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Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education (2005) [Expired]
普通高等学校学生管理规定(2005) [失效]

Order of the Ministry of Education 


(No. 21)

The Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education, as discussed and adopted at the Ministerial Meeting on February 4, 2005, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of September 1, 2005.

Minister of Education: Zhou Ji
教育部部长 周济

March 29, 2005

Provisions on the Administration of Students in Regular Institutions of Higher Education


Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated according to the Education Law, the Higher Education Law and other relevant laws and regulations for the purpose of maintaining the normal educational, teaching and living order in regular institutions of higher education, safeguarding the physical and mental health of students and promoting the comprehensive development of students in terms of morality, intellect, fitness and virtue.   第一条 为维护普通高等学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,保障学生身心健康,促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展,依据教育法高等教育法以及其他有关法律、法规,制定本规定。

Article 2 These Provisions are applicable to the management of candidates for junior college (vocational higher education institution) degrees, bachelor degrees and graduate degrees that receive the regular higher degree education by the regular institutions of higher education and scientific research institutes undertaking the graduate program (hereinafter referred to as higher educational institutions or schools).   第二条 本规定适用于普通高等学校、承担研究生教育任务的科学研究机构(以下称高等学校或学校)对接受普通高等学历教育的研究生和本科、专科(高职)学生的管理。

Article 3 A higher education institution shall concentrate on cultivating talented persons, comply with national educational policies, follow educational rules, and unceasingly improve the educational quality; shall govern the school pursuant to law, exert strict administration, establish and improve its management systems, regulate its management behaviors; and shall combine the management with the strengthening of education, continuously upgrade its management level and energetically cultivate eligible builders and reliable successors for the socialist cause.   第三条 高等学校要以培养人才为中心,按照国家教育方针,遵循教育规律,不断提高教育质量;要依法治校,从严管理,健全和完善管理制度,规范管理行为;要将管理与加强教育相结合,不断提高管理水平,努力培养社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人。

Article 4 Students in higher educational institutions shall vigorously study the Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory and important thoughts of “Three Represents”, establish a common ideal and firm faith to take the socialist road with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and to bring about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation; shall build up the patriotism and bear spirits of solidification and unification, love peace, be industrious and brave, and constantly strive to become stronger; shall abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, code of ethics for citizens, the Code of Conduct for Students in Higher Educational Institutions, management provisions as set down by the school, have good moral traits, behaviors and habits; shall work hard, have the courage to explore, vigorously carry out practices, make great efforts to master modern scientific, cultural knowledge and professional skills; and shall energetically do exercises so as to achieve a sound physique.   第四条 高等学校学生应当努力学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,确立在中国共产党领导下走中国特色社会主义道路、实现中华民族伟大复兴的共同理想和坚定信念;应当树立爱国主义思想,具有团结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息的精神;应当遵守宪法、法律、法规,遵守公民道德规范,遵守《高等学校学生行为准则》,遵守学校管理制度,具有良好的道德品质和行为习惯;应当刻苦学习,勇于探索,积极实践,努力掌握现代科学文化知识和专业技能;应当积极锻炼身体,具有健康体魄。

Chapter II Rights and Obligations of Students 

第二章 学生的权利与义务

Article 5 A student at school shall enjoy the following rights:   第五条 学生在校期间依法享有下列权利:

(1)Taking part in all activities arranged within the educational and teaching planning of the school, and utilizing the educational and teaching sources as provided by the school; (一)参加学校教育教学计划安排的各项活动,使用学校提供的教育教学资源;

(2)Taking part in community services and work-study programs, and forming and attending student organizations and recreational activities and sports on campus; (二)参加社会服务、勤工助学,在校内组织、参加学生团体及文娱体育等活动;

(3)Applying for scholarships, stipends and student loans; (三)申请奖学金、助学金及助学贷款;

