technical problems to be solved, the essential technical features and the use(s) of the invention or utility model. The abstract may contain the chemical formula which best characterizes the invention. In an application for a patent which contains drawings, the applicant shall indicate and provide a drawing which best characterizes the invention or utility model. The scale and the distinctness of the drawing shall be such that a reproduction with a linear reduction in size to 4 cm * 6 cm would still enable all details to be clearly distinguished. The whole text of the abstract shall contain not more than 200 Chinese characters. There shall be no commercial advertising in the abstract. 

   第二十五条 申请专利的发明涉及新的微生物、微生物学方法或者其产品,而且使用的微生物是公众不能得到的,除该申请应当符合专利法和本细则的有关规定外,申请人并应当办理下列手续:
Article 25 Where an application for a patent for invention concerns a new micro-organism, a micro-biological process or a product thereof and involves the use of a micro-organism which is not available to the public, the applicant shall, in addition to the other requirements provided for in the Patent Law and these Rules, complete the following procedures: 

(1) deposit a sample of the micro-organism with a depository institution designated by the Patent Office before the date of filing, or, at the latest, on the date of filing, and submit, at the time of filing, or, at the latest, within three months from the filing date, a receipt of deposit and the viability proof from the depository institution; where they are not submitted within the specified time limit, the sample of the micro-organism shall be deemed not to have been deposited; 

(2) give in the application document relevant information of the characteristics of the micro-organism; 

(3) indicate, where the application relates to the deposit of the micro-organism, in the request and the description the scientific name (with its Latin name), the name and address of the depository institution, the date on which the sample of the micro-organism was deposited and the accession number of the deposit; where, at the time of filing, they are not indicated, they shall be supplied within three months from the date of filing; where after the expiration of the time limit they are not supplied, the sample of the micro-organism shall be deemed not to have been deposited. 

   第二十六条 有关微生物的发明专利申请公布后,任何单位或者个人需要将专利申请所涉及的微生物作为实验目的使用的,应当向专利局提出请求,并写明下列事项:
Article 26 After the publication of an application for a patent for invention relating to a micro-organism, any unit or individual that intends to make use of the micro-organism mentioned in the application for the purpose of experiment shall make a request to the Patent Office containing the following: 

(1) the name and address of the unit or individual making the request; 

(2) an undertaking not to make the micro-organism available to any other person; 

(3) an undertaking to use the micro-organism for experimental purpose only before the grant of the patent right. 

   第二十七条 依照专利法二十七条规定提交的外观设计的图片或者照片,不得小于3厘米×8厘米,也不得大于15厘米×22厘米。
Article 27 The size of drawings or photographs of a design submitted in accordance with the provisions of Article 27 of the Patent Law shall not be smaller than 3 cm * 8 cm, nor larger than 15cm * 22 cm. 

Where an application for a patent for design seeking concurrent protection of colours is filed, a drawing or photograph in colour, and a drawing or photograph in white and black, shall be submitted.

The applicant shall submit, in respect of the subject matter of the product incorporating the design which is in need of protection, the relevant views and stereoscopic drawings or photographs, so as to clearly show the subject matter for which protection is sought.

   第二十八条 申请外观设计专利的,必要时应当写明对外观设计的简要说明。
Article 28 Where an application for a patent for design is filed, a brief explanation of the design shall, when necessary, be indicated. 

The brief explanation of the design shall include the main creative portion of the design, the colours for which protection is sought and the omission of the view of the product incorporating the design. The brief explanation shall not contain any commercial advertising and shall not be used to indicate the function and the uses of the product.

   第二十九条 专利局认为必要时,可以要求外观设计专利申请人提交使用外观设计的产品样品或者模型。样品或者模型的体积不得超过30厘米×30厘米×30厘米,重量不得超过15公斤。易腐、易损或者危险品不得作为样品或者模型提交。
Article 29 Where the Patent Office finds it necessary, it may require the applicant for a patent for design to submit a sample or model of the product incorporating the design. The volume of the sample or model submitted shall not exceed 30 cm * 30 cm * 30 cm, and its weight shall not surpass 15 kilos. Articles easy to get rotten or broken, or articles that are dangerous, may not be submitted as sample or model. 

   第三十条 专利法二十二条第三款所称已有的技术,是指申请日前在国内外出版物上公开发表、在国内公开使用或者以其他方式为公众所知的技术,即现有技术。
Article 30 The existing technology mentioned in Article 22, paragraph 3 of the Patent Law means any technology which has been publicly disclosed in publications in the country or abroad, or has been publicly used or made known to the public by any other means in the country, before the date of filing, that is prior art. 

   第三十一条 专利法二十四条第二项所称学术会议或者技术会议,是指国务院有关主管部门或者全国性学术团体组织召开的学术会议或者技术会议。
Article 31 The academic or technological meeting mentioned in Item 2 of Article 24 of the Patent Law means any academic or technological meeting organized by a department concerned of the State Council or by a national academic association. 

Where any application for a patent falls under the provisions of Item 1 or Item 2 of Article 24 of the Patent Law, the applicant shall, when filing the application, make a declaration and, within a time limit of two months from the date of filing, submit a certificate issued by the unit which organized the international exhibition or academic or technological meeting, stating that the invention-creation was in fact exhibited or published and also the date of its exhibited or publication.

Where any application for a patent falls under the provisions of Item 3 of Article 24 of the Patent Law, the Patent Office may, when necessary, require the applicant to submit a certifying document.

   第三十二条 申请人依照专利法三十条的规定办理要求优先权手续的,应当在书面声明中写明第一次提出的专利申请(以下称在先申请)的申请日、申请号和受理该申请的国家;书面声明中未写明在先申请的申请日和受理该申请的国家的,视为未提出声明。
Article 32 Where an applicant is to comply with the requirements for claiming the right of priority in accordance with Article 30 of the Patent Law, he or it shall, in his or its written declaration,indicate the date of filing and the filing number of the application which was first filed (hereinafter referred to as the earlier application) and the country in which that application was filed. If the written declaration does not contain the date of filing of the earlier application and the name of that country, the declaration shall be deemed not to have been made.

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