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Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Inland-Water-Related Maritime Administrative Penalties (2019 Amendment) [Revised]
中华人民共和国内河海事行政处罚规定(2019修正) [已被修订]

Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Inland-Water-Related Maritime Administrative Penalties 


(Promulgated by the Ministry of Transport on May 29, 2015; amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport on Amending the Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Inland-Water-Related Maritime Administrative Penalties on May 23, 2017; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the Ministry of Transport to Amend the Provisions of the People's Republic of China on Inland-Water-Related Maritime Administrative Punishments on April 12, 2019) (2015年5月29日交通运输部发布 根据2017年5月23日交通运输部《关于修改〈中华人民共和国内河海事行政处罚规定〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2019年4月12日交通运输部《关于修改〈中华人民共和国内河海事行政处罚规定〉的决定》第二次修正)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For purposes of regulating maritime administrative penalties, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the parties, safeguarding and overseeing maritime administration, maintaining the order of water transport, and preventing vessels from polluting water areas, these Provisions are developed in accordance with the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters , the Administrative Penalty Law , and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.   第一条 为规范海事行政处罚行为,保护当事人的合法权益,保障和监督水上海事行政管理,维护水上交通秩序,防止船舶污染水域,根据《内河交通安全管理条例》《行政处罚法》及其他有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the implementation of maritime administrative penalties against the conduct in violation of the maritime administration order occurring in inland waters and the relevant land areas within the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “China”).   第二条 对在中华人民共和国(简称中国)内河水域及相关陆域发生的违反海事行政管理秩序的行为实施海事行政处罚,适用本规定。
Article 3 Maritime administrative penalties shall be implemented under the principles of legality, openness, fairness and integration of punishment with education.   第三条 实施海事行政处罚,应当遵循合法、公开、公正,处罚与教育相结合的原则。
Article 4 Maritime administrative penalties shall be implemented by maritime safety administrations in accordance with the law.   第四条 海事行政处罚,由海事管理机构依法实施。
Chapter II Inland-Water-Related Violations of Law and Administrative Penalties 

第二章 内河海事违法行为和行政处罚

Section 1 Violations of the Order of Safety Management of Owners and Operators of Vessels and Floating Installations 

第一节 违反船舶、浮动设施所有人、经营人安全管理秩序

Article 5 In the case of committing any of the following conduct in violation of the order of safety management of vessel owners and operators, the vessel owner or operator shall be fined 5,000 yuan up to 30,000 yuan:   第五条 违反船舶所有人、经营人安全营运管理秩序,有下列行为之一的,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以5000元以上3万元以下罚款:
(1) Engaging in navigation or any other relevant activities without obtaining the certificate or temporary certificate on the compliance with the safe operation and pollution prevention management system as required. (一)未按规定取得安全营运与防污染管理体系符合证明或者临时符合证明从事航行或者其他有关活动;
(2) Fraudulently obtaining the certificate or temporary certificate on the compliance with the safe operation and pollution prevention management system by concealing facts or providing false materials or any other improper means. (二)隐瞒事实真相或者提供虚假材料或者以其他不正当手段骗取安全营运与防污染管理体系符合证明或者临时符合证明;
(3) Forging or altering a conformity certificate or temporary conformity certificate for the examination of the safe operation and pollution prevention management system. (三)伪造、变造安全营运与防污染管理体系审核的符合证明或者临时符合证明;
(4) Transferring, trading, leasing, or falsely using a conformity certificate or a temporary conformity certificate for the examination of the safe operation and pollution prevention management system. (四)转让、买卖、租借、冒用安全营运与防污染管理体系审核的符合证明或者临时符合证明。
Article 6 In the case of committing any of the following conduct in violation of the order of administration of vessels' safe operations, the vessel owner or operator shall be fined 5,000 yuan up to 30,000 yuan; the captain shall be fined 2,000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan, and if the circumstances are serious, the captain shall be subject to the punishment of having his or her certificate of competency for seafarers withheld for six to 24 months, or even revoked.   第六条 违反船舶安全营运管理秩序,有下列行为之一的,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人处以5000元以上3万元以下罚款;对船长处以2000元以上2万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并给予扣留船员适任证书6个月至24个月直至吊销船员适任证书的处罚。
(1) Engaging in navigation or any other relevant activities without obtaining the certificate or temporary certificate of vessel safety administration as required. (一)未按规定取得船舶安全管理证书或者临时船舶安全管理证书从事航行或者其他有关活动;
(2) Fraudulently obtaining the certificate or temporary certificate of vessel safety administration by concealing facts or providing false materials or any other improper means. (二)隐瞒事实真相或者提供虚假材料或以其他不正当手段骗取船舶安全管理证书或者临时船舶安全管理证书;
(3) Forging or altering the certificate or temporary certificate of vessel safety administration. (三)伪造、变造船舶安全管理证书或者临时船舶安全管理证书;
(4) Transferring, trading, leasing, or falsely using the certificate or temporary certificate of vessel safety administration. (四)转让、买卖、租借、冒用船舶安全管理证书或者临时船舶安全管理证书。
Article 7 In the case of falling under any of the following circumstances in violation of the order of safe operation administration, causing any serious circumstance, or obtaining by any fraudulent means the certificate or temporary certificate on the compliance with the safe operation and pollution prevention management system, the certificate or temporary certificate on the compliance with the safe operation and pollution prevention management system obtained by the vessel owner or operator shall be revoked:   第七条 违反安全营运管理秩序,有下列情形之一,造成严重后果的,按以欺骗手段取得安全营运与防污染管理体系符合证明或者临时符合证明,对船舶所有人或者船舶经营人取得的安全营运与防污染管理体系符合证明或者临时符合证明予以撤销:
(1) Failing to obtain the information on safe manning of the vessel. (一)不掌控船舶安全配员;
(2) Failing to obtain the dynamic information on the vessel. (二)不掌握船舶动态;
(3) Failing to obtain the information on the loading of the vessel. (三)不掌握船舶装载情况;
(4) The vessel manager fails to actually perform the safety management obligation. (四)船舶管理人不实际履行安全管理义务;
(5) There is any other serious problem in the operation of the safety management system. (五)安全管理体系运行存在其他重大问题。
Section 2 Violations of the Order of Inspection and Registration Administration of Vessels and Floating Installations 

