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Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade [Effective]
关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学品和农药采用事先知情同意程序的鹿特丹公约 [现行有效]

Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade 


The Parties to this Convention,


Aware of the harmful impact on human health and the environment from certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade,

Recalling the pertinent provisions of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and chapter 19 of Agenda 21 on "Environmentally sound management of toxic chemicals, including prevention of illegal international traffic in toxic and dangerous products",

Mindful of the work undertaken by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the operation of the voluntary Prior Informed Consent procedure, as set out in the UNEP Amended London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade (hereinafter referred to as the "Amended London Guidelines") and the FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides (hereinafter referred to as the "International Code of Conduct"),

Taking into account the circumstances and particular requirements of developing countries and countries with economies in transition, in particular the need to strengthen national capabilities and capacities for the management of chemicals, including transfer of technology, providing financial and technical assistance and promoting cooperation among the Parties,

Noting the specific needs of some countries for information on transit movements,

Recognizing that good management practices for chemicals should be promoted in all countries, taking into account, inter alia, the voluntary standards laid down in the International Code of Conduct and the UNEP Code of Ethics on the International Trade in Chemicals,

Desiring to ensure that hazardous chemicals that are exported from their territory are packaged and labelled in a manner that is adequately protective of human health and the environment, consistent with the principles of the Amended London Guidelines and the International Code of Conduct,

Recognizing that trade and environmental policies should be mutually supportive with a view to achieving sustainable development,

Emphasizing that nothing in this Convention shall be interpreted as implying in any way a change in the rights and obligations of a Party under any existing international agreement applying to chemicals in international trade or to environmental protection,

Understanding that the above recital is not intended to create a hierarchy between this Convention and other international agreements,

Determined to protect human health, including the health of consumers and workers, and the environment against potentially harmful impacts from certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1 Objective   第1条 目标

The objective of this Convention is to promote shared responsibility and cooperative efforts among Parties in the international trade of certain hazardous chemicals in order to protect human health and the environment from potential harm and to contribute to their environmentally sound use, by facilitating information exchange about their characteristics, by providing for a national decision-making process on their import and export and by disseminating these decisions to Parties.

Article 2 Definitions   第2条 定义

For the purposes of this Convention:

a. "Chemical" means a substance whether by itself or in a mixture or preparation and whether manufactured or obtained from nature, but does not include any living organism. It consists of the following categories: pesticide (including severely hazardous pesticide formulations) and industrial; (a)“化学品”是指一种物质,无论是该物质本身还是其混合物或制剂的一部分,无论是人工制造的还是取自大自然的,但不包括任何生物体。它由以下类别组成:农药(包括极为危险的农药制剂)和工业用化学品;

b. "Banned chemical" means a chemical all uses of which within one or more categories have been prohibited by final regulatory action, in order to protect human health or the environment. It includes a chemical that has been refused approval for first-time use or has been withdrawn by industry either from the domestic market or from further consideration in the domestic approval process and where there is clear evidence that such action has been taken in order to protect human health or the environment; (b)“禁用化学品”是指为保护人类健康或环境而采取最后管制行动禁止其在一种或多种类别中的所有用途的化学品。它包括首次使用即未能获得批准或者已由工业界从国内市场上撤回或在国内审批过程中撤销对其作进一步审议、且有明确证据表明采取此种行动是为了保护人类健康或环境的化学品;

c. "Severely restricted chemical" means a chemical virtually all use of which within one or more categories has been prohibited by final regulatory action in order to protect human health or the environment, but for which certain specific uses remain allowed. It includes a chemical that has, for virtually all use, been refused for approval or been withdrawn by industry either from the domestic market or from further consideration in the domestic approval process, and where there is clear evidence that such action has been taken in order to protect human health or the environment; (c)“严格限用的化学品”是指为保护人类健康或环境而采取最后管制行动禁止其在一种或多种类别中的几乎所有用途、但其某些特定用途仍获批准的化学品。它包括几乎其所有用途皆未能获得批准或者已由工业界从国内市场上撤回或在国内审批过程中撤销对其作进一步审议、且有明确证据表明采取此种行动是为了保护人类健康或环境的化学品;

