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Regulation for Registering to Explore For Mineral Resources Using the Block System (2014 Revision) [Effective]
矿产资源勘查区块登记管理办法(2014修订) [现行有效]

Regulation for Registering to Explore For Mineral Resources Using the Block System 


(Promulgated by Order No. 240 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on February 12, 1998; and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending Some Administrative Regulations on July 29, 2014) (1998年2月12日中华人民共和国国务院令第240号发布 根据2014年7月29日《国务院关于修改部分行政法规的决定》修订)

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated, in accordance with the Mineral resources Law of the people's Republic of China, in an effort to strengthen the administration of mineral resources exploration, safeguard the lawful rights and interests of exploration licensees, maintain the exploration order, and promote the wise development of the mining industry. 
Article 2 These Regulations shall be observed in exploring for mineral resources within the territory of People's Republic of China and other sea areas under its jurisdiction.   第一条 为了加强对矿产资源勘查的管理,保护探矿权人的合法权益,维护矿产资源勘查秩序,促进矿业发展,根据《中华人民共和国矿产资源法》,制定本办法。
Article 3 In determining the mineral resources areas for exploration, the State shall adopt a Unified Block Registration System, based on a grid pattern in which the basic unit block is longitude 1'X latitude 1'. The largest area to be explored for each exploration project is as follows: 
1)10 basic unit blocks for mineral water;   第二条 在中华人民共和国领域及管辖的其他海域勘查矿产资源,必须遵守本办法。
2)40basic unit blocks for metal, non-metal, and radio-active mineral; 
3)200 basic unit blocks for geo-thermal resources, coal, and vapor mineral; and   第三条 国家对矿产资源勘查实行统一的区块登记管理制度。矿产资源勘查工作区范围以经纬度1′×1′划分的区块为基本单位区块。每个勘查项目允许登记的最大范围:
4) 2500 basic unit blocks for petroleum and gas. (一)矿泉水为10个基本单位区块;
Article 4 Prior to exploring for mineral resources, each exploration project shall be examined, approved, registered, and licensed by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council. This includes: (二)金属矿产、非金属矿产、放射性矿产为40个基本单位区块;
1)Those mineral resources that straddle two or more administrative areas of different provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government; (三)地热、煤、水气矿产为200个基本单位区块;
2) Those mineral resources in the territorial sea or other marine areas under China's jurisdiction; (四)石油、天然气矿产为2500个基本单位区块。
3) Those mineral resources explored for by foreign investment; and 
4) Those mineral resources listed in the Appendix attached to these Regulations.   第四条 勘查下列矿产资源,由国务院地质矿产主管部门审批登记,颁发勘查许可证:
Each project exploring petroleum and /or gas shall be examined and approved by the organization designed by the State Council, and registered and licensed by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council. (一)跨省、自治区、直辖市的矿产资源;
Prior to exploring for mineral resources, each exploration project shall be examined, approved, registered, and licensed by the department under the people's government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The exploration license shall be recorded with the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council within 10 days, starting from the date of issuance of such license. This includes: (二)领海及中国管辖的其他海域的矿产资源;
1)the mineral resources beyond the prescriptions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article; (三)外商投资勘查的矿产资源;
2)the mineral resources for which the examination and approval is authorized by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council. The examination and approval shall be conducted by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the people's government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. (四)本办法附录所列的矿产资源。
Article 5 The exploration investor shall be the exploration rights applicant. If the investor is the State, the exploration unit entrusted by the State shall be the exploration rights applicant. 勘查石油、天然气矿产的,经国务院指定的机关审查同意后,由国务院地质矿产主管部门登记,颁发勘查许可证。
Article 6 In applying for exploration rights, the applicant shall present the following materials to the licensing authorities: 勘查下列矿产资源,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府地质矿产主管部门审批登记,颁发勘查许可证,并应当自发证之日起10日内,向国务院地质矿产主管部门备案:
1) an application form for registration and a drawing or map showing the scope of the blocks for which the applicant is applying; (一)本条第一款、第二款规定以外的矿产资源;
2) a copy of a certificate validating the qualifications of the exploration unit; (二)国务院地质矿产主管部门授权省、自治区、直辖市人民政府地质矿产主管部门审批登记的矿产资源。
3) an exploration working plan and an exploration contract or documents of proof indicating that the exploration unit and project are entrusted by the State; 