第二节 违反船舶、浮动设施检验和登记管理秩序

Article 8 Where any vessel or floating installation navigates or operates without a valid inspection certificate in violation of item (1) of Article 6 or item (1) of Article 7 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters , it shall be ordered to cease navigation or operation in accordance with the provisions of Article 64 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters ; and if it fails to cease navigation or operation, the vessel or floating installation shall be detained temporarily, or be confiscated if the circumstances are serious.   第八条 违反《内河交通安全管理条例》第六条第(一)项、第七条第(一)项的规定,船舶、浮动设施未持有合格的检验证书擅自航行或者作业的,依照《内河交通安全管理条例》第六十四条的规定,责令停止航行或者作业;拒不停止航行或者作业的,暂扣船舶、浮动设施;情节严重的,予以没收。
“Without a valid inspection certificate” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph of this Article shall cover the following circumstances: 本条前款所称未持有合格的检验证书,包括下列情形:
(1) It fails to obtain the corresponding inspection certificate. (一)没有取得相应的检验证书;
(2) It holds any forged, altered, transferred, traded or leased inspection certificate. (二)持有的检验证书属于伪造、变造、转让、买卖或者租借的;
(3) It holds any invalidated inspection certificate. (三)持失效的检验证书;
(4) The inspection certificate is destroyed or lost and no new certificate is obtained as required. (四)检验证书损毁、遗失但不按照规定补办;
(5) Any other circumstance of the inspection certificate's non-compliance with the provisions of any law, administrative regulation or rule. (五)其他不符合法律、行政法规和规章规定情形的检验证书。
Article 9 Where any inspector of a vessel inspection institution abuses power, practices favoritism or makes falsification, or seriously neglects duty by committing any of the following conduct in violation of the provisions of the Regulation on the Inspection of Vessels and Maritime Facilities , the inspector shall be, in accordance with the provisions of Article 28 of the Regulation on the Inspection of Vessels and Maritime Facilities and in light of the circumstances, subject to the punishment of a warning, suspension of the inspection qualification or cancellation of the registration certificate of vessel inspectors:   第九条 船舶检验机构的检验人员违反《船舶和海上设施检验条例》的规定,滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守、严重失职,有下列行为之一的,依照《船舶和海上设施检验条例》第二十八条的规定,按其情节给予警告、暂停检验资格或者注销验船人员注册证书的处罚:
(1) Inspecting any vessel or installation by overstepping his or her authority. (一)超越职权范围进行船舶、设施检验;
(2) Inspecting any vessel or installation by lowering the relevant standards or requirements without approval. (二)擅自降低规范要求进行船舶、设施检验;
(3) Failing to inspect any vessel or installation according to the prescribed inspection items. (三)未按照规定的检验项目进行船舶、设施检验;
(4) Failing to inspect any vessel or installation under the prescribed inspection procedures. (四)未按照规定的检验程序进行船舶、设施检验;
(5) The vessel inspection certificate or inspection report issued by the inspector does not comply with the actual conditions of the vessel or installation. (五)所签发的船舶检验证书或者检验报告与船舶、设施的实际情况不符。
Section 3 Violations of the Seafarer Management Order in Inland Waters 

