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Agreement Establishing ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office ("AMRO")

Agreement Establishing ASEAN+3Macroeconomic Research Office ("AMRO")



Recalling the Chiang Mai InitiativeMultilateralisation (hereinafter referred to as “CMIM”) to establish amultilateral liquidity support arrangement under the ASEAN+3 framework toaddress balance-of- payments and short-term liquidity difficulties in the region; 

基于《清迈倡议多边化协议》(CMIM),在 10+3框架内建立多边的流动性支持安排,以应对10+3区域内的国际收支困难和短期流动性问题;
Whereas the parties to the CMIM agreedunder the CMIM to establish a surveillance unit; 鉴于CMIM各参与方同意在协议框架下成立一个监测机构;
Recognising that ASEAN+3 MacroeconomicResearch Office Limited (hereinafter referred to as “AMRO Ltd”) was establishedin 2011 on the initiative of the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers' Meeting; 鉴于10+3宏观经济研究办公室有限公司 (AMRO有限公司)在10+3财长会议倡导下,于2011年成立;
Desiring to constitute AMRO as aninternational organisation with full legal personality to take over the role ofAMRO Ltd so that it can function effectively as an independent surveillanceunit in the region; and 为了将AMRO建设成具有完全法人资格的国际性组织,取代原AMRO有限公司,成为区域内独立的监测机构,有效地行使职能;
Convinced that the establishment of AMROwill serve as an important step forward to promote regional financialcooperation through a permanent institution which will underpin regionalfinancial stability together with a strengthened CMIM; 确信AMRO的成立将成为推动区域金融合作的重要平台,作为常设机构,AMRO将与强化后的CMIM一道,共同加强区域金融稳定;
HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 为此,本协议的各参与方同意下述内容:


