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Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014

Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014



(June 2015, State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China) (2015年6月 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室)

Contents 目 录
Foreword 导 言
I. On Civil Rights 一、关于公民权利
II. On Political Rights 二、关于政治权利
III. On Economic and Social Rights 三、关于经济和社会权利
IV. On Racial Discrimination 四、关于种族歧视
V. On Women and Children's Rights 五、关于妇女和儿童权利
VI. On Violations of Human Rights in Other Countries 六、关于侵犯他国人权
Foreword 导 言
On June 25 local time, the State Department of the United States released its country reports on human rights practices once again, making comments on the human rights situations in many countries while showing not a bit of regret for or intention to improve its own terrible human rights record. Plenty of facts show that, in 2014, the U.S., a self-proclaimed human rights defender, saw no improvements in its existent human rights issues, but reported numerous new problems. While its own human rights situation was increasingly grave, the U.S. violated human rights in other countries in a more brazen manner, and was given more "red cards" in the international human rights field. 美国国务院于当地时间6月25日再次发布“国别人权报告”,对世界许多国家人权状况评头论足,而偏偏对自己糟糕的人权纪录,毫无反省改进之意。大量事实证明,2014年,以“人权卫士”自居的美国,旧有人权问题未见改善,新的人权问题不断出现,自身人权状况更加堪忧,侵犯他国人权更加肆无忌惮,在国际人权场合被亮更多“红牌”。
The U.S. was haunted by spreading guns, frequent occurrence of violent crimes, which threatened citizens' civil rights. Statistics showed that the use of firearms in the U.S. was behind 69 percent of murders, while for robberies, the figure was 40 percent, and for aggravated assaults, 21.6 percent (edition.cnn.com). The excessive use of force by police officers led to many deaths, sparking public outcry. An unarmed 18-year-old African-American Michael Brown was shot dead by a white police officer named Darren Wilson in Ferguson, a town in Missouri. After the grand jury of both Missouri and New York decided to bring no charges against the white police officer, massive protests broke out in more than 170 cities nationwide (cn.nytimes.com, November 25, 2014). 美国枪支泛滥,暴力犯罪猖獗,公民权利受到严重威胁。发生在美国的谋杀案件中有69.0%使用枪支,抢劫案件中有40.0%使用枪支,严重暴力袭击案中有21.6%使用枪支。(1)警察过度使用暴力造成多人死亡,引发民众强烈抗议。密苏里州弗格森镇手无寸铁的18岁非洲裔青年迈克尔·布朗遭白人警察达伦·威尔逊六枪射杀。密苏里州大陪审团和纽约州大陪审团相继作出白人警察无罪的判决后,引发全美超过170余座城市大规模的示威抗议运动。(2)
The U.S. used cruel tortures indiscriminately, notably those carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). To acquire intelligence from suspects of terrorism and extremism, the CIA used brutal methods, such as sleep deprivation, waterboarding, long-term solitary confinement, slamming prisoners against the wall, lashing, death threat and even "rectal rehydration" or rectal feeding. United Nations human rights convention institutions such as the UN Human Rights Committee and the Committee Against Torture had raised their concerns over issues in the U.S., including terrible detention conditions for convicts awaiting execution, abuse of brutal methods, secret detention, indefinite arbitrary detention, and illegal wire-tapping which infringed citizens' privacy. These institutions called on the U.S. to conduct swift, effective and fair investigations into all brutal behaviors and abuse of forces of the police force (www.un.org). 美国滥用酷刑,中央情报局使用的酷刑手段令人触目惊心。中情局为获取情报对所抓获的恐怖和极端组织嫌疑人实施酷刑,使用禁止睡觉、水刑、长期单独幽禁、将囚犯头部猛力撞墙和抽打乃至死亡威胁等审讯手段,甚至还有“直肠补液”等骇人手段。联合国人权事务委员会和禁止酷刑委员会等联合国人权条约机构,对美国包括死囚拘留条件恶劣、滥用酷刑、秘密关押、无限期任意拘留以及非法监听侵犯公民隐私权等在内的诸多问题给予关切,并特别呼吁美国“对警察所有野蛮行为和滥用武力情况进行迅速、有效和公平的调查” (3)。
