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Official Reply of the State Council to the Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Pilot Program of a New Round of Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector in Beijing Municipality and Building a National Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector [Effective]
国务院关于深化北京市新一轮服务业扩大开放综合试点建设国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区工作方案的批复 [现行有效]

Official Reply of the State Council to the Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Pilot Program of a New Round of Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector in Beijing Municipality and Building a National Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector 


(No. 123 [2020] of the State Council) (国函〔2020〕123号)

The People's Government of Beijing Municipality and the Ministry of Commerce: 北京市人民政府、商务部:
Your request for instructions on deepening the comprehensive pilot program of a new round of expanding opening-up of the service sector in Beijing Municipality and building a national comprehensive demonstration zone for expanding opening-up of the service sector has been received, and the official reply is hereby offered as follows: 你们关于深化北京市新一轮服务业扩大开放综合试点、建设国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区的请示收悉。现批复如下:
I. The Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Pilot Program of a New Round of Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector in Beijing Municipality and Building a National Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”) is hereby approved in principle for your earnest implementation.   一、原则同意《深化北京市新一轮服务业扩大开放综合试点建设国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区工作方案》(以下简称《工作方案》),请认真组织实施。
II. In the implementation of the Plan, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era shall be taken as guidance, the underlying principle of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee shall be thoroughly fulfilled, and efforts shall be coordinated to promote the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy. In accordance with the the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability shall be upheld, the new notion of development shall be followed, and measures shall be taken to continuously deepen market-oriented reforms and expand opening-up at a higher level. The rules for international trade and investment shall be observed, and valuable experience shall be learned from international markets. The transition of opening-up from the flow of commodities and production factors to the change of rules and other systems shall be supported so as to create an institutional environment favorable for the high-quality development of the service sector and make greater contributions to opening-up in all aspects.   二、《工作方案》实施要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,按照党中央、国务院决策部署,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持新发展理念,坚持深化市场化改革、扩大高水平开放,对标国际先进贸易投资规则,吸收借鉴国际成熟经验,推动由商品和要素流动型开放向规则等制度型开放转变,为服务业高质量发展营造良好制度环境,为推动全方位对外开放作出更大贡献。
III. The People's Government of Beijing Municipality shall, based on the strategic positioning of the capital city, serve the significant initiatives of the country, strengthen organizational leadership in the implementation of the Plan, make elaborate plans and take bold steps with risks under proper control, accrue more experience that can be replicable and promoted in the field of expanding opening-up of the service sector and building a new system for a higher level of open economy, and provide a role model for openness, development and innovation of the service sector all over the country.   三、北京市人民政府要立足首都城市战略定位,服务国家重大战略,加强对《工作方案》实施的组织领导,在风险可控前提下,精心组织,大胆实践,在扩大服务业对外开放、建设更高水平开放型经济新体制方面取得更多可复制可推广的经验,为全国服务业开放发展、创新发展提供示范引领。
IV. The relevant departments of the State Council shall, according to the division of duties, actively support Beijing Municipality in deepening the comprehensive pilot program of a new round of expanding opening-up of the service sector and building a national comprehensive demonstration zone for expanding opening-up of the service sector. The Ministry of Commerce shall work with other relevant departments to provide stronger guidance and coordination, and organize supervision and evaluation activities to ensure that all reform measures in the Plan will be effectively implemented.   四、国务院有关部门要按照职责分工,积极支持北京市深化新一轮服务业扩大开放综合试点、建设国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区。商务部要会同有关部门加强指导和协调推进,组织开展督促和评估工作,确保《工作方案》各项改革开放措施落实到位。
V. The temporary adjustment and implementation of certain provisions of the relevant administrative regulations, documents of the State Council and departmental rules approved by the State Council shall be handled according to the prescribed procedures. The relevant departments of the State Council shall make adjustments on the rules and normative documents developed by themselves based on the Plan. The People's Government of Beijing Municipality and the Ministry of Commerce shall report any major issue in the pilot program to the State Council for instructions in a timely manner.   五、需要暂时调整实施相关行政法规、国务院文件和经国务院批准的部门规章的部分规定的,按规定程序办理。国务院有关部门要根据《工作方案》相应调整本部门制定的规章和规范性文件。试点中的重大问题,北京市人民政府、商务部要及时向国务院请示报告。
