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Rules of Obtainment of Electronic Data as Evidence by Public Security Authorities in Handling Criminal Cases [Effective]
公安机关办理刑事案件电子数据取证规则 [现行有效]

Rules of Obtainment of Electronic Data as Evidence by Public Security Authorities in Handling Criminal Cases 


(Ministry of Public Security 2019) (公安部 2019年)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总 则

Article 1 For the purposes of regulating the obtainment of electronic data as evidence by public security authorities in handling criminal cases, ensuring the quality of the obtainment of electronic data as evidence, and improving the efficiency of the obtainment of electronic data as evidence, according to the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the Provisions on the Procedures for Handling of Criminal Cases by Public Security Authorities, and other relevant rules, these Rules are hereby developed.   第一条 为规范公安机关办理刑事案件电子数据取证工作,确保电子数据取证质量,提高电子数据取证效率,根据《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》《公安机关办理刑事案件程序规定》等有关规定,制定本规则。
Article 2 Public security authorities shall, when handling criminal cases, comply with the statutory procedures, follow the relevant technical standards, and collect and take case-related electronic data in a comprehensive, objective and timely manner, so as to ensure the veracity and integrity of the electronic data.   第二条 公安机关办理刑事案件应当遵守法定程序,遵循有关技术标准,全面、客观、及时地收集、提取涉案电子数据,确保电子数据的真实、完整。
Article 3 The obtainment of electronic data shall include without limitation:   第三条 电子数据取证包括但不限于:
(1) collection and taking of electronic data; (一)收集、提取电子数据;
(2) examination and investigative reenactment of electronic data; and (二)电子数据检查和侦查实验;
(3) inspection and appraisal of electronic data. (三)电子数据检验与鉴定。
Article 4 Where the obtainment of electronic data as evidence by public security authorities involves state secrets, police work secrets, trade secrets, or individual privacy, confidentiality shall be preserved; and any material obtained that is not relevant to the case shall be returned or destroyed in a timely manner.   第四条 公安机关电子数据取证涉及国家秘密、警务工作秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私的,应当保密;对于获取的材料与案件无关的,应当及时退还或者销毁。
Article 5 The electronic data accepted or requested in accordance with the law by public security authorities which is collected or taken by another state agency in accordance with the law in the course of administrative law enforcement or investigation and handling of cases may be used as evidence in criminal cases.   第五条 公安机关接受或者依法调取的其他国家机关在行政执法和查办案件过程中依法收集、提取的电子数据可以作为刑事案件的证据使用。
Chapter II Collection and Taking of Electronic Data 

第二章 收集提取电子数据

Section 1 General Rules 

第一节 一般规定

Article 6 The collection or taking of electronic data shall be carried out by two or more investigators. When necessary, a professional technician may be assigned or engaged to collect or take electronic data under the auspices of investigators.   第六条 收集、提取电子数据,应当由二名以上侦查人员进行。必要时,可以指派或者聘请专业技术人员在侦查人员主持下进行收集、提取电子数据。
Article 7 Electronic data may be collected or taken by one or several of the following measures or methods as needed by the circumstances of the case:   第七条 收集、提取电子数据,可以根据案情需要采取以下一种或者几种措施、方法:
(1) Impounding or placing seal on and preserving the original storage medium. (一)扣押、封存原始存储介质;
(2) Taking electronic data on site. (二)现场提取电子数据;
(3) Taking electronic data online. (三)网络在线提取电子数据;
(4) Freezing electronic data. (四)冻结电子数据;
(5) Requesting electronic data. (五)调取电子数据。
Article 8 Under any of the following circumstances, relevant evidence may be fixed by printing, photographing, video recording or any other means:   第八条 具有下列情形之一的,可以采取打印、拍照或者录像等方式固定相关证据:
(1) The original storage medium cannot be impounded, and the electronic data cannot be taken. (一)无法扣押原始存储介质并且无法提取电子数据的;
(2) The presence of a self-destruct function or device for electronic data entails the timely fixing of the relevant evidence. (二)存在电子数据自毁功能或装置,需要及时固定相关证据的;
(3) There is necessity for exhibiting and examining relevant electronic data on site. (三)需现场展示、查看相关电子数据的。
Upon the relevant evidence being fixed by printing, photographing, video recording or any other means according to the provisions of the sub-paragraphs (2) and (3) of the preceding paragraph, the original storage medium shall be impounded if possible; and if the original storage medium is impossible to impound but the electronic data can be taken, the electronic data shall be taken. 根据前款第二、三项的规定采取打印、拍照或者录像等方式固定相关证据后,能够扣押原始存储介质的,应当扣押原始存储介质;不能扣押原始存储介质但能够提取电子数据的,应当提取电子数据。
Article 9 Where relevant evidence is fixed by means of printing, photographing or video recording, the contents of the electronic data shall be clearly represented, the relevant transcripts shall specify the reason for fixing the relevant evidence by means of printing, photographing or video recording and information on where the electronic data is stored and the characteristics and place of the original storage medium, and the investigators or the electronic data holder (provider) shall affix signature or seal; and if the electronic data holder (provider) is unable to sign or denies signature, a note shall be made in the transcripts, and the witness shall affix signature or seal.   第九条 采取打印、拍照或者录像方式固定相关证据的,应当清晰反映电子数据的内容,并在相关笔录中注明采取打印、拍照或者录像等方式固定相关证据的原因,电子数据的存储位置、原始存储介质特征和所在位置等情况,由侦查人员、电子数据持有人(提供人)签名或者盖章;电子数据持有人(提供人)无法签名或者拒绝签名的,应当在笔录中注明,由见证人签名或者盖章。
Section 2 Impoundment and Placing a Seal on and Preservation of Original 

