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Law of the People's Republic of China on Technology Contracts [Expired]
中华人民共和国技术合同法 [失效]

Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 53)


The Law of the People's Republic of China on Technology Contracts, as adopted at the 21th Session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on June 23, 1987, is hereby issued and shall come into force as of November 1, 1987.


President of the People's Republic of China: Li Xiannian


中华人民共和国主席 李先念

June 23, 1987




(Adopted at the 21st Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on June 23, 1987)



第一章 总则

Article 1. This Law is formulated with a view to promoting the development of science and technology, enabling science and technology to render better service to socialist modernization, ensuring the lawful rights and interests of the parties to technology contracts, and maintaining the order of technology markets.   第一条 为了推动科学技术的发展,促进科学技术为社会主义现代化建设服务,保障技术合同当事人的合法权益,维护技术市场秩序,制定本法。

Article 2. This Law shall apply to contracts concluded between legal persons, between legal persons and citizens, and between citizens for establishing relations of civil rights and obligations with respect to technology development, technology transfers, technical consultancy and technical services, but not to contracts to which a foreign enterprise, organization or individual is a party.   第二条 本法适用于法人之间,法人和公民之间、公民之间就技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询和技术服务所订立的确立民事权利与义务关系的合同。但是,当事人一方是外国的企业、其他组织或者个人的合同除外。

Article 3. The conclusion of a technology contract must comply with the laws and regulations, facilitate the progress of science and technology, and accelerate the application and dissemination of the achievements of science and technology.   第三条 订立技术合同,必须遵守法律、法规,有利于科学技术的进步,加速科学技术成果的应用和推广。

Article 4. The conclusion of a technology contract must adhere to the principles of voluntariness and equality, mutual benefit and compensation, and honesty and creditability.   第四条 订立技术合同,应当遵循自愿平等、互利有偿和诚实信用的原则。

Article 5. If the contents of a technology contract involve the security or vital interests of the state and need to be kept confidential, the matter shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.   第五条 技术合同的内容涉及国家安全或者重大利益需要保密的,按照国家有关规定办理。

Article 6. Technological achievements obtained by a person in carrying out a task of the unit to which he belongs or mainly through using the technological and material means of such a unit shall be job-related technological achievements. The right to use or to transfer a job-related technological achievement shall belong to the unit, which shall have the right to conclude technology contracts concerning such a technological achievement. The unit shall reward the individuals who accomplished the technological achievement on the basis of the proceeds realized from the use and transfer of such an achievement.   第六条 执行本单位的任务或者主要是利用本单位的物质技术条件所完成的技术成果,是职务技术成果。职务技术成果的使用权、转让权属于单位,单位有权就该项职务技术成果订立技术合同。单位应当根据使用和转让该项职务技术成果所取得的收益,对完成该项职务技术成果的个人给予奖励。

The right to use and transfer a non-job-related technological achievement shall belong to the individuals who accomplished it, who shall have the right to conclude technology contracts concerning such a non-job-related technological achievement.

Where application for a patent is filed or a patent right is granted for a job-related or non-job-related technological achievement, the relevant provisions of the Patent Law shall apply.

An individual who has accomplished a technological achievement shall have the right to be named as such in the documents related to the technological achievement and the right to receive certificates of honour and awards.

Article 7. The competent departments under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, as required by state interests or public interests, have the authority to decide on the dissemination for wider application by designated units of non-patent technological achievements that are of great significance and belong to units owned by the whole people within their system or under their administration. A unit using such technological achievements shall commit itself to keep the technological achievements confidential and shall pay a use fee according to the agreement between the two parties. If the two parties can not reach an agreement, the authorities that have made the decision shall determine a reasonable use fee.   第七条 国务院有关主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府、根据国家利益或者社会公共利益的需要,对本系统或者管辖范围内的全民所有制单位的具有重大意义的非专利技术成果,有权决定在指定的单位中推广使用。使用单位对该项技术成果负有保密责任。使用单位应当按照双方协议支付使用费;双方不能达成协议的,由作出决定的机关确定合理的使用费。

Non-patent technological achievements of collectively owned units or individuals that are of great significance to state interests or public interests and need to be applied on a wider scale shall be handled by making reference to the provisions of the preceding paragraph after the competent departments under the State Council have obtained approval from the State Council.