The U.S. is a country with grim problems of racial discrimination, and institutional discrimination against ethnic minorities continued. Serious racial bias persisted in the police and justice systems. Minority groups and indigenous people are subject to unfairness in environment, election, health care, housing, education and other fields. In August 2014, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, in its concluding observation on the periodic report of the U.S. on the latter's implementation of relevant convention, slammed the U.S. for violating the rights of ethnic minorities, indigenous people, immigrants and other minority groups. It criticized the fact that members of racial and ethnic minorities continued to be disproportionately arrested, incarcerated and subjected to harsher sentences (tbinternet.ohchr.org). 美国种族歧视极其严重,少数族裔继续遭受系统性歧视。警察执法和司法中存在严重的种族偏向。少数群体和土著人在环境、选举、医疗、住房、教育等方面遭受不公正待遇。2014年8月,联合国消除种族歧视委员会审议美国履约报告时,对美国侵犯种族、土著、移民等少数群体权利,特别是少数族裔群体的成员更易受到逮捕、监禁并被判处严厉的刑罚等问题提出集中批评。(4)
Money is a deciding factor in the U.S. politics, and the U.S. citizens' political rights were not properly protected. Despite the highest midterm election spending in history, general election voter turnout for the 2014 midterms was the lowest since World War II. "Dark money" flowed into elections, and the voting rights of racial minorities and other groups were intentionally suppressed. A few interest groups with power were able to influence the government's decision-making. As a renowned scholar pointed out sharply, the U.S. democratic system was experiencing a crisis of representation. "Ordinary citizens feel that their supposedly democratic government no longer truly reflects their interests and is under the control of a variety of shadowy elites (Foreign Affairs, September/October 2014)." 金钱主导美国政治,公民政治权利难以保障。中期选举花费创历史新高,公民投票率创第二次世界大战以来新低。“暗钱”涌入选举,少数族裔等群体的投票权受到刻意压制,少数有权势的利益集团控制政府决策。有学者一针见血指出,美国的民主体制正在面临严重的代表性危机。“普通公民感到民主成为了一个幌子,政府被各路精英们暗中操纵,不再真实地反映大众的利益诉求。”(5)
Although the U.S. is the most developed country in the world, it is hard for the economic and social rights of its citizens to be soundly ensured. In the process of economic recovery, the income inequality continued to be enlarged, the basic living conditions for the homeless people deteriorated, the health care system operated terribly and the education rights of average citizens were violated. In October 2014, the United Nations Special Rapporteurs criticized the unprecedented water shut-offs in Detroit disproportionately affected the most vulnerable and poorest people, violating their right of access to drinking water and other international human rights. 美国是世界上经济最发达的国家,但公民的经济和社会权利却难以得到充分保障。在经济复苏过程中收入不平等继续扩大,无家可归者基本生存状况恶化,医疗服务系统运转糟糕,普通民众的受教育权受到侵害。2014年10月,联合国特别报告员批评美国底特律市规模空前的断水现象不成比例地影响最弱势、最贫困人群,构成对享有饮用水和其他国际人权的侵犯。
American women and children's rights were not fully protected. Women were discriminated at workplaces, and domestic violence was prevalent. Each year, 2.1 million American women on average were assaulted by men. Three females were murdered by their partner each day, and four females died each day as a result of abuse. In the U.S. military, reports of female soldiers getting harassed were on the rise, and more faced repercussions for reporting assaults. Millions of American children were homeless. Three children died each day as a result of abuse. School violence and sex assaults were pervasive and gun shootings happened from time to time. 美国妇女儿童的权利得不到充分保障。妇女在工作场合遭受歧视,家庭暴力情况经常发生。平均每年有约210万名女性遭到男性攻击,每天有3名女性被其伴侣杀害,有4名女性死于遭受虐待。女性在军队中遭受性侵的报告数量上升,告发后遭到报复的比例升高。美国有数百万儿童无家可归,每天有3名儿童死于遭受虐待,校园暴力和性侵广泛存在,枪击案频发。
