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Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Further Deepening Judicial Openness [Effective]
最高人民法院关于进一步深化司法公开的意见 [现行有效]

Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on Further Deepening Judicial Openness 


(No. 20 [2018] of the Supreme People's Court) (法发〔2018〕20号)

Strengthening judicial openness is a major measure to implement constitutional and legal principles and ensure that the public participate in the administration of justice, an integral part of deepening the comprehensive supplementary reform for the judicial system and improving the operational mechanism of judicial power, and an inevitable requirement of comprehensively advancing the rule of law and building a socialist country under the rule of law. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to the work of judicial openness. The 18th CPC Central Committee, at its Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions, used the advancement of judicial openness and the establishment of an open, dynamic, transparent and convenient judicial mechanism as an important task for comprehensively deepening the reform and comprehensive law-based governance and made a series of major arrangements. People's courts have resolutely implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, closely focused on the work objective that “the people can see in every judicial case that justice is served,” advanced judicial openness in an unprecedented breadth and depth, and made remarkable achievements. At present, the level of standardized, institutionalized, and informationalized judicial openness have been significantly raised, open adjudication process, open trials, open adjudicative instruments, and open enforcement information platforms have been fully established and put into operation, and an open, dynamic, transparent and convenient judicial mechanism has fundamentally taken form, which has played an important role in safeguarding the public right to know, participate, express and supervise, promote the improvement of the capabilities to administer the law for the people and impartially, advocate the spirit of the rule of law, and effectively narrate the story of the rule of law in China. Judicial openness, as a vigorous practice in building the rule of law in China in the new era, has become China's signature in international judicial exchanges and cooperation. 加强司法公开是落实宪法法律原则、保障人民群众参与司法的重大举措,是深化司法体制综合配套改革、健全司法权力运行机制的重要内容,是推进全面依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的必然要求。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视司法公开工作,党的十八届三中、四中全会将推进司法公开,构建开放、动态、透明、便民的阳光司法机制作为全面深化改革和全面依法治国的重要任务,作出一系列重大部署。人民法院坚决贯彻落实党中央决策部署,紧紧围绕“努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义”的工作目标,推进司法公开达到前所未有的广度和深度,取得显著成效。目前,司法公开规范化、制度化、信息化水平显著提升,审判流程公开、庭审活动公开、裁判文书公开、执行信息公开四大平台全面建成运行,开放、动态、透明、便民的阳光司法机制已经基本形成,在保障人民群众知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权,促进提升司法为民、公正司法能力以及弘扬法治精神、讲好中国法治故事等方面发挥了重要作用。司法公开是新时代法治中国建设的生动实践,已经成为我国在开展国际司法交流合作中的一张亮丽名片。
At the 19th CPC National Congress, the major tasks of deepening the practice of law-based governance and deepening the comprehensive supplementary reform for the judicial system was determinately proposed, new major arrangements for deepening openness in the operation of power was made, and "that we must strengthen checks on and oversight over the exercise of power, and ensure that power is exercised under public oversight, in broad daylight, and in an institutional cage” was stressed, which pointed out the direction for people's courts to further deepen judicial openness and put forward new and stricter requirements. For the purposes of thoroughly learning and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era and the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, putting into action a series of major decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee relating to advancing judicial openness, summing up experience in the work of judicial openness, consolidating the achievements in the work of judicial openness since the 18th CPC National Congress, promoting the open, dynamic, transparent and convenient judicial mechanism in being more mature and better shaped, achieving the modernization of the adjudicative system and capacity, and boosting the new development of people's courts' work in the new era, the following opinions are hereby offered on further deepening the work of judicial openness. 党的十九大明确提出深化依法治国实践、深化司法体制综合配套改革的重大任务,并对深化权力运行公开作出新的重大部署,强调“要加强对权力运行的制约和监督,让人民监督权力,让权力在阳光下运行,把权力关进制度的笼子”,为人民法院进一步深化司法公开指明了方向,提出了新的更高要求。为深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,贯彻落实党中央关于推进司法公开的一系列重大决策部署,总结司法公开工作经验,巩固党的十八大以来司法公开工作取得的成果,推动开放、动态、透明、便民的阳光司法机制更加成熟定型,实现审判体系和审判能力现代化,促进新时代人民法院工作实现新发展,现对进一步深化司法公开工作提出以下意见。
I. General requirements 一、总体要求