Article 8. The administrative authorities in charge of technology contracts shall be specified by the State Council.   第八条 技术合同的管理机关由国务院规定。


第二章 技术合同的订立、履行、变更和解除

Article 9. The conclusion, modification and rescission of a technology contract shall be conducted in written form.   第九条 技术合同的订立、变更和解除采用书面形式。

Article 10. A technology contract shall be formed once the parties have signed their names and put their seals on it. Contracts subject to approval by the relevant authorities pursuant to the provisions of the state shall be formed upon such approval.   第十条 技术合同自当事人在合同上签名、盖章后成立;按照国家规定需要经过有关机关批准的,自批准时起成立。

Article 11. Parties to a technology contract may stipulate the guaranty for the contract. A contract with a third party as the guarantor shall be formed upon the signing and sealing of the contract by the guarantor and the guaranteed party.   第十一条 当事人可以约定技术合同的担保。由第三者作保证人的合同,自保证人和被保证人在合同上签名、盖章后成立。

Article 12. The price or remuneration and the means of payment shall be agreed upon by the parties to a technology contract.   第十二条 技术合同中的价款或者报酬及其支付方式由当事人约定。

Article 13. A party may entrust an agent to conclude a technology contract on its behalf. The entrusting party shall issue a power of attorney to the agent. The agent shall conclude the contract in the name of the entrusting party and within the scope of authority delegated to him by the entrusting party.   第十三条 当事人可以委托代理人订立技术合同。委托人应当向代理人出具委托书。代理人应当在委托人授权的范围内,以委托人的名义订立合同。

Article 14. Intermediary agencies that provide services for the conclusion of technology contracts shall comply with the relevant provisions of this Law and adhere to the principles of honesty and creditability, and may collect reasonable fees.   第十四条 为订立技术合同提供服务的中介机构,应当遵守本法有关规定,遵循诚实信用的原则,可以收取合理的费用。

Article 15. The provisions of a technology contract shall be agreed upon by the parties, and shall normally contain the following:   第十五条 技术合同的条款由当事人约定。一般应当包括:

(1) title of the project; (一)项目名称;

(2) contents, scope and requirements of the object; (二)标的的内容、范围和要求;

(3) plan, schedule, time limits, place and manner of performance; (三)履行的计划、进度、期限、地点和方式;

(4) maintenance of confidentiality of technological information and materials; (四)技术情报和资料的保密;

(5) liability for risks; (五)风险责任的承担;

(6) ownership and sharing of technological achievements; (六)技术成果的归属和分享;

(7) standards and methods of inspection and acceptance; (七)验收标准和方法;

(8) price or remuneration and means of payment; (八)价款或者报酬及其支付方式;

(9) breach of contract damages or methods for computing the amount of compensation for losses; (九)违约金或者损失赔偿额的计算方法;

(10) methods for settling disputes; and (十)争议的解决办法;

(11) interpretation of terms and technical expressions. (十一)名词和术语的解释。

Background materials on the technology, reports on feasibility studies and technological appraisal, project descriptions and plans, technological standards, technological norms, original designs and documents on technological processes, as well as blueprints, charts, data and photographs, etc. , that are pertinent to the performance of the contract may, by agreement between the parties, become an integral part of the contract.
与履行合同有关的技术背景资料、 可行性论证和技术评价报告、 项目任务书和计划书、技术标准、技术规范、原始设计和工艺文件,以及图纸、表格、数据和照片等,可以根据当事人的协议作为合同的组成部分。

