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Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China (2013 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国商标法(2013修正) [已被修订]


Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China 


(Adopted at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress on August 23, 1982; amended for the first time according to the Decision on Amending the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China as adopted at the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on February 22, 1993; amended for the second time according to the Decision on Amending the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China as adopted at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on October 27, 2001; and amended for the third time according to the Decision on Amending the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China as adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress on August 30, 2013) (1982年8月23日第五届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议通过 根据1993年2月22日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国商标法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2001年10月27日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国商标法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2013年8月30日第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国商标法〉的决定》第三次修正)
Table of Contents 目 录
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 总 则
Chapter II Application for Trademark Registration 第二章 商标注册的申请
Chapter III Trademark Registration Examination and Approval 第三章 商标注册的审查和核准
Chapter IV Renewal, Modification, Assignment and Licensing of Registered Trademarks 第四章 注册商标的续展、变更、转让和使用许可
Chapter V Declaration of Invalidation of Registered Trademarks 第五章 注册商标的无效宣告
Chapter VI Administration of the Use of Trademarks 第六章 商标使用的管理
Chapter VII Protection of the Right to Exclusively Use a Registered Trademark 第七章 注册商标专用权的保护
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions 第八章 附 则

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of strengthening trademark administration, protecting the right to exclusively use a trademark, urging producers and dealers to guarantee the quality of goods and services, maintaining the reputation of trademarks, protecting the interests of consumers, producers and dealers, and promoting the development of the socialist market economy.   第一条 为了加强商标管理,保护商标专用权,促使生产、经营者保证商品和服务质量,维护商标信誉,以保障消费者和生产、经营者的利益,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,特制定本法。
Article 2 The Trademark Office of the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council shall take charge of trademark registration and administration across the country.   第二条 国务院工商行政管理部门商标局主管全国商标注册和管理的工作。
The administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council shall establish a Trademark Review and Adjudication Board responsible for resolving trademark disputes. 国务院工商行政管理部门设立商标评审委员会,负责处理商标争议事宜。
Article 3 Registered trademarks are trademarks approved to be registered by the Trademark Office, including goods trademarks, service trademarks, collective marks, and certification marks. A trademark registrant shall have the right to exclusively use the registered trademark, which is protected by law.   第三条 经商标局核准注册的商标为注册商标,包括商品商标、服务商标和集体商标、证明商标;商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护。
For the purposes of this Law, “collective mark” means a mark registered in the name of a group, an association, or any other organization for the members of the organization to use in commercial activities to indicate their memberships in the organization. 本法所称集体商标,是指以团体、协会或者其他组织名义注册,供该组织成员在商事活动中使用,以表明使用者在该组织中的成员资格的标志。
For the purposes of this Law, “certification mark” means a mark controlled by an organization with supervising power over certain kind of goods or services but used by entities or individuals other than the organization on their goods or services to certificate the origins, raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality, or other specific characteristics of the goods or services. 本法所称证明商标,是指由对某种商品或者服务具有监督能力的组织所控制,而由该组织以外的单位或者个人使用于其商品或者服务,用以证明该商品或者服务的原产地、原料、制造方法、质量或者其他特定品质的标志。
