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Measures on the Administration of Wholesale, Retail and Lease of Audio and Video Recordings [Expired]
音像制品批发、零售、出租管理办法(2006) [失效]

Order of the Ministry of Culture 



The Measures on the Administration of Wholesale, Retail and Lease of Audio and Video Recordings, which were deliberated and adopted at the ministerial meeting of the Ministry of Culture on October 25th, 2006, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on December 1st, 2006.

Minister: Sun Jiazheng
部长  孙家正

November 3rd, 2006

Measures on the Administration of Wholesale, Retail and Lease of Audio and Video Recordings

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 For the purpose of strengthening the administration of wholesale, retail and lease of audio and video recordings, promoting the development and flourish of the audio and video industry, enriching the cultural life of the masses and promoting the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization, the present Measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulation on the Administration of Audio and Video Recordings, promoting the development and flourish of the audio and video industry, enriching the cultural life of the masses and promoting the construction of socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization, the present Measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulation on the Administration of Audio and Video Recordings.   第一条 为了加强音像制品批发、零售、出租的管理,促进音像事业的发展和繁荣,丰富人民群众的文化生活,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设,根据《音像制品管理条例》的有关规定,制定本办法。

Article 2 The present Measures shall apply to such activities as the wholesale, retail, and lease, etc. of such audio and video recordings as audio tapes, video tapes, gramophone records, compact discs and laser discs, etc. on which contents are recorded.   第二条 本办法适用于录有内容的录音带、录像带、唱片、激光唱盘和激光视盘等音像制品的批发、零售和出租等活动。

Article 3 People engaging in the wholesale, retail and lease of audio and video recordings shall abide by the Constitution and the relevant laws and regulations, adhere to the orientation of serving the people and serving socialism, and disseminate ideas, morals and scientific, technical and cultural knowledge beneficial to economic development and social progress.   第三条 从事音像制品批发、零售、出租,应当遵守宪法和有关法律、法规,坚持为人民服务和为社会主义服务的方向,传播有益于经济发展和社会进步的思想、道德、科学技术和文化知识。

Article 4 The state prohibits the operation of the audio and video recordings recorded with any of the following content:   第四条 国家禁止经营载有下列内容的音像制品:

(1) the content which defies the basic principles determined in the Constitution; (一)反对宪法确定的基本原则的;

(2) the content which endangers the unity of the nation, sovereignty or territorial integrity; (二)危害国家统一、主权和领土完整的;

(3) the content which divulges secrets of the state, endangers national security or damages the honor or benefits of the state; (三)泄露国家秘密、危害国家安全或者损害国家荣誉和利益的;

(4) the content which incites national hatred or discrimination, undermines the solidarity of nationalities, or infringes upon nationality customs and habits; (四)煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结,或者侵害民族风俗、习惯的;

(5) the content which propagates evil cult or feudalistic superstition; (五)宣扬邪教、封建迷信的;

(6) the content which disturbs the public order or destroys the public stability; (六)扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;

(7) the content which propagates obscenity, gambling, violence or instigates crimes; (七)宣扬淫秽、赌博、暴力或者教唆犯罪的;

(8) the content which insults or slanders others, or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of others; (八)侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;

(9) the content which endangers public ethics or the excellent national cultural traditions; (九)危害社会公德或者民族优秀文化传统的;

(10) any other content prohibited by any law, administrative regulation, or provision of the state. (十)有法律、行政法规和国家规定禁止的其他内容的。

Article 5 The Ministry of Culture shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the wholesale, retail and lease of audio and video recordings nation-wide.   第五条 文化部负责全国音像制品批发、零售、出租的监督管理工作。

The administrative department of cultural affairs under the local people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the wholesale, retail and lease of audio and video recordings within its own jurisdiction.

Article 6 The state shall apply a license system in respect of the wholesale, retail and lease of audio and video recordings. No entity or individual shall, without permission, engage in the wholesale, retail and lease of audio and video recordings.   第六条 国家对音像制品批发、零售、出租活动实行许可制度;未经许可,任何单位和个人不得从事音像制品批发、零售、出租活动。

The licenses or approval documents distributed in accordance with the present Measures shall not be altered, resold, leased, lent, or illegally transferred in any other form.

Article 7 The Ministry of Culture shall formulate the development programming on the market of audio and video recordings nationwide, and exert macro control over the market of audio and video recordings nationwide.   第七条 文化部负责制定全国音像市场发展规划,宏观调控全国音像市场。

The administrative department of cultural affairs under the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, in light of the development programming on the market of audio and video recordings nationwide and the economic and social development of its own region, formulate development programs on the market of audio and video recordings of its own region, and lead such a market to develop healthily.