d. "Severely hazardous pesticide formulation" means a chemical formulated for pesticidal use that produces severe health or environmental effects observable within a short period of time after single or multiple exposure, under conditions of use; (d)“极为危险的农药制剂”是指用作农药用途的、在使用条件下一次或多次暴露后即可在短时期内观察到对健康或环境产生严重影响的化学品;

e. "Final regulatory action" means an action taken by a Party, that does not require subsequent regulatory action by that Party, the purpose of which is to ban or severely restrict a chemical; (e)“最后管制行动”是指一缔约方为禁用或严格限用某一化学品而采取的、且其后无需该缔约方再采取管制行动的行动;

f. "Export" and "import" mean, in their respective connotations, the movement of a chemical from one Party to another Party, but exclude mere transit operations; (f)“进口”和“出口”就其各自涵义而言,是指化学品从一缔约方转移到另一缔约方,但不包括纯粹的过境运输;

g. "Party" means a State or regional economic integration organization that has consented to be bound by this Convention and for which the Convention is in force; (g)“缔约方”是指已同意受本公约约束、且本公约已对其生效的国家或区域经济一体化组织;

h. "Regional economic integration organization" means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region to which its member States have transferred competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention and which has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention; (h)“区域经济一体化组织”是指一个特定区域的主权国家组成的组织,它已获得其成员国转让的处理本公约所规定事项的权限、且已按照其内部程序获得正式授权可以签署、批准、接受、核准或加入本公约;

i. "Chemical Review Committee" means the subsidiary body referred to in paragraph 6 of Article 18. (i)“化学品审查委员会”是指第18条第6款提及的附属机构。

Article 3 Scope of the Convention   第3条 公约的范围

1. This Convention applies to: 1、本公约适用于:

(a) Banned or severely restricted chemicals; and (a)禁用或严格限用的化学品;

(b) Severely hazardous pesticide formulations. (b)极为危险的农药制剂。

2. This Convention does not apply to: 2、本公约不适用于:

(a) Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; (a)麻醉药品和精神药物;

(b) Radioactive materials; (b)放射性材料;

(c) Wastes; (c)废物;

(d) Chemical weapons; (d)化学武器;

(e) Pharmaceuticals, including human and veterinary drugs; (e)药品,包括人用和兽用药品;

(f) Chemicals used as food additives; (f)用作食物添加剂的化学品;

(g) Food; (g)食物;

(h) Chemicals in quantities not likely to affect human health or the environment provided they are imported: (h)其数量不可能影响人类健康或环境的化学品,但以下列情况为限:

(i) For the purpose of research or analysis; or (ⅰ)为了研究或分析而进口;或者

(ii) By an individual for his or her own personal use in quantities reasonable for such use. (ⅱ)人为自己使用而进口、且就个人使用而言数量合理。

Article 4 Designated national authorities   第4条 指定的国家主管部门

1. Each Party shall designate one or more national authorities that shall be authorized to act on its behalf in the performance of the administrative functions required by this Convention. 1、各缔约方应指定一个或数个国家主管部门。国家主管部门应获得授权,在行使本公约所规定的行政职能时代表缔约方行事。

2. Each Party shall seek to ensure that such authority or authorities have sufficient resources to perform their tasks effectively. 2、各缔约方应力求确保国家主管部门有足够的资源以有效地履行其职责。

3. Each Party shall, no later than the date of the entry into force of this Convention for it, notify the name and address of such authority or authorities to the Secretariat. It shall forthwith notify the Secretariat of any changes in the name and address of such authority or authorities. 3、各缔约方应在不迟于本公约对其生效之日将国家主管部门的名称和地址通知秘书处。各缔约方应在国家主管部门的名称和地址有变动时立即通知秘书处。