Special matters concerning the registration and administration of collective marks and certification marks shall be provided for by the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council. 集体商标、证明商标注册和管理的特殊事项,由国务院工商行政管理部门规定。
Article 4 Any natural person, legal person, or other organization needing to acquire the right to exclusively use a trademark on the goods or services thereof in the course of business operations shall apply to the Trademark Office for trademark registration.   第四条 自然人、法人或者其他组织在生产经营活动中,对其商品或者服务需要取得商标专用权的,应当向商标局申请商标注册。
The provisions of this Law regarding goods trademarks are applicable to service trademarks. 本法有关商品商标的规定,适用于服务商标。
Article 5 Two or more natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations may jointly apply to the Trademark Office for the registration of the same trademark, and jointly own and exercise the right to exclusively use the registered trademark.   第五条 两个以上的自然人、法人或者其他组织可以共同向商标局申请注册同一商标,共同享有和行使该商标专用权。
Article 6 Where a registered trademark must be used on the goods prescribed by any law or administrative regulation, trademark registration must be applied for, and such goods may not be marketed without approval of trademark registration.   第六条 法律、行政法规规定必须使用注册商标的商品,必须申请商标注册,未经核准注册的,不得在市场销售。
Article 7 In the application for registration or use of a trademark, the principle of good faith shall be followed.   第七条 申请注册和使用商标,应当遵循诚实信用原则。
The user of a trademark shall be responsible for the quality of the goods on which the trademark is used. The administrative departments for industry and commerce at all levels shall, through trademark administration, interdict consumer frauds. 商标使用人应当对其使用商标的商品质量负责。各级工商行政管理部门应当通过商标管理,制止欺骗消费者的行为。
Article 8 Any sign capable of distinguishing the goods of a natural person, a legal person, or any other organization from those of others, including but not limited to word, design, letter, numeral, three-dimensional symbol, combination of colors, and sound, as well as a combination of the above, may serve as a trademark for registration application.   第八条 任何能够将自然人、法人或者其他组织的商品与他人的商品区别开的标志,包括文字、图形、字母、数字、三维标志、颜色组合和声音等,以及上述要素的组合,均可以作为商标申请注册。
Article 9 The trademark for registration shall be distinctive for easy identification, and may not be in conflict with any prior legal rights acquired by others.   第九条 申请注册的商标,应当有显著特征,便于识别,并不得与他人在先取得的合法权利相冲突。
A trademark registrant shall have the right to use the words “registered trademark” or a sign standing for registration. 商标注册人有权标明“注册商标”或者注册标记。
Article 10 The following signs may not be used as trademarks:   第十条 下列标志不得作为商标使用:
(1) A sign identical with or similar to the name, national flag, national emblem, national anthem, military flag, military emblem, military anthem, or decorations, among others, of the People's Republic of China or identical with the name or symbol of a central state organ, the name of specific place where it is located, or the name or design of its landmark building. (一)同中华人民共和国的国家名称、国旗、国徽、国歌、军旗、军徽、军歌、勋章等相同或者近似的,以及同中央国家机关的名称、标志、所在地特定地点的名称或者标志性建筑物的名称、图形相同的;
(2) A sign identical with or similar to the name, national flag, national emblem, or military flag, among others, of a foreign country, except as permitted by the government of the foreign country. (二)同外国的国家名称、国旗、国徽、军旗等相同或者近似的,但经该国政府同意的除外;
(3) A sign identical with or similar to the name, flag, or emblem of an international intergovernmental organization, except as permitted by the organization or except that it will usually not mislead the public. (三)同政府间国际组织的名称、旗帜、徽记等相同或者近似的,但经该组织同意或者不易误导公众的除外;
(4) A sign identical with or similar to an official sign or an inspection mark which indicates control or provides guarantee, except as authorized. (四)与表明实施控制、予以保证的官方标志、检验印记相同或者近似的,但经授权的除外;
(5) A sign identical with or similar to the name or sign of the Red Cross or the Red Crescent. (五)同“红十字”、“红新月”的名称、标志相同或者近似的;