4) an implementation proposal for the exploration and relevant appendix;   第五条 勘查出资人为探矿权申请人;但是,国家出资勘查的,国家委托勘查的单位为探矿权申请人。
5) documents of proof showing the source of the funds for the exploration project; and 
6) materials otherwise specified by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council.   第六条 探矿权申请人申请探矿权时,应当向登记管理机关提交下列资料:
If applying for a license to explore for petroleum and /or gas, the applicant shall also present the document of the State Council approving the establishment of a petroleum company or the document permitting the exploration for petroleum and /or gas, and a Legal person Certificate of the exploration unit. (一)申请登记书和申请的区块范围图;
Article 7 In order to receive a license for on-going exploration and operation of petroleum and /or gas, the applicant shall present the following materials to the licensing authorities: (二)勘查单位的资格证书复印件;
1) an application form for registration and d drawing or map showing the mining area for on-going exploration and operation; (三)勘查工作计划、勘查合同或者委托勘查的证明文件;
2) a project proposal approved by the department in charge of planning under the State Council; (四)勘查实施方案及附件;
3) materials of proof showing the necessity of on-going exploration and operation; (五)勘查项目资金来源证明;
4) a mineral reserves report used for the purpose of on-going exploration and operation and approved by the mineral reserves approving agency under the State Council, and (六)国务院地质矿产主管部门规定提交的其他资料。
5) a utilization plan for on-going exploration and operation. 申请勘查石油、天然气的,还应当提交国务院批准设立石油公司或者同意进行石油、天然气勘查的批准文件以及勘查单位法人资格证明。
Article 8 The licensing authorities shall consider each application on a first come ,first serve basis, and either grant or deny the application within 40 days of receipt. Each applicant shall be notified as to the decision. If these is an application for exploration for petroleum and /or gas, the licensing authorities shall also make public announcement with regard to the application or make application available for public inquiring. 
The licensing authorities shall give priority to any exploration project listed in the first category of the National geological Exploration Plan. The detailed stipulations shall be formulated by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council.   第七条 申请石油、天然气滚动勘探开发的,应当向登记管理机关提交下列资料,经批准,办理登记手续,领取滚动勘探开发的采矿许可证:
If it is necessary for the exploration-rights applicant to amend or to add to the materials provided in Article 6 of these Regulations, the licensing authorities shall notify the exploration-rights applicant that they shall amend or add to the materials within the prescribed time limit. (一)申请登记书和滚动勘探开发矿区范围图;
If the exploration project is approved, the exploration-rights applicant shall, within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the notice, pay a fee for the use of the exploration rights (hereafter referred to as the exploration fee) in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of these Regulations. If the Central Government has already invested in the designated exploration area, the applicant shall be assessed a reimbursement fee for exploration right to be paid in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of these Regulation. Upon approval, the applicant is obligated to complete the exploration registration procedures and obtain the exploration license before becoming an exploration licensee. (二)国务院计划主管部门批准的项目建议书;
If the exploration project is not approved, the licensing authorities shall give an exploration to the applicant at the time of notification. (三)需要进行滚动勘探开发的论证材料;
Article 9 No unit or individual may enter into or carry out exploration or mining activities in areas already licensed to other exploration or mining projects in accordance with law. (四)经国务院矿产储量审批机构批准进行石油、天然气滚动勘探开发的储量报告;
If a dispute occurs between exploration licensees and mining concessioners, concerning the rights to exploration or mining areas, such a dispute shall be settled through consultation by the parties involved. If the consultation fails, such a dispute shall be adjudicated by the licensing authorities of the higher level concerned. (五)滚动勘探开发利用方案。
Article 10 generally an exploration license is valid for no more than 3 years. However, the exploration license for petroleum and /or gas is valid for up 7 years. If these is a need to extend the time for exploration, within 30 days prior to the expiration of the exploration license, the exploration licensee shall file for an extension of the license with the licensing authorities. Extension of the exploration license shall not exceed two years each time. 