1. Guiding ideology. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era shall be adhered to as the guidance, the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the First, Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee shall be fully implemented, the work objective that “the people can see in every judicial case that justice is served” shall be brought into close focus, the banner of reform and opening up in the new era shall be held high, judicial openness shall be further deepened, the breadth and depth of judicial openness shall be continuously expanded, judicial openness regimes, mechanisms and systems shall be improved, judicial openness platforms and media shall be optimized and upgraded, the level of refined, standardized and informationized judicial openness shall be significantly raised, the construction of a more open, dynamic, transparent and convenient judicial mechanism shall be advanced, a new pattern of comprehensively deepening judicial openness shall be formed, the modernization of the adjudicative system and capacity shall be boosted, the core socialist values shall be vigorously advocated, the heightening of the public awareness of the rule of law shall be promoted, the story of the rule of law in China shall be effectively narrated, and the voice of the rule of law in China shall be disseminated. 1.指导思想。坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届一中、二中、三中全会精神,紧紧围绕“努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义”的工作目标,高举新时代改革开放旗帜,进一步深化司法公开,不断拓展司法公开的广度和深度,健全完善司法公开制度机制体系,优化升级司法公开平台载体,大幅提升司法公开精细化、规范化、信息化水平,推进建设更加开放、动态、透明、便民的阳光司法机制,形成全面深化司法公开新格局,促进实现审判体系和审判能力现代化,大力弘扬社会主义核心价值观,促进增强全民法治意识,讲好中国法治故事,传播中国法治声音。
2. Basic principles.   2.基本原则。
(1) Adhering to active openness. The important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping that “there shall be no space for secret operations nor hideout for judicial corruption” shall be understood in depth, the significance of deepening the work of judicial openness shall be fully recognized, the awareness of actively accepting supervision shall be heightened, passive openness shall be truly converted into active openness, the transparent judicial mechanism shall continue to be improved, and every endeavor shall be made so that justice is served by visible means. (1)坚持主动公开。深刻领会习近平总书记提出的“让暗箱操作没有空间,让司法腐败无法藏身”重要指示要求,充分认识深化司法公开工作的重大意义,进一步增强主动接受监督意识,真正变被动公开为主动公开,继续健全完善阳光司法机制,努力让正义不仅要实现,还要以看得见的方式实现。
(2) Adhering to lawful openness. The duty of public trials as provided for by the Constitution and the law shall be strictly fulfilled, so as to effectively protect the rights of the public to participate in and supervise justice. The scope of openness as provided for by law shall be strictly implemented, relevant information shall be open to the public in accordance with the law, while state secrets and adjudicative secrets are kept, and the information security of parties are protected. The law of justice shall be respected, and the contents, scope, methods and procedures of judicial openness shall be specified, so as to ensure that the work of judicial openness is carried out in an orderly manner. (2)坚持依法公开。严格履行宪法法律规定的公开审判职责,切实保障人民群众参与司法、监督司法的权利。严格执行法律规定的公开范围,依法公开相关信息,同时要严守国家秘密、审判秘密,保护当事人信息安全。尊重司法规律,明确司法公开的内容、范围、方式和程序,确保司法公开工作规范有序开展。
(3) Adhering to timely openness. The timeliness requirement for judicial openness shall be strictly observed, and whatever in the scope of active openness shall be opened in a timely manner and may not be delayed without good reason. If a clear time limit for openness is provided for, openness shall be conducted strictly within the time limit. In the absence of a determinate time limit requirement, openness shall be conducted within a reasonable time according to the nature and feature of the relevant information. (3)坚持及时公开。严格遵循司法公开的时效性要求,凡属于主动公开范围的,均应及时公开,不得无故延迟。有明确公开时限规定的,严格在规定时限内公开。没有明确公开时限要求的,根据相关信息性质特点,在合理时间内公开。
(4) Adhering to overrall openness. Openness shall be the principle, non-openness shall be an exception, and judicial openness shall be promoted in covering all fields and links of works of people's courts. The combination of the openness of procedural matters and that of substantive contents, openness of adjudication and enforcement information and that of judicial administrative information, and openness by conventional means and that by means of new media shall be adhered to, so as to maximize the protection of the public right to know, participate, express and supervise. (4)坚持全面公开。以公开为原则、以不公开为例外,推动司法公开覆盖人民法院工作各领域、各环节。坚持程序事项公开与实体内容公开相结合、审判执行信息公开与司法行政信息公开相结合、通过传统方式公开与运用新媒体方式公开相结合,最大限度保障人民群众知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权。
(5) Adhering to substantial openness. With a close focus on the judicial needs of the public, the judicial information that the parties and the public are most concerned about and most desire to understand shall be opened according to the law in a timely manner, and judicial openness shall be effectively concentrated on satisfying the needs of the public and safeguarding public participation. The interaction, service and facilitation functions of judicial openness platforms shall be continuously improved, public concerns shall be actively responded to, and every endeavor shall be made to turn the deepening of judicial openness into a two-way interaction between people's courts and the public and enable judicial openness to serve as a bridge and bond to remain close contact with the public. (5)坚持实质公开。紧紧围绕人民群众司法需求,依法及时公开当事人和社会公众最关注、最希望了解的司法信息,切实将司法公开重心聚焦到服务群众需求和保障公众参与上来。不断完善司法公开平台的互动功能、服务功能和便民功能,主动回应社会关切,努力把深化司法公开变成人民法院和人民群众双向互动的过程,让司法公开成为密切联系群众的桥梁纽带。
