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Joint Communiqué on the 25th Regular Meeting between the Prime Ministers of China and Russia

Joint Communiqué on the 25th Regular Meeting between the Prime Ministers of China and Russia



(December 2, 2020) (2020年12月2日)

On December 2, 2020, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council of the People's Republic of China and Prime Minister Mishustin of the Russian Federation held the 25th regular meeting between the Chinese and Russian prime ministers via video. 中华人民共和国国务院总理李克强和俄罗斯联邦政府总理米舒斯京于2020年12月2日以视频方式举行中俄总理第二十五次定期会晤。
The prime ministers of the two countries (hereinafter referred to as the "two parties") pointed out that the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between China and Russia in the new era maintains a high level of operation and a high degree of mutual trust. Comprehensively deepening Sino-Russian cooperation is in the fundamental interests of the two peoples and plays an important role in promoting regional and world peace, stability, and development. 两国总理(以下简称“双方”)指出,中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系保持高水平运行和高度互信。全面深化中俄合作符合两国人民的根本利益,对促进地区及世界的和平、稳定、发展发挥着重要作用。
The two sides emphasized that in the face of the severe challenges posed by the new crown pneumonia epidemic to the world, China and Russia have worked closely and joined hands to fight the epidemic, timely provide humanitarian aid to each other and share epidemic prevention experience. 双方强调,面对新冠肺炎疫情对全球构成的严峻挑战,中俄两国密切协作、携手抗疫,及时向对方提供人道主义物资援助并分享防疫经验。
In order to overcome the new crown pneumonia epidemic as soon as possible, the two sides will continue to focus on promoting cooperation in the field of anti-epidemic, including drug and vaccine research and development. The two sides support the strengthening of international anti-epidemic cooperation, support emerging market countries and developing countries in responding to the health, economic and social impacts of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and oppose the politicization of the epidemic. 为早日战胜新冠肺炎疫情,双方将继续重点推动抗疫领域合作,包括药物和疫苗研发。双方支持加强国际抗疫合作,支持新兴市场国家和发展中国家应对新冠肺炎疫情带来的卫生、经济和社会冲击,反对将疫情政治化。
The two sides pointed out that the regular meeting mechanism between the prime ministers of China and Russia plays an important role in effectively guiding cooperation between the two countries in various fields such as economy and trade, investment, energy, scientific and technological innovation, humanities and localities. This mechanism defines the task of promoting the quality and upgrading of the practical cooperation between the two countries, laying a solid material and social foundation for the development of bilateral relations, and creating conditions for the economic development and prosperity of the two countries. 双方指出,中俄两国总理定期会晤机制对有效指导两国经贸、投资、能源、科技创新、人文和地方等各领域合作发挥着重要作用。该机制确定了推动两国务实合作提质升级的任务,为双边关系发展奠定坚实的物质和社会基础,为两国经济发展和繁荣创造条件。
The two sides pointed out that the trade volume between the two countries will continue to grow in 2019, and cooperation in the fields of agriculture, digital technology, industry, energy, outer space exploration, customs, transportation, environmental protection, and local areas has made positive progress. 双方指出,2019年两国贸易额继续保持增长,农业、数字技术、工业、能源、外空探测、海关、交通、环保、地方等领域合作取得积极进展。
The two sides are willing to consolidate the good momentum of cooperation and strive to overcome the adverse impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on economic cooperation as soon as possible. To this end, the two parties agreed: 双方愿巩固良好合作势头,努力尽早克服新冠肺炎疫情对经济合作造成的不利影响。为此,双方商定:
——Further strengthen economic, trade and investment cooperation, promote the signing of the "Roadmap for the High-Quality Development of Sino-Russian Trade in Goods and Services by 2024", strive to optimize the structure, cultivate new growth points for trade, and further optimize the trade and investment business environment, Realize the development goal of expanding the scale of trade. ——进一步加强经贸和投资合作,推动签署《至2024年中俄货物贸易和服务贸易高质量发展的路线图》,努力优化结构,培育新的贸易增长点,进一步优化贸易和投资营商环境,实现扩大贸易规模的发展目标。
