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Law of the People's Republic of China of Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People (2009 Amendment) [Effective]
中华人民共和国全民所有制工业企业法(2009修正) [现行有效]

Law of the People's Republic of China of Industrial Enterprises Owned by the Whole People 


(Adopted at the First Session of the Seventh National People's Congress and promulgated by Order No. 3 of the President of the People's Republic of China on April 13, 1988, and effective as of August 1, 1988; Amended in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending Some Laws adopted at the 10th session of the eleventh Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on August 27, 2009.) (1988年4月13日第七届全国人民代表大会第一次会议通过 1988年4月13日 中华人民共和国主席令第三号公布 根据2009年8月27日中华人民共和国主席令第十八号第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议《关于修改部分法律的决定》修正)


Contents 目录

Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总则
Chapter II The Establishment, Modification and Termination of the Enterprise 第二章 企业的设立、变更和终止
Chapter III Rights and Obligations of the Enterprise 第三章 企业的权利和义务
Chapter IV The Factory Director 第四章 厂长
Chapter V The Staff and Workers and the Staff and Worker's Congress 第五章 职工和职工代表大会
Chapter VI The Relationship Between the Enterprises and the Government 第六章 企业和政府的关系
Chapter VII Legal Liability 第七章 法律责任
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附则
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China with a view to ensuring the consolidation and development of the economic sector under ownership by the whole people, defining the rights and obligations of industrial enterprises owned by the whole people, safeguarding their lawful rights and interests, enhancing their vitality and promoting socialist modernization.   第一条 为保障全民所有制经济的巩固和发展,明确全民所有制工业企业的权利和义务,保障其合法权益,增强其活力,促进社会主义现代化建设,根据《中华人民共和国宪法》,制定本法。
Article 2 An industrial enterprise owned by the whole people (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise) shall be a socialist commodity production and operation unit which shall, in accordance with law, make its own managerial decisions, take full responsibility for its profits and losses and practise independent accounting.   第二条 全民所有制工业企业(以下简称企业)是依法自主经营、自负盈亏、独立核算的社会主义商品生产和经营单位。
The property of the enterprise shall be owned by the whole people, and shall be operated and managed by the enterprise with the authorization of the state in line with the principle of the separation of ownership and managerial authority. The enterprise shall enjoy the rights to possess, utilize and dispose of, according to law, the property which the state has authorized it to operate and manage. 企业的财产属于全民所有,国家依照所有权和经营权分离的原则授予企业经营管理。企业对国家授予其经营管理的财产享有占有、使用和依法处分的权利。
The enterprise shall obtain the status of a legal person in accordance with law and bear civil liability with the property which the state has authorized it to operate and manage. 企业依法取得法人资格,以国家授予其经营管理的财产承担民事责任。
The enterprise may, in accordance with the decision of the competent department of the government, adopt contract, leasing or other forms of the system of managerial responsibility. (Deleted on August 27,2009)  企业根据政府主管部门的决定,可以采取承包、租赁等经营责任制形式。(2009年8月27日删除)
Article 3 The fundamental task of the enterprise shall be the development of commodity production, creation of wealth, increase of savings and satisfaction of society's growing material and cultural requirements by acting in line with state plans and market demands.   第三条 企业的根本任务是:根据国家计划和市场需求,发展商品生产,创造财富,增加积累,满足社会日益增长的物质和文化生活需要。
Article 4 While achieving socialist material growth, the enterprise must persistently promote socialist cultural and ideological progress and build up a contingent of well-educated and self-disciplined staff and workers with high ideals and moral integrity.   第四条 企业必须坚持在建设社会主义物质文明的同时,建设社会主义精神文明,建设有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的职工队伍。
Article 5 The enterprise must observe the laws and regulations and keep to the socialist orientation.   第五条 企业必须遵守法律、法规,坚持社会主义方向。
Article 6 The enterprise must effectively utilize the property which the state has authorized it to operate and manage and realize the multiplication of its assets; the enterprise must, according to law, pay taxes and fees and hand in profits.   第六条 企业必须有效地利用国家授予其经营管理的财产,实现资产增殖;依法缴纳税金、费用、利润。
Article 7 The enterprise shall implement the system whereby the factory director (manager) assumes overall responsibility for the work of the enterprise.   第七条 企业实行厂长(经理)负责制。
The factory director shall exercise functions and powers according to law, which shall be protected by law. 厂长依法行使职权,受法律保护。
Article 8 The grassroots organization of the Chinese Communist Party in the enterprise shall guarantee and supervise the implementation of the guiding principles and policies of the Party and the state in the enterprise.   第八条 中国共产党在企业中的基层组织,对党和国家的方针、政策在本企业的贯彻执行实行保证监督。
Article 9 The state shall ensure that the staff and workers enjoy the status of the masters, and the lawful rights and interests of the staff and workers shall be protected by law.   第九条 国家保障职工的主人翁地位,职工的合法权益受法律保护。
Article 10 The enterprise shall, through the staff and workers' congress and other forms, practise democratic management.   第十条 企业通过职工代表大会和其他形式,实行民主管理。
Article 11 The trade union in the enterprise shall represent and safeguard the interests of the staff and workers and conduct its work independently according to law. The trade union in the enterprise shall organize the staff and workers for participation in democratic management and democratic supervision.   第十一条 企业工会代表和维护职工利益,依法独立自主地开展工作。企业工会组织职工参加民主管理和民主监督。
The enterprise shall bring into full play the role of the young staff and workers, the women staff and workers and scientific and technical personnel. 企业应当充分发挥青年职工、女职工和科学技术人员的作用。
Article 12 The enterprise must strengthen and improve its operation and management, implement the economic responsibility system, promote scientific and technological progress, practise economy, combat waste, improve economic results and further its own transformation and development.   第十二条 企业必须加强和改善经营管理,实行经济责任制,推进科学技术进步,厉行节约,反对浪费,提高经济效益,促进企业的改造和发展。
Article 13 The enterprise shall implement the principle of distribution according to work. It may also adopt other forms of distribution within the scope prescribed by law.   第十三条 企业贯彻按劳分配原则。在法律规定的范围内,企业可以采取其他分配方式。
Article 14 The property which the state has authorized the enterprise to operate and manage shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.   第十四条 国家授予企业经营管理的财产受法律保护,不受侵犯。
Article 15 The lawful rights and interests of the enterprise shall be protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.   第十五条 企业的合法权益受法律保护,不受侵犯。
Chapter II The Establishment, Modification and Termination of the Enterprise 