Article 16. As soon as a technology contract is formed according to law, it shall have legally binding force, and the parties shall fully perform the obligations agreed upon in the contract. No party may unilaterally modify or rescind the contract.   第十六条 技术合同依法成立,即具有法律约束力,当事人应当全面履行合同约定的义务,任何一方不得擅自变更或者解除。

Article 17. If a party to a technology contract fails to perform the contract or its performance of the contractual obligations does not conform to the agreed terms, which constitutes a breach of the contract, the other party shall have the right to demand performance of the contract or adoption of remedial measures, and it shall also have the right to claim compensation for its losses.   第十七条 当事人一方不履行技术合同或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件,即违反合同的,另一方有权要求履行或者采取补救措施,并有权要求赔偿损失。

The liability for compensation of a party that breaches a contract shall correspond to the losses suffered by the other party as a result of the breach, but may not exceed the losses that the party responsible for the breach should have foreseen at the time of concluding the contract.

The parties may agree in the contract that when one party breaches the contract, it shall pay a certain amount of breach of contract damages to the other party; they may also agree upon the methods of computing the amount of compensation to be paid for losses caused by a breach of contract.

The party that has suffered losses due to the other party's breach of contract shall promptly adopt appropriate measures to prevent the losses from being aggravated, if it fails to promptly adopt such appropriate measures and as a result the losses are aggravated, it shall not have the right to claim compensation for the aggravated part of the losses.

Article 18. If all parties are in breach of a technology contract, each party shall bear its liability commensurately.   第十八条 当事人都违反技术合同的,各自承担相应的责任。

Article 19. If a party fails to perform its obligations under a technology contract for reasons attributable to authorities at a higher level, it shall, according to stipulations of the contract, pay compensation to the other party or adopt other remedial measures, and then the authorities at a higher level shall be responsible for dealing with the losses thereby suffered by the former.   第十九条 当事人一方由于上级机关的原因,不能履行技术合同义务的,应当按照合同约定向另一方赔偿损失或者其他补救措施,再由上级机关对它因此受到的损失负责处理。

Article 20. If a party is prevented from performing a technology contract by force majeure, it shall be exonerated from the liability for its failure to perform the contract.   第二十条 当事人因不可抗力不能履行技术合同的,免除其不能履行合同的责任。

Article 21. The following technology contracts shall be void:   第二十一条 下列技术合同无效:

(1) those that violate the laws or regulations or infringe upon state interests or public interests; (一)违反法律、法规或者损害国家利益、社会公共利益的;

(2) those that illegally monopolize technology or impede its progress; (二)非法垄断技术、妨碍技术进步的;

(3) those that infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of others; and (三)侵害他人合法权益的;

(4) those that are concluded by means of fraud or duress. (四)采取欺诈或者胁迫手段订立的。

Void contracts shall have no legally binding force from the time they are concluded. Where a contract is void in part while the validity of the rest of the contract is not affected thereby, the rest shall remain valid.

Article 22. Any person who concludes a technology contract that violates the laws and regulations or infringes upon state interests or public interests and engages in illegal activities shall be investigated according to law for administrative liability or criminal liability.   第二十二条 订立违反法律、法规或者损害国家利益、社会公共利益的技术合同,进行违法活动的,依法追究行政责任或者刑事责任。

Article 23. A technology contract may be modified or rescinded through consultation and agreement between the parties.   第二十三条 经当事人协商一致,技术合同可以变更或者解除。

With respect to technology contracts approved by relevant authorities, consent of the original approval authorities shall be obtained for their modification or rescission.