Annex: The Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Pilot Program of a New Round of Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector in Beijing Municipality and Building a National Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector 附件:深化北京市新一轮服务业扩大开放综合试点建设国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区工作方案
State Council 国务院
August 28, 2020 2020年8月28日
Annex 附件
The Plan for Deepening the Comprehensive Pilot Program of a New Round of Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector in Beijing Municipality and Building a National Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for Expanding Opening-up of the Service Sector 深化北京市新一轮服务业扩大开放综合试点 建设国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区工作方案
The Plan is developed to implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the comprehensive pilot program of a new round of expanding opening-up of the service sector in Beijing Municipality and promoting the high-quality development of the service sector. 为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于深化北京市新一轮服务业扩大开放综合试点的决策部署,促进服务业高质量发展,特制定本工作方案。
I. General requirements   一、总体要求
With Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as guidance, the underlying principle of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee shall be thoroughly fulfilled, the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy shall be coordinated, the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability shall be upheld, and the new notion of development shall be followed. Based on the strategic positioning of Beijing as the capital city and with focus on its leading industries and major demonstrative parks, more efforts shall be made to explore new business forms, new models and new paths for the opening-up and development of the service sector, gradually establish a system for institutional innovation and the supply of factors that comply with international rules, and create a national comprehensive demonstration zone for expanding opening-up of the service sector (hereinafter referred to as “Comprehensive Demonstration Zone”). 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持新发展理念,立足首都城市战略定位,聚焦重点优势产业和重点示范园区,努力探索服务业开放发展的新业态、新模式、新路径,逐步形成与国际先进规则相衔接的制度创新和要素供给体系,打造国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区(以下简称综合示范区)。
II. Development goals   二、发展目标
By 2025, the system concerning policies and institutions for expanding opening-up of the service sector with focus on trade facilitation and investment facilitation will be generally improved, business environment will be made more market-oriented, law-based and international; industrial competitiveness will be remarkably strengthened; and the capability of risk control will be effectively enhanced, so as to provide a better example and stronger guidance for expanding opening-up of the service sector all over the country. 到2025年,基本健全以贸易便利、投资便利为重点的服务业扩大开放政策制度体系,市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境进一步优化,产业竞争力显著增强,风险防控有力有效,为全国服务业扩大开放提供更强的示范引领。
By 2030, trade liberalization and facilitation, investment liberalization and facilitation, cross-border capital flow facilitation, employment facilitation, transportation facilitation and safe and orderly flow of data will be supported; a system for opening-up of the service sector that complies with international high-standard economic and trade rules will be established; and China will rank high among all countries in the world in the economic size and international competitiveness of the service sector. 到2030年,实现贸易自由便利、投资自由便利、资金跨境流动便利、人才从业便利、运输往来便利和数据安全有序流动,基本建成与国际高标准经贸规则相衔接的服务业开放体系,服务业经济规模和国际竞争力进入世界前列。
III. Major tasks   三、主要任务
1. Deepening reforms and expanding opening-up in key industrial fields of the service sector (一)推进在服务业重点行业领域深化改革扩大开放。
1) Deepening the reform in the field of scientific and technological services: The development of maker space and business startup bases shall be supported through various means such as gratuitous aid, business rewards and subsidies. The reform of the right to use, the right to dispose of and the right to benefit from scientific and technological achievements shall be deepened. The pilot program of granting scientific research personnel the right to own or long-term use right of scientific and technological achievements shall be conducted. The systems for market-based empowerment, evaluation of achievements and profit distribution shall be explored. Research institutes under the ministries of the State Council shall be supported in building major scientific and technological facilities and creating a smart city. 1. 深化科技服务领域改革。通过无偿资助、业务奖励和补助等多种方式支持众创空间、创业基地发展。深化科技成果使用权、处置权和收益权改革,开展赋予科研人员职务科技成果所有权或长期使用权试点,探索形成市场化赋权、成果评价、收益分配等制度。支持部属院所在京建设重大科技基础设施,打造智慧城市。
2) Promoting the development of digital economy and digital trade: The openness of public data shall be accelerated, social organizations shall be guided to open their own data according to the law, the city of Beijing shall be supported in carrying out cooperation on data between the Central Government and local government in specific areas, and the connection between government data and social data platforms shall be promoted. Research shall be conducted on the statistical methods and models of domestic and foreign digital trade so as to create a digital trade statistics system that combines statistical data and business cases. The establishment and improvement of systems related to intellectual property rights in digital trade shall be analyzed. 2. 推进数字经济和数字贸易发展。加快推动公共数据开放,引导社会机构依法开放自有数据,支持北京市在特定领域开展央地数据合作,推动政务数据与社会化数据平台对接。研究境内外数字贸易统计方法和模式,打造统计数据和企业案例相结合的数字贸易统计体系。研究建立完善数字贸易知识产权相关制度。