4. The Secretariat shall forthwith inform the Parties of the notifications it receives under paragraph 3. 4、秘书处应立即向缔约方通报其根据第3款收到的通知。

Article 5 Procedures for banned or severely restricted chemicals   第5条 禁用或严格限用化学品的程序

1. Each Party that has adopted a final regulatory action shall notify the Secretariat in writing of such action. Such notification shall be made as soon as possible, and in any event no later than ninety days after the date on which the final regulatory action has taken effect, and shall contain the information required by Annex I, where available. 1、采取最后管制行动的各缔约方应将此类行动书面通知秘书处。这一通知应尽早发出、且在任何情况下不得迟于最后管制行动生效后九十天,如有附件一所需提供的资料,则应包括这类资料。

2. Each Party shall, at the date of entry into force of this Convention for it, notify the Secretariat in writing of its final regulatory actions in effect at that time, except that each Party that has submitted notifications of final regulatory actions under the Amended London Guidelines or the International Code of Conduct need not resubmit those notifications. 2、各缔约方应在本公约对其生效之日将届时已生效的最后管制行动书面通知秘书处,但已根据《经修正的伦敦准则》或《国际行为守则》提交了最后管制行动通知的各缔约方则无需再提交此种通知。

3. The Secretariat shall, as soon as possible, and in any event no later than six months after receipt of a notification under paragraphs 1 and 2, verify whether the notification contains the information required by Annex I. If the notification contains the information required, the Secretariat shall forthwith forward to all Parties a summary of the information received. If the notification does not contain the information required, it shall inform the notifying Party accordingly. 3、秘书处在收到第1款和第2款所述通知后应尽快、并在任何情况下不得迟于其后六个月核实通知是否包括附件一所需提供的资料。如果通知包括所需资料,秘书处应立即将所收到资料的摘要送交所有缔约方。如果通知未包括所需资料,它应将此情况通知发出通知的缔约方。

4. The Secretariat shall every six months communicate to the Parties a synopsis of the information received pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2, including information regarding those notifications which do not contain all the information required by Annex I. 4、秘书处应每六个月向缔约方提交一份根据第1款和第2款收到的资料的概要,包括那些未载有附件一所需提供全部资料的通知的资料。

5. When the Secretariat has received at least one notification from each of two Prior Informed Consent regions regarding a particular chemical that it has verified meet the requirements of Annex I, it shall forward them to the Chemical Review Committee. The composition of the Prior Informed Consent regions shall be defined in a decision to be adopted by consensus at the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties. 5、秘书处在至少收到两个事先知情同意区域的每一个区域就一种特定的化学品发来的一份通知、并经其核实符合附件一的规定时,应将通知送交化学品审查委员会。事先知情同意区域的组成方式应在将由缔约方大会第一次会议以协商一致方式通过的一项决定中予以确定。

6. The Chemical Review Committee shall review the information provided in such notifications and, in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex II, recommend to the Conference of the Parties whether the chemical in question should be made subject to the Prior Informed Consent procedure and, accordingly, be listed in Annex III. 6、化学品审查委员会应审查通知中所提供的资料,并应根据附件二规定的标准向缔约方大会建议是否应该对该化学品采用事先知情同意程序并因此将其列入附件三。

Article 6 Procedures for severely hazardous pesticide formulations   第6条 极为危险的农药制剂的程序

1. Any Party that is a developing country or a country with an economy in transition and that is experiencing problems caused by a severely hazardous pesticide formulation under conditions of use in its territory, may propose to the Secretariat the listing of the severely hazardous pesticide formulation in Annex III. In developing a proposal, the Party may draw upon technical expertise from any relevant source. The proposal shall contain the information required by part 1 of Annex IV. 1、任何发展中国家缔约方或经济转型国家缔约方在其境内遇到由极为危险的农药制剂在使用条件下造成的问题时,可建议秘书处将此极为危险的农药制剂列入附件三。在起草提案时,缔约方可利用任何来源的技术专业知识。提案应包括附件四第1部分所需提供的资料。