Article 24. If, as a result of the occurrence of any of the following circumstances, the performance of a technology contract becomes unnecessary or impossible, either party shall have the right to notify the other party of the rescission of the contract:   第二十四条 发生下列情况之一,致使技术合同的履行成为不必要或者不可能的,当事人一方有权通知另一方解除合同:

(1) the other party has breached the contract; (一)另一方违反合同;

(2) an event of force majeure has occurred; or (二)发生不可抗力;

(3) the technology which is the object of a technology development contract has been made public by others. (三)作为技术开发合同标的的技术已经由他人公开。

Article 25. Modification or rescission of a technology contract shall not affect the rights of the parties to claim compensation for their losses.   第二十五条 技术合同的变更、解除、不影响当事人要求赔偿损失的权利。

Article 26. Within the validity period of a technology contract, no party may, without the consent of the other party, transfer all or a part of its contractual rights or obligations to a third party.   第二十六条 在技术合同有效期内,当事人一方未经另一方同意,不得将其权利和义务的部分或者全部转让给第三方。


第三章 技术开发合同

Article 27. Technology development contracts refer to contracts concluded between parties for the purpose of conducting research in and development of new technologies, new products, new processes and new materials as well as their systems.   第二十七条 技术开发合同是指当事人之间就新技术、新产品、新工艺和新材料及其系统的研究开发所订立的合同。

Technology development contracts include commission development contracts and cooperative development contracts.

Article 28. Commission development contracts refer to contracts under which one party commissions the other party to undertake research and development.   第二十八条 委托开发合同是指当事人一方委托另一方进行研究开发所订立的合同。

The main obligations of the commissioning party shall be:

(1) to pay funds and remuneration for research and development according to stipulations of the contract; (一)按照合同约定支付研究开发经费和报酬;

(2) to provide technical materials and original data and to accomplish coordinated undertakings according to stipulations of the contract; and (二)按照合同约定提供技术资料、原始数据并完成协作事项;

(3) to accept the result of research and development according to schedule. (三)按照接受研究开发成果。

The main obligations of the party undertaking research and development shall be:

(1) to work out and implement research and development plans; (一)制定和实施研究开发计划;

(2) to use research and development funds in a rational way; and (二)合理使用研究开发经费;

(3) to complete research and development work and deliver the results according to schedule, to provide relevant technical materials and necessary technical guidance, and to help the commissioning party master the results of research and development. (三)按期完成研究开发工作,交付研究开发成果,提供有关的技术资料和必要的技术指导,帮助委托方掌握研究开发成果。

Article 29. If the commissioning party breaches the contract and thereby causes a standstill, delay or failure in research and development work, it shall pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses.   第二十九条 委托方违反合同造成研究开发工作停滞、延误或者失败的,应当支付违约金或者赔偿损失。

If the party undertaking research and development breaches the contract and thereby causes a standstill or delay in research and development work, it shall pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses besides adopting remedial measures and continuing the performance of the contract; if research and development work fails as a result of the breach, it shall refund all or part of the research and development funds and remuneration received, and pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses.

Article 30. Cooperative development contracts refer to contracts concluded between parties for the purpose of jointly carrying out research and development.   第三十条 合作开发合同是指当事人各方就共同进行研究开发所订立的合同。

The main obligations of each party to a cooperative research and development contract shall be:

(1) to make investment according to the stipulations of the contract, including contribution of technology as investment; (一)按照合同约定进行投资,包括以技术进行投资;

(2) to take part in research and development according to the division of work stipulated in the contract; and (二)按照合同约定的分工参与研究开发工作;

(3) to cooperate and coordinate with other parties to the contract. (三)与其他各方协作配合。

Article 31. If any party to a cooperative development contract breaches the contract and thereby causes a standstill, delay or failure in research and development work, it shall pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses.   第三十一条 合作开发各方中,任何一方违反合同,造成研究开发工作停滞、延误或者失败的,应当支付违约金或者赔偿损失。

Article 32. The principles governing the ownership and sharing of technological achievements obtained in performing technology development contracts shall be:   第三十二条 履行技术开发合同所完成的技术成果的归属和分享原则是:

(1) With respect to inventions and creations made in execution of a commission for development, the right to apply for a patent shall,unless otherwise provided in the contract, belong to the party that undertakes research and development. (一)委托开发所完成的发明创造,除合同另有约定的以外,申请专利的权利属于研究开发方。研究开发方取得专利权的,委托方可以免费实施该项专利。

If the party that undertakes research and development is granted a patent right for the inventions or creations, the commissioning party may exploit that patent without paying a fee. If the party that undertakes research and development assigns the right to apply for a patent for its inventions or creations, the commissioning party may have priority to acquire such right.

