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Measures for the Administration of Tourism Safety [Effective]
旅游安全管理办法 [现行有效]

Order of the China National Tourism Administration 


(No. 41) (第41号)

The Measures for the Administration of Tourism Safety, as deliberated and adopted at the 11th director's executive meeting of the China National Tourism Administration on September 7, 2016, are hereby issued and shall come into force on December 1, 2016. 《旅游安全管理办法》已经2016年9月7日国家旅游局第11次局长办公会议审议通过,现予公布,自2016年12月1日起施行。
Director General: Li Jinzao 局 长  李金早
September 27, 2016 2016年9月27日
Measures for the Administration of Tourism Safety 旅游安全管理办法
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 For the purposes of strengthening the tourism safety administration, improving the capacity of responding to the tourism emergencies, protecting the personal or property safety of tourists, and promoting the continuous and sound development of the tourist industry, these Measures are developed in accordance with the Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China, the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on Travel Agencies, the Regulation on the Reporting, Investigation and Handling of Work Safety Incidents, and other laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为了加强旅游安全管理,提高应对旅游突发事件的能力,保障旅游者的人身、财产安全,促进旅游业持续健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国旅游法》、《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》、《旅行社条例》和《安全生产事故报告和调查处理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本办法。
Article 2 The work safety of tourism operators, safety supervision and administration of the competent department of tourism, and response to the tourism emergencies shall be carried out under the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, and these Measures.   第二条 旅游经营者的安全生产、旅游主管部门的安全监督管理,以及旅游突发事件的应对,应当遵守有关法律、法规和本办法的规定。
For the purpose of these Measures, tourism operators means the travel agencies and the scenic spots, restaurants and other entities for which the competent departments of tourism assume the duties of industrial supervision under the provisions of the local regulations. 本办法所称旅游经营者,是指旅行社及地方性法规规定旅游主管部门负有行业监管职责的景区和饭店等单位。
Article 3 The competent departments of tourism at all levels shall, under the leadership of the people's governments at the same level and under the guidance of the competent departments of tourism at higher levels and relevant departments, and within the scope of their respective functions, conduct guidance, prevention, supervision, training, statistical analysis and emergency handling of tourism safety according to the law.   第三条 各级旅游主管部门应当在同级人民政府的领导和上级旅游主管部门及有关部门的指导下,在职责范围内,依法对旅游安全工作进行指导、防范、监管、培训、统计分析和应急处理。
Article 4 Tourism operators shall assume the primary responsibilities for tourism safety, strengthen the safety management, establish and improve the safety management system, pay attention to the safety risk warnings and alerts, and appropriately respond to the tourism emergencies.   第四条 旅游经营者应当承担旅游安全的主体责任,加强安全管理,建立、健全安全管理制度,关注安全风险预警和提示,妥善应对旅游突发事件。
Tourism employees shall strictly comply with the safety management system of their employers, accept education and training of work safety, and enhance the capacity of preventing tourism emergencies and handling emergencies. 旅游从业人员应当严格遵守本单位的安全管理制度,接受安全生产教育和培训,增强旅游突发事件防范和应急处理能力。
Article 5 Competent departments of tourism, tourism operators and their employees shall fulfill the obligation of reporting tourism emergencies according to the law.   第五条 旅游主管部门、旅游经营者及其从业人员应当依法履行旅游突发事件报告义务。
Chapter II Business Operation Safety 