If an exploration licensee fails to apply for an extension within the designated time limit, the exploration license shall be forfeited.   第八条 登记管理机关应当自收到申请之日起40日内,按照申请在先的原则作出准予登记或者不予登记的决定,并通知探矿权申请人。对申请勘查石油、天然气的,登记管理机关还应当在收到申请后及时予以公告或者提供查询。
Typically, a mining license for on-going exploration and operation for petroleum and/or gas is valid for no more than 15 years. Once the mineral reserves have been verified, the potential concessioner is obligated to apply for the actual mining license. 登记管理机关应当保证国家地质勘查计划一类项目的登记,具体办法由国务院地质矿产主管部门会同国务院计划主管部门制定。
Article 11 Within 10 days from the issuance of the exploration license, the licensing authorities shall notify the department responsible for geology and mineral resources under the people's government at the county level where the proposed exploration project is located. 需要探矿权申请人修改或者补充本办法第六条规定的资料的,登记管理机关应当通知探矿权申请人限期修改或者补充。
The licensing authorities shall periodically give public notice announcing the newly licensed exploration areas. 准予登记的,探矿权申请人应当自收到通知之日起30日内,依照本办法第十二条的规定缴纳探矿权使用费,并依照本办法第十三条的规定缴纳国家出资勘查形成的探矿权价款,办理登记手续,领取勘查许可证,成为探矿权人。
Article 12 The State shall adopt a unified system in which the exploration rights shall be paid for by the licensee with an exploration fee. These exploration fee shall be calculated and paid on an annual basis. 不予登记的,登记管理机关应当向探矿权申请人说明理由。
The standard for the exploration fee is applicable to all licensees and reads as follows: __100 RMB yuan per square kilometer per year for the first three years; __100 RMB yuan per square kilometer shall be added per year starting from the fourth year. However, the highest amount shall not exceed 500 RBM yuan per square kilometer per year. 
Article 13 If anyone applies for exploration rights to any blocks containing mineral deposits discovered by the State, at the State's expense, the applicant shall pay a reimbursement fee for exploration right based on the State's prior investment, in addition to the exploration fee. The reimbursement fee for exploration right may be paid in full or in installments in compliance with the state provisions.   第九条 禁止任何单位和个人进入他人依法取得探矿权的勘查作业区内进行勘查或者采矿活动。
The purchase price of the mineral prospecting right resulting from explorations financed by the state shall be subject to the appraisal of an appraisal agency qualified for appraisal of mining rights, and the appraisal report shall be submitted to the registration organ for recordation. 探矿权人与采矿权人对勘查作业区范围和矿区范围发生争议的,由当事人协商解决;协商不成的,由发证的登记管理机关中级别高的登记管理机关裁决。
Article 14 The exploration fee and the reimbursement fee for exploration right shall be collected by the licensing authorities and delivered to the State budget administration. The detailed specifications for managing the funds mentioned above shall be formulated by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council, jointly with the department in charge of finance under the State Council and the department in charge of planning under the State Council. 
Article 15 If a project falls within these guideline , the licensee may apply for a reduction or exemption of their exploration fee and /or reimbursement fee for exploration right. Such applications shall be examined and approved by the licensing authorities in accordance with the provisions governing reductions and exemptions of the exploration fee and reimbursement fee for exploration right, as formulated by the State Council, jointly with the department in charge of finance under the State Council. Under following circumstances, the exploration fee or reimbursement fee for exploration right may be reduced or exempted:   第十条 勘查许可证有效期最长为3年;但是,石油、天然气勘查许可证有效期最长为7年。需要延长勘查工作时间的,探矿权人应当在勘查许可证有效期届满的30日前,到登记管理机关办理延续登记手续,每次延续时间不得超过2年。
1)minerals whose exploration is encouraged by the State; 探矿权人逾期不办理延续登记手续的,勘查许可证自行废止。
2)areas where exploration is encouraged by the State; 石油、天然气滚动勘探开发的采矿许可证有效期最长为15年;但是,探明储量的区块,应当申请办理采矿许可证。
3)other situations jointly specified by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council and the department in charge of finance under the State Council. 
Article 16 Exploration rights may also be obtained through public bidding.   第十一条 登记管理机关应当自颁发勘查许可证之日起10日内,将登记发证项目的名称、探矿权人、区块范围和勘查许可证期限等事项,通知勘查项目所在地的县级人民政府负责地质矿产管理工作的部门。
The licensing authorities may select bidding blocks, make public invitation for bids, establish and announce the bidding requirements and establish deadlines for the bids, in accordance with the limits of authorities stipulated in Article 4 of these Regulations. However, the bidding blocks available to foreign investors shall be determined by the department in charge of geology and mineral resources under the State Council. 登记管理机关对勘查区块登记发证情况,应当定期予以公告。
The licensing authorities shall organize the evaluation of bids and select the best offer. Upon acceptance of a bid, the successful bidder shall pay the exploration fee and reimbursement fee for exploration right in compliance with the provisions of Articles 12 and 13 of these Regulations, complete the registration procedures, and obtain the exploration license before becoming the exploration licensee, whereupon they shall fulfill the obligations stipulated in the bid documents. 
Article 17 The exploration licensee shall , from the date of issue of the exploration license, meet a minimum expenditure for exploration according to the following schedule:   第十二条 国家实行探矿权有偿取得的制度。探矿权使用费以勘查年度计算,逐年缴纳。
1)2000 RMB yuan per square kilometer for the first year of exploration;

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