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Joint Communique of the 18th meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Joint Communique of the 18th meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 


From November 1 to 2, 2019, the 18th meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. Singh, Minister of Defense of the Republic of India, Ma Ming, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of the State Council of the people's Republic of China, Abu Gaziyev, Prime Minister of the. Ahmed, Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of the Government of the Russian Federation, Prime Minister Razurzoda of the Republic of Tajikistan and Prime Minister Aripov of the Republic of Uzbekistan attended the meeting. 2019年11月1日至2日,上海合作组织(以下简称“上合组织”)成员国政府首脑(总理)理事会第十八次会议在乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干举行。印度共和国国防部长辛格、哈萨克斯坦共和国总理马明、中华人民共和国国务院总理李克强、吉尔吉斯共和国总理阿布尔加济耶夫、巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国外交部辅秘艾哈迈德、俄罗斯联邦政府总理梅德韦杰夫、塔吉克斯坦共和国总理拉苏尔佐达、乌兹别克斯坦共和国总理阿里波夫出席会议。
Aripov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, presided over the meeting. 乌兹别克斯坦共和国总理阿里波夫主持会议。
SCO Secretary-General Norov, Director of the Executive Committee of the SCO Regional Anti-terrorist body, Giyosov, Chairman of the Council of the SCO industrialists Committee, Omur Kulov, rotating chairman of the SCO Council of Banks Confederation from 2018 to 2019, and Shuvalov, current Chairman of the SCO Council of Banks Confederation, attended the meeting. 上合组织秘书长诺罗夫、上合组织地区反恐怖机构执行委员会主任吉约索夫、上合组织实业家委员会理事会主席沙尔舍基耶夫、上合组织银行联合体理事会2018-2019年轮值主席奥穆尔库洛夫、上合组织银行联合体理事会现任轮值主席舒瓦洛夫出席会议。
On behalf of Abdullah, Chief Executive Officer of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Rumas, Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, Enkhtuvshin, Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia, and Jahangiri, first Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Guest of the host country, Meredov, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan, As well as Ivanov, Vice Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee, Milzoda, Executive Director of the CICA Secretariat, Sarkisyan, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Han Hongzhu, Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations ESCAP, Deputy Director-General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Rakhmanin and ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General Denis attended the meeting. 上合组织观察员国代表阿富汗伊斯兰共和国首席执行官阿卜杜拉、白俄罗斯共和国总理鲁马斯、蒙古国副总理恩赫图布辛、伊朗伊斯兰共和国第一副总统贾汉吉里,东道国客人土库曼斯坦副总理兼外长梅列多夫,以及独联体执委会副主席伊万诺夫、亚信秘书处执行主任米尔佐佐达、欧亚经济委员会执委会主席萨尔基相、联合国亚太经社会副执行秘书韩洪珠、联合国粮农组织副总干事拉赫马宁、东盟副秘书长德尼出席会议。
In a friendly, constructive and pragmatic atmosphere, the heads of delegations extensively exchanged views on the current international and regional economic situation, discussed issues related to deepening economic, trade and cultural cooperation within the framework of the SCO, and reached the following consensus. 各代表团团长在友好、建设性和务实的气氛中就当前国际和地区经济形势广泛交换意见,讨论了深化上合组织框架内经贸和人文合作有关问题,达成以下共识。
The heads of delegations stressed that the global political and economic situation was undergoing profound evolution and the urgency of establishing a multipolar world pattern that was fair and reasonable and in line with the common and respective interests of all countries had become increasingly prominent. The heads of state pointed out that on the basis of the norms of international law with the Charter of the United Nations as the core, it is very important to promote the building of a new type of international relations of mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation, and to establish a common concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. 各代表团团长强调,全球政治和经济形势正发生深刻演变,建立公正合理、符合各国共同及各自利益的多极世界格局的迫切性日益凸显。团长们指出,在以《联合国宪章》为核心的国际法准则基础上,推动建设相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,确立构建人类命运共同体的共同理念十分重要。
The heads of delegations pointed out that we should further deepen cooperation on jointly building an open world economy and continuously consolidate an open, inclusive, transparent, non-discriminatory and multilateral trading system based on the rules of the World Trade Organization. Oppose any form of unilateralism and protectionism in international and regional trade. The WTO is an important platform for all countries to discuss international trade issues, and all parties will abide by the basic principles and rules of the WTO. The heads stressed the urgency of reforming the WTO through the improvement of key functions such as negotiation, supervision and dispute settlement, in order to improve the efficiency of its work. To this end, the Heads noted the importance of the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference to be held in Nursultan from 8 to 11 June 2020. 各代表团团长指出,应进一步就共同构建开放型世界经济深化合作,不断巩固开放、包容、透明、非歧视、以世界贸易组织规则为基础的多边贸易体制,反对国际和地区贸易中任何形式的单边主义和保护主义。世贸组织是各国讨论国际贸易议题的重要平台,各方将恪守世贸组织的基本原则和规则。团长们强调通过完善谈判、监督、争端解决等关键职能对世贸组织进行改革,以提高其工作效率的迫切性。为此,团长们指出,将于2020年6月8日至11日在努尔苏丹举行的第十二届世贸组织部长级会议具有重要意义。
The heads of delegations stated that since the Council meeting of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of SCO member States held in Dushanbe on 12 October 2018, a series of concrete results had been achieved in the economic and human fields of the Organization. 各代表团团长表示,2018年10月12日在杜尚别举行上合组织成员国政府首脑(总理)理事会会议以来,本组织经济和人文领域合作取得一系列具体成果。