(6) A sign bearing ethnic discrimination. (六)带有民族歧视性的;
(7) A sign which is deceptive and easily misleads the public regarding the quality or origin of goods. (七)带有欺骗性,容易使公众对商品的质量等特点或者产地产生误认的;
(8) Signs detrimental to socialist morality or mores or having any other adverse effect. (八)有害于社会主义道德风尚或者有其他不良影响的。
The name of any administrative division at or above the county level or the name of any foreign place known by the public may not be used as a trademark, except that the place name has other meanings or is used as a part of a collective mark or certification mark. Existing registered trademarks using place names shall continue to be valid. 县级以上行政区划的地名或者公众知晓的外国地名,不得作为商标。但是,地名具有其他含义或者作为集体商标、证明商标组成部分的除外;已经注册的使用地名的商标继续有效。
Article 11 The following signs may not be registered as trademarks:   第十一条 下列标志不得作为商标注册:
(1) A sign only bearing the generic name, design, or model of the goods. (一)仅有本商品的通用名称、图形、型号的;
(2) A sign only directly indicating the quality, main raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity, or other features of goods. (二)仅直接表示商品的质量、主要原料、功能、用途、重量、数量及其他特点的;
(3) Other signs lacking distinctiveness. (三)其他缺乏显著特征的。
If a sign listed in the preceding paragraph has obtained distinctiveness through use and can be easily identified, it may be registered as a trademark. 前款所列标志经过使用取得显著特征,并便于识别的,可以作为商标注册。
Article 12 Where the registration of a three dimensional trademark is applied for, it shall not be registered if it is only a shape resulting from the nature of the goods, a shape of the goods necessary for achieving a technical effect, or a shape to add a substantive value to the goods.   第十二条 以三维标志申请注册商标的,仅由商品自身的性质产生的形状、为获得技术效果而需有的商品形状或者使商品具有实质性价值的形状,不得注册。
Article 13 The holder of a trademark well known by the relevant public may file a request for well-known trademark protection under this Law if believing that there is any infringement upon its rights.   第十三条 为相关公众所熟知的商标,持有人认为其权利受到侵害时,可以依照本法规定请求驰名商标保护。
Where a trademark for registration to be used on identical or similar goods is a copy, imitation, or translation of a well-known trademark of another party which has not been registered in China and may easily cause confusion, it shall not be registered and shall be prohibited from use. 就相同或者类似商品申请注册的商标是复制、摹仿或者翻译他人未在中国注册的驰名商标,容易导致混淆的,不予注册并禁止使用。
Where a trademark for registration to be used on different or dissimilar goods is a copy, imitation, or translation of a well-known trademark of another party which has been registered in China, misleads the public, and may cause damage to the interests of the registrant of the well-known trademark, it shall not be registered and shall be prohibited from use. 就不相同或者不相类似商品申请注册的商标是复制、摹仿或者翻译他人已经在中国注册的驰名商标,误导公众,致使该驰名商标注册人的利益可能受到损害的,不予注册并禁止使用。
Article 14 Whether a trademark is a well-known trademark shall be determined upon request of a party as a fact to be found in the handling of a trademark case. The following factors shall be taken into account in the determination of a well-known trademark:   第十四条 驰名商标应当根据当事人的请求,作为处理涉及商标案件需要认定的事实进行认定。认定驰名商标应当考虑下列因素:
(1) Reputation of the trademark to the relevant public. (一)相关公众对该商标的知晓程度;
(2) Duration of the use of the trademark. (二)该商标使用的持续时间;
(3) Duration, extent, and geographical area of any publicity of the trademark. (三)该商标的任何宣传工作的持续时间、程度和地理范围;
(4) Records of protection of the trademark as a well-known trademark. (四)该商标作为驰名商标受保护的记录;
(5) Other factors relevant to the determination of a well-known trademark. (五)该商标驰名的其他因素。
Where a party files a claim under Article 13 of this Law in the process of trademark registration examination or in the process of investigation of a trademark violation case by the administrative department for industry and commerce, the Trademark Office may determine whether the trademark is a well-known trademark if it is necessary for examination or handling the case. 在商标注册审查、工商行政管理部门查处商标违法案件过程中,当事人依照本法第十三条规定主张权利的,商标局根据审查、处理案件的需要,可以对商标驰名情况作出认定。