National Security Agency and other intelligence-gathering apparatus of the U.S. for a long time have spied on world leaders and civilians. The U.S. has not ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The U.S. government often takes an evasive or uncooperative attitude toward the criticism of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of UN, the council's working groups and special rapporteurs. 美国国家安全局等情报机构长期大规模监听他国领导人及普通民众。美国仍不批准《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》、《儿童权利公约》等核心人权公约。对于联合国人权理事会、人权事务高级专员办公室、专门工作组、特别报告员等对美国的人权状况提出的批评,美国政府经常采取拖延或不合作态度。
I. On Civil Rights   一、关于公民权利
In the U.S., problems concerning respecting and protecting civil rights are severe. The nation is haunted by spreading guns, frequent occurrence of violent crimes, the excessive use of force by police that infringed on citizens' personal rights, as well as wide criticism of illegal eavesdropping that violated citizens' right of privacy. 美国在尊重和保障公民权利方面存在的问题依然严重,枪支严重泛滥,暴力犯罪频发,警察过度使用暴力侵犯公民人身权利丑闻迭出,当局非法监听侵犯公民隐私权引发广泛批评。
Civil rights are threatened by rampant violent crimes. According to the "Crime in the United States" released by the FBI, there were an estimated 1,163,146 violent crimes reported to law enforcement in 2013, of which 14,196 are murders, 79,770 are rapes, 345,031 robberies and 724,149 aggravated assaults (http://www.fbi.gov.) There were an estimated 367.9 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants in 2013. The Market Watch announced 10 most dangerous cities in America (www.marketwatch.com, November 20, 2014)). The lowest ranking of the ten was Birmingham in Alabama, where 1,345 crimes were reported for every 100,000 residents, while in Detroit, 2,072 violent crimes were reported for 100,000 residents, the highest in the nation in 2013. In 2014, Los Angeles's overall total of violent crimes was up 7.6 percent by early October, compared with the same time in 2013 (The Los Angeles Times, October 4, 2014). There was about 1,500 violent crimes registered a month in 2014. Meanwhile, gang violence in the U.S. was at an all time high. There were currently an estimated 1.7 million gang members spread throughout the country (www.insidermonkey.com, November 1, 2014). 暴力犯罪猖獗严重威胁公民权利。美国联邦调查局发布的2014年《统一犯罪报告》等资料显示,2013年美国共发生1,163,146起暴力犯罪案件,平均每十万居民中发生367.9起暴力犯罪案件。其中,谋杀、误杀和过失杀人案件14,196起,强奸案件79,770起,抢劫案件345,031起,严重暴力伤害案件724,149起。(6)《市场观察》评出美国十大最危险城市。其中,排名最低的阿拉巴马州伯明翰市,每十万居民中发生1,345起暴力犯罪案件;而排名最高的底特律市,每十万居民中则发生2,072起暴力犯罪案件。(7)2014年,洛杉矶市总体犯罪率比去年同期上升了7.6%,平均每个月大约发生1,500起暴力案件。(8)美国帮派势力发展达到了前所未有的程度,大约有170万黑帮成员分布在美国各地。(9)
The rampant use of guns was not contained. Though the FBI had launched federal background checks to block groups like fugitives and felons, from buying firearms, local law enforcement authorities did not report arrest warrants to the database used to screen gun buyers (The USA Today, April 23, 2014). Consequently, tens of thousands of fugitives including those facing serious charges can pass the background checks and bought firearms. Statistics showed that the use of firearms was behind about 69 percent of the murders in the U.S., while for robberies, the figure was 40 percent, and for aggravated assaults, 21.6 percent (edition.cnn.com, September 24, 2014). A total of 2,215 people were shot in Chicago in the first 10 months of 2014 (www.insidermonkey.com, November 1, 2014,). There were 30 shooting cases reported in three days in a week in the city (projects.aljazeera.com, November 19, 2014). 枪支泛滥未见改善。虽然美国联邦调查局建立了全国购枪背景即时审查系统,但是地方执法机构却并不将相关资料提交联邦调查局。因此,有成千上万被通缉的暴力犯罪者和其他重罪犯得以顺利地通过背景审查买到枪支。(10)据统计,发生在美国的谋杀案件中有69.0%使用枪支,抢劫案件中有40.0%使用枪支,严重暴力袭击案中有21.6%使用枪支。(11)在芝加哥,曾有一周3天中发生了30起枪击案。(12)2014年前10个月,有2,215人被枪击。(13)