——Support the two countries' provinces and states to carry out inter-local soybean cooperation, and promote the cooperation in the whole industrial chain of soybean trade and investment between the two countries, including industry alliances and associations. ——支持两国省州开展地方间大豆合作,促进两国包括行业联盟和协会在内的大豆贸易、投资等全产业链合作。
——Strengthen cooperation under the framework of the China-Russia Trade Union Working Group to further promote the resolution of problems in bilateral trade and investment cooperation. ——在中俄贸易畅通工作组框架下加强合作,进一步推动解决双边贸易投资合作中存在的问题。
——Support the holding of the 7th China-Russia Expo in Russia in 2021. ——支持2021年在俄罗斯举办第七届中俄博览会。
——Promote the exchange of operating experience of special economic zones, organize investor inspections, and encourage Chinese companies to carry out project cooperation in Russia's special economic zones, leapfrog economic and social development zones, and the Free Port of Vladivostok. ——促进经济特区运行经验交流,组织投资者考察,鼓励中国企业在俄罗斯经济特区、跨越式经济社会发展区和符拉迪沃斯托克自由港等区域内开展项目合作。
——Continue to strengthen the multilateral trading system and defend the key role of the World Trade Organization as the main coordinator of international trade, and use mechanisms such as the G20, APEC, Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS to coordinate actions to ensure the organization's effective and smooth operation. ——继续加强多边贸易体制和捍卫世界贸易组织作为国际贸易主要协调者的关键作用,利用二十国集团、亚太经合组织、上海合作组织和金砖国家等机制协调行动,确保该组织有效顺畅运行。
——Strengthen the dialogue on WTO reform and other issues, and coordinate positions on issues of mutual interest. ——加强世贸组织改革等问题的对话,就双方共同感兴趣的问题协调立场。
——Jointly oppose the rise of protectionism, such as adopting unilateral restrictive measures in international trade, and setting excessive trade barriers to offset the consequences of the epidemic. ——共同反对保护主义抬头,如在国际贸易中采取单边限制措施,为抵补疫情造成的后果而过度设置贸易壁垒等。
——In view of the overall impact of the digital economy on the economic and social development and global governance systems of all countries, and the importance of data security to the national security, public interests and individual rights of all countries, we call on all countries to reach an agreement that reflects the wishes of all countries on the basis of universal participation. Global data security rules that respect the interests of all parties. To this end, Russia welcomes the "Global Data Security Initiative" proposed by China and supports China's efforts to strengthen global data security. ——鉴于数字经济对各国经济社会发展和全球治理体系的全面影响,及数据安全对各国国家安全、公共利益和个人权利的重要性,共同呼吁各国在普遍参与的基础上,达成反映各国意愿、尊重各方利益的全球数据安全规则。为此,俄方欢迎中方提出的《全球数据安全倡议》,支持中方为加强全球数据安全作出努力。
——By launching joint initiatives and implementing joint projects under the framework of the BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, G20, APEC, East Asia Summit, Asia-Europe Meeting and other multilateral organizations, coordinating positions and deepening economic cooperation between China and Russia, Increase the scale of trade and investment. Both parties welcome the signing of the "Memorandum of Understanding on Multilateral and Regional Economic Cooperation between the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation" as soon as possible. ——通过在金砖国家、上海合作组织、二十国集团、亚太经合组织、东亚峰会、亚欧会议等多边组织框架下发起联合倡议和实施共同项目,协调立场,深化中俄两国经济合作,提升贸易和投资规模。双方欢迎尽快签署《中华人民共和国商务部和俄罗斯联邦经济发展部关于多边和区域经济合作的谅解备忘录》。
——Strengthen practical cooperation under the framework of the Big Tumen Initiative, promote the construction of multimodal transport corridors and economic corridors in Northeast Asia, and promote economic, trade and investment cooperation in Northeast Asia. ——加强在大图们倡议框架下的务实合作,推动东北亚多式联运通道建设和经济走廊发展,促进东北亚经贸投资合作。
——Continue to promote the implementation of the "Memorandum of Understanding on E-commerce Cooperation between the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation", strengthen dialogue in the field of e-commerce legal adjustment and protection of consumer rights, and support willing companies to build transportation, logistics and Storage facilities. ——继续推动落实《中华人民共和国商务部和俄罗斯联邦经济发展部关于电子商务合作的谅解备忘录》,在电子商务法律调整和保护消费者权益领域加强对话,支持有意愿的企业建设运输、物流和仓储设施。
