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Ordinance concerning the Procedures for the Formulation of Administrative Regulations (2017 Revision) [Effective]
行政法规制定程序条例(2017修订) [现行有效]

Ordinance concerning the Procedures for the Formulation of Administrative Regulations



(Issued by Order No. 321 of the State of Council of the People's Republic of China on January 1, 2002, and revised in accordance with the Decision of the State Council on Amending the Regulation on the Procedures for the Development of Administrative Regulations on December 22th, 2017) (2001年11月16日中华人民共和国国务院令第321号公布 根据2017年12月22日《国务院关于修改〈行政法规制定程序条例〉的决定》修订)

Chapter 1 General Provisions 

第一章 总  则

Article 1 This Ordinance is formulated in accordance with the provisions concerned in the Constitution, the Legislative Law and the Organizing Law of the State Council to regulate procedures for the formulation of administrative regulations, and ensure the quality of the administrative regulations.   第一条 为了规范行政法规制定程序,保证行政法规质量,根据宪法立法法国务院组织法的有关规定,制定本条例。
Article 2 This Ordinance is applicable to the proposing, drafting, reviewing, adopting, publishing, and interpreting of administrative regulations.   第二条 行政法规的立项、起草、审查、决定、公布、解释,适用本条例。
Article 3 The administrative regulations shall be developed according to the routes, guidelines, policies, decisions and arrangements of the Party, in compliance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws, and under the legislative principle determined in the Legislation Law.   第三条 制定行政法规,应当贯彻落实党的路线方针政策和决策部署,符合宪法和法律的规定,遵循立法法确定的立法原则。
Article 4 The development of the supporting administrative regulations on political laws shall be reported to the CPC Central Committee in a timely manner in accordance with the relevant provisions.   第四条 制定政治方面法律的配套行政法规,应当按照有关规定及时报告党中央。
For the development of the important administrative regulations on adjusting the major systems and major policies in the respects of economic, cultural, social and ecological civilization, among others, the draft administrative regulations or the major issues involved in the draft administrative regulations shall be reported to the CPC Central Committee in a timely manner according to the relevant provisions. 制定经济、文化、社会、生态文明等方面重大体制和重大政策调整的重要行政法规,应当将行政法规草案或者行政法规草案涉及的重大问题按照有关规定及时报告党中央。
Article 5 Administrative regulations shall generally be entitled “Ordinances”, and may also be entitled “Rules”, “Measures”, etc.The administrative regulations which are formulated by the State Council in accordance with the authorizations of the National People's Congress and its standing committee shall be entitled “provisional ordinance” or “provisional rules”.   第五条 行政法规的名称一般称“条例”,也可以称“规定”、“办法”等。国务院根据全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会的授权决定制定的行政法规,称“暂行条例”或者“暂行规定”。
The prescriptions constituted by the various departments of the State Council and the local people's governments shall not be entitled “Ordinance”. 国务院各部门和地方人民政府制定的规章不得称“条例”。
Article 6 The provisions of administrative regulations shall be comprehensive, sententious, explicit, concrete, logic, precise, concise, and manipulable.   第六条 行政法规应当备而不繁,逻辑严密,条文明确、具体,用语准确、简洁,具有可操作性。
In accordance with the requirements of contents, administrative regulations may be divided into chapters, sections, articles, items, terms and provisions. Sequence numbers of chapters, sections and articles shall be indicated in Chinese figures; Items shall not be preceded by sequence numbers. Figures plus brackets in turn shall be used to indicate terms' sequence numbers, while Arabic figures in turn shall be used to indicate provisions' sequence numbers. 行政法规根据内容需要,可以分章、节、条、款、项、目。章、节、条的序号用中文数字依次表述,款不编序号,项的序号用中文数字加括号依次表述,目的序号用阿拉伯数字依次表述。
Chapter 2 Proposals 

