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Rules for the Review and Hearing of Trademarks (2005 Revision) [Revised]
商标评审规则(2005修订) [已被修订]

Order of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce 


(No. 20)

The Rules for the Review and Hearing of Trademarks, as revised by the decision at the excutive meeting of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, are hereby promulgated, and shall enter into force on October 26, 2005.

General Director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce: Wang Zhongfu

September 26, 2005

Rules for the Review and Hearing of Trademarks


(Promulgated by Order No. 37 of the former State Administration for Industry and Commerce on November 2, 1995; revised for the first time by Order No. 3 of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on September 17, 2002; and Revised for the second time by Order No. 20 of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on September 26, 2005)


Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the “Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the Trademark Law) and the “Regulation for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Regulation).   第一条 根据《中华人民共和国商标法》(以下简称商标法)和《中华人民共和国商标法实施条例》(以下简称实施条例)的规定,制定本规则。

Article 2 In accordance with the Trademark Law and the Implementation Regulation Thereof, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (hereinafter referred to as Trademark Review and Hearing Board) shall take charge of the review and hearing of the following trademark cases:   第二条 依据商标法及其实施条例的规定,国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会(以下简称商标评审委员会)负责处理下列商标评审案件:

(1) the cases in which a party is dissatisfied with the decision of the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (hereinafter referred to as the Trademark Office) on rejecting applications for trademark registration and applies for review in accordance with Article 32 of the Trademark Law; (一)不服国家工商行政管理总局商标局(以下简称商标局)驳回商标注册申请的决定,依据商标法三十二条规定申请复审的案件;

(2) the cases in which a party is dissatisfied with the ruling of the Trademark Office concerning demurral and applies for review in accordance with Article 33 of the Trademark Law; (二)不服商标局的异议裁定,依据商标法三十三条规定申请复审的案件;

(3) the cases in which a party requests for a ruling on canceling a registered trademark in accordance with Article 41 of the Trademark Law; and (三)对已经注册的商标,依据商标法四十一条规定请求裁定撤销的案件;

(4) the cases in which a party is dissatisfied with the decision made by the Trademark Office in accordance with Paragraph 1 of Article 41, Article 44 or Article 45 of the Trademark Law on canceling or sustaining a registered trademark and applies for review in accordance with Article 49 of the Trademark Law. (四)不服商标局依照商标法四十一条第一款、第四十四条、第四十五条的规定作出撤销或者维持注册商标的决定,依据商标法四十九条规定申请复审的案件。

Article 3 The review and hearing of a case on a trademark dispute, which is attended by a party, shall be handled in written form.   第三条 当事人参加商标争议案件的评审活动,应当以书面形式办理。

Article 4 The Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall adopt the written form when reviewing cases on trademark disputes, unless the case shall be reviewed and heard in public in accordance with Article 33 of the Implementation Regulation.   第四条 商标评审委员会审理商标争议案件实行书面审理,但依据实施条例第三十三条规定决定公开评审的情形除外。

Article 5 The decisions and rulings made by the Trademark Review and Hearing Board in accordance with the Trademark Law, the Implementation Regulation and these Rules shall be notified to the parties concerned in written form and the reasons therefor shall be explained.   第五条 商标评审委员会依据商标法、实施条例和本规则作出的决定和裁定,应当以书面形式通知有关当事人,并说明理由。

Article 6 Unless otherwise prescribed in these Rules, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall adopt the collegial system when reviewing and hearing the cases on trademark disputes, and shall form a collegial panel composed of trademark review and hearing officers to review the cases.   第六条 除本规则另有规定外,商标评审委员会审理商标争议案件实行合议制度,由商标评审人员组成合议组进行审理。

Collegial panels shall apply the principle of decision by a majority vote in the review of cases.