Article 8 The state encourages and supports the entities engaged in the audio and video business to circulate domestic audio and video recordings and to establish the issuing network and distribute audio and video recordings in the rural areas.   第八条 国家鼓励和支持音像制品经营单位发行国产音像制品;国家鼓励和支持音像制品经营单位在农村建立发行网络,销售音像制品。

Article 9 Neither the administrative department of cultural affairs nor any of the functionaries thereof shall, directly or in a disguised form, undertake the business activities in respect of the wholesale, retail and lease of audio and video recordings, or participate in the business activities of the entities engaged in the wholesale, retail or lease of audio and video recordings.   第九条 文化行政部门及其工作人员不得从事或者变相从事音像制品批发、零售、出租活动,并不得参与或者变相参与音像制品批发、零售、出租单位的经营活动。

Chapter II Operating Entities 

第二章 经营单位

Article 10 To apply for establishing an audio and video recording wholesaling entity, the applicant shall report to the administrative department of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or the municipality directly under the central government where it is located for examination and approval, and shall submit the following materials:   第十条 申请设立音像制品批发单位,应当报所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化行政部门审批,并提交下列材料:

(1) an application form, which shall include the name, address of the audio and video recording wholesaling entity, the name and address of its legal representative or the chief person in charge, and the major issues concerning the application; (一)申请书,载明音像制品批发单位的名称、地址、法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、住址以及申请的主要事项;

(2) a notice on the prior approval of the name, and the articles of association; (二)名称预先核准通知书和章程;

(3) amount of the registered capital and its evidential documents; (三)注册资本数额及其证明文件;

(4) certificate of the property right of the business premise or letter of leasing intent; (四)经营场所产权证明或者租赁意向书;

(5) evidential materials on the identity of the legal representative or the chief person in charge; (五)法定代表人或者主要负责人的身份证明材料;

(6) evidential materials on the institutions and personnel adapted to the needs of its business scope; (六)适应业务范围需要的组织机构和人员的证明材料;

(7) other materials as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (七)法律、行政法规规定的其他材料。

The administrative department of cultural affairs shall, within 30 days as of the receipt of the application, make a decision on approving or not approving the application. If the application is approved, a License for Operating Audio and Video Recordings shall be issued to the applicant, and be submitted to the Ministry of Culture for record. The applicant shall obtain the business license in accordance with the law in the administrative department of industry and commerce with the License for Operating Audio and Video Recordings; if the application is disapproved, the reason thereof shall be stated.

Article 11 To apply for establishing an audio and video recording retailing or leasing entity or where an individual applies for engaging in the audio and video recording retailing or leasing business, the applicant shall report to the administrative department of cultural affairs of the local people's government at the county level for examination and approval, and shall submit the following materials:   第十一条 设立音像制品零售、出租单位或者个人申请从事音像制品零售、出租业务,应当报所在地县级人民政府文化行政部门审批,并提交下列材料:

(1) an application form, which shall include the name of the retailing or leasing entity or the business name of the individual and the address, the name and address of its legal representative or the chief person in charge, and the major issues concerning the application; (一)申请书,载明申请单位的名称或者个人的经营字号、地址、法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、住址以及申请的主要事项;

(2) a notice on the prior approval of the name, and the articles of association; (二)名称预先核准通知书和章程;

(3) certificate of the property right of the business premise or letter of leasing intent; (三)经营场所产权证明或者租赁意向书;

(4) evidential materials on the identity of the legal representative or the chief person in charge; (四)法定代表人或者主要负责人的身份证明材料;

(5) other materials as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (五)法律、行政法规规定的其他材料。

The administrative department of cultural affairs shall, within 30 days as of the receipt of the application, make a decision on approving or not approving the application. If the application is approved, a License for Operating Audio and Video Recordings shall be issued to the applicant, and be reported to the administrative department of cultural affairs of the local people's government at the next higher level for record. The applicant shall obtain the business license in accordance with the law in the administrative department of industry and commerce with the License for Operating Audio and Video Recordings; if the application is disapproved, the reason thereof shall be stated.

An audio and video recording wholesaling entity established upon approval may engage in the audio and video retailing and leasing businesses on the business premise originally approved for the wholesaling business.