第二章 立  项

Article 7 The State Council shall set down annual legislative schedules at the beginning of each year.   第七条 国务院于每年年初编制本年度的立法工作计划。
Article 8 Where a relevant department under the State Council deems that it is necessary to develop an administrative regulation, it shall, before the State Council develops the annual legislation work plans, submit an application to the State Council for project establishment.   第八条 国务院有关部门认为需要制定行政法规的,应当于国务院编制年度立法工作计划前,向国务院报请立项。
An application for the establishment of an administrative regulation project filed by a relevant department under the State Council shall specify the major issues to be solved for the legislative project, the guidelines, policies, decisions and arrangements of the Party based on, and the major rules to be developed. 国务院有关部门报送的行政法规立项申请,应当说明立法项目所要解决的主要问题、依据的党的路线方针政策和决策部署,以及拟确立的主要制度。
The legislative affairs office of the State Council shall request comments on the projects of developing administrative regulations from the general public. 国务院法制机构应当向社会公开征集行政法规制定项目建议。
Article 9 The legislative affairs office of the State Council shall, in accordance with the overall work arrangements of the state, conduct evaluation and demonstration of the applications for the establishment of administrative regulation projects and the comments on the projects of developing administrative regulations publicly requested, highlight the priorities, make overall plans and take all factors into consideration, develop annual legislation work plans of the State Council, and make public such plans after submitting them to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for approval.   第九条 国务院法制机构应当根据国家总体工作部署,对行政法规立项申请和公开征集的行政法规制定项目建议进行评估论证,突出重点,统筹兼顾,拟订国务院年度立法工作计划,报党中央、国务院批准后向社会公布。
The proposed administrative regulations listed in the annual legislative plan of the State Council shall accord with the following requirements: 列入国务院年度立法工作计划的行政法规项目应当符合下列要求:
(1) Implementing the routes, guidelines, policies, decisions and arrangements of the Party and adapting to the needs of reform, development and stability. (一)贯彻落实党的路线方针政策和决策部署,适应改革、发展、稳定的需要;
(2) Based on relevant experiences and practices of reforms which are ultimately mature; (二)有关的改革实践经验基本成熟;
(3) The problems to be solved fall into the authority scope of the State Council as well as the affair scope of administrative regulations, which need to be formulated by the State Council. (三)所要解决的问题属于国务院职权范围并需要国务院制定行政法规的事项。
Article 10 For the administrative regulation projects included in the annual legislation work plans of the State Council, the department assuming the drafting task shall spare no effort to carry out work, and report to the State Council as required; and shall, before reporting to the State Council, communicate with the legislative affairs office of the State Council.   第十条 对列入国务院年度立法工作计划的行政法规项目,承担起草任务的部门应当抓紧工作,按照要求上报国务院;上报国务院前,应当与国务院法制机构沟通。
The legislative affairs office of the State Council shall follow up and keep abreast of the implementation of the annual legislation work plans of the State Council by all departments under the State Council, and strengthen the organization, coordination, supervision and guidance. 国务院法制机构应当及时跟踪了解国务院各部门落实国务院年度立法工作计划的情况,加强组织协调和督促指导。
The annual legislative schedule of the State Council may be adjusted accordingly to actual real situations during its implementation. 国务院年度立法工作计划在执行中可以根据实际情况予以调整。
Chapter 3 Drafting 

第三章 起  草

Article 11 The State Council shall arrange for the drafting of administrative regulations. The annual legislative schedule of the State Council shall designate a department or several departments of the State Council to take charge of the drafting of specific administrative regulations, it may also designate the legislative organ of the State Council to draft or arrange for the drafting.   第十一条 行政法规由国务院组织起草。国务院年度立法工作计划确定行政法规由国务院的一个部门或者几个部门具体负责起草工作,也可以确定由国务院法制机构起草或者组织起草。
Article 12 The drafting of administrative regulations shall comply with the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of this Regulation and satisfy the following requirements:     第十二条 起草行政法规,应当符合本条例第三条、第四条的规定,并符合下列要求:
(1) The core socialist values shall be carried forward. (一)弘扬社会主义核心价值观;
(2) The spirit of comprehensively deepening reform shall be reflected, the administrative acts shall be scientifically regulated, and the transformation of government functions to macro-control, market supervision, social management, public services, and environmental protection, among others, shall be promoted. (二)体现全面深化改革精神,科学规范行政行为,促进政府职能向宏观调控、市场监管、社会管理、公共服务、环境保护等方面转变;
(3) The principles of streamlining, unification and efficiency shall be followed, an administrative authority shall be designated to assume the same or similar functions, and the administrative formalities shall be simplified. (三)符合精简、统一、效能的原则,相同或者相近的职能规定由一个行政机关承担,简化行政管理手续;
(4) The lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations shall be effectively protected, and the corresponding rights and the ways of guaranteeing the realization of the rights shall be prescribed while the obligations to be performed are prescribed. (四)切实保障公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,在规定其应当履行的义务的同时,应当规定其相应的权利和保障权利实现的途径;
(5) The principle of unifying the powers and responsibilities of administrative authorities shall be followed, and the conditions and procedures for exercising the powers and the responsibilities to be assumed shall be prescribed, while granting necessary powers to the relevant administrative authorities.

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