Article 7 Where a party or an interested person applies for the withdrawal of a trademark review and hearing officer in accordance with Article 9 of the Implementation Regulation, it shall do so in written form and explain the reasons therefor.   第七条 当事人或者利害关系人依据实施条例第九条的规定申请商标评审人员回避的,应当以书面形式办理,并说明理由。

Article 8 During the trademark review and hearing, a party shall have the right to, in accordance with the law, dispose of his own trademark right and the rights related to the trademark review and hearing. On the premise of considering public interests and the third party rights, both parties concerned may reach a reconciliation agreement between themselves in written form, and the Trademark Review and Hearing Board may also hold mediations in this regard.   第八条 在商标评审期间,当事人有权依法处分自己的商标权和与商标评审有关的权利。在顾及社会公共利益、第三方权利的前提下,当事人之间可以自行以书面形式达成和解,商标评审委员会也可以进行调解。

Article 9 Where the co-owners of a trademark attends a trademark review and hearing activity, they shall designate a person as their representative. If no representative is designated, the trademark owner that comes first on the application letter for trademark registration or on the trademark registration book shall be the representative. The representative's attending the review and hearing shall be binding on the parties he represents. However, the representative's modification or abandonment of the review claims or the acceptance of the review claims of the opposing party must be subject to the written authorization of the parties he represents.   第九条 共有商标的当事人参加商标评审活动,应当指定一人为代表人;没有指定代表人的,以其在商标注册申请书或者商标注册簿中载明的顺序第一人为代表人。代表人参与评审的行为对其所代表的当事人发生效力,但代表人变更、放弃评审请求或者承认对方当事人的评审请求,必须有被代表的当事人书面授权。

Article 10 A foreigner or foreign enterprise that intends to handle a trademark review and hearing may, if having a habitual residence or business place in China, either authorize an organization with the state-accredited qualification to serve as his/its agent to handle the matter, or it may directly handle the matter by himself/itself; or shall, if having no habitual residence or business place in China, authorize an organization with state-accredited qualification to serve as his/its agent to handle the matter.   第十条 外国人或者外国企业办理商标评审事宜,在中国有经常居所或者营业所的,可以委托国家认可的具有商标代理资格的组织代理,也可以直接办理;在中国没有经常居所或者营业所的,应当委托国家认可的具有商标代理资格的组织代理。

Where the scope of authorized power is modified, the agency relationship is rescinded or the agent is changed, the party concerned or the agent shall timely inform the Trademark Review and Hearing Board in writing.

Article 11 A party and its agent may apply for consulting the materials related to the case.   第十一条 当事人及其代理人可以申请查阅本案有关材料。

Chapter II Application and Acceptance 

第二章 申请与受理

Article 12 Whoever applies for trademark review and hearing shall meet the following conditions:   第十二条 申请商标评审,应当符合下列条件:

(1) The applicant must have the legal status as a subject; (一)申请人须有合法的主体资格;

(2) The application shall be filed within the legal time limit; (二)在法定期限内提出;

(3) The application shall fall within the scope of review and hearing of the Trademark Review and Hearing Board; (三)属于商标评审委员会的评审范围;

(4) The applicant shall legally submit the application letter and the relevant evidential materials conforming to the provisions; (四)依法提交符合规定的申请书及有关证据材料;

(5) There are clear review claims, factual basis and reasons; and (五)有明确的评审请求、事实根据和理由;

(6) The applicant shall pay the review and hearing fee in accordance with the law. (六)依法缴纳评审费用。

Article 13 Whoever applies for trademark review and hearing shall submit an application letter to the Trademark Review and Hearing Board. If there are respondents, the applicant shall submit as many duplicates of the application letter as the respondents. If the applicant has filed an application to the Trademark Office after its trademark is assigned or transferred, but the application has not been ratified for publishing, it shall provide corresponding proof documents; and if the applicant applies for review on the basis of the Trademark Office's letter of decision or letter of ruling, it shall, concurrently, attach the Trademark Office's letter of decision or letter of ruling, in addition.   第十三条 申请商标评审,应当向商标评审委员会提交申请书;有被申请人的,应当按照被申请人的数量提交相应份数的副本;申请人的商标发生转让、移转,已向商标局提出申请但是尚未核准公告的,申请人应当提供相应的证明文件;基于商标局的决定书或者裁定书申请复审的,还应当同时附送商标局的决定书或者裁定书。

Article 14 An application letter shall state the following particulars:   第十四条 申请书应当载明下列事项:

(1) The name, domicile, correspondence address, contact person and telephone of the applicant. If the application for review involves any respondent, it shall state the respondent's name and domicile. If a trademark agency organization is authorized to attend the trademark review, the application shall state the name, correspondence address, contact person and telephone of the trademark agency organization; (一)申请人的名称、住所地、通讯地址、联系人和联系电话。评审申请有被申请人的,应当载明被申请人的名称和住所地。委托商标代理组织办理商标评审事宜的,还应当载明商标代理组织的名称、通讯地址、联系人和联系电话;

(2) The trademark under dispute, its application number or preliminary approval number, registration number, and the issue number of the Trademark Gazette on which the trademark was published; and (二)争议商标及其申请号或者初步审定号、注册号和刊登该商标的《商标公告》的期号;

(3) Specific review claims and the corresponding facts, reasons and legal basis. (三)明确的评审请求和所根据的事实、理由及法律依据。

Article 15 Where an application for trademark review and hearing fails to meet any of the conditions prescribed in Items (1), (2) and (3) of Article 12 of these Rules, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall refuse to accept it, notify the applicant in writing, and explain the reasons therefor.   第十五条 商标评审申请不符合本规则第十二条第(一)、(二)、(三)项规定条件之一的,商标评审委员会不予受理,书面通知申请人,并说明理由。

Article 16 Where an application for trademark review and hearing fails to meet any of the conditions as prescribed in Items (4), (5) and (6) of Article 12 of these Rules, or the applicant fails to submit the relevant proof documents in accordance with the Implementation Regulation and these Rules, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall send a notification for supplements and corrections to the applicant, demanding the applicant to make supplements and corrections within 30 days as of receipt of the notification.   第十六条 商标评审申请不符合本规则第十二条第(四)、(五)、(六)项规定条件之一的,或者未按照实施条例和本规则规定提交有关证明文件的,商标评审委员会应当向申请人发出补正通知,限其自收到补正通知之日起30日内补正。

If the application still fail to meet the legal provisions making supplements and corrections, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall refuse to accept the application, notify the applicant in writing, and explain the reasons therefor. If no supplement or correction is made within the time limit, it shall be deemed as if the applicant has withdrawn the application for review and hearing in accordance with Article 30 of the Implementation Regulation, and the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall notify the applicant in writing.

Article 17 Where an application for trademark review and hearing is found to meet the conditions for acceptance upon examination, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall send a Notification of Acceptance to the applicant within 30 days.   第十七条 商标评审申请经审查符合受理条件的,商标评审委员会应当在30日内向申请人发出《受理通知书》。

Article 18 Where an application for trademark review and hearing which has been accepted by the Trademark Review and Hearing Board is under any of the following circumstances, it shall be deemed to fail to meet the conditions for acceptance, and shall be rejected in accordance with Article 30 of the Implementation Regulation:   第十八条 商标评审委员会已经受理的商标评审申请,有下列情形之一的,属于不符合受理条件,应当依据实施条例第三十条规定予以驳回:

(1) As in violation of Article 42 of the Trademark Law, the applicant applies, with the same facts and reasons, for a ruling on a trademark about which it has proposed demurral before the trademark is ratified for registration and has been ruled; (一)违反商标法四十二条规定,对核准注册前已经提出异议并经裁定的商标,又以相同的事实和理由申请裁定的;

(2) As in violation of Article 35 of the Trademark Law, the applicant files an application for review and hearing for a second time with the same facts and reasons after withdrawing an application for trademark review and hearing; (二)违反实施条例第三十五条规定,申请人撤回商标评审申请后,又以相同的事实和理由再次提出评审申请的;

(3) As in violation of Article 35 of the Trademark Law, to the applicant files an application for review and hearing, for a second time with the same facts and reasons, on a ruling or decision which has been made by the Trademark Review and Hearing Board; and (三)违反实施条例第三十五条规定,对商标评审委员会已经作出的裁定或者决定,以相同的事实和理由再次提出评审申请的;

(4) Other circumstances under which the application fails to meet the conditions for acceptance. (四)其他不符合受理条件的情形。

The Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall, when rejecting an application for trademark review and hearing, notify the applicant in writing, and explain the reasons therefor.