Article 1. Establishment and Members 第一条 设立及成员
(1) Bythis Agreement, the Contracting Parties establish ASEAN+3 MacroeconomicResearch Office (hereinafter referred to as “AMRO”) as an internationalorganisation which shall have full legal personality and the legal capacity forcarrying out its purpose and functions.   一、根据本协议,各签订方将10+3宏观经济研究办公室(AMRO)设立为国际组织,并具有完全的法人资格及法律能力,能够实现其目的,并履行其职能。
(2) TheContracting Parties that have ratified, accepted or approved this Agreementshall be members of AMRO in accordance with Articles 25 and 26.   二、依照本协议第二十五条及第二十六条,正式核准、接受或批准本协议的各签订方将成为 AMRO成员。
Article 2. Purpose 第二条 目  的
The purpose of AMRO is to contribute tosecuring the economic and financial stability of the region through conductingregional economic surveillance and supporting the implementation of theregional financial arrangement. The term “regional financial arrangement” meansthe multilateral liquidity support arrangement under the ASEAN +3 framework toaddress potential and actual balance-of-payments and short-term liquiditydifficulties in the region. 设立AMRO的目的,是通过组织区域性经济监测和支持落实区域性金融安排,来保障区域内经济和金融稳定。其中, “区域性金融安排”是指10+3框架下的多边流动性支持安排中,关于应对区域内部潜在及实际的国际收支困难及短期流动性问题的内容。
Article 3. Functions 第三条 职  能
To fulfil its purpose, AMRO shall have thefollowing functions: 为实现以上目的,AMRO将行使以下职能:
(a) tomonitor, assess and report to members on their macroeconomic status andfinancial soundness; (一)监测、评估并向成员报告其宏观经济形势及金融系统的稳健性;
(b) toidentify for members macroeconomic and financial risks and vulnerabilities inthe region and assist them, if requested, in the timely formulation of policyrecommendations to mitigate such risks; (二)发现成员存在的宏观经济和金融风险及区域内部的脆弱性,如有需要,应为其及时制订政策提供建议,以降低风险;
(c) tosupport members in the implementation of the regional financial arrangement;and (三)支持成员履行区域性金融安排;
(d) toconduct such other activities necessary for achieving the purpose of AMRO asmay be determined by the Executive Committee. (四)组织由执行委员会确定的其他为实现 AMRO设立目的而需采取的必要活动。
Article 4. Cooperation of Members 第四条 成员的合作
(1) Eachmember shall provide AMRO with relevant information and assistance as mayreasonably be required for its surveillance and other activities provided forunder Article 3 to the extent permissible under its applicable laws andregulations. Members shall be under no obligation to provide information insuch detail that the affairs of individuals or corporations are disclosed.   一、各成员应在本国法律法规允许的范围内,向AMRO提供属于合理要求的协助和信息,以便于其开展监测及其他本协议第三条涉及的活动,各成员并无义务提供涉及泄露个人或公司事宜的具体信息;
(2) Eachmember shall cooperate with AMRO in good faith in AMRO's surveillance and otheractivities provided for under Article 3.   二、各成员应就AMRO的监测及其他第三条所涉及的活动,与其展开真诚合作。
Article 5. Operations 第五条 运 作
In order to fulfil its purpose andfunctions under Article 2 and Article 3: 为实现本协议第二条及第三条所规定的目的及职能:
(a) AMROshall use the information provided by members under Article 4 appropriately; (一)AMRO应恰当运用成员根据本协议第四条所提供的信息;
(b) AMROmay conduct consultations with each member on an annual basis (“AnnualConsultation Visits”) on such issues as may be relevant to the purpose andfunctions of AMRO under this Agreement; (二)AMRO应每年与成员就与本协议规定的目的及职能相关的问题进行磋商(年度磋商访问);
(c) AMRO,independently and without undue influence of any member, shall prepare suchreports as it deems desirable in carrying out its purpose and functions, andcommunicate its views informally and confidentially to any member on anymatters arising under this Agreement that may affect such member; (三)AMRO应在独立且不受成员过度影响的情况下,编制有助于实现其目的和发挥职能的报告,并以非正式和非公开的形式,与成员就本协议下可能对其产生影响的一切问题交换意见;
(d) AMROshall publish such reports as it deems desirable for carrying out its purposeand functions in accordance with subparagraph (2)(f) of Article 8; and (四)AMRO应依照本协议第八条中第二款第(六)项的规定,发表有利于实现其目的和发挥职能的报告;
(e) AMROmay cooperate with members, international organisations or institutions inrelated fields within the terms of this Agreement, and enter into agreementswith them. No member shall be liable, by reason of its status or participationin AMRO, for acts, omissions or obligations of AMRO arising out of suchagreements. (五)AMRO应在本协议的框架内,与成员、国际组织及机构开展相关领域的合作,并签署合作协议。无论成员在AMRO中的地位及参与情况如何,均不应为AMRO在此协议之外产生的活动、疏忽或义务承担法律责任。
Article 6. Structure 第六条 组织构架
AMRO shall have an Executive Committee, anAdvisory Panel, a Director and staff. AMRO将由执行委员会、咨询委员会、主任以及工作人员组成。
Article 7. Executive Committee: Composition 第七条 执行委员会:组成