II. Further deepening the contents and scope of judicial openness 二、进一步深化司法公开的内容和范围
3. Fully expanding the scope of judicial openness. The law of judicial activities shall be respected, and the content and scope of judicial openness shall be further clarified according to the functional orientations of four-level courts. Judicial information involving the lawful rights and interests of parties or the public interest of the community, or required to be extensively known to the public, shall be included in the scope of judicial openness and, according to its nature and characteristics, opened to the parties or the public. The information of people's courts in basic information, adjudication and enforcement, litigation services, judicial reform, judicial administrative affairs, international judicial exchanges and cooperation, team building, and other aspects shall be actively opened, unless otherwise provided by any law, regulation or judicial interpretation. 3.全面拓展司法公开范围。尊重司法活动规律,根据四级法院职能定位,进一步明确司法公开的内容和范围。对涉及当事人合法权益、社会公共利益,需要社会广泛知晓的司法信息,应当纳入司法公开范围,根据其性质特点,区分向当事人公开或向社会公众公开。对于人民法院基本情况、审判执行、诉讼服务、司法改革、司法行政事务、国际司法交流合作、队伍建设等方面信息,除依照法律法规、司法解释不予公开以及其他不宜公开的外,应当采取适当形式主动公开。
4. Deepening the openness of the basic information of people's courts. People's courts shall actively open the following basic information, persist in dynamic updating, ensure accuracy, clarity and easy access, and facilitate the timely and accurate understanding by the public. 4.深化人民法院基本信息公开。人民法院应当主动公开以下基本信息,坚持动态更新,保证准确、清晰、易获取,方便人民群众及时、准确了解掌握。
(1) Organizational structure. (1)机构设置;
(2) Judicial interpretations. (2)司法解释;
(3) Guiding cases. (3)指导性案例;
(4) Regulatory documents. (4)规范性文件;
(5) Work reports to the people's congress at the same level. (5)向同级人民代表大会所作的工作报告;
(6) Information on important meetings, major events, important work and other activities. (6)重要会议、重大活动和重要工作等动态信息;
(7) Other basic information required to be extensively known to the public. (7)其他需要社会广泛知晓的基本信息。
5. Deepening the openness of adjudication and enforcement information. People's courts shall actively open the following adjudication and enforcement information to the public, gradually drive the scope of openness to cover all fields of adjudication and enforcement, improve the systems and rules of openness of adjudication and enforcement information, and promote the unified openness of process and standards, so as to ensure that the power of adjudicative and enforcement is always exercised in the sunshine. 5.深化审判执行信息公开。人民法院应当主动公开以下审判执行信息,逐步推进公开范围覆盖审判执行各领域,健全完善审判执行信息公开制度规范,促进统一公开流程标准,确保审判执行权力始终在阳光下运行。
(1) Judicial statistical information. (1)司法统计信息;
(2) Information on the process of adjudication and enforcement. (2)审判执行流程信息;
(3) Adjudicative activities in open court. (3)公开开庭审理案件的庭审活动;
(4) Adjudicative instruments. (4)裁判文书;
(5) Information on the adjudication of major cases. (5)重大案件审判情况;
(6) Information on enforcement work. (6)执行工作信息;
(7) Information on probation, parole, and temporary service of sentences outside prison. (7)减刑、假释、暂予监外执行信息;
(8) Information on bankruptcy reorganization cases of enterprises. (8)企业破产重整案件信息;
(9) Information on annual work and model cases in each field of adjudication and enforcement. (9)各审判执行领域年度工作情况和典型案例;
(10) Judicial big data research reports. (10)司法大数据研究报告;
(11) Achievements in research on adjudication and enforcement theories and judicial cases. (11)审判执行理论研究、司法案例研究成果;
(12) Other adjudication and enforcement information involving the lawful rights and interests of parties or the public interest of the community, or required to be extensively known to the public. (12)其他涉及当事人合法权益、社会公共利益或需要社会广泛知晓的审判执行信息。
6. Deepening the openness of litigation service information. People's courts shall actively open the following litigation service information to the public, focus on improving the easy access to litigation service information, raise the level of litigation services, and effectively facilitate parties' litigation. 6.深化诉讼服务信息公开。人民法院应当主动公开以下诉讼服务信息,着力提升诉讼服务信息获取的便捷性,提高诉讼服务水平,切实方便当事人诉讼。
(1) Litigation guide. (1)诉讼指南;
(2) Announcements by people's courts. (2)人民法院公告;
(3) Information on judicial auction and determination of the reference prices of property subject to disposition. (3)司法拍卖和确定财产处置参考价相关信息;
(4) Information on judicial appraisal, assessment, inspection, auditing, and other specialist organizations and professionals, information on bankruptcy administrators, information on the organization of diagnosis for temporary service of sentences outside prison, and information on expert pools.

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