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Notice by the Ministry of Finance of Issuing the Revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37—Presentation of Financial Instruments (2014) [Expired]
财政部关于印发修订《企业会计准则第37号——金融工具列报》的通知(2014) [失效]

Notice by the Ministry of Finance of Issuing the Revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37—Presentation of Financial Instruments 


(No. 23 [2014] of the Ministry of Finance) (财会[2014]23号)

The relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council and the relevant institutions directly under the State Council; the finance departments (bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and cities under separate state planning; the Financial Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; the financial supervision commissioner's offices of the Ministry of Finance in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning; and relevant enterprises under the Central Government: 国务院有关部委、有关直属机构,各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),新疆生产建设兵团财务局,财政部驻各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政监察专员办事处,有关中央管理企业:
To adapt to the developmental needs of the socialist market economy and improve the quality of financial statements and the transparency of accounting information of business enterprises, this Ministry has, according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises—Basic Standards, revised the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37—Presentation of Financial Instruments, which, as revised, is hereby issued. Enterprises governed by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises shall present financial instruments according to the revision in their financial statements for 2014 and the following periods. The Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37—Presentation of Financial Instruments as mentioned in the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing 38 Specific Standards including the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 1—Inventories (No. 3 [2006], MOF) shall be repealed concurrently. 为了适应社会主义市场经济发展需要,提高企业财务报表列报质量和会计信息透明度,根据《企业会计准则--基本准则》,我部对《企业会计准则第37号--金融工具列报》进行了修订,现予印发,执行企业会计准则的企业应当在2014年年度及以后期间的财务报告中按照本准则要求对金融工具进行列报。我部于2006年2月25日发布的《财政部关于印发〈企业会计准则第1号--存货〉等38项具体准则的通知》(财会〔2006〕3号)中的《企业会计准则第37号--金融工具列报》同时废止。
Please report any problems encountered in implementation to this Ministry in a timely manner. 执行中有何问题,请及时反馈我部。
Annex: Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37—Presentation of Financial Instruments 附件:企业会计准则第37号--金融工具列报
Ministry of Finance 财政部
June 20, 2014 2014年6月20日
Annex: 附件:
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 37—Presentation of Financial Instruments 企业会计准则第37号--金融工具列报
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 To regulate the presentation of financial instruments, these Standards are developed according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises—Basic Standards.   第一条 为了规范金融工具的列报,根据《企业会计准则--基本准则》,制定本准则。
The presentation of financial instruments includes the presentation and disclosure of financial instruments. 金融工具列报,包括金融工具列示和金融工具披露。
Article 2 The presentation of information on financial instruments shall help the users of financial statements understand how the issuer classifies, measures and presents the financial instruments issued and reasonably evaluate the significance of such financial instruments for the enterprise's financial position and performance, the nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments to which the enterprise is exposed during and at the end of the reporting period, and how the enterprise manages those risks .   第二条 金融工具信息的列报,应当有助于财务报表使用者了解发行方对发行的金融工具如何进行分类、计量和列示,并就金融工具对企业财务状况和经营成果影响的重要程度、金融工具使企业在报告期间和期末所面临的风险的性质和程度,以及企业如何管理这些风险作出合理评价。
Article 3 These Standards shall be applied by all enterprises to all types of financial instruments, except the following:   第三条 除下列特殊情况外,本准则适用于所有企业各种类型的金融工具:
(1) Those investments in subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures that are accounted for in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 2—Long-term Equity Investments, the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 33—Consolidated Financial Statements and the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 40—Joint Arrangements shall be governed by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 41—Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities, except that: (一)企业按照《企业会计准则第2号--长期股权投资》、《企业会计准则第33号--合并财务报表》和《企业会计准则第40号--合营安排》规定核算的对子公司、合营安排和联营企业的投资的披露,适用《企业会计准则第41号--在其他主体中权益的披露》。但以下情况除外:
(a) the derivative instruments linked to the interests in subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures shall be governed by these Standards; 1.与在子公司、合营安排或联营企业中的权益相联系的衍生工具,适用本准则。
(b) for an enterprise that is an investment entity defined by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 33—Consolidated Financial Statements, its investments made in accordance with the said standards in subsidiaries at fair value through profit or loss shall be governed by these Standards; and 2.符合《企业会计准则第33号--合并财务报表》有关投资性主体定义的企业,其根据该准则规定对子公司以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的投资,适用本准则。
(c) according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 2—Long-term Equity Investments, the investments in associates or joint ventures that are accounted for in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22—Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments shall be governed by these Standards. 3.根据《企业会计准则第2号--长期股权投资》准则的规定,按照《企业会计准则第22号--金融工具确认和计量》核算的对联营企业或合营企业的投资,适用本准则。
(2) The financial instruments, and other contracts and obligations under share-based payment arrangements to which the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 11—Share-based Payments apply shall be governed by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 11—Share-based Payments. However, the relevant transactions and matters under share-based payment arrangements to which Article 4 of these Standards apply, and the offering, repurchase, sale or cancellation of treasury shares, shall be governed by these Standards. (二)《企业会计准则第11号--股份支付》规范的股份支付安排中的金融工具以及其他合同和义务,适用《企业会计准则第11号--股份支付》。但股份支付安排中涉及应当适用本准则第四条相关的交易和事项以及企业发行、回购、出售或注销库存股,适用本准则。
(3) Debt restructuring shall be governed by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 12—Debt Restructuring, but the disclosure of transfers of financial assets as involved in debt restructuring shall be governed by these Standards. (三)债务重组,适用《企业会计准则第12号--债务重组》。但债务重组中涉及金融资产转移披露的,适用本准则。
(4) Insurance contracts that meet the definition of a direct insurance contract or reinsurance contract shall be governed by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 25—Original Insurance Contracts or the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 26—Reinsurance Contracts (hereinafter referred to as the “related standards for insurance contracts”). (四)符合原保险合同或再保险合同定义的保险合同,适用《企业会计准则第25号--原保险合同》或《企业会计准则第26号--再保险合同》(以下简称相关保险合同准则)。
The embedded derivative instruments that are required by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22—Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments to be split from insurance contracts for separate accounting shall be governed by these Standards. The financial guarantee contracts the enterprise decides to apply the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22—Determination and Measurement of Financial Instruments to the accounting of which shall be governed by these Standards. 企业会计准则第22号--金融工具确认和计量》要求从保险合同中分拆后单独核算的嵌入衍生工具,适用本准则。企业选择按照《企业会计准则第22号--金融工具确认和计量》核算的财务担保合同,适用本准则。
(5) Financial instruments to which the related standards for insurance contracts apply because they have discretional participation features shall not be governed by the provisions of these Standards regarding the distinction of financial debts and equity instruments. Derivative instruments embedded in such financial instruments shall also be governed by these Standards. However, embedded derivative instruments that are insurance contracts themselves shall be governed by the related standards for insurance contracts. (五)因具有相机分红特征而适用相关保险合同准则的金融工具,不适用本准则中关于金融负债和权益工具区分的规定。嵌入此类金融工具的衍生工具,适用本准则。但嵌入衍生工具本身是一项保险合同的,适用相关保险合同准则。