Where a party files a claim under Article 13 of this Law in the process of resolution of a trademark dispute, the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board may determine whether the trademark is a well-known trademark if it is necessary for handling the case. 在商标争议处理过程中,当事人依照本法第十三条规定主张权利的,商标评审委员会根据处理案件的需要,可以对商标驰名情况作出认定。
Where a party files a claim under Article 13 of this Law in the trial of a civil or administrative case involving trademark, the people's court designated by the Supreme People's Court may determine whether the trademark is a well-known trademark if it is necessary for trying the case. 在商标民事、行政案件审理过程中,当事人依照本法第十三条规定主张权利的,最高人民法院指定的人民法院根据审理案件的需要,可以对商标驰名情况作出认定。
Producers and dealers may not use the words “well-known trademark” on their goods and the packages or containers of their goods or for advertisements, exhibitions, and other commercial activities. 生产、经营者不得将“驰名商标”字样用于商品、商品包装或者容器上,或者用于广告宣传、展览以及其他商业活动中。
Article 15 Where an agent or a representative applies for registration of a trademark of the principal or the represented party in the agent's or the representative's own name without authorization, the trademark shall not be registered and shall be prohibited from use upon opposition from the principal or the represented party.   第十五条 未经授权,代理人或者代表人以自己的名义将被代理人或者被代表人的商标进行注册,被代理人或者被代表人提出异议的,不予注册并禁止使用。
Where an applicant for registration of a trademark identical with or similar to an unregistered trademark in prior use by another party on identical or similar goods has any contractual, business or other relationship except the relationship described in the preceding paragraph with the other party and knows the existence of the unregistered trademark, the trademark shall not be registered upon opposition from the other party. 就同一种商品或者类似商品申请注册的商标与他人在先使用的未注册商标相同或者近似,申请人与该他人具有前款规定以外的合同、业务往来关系或者其他关系而明知该他人商标存在,该他人提出异议的,不予注册。
Article 16 Where a trademark contains a geographic indication of the goods but the goods do not originate from the region indicated thereon, thus misleading the public, the trademark shall not be registered and shall be prohibited from use; however, those that have been registered in good faith shall continue to be valid.   第十六条 商标中有商品的地理标志,而该商品并非来源于该标志所标示的地区,误导公众的,不予注册并禁止使用;但是,已经善意取得注册的继续有效。
The geographic indication as mentioned in the preceding paragraph means a sign that indicates the region where the goods originate and the natural or human dimensions of which primarily decide the specific quality, reputation, or other features of the goods. 前款所称地理标志,是指标示某商品来源于某地区,该商品的特定质量、信誉或者其他特征,主要由该地区的自然因素或者人文因素所决定的标志。
Article 17 Where a foreign national or a foreign enterprise applies for trademark registration in China, it shall be handled in accordance with an agreement concluded between the applicant's country and the People's Republic of China or an international treaty acceded to by both countries or according to the principle of reciprocity.   第十七条 外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册的,应当按其所属国和中华人民共和国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约办理,或者按对等原则办理。
Article 18 An applicant may apply for trademark registration and handle other trademark-related matters by itself or through a legally formed trademark agency authorized by it.   第十八条 申请商标注册或者办理其他商标事宜,可以自行办理,也可以委托依法设立的商标代理机构办理。
A foreign national or a foreign enterprise intending to apply for trademark registration and handle other trademark-related matters in China shall authorize a legally formed trademark agency to do so. 外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册和办理其他商标事宜的,应当委托依法设立的商标代理机构办理。
Article 19 Trademark agencies shall follow the principle of good faith, abide by laws and administrative regulations, handle trademark registration applications and other trademark-related matters as authorized by clients, and maintain confidential clients' trade secrets known in acting for clients.   第十九条 商标代理机构应当遵循诚实信用原则,遵守法律、行政法规,按照被代理人的委托办理商标注册申请或者其他商标事宜;对在代理过程中知悉的被代理人的商业秘密,负有保密义务。