(2) With respect to inventions or creations made through cooperative development, the right to apply for a patent shall, unless otherwise provided for in the contract, be jointly owned by the parties that carry out the cooperative development. If one party assigns its part of the jointly owned right to apply for a patent, the other party or parties may have priority to acquire such right. (二)合作开发所完成的发明创造,除合同另有约定的以外,申请专利的权利属于合作开发各方共有。一方转让其共有的专利申请权的,另一方或者其他各方可以优先受让其共有的专利申请权。

If one party to a cooperative development contract declares that it renounces its part of the joint right to apply for a patent, the other party may apply for it alone or the other parties may apply for it jointly. If a patent for the invention or creation is granted, the party that has renounced its right to apply for the patent may exploit the patent without paying a fee.

If one party to a cooperative development contract does not agree to apply for a patent, the other party or parties may not apply for it.

(3) The right to use non-patent technological achievements made through commission development or cooperative development, the right derived to transfer them, and the methods of distributing benefits from them shall be stipulated by the parties in the contract. In the absence of contractual stipulations, each party shall have the right to use and transfer the achievements, except that the party undertaking research and development under a commission development contract may not transfer the results of research and development to a third party before delivering them to the commissioning party. (三)委托开发或者合作开发所完成的非专利技术成果的使用权、转让权以及利益的分配办法,由当事人在合同中约定。合同没有约定的,当事人均有使用和转让的权利。但是,委托开发的研究开发方不得在向委托方交付研究开发成果之前,将研究开发成果转让给第三方。

Article 33. The liability for risks involved in a failure or partial failure in research and development caused by unsurmountable technical difficulties occurring in the process of performing a technology development contract shall be stipulated by the parties in the contract. In the absence of contractual stipulations, such liability shall be rationally shared by the parties.   第三十三条 在履行技术开发合同的过程中,因出现无法克服的技术困难,导致研究开发生败或者部分失败的,其风险责任由当事人在合同中约定。合同没有约定的,风险责任由当事人合同分担。

When one party discovers that the situation mentioned in the preceding paragraph is likely to cause a failure or partial failure in research and development, it shall promptly inform the other party of the situation and take appropriate measures to reduce losses; if one party fails to promptly inform the other party and take appropriate measures and as a result the losses are aggravated, it shall bear the liability for the aggravated part of the losses.


第四章 技术转让合同

Article 34. Technology transfer contracts refer to contracts concluded by parties with respect to the transfer of patent rights, the transfer of rights to apply for patents, the licensing of patent exploitation, and the transfer of non-patent technology.   第三十四条 技术转让合同是指当事人就专利权转让、专利申请权转让、专利实施许可、非专利技术的转让所订立的合同。

Article 35. Technology transfer contracts may stipulate the scope of patent exploitation or of the use of non-patent technology by the transferor or the transferee, except that no restriction on technological competition or technological development may be placed in any contract clause.   第三十五条 技术转让合同可以约定转让方和受让方实施专利或者使用非专利技术的范围。但是,不得以合同条款限制技术竞争和技术发展。

Article 36. The contracts concluded for transferring patent rights or rights to apply for patents shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Patent Law.   第三十六条 订立专利权转让合同或者专利申请权转让合同,应当遵守专利法的有关规定。

Article 37. The main obligations of the transferor under a contract on patent exploitation license shall be:   第三十七条 专利实施许可合同的转让方的主要义务是:

(1) to permit the transferee to exploit the patent within the scope stipulated in the contract; and (一)许可受让方在合同约定的范围内实施专利;