(6) Employers' rights and obligations arising from employee compensation plans shall be governed by the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 9—Employee Compensation. (六)职工薪酬计划形成的企业的权利和义务,适用《企业会计准则第9号--职工薪酬》。
Article 4 These Standards shall apply to those contracts to buy or sell a non-financial item that can be settled by cash or netting of other financial instruments or by exchanging financial instruments. Contracts that were entered into and continue to be held for the purpose of the receipt or delivery of a non-financial item in accordance with the enterprise's expected purchase, sale or usage requirements shall be governed by other relevant accounting standards.   第四条 本准则适用于能够以现金或其他金融工具净额结算,或通过交换金融工具结算的买入或卖出非金融项目的合同。但企业按照预定的购买、销售或使用要求签订并持有,旨在收取或交付非金融项目的合同,应当适用其他相关会计准则。
Article 5 Provisions in Chapters VI through VIII of these Standards shall apply to unrecognized financial instruments such as some loan commitments, in addition to the financial instruments which enterprises have recognized in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22—Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments.   第五条 本准则第六章至第八章的规定除适用于企业已按照《企业会计准则第22号--金融工具确认和计量》确认的金融工具外,还适用于未确认的金融工具,例如某些贷款承诺。
Article 6 Income tax relating to the transactions or matters specified by these Standards shall be accounted for in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 18—Income Taxes.   第六条 本准则规定的交易或事项涉及所得税的,应当按照《企业会计准则第18号--所得税》进行处理。
Chapter II Differentiation between Financial Liabilities and Equity Instruments 

第二章 金融负债和权益工具的区分

Article 7 An enterprise shall, in accordance with the contractual terms of the financial instrument issued by it, the economic substance in addition to the legal form thereof, and the definitions of financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments, classify the financial instrument, or its component parts, on initial recognition as a financial asset, a financial liability or an equity instrument.   第七条 企业应当根据所发行金融工具的合同条款及其所反映的经济实质而非仅以法律形式,结合金融资产、金融负债和权益工具的定义,在初始确认时将该金融工具或其组成部分分类为金融资产、金融负债或权益工具。
Article 8 A financial liability is any liability of an enterprise that is:   第八条 金融负债,是指企业符合下列条件之一的负债:
(1) a contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset to another; (一)向其他方交付现金或其他金融资产的合同义务。
(2) a contractual obligation to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another under conditions that are potentially unfavorable to the enterprise; (二)在潜在不利条件下,与其他方交换金融资产或金融负债的合同义务。
(3) a contract that will or may be settled in the enterprise's own equity instruments, and a non-derivative instrument for which the enterprise will be obliged to deliver a variable number of its own equity instruments; or (三)将来须用或可用企业自身权益工具进行结算的非衍生工具合同,且企业根据该合同将交付可变数量的自身权益工具。
(4) a contract that is a derivative instrument that will or may be settled in the enterprise's own equity instruments, other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed number of the enterprise's own equity instruments. Where the enterprise issues a pro rate share of allotment options, options or warrants to all the existing holders of the same type of non-derivative equity instruments of its own which allows such holders to proportionally convert a fixed amount in any currency for a fixed number of the enterprise's own equity instruments, such allotment options, options or warrants shall be classified as equity instruments. For this purpose, the enterprise's own equity instruments do not include financial instruments that are classified as equity instruments under Chapter III of these Standards, or instruments that are contracts for the future receipt or delivery of the enterprise's own equity instruments. (四)将来须用或可用企业自身权益工具进行结算的衍生工具合同,但以固定数量的自身权益工具交换固定金额的现金或其他金融资产的衍生工具合同除外。企业对全部现有同类别非衍生自身权益工具的持有方同比例发行配股权、期权或认股权证,使之有权按比例以固定金额的任何货币换取固定数量的该企业自身权益工具的,该类配股权、期权或认股权证应当分类为权益工具。其中,企业自身权益工具不包括应按照本准则第三章分类为权益工具的金融工具,也不包括本身就要求在未来收取或交付企业自身权益工具的合同。