第二节 扣押、封存原始存储介质

Storage Media 
   第十条 在侦查活动中发现的可以证明犯罪嫌疑人有罪或者无罪、罪轻或者罪重的电子数据,能够扣押原始存储介质的,应当扣押、封存原始存储介质,并制作笔录,记录原始存储介质的封存状态。
Article 10 For electronic data discovered in the investigation activities evidencing that the criminal suspect is guilty or innocent or commits a trivial or grave crime, if the original storage medium is possible to impound, the original storage medium shall be impounded or preserved by placing a seal, and transcripts shall be prepared to record the preservation status of the original storage medium. 勘验、检查与电子数据有关的犯罪现场时,应当按照有关规范处置相关设备,扣押、封存原始存储介质。
When a crime scene related to electronic data is investigated and examined, the relevant equipment shall be disposed of in accordance with relevant rules, and the original storage medium shall be impounded and preserved by placing a seal. 
   第十一条 对扣押的原始存储介质,应当按照以下要求封存:
Article 11 The original storage medium impounded shall be preserved by placing a seal in accordance with the following requirements: 
(1) Ensuring that if the state of preservation by placing a seal is not terminated, the original storage medium cannot be used or activated, and if necessary, electronic equipment with data and information storage functionality and built-in storage media such as hard disks and the memory cards may be separately preserved by placing a seal. 
(2) Photographs of the original storage medium shall be taken before and after placing a seal for preservation. The photographs shall show the state of the original storage medium before and after placing a seal and clearly indicate the state of the place where the seal is placed; and if necessary, the photograph shall also clearly represent the details of the built-in storage media of the electronic equipment. 
(3) When an original storage medium with wireless communication functionality such as mobile phone is preserved by placing a seal, measures such as signal jamming, signal blocking and power cut shall be adopted. 
   第十二条 对扣押的原始存储介质,应当会同在场见证人和原始存储介质持有人(提供人)查点清楚,当场开列《扣押清单》一式三份,写明原始存储介质名称、编号、数量、特征及其来源等,由侦查人员、持有人(提供人)和见证人签名或者盖章,一份交给持有人(提供人),一份交给公安机关保管人员,一份附卷备查。
Article 12 The original storage media impounded shall be clearly inventoried in conjunction with the witness present and the original storage medium holder (provider), and an Impoundment Inventory shall be made in triplicate on the spot, specifying the title, serial number, quantity, characteristics and sources, among others, of the original storage media, signed or sealed by the investigators, the holder (provider) and the witness, with one copy given to the holder (provider), another one delivered up to the custodian of the public security agency, and the remainder attached to the file and made available for inspection. 
   第十三条 对无法确定原始存储介质持有人(提供人)或者原始存储介质持有人(提供人)无法签名、盖章或者拒绝签名、盖章的,应当在有关笔录中注明,由见证人签名或者盖章。由于客观原因无法由符合条件的人员担任见证人的,应当在有关笔录中注明情况,并对扣押原始存储介质的过程全程录像。
Article 13 Where an original storage medium holder (provider) cannot be determined, or the original storage medium holder (provider) is unable to affix signature or seal or refuses to do so, a note shall be given in the relevant transcripts and signed or sealed by the witness. If it is impossible for a qualified person to act as a witness for objective reasons, a note as to the situation shall be given in the relevant transcripts, and a video recording of the whole process of impounding the original storage medium shall be made. 
   第十四条 扣押原始存储介质,应当收集证人证言以及犯罪嫌疑人供述和辩解等与原始存储介质相关联的证据。
Article 14 In the impoundment of an original storage medium, evidence related to the original storage medium such as witness statement and criminal suspect suspect's confession and defense. 
   第十五条 扣押原始存储介质时,可以向相关人员了解、收集并在有关笔录中注明以下情况:
Article 15 When an original storage medium is impounded, the following information may be requested and collected from relevant persons and stated in the relevant transcripts: 
(1) The management of the original storage medium and the application system, network topology and system architecture, whether there is more than one user and administrator, and the identity of administrators and users. 
(2) The user name and password for the administration of the original storage medium and application system. 
(3) Data backup of the original storage medium, whether there is an encrypted disk or container, whether there is self-destruct functionality, whether there is another mobile storage medium, whether the backup has been performed, the storage location of the backup data, and the like. 
(4) Contents otherwise relevant. 