3) Strengthening the reform and innovation of financial services: The implementation of policies for the pilot program of reform of “separating operating permits from business licenses” in the financial sector shall be promoted in Beijing. Private investors shall be encouraged to establish and lead the operation of RMB international investment funds in Beijing, and foreign investment institutions shall be supported in participating in the pilot of overseas investment made by qualified domestic limited partners. The pilot program for qualified domestic limited partners shall be further implemented, and the restrictions on the scope of open market investment shall be gradually relaxed. Based on the strategic plan of the Central Government, the reform of the NEEQ shall be further promoted, the registration system shall be put into practice, and the liquidity of the NEEQ market shall be effectively improved, so as to create a specific platform for small and medium-sized enterprises. A domestic IPO service platform for foreign-funded enterprises shall be established, and the related services shall be provided. Wholly foreign-owned enterprises shall be encouraged to apply for being private equity fund managers to carry out equity investment and assets management businesses. Qualified private equity securities investment fund management companies may apply for turning themselves into public equity fund management companies. The city of Beijing shall be given the priority to allow multinational companies to establish wholly foreign-funded financial companies there. Qualified financial companies in Beijing shall be encouraged to obtain the qualification of future foreign exchange settlement and sales business. In accordance with laws and regulations and with risks under control, buyer's credit and extended financial services for the industrial chain shall be provided. More foreign banks shall be supported in obtaining the qualification of securities investment fund management. Research shall be conducted on allowing foreign banks settled in Beijing to provide treasury futures transactions in due course. Qualified foreign banks shall be allowed to participate in the trading of gold and silver futures in China. Foreign-funded corporate banks in Beijing with a certain scale and stable operations shall be encouraged to apply for participating in public market transactions. Foreign banks shall be allowed to obtain the import licenses of the People's Bank of China for gold and the qualification of lead underwriters for the inter-bank bond market. Relevant enterprises shall be supported in engaging in third-party payment services through market-oriented operations such as acquisitions and purchasing of shares. Securities companies shall be encouraged to engage in services related to Chinese depository receipts under the Shanghai-London Stock Connect. The pilot program of comprehensive financial operations shall be conducted in a prudential and orderly manner. The Beijing Iron Ore Trading Center and other bulk commodity trading venues shall be encouraged to explore various trading methods such as trading of non-standard warrants in accordance with laws and regulations, and establish a science-based and effective commodity pricing mechanism. 3. 加强金融服务领域改革创新。推进金融领域“证照分离”改革全覆盖试点相关政策在京实施。支持社会资本在京设立并主导运营人民币国际投贷基金,支持外资投资机构参与合格境内有限合伙人境外投资试点。深入实施合格境外有限合伙人试点,逐步放开公开市场投资范围限制。按照中央部署,进一步推动新三板改革,全面落实注册制,切实提升新三板市场流动性,打造服务中小企业的平台。设立外商投资企业境内上市服务平台并提供相关服务。支持外商独资企业申请成为私募基金管理人,开展股权投资和资产管理业务,符合条件的私募证券投资基金管理公司可申请转为公募基金管理公司。优先在北京市允许跨国公司设立外商独资财务公司。支持符合条件的在京财务公司获得结售汇业务资格,在依法合规、风险可控前提下,开展买方信贷和延伸产业链金融业务。支持更多外资银行获得证券投资基金托管资格。研究适时允许在京落地的外资银行稳妥开展国债期货交易。允许符合条件的外资银行参与境内黄金和白银期货交易。支持具有一定规模、运营稳健的在京外资法人银行申请参与公开市场交易。允许外资银行获得人民银行黄金进口许可和银行间债券市场主承销资格。支持相关企业通过收购、参股等市场化运作的方式从事第三方支付业务。支持证券公司从事沪伦通中国存托凭证业务。审慎有序进行金融综合经营试点。推动北京铁矿石交易中心等大宗商品交易场所依法合规探索开展非标准仓单交易等多种交易方式,建立科学合理的商品定价机制。
4) Encouraging the Internet information service sector to expand opening-up: Foreign investors shall be allowed to invest in domestic Internet virtual private network services (with the foreign share not exceeding 50%). Overseas telecom operators shall be attracted to provide Internet virtual private network services for foreign-invested enterprises in Beijing by establishing joint ventures. The development of Internet of Vehicles (intelligent connected vehicles) and automatic driving map applications shall be supported, and Beijing-Shanghai Internet of Vehicles highways shall be built. The establishment of an online filing system that meets the needs of overseas customers shall be explored.
 4. 推动互联网信息服务领域扩大开放。向外资开放国内互联网虚拟专用网业务(外资股比不超过50%),吸引海外电信运营商通过设立合资公司,为在京外商投资企业提供国内互联网虚拟专用网业务。支持开展车联网(智能网联汽车)和自动驾驶地图应用,建设京沪车联网公路。探索建立适应海外客户需求的网站备案制度。

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