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Regulation on the Minimum Approval in Key Parks of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone [Effective]
中国(海南)自由贸易试验区重点园区极简审批条例 [现行有效]

Announcement of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Hainan Province 


(No. 24) (第24号)

The Regulation on the Minimum Approval in Key Parks of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, as adopted at the 10th Session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth People's Congress of Hainan Province on March 26, 2019, is hereby issued and shall come into force on April 1, 2019. 《中国(海南)自由贸易试验区重点园区极简审批条例》已由海南省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议于2019年3月26日通过,现予公布,自2019年4月1日起施行。
Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Hainan Province 海南省人民代表大会常务委员会
March 26, 2019 2019年3月26日
Regulation on the Minimum Approval in Key Parks of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone 中国(海南)自由贸易试验区重点园区极简审批条例
(Adopted at the 10th Session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth People's Congress of Hainan Province on March 26, 2019) (2019年3月26日海南省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议通过)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For purposes of popularizing and deepening the minimum approval reform under the “integration of various plans into one,” creating a law-based, internationalized, and facilitative business environment, accelerating the building of China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone (“HNFTZ”) and a free trade port with Chinese characteristics, promoting the implementation of construction projects in key parks as soon as possible, and following the principles of the laws and administrative regulations issued by the state, this Regulation is developed according to the legislative authorization by the National People's Congress to the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Hainan Province and in light of the actual circumstances of HNFTZ.   第一条 为了推广和深化“多规合一”下的极简审批改革,营造法治化、国际化、便利化的营商环境,加快中国(海南)自由贸易试验区和中国特色自由贸易港建设,推动重点园区建设项目尽快落地,遵循国家法律、行政法规原则,依据全国人民代表大会对海南省人民代表大会常务委员会的立法授权,结合本自由贸易试验区实际,制定本条例。
Article 2 The people's governments of Hainan province and its cities, counties and autonomous counties shall, according to the requirements for “simplification of administrative procedures, decentralization of powers, combination of decentralization with appropriate control, and optimization of services” and under the principles of easy access, strict regulation, rapid handling, public convenience, integrity and openness, streamline approval items and assessment items and decentralize approval powers to the largest extent, and explore for the implementation of the administration mode of centralized approval by a single department; optimize the approval process, and improve the approval efficiency; advance the standardization of administrative approval and standardization of government affairs services, and proactively provide efficient and quality services for administrative counterparts.   第二条 省和市、县、自治县人民政府应当按照简政放权、放管结合、优化服务的要求,遵循宽进、严管、快办、便民、诚信、公开的原则,最大限度精简审批事项、评估事项和下放审批权限,探索实施单一部门集中审批管理模式;优化审批流程,提高审批效率;推进行政审批和政务服务标准化,主动为行政管理相对人提供高效优质服务。
Article 3 In key parks, the replacement of project initiation approval with planning approval and the replacement of single project assessment with regional assessment shall be gradually implemented; access list and notification and commitment administration shall be conducted; joint acceptance check shall be organized; interim and ex-post regulation shall be enhanced; and other minimum approval practices shall be implemented.   第三条 在重点园区逐步推行规划代立项审批、区域评估代单个项目评估,实行准入清单和告知承诺管理,组织联合验收,强化事中事后监管,以及实施其他极简审批做法。
The list of key parks shall be issued by the provincial people's government. 重点园区名录由省人民政府公布。
Article 4 The construction projects within the scope of three industrial parks, namely, Bo'ao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone, Haikou National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, and Hainan Old City Economic Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as “Three Parks”), shall be subject to special minimum approval in accordance with the provisions of Chapters II and III of this Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “special minimum approval for ‘Three Parks'”).   第四条 博鳌乐城国际医疗旅游先行区、海口国家高新技术产业开发区、海南老城经济开发区三个产业园区(以下简称“三园”)范围内的建设项目,依照本条例第二章、第三章的规定实施特别极简审批(以下简称“三园”特别极简审批)。