Article 12 An audio and video recording publishing entity may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, wholesale and retail the audio and video recordings published by itself. If it intends to engage in the business of wholesaling or retailing audio and video recordings not published by itself, it shall go through the formalities of examination, approval and registration in accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of the present Measures.   第十二条 音像制品出版单位可以按照国家有关规定批发、零售本单位出版的音像制品。从事非本单位出版的音像制品批发、零售业务的,应当依照本办法第十条、第十一条的规定办理审批登记手续。

Article 13 To establish a chained operation entity of audio and video recordings, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:   第十三条 设立音像制品连锁经营单位,应当具备下列条件:

(1) having a well-defined name and articles of association; (一)有确定的名称、章程;

(2) having a well-defined business scope; (二)有确定的业务范围;

(3) having no less than 1 million yuan of registered capital, or no less than 5 million yuan of registered capital in the case of engaging in nationwide chained operations; (三) 注册资本不低于100万元,其中从事全国性连锁经营的,注册资本不低于500万元;

(4) planning to develop 5 or more direct-operation chained stores or 10 or more chained stores of audio and video recordings; (四)规划发展5个以上音像制品直营连锁门店或者10个以上连锁专设经营柜台;

(5) having an institution and personnel adapted to the needs of its business scope; (五)有适应业务范围需要的组织机构和人员;

(6) having corresponding management system and computer management conditions; (六)具备相应的管理制度和计算机管理条件;

(7) other conditions prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (七)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。

Article 14 To apply for establishing a chained operation entity of audio and video recordings, the applicant shall report to the administrative department of cultural affairs of the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or the municipality directly under the central government where it is located; the application for the establishment of nationwide chained operation entities of audio and video recordings shall be examined and consented to by the administrative department of cultural affairs under the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government where the applicant's headquarters is located before it is submitted to the Ministry of Culture for examination and approval.   第十四条 申请设立音像制品连锁经营单位,应当报所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化行政部门审批;申请设立全国性音像制品连锁经营单位,应当由其总部所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府文化行政部门审核同意后,报文化部审批。

The applicant entity shall submit the following materials:

(1) an application form, which shall include the name, address of the audio and video recording wholesaling entity, the name and address of its legal representative or the chief person in charge, and the major issues concerning the application; (一)申请书,载明申请单位的名称、地址、法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、住址以及申请的主要事项;

(2) a notice on the prior approval of the name, and the articles of association; (二)名称预先核准通知书和章程;

(3) amount of the registered capital and its evidential documents; (三)注册资本数额及其证明文件;

(4) certificate of the property right of the business premise or letter of leasing intent; (四)连锁经营单位总部经营场所产权证明或者租赁意向书;

(5) evidential materials on the identity of the legal representative or the chief person in charge; (五)连锁经营单位总部法定代表人或者主要负责人的身份证明材料;

(6) information on the institution, distributing departments and systems of distribution management of the chained operation entity of audio and video recordings; (六)音像制品连锁经营单位的组织机构、配送机构和配送管理制度等情况。

(7) evidential materials on the corresponding computer management conditions; (七)相应的计算机管理条件的证明材料;

(8) other materials as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations. (八)法律、行政法规规定的其他材料。

The administrative department of cultural affairs shall, within 30 days as of the receipt of the application, make a decision on approving or not approving the application. If the application is approved, a License for Operating Audio and Video Recordings shall be issued to the applicant, who shall obtain the business license in accordance with the law in the administrative department of industry and commerce with the License for Operating Audio and Video Recordings; if the application is disapproved, the reason thereof shall be stated.

Without approval and registration, no one shall use the characters of “chained operation” in the name of an entity, or engage in the business activities of wholesale, retail and lease of audio and video recordings by means of chained operation.

Article 15 A chained operation entity of audio and video recordings may choose either the pattern of direct chained operation or that of chained operation in the form of franchise, or may operate by both means, provided that it shall have one year or more of experience in direct chained operation and be approved by the original approving department if it choose the chained operation in the form of franchise.   第十五条 音像制品连锁经营单位可以采用直营连锁和特许连锁的经营方式。采用特许连锁方式的,应当具有从事直营连锁经营一年以上的经历,并报原审批部门核准。

Direct chained operation shall refer to the uniform operation which is directly managed by the headquarters, and under which all the chained stores are opened by the headquarters in wholly-owned form or shareholding form.

Chained operation in the form of franchise shall refer to that the chained stores are set up by the headquarters through participation of shares or, have no asset relationship with the headquarters but, through conclusion of contracts with the headquarters, are authorized the right to franchise of using the trademark, name, operational techniques of the headquarters and of selling commodities of headquarters.

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