(1) Eachmember shall be represented on the Executive Committee and for this purpose mayappoint up to two Deputies: one finance deputy from its government withresponsibility for finance and one central bank deputy from its central bank orits equivalent. Any such appointment may be revoked at any time by the memberthat made the appointment.   一、每个成员在执行委员会中均应有代表,并可为此任命最多两名副手:一名来自政府机构的财政副手,主要负责财政事务,一名来自央行或等同机构的央行副手;任何作出该任命的成员可在任何时间撤销该任命;
(2) EachDeputy shall appoint an alternate who shall have full power to act on his orher behalf when the former is not present.   二、每名副手均应指定一名替补副手以便在其不在时代其履行职责;
(3) Notwithstandingparagraphs (1) and (2) above, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of thePeople's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Hong Kong, China”) mayappoint one Deputy only.   三、尽管有本条第一款、第二款规定,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区(以下简称中国香港)只能任命一名副手。
Article 8. Executive Committee: Powers andProcedures 第八条 执行委员会:权力与程序
(1) Allpowers of AMRO under this Agreement that are not otherwise conferred on theAdvisory Panel or the Director shall be vested in the Executive Committee.   一、除授予咨询委员会或者主任的权力,AMRO在本协议下的所有权力归属于执行委员会;
(2) TheExecutive Committee shall maintain strategic oversight of and set policydirections for AMRO and, in particular:   二、执行委员会将对AMRO进行战略监督及政策指导,具体职责包括:
(a) reviewthe reports prepared under Article 3 and Article 5 and such other reports andassessments as may be prepared by the Director, including any input provided bythe Advisory Panel; (一)审查根据本协议第三条和第五条编制的报告及其他由主任准备的评估意见和报告,包括咨询委员会提供的报告;
(b) reviewand approve its annual reports which set out the performance of the functionsand duties of AMRO containing an audited statement of AMRO's financial accountsand staffing levels; (二)审查、批准AMRO年度报告,主要包括AMRO履行其职责的绩效情况、AMRO经审计的会计财务报表以及人员编制等;
(c) reviewand approve the staffing levels, annual budget, and work programme of AMRO; (三)审查和批准人员编制、年度预算和 AMRO的工作总体规划;
(d) overseethe appointment process for, appoint, suspend or terminate the employment ofthe Director in accordance with Article 11 where necessary, and review theperformance of the Director; (四)根据本协议第十一条负责主任的任命、停职以及解职,并监督主任的任命过程,审核主任工作绩效;
(e) appointthe Advisory Panel members, and suspend or terminate any such appointments; and (五)负责咨询委员会成员的任命、停职以及解职;
(f) setthe publication policy of AMRO. (六)制定AMRO的对外发布政策;
(3) TheExecutive Committee may promulgate such rules, regulations, policies andprocedures as may be necessary or appropriate to conduct the business of AMRO.   三、执行委员会可在必要及适当时颁布 AMRO的规章制度、政策和程序以便更好地指导其业务工作;
(4) TheExecutive Committee may establish such committees as are necessary and appropriateto facilitate the general operations of AMRO.   四、执行委员会可在必要及适当时成立促进 AMRO整体运作的委员会;
(5) TheExecutive Committee shall meet at such frequency and at such place as it maydetermine and shall be jointly chaired by a Deputy from each of thecoordinating countries, which consist of two members, one from among the ASEANMember States and the other from among the People's Republic of China, Japanand the Republic of Korea.   五、执行委员会召开会议的次数及地点由其自身决定,会议由年度主席国代表共同主持,一名来自东盟成员,另一名自来中国、日本及韩国三方中的一方。
Article 9. Voting 第九条 投  票
(1) Aquorum for any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of theDeputies who, in aggregate, exercise not less than two-thirds of the totalvoting power as set out in the Schedule to this Agreement.   一、执行委员会出席会议的法定人数应占多数,且总数不少于协议附件所列总投票权的三分之二;
(2) Thedecisions of the Executive Committee shall be taken by consensus. If consensuscannot be reached, such decisions of the Executive Committee shall be effectiveif approved by no less than two-thirds of the total voting power as set out inthe Schedule to this Agreement.   二、执行委员会的决策应努力寻求共识,如果不能达成共识,应按照协议附件所列,如不低于总投票权的三分之二表示同意,执行委员会的决策将有效;
(3) Whentwo Deputies represent one member, they shall cast their votes as a unit. Forthe avoidance of doubt, the votes of the People's Republic of China and HongKong, China shall be cast separately.   三、当两名副手共同代表一个成员时,他们将统一行使投票权。为避免歧义特此说明,中国和中国香港将分别投票。
Article 10. Advisory Panel 第十条 咨询委员会
(1) TheAdvisory Panel shall provide timely strategic, technical and professional inputto AMRO's macroeconomic assessments and recommendations to the Director.   一、咨询委员会将向AMRO的宏观经济评估提供战略性、技术性和专业性指导,并向主任提供相关政策建议;
(2) TheAdvisory Panel shall be independent from the Director and the staff of AMRO,and shall be accountable to the Executive Committee.   二、咨询委员会独立于主任以及AMRO工作人员,向执行委员会负责;
(3) TheAdvisory Panel shall consist of not more than six members who are distinguishedand respected economists under such terms and conditions as the ExecutiveCommittee may determine. The Advisory Panel members shall be appointed by theExecutive Committee.

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