Law enforcement authorities were run with a loose rein, with some even turning a blind eye to fugitives. Police officers were ignoring sex crimes on a regular basis. A report released in November by the inspector general of New Orleans found that of 1,290 sex crime calls for service assigned to five New Orleans police detectives from 2011 to 2013, 840 were designated as miscellaneous, and nothing at all was done (The New York Times, November 13, 2014). Of the 450 calls that led to the creation of an initial investigative report, no further documentation was found for 271 of them. Police and prosecutors were allowing tens of thousands of wanted felons to escape justice merely by crossing a state border (The USA Today, March 12, 2014). A confidential FBI database chronicled 186,873 of these cases, including more than 3,300 accused of sex crimes. A total of 78,878 felony suspects won't be extradited from any place but neighboring states (The USA Today, March 12, 2014). Police indicated they would not spend the time or money to retrieve the fugitive from another state. 执法机关不作为甚至放任逃犯。警察常规性地忽略性侵犯罪。据新奥尔良市警务总督察2014年11月提交的报告,2011年至2013年间,在分派给5个新奥尔良警探的1,290个涉及性侵报案电话中,有840个未采取任何行动。在立案调查的450个报案电话中,有后续记录的只占电话报案总数的大约一半。(14)警察和检察官纵容成千上万的犯罪嫌疑人因逃往他州而逃脱审判。在联邦调查局中记录的此类案件共有186,873件,其中包括3,300人被控犯有性骚扰,还有78,878名其他重罪嫌疑人。警察通常不愿花钱到另一个州追捕这些逃犯。(15)
 注(1) 美国有线电视新闻网网站(edition.cnn.com),2014年9月24日。
 注(2) 《纽约时报》网站(cn.nytimes.com),2014年11月25日。
 注(3) 联合国网站(www.un.org)
 注(4) 联合国人权条约机构网站(tbinternet.ohchr.org)。
 注(5) 《外交事务》,2014年(9月/10月)。
 注(6) 美国联邦调查局报告,见www.fbi.gov。
 注(7) 《市场观察》网站(www.marketwatch.com),2014年11月20日。
 注(8) 《洛杉矶时报》,2014年10月4日。
 注(9) Insidermonkey网站(www.insidermonkey.com),2014年11月1日。
 注(10) 《今日美国》,2014年4月23日。
 注(11) 美国有线电视新闻网网站(edition.cnn.com),2014年9月24日。
 注(12) 半岛电视台网站(projects.aljazeera.com),2014年11月19日。
 注(13) Insidermonkey网站(www.insidermonkey.com),2014年11月1日。
 注(14) 《纽约时报》,2014年11月13日。
 注(15) 《今日美国》,2014年3月12日。
There was excessive use of violence by police. The Wall Street Journal reported on December 3, 2014, that many of the law enforcement agencies did not submit the statistics about killings by police when enforcing laws to the FBI. The report found at least 1,800 police killings took place in 105 police departments between 2007 and 2012. The Associated Press reported on December 7, 2014 that at least 400 deaths happened every year as a result of the law enforcement activities by the U.S. police officers, most of who were not prosecuted. And some police officers had repeated killings on record, though they were investigated for every case. There were 55 police officers who were sued at least 10 times with one being sued for 28 times. Los Angeles Times reported on September 14 that since 2004 a committee reviewed 809 complaints of excessive force or misconduct at the Southwest border, but no police officers had been punished. 警察执法过度使用暴力。《华尔街日报》2014年12月3日报道,美国许多执法部门未将警察在执法中杀人的数据提交联邦调查局。2007年至2012年,美国105个执法部门至少发生了1,800起警察杀人案件。(16) 美联社2014年12月7日报道,美国警察每年在执法过程中都至少致死400人,大多被免予起诉。有的警察屡查屡犯。纽约市警察局有55名警察曾经被起诉10次以上,排在首位的警察竟然曾被起诉28次。《洛杉矶时报》2014年9月14日报道,自2004年以来,相关机构共审议了809起关于美国警察在美墨边境执法过度使用暴力的投诉,但没有任何人因此受到处罚。(17)