(2) to deliver the technical materials related to the exploitation of the patent and to provide necessary technical guidance. (二)交付实施专利有关的技术资料,提供必要的技术指导。

The main obligations of the transferee under a contract on patent exploitation license shall be:

(1) to exploit the patent within the scope stipulated in the contract, and not to permit any third party, except as provided for in the contract, to exploit such patent; and (一)在合同约定的范围内实施专利,并不得许可合同约定以外的第三方实施该专利;

(2) to pay use fees according to the stipulations of the contract. (二)按照合同约定支付使用费。

Article 38. Technology transfer contracts involving patents shall indicate the titles of the inventions or creations, the names of the patent applicant and patentee, the filing date of the application, the application number, the patent number and the term of validity of the patent right.   第三十八条 技术转让合同涉及专利的,应当注明发明创造的名称、专利申请人和专利权人、申请日期、申请号、专利号以及专利权的有效期限。

A contract for patent exploitation license shall be valid only within the duration of that patent right. Upon the termination or invalidation of the patent right, the patentee may not conclude with others any contract for patent exploitation license.

Article 39. The main obligations of the transferor under a non-patent technology transfer contract shall be:   第三十九条 非专利技术转让合同的转让方的主要义务是:

(1) to provide technical materials and technical guidance according to the stipulations of the contract; (一)按照合同约定提供技术资料,进行技术指导;

(2) to guarantee the practical applicability and reliability of the technology; and (二)保证技术的实用性、可靠性;

(3) to undertake the obligations of maintaining confidentiality stipulated in the contract. (三)承担合同约定的保密义务。

The main obligations of the transferee under a non-patent technology transfer contract shall be:

(1) to use the technology within the scope stipulated in the contract; (一)在合同约定的范围内使用技术;

(2) to pay use fees according to the stipulations of the contract; and (二)按照合同约定支付使用费;

(3) to undertake the obligations of maintaining confidentiality stipulated in the contract. (三)承担合同约定的保密义务。

Article 40. A transferor that breaches a contract shall bear the following liabilities:   第四十条 转让方违反合同的,应当承担下列责任:

(1) if it fails to transfer the technology in accordance with the contract, it shall, in addition to returning part or all of the use fees, pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses; (一)未按照合同约定转让技术的,除返还部分或者全部使用费外,应当支付违约金或者赔偿损失;

(2) if it exploits the patent(s) or uses the non-patent technology beyond the scope stipulated in the contract, or unilaterally permits, in violation of contractual stipulations, a third party to exploit the patent(s) or use the non-patent technology, it shall stop its contract-breaching acts and pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses; or (二)实施专利或者使用非专利技术超越合同约定的范围的,违反合同约定擅自许可第三方实施该项专利或者使用该项非专利技术的,应当停止违反合同的行为,支付违约金或者赔偿损失;

(3) if it violates the obligations of maintaining confidentiality stipulated in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses. (三)违反合同约定的保密义务的,应当支付违约金或者赔偿损失。

Article 41. A transferee that breaches a contract shall bear the following liabilities:   第四十一条 受让方违反合同的,应当承担下列责任:

(1) If it fails to pay the use fees in accordance with the contractual stipulations, it shall make up such payment(s) and, in addition, pay breach of contract damages according to the stipulations of the contract. If it fails to pay such overdue use fees or to pay breach of contract damages, it must stop exploiting the patents or using the non-patent technology, return the technical materials, and pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses; (一)未按照合同约定支付使用费的,应当补交使用费并按照合同约定支付违约金;不补交使用费或者支付违约金的,必须停止实施专利或者使用非专利技术,交还技术资料,支付违约金或者赔偿损失;