第三节 现场提取电子数据

Section 3 Taking Electronic Data on the Scene 
   第十六条 具有下列无法扣押原始存储介质情形之一的,可以现场提取电子数据:
Article 16 Under any of the following circumstances in which the original storage medium cannot be impounded, the electronic data may be taken on the scene: 
(1) The original storage medium is not suitable for preservation by placing a seal. 
(2) Computer memory data, network transmission data, or other electronic data which is not stored on a storage medium is taken. 
(3) The case is urgent, and the failure to immediately take electronic data may result in the destruction or loss of electronic data or other serious consequences. 
(4) Shutting down electronic equipment may cause an important information system to cease functioning. 
(5) There is necessity for screening the suspicious storage medium by taking electronic data on the scene. 
(6) When the computer information system or application is shut down, the taking is impossible without password. 
(7) Otherwise impossible to impound the original storage medium. 无法扣押原始存储介质的情形消失后,应当及时扣押、封存原始存储介质。
When the impossibility of impounding the original storage medium ceases to exist, the original storage medium shall be impounded or preserved by placing a seal in a timely manner. 
   第十七条 现场提取电子数据可以采取以下措施保护相关电子设备:
Article 17 When electronic data is taken on the scene, the following measures may be adopted to protect related electronic equipment: 
(1) Separating the criminal suspect or any other related person from the electronic equipment in a timely manner. 
(2) If whether there is vulnerability to loss of data is uncertain, the electronic equipment in the running state may not be shut down. 
(3) If the computer information system on the scene may be remotely controlled, measures such as signal jamming, signal blocking, and disconnection of the network shall be adopted in a timely manner. 
(4) Protecting the power supply. 
(5) Protective measures otherwise necessary. 
   第十八条 现场提取电子数据,应当遵守以下规定:
Article 18 When electronic data is taken on the scene, the following provisions shall be observed: 
(1) The data taken shall not be stored on the original storage medium. 
(2) No new application program may be installed in the target system. If there is necessity for installing a new application program in the target system for special reasons, the installed program and object shall be stated in the transcripts. 
(3) The operations performed shall be stated in detail and accurately in the relevant transcripts. 
   第十九条 现场提取电子数据,应当制作《电子数据现场提取笔录》,注明电子数据的来源、事由和目的、对象、提取电子数据的时间、地点、方法、过程、不能扣押原始存储介质的原因、原始存储介质的存放地点,并附《电子数据提取固定清单》,注明类别、文件格式、完整性校验值等,由侦查人员、电子数据持有人(提供人)签名或者盖章;电子数据持有人(提供人)无法签名或者拒绝签名的,应当在笔录中注明,由见证人签名或者盖章。

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