2. The Secretariat shall, as soon as possible, and in any event no later than six months after receipt of a proposal under paragraph 1, verify whether the proposal contains the information required by part 1 of Annex IV. If the proposal contains the information required, the Secretariat shall forthwith forward to all Parties a summary of the information received. If the proposal does not contain the information required, it shall inform the proposing Party accordingly. 2、秘书处应尽快、且在任何情况下不得迟于收到第1款所述提案后六个月核实提案是否包括附件四第1部分所需提供的资料。如提案包括所需资料,秘书处应立即将所收到资料的摘要送交所有缔约方。如提案未包括所需资料,它应就此通知提出提案的缔约方。

3. The Secretariat shall collect the additional information set out in part 2 of Annex IV regarding the proposal forwarded under paragraph 2. 3、秘书处应就按第2款送交的提案收集附件四第2部分所规定的其他资料。

4. When the requirements of paragraphs 2 and 3 above have been fulfilled with regard to a particular severely hazardous pesticide formulation, the Secretariat shall forward the proposal and the related information to the Chemical Review Committee. 4、在一种特定的极为危险的农药制剂符合上述第2和3款的规定时,秘书处应将提案和有关资料送交化学品审查委员会。

5. The Chemical Review Committee shall review the information provided in the proposal and the additional information collected and, in accordance with the criteria set out in part 3 of Annex IV, recommend to the Conference of the Parties whether the severely hazardous pesticide formulation in question should be made subject to the Prior Informed Consent procedure and, accordingly, be listed in Annex III. 5、化学品审查委员会应审查提案所提供的资料和所收集的其它资料,并应根据附件四第3部分所规定的标准,就是否应该对该极为危险的农药制剂采用事先知情同意程序并因此将其列入附件三向缔约方大会提出建议。

Article 7 Listing of chemicals in Annex III   第7条 将化学品列入附件三

1. For each chemical that the Chemical Review Committee has decided to recommend for listing in Annex III, it shall prepare a draft decision guidance document. The decision guidance document should, at a minimum, be based on the information specified in Annex I, or, as the case may be, Annex IV, and include information on uses of the chemical in a category other than the category for which the final regulatory action applies. 1、对于化学品审查委员会已决定建议列入附件三的每一种化学品,化学品审查委员会均应编制一份决定指导文件草案。决定指导文件应该至少以附件一或酌情以附件四所规定的资料为基础,并包括有关在最后管制行动所适用类别之外的一种类别中的化学品用途的资料。

2. The recommendation referred to in paragraph 1 together with the draft decision guidance document shall be forwarded to the Conference of the Parties. The Conference of the Parties shall decide whether the chemical should be made subject to the Prior Informed Consent procedure and, accordingly, list the chemical in Annex III and approve the draft decision guidance document. 2、第1款中述及的建议应同决定指导文件草案一并呈交缔约方大会。缔约方大会应决定是否应该对有关化学品采用事先知情同意程序,并因此将其列入附件三和核准该决定指导文件草案。

3. When a decision to list a chemical in Annex III has been taken and the related decision guidance document has been approved by the Conference of the Parties, the Secretariat shall forthwith communicate this information to all Parties. 3、如果缔约方大会决定将某一化学品列入附件三并已核准有关的决定指导文件,秘书处应立即将这一资料送交所有缔约方。

Article 8 Chemicals in the voluntary Prior Informed Consent procedure   第8条 自愿性事先知情同意程序中的化学品

For any chemical, other than a chemical listed in Annex III, that has been included in the voluntary Prior Informed Consent procedure before the date of the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties, the Conference of the Parties shall decide at that meeting to list the chemical in Annex III, provided that it is satisfied that all the requirements for listing in that Annex have been fulfilled.