—— Sign and implement as soon as possible the "Agreement on Cooperation between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation in the Field of Anti-monopoly Law Enforcement and Competition Policy." The "Regulations on Anti-Unfair Competition between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation" signed on April 25, 1996 Continue to strengthen long-term cooperation under the framework of the Agreement on Cooperation and Exchange in the Anti-monopoly Field. ——尽快签署并落实《中华人民共和国政府与俄罗斯联邦政府反垄断执法和竞争政策领域的合作协定》,在1996年4月25日签署的《中华人民共和国政府和俄罗斯联邦政府关于反不正当竞争与反垄断领域合作交流协定》框架下继续加强长期合作。
——Strengthen the cooperation between the two parties in the field of intellectual property protection, exchange advanced experience and practices on issues such as digitization, form bilateral rules, coordinate positions on intellectual property protection issues internationally, and maintain timely information communication on the latest inventions related to the fight against the epidemic . ——加强双方在知识产权保护领域的合作,就数字化等问题交流先进经验和做法,形成双边规则,在国际上就保护知识产权问题协调立场,就与抗疫有关的最新发明成果及时保持信息沟通。
——The "Memorandum of Understanding between the Chinese and Russian Civil Aviation Departments on Air Transport" signed on July 24, 2019 is of great significance to further expanding mutually beneficial cooperation in the aviation field of the two countries. The two civil aviation departments may lift the new crown pneumonia epidemic restrictions in 2021 After the full consultation. ——2019年7月24日签署的《中俄民航部门关于航空运输的谅解备忘录》对进一步拓展两国航空领域互利合作具有重要意义,两国民航部门可在2021年或解除新冠肺炎疫情限制措施后进行充分磋商。
——To jointly promote the opening of the Heihe-Blagoveshchensk road bridge to traffic as soon as possible, and implement the construction project of the cableway across the Heilongjiang (Amur River). ——共同推动黑河-布拉戈维申斯克公路大桥尽快通车,实施跨黑龙江(阿穆尔河)索道建设项目。
——The two sides will strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic situation of entry and exit personnel at the Sino-Russian border ports, including whether truck drivers and train employees have inspection certificates, and continue to implement the consensus of temporary passenger suspension at border ports, and on the basis of joint epidemic prevention work , And strive to increase the volume of freight clearance at border land ports. ——双方将强化对中俄边境口岸出入境人员疫情防控,包括货车司机、列车员工是否具有检测证明,并继续落实边境口岸临时客停货通的共识,在共同做好防疫工作的基础上,努力提升边境陆路口岸货运通关量。
——Promote the completion of the construction of the Tongjiang-Xiningsquaye railway bridge and related ports. ——推动完成同江-下列宁斯阔耶铁路桥及相关口岸建设。
——Continue to develop the "Binhai No. 1" and "Binhai No. 2" international transportation corridors in transit transportation cooperation, and carry out the feasibility study of the construction of the "Binhai No. 2" international transportation corridor unmanned passage. ——继续发展“滨海1号”和“滨海2号”国际运输通道过境运输合作,开展建设“滨海2号”国际运输通道无人驾驶通道的可行性研究。
——Promote the implementation of the "International Road Transport Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation." ——推动落实《中华人民共和国政府与俄罗斯联邦政府国际道路运输协定》。
—— Actively negotiate and sign the "Agreement between the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on the International Road Transport of Dangerous Goods", and amend Article 13 of the "Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation on Facilitating Citizens' Movements". Facilitation of visas for passengers of the Russian International Road Transport Department. ——积极商签《中华人民共和国交通运输部和俄罗斯联邦运输部关于危险货物国际道路运输的协议》,修订《中华人民共和国政府和俄罗斯联邦政府关于便利公民往来的协议》第13条,推进中俄国际道路运输司乘人员签证便利化。
——Take the opportunity of hosting the 2020-2021 China-Russia Science and Technology Innovation Year to deepen pragmatic cooperation in the field of science and technology innovation, strengthen joint scientific research, promote the establishment of scientific research institutions, promote the two-way flow of talents, and expand cooperation in the science and technology industry. ——以举办2020-2021中俄科技创新年为契机,深化在科技创新领域的务实合作,加强双方联合科研攻关,推动共建科研机构,促进人才双向流动,拓展科技产业合作。