The heads of delegations expressed their willingness to actively implement the outcome of the meeting of Heads of State of the SCO member States held in Bishkek on 14 June 2019 and to support the work of the rotating SCO presidency of the Russian Federation from 2019 to 2020. 各代表团团长表示,愿积极落实2019年6月14日在比什凯克举行的上合组织成员国元首理事会会议成果,支持俄罗斯联邦2019年至2020年上合组织轮值主席国工作。
The heads of delegations held that connectivity in the fields of facilities, trade, finance, humanities, digital and energy should be further strengthened to build a broad, open, mutually beneficial, win-win and equal space for cooperation in the Eurasian region. Ensure reliable, safe and sustainable development. 各代表团团长认为,应进一步加强设施、贸易、资金、人文、数字、能源等领域互联互通,在欧亚地区构建广泛、开放、互利、共赢、平等的合作空间,保障可靠安全和可持续发展。
The heads of delegations stressed that improving people's livelihood and improving the living standards of the people is one of the top tasks of the SCO. We should continue to implement the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development and strengthen cooperation in areas of common interest, such as trade, production capacity, energy, transport, investment, finance, agriculture, customs and communications, and develop artificial intelligence technologies. 各代表团团长强调,改善民生、提高民众生活水平是上合组织首要任务之一。应继续落实2030年可持续发展议程,在贸易、产能、能源、交通、投资、金融、农业、海关、通信等共同感兴趣的领域加强合作,发展人工智能技术。
The heads of delegations supported cooperation in the industrial field and the development and adoption of relevant treaty legal documents within the framework of the SCO. 各代表团团长支持开展工业领域合作,制定并通过上合组织框架内相关条约法律文件。
The heads of delegations supported the extensive exchange of experiences on the formulation and implementation of national development strategies and development plans, the promotion of innovative technologies, the development of the digital economy, the narrowing of the technological gap among countries, and the creation of good investment conditions in order to stimulate economic growth. Enhance the economic competitiveness of member countries. 各代表团团长支持就制定和落实各国国家发展战略和发展规划广泛交流经验,推广创新技术,发展数字经济,缩小各国技术差距,创造良好投资条件,以拉动经济增长,提升成员国经济竞争力。
The heads of delegations supported further deepening regional cooperation, optimizing the business environment, and creating good conditions for expanding mutual investment. 各代表团团长支持进一步深化区域合作,优化营商环境,为扩大相互投资创造良好条件。
In accordance with the Joint statement of the Heads of State of SCO member States on Trade Facilitation issued in Qingdao on 10 June 2018, the Heads of State considered that regional trade facilitation solutions should be further developed. 团长们根据2018年6月10日在青岛发表的《上合组织成员国元首关于贸易便利化的联合声明》,认为应进一步制定地区贸易便利化解决方案。
The heads of delegations supported the strengthening of cooperation in the field of electronic commerce and the development of relevant regional cooperation plans. 各代表团团长支持加强电子商务领域合作并制定相关区域合作计划。
The heads of delegations considered it important to expand cooperation in the area of trade in services and to develop relevant documents. 各代表团团长认为拓展服务贸易领域合作并制定相关文件十分重要。
The heads of delegations affirmed the outcome of the 18th meeting of Ministers of economy and Trade of SCO member States, held in Tashkent on 26 September 2019. In order to further expand economic cooperation, improve the investment environment, and ensure equality, mutual benefit, and sustained and stable development in the SCO region, the heads of state approved a new edition of the outline for multilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation among SCO member States. It also stressed the need to develop a plan of activities for the implementation of the outline. 各代表团团长肯定2019年9月26日在塔什干举行的上合组织成员国经贸部长第十八次会议成果。为进一步拓展经济合作,改善投资环境,保障上合组织地区平等互利、持续稳定发展,团长们批准了新版《上合组织成员国多边经贸合作纲要》,并强调有必要制定该纲要落实活动计划。
The heads of delegations noted the importance of the progressive implementation of the SCO Development Strategy to 2025 Plan of Action 2016-2020 and the list of measures taken by SCO to further promote project cooperation 2017-2021. 各代表团团长指出,逐步落实《〈上合组织至2025年发展战略〉2016-2020年行动计划》和《2017-2021年上合组织进一步推动项目合作的措施清单》十分重要。
The heads of delegations were of the view that there was a need to improve the efficiency of sectoral and working group meetings within the framework of the SCO and to study the issue of new or reformed existing professional working groups in accordance with established procedures, In order to effectively implement the new edition of the outline for multilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation among SCO member States. 各代表团团长认为,有必要提高上合组织框架内部门会议和工作组会议工作效率,并按规定程序研究新建或改革现有专业工作组问题,以有效落实新版《上合组织成员国多边经贸合作纲要》。
The heads of delegations supported the strengthening of local exchanges among SCO countries and stressed that the outline for Local Cooperation and Development of SCO member States, approved in Bishkek on 14 June 2019, should be effectively implemented. We welcome the holding of a forum of local leaders of SCO member states in Cheryabinsk in the first half of 2020, as well as China's initiative to build a demonstration zone for China-SCO local economic and trade cooperation in Qingdao. 各代表团团长支持上合组织国家加强地方交往,强调应有效落实2019年6月14日在比什凯克批准的《上合组织成员国地方合作发展纲要》,欢迎2020年上半年在车里雅宾斯克举行上合组织成员国地方领导人论坛,以及中方在青岛建设中国-上合组织地方经贸合作示范区的倡议。
The heads of delegations reiterated the importance of supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and stressed that measures should be taken to effectively implement the Memorandum of understanding on promoting Cooperation among small and medium-sized Enterprises signed in Qingdao on 10 June 2018. The Heads welcomed the SCO and BRICS Regional SME Forum held in Ufa from 26 to 27 September 2019.

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