第二章 经营安全

Article 6 A tourism operator shall satisfy the following requirements:   第六条 旅游经营者应当遵守下列要求:
(1) Its service place, service items, and facilities and equipment satisfy the requirements of the relevant laws, regulations, and mandatory standards on safety. (一)服务场所、服务项目和设施设备符合有关安全法律、法规和强制性标准的要求;
(2) It is equipped with necessary safety and rescue personnel, facilities and equipment. (二)配备必要的安全和救援人员、设施设备;
(3) It has established the safety management system and responsibility system. (三)建立安全管理制度和责任体系;
(4) It has the funds guaranteeing the safety. (四)保证安全工作的资金投入。
Article 7 A tourism operator shall examine the implementation of its safety measures on a regular basis and eliminate the potential safety risks in a timely manner; and report the possible tourism emergencies and the safety protection measures taken to the people's government in the place where it is located or the relevant department of the people's government in a timely manner according to the provisions.   第七条 旅游经营者应当定期检查本单位安全措施的落实情况,及时排除安全隐患;对可能发生的旅游突发事件及采取安全防范措施的情况,应当按照规定及时向所在地人民政府或者人民政府有关部门报告。
Article 8 A tourism operator shall conduct risk monitoring and safety assessment of the products and services provided thereby, fulfill the safety risk alert obligations according to the law, and take measures such as suspending services and adjusting activities if necessary.   第八条 旅游经营者应当对其提供的产品和服务进行风险监测和安全评估,依法履行安全风险提示义务,必要时应当采取暂停服务、调整活动内容等措施。
A tourism operator dealing with high-risk tourism projects and providing tourism services for senior citizens, minors and disabled persons shall take corresponding safety protection measures according to the needs. 经营高风险旅游项目或者向老年人、未成年人、残疾人提供旅游服务的,应当根据需要采取相应的安全保护措施。
Article 9 A tourism operator shall provide education and training on work safety for its employees, and guarantee that its employees understand necessary work safety knowledge, rules and regulations, operating regulations, job qualifications and emergency response measures, and are aware of their own rights and obligations in work safety.   第九条 旅游经营者应当对从业人员进行安全生产教育和培训,保证从业人员掌握必要的安全生产知识、规章制度、操作规程、岗位技能和应急处理措施,知悉自身在安全生产方面的权利和义务。
A tourism operator shall create files for the education and training on work safety, and truthfully record the time, contents, participants, assessment results and other information on the education and training on work safety. 旅游经营者建立安全生产教育和培训档案,如实记录安全生产教育和培训的时间、内容、参加人员以及考核结果等情况。
Tourism employees failing to pass the examinations for the education and training on work safety shall not take their posts; and special operation personnel shall receive special training on work safety and obtain corresponding qualifications under the relevant provisions of the state. 未经安全生产教育和培训合格的旅游从业人员,不得上岗作业;特种作业人员必须按照国家有关规定经专门的安全作业培训,取得相应资格。
Article 10 A tourism operator shall actively inquire about the personal health information relevant to the tourism activities, require tourists to use the tourism facilities and accept services in accordance with the express safety regulations, and require tourists to cooperate with the safety prevention measures taken by the tourism operator.   第十条 旅游经营者应当主动询问与旅游活动相关的个人健康信息,要求旅游者按照明示的安全规程,使用旅游设施和接受服务,并要求旅游者对旅游经营者采取的安全防范措施予以配合。
Article 11 A travel agency organizing and receiving tourists shall reasonably arrange tours and subscribe products and services from qualified suppliers.   第十一条 旅行社组织和接待旅游者,应当合理安排旅游行程,向合格的供应商订购产品和服务。
A travel agency and its employees finding that the services provided by a performance supporter fail to comply with the provisions of the laws and regulations or have potential safety risks shall stop or replace it. 旅行社及其从业人员发现履行辅助人提供的服务不符合法律、法规规定或者存在安全隐患的,应当予以制止或者更换。
Article 12 A travel agency organizing outbound tours shall make safety information cards.   第十二条 旅行社组织出境旅游,应当制作安全信息卡。
A safety information card shall include the name of the tourist, number of the exit certificate and nationality, contact person and contact information under the emergency circumstances, and other information, and shall be entered in Chinese and the official language of the destination (or English). 安全信息卡应当包括旅游者姓名、出境证件号码和国籍,以及紧急情况下的联系人、联系方式等信息,使用中文和目的地官方语言(或者英文)填写。
A travel agency shall make tourists take along their safety information cards and notify them of entering their blood types, allergic drugs, major diseases and other information. 旅行社应当将安全信息卡交由旅游者随身携带,并告知其自行填写血型、过敏药物和重大疾病等信息。
Article 13 A tourism operator shall develop contingency plans for tourism emergencies, make them interconnected with the contingency plans of the local people's government at or above the county level where it is located and the relevant departments thereof, and organize drills on a periodical basis.   第十三条 旅游经营者应当依法制定旅游突发事件应急预案,与所在地县级以上地方人民政府及其相关部门的应急预案相衔接,并定期组织演练。
Article 14 After the occurrence of a tourism emergency, a tour operator and its on-site staff members shall take reasonable and necessary measures to rescue the injured tourists, control the development of the actual conditions, and prevent the expansion of the damage.   第十四条 旅游突发事件发生后,旅游经营者及其现场人员应当采取合理、必要的措施救助受害旅游者,控制事态发展,防止损害扩大。
A tourism operator shall, in accordance with the requirements of the people's government that fulfills the responsibilities of unified leadership or organizes and handles emergencies, cooperate with the emergency response measures taken thereby, and participate in the emergency rescue and follow-up handling organized by the people's government where it is located. 旅游经营者应当按照履行统一领导职责或者组织处置突发事件的人民政府的要求,配合其采取的应急处置措施,并参加所在地人民政府组织的应急救援和善后处置工作。
Where a tourism emergency occurs overseas, a travel agency and its team leader shall, under the guidance of the Chinese embassy and consulate in the destination country or region or the dispatched office under the government, spare no effort to effectively respond to and handle the emergencies. 旅游突发事件发生在境外的,旅行社及其领队应当在中国驻当地使领馆或者政府派出机构的指导下,全力做好突发事件应对处置工作。
Article 15 After a tourism emergency occurs, the on-site personnel of a tourism operator shall immediately report to the person in charge of the entity, and the person in charge of the entity shall, upon receipt of the report, report to the competent department of tourism, work safety supervision and administration department, and other relevant departments assuming the work safety supervision and administration responsibilities at the county level in the place where the emergency occurs within one hour; and the person in charge of the travel agency shall concurrently report to the local competent department of tourism at or above the county level in the place where the entity is located.   第十五条 旅游突发事件发生后,旅游经营者的现场人员应当立即向本单位负责人报告,单位负责人接到报告后,应当于1小时内向发生地县级旅游主管部门、安全生产监督管理部门和负有安全生产监督管理职责的其他相关部门报告;旅行社负责人应当同时向单位所在地县级以上地方旅游主管部门报告。
In critical conditions or in the event of a major or extremely serious tourism emergency, the relevant on-site personnel may directly report to the competent department of tourism, work safety supervision and administration department, and other relevant departments assuming the work safety supervision and administration responsibilities at or above the county level in the place where the emergency occurs and where the travel agency is located.

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