(2) If it exploits the patents or uses the non-patent technology beyond the scope stipulated in the contract, or permits, without the consent of the transferor, a third party to exploit the patents or use the non-patent technology, it shall stop its contract-breaching acts and pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses; or (二)实施专利或者使用非专利技术超越合同约定的范围的,未经转让方同意擅自许可第三方实施该项专利或者使用该项非专利技术的,应当停止违反合同的行为,支付违约金或者赔偿损失;

(3) If it violates the obligations of maintaining confidentiality stipulated in the contract, it shall pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses. (三)违反合同约定的保密义务的,应当支付违约金或者赔偿损失。

Article 42. If the exploitation of a patent or the use of non-patent technology by the transferee in accordance with the stipulations of a contract leads to an infringement upon the lawful rights and interests of others, the transferor shall bear the liabilities.   第四十二条 受让方按照合同约定实施专利、使用非专利技术引起侵害他人合法权益的,由转让方承担责任。

Article 43. The parties may, in accordance with the principle of mutual benefit, stipulate in a contract the methods of sharing technological achievements obtained from follow-up improvements made in the exploitation of a patent or the use of non-patent technology. In the absence of such contractual stipulations, neither party shall have the right to share the technological achievements made by the other party from follow-up improvements.   第四十三条 当事人可以按照互利的原则,在技术转让合同中约定实施专利、使用非专利技术后续改进的技术成果的分享办法。合同没有约定的,任何一方无权分享另一方后续改进的技术成果。


第五章 技术咨询合同和技术服务合同

Article 44. Technical consultancy contracts refer to contracts under which one of the parties undertakes to provide for the other party feasibility studies, technological forecasts, special technical investigations, and analytical evaluation reports regarding a specific technological project.   第四十四条 技术咨询合同是指当事人一方为另一方就特定技术项目提供可行性论证、技术预测、专题技术调查、分析评价报告所订立的合同。

Article 45. The main obligations of the commissioning party under a technical consultancy contract shall be:   第四十五条 技术咨询合同的委托方的主要义务是:

(1) to elucidate the questions posed for consultation and to provide, in accordance with the stipulations of the contract, technological background information as well as the relevant technical materials and data; and (一)阐明咨询的问题,按照合同约定提供技术背景材料及有关技术资料、数据;

(2) to accept from the consulting party the result of its work and to pay the remuneration according to schedule. (二)按期接受顾问方的工作成果,支付报酬。

The main obligations of the consulting party under a technical consultancy contract shall be:

(1) to complete consultation reports or answer questions from the commissioning party according to schedule by utilizing its technical knowledge and in compliance with the stipulations of the contract; and (一)利用自己的技术知识,按照合同约定按期完成咨询报告或者解答委托方的问题;

(2) to provide consultation reports that meet the requirements stipulated in the contract. (二)提出的咨询报告达到合同约定的要求。

Article 46. If the commissioning party under a technical consultancy contract fails to provide necessary data and materials in accordance with the stipulations of the contract and thereby affects the progress and quality of work, it shall not claim the refund of the remuneration already paid and shall pay the outstanding remuneration in full.   第四十六条 技术咨询合同的委托方未按照合同约定提供必要的数据和资料,影响工作进度和质量的,所付的报酬不得追回,未付的报酬应当如数支付。

If the consulting party under a technical consultancy contract fails to provide its consultation report according to schedule or if the report provided does not conform to the stipulations of the contract, it shall reduce or forfeit its remuneration and pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses.

Any losses resulting from the decisions made by the commissioning party under a technical consultancy contract on the basis of the consultation reports and advice of the consulting party that meet the requirements stipulated in the contract shall, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, be borne by the commissioning party.