(4)Acquiring a just appraisal in the aspect of ideology, morality and academic results, and obtaining an academic certificate and diploma after having finished studies as provided for by the school; (四)在思想品德、学业成绩等方面获得公正评价,完成学校规定学业后获得相应的学历证书、学位证书;

(5)Filing an appeal to the school or the educational administrative department if he holds objections to a punishment or sanction imposed by the school; and filing an appeal or lawsuit if the school or the teaching and management staff members encroach on his legitimate rights and interests like the personal right or property right; and (五)对学校给予的处分或者处理有异议,向学校或者教育行政部门提出申诉;对学校、教职员工侵犯其人身权、财产权等合法权益,提出申诉或者依法提起诉讼;

(6)Other rights as prescribed by laws and regulations. (六)法律、法规规定的其他权利。

Article 6 A student at school shall fulfill the following obligations:   第六条 学生在校期间依法履行下列义务:

(1)Abiding by the Constitution, laws and regulations; (一)遵守宪法、法律、法规;

(2)Abiding by regulations and rules as set down by the school; (二)遵守学校管理制度;

(3)Working hard to complete the prescribed course work; (三)努力学习,完成规定学业;

(4)Paying tuitions and other relevant charges according to provisions, and fulfilling obligations in regard to a student loan or stipend; (四)按规定缴纳学费及有关费用,履行获得贷学金及助学金的相应义务;

(5)Observing the code of conduct for students, having respect for teachers and cultivating good ideology, morality and conducts and habits; and (五)遵守学生行为规范,尊敬师长,养成良好的思想品德和行为习惯;

(6)Other obligations as prescribed by laws and regulations. (六)法律、法规规定的其他义务。

Chapter III Management of the School Roll 

第三章 学籍管理

Section I Enrollment and Registration 

第一节 入学与注册

Article 7 A freshman that is matriculated pursuant to the provisions on the admission as set down by the State shall, upon the strength of an admission notice, go through the enrollment formalities in the school according to the relevant requirements and within the prescribed time limit. If one can not do so because of a justifiable cause, he shall ask for leave to the school. If he fails to do so or does it exceeding the time limit, it will be regarded as a waiver of his qualification for the enrollment unless it is due to such a justifiable cause as force majure.   第七条 按国家招生规定录取的新生,持录取通知书,按学校有关要求和规定的期限到校办理入学手续。因故不能按期入学者,应当向学校请假。未请假或者请假逾期者,除因不可抗力等正当事由以外,视为放弃入学资格。

Article 8 After the enrollment of a freshman, the school shall conduct a reexamination to him within three months according to the provisions on the recruitment as prescribed by the State. If one is found to be qualified upon reexamination, he can make the registration and be granted with the status as a student. If one is found to be unqualified upon reexamination, the school will deal with him according to different situations even up to canceling his qualification for the enrollment.   第八条 新生入学后,学校在三个月内按照国家招生规定对其进行复查。复查合格者予以注册,取得学籍。复查不合格者,由学校区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。

In case one obtains a status as a student through practicing fraud or favoritism, the school will cancel his status as a student after the fact is found to be true. Where the circumstances are serious, the relevant department may be asked to investigate it.

Article 9 The admission qualification may be preserved for one year for a freshman who is suffering from an illness and is diagnosed by a second class and A level hospital or above designated by the school that he is not suitable to study at school. One will not have a status as a student while his admission qualification is preserved. Anyone that gets well upon treatment during the said preservation course of his admission qualification may apply to the school for the enrollment, and the school will designate a hospital to conduct a diagnose to him, if he is in line with the requirements for the medical checkup and is qualified after a reexamination as conducted by the school, he can go through formalities on the enrollment again. If one still is unqualified upon the reexamination or fails to go through the enrollment formalities within the time limit, his admission qualification will be cancelled.   第九条 对患有疾病的新生,经学校指定的二级甲等以上医院(下同)诊断不宜在校学习的,可以保留入学资格一年。保留入学资格者不具有学籍。在保留入学资格期内经治疗康复,可以向学校申请入学,由学校指定医院诊断,符合体检要求,经学校复查合格后,重新办理入学手续。复查不合格或者逾期不办理入学手续者,取消入学资格。