Article 9 An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an enterprise after deducting all of its liabilities. When it satisfies all of the following conditions, an enterprise shall classify a financial instrument issued by it as an equity instrument:   第九条 权益工具,是指能证明拥有某个企业在扣除所有负债后的资产中的剩余权益的合同。在同时满足下列条件的情况下,企业应当将发行的金融工具分类为权益工具:
(1) The financial instrument shall not include a contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset to another or to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another under conditions that are potentially unfavorable to the enterprise. (一)该金融工具应当不包括交付现金或其他金融资产给其他方,或在潜在不利条件下与其他方交换金融资产或金融负债的合同义务;
(2) The financial instrument will or may be settled in the enterprise's own equity instruments. If it is a non-derivative instrument, the financial instrument shall not include a contractual obligation to delivery a variable number of the enterprise's own equity instruments for settlement; if it is a derivative instrument, the financial instrument may only be settled by the exchange of a fixed number of the enterprise's own equity instruments for a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset. The enterprise's own equity instruments shall not include the financial instruments that are classified as equity instruments under Chapter III of these Standards and the contracts for the future receipt or delivery of the enterprise's own equity instruments. (二)将来须用或可用企业自身权益工具结算该金融工具。如为非衍生工具,该金融工具应当不包括交付可变数量的自身权益工具进行结算的合同义务;如为衍生工具,企业只能通过以固定数量的自身权益工具交换固定金额的现金或其他金融资产结算该金融工具。企业自身权益工具不包括应按照本准则第三章分类为权益工具的金融工具,也不包括本身就要求在未来收取或交付企业自身权益工具的合同。
Article 10 Financial liabilities and equity instruments shall be differentiated as follows:   第十条 金融负债与权益工具的区分:
(1) Where an enterprise is unable to unconditionally avoid delivering cash or another financial asset to fulfill a contractual obligation, the contractual obligation meets the definition of a financial liability. Some financial instruments may indirectly give rise to the contractual obligation through other terms or conditions, although they do not explicitly include terms or conditions imposing the contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset. (一)如果企业不能无条件地避免以交付现金或其他金融资产来履行一项合同义务,则该合同义务符合金融负债的定义。有些金融工具虽然没有明确地包含交付现金或其他金融资产义务的条款和条件,但有可能通过其他条款和条件间接地形成合同义务。
(2) Where a financial instrument will or may be settled in the enterprise's own equity instrument, considerations shall be given to whether the enterprise's own equity instrument as used to settle the financial instrument is a substitute of cash or another financial asset or for the purpose of entitling the holders of the financial instrument to the residual interests in the issuer's assets less all of its liabilities. In the case of the former, the financial instrument shall be a financial liability of the issuer; in the case of the latter, the financial instrument shall be an equity instrument of the issuer. Under certain circumstances whereby a financial instrument contract stipulates that the enterprise will or may use its own equity instrument to settle the financial instrument and the amount of the contractual right or obligation equal to the number of its own equity instruments to be received or delivered multiplied by the fair value thereof, the contract shall be classified as a financial liability, regardless of whether the amount of the contractual right or obligation is fixed or fluctuates in part or in full in response to changes in a variable other than the market price of the enterprise's own equity instruments (e.g., an interest rate, a commodity price or a financial instrument price). (二)如果一项金融工具须用或可用企业自身权益工具进行结算,需要考虑用于结算该工具的企业自身权益工具,是作为现金或其他金融资产的替代品,还是为了使该工具持有方享有在发行方扣除所有负债后的资产中的剩余权益。如果是前者,该工具是发行方的金融负债;如果是后者,该工具是发行方的权益工具。在某些情况下,一项金融工具合同规定企业须用或可用自身权益工具结算该金融工具,其中合同权利或合同义务的金额等于可获取或需交付的自身权益工具的数量乘以其结算时的公允价值,则无论该合同权利或合同义务的金额是固定的,还是完全或部分地基于除企业自身权益工具的市场价格以外变量(例如利率、某种商品的价格或某项金融工具的价格)的变动而变动,该合同应当分类为金融负债。