Where the trademark registration applied for by a client may be denied for any circumstances as described in this Law, a trademark agency shall clearly notify the client thereof. 委托人申请注册的商标可能存在本法规定不得注册情形的,商标代理机构应当明确告知委托人。
Where a trademark agency knows or should have known that a client's trademark registration application falls under any circumstances as described in Article 15 and 32 of this Law, it may not accept the client's authorization. 商标代理机构知道或者应当知道委托人申请注册的商标属于本法第十五条和第三十二条规定情形的,不得接受其委托。
Trademark agencies may not apply for registration of trademarks other than those applied for in acting for clients. 商标代理机构除对其代理服务申请商标注册外,不得申请注册其他商标。
Article 20 A trademark agency association shall, according to its bylaws, strictly implement the membership conditions, and take disciplinary actions against members violating the self-regulatory rules of the sector. A trademark agency association shall disclose information on its new members and the disciplinary actions taken against its members to the public in a timely manner.   第二十条 商标代理行业组织应当按照章程规定,严格执行吸纳会员的条件,对违反行业自律规范的会员实行惩戒。商标代理行业组织对其吸纳的会员和对会员的惩戒情况,应当及时向社会公布。
Article 21 International registration of trademarks shall comply with the rules established by the relevant international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China, and the specific measures shall be developed by the State Council.   第二十一条 商标国际注册遵循中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的有关国际条约确立的制度,具体办法由国务院规定。

Chapter II Application for Trademark Registration 

第二章 商标注册的申请

Article 22 A trademark registration applicant shall, according to the prescribed classification of goods, enter the class and designation of goods on which the trademark is to be used, and file an application for registration.   第二十二条 商标注册申请人应当按规定的商品分类表填报使用商标的商品类别和商品名称,提出注册申请。
A trademark registration applicant may, in a single application, apply for registration of the same trademark on goods of different classes. 商标注册申请人可以通过一份申请就多个类别的商品申请注册同一商标。
Trademark registration applications and other relevant documents may be filed in written or data message form. 商标注册申请等有关文件,可以以书面方式或者数据电文方式提出。
Article 23 Where a registered trademark needs to be exclusively used on any goods beyond the approved scope of use, a separate application for registration shall be filed.   第二十三条 注册商标需要在核定使用范围之外的商品上取得商标专用权的,应当另行提出注册申请。
Article 24 Where any sign of a registered trademark needs to be modified, a new application for registration shall be filed.   第二十四条 注册商标需要改变其标志的,应当重新提出注册申请。
Article 25 Where, within six months from the day when a trademark registration applicant firstly filed an application for registration of a trademark in a foreign country, it applies for registration in China of the same trademark to the used on identical goods, it may enjoy priority according to an agreement concluded between the foreign country and the People's Republic of China or an international treaty acceded to by both countries, or on the principle of mutual acknowledgement of the right of priority.   第二十五条 商标注册申请人自其商标在外国第一次提出商标注册申请之日起六个月内,又在中国就相同商品以同一商标提出商标注册申请的,依照该外国同中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约,或者按照相互承认优先权的原则,可以享有优先权。
To claim priority under the preceding paragraph, the applicant shall file a written declaration when filing an application for trademark registration and, within three months, submit a duplicate of the application documentation firstly filed; an applicant failing to file the written declaration or failing to submit the duplicate of application documentation within the prescribed time limit shall be deemed to have not claimed priority. 依照前款要求优先权的,应当在提出商标注册申请的时候提出书面声明,并且在三个月内提交第一次提出的商标注册申请文件的副本;未提出书面声明或者逾期未提交商标注册申请文件副本的,视为未要求优先权。
Article 26 Where a trademark is used for the first time on the goods displayed at an international exhibition sponsored or acknowledged by the Chinese Government, the user as an applicant for registration of the trademark may enjoy priority within six months from the date of display of the goods.
   第二十六条 商标在中国政府主办的或者承认的国际展览会展出的商品上首次使用的,自该商品展出之日起六个月内,该商标的注册申请人可以享有优先权。

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