In July 17, 2014, African-American resident Eric Garner was choked to death when several white New York police officers were arresting him. Garner, unarmed, put his hands up during the process, saying he couldn't breathe many times, and then he was grabbed from behind in a chokehold which was banned, until he lost consciousness (edition.cnn.com, December 3, 2014). Darren Wilson, a white police officer, fatally shot Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old African-American, on August 9, 2014 in Ferguson, a town in Missouri. The shootings had generated continued riots in the town (The New York Times, November 25, 2014). After the grand jury of both Missouri and New York decided to bring no charges against the white police officer, massive protests broke out in more than 170 cities (www.mirror.co.uk, November 25, 2014). The protests were cracked down by authorities, with police aggressively arresting citizens on the streets. Some residents in Ferguson were unlawfully arrested by police and were just trying to get home when they were picked up and taken to jail (www.reuters.com, December 2, 2014). Since August 2014, roughly 300 people, including local residents and activists as well as organizers and journalists who traveled to Ferguson, had been arrested amid the protests (The Chicago Tribune, December 1, 2014). "Ferguson incident" was a bitter result of the excessive use of force by police in law enforcement. New York Daily News reported on October 8, 2014, that two police officers beat a 16-year-old teenager Karhreem Tribble with grips of fire arms. Several of the teenager's teeth were broken and his mouth was swollen. In another report the next day, the paper said a police officer swiped 1,300 dollars from a man during a stop-and-frisk. When the man and his sister complained and tried to get his badge number, the officer then pepper-sprayed him and his sister. What was more disturbing, the other officer was just standing around watching. On November 23, 2014, police in the U.S. city of Cleveland, Ohio, shot and killed a 12-year-old boy who was in a playground waving around what turned out to be a replica gun (www.foxnews.com, November 23, 2014 ). 2014年7月17日,几名纽约白人警察在逮捕非洲裔男子埃里克·加纳时,使用被明令禁止的锁喉动作致其窒息死亡。死者未携带任何武器且全程高举双手,在多次申诉无法呼吸的情况下,仍被从后边勒住脖子不松手,头被挤向人行道,最终失去知觉并导致死亡。(18) 2014年8月9日,美国密苏里州弗格森镇手无寸铁的18岁非洲裔青年迈克尔·布朗遭白人警察达伦·威尔逊六枪射杀,这一事件在当地引发了持续的骚乱和暴动。(19)密苏里州大陪审团和纽约州大陪审团相继作出对白人警察不予起诉的决定后,引发全美超过170余座城市大规模的示威抗议运动。(20)当局对此予以严厉打压,警察甚至攻击性地逮捕街头市民,弗格森地区的一些居民在回家的路上被警察非法逮捕和关押。(21) 2014年8月以来,大约300名弗格森当地的居民、活跃分子以及外地来的组织者、记者被逮捕。(22) “弗格森事件”就是警察暴力执法侵权恶果的一次集中爆发。另据《纽约每日新闻》2014年10月8日报道,两名警察用手枪柄击打一名16岁男孩卡里姆·特里布尔,并对其进行殴打。特里布尔被打断了几颗牙齿,嘴部肿胀。(23)另一起事件中,纽约一位警官从被检查者身上偷走1,300美元,当被检查者和其姐姐提出指责并要看他的警徽号码时,该警官向他们的脸上喷射胡椒水,旁边的另一位警察置若罔闻。(24)2014年11月23日,在俄亥俄州克利夫兰市,一名12岁的男孩因持玩具枪被警察击中死亡。(25)
Security authorities were illegally eavesdropping, infringing on citizens' privacy. The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, an independent federal privacy watchdog, concluded that the National Security Agency's (NSA) program to bulk phone call records was illegal (The New York Times, January 23, 2014). The Huffington Post reported on February 27, 2014 that U.S. District Judge William Martini dismissed a lawsuit brought by eight Muslims, affirming the New York Police Department's right to spy on Muslim communities in New Jersey, drawing fire from several human rights groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union (www.huffingtonpost.com, February 27, 2014). The Prism gate continued to reveal that American law firm was monitored by the NSA while representing a foreign government in trade disputes with the United States. On July 16, 2014, Navi Pillay, the then UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said the mass surveillance programs and related polices by some states were not transparent, creating an interference with privacy at a press conference on the right to privacy in the digital age (www.ohchr.org, July 16, 2014). According to Pillay, coercing private providers into offering massive personal information and data about customers without their noticing or consent was against rules set in documents including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 安全部门非法监听侵犯公民隐私权。国会独立机构“隐私权与公民自由监督委员会”研究报告认为,国家安全局大量收集电话通讯记录是违法的。(26)据《赫芬顿邮报》2014年2月27日报道,美国地方法院法官威廉·马提尼驳回了8名穆斯林的相关诉讼,裁定纽约警察局有权监视新泽西穆斯林社区,招致了包括美国公民自由联盟在内的一些人权团体的指责。(27)“棱镜门”(28)事件进一步发酵披露,那些代表外国政府处理与美国贸易纠纷的美国律师事务所,也在美国国家安全局监听的范围之内。2014年7月16日,时任联合国人权事务高级专员皮雷在出席发布《数字时代的隐私权》研究报告的新闻发布会上指出,“某些国家”的大规模监控活动及相关政策严重缺乏透明度,包括强迫私营部门在客户不知情或未同意的情况下提供大量个人信息和数据,违反《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》等国际文书关于保护隐私权的规定。(29)
Prisons in the U.S. were crowded and violence and deaths there were increasing. According to a report titled "Prisoners in 2013" by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. state and federal correctional facilities held an estimated 1,574,700 prisoners on December 31, 2013, an increase of 4,300 prisoners from yearend 2012 (www.bjs.gov, September 16, 2014). In some places, prisons resorted to early releases because of the surge in prisoners. Across California, more than 13,500 inmates were being released early each month to relieve crowding in local jails - a 34 percent increase over the last three years. In Los Angeles County, with a quarter of California's jail population, male inmates often were released after serving as little as 10 percent of their sentences and female prisoners after 5 percent (The Los Angeles Times, August 17, 2014). Due to lax management, violence in prisons was occurring frequently. In 2012, 4,309 inmates died while in the custody of local jails or state prisons (www.bjs.gov, October 9, 2014). The number of deaths in local jails increased, from 889 in 2011 to 958 in 2012. In Rikers Island, a vast New York City jail complex, the use of force by correction officers jumped nearly 240 percent over the last decade since 2004 (The New York Times, March 19, 2014). In the Julia Tutwiler Prison in Alabama, there was a large amount of complaints about the sex abuse and harassment involving guards and supervisors. However, state investigators time and again classified the complaints as unfounded or unsubstantiated and often recommended that the matters be closed without further action (The Washington Post, October 6, 2014). 监狱人满为患且狱内暴力事件和死亡人数攀升。据美国司法统计局2014年发布的《监狱服刑人员报告》,截至2013年12月31日,美国州和联邦监狱中关押着约1,574,700名服刑人员,较2012年增加4,300人。(30)一些地方监狱因过分拥挤,不得不提前释放犯人。2014年,加州每个月大约有13,500名囚犯被提前释放,比此前3年增长了34%。在洛杉矶县,被提前释放的男性犯人只服了其应服刑期的10%,女性犯人只服了刑期的5%。(31)监狱疏于管理,暴力事件频发。2012年,有4,309名在地方监狱和州监狱服刑的人员死亡。在地方监狱死亡的人数从2011年的889人增加至2012年的958人。(32)在纽约最大的里克斯岛监狱区,自2004年以来的10年间,狱警使用暴力的情况几乎增长了240%。(33)在阿拉巴马州的朱莉亚·塔特怀勒女子监狱,有大量的囚犯投诉涉及性侵犯和性骚扰,大都涉及狱警和监督管理人员,而调查人员却一次又一次地将这些投诉认定为“未发现”或“未经证实”,而不再采取进一步行动。(34)
 注(18) 美国有线电视新闻网网站(edition.cnn.com),2014年12月3日。
 注(19) 《纽约时报》网站(cn.nytimes.com),2014年11月25日。
 注(20) 英国《镜报》网站(www.mirror.co.uk),2014年11月25日。