Article 9 Removal of chemicals from Annex III   第9条 将化学品从附件三删除

1. If a Party submits to the Secretariat information that was not available at the time of the decision to list a chemical in Annex III and that information indicates that its listing may no longer be justified in accordance with the relevant criteria in Annex II or, as the case may be, Annex IV, the Secretariat shall forward the information to the Chemical Review Committee. 1、如果一缔约方向秘书处提交了在决定将某一化学品列入附件三时尚未获得的资料、且该资料表明根据附件二或酌情根据附件四的有关标准可能不再有理由将该化学品列入附件三,秘书处应将该资料送交化学品审查委员会。

2. The Chemical Review Committee shall review the information it receives under paragraph 1. For each chemical that the Chemical Review Committee decides, in accordance with the relevant criteria in Annex II or, as the case may be, Annex IV, to recommend for removal from Annex III, it shall prepare a revised draft decision guidance document. 2、化学品审查委员会应审查其根据第1款收到的资料。化学品审查委员会应为其根据附件二或酌情根据附件四的有关标准决定建议从附件三中删除的每一种化学品编制一份经修订的决定指导文件草案。

3. A recommendation referred to in paragraph 2 shall be forwarded to the Conference of the Parties and be accompanied by a revised draft decision guidance document. The Conference of the Parties shall decide whether the chemical should be removed from Annex III and whether to approve the revised draft decision guidance document. 3、第2款提及的建议应提交缔约方大会并附有经修订的决定指导文件。缔约方大会应决定是否应该从附件三中删除该化学品和核准经修订的决定指导文件草案。

4. When a decision to remove a chemical from Annex III has been taken and the revised decision guidance document has been approved by the Conference of the Parties, the Secretariat shall forthwith communicate this information to all Parties. 4、在缔约方大会决定从附件三中删除某一化学品和核准了经修订的决定指导文件时,秘书处应立即将这一资料送交所有缔约方。

Article 10 Obligations in relation to imports of chemicals listed in Annex III   第10条 附件三所列化学品进口的相关义务

1. Each Party shall implement appropriate legislative or administrative measures to ensure timely decisions with respect to the import of chemicals listed in Annex III. 1、各缔约方应采取适当的立法或行政措施,以确保及时就附件三所列化学品的进口作出决定。

2. Each Party shall transmit to the Secretariat, as soon as possible, and in any event no later than nine months after the date of dispatch of the decision guidance document referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 7, a response concerning the future import of the chemical concerned. If a Party modifies this response, it shall forthwith submit the revised response to the Secretariat. 2、各缔约方应在第7条第3款述及的决定指导文件发送后尽快、且无论如何不得迟于发送日期后九个月就今后该化学品的进口向秘书处作出答复。如果缔约方修改其所作的回复,则应立即向秘书处提交经修改的回复。

3. The Secretariat shall, at the expiration of the time period in paragraph 2, forthwith address to a Party that has not provided such a response, a written request to do so. Should the Party be unable to provide a response, the Secretariat shall, where appropriate, help it to provide a response within the time period specified in the last sentence of paragraph 2 of Article 11. 3、秘书处应在第2款中规定的时限期满时立即致函尚未作出回复的缔约方要求其作出回复。如该缔约方不能作出回复,秘书处应酌情协助其在第11条第2款最后一句所规定的时限内作出回复。

4. A response under paragraph 2 shall consist of either: 4、根据第2款作出的回复应采取以下形式之一:

(a) A final decision, pursuant to legislative or administrative measures: (a)根据立法或行政措施作出的最后决定:

(i) To consent to import; (ⅰ)同意进口;

(ii) Not to consent to import; or (ⅱ)不同意进口;或

(iii) To consent to import only subject to specified conditions; or (ⅲ)同意在特定条件下的进口;或者

(b) An interim response, which may include: (b)临时回复,它可包括:

(i) An interim decision consenting to import with or without specified conditions, or not consenting to import during the interim period; (ⅰ)同意在有特定条件下或无特定条件的情况下进口或者不同意在暂定时期内进口的临时决定;

(ii) A statement that a final decision is under active consideration; (ⅱ)表示正在积极考虑作出最后决定的说明;

(iii) A request to the Secretariat, or to the Party that notified the final regulatory action, for further information; (ⅲ)向秘书处或通知最后管制行动的缔约方提出提供进一步资料的要求;

(iv) A request to the Secretariat for assistance in evaluating the chemical. (ⅳ)向秘书处提出协助评估该化学品的要求。

5. A response under subparagraphs (a) or (b) of paragraph 4 shall relate to the category or categories specified for the chemical in Annex III. 5、在第4款(a)或(b)项下作出的回复应与附件三中为该化学品列明的类别相关。

6. A final decision should be accompanied by a description of any legislative or administrative measures upon which it is based. 6、最后决定应附有据以作出最后决定的任何立法或行政措施的说明。

7. Each Party shall, no later than the date of entry into force of this Convention for it, transmit to the Secretariat responses with respect to each chemical listed in Annex III. A Party that has provided such responses under the Amended London Guidelines or the International Code of Conduct need not resubmit those responses. 7、各缔约方应在不迟于本公约对其生效之日向秘书处送交其就附件三所列各种化学品作出的回复。已依照《经修正的伦敦准则》或《国际行为守则》作出此种回复的缔约方则无需另作回复。

8. Each Party shall make its responses under this Article available to those concerned within its jurisdiction, in accordance with its legislative or administrative measures. 8、各缔约方应根据其立法或行政措施向其管辖范围内的有关各方提供本条作出的回复。

9. A Party that, pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 4 above and paragraph 2 of Article 11, takes a decision not to consent to import of a chemical or to consent to its import only under specified conditions shall, if it has not already done so, simultaneously prohibit or make subject to the same conditions: 9、根据以上第2和第4款以及第11条第2款决定不同意进口某一化学品或只同意在特定条件下进口该化学品的缔约方,如其尚未同时禁止或以同样条件限制下列情形,则应同时禁止或以同样条件限制:

(a) Import of the chemical from any source; and (a)从任何来源进口该化学品;和

(b) Domestic production of the chemical for domestic use. (b)在国内生产供国内使用的该化学品。

10. Every six months the Secretariat shall inform all Parties of the responses it has received. Such information shall include a description of the legislative or administrative measures on which the decisions have been based, where available. The Secretariat shall, in addition, inform the Parties of any cases of failure to transmit a response. 10、秘书处应每六个月将所收到的回复通报各缔约方。如有可能,此类通报应包括有关据以作出决定的立法或行政措施的资料。此外,秘书处还应向缔约方通报任何未能送交回复的情况。

Article 11 Obligations in relation to exports of chemicals listed in Annex III   第11条 附件三所列化学品出口的相关义务

1. Each exporting Party shall: 1、各出口缔约方应:

(a) Implement appropriate legislative or administrative measures to communicate the responses forwarded by the Secretariat in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 10 to those concerned within its jurisdiction; (a)采取适当的立法或行政措施,将秘书处根据第10条第10款送交的回复通知其管辖范围内的有关各方;

(b) Take appropriate legislative or administrative measures to ensure that exporters within its jurisdiction comply with decisions in each response no later than six months after the date on which the Secretariat first informs the Parties of such response in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 10; (b)采取适当的立法或行政措施,以确保其管辖范围内的出口商在不迟于秘书处根据第10条第10款向缔约方首次通报此类回复之日后六个月遵守每一回复中的决定;

(c) Advise and assist importing Parties, upon request and as appropriate: (c)根据要求并酌情建议和协助进口缔约方:

(i) To obtain further information to help them to take action in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 10 and paragraph 2 (c) below; and

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