If the special minimum approval for “Three Parks” is popularized among and applied to key parks other than those as prescribed in the preceding paragraph or partially popularized and applied, upon assessment and discussion by the provincial people's government, whether such mode shall be applied shall be reported to the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Hainan Province for decision making or be provided by the regulations on special economic zones developed separately. 在前款规定以外的其他重点园区推广适用或者部分推广适用“三园”特别极简审批的,由省人民政府评估论证后,报省人民代表大会常务委员会决定,或者另行制定经济特区法规规定。
Article 5 Before the special minimum approval for “Three Parks” is popularized among and applied to other key parks or partially popularized and applied, the people's governments of Hainan province and its cities, counties and autonomous counties shall, according to the overall planning of Hainan province and its cities, counties and autonomous counties, effectively conduct the following basic work:   第五条 在其他重点园区推广适用或者部分推广适用“三园”特别极简审批前,省和市、县、自治县人民政府应当依据省和市、县、自治县总体规划,做好下列基础工作:
(1) Organizing the preparation of, adjusting and improving the overall planning, regulatory detailed plans, and industrial development plans, and other plans for key parks. (一)组织编制和调整完善重点园区的总体规划、控制性详细规划以及产业发展规划等规划;
(2) Organizing and conducting relevant regional assessments, and conducting general surveys of the status quo of the cultural relics entities, historical buildings, and ancient and famous trees within the regions in consideration of the relevant assessments. (二)组织开展相关区域评估,并结合相关评估普查区域内的文物单位、历史建筑、古树名木等现状;
(3) Preparing and issuing industrial project access lists. (三)编制并公布产业项目准入清单。
Article 6 The administration institutions that meet the statutory conditions in the “Three Parks” shall be authorized to exercise administrative approval powers over the administration items in these industrial parks and the corresponding administrative punishment powers.   第六条 授权符合法定条件的“三园”管理机构行使本产业园区管理事项的行政审批权和相应的行政处罚权。
The people's governments of Hainan province and its cities, counties and autonomous counties and their relevant departments shall, according to the needs for the implementation of minimum approval, fully authorize the administration institutions in the key parks other than those as prescribed in the preceding paragraph to conduct administrative approval and administrative punishment, or establish sites within the key parks other than those as prescribed in the preceding paragraph for the handling of administrative approval items. If it is necessary to authorize administration institutions in other key parks that meet the statutory conditions to exercise the administrative approval powers over administration items in these parks and the corresponding administrative punishment powers, the provincial people's government shall report it to the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Hainan Province for decision making, or it shall be provided by regulations issued separately. 省和市、县、自治县人民政府及其有关部门应当根据推行极简审批的需要,充分委托前款规定以外的其他重点园区管理机构实施行政审批和行政处罚,或者在前款规定以外的其他重点园区内设点办理行政审批事项。需要授权符合法定条件的其他重点园区管理机构行使本园区管理事项的行政审批权和相应的行政处罚权的,由省人民政府报省人民代表大会常务委员会决定,或者另行制定法规规定。
Article 7 Key parks shall be encouraged to explore reform practices, innovate on administration modes, and deepen the minimum approval reforms in these regions in light of the actual needs.   第七条 鼓励重点园区结合实际需要,探索改革做法,创新管理模式,深化本区域的极简审批改革。
Article 8 This Regulation shall apply to the supervisory inspection, inspection, patrol inspection and assessment conducted in the key parks of HNFTZ.   第八条 在本自由贸易试验区重点园区内进行的督查、检查、巡查、考核等工作,应当适用本条例。
Article 9 The items over which the State Council and its departments exercise the approval powers shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations and the relevant provisions issued by the state, and shall not be governed by this Regulation.   第九条 由国务院及其部门行使审批权的事项,依照有关法律、行政法规和国家有关规定办理,不适用本条例。
Chapter II Simplification of Approval Items and Assessment Items 