 注(21) 路透社网站(www.reuters.com),2014年12月2日。
 注(22) 《芝加哥论坛报》网站(www.chicagotribune.com),2014年12月1日。
 注(23) 《纽约每日新闻》,2014年10月8日。
 注(24) 《纽约每日新闻》,2014年10月9日。
 注(25) 福克斯新闻网站(www.foxnews.com),2014年11月23日。
 注(26) 《纽约时报》,2014年1月23日。
 注(27) 《赫芬顿邮报》网站,(www.huffingtonpost.com),2014年2月27日。
 注(28) 棱镜计划(PRISM)是一项由美国国家安全局自2007年起开始实施的绝密电子监听计划,该计划正式名号为“US-984XN”。
 注(29) 联合国人权事务高级专员办公室网站(www.ohchr.org),2014年7月16日。
 注(30) 美国司法统计局报告NCJ247282(www.bjs.gov),2014年9月16日。
 注(31) 《洛杉矶时报》,2014年8月17日。
 注(32) 美国司法统计局报告NCJ247448(www.bjs.gov),2014年10月。
 注(33) 《纽约时报》,2014年3月19日。
 注(34) 《华盛顿邮报》,2014年10月6日。
II. On Political Rights   二、关于政治权利
As a renowned political scientist pointed out, the U.S. political system has decayed over time, and in an environment of sharp political polarization, this decentralized system gives excessive representation to the views of interest groups and activist organizations (Foreign Affairs, September/October 2014). Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said that the world sees "a democracy that's not working" (www.usatoday.com, October 11, 2013). It revealed the institutional root for the fact that the political rights of U.S. citizens had not been effectively protected. 有国际知名政治学者指出:“美国政治制度日渐腐朽。政党分歧尖锐,分权体制给了利益集团和政治活动组织过度的话语权。”(35)美国前总统吉米·卡特也批评说,世界见证了一个“失灵的民主政体”。(36)这揭示了美国公民政治权利未能得到有效保障的制度根源。
Money is still a deciding factor for the U.S. politics. Total spending in the 2014 midterm races was projected to top 4 billion U.S. dollars nationwide, making it the most expensive midterm election in history (www.latimes.com, October 28, 2014). Outside groups with political agendas picked up a larger share of the bill. More money than ever in the midterm came from secret sources. The influence of average Americans on the election results diminished (www.usatoday.com, November 2, 2014). "K Street" in Washington, D.C. -- located between Capitol Hill and the White House and known as a metonym for the country's lobbing industry -- became the fourth power center in the U.S. after administration, legislation and justice. Behind legalized lobbying was the political manipulation by money and capital. Unfettered corporate political donations became "legalized bribery" (www.usatoday.com, October 11, 2013). According to a USA Today report on September 10, 2014, "dark money" kept flowing into elections since a landmark Supreme Court decision in 2010 opened the floodgate on political donations. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case on January 21, 2010 that the rules to restrict election campaign expenditures by for-profit corporations was in violation of the Constitution. During the 2014 campaign season, dark money exceeded 53 million U.S. dollars, up from 16 million U.S. dollars in 2010 (www.usatoday.com, September 10, 2014). Everything wrong with campaigns for other offices - big money, special interest groups and TV attack ads - also infected judicial election. Spending by outside groups to elect judges increased eight-fold from before the 2002 elections to that leading up to 2012 (www.usatoday.com, October 28, 2014). A legal scholar points out that interest groups are able to influence members of Congress legally simply by making donations and waiting for unspecified return favors. The democratic process has been corrupted or hijacked. In the contemporary U.S., elites speak the language of liberty but are perfectly happy to settle for privilege (Foreign Affairs, September/October 2014).

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