第二章 企业的设立、变更和终止

Article 16 The establishment of the enterprise must conform to the law and the relevant provisions of the State Council, and the application for the establishment must be submitted to the government or the competent department of the government for examination and approval. The enterprise shall obtain the status of a legal person after it is approved by, registers itself with and receives a business license from the administrative authorities for industry and commerce.   第十六条 设立企业,必须依照法律和国务院规定,报请政府或者政府主管部门审核批准。经工商行政管理部门核准登记、发给营业执照,企业取得法人资格。
The enterprise shall carry out its productive and operational activities within the approved and registered scope of operation. 企业应当在核准登记的经营范围内从事生产经营活动。
Article 17 An enterprise must meet the following qualifications for its establishment:   第十七条 设立企业必须具备以下条件:
(1) Its products are needed by society; (一)产品为社会所需要。
(2) It has access to the required energy sources, raw and processed materials, and communication and transportation facilities; (二)有能源、原材料、交通运输的必要条件。
(3) It possesses a name of its own and premises for production and operation; (三)有自己的名称和生产经营场所。
(4) It possesses funds in conformity with state provisions; (四)有符合国家规定的资金。
(5) It possesses its own organizational structure; (五)有自己的组织机构。
(6) It has a definite scope of operation; and (六)有明确的经营范围。
(7) Other qualifications as provided by the laws and regulations. (七)法律、法规规定的其他条件。
Article 18 The merger of enterprises or the division of an enterprise shall be subject to approval by the government or the competent department of the government in accordance with the provisions of the laws and administrative rules and regulations.   第十八条 企业合并或者分立,依照法律、行政法规的规定,由政府或者政府主管部门批准。
Article 19 An enterprise shall be terminated for any of the following reasons:   第十九条 企业由于下列原因之一终止:
(1) being abolished due to its violation of the laws and regulations; (一)违反法律、法规被责令撤销。
(2) being dissolved by decision of the competent department of the government made in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations; (二)政府主管部门依照法律、法规的规定决定解散。
(3) being declared bankrupt in accordance with law; or (三)依法被宣告破产。
(4) other reasons. (四)其他原因。
Article 20 When an enterprise is merged with another enterprise or other enterprises or when it is divided or terminated, its property must be protected and its claims and debts shall be liquidated according to law.   第二十条 企业合并、分立或者终止时,必须保护其财产,依法清理债权、债务。
Article 21 The modification of registered items such as the merger of enterprises and the division or termination of the enterprise, and the scope of operation shall be subject to approval by and registration with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce.   第二十一条 企业的合并、分立、终止,以及经营范围等登记事项的变更,须经工商行政管理部门核准登记。
Chapter III Rights and Obligations of the Enterprise 

第三章 企业的权利和义务

Article 22 The enterprise shall, under the guidance of state plans, have the right to arrange on its own the production of products needed by society or the provision of services for society.   第二十二条 在国家计划指导下,企业有权自行安排生产社会需要的产品或者为社会提供服务。
Article 23 The enterprise shall have the right to request for the adjustment of mandatory plans when the needed materials subject to planned allocation are unavailable or when no arrangements are made for product sales.   第二十三条 企业有权要求调整没有必需的计划供应物资或者产品销售安排的指令性计划。 
The enterprise shall have the right to accept or reject production assignments given by any department or unit outside the mandatory plans. (Deleted on August 27, 2009) 企业有权接受或者拒绝任何部门和单位在指令性计划外安排的生产任务。(2009年8月27日删除)
Article 24 The enterprise shall have the right to sell its products on its own, except as otherwise stipulated by the State Council.   第二十四条 企业有权自行销售本企业的产品。国务院另有规定的除外。
An enterprise undertaking production according to a mandatory plan shall have the right to market for itself products manufactured in excess of the planned quota and products it retains as its share under the plan. 承担指令性计划的企业,有权自行销售计划外超产的产品和计划内分成的产品。
Article 25 The enterprise shall have the right to choose the suppliers for itself and purchase from them materials needed for production.   第二十五条 企业有权自行选择供货单位,购进生产需要的物资。
Article 26 The enterprise shall have the right to determine for itself the prices of its products and the charges for its services, except for those which, as stipulated by the State Council, are under the control of the price authorities and the relevant competent departments.
   第二十六条 除国务院规定由物价部门和有关主管部门控制价格的以外,企业有权自行确定产品价格、劳务价格。

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