第二章 审批事项和评估事项精简

Article 10 Where a construction project within the scope of “Three Parks” conforms to the overall planning of Hainan province and the relevant city, county or autonomous county of Hainan, the overall planning of the corresponding park, regulatory detailed plans and other plans, the following items shall no longer be subject to approval:   第十条 “三园”范围内的建设项目,符合省和市、县、自治县总体规划以及本园区的总体规划、控制性详细规划等规划的,下列事项不再审批:
(1) Issuance of the permission notes for location of the project. (一)建设项目选址意见书核发;
(2) Pre-examination of the land for the construction project. (二)建设项目用地预审。
Article 11 Where a construction project within the scope of “Three Parks” conforms to the overall planning of Hainan province and the relevant city, county or autonomous county of Hainan, the overall planning of the corresponding park, regulatory detailed plans and other plans, the following items shall be subject to recordation administration instead of approval:   第十一条 “三园”范围内的建设项目,符合省和市、县、自治县总体规划以及本园区的总体规划、控制性详细规划等规划的,下列事项不再审批,改为备案管理:
(1) Examination of the engineering construction plan of a construction project within the scope of river course management. (一)河道管理范围内建设项目工程建设方案审查;
(2) Confirmation of bidding for a construction project. (二)工程建设项目招标事项核准;
(3) Approval of the design plan for a construction project within the construction control area for a cultural relics protection entity at the provincial, city or county level. (三)省级、市县级文物保护单位建设控制地带内建设工程设计方案审批;
(4) Review of the design plan for an air defense basement. (四)防空地下室设计方案审核;
(5) Permission of the construction of a relocated air defense basement. (五)防空地下室易地建设许可;
(6) Review of the design of lightning protection devices. (六)防雷装置设计审核;
(7) Urban road excavation permission. (七)城市道路挖掘许可;
(8) Permission of the discharge of urban sewage into the drainage pipe network. (八)城镇污水排入排水管网许可。
Article 12 Within the scope of “Three Parks,” a factory building, warehouse, equipment room or any other building covering a construction area of 1,000 square meters or less and featuring simple structures and single functions is no longer required to have its construction drawing design documents examined. The specific implementation measures shall be developed by provincial people's government.   第十二条 在“三园”范围内,对建筑面积在一千平方米以下(含)的结构简单和功能单一的厂房、仓库、设备用房等建筑物,不再进行施工图设计文件审查。具体实施办法由省人民政府制定。
Article 13 Where a construction project within the scope of “Three Parks” conforms to the overall planning of Hainan province and the relevant city, county or autonomous county of Hainan, the overall planning of the corresponding park, regulatory detailed plans and other plans, the following items shall be subject to regional review and approval instead of single project review and approval:   第十三条 “三园”范围内的建设项目,符合省和市、县、自治县总体规划以及本园区的总体规划、控制性详细规划等规划的,下列事项以区域审核审批替代单个项目审核审批:
(1) Examination and approval of the forest land used for the construction project. (一)建设项目使用林地审核审批;
(2) Approval of important mineral deposits covered by the construction project. (二)建设项目压覆重要矿床审批;
(3) Energy conservation assessment and examination of fixed asset investment projects (which shall be subject to recordation). (三)固定资产投资项目节能评估审查(需备案)。
Article 14 Where any construction project within the scope of a key park in HNFTZ conforms to the overall planning of Hainan province and the relevant city, county or autonomous county of Hainan, the overall planning of the park, regulatory detailed plans and other plans, and the regional assessment of hazards of geological disasters has been organized in a unified manner, single project appraisal shall no longer be conducted, except the case that the land for the specific construction project is located in the section the hazard of which is assessed and determined as large or medium.
   第十四条 本自由贸易试验区重点园区范围内的建设项目,符合省和市、县、自治县总体规划以及本园区的总体规划、控制性详细规划等规划,对地质灾害危险性已统一组织区域评估的,不再进行单个项目评估,但具体建设项目用地位于评估划定的危险性大、中等区段的除外。

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