Article 11 Except for a financial instrument classified as an equity instrument under Chapter III of these Standards, where a contract imposes on the issuer the obligation to repurchase its own equity instruments with cash or another financial asset, even if the obligation to purchase is conditional on the counterparty exercising a right to redeem, the issuer shall classify such obligation as a financial liability on initial recognition, the amount of which equals to the present value of the redemption amount (for example, the present value of the forward repurchase price, option exercise price or other redemption amount). If ultimately the issuer does not need to purchase its own equity instruments with cash or another financial asset, it shall reclassify the financial liability as an equity instrument on its carrying value at maturity of the contract.   第十一条 除根据本准则第三章分类为权益工具的金融工具外,如果一项合同使发行方承担了以现金或其他金融资产回购自身权益工具的义务,即使发行方的回购义务取决于合同对手方是否行使回售权,发行方应当在初始确认时将该义务确认为一项金融负债,其金额等于回购所需支付金额的现值(如远期回购价格的现值、期权行权价格的现值或其他回售金额的现值)。如果最终发行方无需以现金或其他金融资产回购自身权益工具,应当在合同到期时将该项金融负债按照账面价值重分类为权益工具。
Article 12 For a financial instrument attached with contingent settlement provisions, which the issuer has no right to avoid settling by delivering cash or another financial asset or in such a way that it would be a financial liability, it shall be classified as a financial liability. However, if it satisfies one of the following conditions, the issuer shall classify it as an equity instrument:   第十二条 对于附有或有结算条款的金融工具,发行方不能无条件地避免交付现金、其他金融资产或以其他导致该工具成为金融负债的方式进行结算的,应当分类为金融负债。但是,满足下列条件之一的,发行方应当将其分类为权益工具:
(1) The contingent settlement provisions require settling the financial instrument by delivering cash or another financial asset or in such a way that it would be a financial liability on the occurrence of an event that is extremely rare, highly abnormal and very unlikely to occur. (一)要求以现金、其他金融资产或以其他导致该工具成为金融负债的方式进行结算的或有结算条款几乎不具有可能性,即相关情形极端罕见、显著异常或几乎不可能发生。
(2) The financial instrument will be settled by delivering cash or another financial asset or in such a way that it would be a financial liability only in the event of the issuer's liquidation. (二)只有在发行方清算时,才需以现金、其他金融资产或以其他导致该工具成为金融负债的方式进行结算。
(3) The financial instrument is a puttable instrument classified as an equity instrument under Chapter III of these Standards. (三)按照本准则第三章分类为权益工具的可回售工具。
A financial instrument attached with contingent settlement provisions means that whether the financial instrument will be settled by delivering cash or another financial asset or in such a way that it would be a financial liability is to be decided by the occurrence or non-occurrence of uncertain future events (or on the outcome of uncertain circumstances) that are beyond the control of both the issuer and the holder of the instrument (such as a change in a stock market index, consumer price index, interest rate or taxation requirements, or the issuer's future revenues, net income or debt-to-equity ratio). 附有或有结算条款的金融工具,指是否通过交付现金或其他金融资产进行结算,或者是否以其他导致该金融工具成为金融负债的方式进行结算,需要由发行方和持有方均不能控制的未来不确定事项(如股价指数、消费价格指数变动,利率或税法变动,发行方未来收入、净收益或债务权益比率等)的发生或不发生(或发行方和持有方均不能控制的未来不确定事项的结果)来确定的金融工具。
Article 13 When a derivative instrument gives one party a choice over how it is settled (e.g., the issuer or the holder can choose settlement net in cash or by offering shares in exchange for cash), the issuer shall recognize it as a financial asset or a financial liability unless all of the settlement alternatives would result in it being an equity instrument.   第十三条 对于存在结算选择权的衍生工具(例如,合同规定发行方或持有方能选择以现金净额或以发行股份交换现金等方式进行结算的衍生工具),发行方应当将其确认为金融资产或金融负债,但所有可供选择的结算方式均表明该衍生工具应当确认为权益工具的除外。
Article 14 The issuer of a non-derivative instrument shall evaluate the terms of the financial instrument to determine whether it is a compound financial instrument. A non-derivative instrument may contain both a liability component and an equity component. For a compound financial instrument, the issuer shall classify its components separately as financial liabilities, financial assets or equity instruments on initial recognition.   第十四条 企业应对发行的非衍生工具进行评估,以确定所发行的工具是否为复合金融工具。企业所发行的非衍生工具可能同时包含金融负债成分和权益工具成分。对于复合金融工具,发行方应于初始确认时将各组成部分分别分类为金融负债、金融资产或权益工具。
Where a non-derivative instrument issued by an enterprise contains both a liability component and an equity component, the fair value of the financial liability component shall be firstly determined on initial measurement (including the fair value of the embedded non-equity derivative instruments, if any), and then the value of the equity instrument component shall be the fair value of the compound financial instrument less the fair value of the liability component. 企业发行的一项非衍生工具同时包含金融负债成分和权益工具成分的,应于初始计量时先确定金融负债成分的公允价值(包括其中可能包含的非权益性嵌入衍生工具的公允价值),再从复合金融工具公允价值中扣除负债成分的公允价值,作为权益工具成分的价值。