—— Combining the needs of innovation, technology and economic and social development of the two countries, and based on the implementation of the China-Russia Space Cooperation Outline for 2018-2022, expand the two countries' lunar and deep space exploration, international lunar research stations, launch vehicles and engines , Earth observation, low-orbit satellite communication technology applications, aerospace electronic components, space debris detection, and "Millimetron (Spektr-M) Astrophysics Space Observatory" and long-term mutually beneficial cooperation on major projects. ——结合两国创新、科技及经济社会发展的需求,以落实《2018-2022年中俄航天合作大纲》为基础,拓展两国在月球和深空探测、国际月球科研站、运载火箭及发动机、对地观测、低轨卫星通信技术应用、航天电子元器件、空间碎片检测和“Millimetron(Spektr-M)天体物理空间天文台”等领域大项目上的长期互利合作。
——In order to fully and effectively utilize the experience of the two countries in the fields of space equipment and space science and technology, and promote mutually beneficial cooperation on the establishment of an international lunar research station, the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation on the establishment of an international lunar research station cooperation memorandum of understanding ". ——为全面有效运用两国在空间装备、空间科技领域的经验,就建立国际月球科研站推动开展互利合作,商签《中华人民共和国政府与俄罗斯联邦政府关于建立国际月球科研站合作的谅解备忘录》。
——Expand long-term cooperation in the field of satellite navigation, including cooperation within the framework of the "Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation on the Peaceful Use of the Beidou and GLONASS Global Satellite Navigation System" to enhance Beidou and GLONASS The system is compatible with shared service performance, promotes the mutual construction of Beidou and GLONASS monitoring stations in China and Russia, and promotes the implementation of Sino-Russian cross-border transportation, precision agriculture application demonstration and other cooperation projects and other initiatives in this field. ——拓展卫星导航领域的长期合作,包括在《中华人民共和国政府和俄罗斯联邦政府关于和平使用北斗和格洛纳斯全球卫星导航系统的合作协定》框架内的合作,提升北斗和格洛纳斯系统兼容共用服务性能,促进在中国和俄罗斯境内互相建设北斗和格洛纳斯监测站,推动落实中俄跨境运输、精准农业应用示范等合作项目及该领域的其他倡议。
——Continue to improve the relevant laws and regulations of the peaceful research and use of outer space, including the "China Satellite Navigation System Committee (People's Republic of China) and the Russian National Aerospace Corporation (Russian Federation) Regarding Beidou and GLONASS Global Satellite Navigation System Time Interoperability Cooperation Agreement", and "China-Russia Satellite Navigation Cooperation Route Map from 2021 to 2025". ——继续完善和平研究与利用外层空间的相关法律法规基础,其中包括《中国卫星导航系统委员会(中华人民共和国)与俄罗斯国家航天集团(俄罗斯联邦)关于北斗和格洛纳斯全球卫星导航系统时间互操作的合作协议》,以及《2021至2025年中俄卫星导航领域合作线路图》。
——Under the framework of the "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Digital Technology Development between the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation", further deepen cooperation in the field of information and communication technology and digital development, and expand radio frequency resources Cooperation in the management field will strengthen mutual trust between the two countries in the field of protecting cybersecurity. ——在《中华人民共和国工业和信息化部与俄罗斯联邦数字发展、通信和大众传媒部关于数字技术开发领域合作谅解备忘录》框架下进一步深化信息通信技术和数字发展领域的合作,扩大无线电频率资源管理领域合作,加强两国在保护网络安全领域的互信。
——Cooperate in terminal operating systems (including Aurora Mobile Operating System) to promote the deepening of the links between mobile equipment, semiconductor manufacturers and software vendors in the two countries. ——在终端操作系统(包括极光移动操作系统)方面开展合作,促进深化两国移动设备、半导体生产商和软件厂商之间的联系。
——Explore the expansion of cooperation in promising fields such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, digital education, 5G networks, "smart cities", and network security, and strengthen exchanges on advanced management systems and technical practices. ——探讨在物联网、人工智能、数字教育、5G网络、“智慧城市”、网络安全等具有广阔前景的领域扩大合作,加强先进管理体系和技术实践方面的交流。
——Encourage mutually beneficial cooperation between communication operators of the two countries, promote the reduction of international roaming communication charges, improve network interconnection capabilities, and improve the quality of cross-border communication services between the two countries. ——鼓励两国通信运营商开展互利合作,推动降低国际漫游通信资费,提升网络互联互通能力,提高两国跨境通信业务质量。
——Continue to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of radio frequency resource management, including cooperation on the development of 5G mobile communication networks (5G/IMT-2020) in the border areas of China and Russia.

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