Article 19 Where an application for review and hearing involves any respondent, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall, after acceptance of the application, timely serve a counterpart of the application letter and the relevant evidential materials to the respondent, demanding the respondent to submit a defense to the Trademark Review and Hearing Board within 30 days as of receipt of the counterpart of the application letter, and to submit as many counterparts of the defense as there are applicants. If the respondent fails to submit a defense within the time limit, it shall be deemed to waive the right to defense.   第十九条 评审申请有被申请人的,商标评审委员会受理后,应当及时将申请书副本及有关证据材料送达被申请人,限其自收到申请书副本之日起30日内向商标评审委员会提交答辩书,并按照申请人的数量提交相应份数的副本;期满未提交或逾期提交的,视为放弃答辩。

Article 20 Where a party needs to supplement the relevant evidential materials after filing the application for review and hearing or the defense, it shall make a declaration in the application or defense, and shall, within 3 months as of submitting the application or defense, submit, once and for all, the same number of copies of the evidential materials as the number of copies of the application or defense. If it fails to make a declaration in the application or defense, or fails to submit evidential materials within the time limit, it shall be deemed to have abandoned the supplementation of the relevant evidential materials, unless the evidence is formed on the basis of new facts after expiry of the time limit or there is indeed any other justifiable reason.   第二十条 当事人需要在提出评审申请或者答辩后补充有关证据材料的,应当在申请书或者答辩书中声明,并自提交申请书或者答辩书之日起3个月内一次性提交与申请书或答辩书相同份数的证据材料;未在申请书或答辩书中声明或者期满未提交的,视为放弃补充有关证据材料。但是,期满后基于新的事实形成的证据或者确有其他正当理由的除外。

Where, with respect to the evidential materials provided by a party within the legal time limit, there is an opposing party, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall send the evidential materials to the opposing party, and demanding the opposing party to make cross-examination of the evidences within a specified time limit.

Article 21 The applicant shall, when submitting an application, or the respondent shall, when submitting a defense, concurrently submit an effective certificate which may prove its identity. The name of the applicant or respondent shall be consistent with the certificate it submits.   第二十一条 申请人提交申请书或者被申请人提交答辩书时,应当同时提交能够证明其身份的有效证件。申请人或者被申请人的名称应当与所提交的证件相一致。

Where a party's name, domicile or other particular is modified, this party shall provide corresponding proof documents.

Article 22 A party shall classify and number the evidential materials it submits, make a checklist to brief the sources of the evidential materials and the specific facts proved thereby, and shall sign and affix a seal on that checklist.   第二十二条 当事人应当对其提交的证据材料逐一分类编号和制作目录清单,对证据材料的来源、证明的具体事实作简要说明,并签名盖章。

The Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall, after receipt of the evidential materials submitted by the party, check them according to the checklist. The handler shall sign in the evidential materials and indicate the date of submission on the acknowledgement of receipt.

Article 23 The application for trademark review and hearing and the relevant evidential materials shall be filled out or provided according to the prescribed format and requirements. If they are not filled out or provided according to the prescribed format and requirements, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall send the applicant a notification for supplement and correction, demanding it to make supplements and corrections within 30 days as of receipt of the notification. If the application still does not conform to the legal provisions after supplement and correction or the applicant fails to make the supplement and correction within the time limit, Paragraph 2 of Article 16 of these Rules shall apply.   第二十三条 商标评审申请书及有关证据材料应当按照规定的格式和要求填写、提供。未按照规定格式和要求填写、提供的,商标评审委员会向申请人发出补正通知,限其自收到补正通知之日起30日内补正。经补正仍不符合规定或者期满未补正的,适用本规则第十六条第二款的规定处理。

The defense letter and the relevant evidential materials in trademark review and hearing shall be filled out or provided according to the prescribed format and requirements. If they are not filled out or provided according to the prescribed format and requirements, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board shall send the applicant a notification for supplement and correction, demanding it to make supplements and corrections within 30 days as of receipt of the notification. If the application still does not conform to the legal provisions after supplement and correction or the applicant fails to make the supplement and correction within the time limit, the Trademark Review and Hearing Board's review and hearing shall not be affected.

Chapter III Review 

第三章 审理


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