第三节 违反内河船员管理秩序

Article 10 Where any person undertakes the navigation or operation of vessels without passing the examination and obtaining a certificate of competency or other credential of competency in violation of the provisions of Article 9 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters , the person shall be, in accordance with the provisions of Article 66 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters and Article 59 of the Seafarer Regulation , ordered to leave his or her post immediately, the directly liable persons shall be fined 2,000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan, and the employer shall be fined 30,000 yuan up to 150,000 yuan.   第十条 违反《内河交通安全管理条例》第九条的规定,未经考试合格并取得适任证书或者其他适任证件的人员擅自从事船舶航行或者操作的,依照《内河交通安全管理条例》第六十六条和《船员条例》第五十九条的规定,责令其立即离岗,对直接责任人员处以2000元以上2万元以下罚款,并对聘用单位处以3万元以上15万元以下罚款。
“Without passing the examination and obtaining a certificate of competency or other credentials of competency” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph of this Article shall cover the following circumstances: 本条前款所称未经考试合格并取得适任证书或者其他适任证件,包括下列情形:
(1) Not taking part in the water traffic safety training and not obtaining the corresponding conformity certificate. (一)未经水上交通安全培训并取得相应合格证明;
(2) Not holding a certificate of competency for seafarers or other credentials of competency. (二)未持有船员适任证书或者其他适任证件;
(3) Holding the seafarer duty certificate obtained by any fraudulent means. (三)持采取弄虚作假的方式取得的船员职务证书;
(4) Holding any forged or altered seafarer duty certificate. (四)持伪造、变造的船员职务证书;
(5) Holding any transferred, traded or leased seafarer duty certificate. (五)持转让、买卖或租借的船员职务证书;
(6) The navigation area, type or grade of the vessel where he or she serves or the post he or she serves oversteps the scope in the seafarer duty certificate. (六)所服务的船舶的航区、种类和等级或者所任职务超越所持船员职务证书限定的范围;
(7) Holding an expired seafarer duty certificate. (七)持已经超过有效期限的船员职务证书;
(8) Failing to hold a seafarer's service book as required. (八)未按照规定持有船员服务簿。
Article 11 Where any seafarer falls under any of the following circumstances in violation of the provisions of Article 20 of the Seafarer Regulation , the seafarer shall be, in accordance with the provisions of Article 56 of the Seafarer Regulation , fined 1,000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan; and if the circumstances are serious, the seafarer shall be subject to the punishment of having his or her service book or certificate of competency for seafarers withheld for six to 24 months, or even revoked.   第十一条 违反《船员条例》第二十条的规定,船员有下列情形之一的,依照《船员条例》第五十六条的规定,处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款;情节严重的,并给予扣留船员服务簿、船员适任证书6个月至24个月直至吊销船员服务簿、船员适任证书的处罚:
(1) The seafarer drinks alcohol during the period of duty on the vessel, and the alcohol content exceeds the prescribed standards. (一)在船在岗期间饮酒,体内酒精含量超过规定标准;
(2) The seafarer has taken psychotropic drugs or narcotics controlled by the state during the period of duty on the vessel. (二)在船在岗期间,服用国家管制的麻醉药品或者精神药品。
Article 12 Where any seafarer employer or vessel owner, in violation of Article 12 , 19 or 27 of the Seafarer Regulation , falls under any of the following circumstances of failing to recruit a foreign seafarer to serve on the vessel of Chinese nationality as required, the employer or owner shall be ordered to make correction and be fined 30,000 yuan up to 150,000 yuan in accordance with the provisions of Article 59 of the Seafarer Regulation :   第十二条 违反《船员条例》第十二条、第十九条、第二十七条的规定,船员用人单位、船舶所有人有下列未按照规定招用外国籍船员在中国籍船舶上任职情形的,依照《船员条例》第五十九条的规定,责令改正,处以3万元以上15万元以下罚款:
(1) Failing to obtain the employment permit in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and other provisions of the state. (一)未依照法律、行政法规和国家其他规定取得就业许可;
(2) Failing to hold a valid seafarer's certificate issued by the country that has signed the seafarer certificate recognition protocol with China. (二)未持有合格的且签发国与我国签订了船员证书认可协议的船员证书;
(3) The shipping company that recruits foreign seafarers fails to make a commitment on the assumption of responsibilities to protect seafarers' rights and interests. (三)雇佣外国籍船员的航运公司未承诺承担船员权益维护的责任。
Article 13 Where any seafarer service provider or seafarer employer fails to report on a periodical basis the information on the seafarers recruited or managed by it to the maritime safety administration for recordation, the liable entity shall be fined 5,000 yuan up to 20,000 yuan in accordance with the provisions of Article 62 of the Seafarer Regulation .   第十三条 船员服务机构和船员用人单位未将其招用或者管理的船员的有关情况定期向海事管理机构备案的,按照《船员条例》第六十二条的规定,对责任单位处以5000元以上2万元以下罚款。
“Seafarer service providers” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph include institutions assigning seafarers abroad. 前款所称船员服务机构包括海员外派机构。
“Any seafarer service provider or seafarer employer fails to report on a periodical basis to the maritime safety administration for recordation” as mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article shall cover the following circumstances: 本条第一款所称船员服务机构和船员用人单位未定期向海事管理机构备案,包括下列情形:
(1) Failing to conduct recordation as required, or the content granted recordation is incomplete or unauthentic. (一)未按规定进行备案,或者备案内容不全面、不真实;
(2) Failing to conduct recordation within the prescribed time. (二)未按照规定时间备案;
(3) Failing to conduct recordation in the prescribed form. (三)未按照规定的形式备案。
Section 4 Violations of Navigation, Berthing and Operation Management Order 