Article 10 At the beginning of each semester, a student shall go through the registration formality pursuant to the provisions as set down by the school. If one can not make the registration within the time limit, he shall handle formalities on the suspension of the registration. Anyone that fails to pay the tuition pursuant to the provisions as set down by the school or is not in line with the registration conditions will be disapproved of the registration.   第十条 每学期开学时,学生应当按学校规定办理注册手续。不能如期注册者,应当履行暂缓注册手续。未按学校规定缴纳学费或者其他不符合注册条件的不予注册。

A student from a family with financial difficulties may apply for loans or financial aids in other forms and make the registration after the relevant formalities are completed.

Section II Assessment and Recordation of Results 

第二节 考核与成绩记载

Article 11 A student shall take part in the assessment of courses as included in the educational and teaching planning of the school and of all educational and teaching links (hereinafter referred to as courses), and the assessment results shall be recorded down in his book of scores and be incorporated into his files.   第十一条 学生应当参加学校教育教学计划规定的课程和各种教育教学环节(以下统称课程)的考核,考核成绩记入成绩册,并归入本人档案。

Article 12 The assessment shall be classified into such two categories as examination and check. The methods for the assessment and the evaluation of the results, and whether one needs to retake a course or take a make-up examination for a course in which he has failed shall be set down by the school.   第十二条 考核分为考试和考查两种。考核和成绩评定方式,以及考核不合格的课程是否重修或者补考,由学校规定。

Article 13 The assessment and appraisal of a student's ideology and morality shall be based on the Code of Conduct for Students in Higher Educational Institutions and be conducted in the form of personal brief summary and teacher- student democratic appraisal.   第十三条 学生思想品德的考核、鉴定,要以《高等学校学生行为准则》为主要依据,采取个人小结,师生民主评议等形式进行。

The results of the physical course of a student shall be appraised on a comprehensive basis of his attendance, activities in class and extracurricular exercises.

Article 14 The courses and minimum credits that a student shall take and have in a semester or academic year, and the requirements for upgrading, skipping a grade, repeating the year's work, degrading and retaking a course shall be set down by the school.   第十四条 学生学期或者学年所修课程或者应修学分数以及升级、跳级、留级、降级、重修等要求,由学校规定。

Article 15 A student may, pursuant to the relevant provisions as set down by the school, apply for minoring in any other specialty or taking any other professional course as an elective one.   第十五条 学生可以根据学校有关规定,申请辅修其他专业或者选修其他专业课程。

A student may take courses in any other school that has concluded a trans-school agreement with his school. The scores (credits) obtained through taking courses in other schools may be recognized by his school upon examination.

Article 16 If a student seriously violates the assessment disciplines or cheats in the assessment, the results of this course will be void, and the school will criticize and educate him and impose upon him a corresponding disciplinary sanction according to his circumstances relating to his irregularity or cheat. In the case of an academic probation or a minor sanction imposed, he may be granted with an opportunity to take a make-up examination or to retake the said course if he has a good performance upon education.   第十六条 学生严重违反考核纪律或者作弊的,该课程考核成绩记为无效,并由学校视其违纪或者作弊情节,给予批评教育和相应的纪律处分。给予留校察看及以下处分的,经教育表现较好,在毕业前对该课程可以给予补考或者重修机会。

Article 17 A student that can not take part in activities as prescribed in the educational and teaching planning shall ask for leave in advance and acquire an approval. Anyone that fails to take part in such activities without permission shall be criticized and educated pursuant to the relevant provisions as set down by the school, and may be given a disciplinary sanction if the circumstance is serious.
   第十七条 学生不能按时参加教育教学计划规定的活动,应当事先请假并获得批准。未经批准而缺席者,根据学校有关规定给予批评教育,情节严重的给予纪律处分。

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