Article 15 When classifying a financial instrument (or a component thereof) in consolidated financial statements, an enterprise shall consider all terms and conditions agreed between members of the group and the holders of the instrument. If the group as a whole has an obligation in respect of the instrument to settle it by delivering cash or another financial asset or in such a way that it would be a financial liability, such instrument shall be classified as a financial liability.   第十五条 在合并财务报表中对金融工具(或其组成部分)进行分类时,企业应当考虑集团成员和金融工具的持有方之间达成的所有条款和条件。如果集团作为一个整体由于该工具承担了交付现金、其他金融资产或以其他导致该工具成为金融负债的方式进行结算的义务,则该工具应当分类为金融负债。
Chapter III Differentiation of Special Financial Instruments 

第三章 特殊金融工具的区分

Article 16 A puttable instrument that meets the definition of a financial liability shall be classified as an equity instrument if it has all of the following features:   第十六条 符合金融负债定义,但同时具有下列特征的可回售工具,应当分类为权益工具:
(1) It entitles the holder to a pro rata share of the enterprise's net assets in the event of the enterprise's liquidation. The enterprise's net assets are those assets that remain after deducting all other claims taking priority over the instrument to its assets. A pro rata share is determined by dividing the enterprise's net assets on liquidation into units of equal amount, and then multiplying that amount by the number of the units held by the holder. (一)赋予持有方在企业清算时按比例份额获得该企业净资产的权利。企业净资产,是指扣除所有优先于该工具对企业资产要求权之后的剩余资产。按比例份额是指清算时将企业的净资产分拆为金额相等的单位,并且将单位金额乘以持有方所持有的单位数量;
(2) The instrument is in the class of instruments that is subordinate to all other classes of instruments, which means that the instrument does not need to be converted into another instrument before it is in the class of instruments that is subordinate to all other classes of instruments, and has no priority over other claims to the assets of the enterprise on liquidation. (二)该工具所属的类别次于其他所有工具类别,即该工具在归属于该类别前无须转换为另一种工具,且在清算时对企业资产没有优先于其他工具的要求权;
(3) All financial instruments in the class of instruments that is subordinate to all other classes of instruments have identical features (for example, they must all be puttable, and the formula or other method used to calculate the repurchase or redemption price is the same for all instruments in that class). (三)该类别的所有工具具有相同的特征(例如它们必须都具有可回售特征,并且用于计算回购或赎回价格的公式或其他方法都相同);
(4) Apart from the contractual obligation for the issuer to repurchase or redeem the instrument with cash or another financial asset, the instrument does not have any other feature as set out by these Standards in the definition of a financial liability. (四)除了发行方应当以现金或其他金融资产回购或赎回该工具的合同义务外,该工具不满足本准则规定的金融负债定义中的任何其他特征;
(5) The total expected cash flows attributable to the instrument over the life of the instrument are based substantially on the profit or loss, the change in the recognized net assets or the change in the fair value of the recognized and unrecognized net assets of the enterprise over the life of the instrument (excluding any effects of the instrument). (五)该工具在存续期内的预计现金流量总额,应当实质上基于该工具存续期内企业的损益、已确认净资产的变动、已确认和未确认净资产的公允价值变动(不包括该工具的任何影响)。
A puttable instrument is a financial instrument that gives the holder the right to put the instrument back to the issuer for cash or another financial asset or is automatically put back to the issuer on the occurrence of an uncertain future event or the death or retirement of the instrument holder. 可回售工具,是指根据合同约定,持有方有权将该工具回售给发行方以获取现金或其他金融资产的权利,或者在未来某一不确定事项发生或者持有方死亡或退休时,自动回售给发行方的金融工具。
Article 17 A financial instrument that meets the definition of a financial liability shall be classified as an equity instrument if it has all of the following features and imposes on the issuer an obligation to deliver to another party a pro rata share of the net assets of the enterprise only on liquidation:   第十七条 符合金融负债定义,但同时具有下列特征的发行方仅在清算时才有义务向另一方按比例交付其净资产的金融工具,应当分类为权益工具:
(1) It entitles the holder to a pro rata share of the enterprise's net assets in the event of the enterprise's liquidation. (一)赋予持有方在企业清算时按比例份额获得该企业净资产的权利;
(2) The instrument is in the class of instruments that is subordinate to all other classes of instruments. (二)该工具所属的类别次于其他所有工具类别;
(3) All financial instruments in the class of instruments that is subordinate to all other classes of instruments must have an identical contractual obligation for the issuer to deliver a pro rata share of its net assets on liquidation. (三)在次于其他所有类别的工具类别中,发行方对该类别中所有工具都应当在清算时承担按比例份额交付其净资产的同等合同义务。
The liquidation giving rise to the aforesaid contractual obligation either is certain to occur and outside the control of the issuer (for example, a limited life entity) or is uncertain to occur but is at the option of the instrument holder. 产生上述合同义务的清算确定将会发生并且不受发行方的控制(如发行方本身是有限寿命主体),或者发生与否取决于该工具的持有方。
Article 18 For a puttable instrument, or a financial instrument that imposes on the issuer an obligation to deliver to another party a pro rata share of the net assets of the enterprise only on liquidation, to be classified as an equity instrument, in addition to having all the features specified in Article 16 or 17, the issuer must have no other financial instrument or contract that has:   第十八条 分类为权益工具的可回售工具,或发行方仅在清算时才有义务向另一方按比例交付其净资产的金融工具,除应当具有第十六条或第十七条所述特征外,其发行方应当没有同时具备下列特征的其他金融工具或合同:
(1) total cash flows based substantially on the profit or loss, the change in the recognized net assets or the change in the fair value of the recognized and unrecognized net assets of the enterprise (excluding any effects of such instrument or contract); and (一)现金流量总额实质上基于企业的损益、已确认净资产的变动、已确认和未确认净资产的公允价值变动(不包括该工具或合同的任何影响);
(2) the effect of substantially restricting or fixing the residual return to the holder of the instrument specified in Article 16 or 17 of these Standards. (二)实质上限制或固定了本准则第十六条或第十七条所述工具持有方所获得的剩余回报。
For the purposes of applying the aforesaid condition, the issuer shall not consider the non-financial contract with the holder of the instrument described in Article 16 or 17 of these Standards if the contract has contractual terms and conditions that are similar to the contractual terms and conditions of an equivalent contract that might occur between a non-instrument holder and the issuer. If the enterprise cannot determine that this condition is met, it shall not classify the instrument as an equity instrument. 在运用上述条件时,对于发行方与本准则第十六条或第十七条所述工具持有方签订的非金融合同,如果其条款和条件与发行方和其他方之间可能订立的同等合同类似,不应考虑该非金融合同的影响。但如果不能做出此判断,则不得将该工具分类为权益工具。
Article 19 For a financial instrument classified as an equity instrument in accordance with this Chapter, from the date when the instrument ceases to have all the features described in Article 16 or 17 or the issuer ceases to meet all the conditions set out in Article 18, the issuer shall reclassify it as a financial liability, measure it at the instrument's fair value at the date of reclassification, and recognize in equity any difference between the carrying value of the equity instrument and the fair value of the financial liability at the date of reclassification.   第十九条 按照本章规定分类为权益工具的金融工具,自不再具有第十六条或第十七条所述特征,或发行方不再满足第十八条规定条件之日起,发行方应当将其重分类为金融负债,以重分类日该工具的公允价值计量,重分类日权益工具的账面价值和金融负债的公允价值之间的差额确认为权益。
For a financial instrument classified as a financial liability in accordance with this Chapter, from the date when the instrument has all the features described in Article 16 or 17 and the issuer meets all the conditions set out in Article 18, the issuer shall reclassify it as an equity instrument, and measure it at the carrying value of the financial liability on the date of reclassification. 按照本章规定分类为金融负债的金融工具,自具有第十六条或第十七条所述特征,且发行方满足第十八条规定条件之日起,发行方应当将其重分类为权益工具,以重分类日金融负债的账面价值计量。
Article 20 The issuer of a financial instrument meeting the conditions set out by this Chapter for being classified as an equity instrument shall classify the non-controlling interests in the consolidated financial statements of its parent company as financial liabilities.
   第二十条 企业发行的满足本章规定分类为权益工具的金融工具,在其母公司的合并财务报表中对应的少数股东权益部分,应当分类为金融负债。

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