第四节 违反航行、停泊和作业管理秩序

Article 14 Where any owner or operator of a vessel or floating installation violates the provisions of item (3) of Article 6 or item (3) of Article 7 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters by having his or her vessel navigate without being equipped with seafarers according to the provisions of the transport administrative department of the State Council or by having his floating installation operate without being equipped with seafarers who have mastered water traffic safety techniques according to the provisions of the transport administrative department of the State Council, the owner or operator shall be, in accordance with the provisions of Article 65 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters , ordered to make correction within a prescribed time limit and be fined 10,000 yuan up to 100,000 yuan; and if the owner or operator fails to make correction within the time limit, he or she shall be ordered to cease navigation or operation.   第十四条 船舶、浮动设施的所有人或者经营人违反《内河交通安全管理条例》第六条第(三)项、第七条第(三)项的规定,船舶未按照国务院交通运输主管部门的规定配备船员擅自航行的,或者浮动设施未按照国务院交通运输主管部门的规定配备掌握水上交通安全技能的船员擅自作业的,依照《内河交通安全管理条例》第六十五条的规定,责令限期改正,并处以1万元以上10万元以下罚款;逾期不改正的,责令停航或者停止作业。
“Having his or her vessel navigate without being equipped with seafarers according to the provisions of the transport administrative department of the State Council” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph of this Article shall cover the following circumstances: 本条前款所称船舶未按照国务院交通运输主管部门的规定配备船员擅自航行,包括下列情形:
(1) The number of seafarers equipped by the vessel is lower than the quota required in the provisions of the vessel's Minimum Safe Manning Certificate. (一)船舶所配船员的数量低于船舶最低安全配员证书规定的定额要求;
(2) The vessel fails to hold a valid Minimum Safe Manning Certificate. (二)船舶未持有有效的船舶最低安全配员证书。
Article 15 Where any vessel or floating installation that shall be discarded as useless navigates or operates in any inland water in violation of the provisions of Article 14 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters , the violator shall be ordered to cease navigation or operation and the vessel or installation shall be confiscated in accordance with the provisions of Article 63 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters .   第十五条 违反《内河交通安全管理条例》第十四条的规定,应当报废的船舶、浮动设施在内河航行或者作业的,依照《内河交通安全管理条例》第六十三条的规定,责令停航或者停止作业,并予以没收。
“Vessel that shall be discarded as useless” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph of this Article means the vessels that have reached the fixed number of years for compulsory retirement or the vessels purchased as a vessel of waste steel. 本条前款所称应当报废的船舶,是指达到国家强制报废年限或者以废钢船名义购买的船舶。
Article 16 In the case of committing any of the following conduct when navigating in any inland water in violation of the provisions of Article 14 , 18 , 19 , 20 or 22 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters , the violator shall be, in accordance with the provisions of Article 68 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters , ordered to make correction and be fined 5,000 yuan up to 50,000 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, the vessel shall be prohibited from entering or leaving the harbor or ordered to cease navigation, and the liable seafarer shall be subject to the punishment of having his or her certificate of competency for seafarers or other credentials of competency withheld for three to six months:   第十六条 违反《内河交通安全管理条例》第十四条、第十八条、第十九条、第二十条、第二十二条的规定,船舶在内河航行有下列行为之一的,依照《内河交通安全管理条例》第六十八条的规定,责令改正,处以5000元以上5万元以下罚款;情节严重的,禁止船舶进出港口或者责令停航,并可以对责任船员给予扣留船员适任证书或者其他适任证件3个月至6个月的处罚:
(1) Failing to hang the national flag as required. (一)未按照规定悬挂国旗;
(2) Failing to mark the vessel name, port of registry, or load-line as required, or covering the vessel name, port of registry, or load-line. (二)未按照规定标明船名、船籍港、载重线,或者遮挡船名、船籍港、载重线;
(3) A vessel sailing on domestic routes fails to report the voyage schedules, seaworthiness, staffing, cargo and passenger carriage of the vessel and other relevant information to the maritime safety administration as required when entering or leaving a port, or a vessel sailing on international routes fails to undergo port entry and exit formalities as required. (三)国内航行船舶进出港口未按照规定向海事管理机构报告船舶的航次计划、适航状态、船员配备和载货载客等情况,国际航行船舶未按照规定办理进出口岸手续;
(4) Failing to apply for being piloted as required. (四)未按照规定申请引航;
(5) The vessel enters or leaves any harbor, or passes through any traffic control area, crowded navigable area, or region with limited navigational capacities in non-compliance with the special provisions issued by the maritime safety administration. (五)船舶进出港口和通过交通管制区、通航密集区、航行条件受到限制区域,未遵守海事管理机构发布的特别规定;
(6) The vessel enters or crosses any restricted navigation zone without any justified cause. (六)船舶无正当理由进入或者穿越禁航区;
(7) Failing to file an application or failing to navigate along the navigable route or on the time that has been verified when carrying or towing overweight, overlong, over-high objects or objects that are partly submergible. (七)载运或者拖带超重、超长、超高、超宽、半潜的物体,未申请核定航路、航行时间或者未按照核定的航路、时间航行。
Article 17 Where any vessel navigates, berths or operates in any inland water in violation of the relevant provisions of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters , or fails to abide by the rules for navigation, dodging or signal showing, the violator shall be, in accordance with the provisions of Article 81 of the Regulation on the Administration of Traffic Safety in Inland Waters , fined 1,000 yuan up to 10,000 yuan; and if the circumstances are serious, the liable seafarer shall be subject to the punishment of having his or her certificate of competency for seafarers or other credentials of competency withheld for three to six months or even revoked.   第十七条 违反《内河交通安全管理条例》的有关规定,船舶在内河航行、停泊或者作业,不遵守航行、避让和信号显示规则,依照《内河交通安全管理条例》第八十一条的规定,处以1000元以上1万元以下罚款;情节严重的,还应当对责任船员给予扣留船员适任证书或者其他适任证件3个月至6个月直至吊销船员适任证书或者其他适任证件的处罚。
“Fails to abide by the rules for navigation, dodging or signal showing” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph of this Article shall cover the following circumstances: 本条前款所称不遵守航行、避让和信号显示规则,包括以下情形:
(1) Failing to navigate at a safe navigation speed. (一)未采用安全航速航行;
(2) Failing to maintain look-out as required. (二)未按照要求保持正规瞭望;
(3) Failing to navigate along the prescribed navigable route or according to the navigation rules. (三)未按照规定的航路或者航行规则航行;
(4) Failing to conduct reverse turn for a vessel, a U-turn for a vessel or overtake other vessels as required. (四)未按照规定倒车、调头、追越;
(5) Failing to show navigation light, type or failing to fire sound or signals as required.

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