Article 47. Technical service contracts refer to contracts under which one of the parties undertakes to solve particular technical problems for the other party by utilizing its technical knowledge, excluding contracts for surveying, designing, building and installation of construction projects and processing contracts.   第四十七条 技术服务合同是指当事人一方以技术知识为另一解决特定技术问题所订立的合同,不包括建设工程的勘探、设计、施工、安装合同和加工承揽合同。

Article 48. The main obligations of the commissioning party under a technical service contract shall be:   第四十八条 技术服务合同的委托方的主要义务是:

(1) to provide the servicing party with work facilities and to accomplish coordinated undertakings in accordance with the stipulations of the contract; and (一)按照合同约定为服务方提供工作条件,完成配合事项;

(2) to accept the result of work from the servicing party and to pay remuneration according to schedule. (二)按期接受服务方的工作成果,支付报酬。

The main obligations of the servicing party under a technical service contract shall be:

(1) to accomplish services stipulated in the contract and solve technical problems according to schedule and to guarantee the quality of its work; and (一)按期完成合同约定的服务项目,解决技术问题,保证工作质量;

(2) to impart to the other party its knowledge concerning the solution of technical problems. (二)传授解决技术问题的知识。

Article 49. If the commissioning party under a technical service contract breaches the contract and thereby affects the progress and quality of the work, or fails to accept the result of the work from the servicing party or fails to accept it according to schedule, it shall pay the remuneration in full.   第四十九条 技术服务合同的委托方违反合同,影响工作进度和质量,不接受或者逾期接受服务方的工作成果的,应当如数支付报酬。

If the servicing party under a technical service contract fails to accomplish its services in accordance with the stipulations of the contract, it shall forfeit its remuneration and pay breach of contract damages or compensate for the losses.

Article 50. Unless otherwise provided for in the contract, any new technical achievements made by the consulting party or the servicing party in performing a technical consultancy contract or a technical service contract by utilizing the technical materials and work facilities provided by the commissioning party shall belong to the consulting party or the servicing party, and any new technical achievements made by the commissioning party by utilizing the results of work of the consulting party or the servicing party shall belong to the commissioning party.   第五十条 在履行技术咨询合同、技术服务合同的过程中,顾问方或者服务方利用委托方提供的技术资料和工作条件所完成的新的技术成果,属于顾问方或者服务方。委托方利用顾问方或者服务方的工作成果所完成的新的技术成果,属于委托方。但是,合同另有约定的除外。


第六章 技术合同争议的仲裁和诉讼

Article 51. If a dispute arises from a technology contract, the parties may resolve it through consultation or mediation. If the parties are unwilling to resort to consultation or mediation, or if consultation or mediation fails, they may, in accordance with the arbitration clause in the contract or a written arbitration agreement reached after the dispute arises, apply to an arbitration institution designated by the state for arbitration.   第五十一条 发生技术合同争议的,当事人可以通过协商或者调解解决。当事人不愿通过协商、调解解决或者协商、调解不成的,可以依据合同中的仲裁条款或者事后达成的书面仲裁协议,向国家规定的仲裁机构申请仲裁。

If one party fails to carry out within the prescribed period an arbitration award made by an arbitration institution, the other party may apply to the people's court for compulsory enforcement.

If the parties have not included any arbitration clause in the contract and have not reached any written arbitration agreement subsequent to the occurrence of the dispute, a suit may be brought in the people's court.

Article 52. The limitations of action for bringing a suit and the period for applying for arbitration in connection with disputes arising from technology contracts shall be one year, computed from the date on which the party knew or should have known of the infringement on its lawful rights and interests.   第五十二条 技术合同争议的诉讼时效和申请仲裁的期限为一年,自当事人得知或者应当得知其合法权益受到侵害之日起计算。


第七章 附则

Article 53. Technology contracts concluded after this Law goes into effect shall not be governed by the Economic Contract Law.   第五十三条 本法施行以后订立的技术合同,不适用经济合同法

Article 54. The department in charge of science and technology under the State Council may, on the basis of this Law, formulate rules for its implementation, which shall go into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.   第五十四条 国务院科学技术主管部门可以根据本法制定实施条例,报国务院批准施行。

Article 55. This Law shall go into effect as of November 1, 1987.   第五十五条 本法自1987年11月1日起施行。
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